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Official Sonic the Hedgehog (360/PS3) Topic

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Mmmmmmm Kefka.

Posts: 27
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Thankfully, I'm heavily warding myself off to read all these spoilers, as it is looking to be a great Sonic game, in both the gameplay field (so far) and the storyline department.

but damn, I'm sure loving that His World on the japanesse website. I can sure see it being Sonic's theme...but I also had thoughts if Crush 40 did the lyrics for it.

Posts: 1413
Noble Member


Can someone rip the new CG pictures from the US site?

Courtesy of Sonic Stadium:





Background 1

Background 2

Background 3

Background 4

Sonic 1

Sonic 2

Sonic 3



Posts: 2354
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Spoilers (Select To Read) ...

You guys don't think Sega will pull a "Crisis on Infinite Earths" with Sonic and pals for this game, do you? At least to me, that's the impression that the stories from Sonic and Silver are leading towards.

In case you have no idea what I'm talking about in the spoilers.

Posts: 2234
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We can only hope, DoN.

Posts: 1827
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Well, on the Sonic Cult, a person sent in information on Sonic Next Gen, Sonic Rivals and Sonic Genesis.
Remember to talk about Sonic Rivals and Sonic Genesis in their respective forums.
Sonic Rivals
Sonic Genesis

Posts: 350
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I don't know about you guys, but I'm not going to trust Sonic Cult. I'm going to wait to get the information on the game itself by playing it on the PS3 (which I did NOT ask for, by the way, but am still getting for some reason).

I'll just form theorums on my own for now.

Posts: 3756
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Hey, they may be immature, but they wouldn't lie. A hint at a link between Amy and Elise isn't enough to condemn them; it may just be a reference to feelings for Sonic or something.

Posts: 1358
Noble Member

Or you could get a 360 and play it on that :d I've downloaded the demo off the XBL Market Place but haven't played it. As weird as this story sounds it better be awesome to save my interest.

EDIT: My review of the demo.

Well. this game could be good if Sega doesn't fumble it. The graphics aren't bad, and it seems to play pretty smoothly. However I do have some gripes. The controls seemed really touchy, and the homing attakc seemed somewhat hard to control. You have a greater "feeling of speed" than in previous titles, which with controls could take some gettign used to. Also while the camera wasn't bad, I was not thrilled at all with the way it adjusted. The level they give you is pretty fun to play with some nice ideas. To sum it up: Like I said before, if the plot doesn't get in the way and Sega doesn't blow it, this could be pretty good.

Posts: 2191
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I'm confused. You say the controls are toleratable but I've heard others say that they suck.

Posts: 2354
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Spoilers (Select To Read) ...
For those of you who hated the 4Kids VAs, your dream has come true!

Isn't that grand, everyone?

Posts: 377
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I'm confused. You say the controls are toleratable but I've heard others say that they suck.

The controls could be a lot better. It probably doesn't bother people as much as it may bother others. I mean, I think Shadow the Hedgehog was the worst game ever (And I LIKED Sonic Shuffle), yet some people can actually stand playing it and say it's quite enjoyable and other insane stuff.

My opinion on the Demo's controls:

It didn't feel like everything tied together ... it can be made a lot smoother. For the homing attack, there was a slight pause in-between each move ... that was annoying and killed fluidity.

I voiced a more in-depth opinion somewhere, but basically, the controls just aren't fluid enough.

Posts: 247
Reputable Member


For those of you who hated the 4Kids VAs, your dream has come true!

Considering the guy lied about it, I would'nt celebrate too soon, 4kid haters. :p


What I meant was, after these games, Sega will have NO REASON to use 4Kids. If they wanted 4Kids dubbing from the start, they would have. Sonic X is over, its not on TV anymore, no reason to keep the 4Kids VAs.

Posts: 1413
Noble Member


The X360 version is still set for November something-teen, while the PS3 version is set for Winter 2006 (not a launch title). The PS3 version was present at 75% completition. It was the TGS build, but played identical to the X360 build.

So PS3 version is no longer a launch? Good thing I bought a 360.

Posts: 2191
Famed Member


I can't believe everything about this game is being leaked. It kinda ruins it for everyone. Well I gave the link. It's your choice if you want to look at it or not. I, myself, didn't look at it.

Posts: 4607
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We covered this a few pages ago. Sorry.

Posts: 1413
Noble Member


I can't believe everything about this game is being leaked. It kinda ruins it for everyone. Well I gave the link. It's your choice if you want to look at it or not. I, myself, didn't look at it.

