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Official Sonic the Hedgehog (360/PS3) Topic

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Okay, let's not get too carried away with the discussion here.

Posts: 350
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I would love to see Krys and Tails in the same room, though...that would be HILARIOUS! I hope SSBB will be a big influence...

All fantasies aside, I would really like ANOTHER female hedgehog, fox, heck, maybe even a dog! (Why hasn't there been a dog yet? Let's not count Fang for now)

Silver.....Mephiles.....What if Silver decides not to go back to his time?

TIME PARADOX!!!! (Snaaake Eaterrrr)

Just kidding. My cousin has developed theories on the space time continuum (he's what I get me from, quite possibly). If Silver changes the future, then he might be trapped in the past. Altering the past causes side affects in the future, after all. Going back in time is one thing, but changing the war torn future....that future will have never happened, and thus Silver can't return! Heck, for all we know....

Sonic: "Silver....I THINK I'M YOUR FATHER!!"

Silver: "NOOOOOOO!!!"

Mephiles: "I have issues! I'm going to unleash the Iblis Trigger instead of Sonic, cause my name is another Devil derivative!"

Shadow: "This sucks. I'm going to go make love to Rouge or something."

Posts: 4607
Famed Member

Okay, seriously, enough with the skits. It's okay once in a while, but it honestly looks like you're doing it every other post or more, and that's just over the top. You can have a normal discussion without having to pop some fake dialogue in every post, can't you? Because I'm getting annoyed by it, and I can't be the only one.

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Thanks SH.
Have some chicken.

Posts: 1827
Noble Member

Well, someone (Koji I think) on the Sonic Cult comments page mentioned that Mephiles could have a more Sonic and Silver like appearence if they meet.

Which would make sense, seeing as Mephiles looks a lot like Shadow in the boss battle and the picture.

Lol, Mephiles is nude. No gloves or shoes.

Posts: 120
Estimable Member

To add another twist in the dramatic developments that is Sonic the Hedgehog, Wikipedia's page on the game says this:
"On September 1st, 2006, a hack-team discovered a page for the Sonic the Hedgehog (2006 game) game on Sega's official website. Little information was available, but a voice actor list for a few main characters was found.

Sonic the Hedgehog - Marc Valeras
Dr. Eggman - Mike Pollock
Princess Elise - Bella Hudson
Shadow the Hedgehog - Marc Valeras
F - Not cast.
M - Not cast.
It is unknown who F or M are. The letters correspond with two long lost characters, Fang the Sniper and Mighty the Armadillo, but it is unknown at this time if they are to return.

Marc Valeras appears to be an unknown in the voice acting world, as all research into his identity has yet to come up with credits."

Has this been discussed? I wonder where this was mentioned before it was posted on Wikipedia?

Posts: 1827
Noble Member

Well that bit of information is gone from that page.

So that has answered that one.

Posts: 120
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If it was taken off, it's back on again. Check the voice actors section.

Posts: 16
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M seems more likely to be Mephiles although the only other character it could be besides Mighty would be Maria and I think OCB confirmed Maria isn't in this game. F could be anything, perhaps the Future equivalent of one of the main characters Future-Sonic or Future-Eggman.

Posts: 4885
Illustrious Member

Well, if they're offing Griffith, I'll be happy. But I was certain that Sega don't handle the voice acting anymore. With Rush and Shadow they shipped it over to 4Kids for the dub treatment, it shows up in the credits.

Posts: 377
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If they put Fang and Mighty into this game, I'd probably cry? Yeah, I'd cry.

Posts: 1827
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I'm sorry but I actually asked OCB if Fang was in. Sarcastically but he still answered it.

Spoilers (Select To Read): He said no. Sorry.

It'll be wierd if the powers that be have decided to change Sonic's and Shadow's voices, again.

Posts: 1413
Noble Member

Maybe this Marc Valeras is a fake name Jason Griffith is using. VA have been know to use fake names for union reasons.

Edit- It seems that everyone execept Mike Pollock has been deleted from Wikipedia.

Posts: 120
Estimable Member

Yeah, it's seems to be only showing Mike Pollock now. Guess there's a good chance of hearing Sonic at TGS, so we'll probably know then.

Posts: 4885
Illustrious Member

Also note that the new Wild Fire trailer was released less than a month ago and included Jason's voice saying "Finally, something interesting!". If he wasn't doing the voice anymore, they wouldn't be using him in promo, especially in a game which comes out AFTER StH.

Posts: 3756
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It's his voice, but it wasn't made for the trailer. That quote is from Riders.

Posts: 194
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But it doesn't make a bit of sense on why again the same person does Sonic's and Shadow's voices. Wikipedia info is rarely accurate, but if it is, it's probably just an alias of Jason's.

Besides, something would have leaked by now if the entire cast was different considering the time the game was in production for so long. Mike was clearly perfoming Eggman's voice in the E3 trailers, anyhow.

Posts: 1396
Noble Member

Considering the game isn't yet complete, I doubt they would do all the voice acting so early when new story elements and cutscenes may be added, plus if Heroes is anything to go by, characters may comment on the levels around them as hints, levels can change even this late in production. With that in mind, the complete VA work may be quite different to the VA work in the trailer.

