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Official Sonic the Hedgehog (360/PS3) Topic

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I liked it apart from the commentary/promotion, but I never like that part anyway. Sonic carrying the princess does look pretty weird, but the princess has always looked weird anyway. It's nice to see that Sonic's still acting the same.

I guess Shadow being the the background the entire time was to excite his fans. Sonic would've been more suitable, but oh well. Eggman's new look appears to have grown on me a little but I still hate it.

Posts: 1827
Noble Member

That wasn't Shadow. That was Sonic, just after the princess looks around and then Sonic turns his hair is spiked up temporarily.
I think it was this bit anyway

That was awesome. The music reminded me of Batman for some reason. The wolf boss looked cool if a bit Shadow of the Colossusey

Posts: 170
Estimable Member


Eggman's new look appears to have grown on me a little but I still hate it.


Dunno why, but the whole first half of the trailer made me think of some epic action movie... Seems good, though. If a new guy's supposed to be doing Sonic's voice, he's pretty good at duplicating Griffith.

~Nytloc Penumbral Lightkeeper

Posts: 1355
Noble Member

Nah, I'm talking about the fiery interludes

Edit: I like the voice alot but don't have much to say when all I have is one line

Posts: 350
Reputable Member

It's been a while. Got a new comp.

And ok, I'll stop with the skits. You just had to ask. And Wonder, shut up, I don't even care you exist. Seriously, you think I need to shut up? I just did for like 4 days!

Shut up. Don't say a word, just keep reading.

Ok pal, you have one more chance.

Screw you.

Anyway, I haven't had much time to see what's new at next gen, but it's safe to say nothing new.

AI...let's hope they're smarter. Just way too easy back then.


I personally hope that you get a partner fellow to follow you around through stages and stuff. I just hope they do so in the adventure stages.....In SA1, I was WAY too lonely. TOO MANY PEOPLE!!

Plus, 100's of more ways to watch your buddy get killed. Ha ha, trap door! Boss squished him! Ha ha, fly paper!

Partners have been the staple of every 2d Sonic game. And a few 3d.

Note: Acting like a numbskull does not make me a bad person. I'm still stressing this with my brother!

Posts: 1355
Noble Member

I don't even care you exist.

Then ignore him instead of going off on aggressive tangents.

Posts: 350
Reputable Member

Huff....I guess that would be wise. When my sis "accidentaly" broke the first one, I was pissed 'cuz I know that she did it on purpose. Damn hip hop....damn them all...

I usually forget about that button, too. :)

Posts: 1396
Noble Member


Partners have been the staple of every 2d Sonic game. And a few 3d.

Except for Sonic 1, CD, Sonic & Knuckles, the 8Bit Sonic titles, Sonic Advance 1 and 2, and Sonic Rush. ;P

Still, I'd love to see a partner system implemented like in Sonic 3, where Tails could assist by flying Sonic to new areas. However, I could only see that working in the Adventure fields.

Posts: 194
Estimable Member

From the little footage from the vid, it looks like Sonic has to carry around Elise in a few levels. With that in mind, maybe we'll get some Eco-esque like levels between them. That would also explain why Sega would need help with the AI. Elise probably has no way to defend herself, so she would have to be able to judge and run for cover if need be, since we all know most escort games lack npcs with the ability to do that.

Shadow's on a motorcycle. Let's hope it's fun to drive...

Still nothing new with Silver or whoever Mephiles is.

Posts: 247
Reputable Member

While it is in itself a plug for my DA page, the pic has my thoughts of the video in the comment box, and I don't feel like reposting it here.

Posts: 350
Reputable Member

AI....I wonder if it'll be like Resident Evil 4, like how Elise can duck when Sonic gives the "Get the f*** out of the way" look and Sonic plows into the robot behind her.

Or maybe KH or KH2. Or maybe not.

I can stick to classic "Follow Sonic" style. That'd still be cool.

What I won't settle for would be multiple endings. Shadow was enough. I had to get all of those frickin' endings to get the real one. Thanks for nothing, God.

Multiple endings seems unlikely, though, as free form Super Sonic is highly likely. And that means get all 7 chaos emeralds. And that means get all 7 to get final ending. I hope....

Posts: 1413
Noble Member

Curse you SEGA for making me wait 2 months for this game. That trailer was awesome. The wolf boss and Sonic saving Elise and dodging Eggman attack was cool.
Below are some new pics from the trailer and others.

edit- New stuff has been added to Sonic japanese siteincludidng a sneak peek at what appears to be Blaze in character section.

