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Official Sonic the Hedgehog (360/PS3) Topic

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Posts: 721
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That sonds pretty good, actually...

Posts: 1396
Noble Member

Watched the video, and I do think that the loops have taken a step in the right direction, but they still look to just be boost sections with no control given to the player. Also Sonic does look too fiddly at parts.

Silver still seems pertty uninteresting to me, other than there being a car left on the wall of a tilted skyscrapper...

Posts: 609
Honorable Member

Silver would officially be nicknamed "Trunks". You have to admit, that voice, matching with his personality and character (not to mention where he comes from), you could sense it's Trunks in hedgehog form.

The mach-speed portion of Sonic's gameplay, IMO, was amazing. I'm getting an adrenaline-rush already watching it.

Posts: 350
Reputable Member

Master Chief didn't have a mysterious backstory. Read the books.

Though the scar on his (Master Chief) face in the trailer is unknown to me. Don't know where that came from.

Next time I go to the cafe', I'll download the trailer. I'm good at voice matching. Also, I'll probably just look up the voice actor while I'm at it.

Posts: 1789
Noble Member


That sonds pretty good, actually...

7/10 is a C game. =(

Though in the movie the camera didn't looks as bad as the demo, however there still a chance that the camera in the final game wouldn't be good either. It still looked glitchy.

What is up with Sonic gliding on the water instead of running? It just looks sort of lazy from a programmer's perspective.

And yeah, Ocean Whatever is Emerald Coast redux.

At least the music is nice.

Posts: 2191
Famed Member

I always thought 6/10 was an average game. And 7/10 was an okay game.

And Sonic gliding on the water= teh 1337ness

Posts: 721
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He posted the 7/10 comment while I was typing a post in response to the Multiplayer Mode update, thank you very much.

Posts: 2354
Noble Member


What is up with Sonic gliding on the water instead of running? It just looks sort of lazy from a programmer's perspective.

I'm going to go and say it's probably the Physics engine: gravity is trying to get ahold of Sonic but it can succeed if Sonic was not running so fast.

Posts: 1355
Noble Member

5/10 is average; 7/10 is the average that gamers like to stick to.

Posts: 1789
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But most 5/10 games are too awful to be average. 😉

Posts: 2191
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5/10 is below average/exceptional
4/10 is poor
3/10 is bad
2/10 is horrible
1/10 is sucking
0/10 is where Big Rigs, Superman 64, and E.T come into view.

Posts: 1789
Noble Member

The way Sega is hyping this game, a 7/10 would be a disappointing score.

Posts: 262
Reputable Member

True, but then again 7/10 would be a bit of a save after the verdict of the demo.

I want to see how the other characters play other than Sonic, Silver and Shadow. Because if they aren't as fast as Sonic they might be a bit less sensitive to control and the camera might like to keep up with them.

Posts: 1413
Noble Member

I don't know. I seen games buggier(Half-Life 2, PoP Trilogy) and with worst control(GTA series) getting a high rating like 9 or 10. I think the reason was that the good outweighted the bad. Probably what gonna happened with this game too.

Posts: 859
Prominent Member

It's like watching the same train crash over and over again.

Except that it's worce each time. It slightly juggers (SA), shakes all over (SA2) comes off the rails (Heroes) and overturns (Shadow) and their still just mounting it up again and letting it run.

Yes, I do think this will be the best 3D Sonic game since SA2, but their touting such big improvements that we dont need. sometimes Sonic looks fine, smooth and fast in other videos he appears jerky and out of control, which is it?

Just delay the game, give it another 4 months. 2 more for tightening the programming, another 2 for testing. Then release it later, in the next season's rush.
Shadow could have been a much better game if they'd just ironed out a few flaws and spent time on the preparation.

There is SO much potential here but I get the feeling it'll come out the same as all the others. Oh well. If it's as good as SA2 i'll enjoy it, but i will be dissapointed with all these broken promises.

