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Official Sonic the Hedgehog (360/PS3) Topic

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Posts: 363
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You ARE aware that that's the same time? Going by that, it's the same tree.

I meant 00:57 and 00:59, but everyone is getting on my case about the trees, so I'm just gonna drop it.

Posts: 350
Reputable Member

Ahh yes, the ghosts. That was more of a "Temple" level to me, but yeah, the ghosts were only a minor annoyance once you grasp the level. In like 2-3 tries (took me like, maybe 2).

In Shadow's future Dusty Desert, there may be a lot of ghosts.

Mephiles' kinda a blur to me. Hey, the guy may be trying to kill Shadow, to thus kill himself, to thus stop Iblis from fusing with him to create Solaris....or SOMETHING like that....

Posts: 1413
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Found this at GHZ

So anyone here play the Shadow and Silver demos yet?

Posts: 1789
Noble Member

big_smile from the GHZ has. Here's his impressions:


Perhaps the biggest surprise about the demo was that I was actually able to play it. Sunday is the centres busiest day and hordes of people gravitated to the tour area, which only contained two Sonic machines. Although people were excited to see Sonic, Shadow and Super Sonic (the colloquial term for Silver), they only spent 2 minutes playing. Hence, I was able to occupy a machine for 15 minutes, which wasnt possible on the other games.

The control system is too sensitive and was probably the reason for the short play sessions. It felt like playing a hyper-speed version Sonic World with the Saturns digital d-pad. The level design only aggravates this, as the paths are too narrow making it easy to fall. In the 2 minute sessions that most people played, it was common to see Sonic dying 3 to 5 times.

The Sonic demo seemed to be identical to X-Box live version (although not owning an Xbox I couldnt say for sure) and my impressions are the same as those posted earlier. Aside from the controls and the level design, a key problem is that many of the set pieces have been recycled from previous games making the level feel tired and overly familiar.

Silvers game was more interesting. The control system is very easy to use: Pressing the shoulder button picks up objects which can then be thrown with the X button. Silver moves at slower pace and the level design accommodates for this by using many lock-and-key sections. Often the key consists of robot that needs to be destroyed and the player has a variety of ways to achieve this. In one instance, there was a giant mech that blocked the entrance to the door. Silver could deflect its bullets back to it, throw rubble from the area, or search for a crate of explosives to use as a projectile.

Silvers powers can also access areas that Sonic cannot, much like Knuckles' wall breaking abilities in Sonic & Knuckles. For example, at the start, there were bars to bend that led to a unique area. The biggest problem with Silvers game, however, is that level is too linear with the game dictating exactly when to use the physic powers. It would have worked better in an open-ended environment where the player has the freedom to construct their own unique path through the level. There wasnt much variety in the demo either, and so the experience quickly became repetitive.

Surprisingly, the Shadow demo did not feature any weapons and vehicles. Shadows controls were less sensitive compared to the Sonic demo, making him easier to control. However, his jumping system was more frustrating. Press the jumping button once causes him to rise up as if he is about to perform a Chaos blast. Holding down the button allows him to float around, while pressing it again will perform the homing attack. The Chaos Blast-like pose makes it difficult to judge when to press the button for homing attack, making it harder to aim. The floating ability, however, makes it easier to avoid the bottomless pits.

On the hi-res screens, the demo looked beautiful. I was originally concerned that the graphics were too realistic for a Sonic game, but the use of springs and speedway-like areas help to create the same blend between the surreal and real that was present in Sonic Adventure.

Technically the demo was very weak. Each character level took over a minute to load and, as many players werent accustomed to pre-release code, they took this to be a weakness of the console. The frustration of the bottomless pits was increased by the fact that Shadow and Silver would not always die immediately and could spend a minute falling through empty space before the game would reload.

Its hard to see why Sega has chosen to demo the game. The Sonic brand clearly possesses enough appeal to sell the game on its own and this demo only serves to disappoint players instead of encouraging them. Of course, a 15 minute play session in a crowded shopping centre isnt the best way to sample a new game. But surely that should give Sega even more motive to minimise frustrations.

