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Official Sonic the Hedgehog (360/PS3) Topic

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Posts: 350
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......Ya know, they may not fix the homing dash momentary vulnerablity.

After all, it may make it easier to fight character bosses. 0.0

I just now realized this.

Posts: 73
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It wouldn't surprise me if Chao return. After all, they have to give you those massive Ring Bonuses and keep a ring stockpile for SOMETHING.

Unless they have something else in mind.

Posts: 377
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It wouldn't surprise me if Chao return. After all, they have to give you those massive Ring Bonuses and keep a ring stockpile for SOMETHING.

Unless they have something else in mind.

Also notice how everytime you destroy a Robot, you collect something. I doubt Sonic is just simply attracted to pieces of metal.

Posts: 2016
Noble Member

No. The pieces of metal are attracted to him! :crazy

It'd be really interesting if Chao were to be involved in this game, and you could get them to look like characters. I'd so want a Mephiles Chao, I don't care for the fact that he's a badguy.


After all, they have to give you those massive Ring Bonuses and keep a ring stockpile for SOMETHING.

Unless they have something else in mind.

Must. Stop. Dirty. Thoughts. >_<

Posts: 247
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I wonder if Club Rouge is in this game.

Posts: 377
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The Iblis Chao.

Posts: 1827
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If I have been reading my internets correctly:
* Rings are used to purchase upgrades and extra items.
* That little thing that follows Sonic, Shadow and Silver boosts a gage. What this gage does we don't know.

Posts: 350
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According to an interview with a programmer, the more rings you get, the faster you can get. So that's what the gauge (which I suggest you spell correctly next time, John) is for.

Ring = Speed, just like in Sonic Advance 2.

Posts: 504
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Can you please post a link or tell us were you found it at? Im interested in the interview myself.

Posts: 350
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Ah. I remember now. It was at E3 I believe. I wasn't there, but of course, I read about it on the 'net. On the OLD computer. This new one, it's hard to find it.

I'll keep my eyes peeled. *peels eyes* Ahhhhh! That was a bad idea...

Posts: 721
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Please be GOOD. That's all I'm asking. Heck, I'd even give up the multitude of old-game-references, the best possibility of having Mighty and (dare I speculate) Ray or even Gamma return, just to have a good, solid Sonic gaming experience.

Anyone who knows me here will know that's saying a lot coming from me.

This was from my post back on, well, I BELIEVE it was page 56 or so, and was never replied to.

"2: A few pages back, someone mentioned that Eggman explains the relation between the SS mural in S3&K and Shadow. Could someone post the conversation?"

Posts: 504
Honorable Member

We talked about the 'Egggman and the SS Mural in S3&K' on pag.49-50. You did'et even try looking for it you bum. :p

And the possiblty of Mighty is small if the rumors are true. I you want to read about the rumors it, I posted the rumors in my 'The forgottn ones' thread, should be on pg 2. But i don't belive in ther because there RUMORS. As for Ray, who know ?

Oh, i whould workship Sega if they put Bark and Bean in here. But the possiblty of that is kinda in the middle.

And Are you talking about the SA1 Gramma Or Chaos Gramma?

Posts: 1827
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Hell No... (13 MB)
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What you see here is the same TGS trailer edited to make it a bit shorter with different music. Nothing wrong with that. His World is now lyriced. Instead of Sweet, Sweet, Sweet though we have a different song. A song that screams love. A "love song" if you will...

I knew it... they are turning Sonic human or Elise into a hedgehog...

Posts: 2354
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This scenario has already happened (in some ways, differently) in the US Comics. Simply replace one Princess Elise with one Princess Sally and presto!

I don't know what Sega will do with this story but it's interesting.

Posts: 1413
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A more direct link to song that John mention.

Posts: 377
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Hell No... (13 MB)
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LOOOOOOOOL!! Is this song seriously going to be in the game!?

What is this, Disney? godddd why do they do this.

Posts: 1413
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I think that is Elise Theme in the game. Maybe that why it sound like a love song.

Posts: 721
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To Sonic Candy:
SA1 Gamma, of course! But, since Chaos Gamma has Gamma's body, I'd think he'd have all the new gadgets as well as the old ones.

AND I DID LOOK!!!!!!!!!:razz

I just wanted to know if someone can post the line verbatim, seeing as how I can't manage to drag the fight out long enough to hear it myself...:annoyed

Posts: 2016
Noble Member

Ew @ the song.

Honestly, it sounds horrible. Quite horrible.

The only thing which made me smile in the video was seeing just a tad bit more CG stuff, which I hadn't seen, light the giant monument, Silver in all his glory, and the flash to where Sonic loks like Silver.