Posts: 439
Reputable Member

Wow that trailer is pretty good, like a trailer for a Michael Bay film with that epic music... but then you go to see the Michael Bay film and then you're disappointed it wasn't as good as the trailer. Let's hope the game isn't like a Michael Bay film then (I'll stop saying Michael Bay now).

As for AI, hopefully it's to improve the enemies which just floated around waiting for Sonic to hit them in all the demos I've seen, like the part where you bounce from one enemy to the other to knock down a pillar or something... when is Eggman going to learn not to program his robots to form a path to another platform?!? And they better not try and fit in some stealth mission like every other game does these days. If I want to play Metal Gear Solid, I will. Although I think QTE is the cool thing these days. Res Evil 4 has it, Kingdoms Heart 2 has it... everybody loves QTE! <3

Even Michael Bay.

Posts: 1355
Noble Member

Good finds. That's definitely Blaze, and the thing inbetween her and Rouge looks like it could be Omega. Head seems far too thin for it to be him, but it's the closest match.

Posts: 1789
Noble Member

*clicks on the official site link*

*music plays*

Hey this seems nice.

*rapping of the lyrics start*

Wait, what hell...?

*chorus starts*


*turns the BGM OFF*

Hey, it seems like OCB was right that Cream would be in this game. I guess this is a first since she debuted in SAdv2. And it looks like Blaze will be appearing also and meh, to Omega.

Also, the Sonic parts of the trailer made me =), but then they showed Shadow on some vehicle and I'm =(.


While it is in itself a plug for my DA page, the pic has my thoughts of the video in the comment box, and I don't feel like reposting it here.

ZOMG! You are Wonder Wario? Your art is awesome and I agree with those comments about the picture. It would be cool to see Sega make a game where Sonic is silent and let his actions speak louder than any possible words.

Posts: 4607
Famed Member

Actually, I think I quite like the song.

Apparently, it's made by Zebrahead - who've been around for a while, toured with bands like Reel Big Fish or The Offspring. They known much, or are they just a small-time band?

Posts: 63
Trusted Member

One of the stages is called End of the World?


Posts: 120
Estimable Member

The Trailer looks sweet and the theme song rocks... the only problem is, how do you get to the character section from the official Japanese site? I can see any navigation bars anywhere!

Posts: 1413
Noble Member


The Trailer looks sweet and the theme song rocks... the only problem is, how do you get to the character section from the official Japanese site? I can see any navigation bars anywhere!


Here the rumor list of stages:

Kingdom Valley
Tropical Jungle
Wave Ocean
Dusty Desert
White Aquapolis
Plane Core
Radical Train
Aquatic Base
End of the World(lol Kingdom Hearts)

A lot of water stages. Also the list is incomplete since it missing Crisis City so there might be more stages yet to be revealed.

Posts: 120
Estimable Member

Thanks for the link Shadonic, but is there a way to access the actual section itself? Or have they taken it down?

Posts: 1037
Noble Member

Try reloading it, I'm having some trouble with it myself, even with the latest flash player installed.

Posts: 1355
Noble Member

Yeah, just keep trying. The site itself is quite buggy somehow; I'm having problems too.

Posts: 120
Estimable Member

Is the main page for the game coming up okay for everyone? (with "His World" playing). Mine comes up okay, But my problem is there doesn't seem to be any navigation bar or links to any sections.

Posts: 1355
Noble Member

At first the mian page itself failed for me. If you're still not seeing those buttons, then they could be Flash 8-only. Upgrade your flash.

Posts: 120
Estimable Member

I've just installed Flash Player 9, and still the same. Whereabouts is the navigation bar on the page Hyper? Surely I'm not overlooking it...

Posts: 1355
Noble Member

They're at the bottom and impossible to miss. Since I can't think of another solution, I took a screen of the character page. The profiles are just images that we've mostly seen before coupled with japanese text.

Posts: 1789
Noble Member

They will probably debug the site by the time TGS rolls around.

Posts: 63
Trusted Member

Can anyone translate the text in the story section?

Posts: 4607
Famed Member

I can't imagine that Sonic's story - which is the only one available right now - would have anything particularly new.

Shadow's profile, however, does. Courtesy of Manaita:

  • He's a gov't. agent now.
  • He's on a mission to rescue Rouge.
  • The fourth hedgehog's name really IS Mephiles.
  • While fighting Mephiles, Shadow winds up being taken to the future.
  • That help much?

    Posts: 526
    Honorable Member

    Yay!! Blaze!!