Posts: 194
Estimable Member

Well, that's kind of a given. It's not the work itself that we're talking about, it's about the workers. At this point, the game is almost done, and changing the team of actors in the game is an expensive move. Unless, like, Jason became very ill, quit 4kids, or was fired, I don't see why he couldn't do Sonic's and Shadow's voices.

Posts: 1396
Noble Member

Well, the change could have been made a while ago, after all, I don't think Sonic spoke in the trailer at E3 (though Silver could've been Griffon). We also didn't know that Griffon and the rest of the 4Kids cast were even involved in the games until the English trailer of Sonic Riders was released.

Posts: 194
Estimable Member

Wait, I just remembered someone saying Silver's voice in the trailer wasn't final... but I haven't a clue where.

Maybe Sega is getting a new cast. But why? Fan complaints, perhaps?

Posts: 1396
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Possibly, maybe SEGA feel that they're paying them too much for a pretty bad performance, minus Mike Pollock.

Posts: 194
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Maybe that's why Mike has been the only one with any lines heard.

When did this become a conversation just between Robobotnik and me?

Posts: 3756
Famed Member

It's been said, but I'll repeat it. Mike's nice as Eggy, but doesn't match BritishBadassEggman's new look very well.

Posts: 504
Honorable Member

I agree with TTG. Maybe they should hire a british guy for the british Eggman? (Im not rascist) And Im not that surprised that Sega might chance the voce actors. They seemed to listen to us fans a little more, For better or worse.

Posts: 91
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If they have listened to us, let us pray they don't find someone worse than Griffith. We all know the how SEGA listening to the fans has a way of turning against us.

Posts: 194
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Ryan was probably the best we had for Sonic, but even he wasn't perfect. Jalleel, Jason, or even the guy with the weird accent in the movie haven't hit the spot just yet. Maybe no one ever will. Maybe we'll be pleasantly surprised.
Maybe it's still Jason. Who knows?

Maybe they'll give us the choice of switching to Japanese dialogue so that it doesn't really matter.

Posts: 504
Honorable Member

No one is perfect. I just want a good voice actors. Maybe the ones fron SA1 and SA2. BUT Please not the 4 kids actors. (This is my first time complaneing about the voice actors. WOW.)

Let's pray they listen to us about the voice actors and not gameplay.

Posts: 377
Reputable Member

I think the main worry should be the actual game-play, with both Sonic, Shadow, and Silver.

I couldn't careless if Sonic had the voice and accent of Steven Seagal -- the gameplay experience for me with these latest 3D games has been craap, so I'm super worried about the gameplay for this game.

Posts: 286
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*Shriek* It's "I couldn't care less". Sorry, pet peeve.

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Is it weird that I think Urkel was the best Sonic VA so far?
He just suited the character so much better than anyone else.

Posts: 1789
Noble Member

You think Sonic should sound whiney?

Posts: 170
Estimable Member

Not to nitpick, but Sonic IS a kinda whiney person...hog. Not whiney, to the extent you'd wanna tear his eyes out, but he's definitely had his moments throughout the games.

Then again, I can barely even remember Jaleel voicing him... Ever since they took Sonic off of Toon Disney, I think.

~Nytloc Penumbral Lightkeeper

Posts: 1827
Noble Member

I thought that Ryan has probably been the best fit so far as Sonic really. He wasn't terrible and compared to Jaleel (whiney) and Jason (Charismaless) he was the right mix of both really. He sounded energetic.

Posts: 377
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*Shriek* It's "I couldn't care less". Sorry, pet peeve.

Huh? What are you talking about, that's what I put! silly.

Posts: 859
Prominent Member

You said you weren't "carless" as in your not forgetfull and you pay it your rightfull devotion and attention...

Quite a far cry from caring less :cuckoo

Either way, I dont believe Sonic is a particularly whiney person. He shouldn't be. I mean, listen to the Sonic Adventure theme Song, thats who he is.
How is that a whiney personality?

Posts: 194
Estimable Member

But what about Shadow? Jason's husky version of him is much different than David's smoother and sometimes lighter version. Although I like David better, Jason does a much better Shadow than Sonic, at least from what I heard in the games. Also, Shadow went through a good chunk a character development in ShTH, so we don't even know if his personality is quite the same.

Posts: 859
Prominent Member

Oh come on, he was faintly english. Not overblown, not too heavy, not actually really an english accent at all but you could just feel a faint echo in some of his mannerisms.
Which is, in fact, better than actually being british. That wasn't an english accent, but it sounded like it 'could' of been.

How cool was that?
I mean, if Eggman's not British then we deserve to have Shadow be slightly english. Or scottish actually, I think Shadow would make a good scottsman.

Why should he be british?
Well, as everyone knows, WE make the best bad guys in the world...


- This post is was brought to you by Swifthom, obviously the exception to the rule stated above. :cuckoo

Posts: 5035
Illustrious Member

XDXD! @ Swift. It would be hard for me to see Shadow as a scottsman. *thinks about it* Hahaha!