Posts: 721
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Then, of course, there's the additional Sonic goodness! you can guess who my favorite character is, eh?

Posts: 1446
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sonic332, Robotnik never mentioned anything about the S&K mural.

Posts: 721
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Yah, but somebody here said he had... and I wanted to hear the line myself- IF it existed.

I was trying to reserve judgement until I'd seen the evidence myself.

But, since there IS no line like that, well, case closed.

Posts: 73
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The line is this.

"Shadow...can you hear me...? This might be the last chance I have to speak to you, so... What I said, about having created was all a lie. Everyone thought you died during that horrible incident...but I rescued you, with one of my robots...You lost your memories, that's really are the Ultimate Life Form my grandfather created!"

Posts: 504
Honorable Member

Good load. That sounded like a wedding song.


and to sonic 332: Yea whatever. No need to lie about looking for it.. :p

Posts: 721
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I didn't lie, I actually DID look.:annoyed

... is there anything I can do that is within the rules about being falsely accused as a liar?

Posts: 4607
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So yeah. Apparent spoilers from the leaked plot.


Spoilers (Select To Read): So, Duke. He's this awesome scientist guy, whose works are, well, awesome (he even worked with Gerald at some point). Thing is, he wants contact with the gods, and so attempts to access "Solaris" (why he didn't just get another computer and the latest version Sun put out, I dunno). In so doing, he drags up access to two evil demons: Iblis and Mephiles. In short, they kill him dead. Before he dies from his wounds, though, he sends Mephiles into the past (Time Stones mayhaps?) and seals Iblis into Elise, telling her never to cry, since that would bring him back. Yeah.

So anyway, Iblis is covered, but Mephiles? He just kinda waits around in the past, until he finds Shadow at Prison Island and fuses himself with him. That'd be Shadow's psychotic side, apparently - he's got teh demon.

Yes, this makes Shadow an antihero alien ultimate lifeform demon hedgehog who's come seriously close to destroying the world once or twice. They can't seriously make this guy any more complex unless he turned into, as Zeta at The GHZ puts it, an "elf prince werewolf vampire wizard cowboy cyborg alien demon science experiment from 2,000 years in the future sent back in time to replace Jesus by God".

So anyway, flash forward to the present. Mephiles separates from Shadow, intent to make havoc - to ensure Shadow won't stop him because he's all goody-two-shoes now, he sends Shadow 20 years into the future. There he meets a mysterious GUN agent (*COUGHUNGAYOMMANDERCAYCOUGH*) who tells him Rouge is in trouble - so he goes to save her.

Back in the past - well present, but relative to Shadow it's the past - Eggman learns of Duke's work, and plans on abusing the demons to access Solaris, making him a God. Sonic meets Elise, but somehow in the mix, something Sonic does or that is done to him causes her to cry. Iblis is back.

Finally, there are 8 Chaos Emeralds. Seriously. Maybe Sonic the Fighters wasn't so far off.

There you have it: the plot's complicated. Actually, that doesn't BEGIN to explain it...

Posts: 2191
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Posts: 1789
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If that plot is true then Shadow is officially the most ridculous and lamest character in the Sonic family.:lol

Posts: 504
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....I lost the my last shread of respect for Shadow. He should of stay dead.

IMO, He's one of the reasons some people hated Heros, his return was horrible, and hade no purpus in the game same with Team Rose and Chaotix. Sega only made Shadow live because of the rabid Shadoow fans. But that's me being a 'tard and it's my option.

And we ALL know that the comander (If he's in the game) hated Shadow. If the plot is true im looking forward to seeing how Sega fix that or just screw it up even worse.

And Sonic332, i was just jokeing. I was in a some what goood mood yesterday (which is kinda rare for me)and my sense of humor went over the top. Sorry i got on your nerves. :^^;

Posts: 721
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Sorry I took it personally. I'm just a really honest person and can't stand lying- much less being CALLED a liar... but there's no way you could've known that, eh?:^^;

Posts: 377
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So yeah. Apparent spoilers from the leaked plot.

Hate to be burden, but source? I just learned to not trust anything "leaked" in the gaming community.

Sounds pretty valid though.

Posts: 1437
Noble Member

so... wait.

Spoilers (Select To Read): Shadow is sent to the future... and, for some reason Rouge is there also? Or is it Future Rouge that he's saving?

This game's plot can be summarized in one word:

Spoilers (Select To Read): Silly.

Posts: 4607
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Blackarms from the SoA boards, via The GHZ. I dunno how reliable he is, but people at The GHZ seem to be trusting - and this includes people who said the art of Mephiles and Silver that CulT found were fake. Don't expect to see this on Wikipedia for a while, though.