Posts: 377
Reputable Member


There is SO much potential here but I get the feeling it'll come out the same as all the others. Oh well. If it's as good as SA2 i'll enjoy it, but i will be dissapointed with all these broken promises.

I think the "When it's ready" is the best release time for any game, or any piece of art in general. Could they be rushing testing due to time limitations?

Somewhere around here, someone mentioned that this game will go through less testing than Shadow the Hedgehog, which makes me want to go off to a corner and cry ... twice.

Posts: 350
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The game IS supposed to celebrate Sonic's 15th anniversary, that may be the reason. It won't make sense if it is released next year, will it? But I guess that isn't a very good reason.

Another good reason could be that they have to either work on all the other SEGA games for the Wii (Echo, the other Sonic title, some others), or maybe another next gen Sonic title that they just aren't telling us about.

Posts: 721
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I'd like the last reason to be right...

Posts: 1789
Noble Member



Just delay the game, give it another 4 months. 2 more for tightening the programming, another 2 for testing. Then release it later, in the next season's rush.



I think the "When it's ready" is the best release time for any game, or any piece of art in general. Could they be rushing testing due to time limitations?

C'mon guys! They have been doing this since the JP version Sonic Adventure 1. You should be used to this right now! =)

Posts: 721
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Just because something's been happening for a while doesn't make it okay!

Posts: 3291
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he wasn't saying that it made this okay, but just that we should be more used to it.

Posts: 721
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If something isn't right, then why get used to it?

Posts: 2016
Noble Member

Violence against Sonic games.

It has to stop.

Posts: 859
Prominent Member

I think my last post summed up being used to it.

Like watching a Train crash repeat itself, I think thats what I said :x
And it's true. This game has a lot of potential but equally it could all go so wrong. Don't launch it as a reinvention if it's not.

Shadow was Sonic Adventure 2.5
Sonic Heroes was Sonic oddballl
Please, please dont make this Sonic Adventure 3, after all the promises, please.

Posts: 1789
Noble Member

Dude, all signs point that this will be a Sonic Adventure 3. The real Sonic reinvention is the Wii game.:lol


he wasn't saying that it made this okay, but just that we should be more used to it.

She and I was being sarcastic.

Posts: 4607
Famed Member

I think that's giving WAY too much credit to Secret Rings, really.

Posts: 3756
Famed Member


Silver's voice seems a little more fitting. He's supposed to be younger and a little bratty. The trailer's voice had me thinking there'd be another Shadow in the making.

Well, watching this video, I think it isn't a different voice. It's very similar; it's just a different tone of voice in the trailer.

Posts: 1789
Noble Member


I think that's giving WAY too much credit to Secret Rings, really.

At least is drasticlly different than SA3. =D

Posts: 262
Reputable Member

Apparently some new Sonic music leaked out on to the Internets:

Quote:Okay, I have NO WAY to verify if these are songs in the game, but someone sent them to me a while ago, and I emailed the songs to SEGA, asking if it was their material, and they sent me back, suprisingly, saying yes, the music was their's. So I'll post it here, and we'll see if it's used in the game. It sounds nice, anyway.

This seems to be some type of boss music-

This song sounds like it belongs in Dusty Desert-

I wonder what these are...?

They sound a bit PSO to me.

Posts: 377
Reputable Member

Hmm, they're not playing for me, but I guess that's a good thing.

Spoilers are teh lame.

Posts: 5772
Illustrious Member

Spoilers are generally a bad thing.

Completely ripping the game script and posting it online make Mana cry.

Posts: 3291
Famed Member


She and I was being sarcastic.

gimmie a break, i make typos by the dozen. 😛

Posts: 2354
Noble Member

Why would people spoil the stories!

Posts: 4607
Famed Member

...but they're posting music. How the heck does that qualify as SPOILERS? We don't even know what the context for the tunes is.

Posts: 350
Reputable Member

If songs were spoilers, then the main theme to every 3D Sonic game would be a spoiler.

Posts: 377
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...but they're posting music. How the heck does that qualify as SPOILERS? We don't even know what the context for the tunes is.