    That theme song though, y'know in Empire Strikes Back when Chewbacca is being tortured by a high pitched sound? Yea, it's like that.

    Posts: 504
    Honorable Member

    Thanks SHADDONIC. Wow. The team song sound nice. A combo of hip hop and rock - hip rock. My word, no steal.

    I wish they whould more ice levels. The last ice leval was in SA1.

    Blaze is comeing back. For some reason im not surprise.

    And Tails, Knuckles, Amy, Rouge and Shadow. I hope Shadow don't swere or use guns and Rouge don't look like a slut like in SH.

    I whould So buy this game. But, due to the fact that there no other interesting games that appeal to me, Im gonna skip out on this. :(

    Posts: 2354
    Noble Member

    This (the news on this Sonic game) is getting interesting.

    That is all.

    Posts: 1437
    Noble Member

    This game is actually looking good. I certainly hope that it does eventually get released for the PC, because I don't wnat to have to buy a 360 just for this one game.

    Posts: 350
    Reputable Member

    There are many reasons you could buy 360.

    HALO 3!!!!!

    And besides, you could get a PS3. Though it's expensive. My plan is to sell my PS2 slim over on eBay. Starts at $90.

    I like Blaze.....Omega.....Shad's ok.....Rouge, yeah, sure.....New hedgehog hero?....Don't think I could get used to that. I'm mostly looking forward to Blaze. :)

    Posts: 1437
    Noble Member

    Sonic is the only game I've heard about for 360 that interests me. Perhaps another Halo game is your cup of tea, but I don't care about the game.

    And there's not a chance that I'd buy a PS3 at the price they're selling it for.

    I'm buying a Wii, which has multiple system-sellers at launch with others not far behind. That alone is going to set me back a couple hundred dollars, so I'll not be having mone to spend on a system I don't want.

    Posts: 2191
    Famed Member

    The lyrics to the theme song. Thanks to the people of GameFAQs

    Come on and let the future's a rockin' and he's ready to go,
    'Cause now the countdown has started and he's ready to blow;
    He's got the tough sounds pumping and a stereo (eo),
    He's fast, putting on the show.

    Come on get yourself together, there's no time to rest,
    He'll make you put the time in, he'll put you to the test,
    He's like the running man, in his world, more is less,
    And if you wanna test him, best bring your best,
    Don't make me spell it out, bring your best.

    In this world- (his world), where life is strong,
    In this world- (his world), life's an open book
    In this world- (his world), where compromise does not exist,
    In his world, of rules that every step meets the rest.

    In this world- (his world), where one is all,
    In this world- (his world), never fear the fall,
    In this world- (his world), where compromise does not exist,
    In his world, of rules that every step meets the rest.

    (In His World-)
    Come on if you wanna break free, and so break the mold,
    You cant stop now, rock and roll.
    (In His World-)
    I said you cant stop now, rock and roll,
    (In His World-)
    Yeah don't stop now, come on and rock and roll.

    Edit:And here's an MP3 of the song

    Posts: 63
    Trusted Member

    A few of the lines didn't sound right to me. My changes are in bold:

    Come on and light the fuse, he's a-rockin' and he's ready to go,
    'Cause now the countdown has started and he's ready to blow;
    He's got the tough sounds pumping on his stereo (-eo),
    He reacts fast, putting on a show.

    Come on get yourself together, there's no time to rest,
    And if you put the time in, he'll put you to the test,
    He's like the running man, in his world, more is less,
    And if you wanna test him, best bring your best,
    Don't make me spell it out, bring your best.

    In this world- (his world), where life is strong,
    In this world- (his world), life's an open book
    In this world- (his world), where compromise does not exist,
    In his world of worlds every step meets the rest.

    In this world- (his world), where one is all,
    In this world- (his world), never fear the fall,
    In this world- (his world), where compromise does not exist,
    In his world of worlds every step meets the rest.

    (In His World-)
    The only way to break free is to break the mold,
    You cant stop now, rock and roll.
    (In His World-)
    I said you cant stop now, rock and roll,
    (His World-)
    Don't stop now, come on and rock and roll.

    I'm still not too sure about those last two lines in the first verse, though.


    "1.8 million hits, baby! WHOO!"

    Posts: 1583
    Noble Member

    No, you're not the only one that can't get the entire page to load, Emerald Keeper. It stops about half-way for me and I don't think the fact that the music hasn't finish loading is the reason why it stops half-way. If it is, then I'll never see the site. ;p

    Posts: 350
    Reputable Member

    Wii is $250. That's a good choice. If you have a Wavebird, I'd hold on to it. Wii is GCN compatible.