Posts: 1583
Noble Member


Is it weird that I think Urkel was the best Sonic VA so far?

To me you're not weird as I agree with you. Whenever Sonic talks (in the Adventure games or Sonic X), that's the voice I wish I was hearing instead. Still, I can tolerate the voices that have been used besides Jaleel White.

Posts: 1827
Noble Member

Found this on the Sonic the Comic Online message boards.



Kynapse selected for SEGA's next generation Sonic

Paris, France September 4, 2006 - Kynogon, the leading A.I. middleware developer, has announced today that SEGA has licensed Kynapse to develop its million-seller title, Sonic on Xbox 360TM and PLAYSTATION3.

Since his birth 15 years ago, Sonic The Hedgehog has been a phenomenal mass-market success. More than 44 million units have been sold worldwide. The legendary Sonic mascot is one of the most recognized and celebrated video game characters of all.

We are very proud to be working with SEGA on an icon title like Sonic for next generation platforms, said Pierre Pontevia, CEO for Kynogon. As one of the true leaders of the industry, SEGA sets the tone for game development. It is a great opportunity and a true recognition for Kynogon to work on a next generation title with them.

About SEGA Corporation
SEGA Corporation is a worldwide leader in interactive entertainment both inside and outside the home, encompassing consumer business, amusement machine sales and amusement center operations. The company develops, publishes and distributes interactive entertainment software products for a variety of hardware platforms including PC, wireless devices, and those manufactured by Nintendo, Microsoft and Sony Computer Entertainment Inc. SEGA Corporation's Web site is located at

About Kynogon
Kynogon develops and markets A.I. software for real-time behavior simulation. Kynogons technology is used by the worlds leading game developers (Electronic Arts, Atari, Real Time Worlds, Lionhead Studios, Pyro Studios, Majesco, Artificial Mind & Movement, ...) as well as industry leaders (EADS, British Aerospace, ...) Kynogon has 6 years experience providing AI production solutions for the games industry, working with our clients from preproduction to gold master. The companys latest offering is Kynapse, a unique A.I. engine. With Kynapse, Non Player Characters can move around in any 3D dynamic world, understand their environment, hide, communicate, cooperate, drive vehicles, etc. For more information please visit

2006 Kynapse, Kynogon is a registered trademark.

Wow, Havok are doing the physics, Kynogon are doing the AI. Now all we need is someone to do the camera and we are ok!

Posts: 1789
Noble Member

Wait, they are now doing this? With only 2 months until the game is released?!

Posts: 1827
Noble Member


The companys latest offering is Kynapse, a unique A.I. engine. With Kynapse, Non Player Characters can move around in any 3D dynamic world, understand their environment, hide, communicate, cooperate, drive vehicles, etc.

OMG Its Ring. *Male voices*

Seriously though several possibilities:
1) They have been working with Sega for a while and have only just got around to the press release.
2) They are just going to do the AI for the townspeople which wouldn't be that complex.
3) They are rehasing old AI from previous games.
4) I've over reached myself haven't I?

Posts: 194
Estimable Member

Maybe Chao are back?

Posts: 5035
Illustrious Member

I'm going with #1 JT. =P

Posts: 377
Reputable Member


Wait, they are now doing this? With only 2 months until the game is released?!

They have a deadline, and maybe they just didn't have the time on their hands to do whatever they're doing (I'll assume Chao/Townsmen as well), so they're looking at another developer to give them the extra help.

I would die of cardiac arrest if they implemented Chao and mixed them with a little bit of Xbox Live.

Posts: 1827
Noble Member

You could then have online Chao raisers. And for anyone who is too lazy to raise their own chao could then buy a chao with rings. With rings mind.

Posts: 1413
Noble Member

I think the A.I. could be for:

a)enemies and bosses - they could dodge you attacks and set traps for you. They can also summons allies to help them.

b)NPC - the people in the Town Stages will react to your
actions. If you attack them, they might attack or throw stuff at you next time they see you. The NPC could behave like those from Shenmue and have their own life( going to work,eating,etc.).

c)partner - Sonic and Tails will team up again and Tails could attack the nearby enemies.Having Tails as partner could one of those special abilities you gain in the game.

d)the dreaded protection missions - Ah yes the missions that all gamers hate.One of the side quest could be protecting someone from badniks or something.

That all I can think of.

Posts: 1396
Noble Member


b)NPC - the people in the Town Stages will react to your
actions. If you attack them, they might attack or throw stuff at you next time they see you. The NPC could behave like those from Shenmue and have their own life( going to work,eating,etc.).

c)partner - Sonic and Tails will team up again and Tails could attack the nearby enemies.Having Tails as partner could one of those special abilities you gain in the game.

I hope it's those to, if it's anything. I really miss having Tails as an ally and I love Shenmue's NPCs. ^^

Though I think enemies is most likely.

Posts: 526
Honorable Member

There's a new trailer up on

One scene reminds me of the old, satam Sonic, where he blast through a bunch of robots. One he hits a few times, then goes over to it, and slowly tips his foot on it. It falls apart on contact. It's weird seeing Sonic with that human girl in his arms.

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