Posts: 63
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Anyone else wishing Sega would put a little less effort into Shadow's backstory and a little more into Sonic's?

Posts: 350
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Shadow's cool and all, but he's totally over rated.

Less Shadow, more Tails I say. Hell, I'll settle for Metal Sonic and Elise.

Simply put, I've had ENOUGH of Shadow. He got his own frickin' game, so they should just shut his lips for a while.

SEGA needs some tips on maintaining badasses.

Posts: 504
Honorable Member

The main star is Sonic the hegehog, yet don't have one PIECE of history besides fighting Eggman?

Talk about irony.

This world more of the forgotton ones and less of Shadow and the minor, one shot people. Atleast THERE diffrent from Hegehog, Foxs and robots and what not. There takeing over the entire furry kingdom.

Bun only in my little world it can happen. (SIGH)

Posts: 1413
Noble Member


If that plot is true then Shadow is officially the most ridculous and lamest character in the Sonic family.

Cream would like to have a word with you about that,Ashide.

The Shadow plot sound interesting. I just hope the game expands on it and gives a better explanation.

Posts: 2354
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Spoilers (Select To Read) ...

THAT would explain Shadow's amnesia when he began in Sonic Heroes.
Posts: 363
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Shadow should be renamed "Hot Topic," because of his color scheme (no I'm not racist) and because that's the generation he appeals to it seems. No offence to Hot Topic shoppers, because I shop at Hot Topic for gamer shirts every now and then, but Shadow is the angsty, I never smile, any portrayed emotion is bad, kind of guy...... with hover shoes.

But about the whole back story/plot/Shadow's background and why Sonic doesn't have one.....

If you think about it, Mario never had a huge back story. Master Chief is somewhat mysterious, but his background isn't horribly crucial to his games. Sonic was never a complicated character, so I think it's wise Sega keep him that way. Shadow is definitely becoming one of the more rediculous characters in the series. Perhaps he will get so confused by his own history that his head will explode (wishful thinking).

For what it's worth, I'm not sure Sega will ever actually go back to the roots of the Sonic series (IE: pleasing old school fans like myself), because the current gen of Sonic fans have parents to buy their games, so it's just easier for Sega that way as opposed to appealing to the poor college fans like myself, because I have definitely waited for the past three Sonic-related games to go down to atleast $20 before buying them. Again, I don't mean to offend anyone whose parents buy their games, I'm just going with what I've noticed. Sonic and the Secret Rings seems to be closer to the roots of Sonic than 2K6 right now, because it's just straight-forward running through levels.

This entry was longer than I meant for it to be, I'm done.:cuckoo

Youre thoughts, people?

Posts: 3756
Famed Member


Spoilers (Select To Read): Shadow is sent to the future... and, for some reason Rouge is there also? Or is it Future Rouge that he's saving?

Spoilers (Select To Read): It's probably Future Rouge. It's only 20 years in the future: She's 37 then.

Posts: 1827
Noble Member

Spoilers (Select To Read): Well technically the 8th Chaos Emerald is in the heavens so Sonic the Fighters (presumely that rainbow coloured jewel) was still very off.

So Shadow is Creation of Dr Gerald, who was using Alien blood, who was witness to his friend murder while jetisetting down to Earth, gets possessed by a demon while sleeping, gets awakened by the grandson of Dr. Gerald, destroys several of Gerald's creations and realises that he was created to save the Earth. When he does he has nothing else to live for and "dies". He is awakened by Rouge and has lost all of his memories and for some reason helps defeat Metal Sonic, he then goes through a period of hating himself for being a weapon but then Rouge makes him realise that Gerald had created him with a heart so he would do the right thing. He then wants to reclaim his lost memories but he is stopped by Black Doom who wants Shadow to get him the Chaos Emeralds. He does but then he realises that it was the wrong thing to do and he has to defeat his biological father Back Doom while he is super charged by the Chaos Emeralds. While doing this he finds out from Eggman that he was the original Shadow that fell from the Ark but he was saved by Eggman's robots. He is now a mercanary sent to save Rouge the Bat but while fighting against his darker self he is propelled into the future.

And you wonder why he is emo?

So what about Silver then? eh? eh? He is looking quite normal now. "Only" coming from the future.

Posts: 2191
Famed Member

So what about Silver then? eh? eh? He is looking quite normal now. "Only" coming from the future.

I know why he's in the past.

Spoilers (Select To Read): Silver knew the Iblis Trigger is actually Vector. Vector will yell "FIND THE COMPUTER ROOM!" to Elise. Elise, so disgusted by Vec's voice, will burst into tears. This is will awaken Iblis. So Silver went back to past and has to slit Vector's throat before he can yell "FIND THE COMPUTER ROOM!" Oh and Silver also has a blinding hatred for Sonic. So he also kills him. Then Silver and Blaze screw around with each other.