    $750 for PS3....that's seriously f***ed up. I'm going recycling.

    Maybe it'll get cheaper, what with God of War 2 and stuff like that coming for that system. And if Next gen Sonic is a big hit on 360....Sony fans will buy PS3 for it as well, decreasing the price.

    I'd download that MP3, however I don't have iTunes anymore *sniff* and it takes forever to download.

    Damn Hip Hop artists.....if they didn't exist, everything would be considerably cheaper....

    Posts: 146
    Estimable Member

    So, I wonder if that will be the main theme. I'd definitely prefer Crush 40 to the lackluster performance these guys offer.

    Posts: 56
    Trusted Member

    Nice finds, guys. This is looking even more interesting.

    Also, lookie. I made this myself in unfreez. <3

    Posts: 439
    Reputable Member

    Can anyone actually confirm if the PC version is coming out at the same time as the PS3 and Xbox360 version, or at all? I had a look around, but can't seem to find any mention of it anywhere.

    Posts: 1789
    Noble Member


    Wii is $250. That's a good choice. If you have a Wavebird, I'd hold on to it. Wii is GCN compatible.

    $750 for PS3....that's seriously f***ed up. I'm going recycling.

    Maybe it'll get cheaper, what with God of War 2 and stuff like that coming for that system. And if Next gen Sonic is a big hit on 360....Sony fans will buy PS3 for it as well, decreasing the price.

    1.) Nintendo didn't announce the price of the Wii. That will most likely be announced on Nintendo's big worldwide event on Sept. 14/15.

    2.) The non-gimped version of PS3 is $ least in the US.

    3.) God of War 2 is a PS2 game not a PS3 one.

    4.) Who knows if "Sonic Adventure 3" will really be a big hit--at least this Christmas. It's on two systems where Sonic's main audience is nearly non-existant in North America and in Sonyland(a.k.a. Europe) the PS3 has been delayed until next year.

    Posts: 56
    Trusted Member

    Here's a little something I drew recently. Mephiles does look a lot like Shadow.

    Posts: 363
    Reputable Member

    I dunno about the rap-rock song. The chorus is the only tolerable part in my opinion, and even that part is pretty boring. It doesn't really get me excited to play the game. Honestly, I'm tired of all the rock songs in games currently, and prefer the orchestral music, but this isn't an RPG (not that only RPG's have orchestrated music, I'm just saying it adds more emotion to a game than pop-rock). Hopefully "This World" won't be the theme song.

    However, the trailor itself does get me pumped to play the game with the whole cinematic feel. Despite the fact that I'm buying a Wii, I still plan on buying this game to play on my friend's 360. Thankfully, he's a Sonic fan as well.^_^

    Posts: 1446
    Noble Member

    Can anyone actually confirm if the PC version is coming out at the same time as the PS3 and Xbox360 version, or at all? I had a look around, but can't seem to find any mention of it anywhere.

    One Classy Bloke said it's not likely to be brought out till next year. With a bit of luck there might even be a Wii port of it too....

    Posts: 1413
    Noble Member


    Shadow's profile, however, does. Courtesy of Manaita:

    He's a gov't. agent now.

    He's on a mission to rescue Rouge.

    The fourth hedgehog's name really IS Mephiles.

    While fighting Mephiles, Shadow winds up being taken to the future.

    That help much?

    So Shadow works for the man now??

    Posts: 439
    Reputable Member


    One Classy Bloke said it's not likely to be brought out till next year. With a bit of luck there might even be a Wii port of it too....

    Ah damn it, looks like I will be getting an Xbox 360 afterall. I guess I can always sell it when the second PS3 worldwide release happens, unless I happen to find reasons to keep it. But to me, the console that has MGS4, VF5 and RE5 looks more appealing.


    So Shadow works for the man now??

    It'd be interesting if we saw him working under GUN commanders wing. After all, in hard mode of Shadow's game he seemed to have forgiven Shadow... not that hard mode is necessarily canon, but what in Shadow the hedgehog was??? =/

    Posts: 1413
    Noble Member

    Speaking of OCB he revealed some new info about the game:

    White Acropolis is the last stage

    Sonic is taller than he was SA. He is he's around chest height at least with Elise(which makes thing easier if you know what I mean ;) )

    Story is darker than in previous games(which make wonder why it got E10+ instead of a Teen).

    Silver get the most character development of all.

    Posts: 4607
    Famed Member


    So Shadow works for the man now??


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