I have a few things to say:
1: As I've REPEATEDLY said before, maybe Knuckles has decided that, in order to better guard the ME, he'll beat the snot out of any potential threat LONG before it reaches Angel Island. That's not too terribly out of character, is it?
2: A few pages back, someone mentioned that Eggman explains the relation between the SS mural in S3&K and Shadow. Could someone post the conversation?
3: I'm gonna be back here for the long haul now.
4: I finally decided how I'll be able to afford all these Sonic games this fall: I'll get all the games, all right, but I'll just occaisionally rent the systems.
and, finally, something on-topic...
5: That 4th hedgehog is a bit creepy... especially when you look at Shadow's shadow and see... IT staring up at you...(shudders)
<<Quote: I miss those days where Eggman just wanted to get the chaos emeralds and rule the world. Now he has a reason to get the chaos emeralds. And theres minor things that make your brain think and stuff.>>
This game definitely has the most story I've seen out of a Sonic game. I can't think of any other Sonic game that brings up so many questions and thoughts. ... Well, aside from all the crap Shadow brought.
Yep, it's sorta turning into a bad Sonic fanfic.
Still better than Sonic Heroes and Shadow the Hedgehog's stories combined. :p
Ditto what Dreamer said. Picky people here huh?
Still better than Sonic Heroes and Shadow the Hedgehog's stories combined.
Not exactly saying much.
Exactly, they'll make a "better" story but it'll give you more plotholes than swiss cheese.
We can't really say that just yet since we have so little info on the game. Besides, is it possible to be as bad as Shadow. That game was to dang random!
Well, I like the stories in Shadow; so, for me, yes, it is possible for a story to be worse than Shadow.
We can't really say that just yet since we have so little info on the game. Besides, is it possible to be as bad as Shadow. That game was to dang random!
Rumor has it that if you beat the entire game in under an hour, you'll unlock the truth of the truth ...
... Shadow is a girl.
Not a girly, girly, girl?
Shadow: I am Shadow, I am a girl, I like ribbons in my hair and I like to kiss all the boys.
Eggman: Noooooooooooooooooooo
Shadow: Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha
*Screen blackens out with <3 shape*
I have been watching too much Pucca. Also I know thats a Red Vs Blue quote but I haven't watched one.
Liked Shadow's stories?! All those plotholes though.... or did it make you laugh?
This game definitely has the most story I've seen out of a Sonic game. I can't think of any other Sonic game that brings up so many questions and thoughts.
What about SA2? Although that gives you the choice between looking at the deeper levels (for people like me, who like darkness and characterization) or just a simple revenge story. Either way lotsa people die, so I'm happy.
Hopefully this game's earned it's 12+ rating (if you haven't seen the boxart yet news.sonicstadium.org/story/215/ There's a big 12+ on it) unlike Shadow <_<
Friend or Foe? You Decide... Then we have a canon final ending where it turns out Shadow was a friend all along... *cough*
I thought you wrote that Shadow didn't have a 12+. Almost scanned the boxart there. I wanted Shadow to say the opening to Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back. Worthless yes, but it would have been funny. In an immature way.
Liked Shadow's stories?! All those plotholes though.... or did it make you laugh?
Yes, I did like the stories, I played all 326, and no, they didn't make me laugh. I genuinely liked the stories and the game, and I didn't notice any plotholes, of course I wasn't looking for any either.
Yes, I did like the stories, I played all 326
Wow. I would've shot myself at 4.
That I thought the game was one of the best Sonic games helped in that aspect.
*Emerges from the mists of the past*
I like Shadow's story as well. Yes, it was convoluted, but it was fun to piece together. And there really weren't any plot holes that could not be explained without a bit of simple logic. You just have to WANT to, which Rayzor and I do.
The only thing that cannot be rectified is the chain of events prior to the last story. I like that though. It's a legend. Who knows what happened. Clearly some of it did, and obviously some of it didn't, but it helps preserve a bit of the mythic, unknown quality that is part and parcel of Shadow the Hedgehog.
It's who he is. It's what he does.
Shadow the hedgehog is the best sonic series character evar!
That I thought the game was one of the best Sonic games helped in that aspect.
Me am definitely agree wholeheartedyl with this statement and am think Shadow is definitely best because itam have so many great features like not falling through walls and floor and being very dark and mature without unnecessary use of swearing or firearms.
In beginning, me am think it to be better than all other Sonic games especially old Sega Terminus games that am have terrible gameplay as opposed to Shadow's intuitive control, excellent camera, and deep engrossing story.
