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Official Sonic the Hedgehog (360/PS3) Topic

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Posts: 120
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Interesting...that kind of looks like he's actually playable there.

Posts: 1413
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Is that Tails pic real?

Posts: 247
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For a game with "such realistic graphics", those backgrounds sure are.. not good.

Posts: 439
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Ugh, I also had a huge crush on her when I was younger, Spite. I even recorded "When Secrets Kill" and and the freakin' Lost In Space movie because of her. But then she grew up and wasn't as cute anymore. Still, the shame.

Yeah she ain't so cute anymore (a bit hot though), although I admit I still like the Lost in Space movie. People in general hated it, but I thought it was cool. With space monkeys, robots and a large spider-man, how could not not like that!? It's not like the original was some high quality masterpiece either. I'm sure it's the kind of movie Lacey would think us video gamers would like, anyway.

And wow Tails in... Emerald Coast (or some place that looks a lot like it)? Never could work out tha trick to get him into Emerald Coast in Sonic Adventure. He better be playable... I don't care much for Silvers abilities, I just want Mo' Tails!

Posts: 146
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The thought of actually being able to play as Tails solo (that includes without mechs -_-) is certainly a nice one. Even if he isn't playable, it's good to see him in nextgen form anyway.

Posts: 377
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I wonder if the day-night system is still in-tact. I haven't heard or seeing anything on that in a long while.

It'll definitely make the levels more graphically interesting.

Posts: 504
Honorable Member

Awwww! Tails is so cute. But back on topic.

Not all famouse people are snobs like that. God, What the crap is her problem? Videos games ARE like movies. You have to write the script, the setting, the plot all that good stuff.

And i also wonder what up with the day/night cycle. I hope it's better thean the Sa1 day/night cycle.

And for the love god Sprite, don't give Sega no ideals on the Amy/Blaze/Elise cat fight. Did'et you see how fast they swiched the music on the offical site after people wined about the terrible lyrics?

Sega is watching our every move. Do you want that happen?! HUH?! DO YOU?!:insane

Posts: 439
Reputable Member

To me the day/night cycle is nothing more than SEGA trying to make the game more realistic by including a passage of time, although hopefully there's more to it than that. I'm sure it's fun to watch mushrooms grow, but nobody is really going to care unless Sonic somehow grows into a big Sonic when he eats the mushrooms.


And for the love god Sprite, don't give Sega no ideals on the Amy/Blaze/Elise cat fight. Did'et you see how fast they swiched the music on the offical site after people wined about the terrible lyrics?

Aww if SEGA really is listening then I'd ask them for more QTE!!! Instead of those boring parts where Sonic runs towards the screen and you just hold down on the analogue stick, why not QTE commands where you dodge objects by mashing a bunch of button commands in?

Posts: 350
Reputable Member

The background is sub par. Let's hope it gets better.

Tails is teh coolest, cuz gils think he's cute and they sell more plushies of him. 3D Tails, nice. Now it just makes him sexy.

I just can't wait....oh, wait, yes I can.

Also....I can't get this feeling that Mephiles is somehow related to this "Iblis" thing. Call it a hunch.

Posts: 120
Estimable Member

Something tells me that they've probably cut the day/night cycle. If it is still in, the only way I could see it working is during the town stages.


Aww if SEGA really is listening then I'd ask them for more QTE!!!

QTE's would be interesting in a Sonic game, but I just hope Sega's saving their QTE's for another game series that deserves to continue! ;)


Also....I can't get this feeling that Mephiles is somehow related to this "Iblis" thing. Call it a hunch.

Agreed. All three stories are probably connected to Iblis in someway or another.

By the way, since it's never been audiably heard yet, how is everyone pronouncing Mephiles? I find myself saying "Me-files", and pronouncing the "me" like you would saying "met" rather than the actual word "me."

Posts: 350
Reputable Member

Well, Mephiles is obviously a rip off of Mephisto (devil variation), so it's probably pronounced "Me-files".

Posts: 194
Estimable Member

That's how I've been saying it, too. "Meh-files."

Anyway, I couldn't be happier at the prospect of playable Tails! He's probably just an extra (unlockable, perhaps?), but hopefully some others will get the same treatment.

Posts: 377
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I see Mephiles pronounced as "meh-fills" or "meh-fillis" or maybe even "meh-fillies."

Sonic Team actually made an original name!

Posts: 439
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Now that I think of it, Lacey Chabert would be perfect for Amy Rose. Her voice would totally fit the character.

I wonder if there will be any other semi-famous people doing voice acting in this? SEGA got Eliza Dushku, Michael Madsen, Mark Hamill and the Lex Luthor kid from Smallville for Yakuza on PS2. I could picture Silver with a whiney Mark Hamill voice, struggling to come to terms with the knowledge that Sonic is his father.

Posts: 350
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Sonic Team actually made an original name!

What is, Vector.

Probably not the first original name, as Dr. Eggman was "Ivo Robotnik", with the Ivo part being original.