Posts: 1413
Noble Member

From the others impressions it seem the game control better than Heroes and Shadow once you get used to the changes. That good.


After plying the horrid PS3 demo (Dual Shock control sticks blow) I felt comfortable with the 360 demo, and even moreso with the XBOX Live demo (Though it was a bit glitchier.)

Good thing I am buying the 360 version.

Posts: 1789
Noble Member

And yet they say it controls worse than SA2. =P Feh.

Posts: 1413
Noble Member

I know but it control better than Shadow and Heroes and we all know those control pretty much suck. So it good that they at least fix them somewhat.

Also Blackarms has revealed some interesting info on Radical Train and Aquatic Base.

Beware spoilers

Posts: 1789
Noble Member

But it's still not a good thing if this game plays worse than SA2. Seeing that game was the start of odd controls for the franchise.

Posts: 3756
Famed Member

SA2 had good controls. The only problem I ever had with SA2 controls was mapping six or seven actions to one button.

Posts: 1037
Noble Member

Jesus, George,..'s only one button!

Btw, regarding the spoilers.. I've been DREAMING of such a stage for years now.. must be because I travel in trains every day and daydream of having Sonic run beside it. =D

Posts: 721
Prominent Member

Not to mention it'd have to be one heckuva fast train to keep up with Sonic.

By the way, Sonic Channel still uses the Adventure-era-Eggman-style art; maybe this freaky new Eggman design is a one-shot deal? (hopehope)

Posts: 1789
Noble Member


The only problem I ever had with SA2 controls was mapping six or seven actions to one button.

Hence the odd controls.

Posts: 3756
Famed Member

Yeah, but there was nothing wrong with the handling of the characters.

Posts: 1381
Noble Member

Erica, are those links broken or are they supposed to be a joke that has gone completely over my head?

Posts: 721
Prominent Member

And you adjust to it after a while, too. It's been at LEAST 3 years since I last Bounce Attacked when I meant to Light Dash.

Posts: 363
Reputable Member


And you adjust to it after a while, too. It's been at LEAST 3 years since I last Bounce Attacked when I meant to Light Dash.

Not for me. I was playing today and grabbed Omochao when I wanted to spin dash. There are more than two buttons on the controller for a reason.

Posts: 1789
Noble Member

^One of the many nagging flaws in the design that sadly Sonic Team won't fix in this game. =/

Posts: 5772
Illustrious Member

Yeah, I still latch onto Omochao by accident whilst playing the Xbox Live deOHWAIT.

Posts: 350
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Spoilers (Select To Read): According to the link from Blackarms, we get two choices on Aquatic Base.

A: Avoid the enemies and the fighting. No hassle at all.

B: Get completely exposed and kick some serious ass.

I vote B. It's the most fun.

I'm looking forward to the Riot Train. Awesome description.

Posts: 39
Eminent Member

If that plot is true then Shadow is officially the most ridculous and lamest character in the Sonic family.

I beg you freakin pardon?!?!

Shadow and any shape or form is not lame. That's just hyporcitsy right their. By your logic Sonic's the lamest video game character of all time because of the fact that Shadow is a Sonic Clone, he's the coolest Sonic character because of his story alot people loved his damn story. If they can fill the plotholes of Shadow's past finally mabey he would br so hated in this senerio by sonic fans. I don't care how cliche or ovverated he is he's cool, he gameplay is cool, you've just crossed the line I don't care what you think of Shadow's Resurrection in Heroes he's not lame, and I don't like people belittling my fav characters. Why don't you've just quit the @#%$ Sonic Franchise and find another Video game following to tend to. SOnic's cleary not going back to the Sonic you knew, this time Sonic's growing up whether you like it or not. Damn it, Sonic Team word of advice,don't listen to people like the biased 2d Sonic Whiner. Thats what ruining the Sonic Franchisem not the Shadow Fans.

Posts: 39
Eminent Member

....I lost the my last shread of respect for Shadow. He should of stay dead.