Well not really. Except for Sonic, Elise, Eggman and Shadow, we don't know who Silver, Mephiles and the rest characters VA are(heard Knux might have a new VA), we don't know how to kill the bosses and of course there are still levels that haven't been revealed yet. So not everything has been ruin.

Posts: 721
Prominent Member

I can hardly WAIT!!

Yeah, I'm getting the GAME, but, for once, renting the SYSTEM is gonna be more cost-effective.

EDIT: Spoilers (Select To Read): Blaze... dies? WHO ELSE ARE THEY GONNA KILL?!?

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Spoilers (Select To Read): Mephiles merges with Iblis and becomes Solaris, the final boss of the game; a creature with the ability to "consume all timelines" and destroy time itself. Stuck in this weird time-space rift, Sonic's friends and Elise revive Sonic using the Chaos Emeralds, and he is reborn as Super Sonic.


Spoilers (Select To Read): the events from the game never happened. Everything simply resetted themselves.Spoilers (Select To Read):



Posts: 721
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I know, but STILL... it just doesn't seem RIGHT...

Posts: 350
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Man, I wish I knew how to do spoilers. Too bad I'm lazy.

Anyhoos, as usual, no one dies. Except maybe that robot in the third row over there. Yeah, THAT one. You know who you are. You, me, the locker room, 10 am.

And, wow. Winter 2006 for it to come out? Oh man! I thought it was a lot later! This actually helps rather then hinders!

Posts: 721
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It comes out THAT soon?!?

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This actually helps rather then hinders!

How exactly does rushing a game, which is by all accounts shoddy to begin with, onto market help it at all, other than in sales?

Posts: 350
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When you're getting your PS3 at Christmas, perhaps? Like me? And also, I won't have to wait as long.

I'm sure this goes for a few others as well.

Is the PS3 out yet? I got an email from a friend saying that "Sony" had a big sale on them, and they sold out with the day! Sure there was only 5-6, but stores don't usually hold that much (the ones I've been to, anyway)

Posts: 1358
Noble Member

Uhhh first off its not out until November. Sounds like youre getting a crapload of spam. Secodn it never helps. If you want a good game its worht it to wait.

Posts: 4607
Famed Member


Uhhh first off its not out until November. Sounds like youre getting a crapload of spam.

...or he's being informed of the GameStop pre-order, which DID occur recently (this past Tuesday, in fact) and DID sell out insanely quickly, mostly due to a really, really limited stock. Spam it's not.


Secodn it never helps. If you want a good game its worht it to wait.

Unless you're the corporation making the game, where money is everything, and extra time taken translates to extra money spent.

Not to say that I think a delay wouldn't help this game, but Sega (or at least this branch of it) has been rather shortsighted on quality lately, more focused on getting the product out than getting a GOOD product out.

Posts: 1827
Noble Member

Well, can't we all just wait for reviews of the game before condemning it to the bowels of Sonic Blast? I mean a Sega rep (according to a guy on Sonic Cult) said that the Xbox live demo was the E3 build. Admittedly it could be Sega covering their arses.

All I'm saying is If Gamespot/IGN/Games Radar says its @#%$ then its really, really @#%$.

Now the rest of the post will be written in Spolier form for your none veiwing pleasure. Go make some tea and crumpets or something.
Spoilers (Select To Read): Well there was a discussion on the Shadow of a Hedgehog forum about when does this game take place? Before Sonic Rush or after Sonic Rush. The one way we will know this is if Blaze recognizes Sonic and vice versa. If she does recognize Sonic then her "end" as it were could be final.

Posts: 1355
Noble Member


Spoilers (Select To Read): Well, this is actually kinda cool. Since everything resets and nothing ever happened, this is the easiest game to disregard to date and we can just ignore anything wrong with the story without controversey. >_>

Posts: 1413
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I don't think it be so easy to disregard, HSW. If you ever play the PoP:tSoT Trilogy then you know what I talking about.

Posts: 721
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Mucking around with the fabric of space-time is as confusing as trying to figure out what Sega was thinking when they decided to have Sonic swear in ShTH.

Trust me, I know.

Posts: 1355
Noble Member

I've played the first two but not TTT. My point is that in the end, none of it happened at all. At least in PoP the original events mattered. The events of this game have nothing to do with anything...yet. I'll admit I didn't have foresight in that regard.

Posts: 350
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Strange thing is, no, I have yet to be spammed.