Anyway, SEGA seems to take all of the badass slurrs out there. Omega? Taken. Doom, Black? Both on the same guy. Shadow? Who hasn't taken that one? Chaos? Iblis? Final Hazard!?!? Plenty of slurrs left. Wonder what next gen has in for us this time?

Posts: 889
Prominent Member

You know I don't think Silver is saying Iblis right. My brother knows basic arabic and he told me it would be pronounced eeblees.

Posts: 377
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What is, Vector.

Well, it's been a while since they came up with something innovative. Of course, innovative names have been previously made: Vector, Espio, Knuckles, Tails, Sonic ... hm, now that I think of it, the names only seem uninnovative. I guess they're all not bad ... except for Silver's case, and any other character names that simply follow along their fur color.

Posts: 363
Reputable Member


Interesting...that kind of looks like he's actually playable there.

Or maybe part of the story line unfolding with Tails simply entering the scene.

As for the graphics. Man, that really just looks like a slightly updated SA. Emerald Coast, anyone?

Posts: 1789
Noble Member

What's this about a catfight between Amy, Blaze, and Elise? First off, I thought Blaze, canoncally has nothing more than a platonic relationship with Sonic. Next, who knows how Sonic/Elise will develop. The most we would probably get is Sonic getting a hero's kiss on the cheek. Though, I suppose for 'comedy' sake I can see Amy coming down swinging with that hammer of hers.:lol


Now that I think of it, Lacey Chabert would be perfect for Amy Rose. Her voice would totally fit the character.

That's who I thought she was voicing too until I read the intereview. Honestly, I think Rachel Lillis using her 'Utena' voice or Veronica Taylor would be a better fit as Lacey Chabert seems to be a bit high-pitched for Elise, IMO.


I wonder if there will be any other semi-famous people doing voice acting in this? SEGA got Eliza Dushku, Michael Madsen, Mark Hamill and the Lex Luthor kid from Smallville for Yakuza on PS2. I could picture Silver with a whiney Mark Hamill voice, struggling to come to terms with the knowledge that Sonic is his father.

I could picture either Scott Menville or Joshua Seth voicing Silver...

...actually, I can picture either of them voicing Sonic for that matter.:>

Posts: 5772
Illustrious Member

Steve Blum for Shadow or Silver, because he's in everything. 😮

Posts: 1789
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Talk about being typecasted. Steve Blum voicing Shadow would be like Lisa Ortiz voicing Amy...

...oh wait, LAWL!

Posts: 439
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Man I never thought of Joshua Seth for Sonic, but that would be a good choice too.

Posts: 350
Reputable Member

Mel Brooks instead of Mike Pollock for Eggman!

Or better.....a necromancer brings back Deem Bristow! Then a couple others, an uncle, and a little.....I'm gonna stop there before God kicks my ass.

How about Blaze being voiced by Jennifer Hale? SHE'S in everything! Over 100 games, movies, shows, etc.

Posts: 286
Reputable Member

Mephiles = Mephistopheles. So I thought it would be "Mefilees", but the katakana on Shadow's bio page has it as "Mefiless".

"You know I don't think Silver is saying Iblis right. My brother knows basic arabic and he told me it would be pronounced eeblees."
First time I read the word, I thought it would be "Eebliss", but then I heard Silver say it in the video, and it irked me (though I think it was more the voice, reminded me of a Beyblade character). Looking back at the site again, it's indeed "E-bleese", though the initial "E" could simply come from it being the 'I' sound.. still, sounds like your brother is correct.

"Someone manage to translate what it says under the profiles. Apparently it about the special moves the characters have: Sonic's Custom Action, Shadow's Gadget Action and Silver's ESP Action."
Hm. Wonder if 'someone' was me from this thread at NR's forum. I posted that a short while after the 'new' site went online.. so it's possible :p "Gadget" stumped me for a little.

Spite: Yeah, I actually liked the LiS movie too, it was more the fact that miss Chabert was my main reason for taping that and that other made-for-TV movie I mentioned that shames me out :lol

Posts: 1413
Noble Member


Man I never thought of Joshua Seth for Sonic, but that would be a good choice too.

I would have gone with Johnny Yong Bosch(Ichigo in Bleach) or Yuri( Sasuke from Naruto)for Sonic.Blum for Shadow would rock.

Posts: 2354
Noble Member

Check out the second video (the one AFTER the E6 trailer).

Also, Sega's USA site has a pre-site of Sonic the Hedgehog. However, it looks like the Japanese pre-site that they had several months ago.

Posts: 1381
Noble Member

Uh, DoN, I hate to break it to ya, but those are extremely old. I was the first one to show the mini-site and known about the 2nd movie on Sega's web page for awhile, now.

Posts: 2354
Noble Member

The gameplay video is old?

Mental note: avoid posting late at night -- mental judgement may be impaired. :p

Posts: 1413
Noble Member

Found this at Game Faqs. Someone named Thrippa translated the caption under the Tails pic.