IMO, He's one of the reasons some people hated Heros, his return was horrible, and hade no purpus in the game same with Team Rose and Chaotix. Sega only made Shadow live because of the rabid Shadoow fans. But that's me being a 'tard and it's my option.

And we ALL know that the comander (If he's in the game) hated Shadow. If the plot is true im looking forward to seeing how Sega fix that or just screw it up even worse.

And Sonic332, i was just jokeing. I was in a some what goood mood yesterday (which is kinda rare for me)and my sense of humor went over the top. Sorry i got on your nerves.

According to the Japanesse SA2 guide book, Shadow can't die and was intended to live on in future Sonic Games by Yuji. The source is from Sonic Channel somewhere. I don't know how to transalate the article. But it's there. His purpose is to Rival Sonic's Hippy lame ass in everything. That's why he's sticking around for 5 more years.

Goddamnit, why do you people single out Shadow whenever he's involed in something, He raped your mom or something? With out Shadow, Sonic games are going to be lackluster and 2nd rate, since he bought alot of old school Sonic Fans back to the fanbase and he's the most anticpated character at that digital live tthing to play as next to Sonic.

I can't wait till you guys see the error of your ways when this game comes out.

BTW, Losing Respect over Shadow is just going to make him twice as popular and loved babe. FACT. Shadow never lost mines.

Posts: 39
Eminent Member

Shadow's cool and all, but he's totally over rated.

Less Shadow, more Tails I say. Hell, I'll settle for Metal Sonic and Elise.

Simply put, I've had ENOUGH of Shadow. He got his own frickin' game, so they should just shut his lips for a while.

SEGA needs some tips on maintaining badasses

Dude, 1. I would never buy another Sonic Game in my life if Shadow wans't in them because I like to Play the Rival Chvaracter over the Main Character. 2. Last I checked Sonic is the star of this game not Shadow.3. Wario's and Zero have been in more games then Shadow Shadow's been in 5 games and you want him gone because he's popualar. I don't know who your really are anymore.:crazy

Shadow's badassness never went away.IMO.

Posts: 262
Reputable Member

I think you've already said this. About the the same quote I think. People don't like Shadow. Get used to it, I'm afraid.

Also well done to Weresheep for spoiling one of the levels that was discussed in that link over thar.


Posts: 39
Eminent Member

Shadow should be renamed "Hot Topic," because of his color scheme (no I'm not racist) and because that's the generation he appeals to it seems. No offence to Hot Topic shoppers, because I shop at Hot Topic for gamer shirts every now and then, but Shadow is the angsty, I never smile, any portrayed emotion is bad, kind of guy...... with hover shoes.

But about the whole back story/plot/Shadow's background and why Sonic doesn't have one.....

If you think about it, Mario never had a huge back story. Master Chief is somewhat mysterious, but his background isn't horribly crucial to his games. Sonic was never a complicated character, so I think it's wise Sega keep him that way. Shadow is definitely becoming one of the more rediculous characters in the series. Perhaps he will get so confused by his own history that his head will explode (wishful thinking).

For what it's worth, I'm not sure Sega will ever actually go back to the roots of the Sonic series (IE: pleasing old school fans like myself), because the current gen of Sonic fans have parents to buy their games, so it's just easier for Sega that way as opposed to appealing to the poor college fans like myself, because I have definitely waited for the past three Sonic-related games to go down to atleast $20 before buying them. Again, I don't mean to offend anyone whose parents buy their games, I'm just going with what I've noticed. Sonic and the Secret Rings seems to be closer to the roots of Sonic than 2K6 right now, because it's just straight-forward running through levels.

This entry was longer than I meant for it to be, I'm done.

Youre thoughts, people?