Meh, I was able to eek some enjoyment out of it.
The Ark was like a crap version of Panzer Dragoon. Also <3 @ Digital Circuit and its tron like things.
Anyway, On the whole this game is rated 12+ in the United States of Britian(ewww). I don't just think mild swearing and gunplay would automatically = 12+ rating. Maybe there are some distressing scences in there.
There's also the supernatural references this game has, such as demons and the like.
I like Shadow's story as well. Yes, it was convoluted, but it was fun to piece together. And there really weren't any plot holes that could not be explained without a bit of simple logic. You just have to WANT to, which Rayzor and I do.
The only thing that cannot be rectified is the chain of events prior to the last story. I like that though. It's a legend. Who knows what happened. Clearly some of it did, and obviously some of it didn't, but it helps preserve a bit of the mythic, unknown quality that is part and parcel of Shadow the Hedgehog.
It's who he is. It's what he does.
The plotholes I refer to are when the Commander contradicts himself when he confronts Shadow on the ARK.
His family and Maria died on the ARK
Maria was the only family he knew.
Everyone who he knew and loved was killed when the ARK was destroyed, worst of all his family.
What the hell?!
I'm sorry, but that ruined it, besides I'm of the opinion that Shadow wasn't mature anyway, not even angsty (c'mon people damn?! It wasn't used often just stupidly) SA2 was a lot more mature, as it had actual characterization (not brilliant characterization but better than any other Sonic game) and explored the consequences of needless death (in SA2 Maria's death sent Gerald insane, in Shadow it had no visible consequence as Shadow didn't use or need to use Gerald's insanity). I enjoyed the gameplay of Shadow, just not the plot.
And dont forget the pointless cusssing too. Saying #$%* every time and whean your falling to your doom is just plan annoying. And the camera ticked me off at black comit. And controling shadow was like controling a hegehog on ice at times. And Tails iq seem to drop 50 points more thean SH 'Destoying robots is the samething as fixing them!' Dear lord.
Im a teen and i know SOME adults that post here will come in here and start to say 'well the teens like pointless cussing and guns' Shadow could of had a better plot. Other thean that it was fine if not hard at some points.
Yea doesn't Shadow have a topic not too far below this one? =P
lol silly HS2k3.
This thread hasn't been on-topic for like 10 pages now.
We always get off topic. One way or another. Let's get back on topic....Someone say something that have to do with sonic the hegehog the game . (Im suppose to do reserch for home work, Not to chat. Bad me. )
I said it once to you, and I'll say it again: no, we do NOT always get off-topic. In fact, we should, generally, never get off-topic. So, yeah, stop using it as an excuse.
Back on-topic people. Shadow talk goes in its topic, which was recently bumped up as I recall.
It's hard to stay on topic when there's nothing on topic to talk about...
So how about a segway...
How do you think Shadow's past will affect his actions and personality in the new game? He said that he wanted to put his past behind him, so will he start over or still brood? (sp?) Is he friends with Sonic and Co. or just helps when he's needed?
Now we can talk.
Will he even be CALLED Shadow in next gen? At the end of ShTH, he said, "Goodbye, Shadow...."
This could probably just be an expression, such as saying goodbye the the Shadow from the past.
As seen in the screen shots, it would be safe to assume that Shadow will definently help or perhaps, as always, hinder. Mephiles dude is Shadow's rival in it, apparently, as Silver is Sonic's new rival (ALLEGEDLY!!!!)
Nope, can't think of anything else right now.
I'm guessing his role would be something like Vegeta's. He doesn't really care, but gets involved because he has to, or just helps so he can challenge Ibliss or whatever that thing is called. Sorry for using a DBZ reference.
You better be.
Well according to OCB, Shadow doesn't even mention the name Maria, which is a definite plus. Hopefully we can say goodbye to obsessed-with-his-past Shadow - I still expect he'll be a badass anti-hero though (or at least Sega's idea of badass).
Who's OCB?
The Grand Prophet One Classy Bloke. You can read his proclamations at The Green Hill Zone Forum.
show a little reverence for a deity, john.
The Rabbid Avatar of John T. knows all. But sometimes, it lies.
That'll be grand. No Shadow and his seriously messed up and predictable past. He's looking to the future in this one.
What's Shad's relation to the Eggman though? Eggman now doesn't seem to hate Sonic, but what about Shadow? Antagonism's taking a strange turn in this one.
