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Official Sonic the Hedgehog (360/PS3) Topic

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Posts: 409
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Whoa! This game is even more incredible that I was expecting!

A couple of thoughts:

-New style robots! Made by Eggman? Hmm...
-I hope this game will feature the Hidden Palace from S3&K

Cyc: I really wish I understood what you said, more. I'm familiar with bitrates, but I don't seem to understand them.

By the way, I'm going to release an Archie-related fancomic
June 23, in time for Sonic's 15th Anniversary. It won't be based on this game, but I may use it's "15th Anniversary Logo" to put on the bottom left-hand corner of the comic cover. ;)

Whooey. I'm going to sleep!

Posts: 439
Reputable Member


-New style robots! Made by Eggman? Hmm...

Well we can assume it's Eggmans robots, even thought we haven't seen him in the game yet. They definitely look more threatening than the Egg Pawns, which I liked and thought of as the next best successor to the badniks Eggman used to employ, but it's time to move on.

The new 'bots have a very "LEGO Bionicle" appearance.

Posts: 286
Reputable Member

Mt pet name for the StH robots is 'E-3000'. And you know what? After a while that started to fit even more for me, because they look quite like the E-100s from side-on. See the one in the background here:
The one facing left. His head is cut off as he's high up the screen, but I really think he looks like Beta.

Posts: 1381
Noble Member

Heh, you're right, Cyber, it does look like one of the E-100 series robots.

Posts: 78
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The E-3000 robots have already appeared in Sonic Heroes...

Posts: 1827
Noble Member

No they were the E-2000.
E-100 Series - SA1.
E-1000 Series - SA2. The Gamma look-a-likes.
E-2000 Series - Sonic Heroes. Both the Yellow and Red Versions are E-2000. I think the Yellow ones are E-2000R s. in the strategy guide.
And you call yourself a Sonic fan? :p
Weren't the two robots in Riders E-10000 R and G?

Posts: 194
Estimable Member

Does anyone know where I can download the demo gameplay footage of this game? I've already seen the one where Sonic seems to be shot and then goes Super at the end.

Posts: 1827
Noble Member

Teh IGN Stuff

They got two videos. A Fable-esque Time of Day and a game play video.

Posts: 194
Estimable Member

Yikes. That's a good point. I know no one here wants to get caught up in to horribly hyping buzz that fell flat when we first began hearing about Heroes. *shudders*

However, isn't this what we've been asking for for the past few years? No new characters in sight. No old characters cluttering the place. Just pure and good old Sonic goodness. We still can't judge the game until each of us had a real chance to play it. Naka and Sega really know how to hype their games and make us rush out and buy it as soon as we can. And unfortunately, ince it's Sonic, they know that as long as the game is good, not neccesarily great, it will sell, becuase Sonic is thier major masot.

Thanks John!

Posts: 439
Reputable Member

Actually the Eggman mech that appeared in Sonic X episode 68 was called E-3000 (in the French sub at least). It looked like a Zaku from Gundam, mostly due to the colour scheme and mono-eye. And that wouldn't be the first time Eggman has been dipping into Universal Century technology *looks at Egg Emperor from SH*. Eggy is definitely pro Zeon.

Posts: 39
Eminent Member

Gamepro have a new preview in there magazine on this game. Here are some scans of the magazine. The game looks awesome.

Posts: 1355
Noble Member

Thanks for the link. My observations/views:

- The article states that the model has over 1mil polys. I don't think it's reached that...yet, at least.

- Sonic's legs have had another minute elongation, as have his feet. His shoes also have a more intricate pattern on the soles now, and they seem to be experimenting with giving him an actual uu shape at the middle of his "eyebrows" like he is sometimes depiced to have in art.

In addition, his blue colour seems to have undergone a slight darkening and de-saturation{could be due to it being a scan}, and this model has a few minute changes from the one we saw in previous footage, such as the uu being more prominent and the entire thing having more polys.

- Lightspeed/ring dashes are confirmed.

- GI so had cash stuffed up their ass and were coaxed into embellishing the game. Either that or the other, more obvious and rather ominous option: fanboy bias.

Posts: 1827
Noble Member

I actually got most of the scans before they went on the zip file.
I think the graphics are looking great but again that could be the scan. Sonic's shoes look very uncomfortable.
Edit: Ohhhhh Its like a poo version of file planet.

Posts: 1396
Noble Member

Can anyone put the scans on something that's easier to access, the damn thing doesn't seem to be letting me download at all.