How is Shadow Rediculous? I thought People Played Sonic Games for the fun and gameplay not the @#%$ Story and Sterotypes. What's Hot Topic and Agnst have to do with Shadow's and his Purpose. Shadow is down to earth and a bareable guy to be around, Sonic is a Annoying Shonen boy Hippy with OCD(Rediculous), Tails is a Kyubii Dork Wannabe Shinji Ikari ripoff(Rediculous), Knuckles is a Knuckle headed Retarded Hulk Jr with Gangsta Action(Ridiculous). So in conclusion Shadow angst's because he has a excuse to, Sonic, Tails and Knuckles and the rest act like themselves because Sonic Team thinks Their more Rediculous than Shadow's angst and emoness.

And Why bring up Character Devolpment, Who Cares? Shadow in SA2 had Badass Gameplay and a backround Story thats why he's popular.

BTW, Proves my Point, 2d purists want Shadow(only Shadow) to die. Hell if thats the case, make Blaze and Rouge's heads explode in the process.

Posts: 39
Eminent Member

I think you've already said this. About the the same quote I think. People don't like Shadow. Get used to it, I'm afraid.

Also well done to Weresheep for spoiling one of the levels that was discussed in that link over thar.

Im cool with People not liking Shadow (I mean nobody is truly loved by all), It's just that calling him sterotypes without proof is so inaccurate. I have to correct them all if I must. Sonic Fans nowadays are a bunch of idiotic morons with so much bias.|I

Posts: 39
Eminent Member

No, because Cream is just a regular rabbit how happens to fly. She maybe the wussiest character ever, but at least she isn't written to be totally outlandish and out of place in this particular series.

Shadow is yet another Sonic clone who has been artificially created who not only has been retconned into being part alien, who uses realistic guns and SUVs, but now Spoilers (Select To Read): he's part demon in what I'm assuming is either an attempt of damage control to why his character is so messed up(instead of attibuting it to poor writing) or an attempt to appease the "gothy Hot Topic" fur crowd as Duckttaped mentioned, who would use this as fodder to write more crappy fanfiction/poetry/whatever about how they understand how "deep" his character is or how they "wuv" Shadow: Tortured Hedgehog of Ebon

I wouldn't be surprised it in the next game he is revealed to be a vampire or some crap like that.

So yeah, he's the best character yet in this franchise.

fixed, Okay, If thats the case lets get on Sonic's Ass.
BTW, Cream's is Lamer than Tingle and Waluigi, the fact nobody like them, she's quified as Shadow's Inferior. Every body loves Shadow, nobody loves Cream.

Sonic is a poor attempt to attract Hip and New People that love characters who take the bull by the horns all day every day. By Riping off Mario, They put a bunch of Anime/Comic book/Video Games Cliches and Bad puns in the games and mix em into a blender, then they take mario's gameplay engine and turn into a Super Mario Bros On Crack with the same platfroming and the same items except it's speed based, The Character Rips off MArio's colors and The Main Enemy Ripoff Bowser in terms of weight. So Inconclusion Sonic is not original, you say Shadow's a clone of Sonic then Sonic's a Clone of Mario.

So Sonic is the most rediculous Character in Mario's Backside, and due to the fact People hate him overseas and Love Shadow calls the kettle black even more.

Posts: 39
Eminent Member

I'm with Ashide on this one. A character plot has never been this deep on a Sonic character since.......Uhhhh.....Hmmmm.....I think only Emerl ever got that close.

Some SEGA Sonic background would do me some good right about now. Cream has a tad more background then Sonic, quite seriously, as we know she currently lives with her mother. And a ridiculous blue bow-tie wearing Chao.

Tikal had a history. Chaos has one too (he has a 9th form in the manga @.@). Heck, Eggman has more backstory then Sonic. Knux....he just has anmnesia about his whole guardian thing, leading to SOME background there.

Rouge has a job. There's some backstory. Omega has a full 30 second backstory. That's more then Sonic AND Tails.

More blue hedgehog and yellow two tailed fox time would be nice.

....or maybe they already do, but we just don't know it? o.0

No she's not. And They only need to focus on the Game Play Rather Than the Story.

Posts: 39
Eminent Member

I'm not sure that this is true seeing that Mickey Mouse and Tom and Jerry is popular there. =P

I should mention that Sonic games in Japan sold relativly better in the Mega Drive era than today and Sonic was already a popular franchise in the U.S. before the Archie comics and the cartoons.