Hmm...I bet Eggman does have a disliking of Shadow. But hopefully hec an put his past behind him...I think 4 games is enough for him to remember Maria. =P
Shadow will be a optionial to play (as i said a few pages back, which was from EGM, fyi) So i really think he have a place in this game. BUT IF he do have a place in this game it must not mention Maria, Gearld or any thing about shadow past. If they do, Thean im hunting Sega them down. (Sorry, but Sega REALLY need to think of ideals for Shadow that do not invove him finding his past.) And he was prolly thrown in as a bonus for all the Shadow fan girls and guys.
Shadow will probably have a story but it isn't necessary to complete the game. And he doenst mention Maria.
Read this on the Sega of America forums -
Preview isn't as postive as I'd like it to be.
It's odd that Shadow's levels aren't get previewed all that much. Other than EGM's quick negative remarks about them there hasn't been a whole lot previewed on them.
Makes you wonder if Sega is holding them back so they don't get ridiculed before the game comes out.
I wasn't going to post this until someone brought it up, so here you go.
Suddenly I'm mister confirm everything! Why not ask the source yourself? The source gets his info primarely from the script, and that's what he was reading off of when he was telling me info. I'll just tell you this: I've been holding back info he told me not to reveal, and that info has to do with Shadow. Don't ask me the info, because I won't tell.
I don't recall asking him any info which was actually about the demo in general.
This is from SSBB. I went on to reply and said this.
Anyway, that sounds interesting... why is SEGA trying to hide so much info, but... mostly about Shadow. Intriguing... Oh well, we'll just have to wait until they reveal it
(MY POST)Mainly because Shadow's story supposedly stopped in Shadow the Hedgehog. He lost the crux of his storyline when he left his past behind. So it's pretty obvious that he has a new storyline to work up on, and he is a highly anticipated character by many fans.
Shadow might even be Sonic Team's trump card.
EDIT: Or it could be the other way around.
Then the guy that was holding back information said this:
Heh, trump card...I guess you could call him that, with him being vital to the story. The source claims Shadow's story as being better than ShtH, and also better than Sonic's story in this game.
But I'm still not saying the secret info about Shadow...
The source tehcnically is and isn't apart of Sega (he's a game tester for Sega of Europe, I believe. But he's no more important than any other game tester, nor does he have more info than the other testers), but Sega's hiding stuff as to leave some things a surprise for when people play the game themselves.I'm not revealing any more info I get, since I officially have stopped spoiling this game because some things need to be a surprise.
...I really wish they'd put the E3 demo on XBL, or at least make a new trailer. But oh well, I can wait until TGS, maybe they'd have more info there.
Ah yes, I remember OCB mentioning that Shadow and Silver stories were better that Sonic(his story was pointless). Also he mention that Eggman was gonna be bad ass in this game which intrings me since Eggman never been bad ass before.
Yes! It's all part of his new plan to conquer the world!
With an army of crazy fangirls/boys after his badassness nobody can stop him! ^w^
Sonic Cult has an interesting mock-up pic of Mephiles.
He looks a lot like Shadow in this o.o
Ice,ice baby..erm.. I really hope Sega not looking at that. The next thing we neeed is another Sonic clone. Cool looking, but a Sonic clone.
That is Sonic Team's design, then drawn by Sonic Cult's artist, aparently. So that's Mphile's official design as far as Cult say.
I've seen that picture already, and it is a pretty wild design. But why oh why is it another hedgehog? There had better be a reason behind this!
You've seen it before because I believe we've discussed it before.
It's another hedgehog because one artist wanted it to be, and discovered a way to subject everyone who disagreed with him to this.
Too....many...hedgehogs!! Need more foxes! More bunnies! Aliens! Egg-shaped men! And best of all......
More Super Sonic.
I agree. Hegehogs are takeing over the world. And more females will be nice. (Elise and Wave are the only new ones) To me, It seem that Sega is sexist because they have more male thean females IMO.
Wave is er the hotness. She is like hot like Rouge, but younger and with a more predictable attitude. I think the birdy has a crush on one of the guys (not being Jet), maybe Tails 'cuz he's 8 and he's a cute fox.
More characters all around kinda makes me feel all warm inside. Just no more hedgehogs (unless it's a girl), no more echidnas (though more Tikal would be good, cuz she's really pacifist and nice and stuff), and more 3rd party characters.....
As I've been saying, Mario needs to seriously have a talk with Sonic. But I think Star Fox is in order.
Krystal: *To Tails* "AH! YOU HAVE TWO TAILS!"
Tails: *To Krystal* "AH! YOU'RE BLUE!"
Shadow: *To Tails and Krystal* "AHHH! THEY TALK!!"
More 3rd party...ummm...no.