"Friends help Sonic and the others. This time, during the stages, Sonic can be called by his friends, and familiar characters will appear. As for amigo characters, by possible operation, every character is truly soon able to play every Sonic action act"

It a rough translation but apparently the characters will appear in the action stages and either help you or give objective to complete. Also it seems every character you meet will become playable.

Posts: 3756
Famed Member


Oh wait, they're playable. That's cool. =D

Posts: 377
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Friends help Sonic and the others. This time, during the stages, Sonic can be called by his friends, and familiar characters will appear. As for amigo characters, by possible operation, every character is truly soon able to play every Sonic action act

Sounds interesting -- I wonder how this'll play out. Hopefully Sonic Team has well-defined the controls of the other playable characters, if they truely exist. It'd be a kick to play as regular Tails again.

Oh, and ...


Posts: 3756
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Posts: 1396
Noble Member

Watching the vid on the SEGA site actually made me think it could be a lot of fun. At least Sonic looks like he plays just like in SA2, but the level looks more like for me for now. :)

And as for other characters being playable...I hope they'll be able to find different ways through with there own abilities.

Posts: 350
Reputable Member

I don't know about you guys, but I for one like Eggman as playable. Maybe on Shadow's story, if any.

Every character you meet, eh?....Omega, here he comes. Blaze...burn, kitty, burn em all. Tails can fly! :) .

As long as Will Turner isn't playable, I'm so totally in on this one.

Posts: 2016
Noble Member

Wait, so almost all of the characters are going to be playable in one form or another?

Does that mean we have the Elise Dating Sim coming back? =O

Posts: 377
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If we have to go fishing ...

Posts: 1413
Noble Member


Does that mean we have the Elise Dating Sim coming back? =O

Actually I believe only those below Sonic, Shadow and Silver are playable. Notice that Eggman and Elise are on right rather than below, so that mean they wont be playable. I wonder if Tails and others are going to playable in Story Mode like they were in SA or if they gonna be playable in another mode like Metal Sonic was in SADX?

Posts: 1037
Noble Member

It could also be that the ones in the first row (right below the three hedgies) are playable in Sonic's levels and the other three in Shadow's levels.

I mean, the weird positioning the character boxes were placed in made me wonder before if they were going to "fill in the blanks" or something, but this theory sounds nice, too.

Posts: 1413
Noble Member

3 new screenshots. The third one reveals a new enemy.

Posts: 1355
Noble Member

He looks like he's from the character screen.

Posts: 504
Honorable Member

Are you talking about the one with the robot and Shadow? Or the one with Merphies(?)and Shadow?

Posts: 1413
Noble Member

You mean he look like Omega siloutte from the character section? Maybe he a new E Series model. Actually looking at him again he look like an X-BOX 360 in robot mode :lol . I mean he has the same color as the X-Box 360 and he has glowing ring around a button too.

Posts: 439
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It looks like the kind of robot I'd expect to see in Sonic X... the comic. :lol

Posts: 377
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3 new screenshots. The third one reveals a new enemy.

Interesting. If you look at the third image, you'll see a set of rings going verticle. I know that you can run-up walls, but I didn't know how far that concept went.

Posts: 504
Honorable Member

Maybe theres a spring you have to bounce on to get them?

Posts: 1827
Noble Member

Sweet Sweet Sweet Remix for Sonic's 15th Anniversary

The Sonic 2 Ending Music is going to be remixed by Dreams Come True and US Rapper Akon.

Yeah the original song can be listened to here: LINKIES

Posts: 504
Honorable Member

HOLY FRECKING CRAP!? Akon, the dude who singeed 'Locked up', 'Belly dancer' AND 'Mr loney'. Wow...

I was expecting MJ :jester

BTW, Jhon, Akon is African imagrate who came to The U.S. as a kid. But yea he's American.

(Click on secound link) Not bad...Wait what's up with the japanse people singing? Oh, it's the Original.

I wonder if the remix will have Akon rapping. :lol

Posts: 1413
Noble Member

So Sonic 2 ending song is going to be in Sonic Next? Cool.
Akon working on remix even cooler.

Edit The song is going to be the ending theme for Sonic Next

Posts: 5772
Illustrious Member

As it should be.

Hm, Princess Elise. I can't help but feel that her relationship with Sonic can only go down a very dark and obsession-filled path.

Posts: 1827
Noble Member

I dislike rap immensly and word of said remix met my ears with displeasure.

Qouted from Big Smile from GHZ


Profile pages have for both versions of the game have been posted on the main SoJ site:

The pages seem to confirm that the game will feature nine different character stories. The translation of the page isn't too clear, so the number could be an error, but it does tie in with the number of characters that are listed on the left side of the 'character' page on the main site.

Oddly enough, the profile page also states that Princess Elise is the first heroine of the Sonic series.

9 Stories... Someone going to fish aren't they?

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