Posts: 1789
Noble Member


Quote: If that plot is true then Shadow is officially the most ridculous and lamest character in the Sonic family.

Cream would like to have a word with you about that,Ashide.

No, because Cream is just a regular rabbit how happens to fly. She maybe the wussiest character ever, but at least she isn't written to be totally outlandish and out of place in this particular series.

Shadow is yet another Sonic clone who has been artificially created who not only has been retconned into being part alien, who uses realistic guns and SUVs, but now Spoilers (Select To Read): he's part demon in what I'm assuming is either an attempt of damage control to why his character is so messed up(instead of attibuting it to poor writing) or an attempt to appease the "gothy Hot Topic" fur crowd as Duckttaped mentioned, who would use this as fodder to write more crappy fanfiction/poetry/whatever about how they understand how "deep" his character is or how they "wuv" Shadow: Tortured Hedgehog of Ebon

I wouldn't be surprised it in the next game he is revealed to be a vampire or some crap like that.

So yeah, he's the most riduculous character yet in this franchise.

Posts: 721
Prominent Member

Shadow's okay, but I'd honestly rather see more of Gamma or Mighty.:spin

Posts: 350
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I'm with Ashide on this one. A character plot has never been this deep on a Sonic character since.......Uhhhh.....Hmmmm.....I think only Emerl ever got that close.

Some SEGA Sonic background would do me some good right about now. Cream has a tad more background then Sonic, quite seriously, as we know she currently lives with her mother. And a ridiculous blue bow-tie wearing Chao.

Tikal had a history. Chaos has one too (he has a 9th form in the manga @.@). Heck, Eggman has more backstory then Sonic. Knux....he just has anmnesia about his whole guardian thing, leading to SOME background there.

Rouge has a job. There's some backstory. Omega has a full 30 second backstory. That's more then Sonic AND Tails.

More blue hedgehog and yellow two tailed fox time would be nice.

....or maybe they already do, but we just don't know it? o.0

Posts: 1827
Noble Member

I maintain that we don't need to know much about Sonic's backstory mainly:
1) Because it isn't that important.
2) They will screw it up or worse...
3) It'll be boring.

Tails just started copying what Sonic did. Now he wants to be the worlds greatest mechanic. I think.

Posts: 120
Estimable Member

Sonic can work without his backstory. The only thing we know is that he was born on Christmas Island, and has been locked in battle with Eggman since before the first game. Also, it's cool to have a little mystery behind his character, yet it's something that I never really found myself questioning.

Posts: 1437
Noble Member

Sonic told Shadow:

What you see is what you get: Just a guy that loves adventure. I'm Sonic the Hedgehog!

That's what it's all about, people.

Posts: 1413
Noble Member


More blue hedgehog and yellow two tailed fox time would be nice.

....or maybe they already do, but we just don't know it? o.0

Maybe when Elise start talking about her father Sonic might mention something about his family. Man, I really hope that the case. As for Tails,the only thing we got on him is that he is the only character with a real last name(I don't if Rose is Amy second name or last name)


Sonic can work without his backstory. The only thing we know is that he was born on Christmas Island, and has been locked in battle with Eggman since before the first game. Also, it's cool to have a little mystery behind his character, yet it's something that I never really found myself questioning.

Maybe that the reason why Sonic isn't very popular in Japan.The japanese, like almost everyone else, like character with backgrounds and character development. He doesn't have a background or character development in the games. Here in the west(including US, Europe and Latin America) we had the TV shows and the comic that gave Sonic a background. Yes,I know they are different Sonics from games but that why he still popular here.He has a background and character development,it gives us something to hold on to the character(no matter what form he takes). That why some people prefer SatAM Sonic over Sonic X. In X he never had a lot of development. That why it was cancelled(and before anyone says anything SatAM was cancelled because of MMPR and whole Disney/ABC fusion not bad writing like Sonic X was). I really hope in this game something, anything,even the smallest info on Sonic is revealed.

Btw wasn't the whole Christmas Island retconed to South Island being Sonic birthplace?

Posts: 1789
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Maybe that the reason why Sonic isn't very popular in Japan.The japanese, like almost everyone else, like character with backgrounds and character development. He doesn't have a background or character development in the games.

I'm not sure that this is true seeing that Mickey Mouse and Tom and Jerry is popular there. =P

I should mention that Sonic games in Japan sold relativly better in the Mega Drive era than today and Sonic was already a popular franchise in the U.S. before the Archie comics and the cartoons.

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