Posts: 4885
Illustrious Member

I can't get the download working either, plus I'm at work without Winzip, if someone could upload the images I would be in their debt! :)

Posts: 1355
Noble Member

You should thank Lighthead rather than me. ...By donating to the server. >_>

Resized and optimized:


And since I can't be bothered to edit my previous post:

- GP so had

Typo fixXx.

Posts: 4885
Illustrious Member

The soles look absoloutely sexy, but urge that's an akward grinding position. I hate grinding full stop, but urg. At least in SA2 he curved his body just right for the action.

I'm sure it looks delicious in full motion, like in the tech spec video, but the screens of his stretch armstrong limbs and spine look a bit ugly and I'm not a fan of the faded blue.

Still, as I said, gotta wait for videos.

Posts: 1396
Noble Member

He is starting to look more greyish now, but so do the colours in the level, could be due to the lighting and weather effects. Even so, I hope he is more colourful throughout, plus I quite like the stretched look.

Still looks like it'll be following the current formula since Heroes though, here's hoping the new physics give it something that'll help the control.

Posts: 2097
Noble Member

The even longer legs just seems weird, I know they've been getting longer ever since Sonic Adventure, but I think this is going a bit to far. His eyebows also scare me, that crazy shape just above his nose also.

But I wnt to see full on playable level videos before i can decide on a verdict about this. The dya to night changing system looks like it could work well though, as for the "Sonic blur" thing, it has potential, but I'd like to see how they're going to use it.

Posts: 1413
Noble Member

Wow:eek :eek
Those graphics are awesome. Just WOW
PS3 sold(like hell I going to buy X-Box 360).

Posts: 286
Reputable Member

I think Sonic was at his best color-wise in the original Dreamcast version of SA1 (where he also sported a basic but still great texture on his blue parts).
That's a beautiful blue there. Not too bright and glaring, not dull and boring - a true, suiting Sonic blue.

I also think he was at his best proportions-wise in that game. I'm all for Sonic looking leaner and more athletic, but I think he can look that way without having an anorexic torso. Still, this is a really pretty nice model (though yeah, theat grind position :0o ).

Posts: 1789
Noble Member

I like how this article emphasis the graphic engine but seems to ignore how this game will play.:jester

Pretty graphics doesn't mean anything if the gameplay is broken.

Posts: 1818
Noble Member

It's GamePro. What were you expecting, real journalism?

Posts: 5
Active Member

Man, those screenshots are lookin' HOT! I can't wait for this to come out. This is why i'm getting a Playstation 3.

Posts: 336
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The reason they didn't comment on the gameplay is probably due to the fact nobody's had a real hands-on demo of anything close to the finished game. If it plays as well as it looks, I'm sold.

Posts: 1818
Noble Member

The reason they didn't comment on the gameplay is probably due to the fact nobody's had a real hands-on demo of anything close to the finished game.
Then they shouldn't have done a huge feature on it. I'm sorry, but if you're doing a huge feature and all you have is a bunch of screenshots that everyone's already seen, then you fail.

Posts: 4885
Illustrious Member

Gotta agree with that, Cyke. All we have is that Gamespec demo, and judging from that we've got pits and rails a plenty. It's just going to be Sonic Heroes with tolerable controls and pretty graphics, I know it will.

Posts: 1827
Noble Member

Agrees with Cyc. Mind you its the whole magazine pays Sega to show off Sonic 06 and they have to promote that. So brief history of Sonic and a few new screens and job done. *surprised that the scans havent gone the way of the MK: Armageddon/GI stuff and dissapeared*

I'd like to say that we have only seen one level I think. Maybe 2 Acts of said level. The first part is the Windy Valley a like level and the second part is the Forest/Ruin level culminating in the death of Krillin. Then Super Sonic gets all emo and smites his enemies. Which does seem to be more expansive than the first bit.

Mind you though it would be nice to put in the bad points section just: Boring Level Design.

Posts: 194
Estimable Member

Sega's just doing the same old thing: Crazy Hype.

Even if it fails in gameplay aspects no one can say it wasn't pretty. But grafics and shiny effects won't make a game, and we all are smart enough to know that.

Posts: 336
Reputable Member


Then they shouldn't have done a huge feature on it. I'm sorry, but if you're doing a huge feature and all you have is a bunch of screenshots that everyone's already seen, then you fail.

A job's a job. If they get told to do a 4-pager on a 10% complete game then they'll pull out as much filler material as they have to, unfortunately. The new screenshots stopped it from being totally useless, I suppose.