That was in the Past this is Now. And Mario is everody's @#%$, of course he doesn't need a backround story.

Posts: 39
Eminent Member

Personally, I think those nutty fans should be the ones to be commit hari-kiri.

Your nutty and biased the same applies to you, Mabey you should commit hari-kiri, so the world won't have to hear your useless opinion.

Posts: 39
Eminent Member


I'm not saying we know everything about Sonic. I'm saying there's no mystery because we don't NEED to know anything except that he's Sonic the Hedgehog. That's one of the reasons why the character is so great and timeless. Shadow is all about obsession with dark secrets. Sonic isn't.


We need to know something about Lameass Sonic or he won't get any cool points for his character in general. His Character Rips off every Shonen Boy in all of Fiction, Mario's great and Time less, Sonic's Mellow and a poser loser. Sonic is all about being mellow and speed crazy like a Hippy on Crack should be, Shadow's about sticking guns up your ass if you don't give him what he wants. And being another angst issue to attract more girls to Sonic. So, Shadow > Hippy The Hedgehog

Posts: 39
Eminent Member

Shadow's okay, but I'd honestly rather see more of Gamma or Mighty.

Shadow's okay??????? Shadow's the freakin best of them all. Migthy suck and gamma's dead.

God I love being right all the time.

Posts: 39
Eminent Member

I think the more alluring 'mystery' about Sonic would be how he can breeze through life and remain a carefree and optimistic guy in the face of adversity. That is what I could see Elise being intrigued by and admiring in Sonic. There's not really even a reason for that - that's just who Sonic is.

You know who Sonic Ripsoff in that senario?, Mario. Therefore Sonic is Shallow and a Boring Character just like Mario is. Therefore he sucks.

Posts: 39
Eminent Member

So finally in conclusion, Shadow's character is the best out of all off them because simply people admire Shadow for his ordeals in life, he's been to hell and back, he knows how his view on life is, thats why he's better and more successful than Sonic, He went trought Tough Times and had to face his demons whenn things got messy, He's basically the human emotion of every Human Being, Tragety, Happiness, Anger, Jelousy, Confidence , Drama, Compassion, Sarcasim, and Envy. Every one of those emotions that Humans display every day. Plus, the fact Shadow can make Sonic's day when he wants to, but chosses to be distant.

So, Shadow is more than a angst character that needs a stroy to move on, he is simply a noble hedgehog that knows who he is.The ULF.

Callling Shadow Rediculous is simply Rediculous in it's own right. Shadow's Incredible and Awesome, I hope he sticks around with Sonic until I die. Shadow is with out a doubt one of the greatest Video Game Characters of all time. And he's a secondary character:cackle . As long as Sonic needs someone to race or to fight or to rival for fun Shadow will be there.

Long live the Black Blur.:thumbsup

Silver will never supass Shadow in popularity, Neither will Knux or Tails or Blaze or whoever. Shadow's the original BA of Sonic. Period.

Posts: 262
Reputable Member

Why are you dredging up every negative comment ever said about Shadow?

I never thought we would have a nonatuplet double post.

Look its very obvious that you have a burning passionate fandom for Shadow. But to insult people's own opinions on Shadow and his character is rude at the least.

Oh no decatuplet sorry.

Posts: 1446
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Posts: 1355
Noble Member

Weresheep: Remember, keep spoilers unspoiled. Use spoiler tags.

Shadowshomeboy: What the hell, man? I thought I put you on the right track on your 4th post a few weeks ago. Guess I was wrong. I'm not going to give you any kind of official warning because you clearly didn't listen last time. You know that multi-posting is wrong, you know that flaming is wrong, you know that flame-baiting is wrong, and you know that table-stretching is wrong. Don't do it.

I suggest that everyone ignores all posts in his current style; besides them not really being suitable for rebuttals in the first place, it could just fan the fire before something's done.

Matt: Nice to see the image getting use again.