Well, anything that the Developers haven't intended to be released that regards the game could be considered Spoilers.

I love the music, and I'd like to be surprised on some of them, rather than being spoiled and already expecting the sound of the next level. Though, I'll look at anything unofficially released anyways, just because I can't control my curiousity. :>

Posts: 262
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Carry on.

Posts: 2016
Noble Member

One way or another, I'm going to get all 1000 of those points worth of achievements.

Even if I have to go to Hell and back.

Plus, I kinda need it. It sucks having only 1700 compared to everyone on my friends list who have like 3000+. =/

EDIT: Oh, and judging by the last achievements, looks like you CAN play as the other characters. Thought that was a rumour. Oh well.

Posts: 350
Reputable Member


Even if I have to go to Hell and back.

Could you pick me up some milk while you're there?

With it coming out this December, I'm anxious to kill me some bots with Tails. Mmmm....gizmos....

Posts: 889
Prominent Member

Hey spiner storm,I finally found someone with a lower gamer points than me! I have 1800

Posts: 2016
Noble Member

Hey, Abac, I don't play that many 360 games.

And Were, get your own milk. I'm not forkin' out monies for no one. I ain't no money tree.

OH, and another thing I found of interest on the achievements page, it's got nothing about completing anything online. So, this makes me wonder what the online capabilities for the game are, seeing as how there don't seem to be any achievements for any online mode.

Posts: 377
Reputable Member

What, no achievement for unlocking Super Sonic and beating the game with him? : That's what I imagine when I hear "back to the roots", but that become a false-promise a loong time ago.

Posts: 262
Reputable Member

Now surprisingly there are a few surprises. Nice.

From Blackarms of SonicAnime
Spoilers (Select To Read): The pictures on the side are the unlockables.

I'll give you all an idea of how this works-

Basicly, you clear objectives and unlock the following. Some are just titles, it seems. Though from what I can make out-

Complete all missions in a character story- Unlock Difficult Mode for character (I knew the "Clear Super-Hard Mode" mission tiles I showed a while ago were more than just an extra mission...)

Collect all S-Ranks with all characters- Unlock the REAL last story ending. (This is even a suprise to me)

I explained in the other topic all about silver and Gold Soleana medals.

Once you get all S-Ranks, you can buy "Super" in the shops. This confirms that Super is playable in the levels!

Complete all of the Town Stage Missions (with any rank)= Unlock Tails.

Complete all of the Missions given by the agent (GUN Commander) (With any rank)= Unlock Rouge

Complete all of the missions to the mystery of Soleana (Any Rank)= Unlock Blaze

Complete all of the Town Stage Missions (S-rank)= Unlock Knuckles.

Complete all of the Missions given by the agent (GUN Commander) (S-Rank)= Unlock Omega

Complete all of the missions to the mystery of Soleana (S-Rank)= Unlock Amy

Posts: 859
Prominent Member

If the above is true I'll be happy. That's exactly the kind of things that the Sonic Games needs, real unlockables, proper presentation and yes, finally, something that makes this game actually sort of back to roots.
Can't say any more cos it'd be a spoiler but, if it;'s true. YES!!!!!!!!!!!!

I'm still waiting to see the final product though.

Posts: 5772
Illustrious Member

It's not "back to its roots" until they implement an easily exploitable debug mode. 😮

Posts: 363
Reputable Member

Back to roots = sound test. The only unlockable anyone needs. Ever.

Posts: 1355
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Posts: 1241
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Up, Down, Left, Right A+Start plz

Posts: 1413
Noble Member

Man, those achievements sound pretty good. I hope getting a S ranks is easier in this game than in SA2 A ranks.

Posts: 350
Reputable Member

Damn, I wish I knew how to make spoilers....

No matter. But I think the REAL last ending thing is BS (not saying it ain't true, just saying that I'm flabbergasted), 'cuz it'll make it the hardest game since Sonic Advance 3!

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