And this is a guy from like Canada, but he probably told me about the pre orders. Those are wicked crazy. @.@

Posts: 1827
Noble Member

New Videos from IGN
Featuring: Shadow in Crisis City (Downloading now)
Sonic in Kingdom Valley (Downloading soon)
Shadow in Dusty Desery (Downloaded)
Dusty Desert Notes:
Some quite bad pop up. I don't normally notice things like that but still...
Nice Scottish style music. I know its meant to be Egyptian but it sounds Scottish to me.
Shadow is driving a vehicle "inspired" by Halo it seems. But the weapons seem to have an ammo limit. So you will have to reload.
The level seems huge with lots of places to explore but the person playing it doesn't deviate off the path set by the rising pillars.
You hear Shadow's voice at the start.

Posts: 1413
Noble Member


Shadow is driving a vehicle "inspired" by Halo it seems.

Funny, I was thinking it more like Jak 3 than Halo.Future Dusty Desert looks huge. Shadow sounds different for some reason.

Posts: 1827
Noble Member

To me he sounds like the same bloke. Maybe a bit gruffer.

I haven't played Jak 3. It sounds exactly like a Ghost from Halo. I do like that spinning blade inside it though. You can just about see it. At least both of the vehicles actually look fun to drive rather than in Shadow where they were horrible.

I also like how Shadow stays in the air allowing you to aim the homing attack better. I don't like Shadow's new walking annimation though. Don't know why, it looks wrong.

Posts: 1355
Noble Member

If you ask me, Shadow's walking animations have always looked silly. On that note, right now it looks like playing as Shadow is more fun and fluid than playing as Sonic. o_O His voice appears to be fitting, as well. Hopefully it won't turn out to be as dull as it was in the last game.

Posts: 363
Reputable Member

I don't mean to be nit-picky, but did anyone else notice the horrible-looking trees in Sonic's video? One is more prevalent at 00:57 and again at 00:57. That's just plain laziness.

Posts: 721
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Man, Sonic'd BETTER play smoother than Shadow...

Posts: 2191
Famed Member


I don't mean to be nit-picky, but did anyone else notice the horrible-looking trees in Sonic's video? One is more prevalent at 00:57 and again at 00:57. That's just plain laziness.

Yes. Heaven forbid that two objects looked average out of everything else that looks good. It must be laziness.

Posts: 377
Reputable Member

Desert level? Thank god, I've missed a Sandopolis-theme'd level so much. Give me an ice-cap level, and a really wet water level, and I'll be satisfied.

Also, I love how things seem to smoothly connect to each other with Shadow's controls. Maybe it'll be a bit more fun to play as him than it was last time ....

Posts: 363
Reputable Member


Yes. Heaven forbid that two objects looked average out of everything else that looks good. It must be laziness.

I'm just saying the trees should not be paper sprites with the technology they have to work with.

Posts: 721
Prominent Member

Lack of desert levels, eh?
Sand Hill

Sand Ocean
Hidden Base
Pyramid Cave
Death Chamber
Egg Quarters

Sonic Rush
Mirage Road
Just to name a few.

Posts: 880
Member Admin

Is there any word on the time of day affecting the level? Y'know.. with like playing at night or during the day or something as shown eons ago...

Posts: 1037
Noble Member

No more has been said about that, but it might still be on effect, as if I recall well there was one video of Kingdom Valley with Sonic where the sky was blue and another where it was cloudy.
Might be just bad memory though. 🙁

Posts: 721
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I hope they left it in there...

Posts: 377
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Lack of desert levels, eh?
Sand Hill

Sand Ocean
Hidden Base
Pyramid Cave
Death Chamber
Egg Quarters

Sonic Rush
Mirage Road
Just to name a few.

You're right. I guess they just weren't memorable enough to me as Sandopolis was.

As for the night/day system, it would seriously bring a variety to these levels if it is implemented. I imagine that all the levels are connected to the cities, and as time in the city goes on, so does time in the levels.

Crisis City will be quite the mess once it's night in that level, with those lava beasts roaming around.

Posts: 721
Prominent Member

ALl that heat in one place would impart a dull reddish glow to the screen. It'd be AWESOME!!!!

Posts: 4607
Famed Member


I don't mean to be nit-picky, but did anyone else notice the horrible-looking trees in Sonic's video? One is more prevalent at 00:57 and again at 00:57. That's just plain laziness.

You ARE aware that that's the same time? Going by that, it's the same tree.

Posts: 350
Reputable Member

It's probably going by GTA time. @.@

Why are you spending your time looking at a tree, anyway?

Ah yes, the sand levels. One o' my favs. No water, no fans, only the heat and the soft breeze in your face. The only thing you really have to worry about are the meager traps and robots.

Shadow's lucky; no dusty sand on his shoes, just those damn cheap hover shoes he always has. How'd Gerald make those shoes, anyway? I want them, too!

Posts: 721
Prominent Member

You forgot that those desert levels have a preponderance of ghosts... like Sandopolis Act 2 (screams)

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