Posts: 1413
Noble Member

IGN has new trailer(I think)

Edit- False alarm is an old video. Wait to go IGN :annoyed

However I did find a new video of Ocean Wave and can finally listen to Silver voice.



Silver: "Get your game on"

Posts: 2191
Famed Member

at Silver's voice. He sounded better in the trailer.

And why does the 1UP jingle sounds like a jingle from NiGHTS?

Posts: 262
Reputable Member

Is there any way to download the Wave Ocean movie from the Dutch site?

Posts: 63
Trusted Member

Silver's voice seems a little more fitting. He's supposed to be younger and a little bratty. The trailer's voice had me thinking there'd be another Shadow in the making.


Posts: 1037
Noble Member


Erica, are those links broken or are they supposed to be a joke that has gone completely over my head?

The links seem to be working fine for me. o.o


Not to mention it'd have to be one heckuva fast train to keep up with Sonic.

High-speed trains travel at 200-300 km/h and those magnetic levitation trains can reach even higher top speeds (500+ km/h!).
We've already seen that Sonic's world has futuristic elements (flying cars in heroes, Metal City in Sonic Riders), so it's not that hard to assume that there might be faster trains in Sonic's world, too.
Besides, it's not that Sonic needs to outrun the train, maybe the train itself could be his target and there would be trains coming from the opposing directions which you'd have to dodge. (AAAAAACK x.o)
Or at least that's how it works out in my head.

Posts: 721
Prominent Member

With the "Gamma or Mighty" bit, I was saying, I like SHadow and all, I just happen to like THOSE two MORE. Shadow's here to stay (a fact that I find actually a GOOD thing, mind you), but SEGA has all of these OTHER characters running around in Sonic Limbo. I just hope they use them.

And, technically, Gamma HAS reappeared in the form of Chaos Gamma. His fate is left unknown.

All in all, Shadow IS one of my favorrite characters, just not to the extent of Sonic, Tails, Amy, Gamma, Mighty, or Knuckles, is all. That was NOT a negative comment against Shadow; in fact, if you count the mobile phone games, Shadow's had quite a few MORE appearances, including another solo outing (Shadow Shoot).
ALL of which I hope to get some day.

PS to Erika: THAT has GOT to be one of the BEST ideas I've ever heard. (drools at the thought of THAT being in the game)

Posts: 363
Reputable Member

*watches video*

I can't get over how much of Emerald Coast clone this Ocean Wave level seems to be, but it's cool to see more of the level in motion. Although, Sonic seems to be small copared to the size of the screen. I'm not complaining, just pointing out things I notice. Maybe it's the HD era that I'm not used to yet. What do you guys think?

Posts: 721
Prominent Member

I didn't get to see that video yet, so I don't know.

Posts: 2928
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[admin]Shadowshomeboy17, if you pull that spamming bullcrap again. It will mean a week ban.[/admin]


Posts: 377
Reputable Member


However I did find a new video of Ocean Wave and can finally listen to Silver voice.

The way the camera follows Sonic on those loop-de-loops is brilliant; has it always been like that, or did it pan-out or some other type of effect?

Haven't played the 3D games in a while here. 🙁

EDIT: Just saw the video with sound this time .... wow. Then again, Sonic games are typically excelling in the audio department.

Posts: 721
Prominent Member

It panned out. However, I think I'd PREFER to have the camera following Sonic. Good move, Sega.

Posts: 526
Honorable Member

This game may be shaping up after all. The camera did really well on that ocean level. Didn't seem to quite catch up all the time on the speed level though.

Posts: 1413
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Posts: 262
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Just seen the whole video.

Not sure why everyone is positive about the camera. It spazzed out when they went back for the 20 ring box under the ledge and it couldn't keep up during the mach speed area. And the controls looks too sensitive.

Level design does look quite good though. During Wave Ocean you notice little routes and short cuts.

Also Crisis City + Guitars = Rulez.

I don't know. Level Design, Level Art, Music and Graphics look good. But the camera and controls needs tightening.

I think its heading for 7/10 ratings.

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