Besides which, this may be old news to us, but for those out there without internets or who are more likely to trust print news it could be the first real heads-up to the game's existance.

Posts: 1413
Noble Member

Amazing. Looking at the new close up screenshots at the Sonic Stadium board, I notice that you can see stuff being reflected in Sonic eyes.

Posts: 194
Estimable Member

After getting the magazine and reading the article myself, you know it was filler and that nothing they say should be taken seriously.
At the end, after a page on Riders, we get a main character page. It claims Shadow was created by Doctor Eggman, Tikal premiered in SA2:Battle, and that Knuckles protects the Chaos Emeralds (with Tikal!). None are related to the games, it's just random info they threw in to add another page.

Posts: 4885
Illustrious Member

Ok, seeing things reflected in Sonic's eyes like that is just the ultimate proof that graphically, this is going to be the best thing Sega have ever had their name attached to.

Yes, Cycle, I'm guessing that there are about a billion PC games which can blow it apart, but this is Sonic! We've been stuck in the Dreamcast era graphics for the past 8/9 years, this is a HUGE jump and I'm awed.

*Sigh* I'm going to buy this and it'll suck...

Posts: 222
Estimable Member

It *CAN'T* suck.

You liked the Adventure Series right, Craig?

Heroes and Shadow sucked. Why?

1) Stupid Team Gimmick, no Story.
2) Angsty Main-Character who does nothing but whine and is extremely unlikable.
3) No continuity with the other games whatsoever.

Eh. It looks to me like they're atleast putting a little more effort into this.

Posts: 4885
Illustrious Member

I liked Sonic Adventure 1.

Not 2.

Posts: 3468
Famed Member

I loved both Adventures. Heroes sucked. Shadow was okay, weak story. VERY weak.

This will own. Seriously own...If SEGA doesn't f*ck it up.

But yeah, in-game graphics looking like the rare Shadow prerender film? Plus. No billions of ripoff characters? Plus. No crappy team-play and a supposedly strong storyline? Plus. Sonic "back to it's roots"? Plus. Speed blur graphics? Plus.

But, as with Shadow, we shall have to wait to see.

Posts: 1827
Noble Member

There are a lot more of those pictures. >_> Sega could be watching me.

Anyway you will notice that Sonic's socks crumple and an eagle.

But the thing is that we have only seen one level. still. I just really hope the next level is a factory. Dont know why but it will feel right.

Posts: 1396
Noble Member


I just really hope the next level is a factory. Dont know why but it will feel right.

I'd like to see that, and entirely animated enviroment where nothing stays still, really industrial, like the Metropolis Zone in Sonic 2. ^.^

Posts: 1789
Noble Member


It *CAN'T* suck.

You liked the Adventure Series right, Craig?

Heroes and Shadow sucked. Why?

1) Stupid Team Gimmick, no Story.
2) Angsty Main-Character who does nothing but whine and is extremely unlikable.
3) No continuity with the other games whatsoever.

Eh. It looks to me like they're atleast putting a little more effort into this.

Just so you know, Sonic Team USA is making this.

They are the ones responsible of Adventure 2, Heroes, and Shadow.

But hey, there is a 50/50 chance that it won't completely suck since Shun Nakamura is directing it instead of Takashi Iizuka who was in charge of the last 3 games.

Posts: 286
Reputable Member

If it turns out like SA2, I'll be happy. If it turns out like SA1 I'll be overjoyed. If it turns out like Heroes or Shadow I'll eat cyanide. I'm going to echo others' sentiments and say that this is going to be the make or break point - if they screw this up, abandon all hope forever. If it turns out decent - it might actually finally be okay to look forward to subsequent games in confident optimism again.

I'm very glad to know Iizuka ain't in control here, that's a little bit of a confidence builder, at least.

Posts: 1413
Noble Member


Just so you know, Sonic Team USA is making this.

Actually I seem to remember reading somewhere that it was Sonic Team Japan that was making the game not the ST USA.

Posts: 1355
Noble Member

edit: oops

Posts: 1413
Noble Member

:eek HSW is alive :eek

Posts: 222
Estimable Member

I thought Iizuka was the director for SA1, too...

Posts: 194
Estimable Member

Then all hope for him as a director is lost. Nakamura-san, please save us from the crap that Sega has created! :cries:

Posts: 18
Eminent Member

Sorry if this has been posted somewhere but its bugging me and I dont feel like trudging through ten pages to see if it has. Is it confirmed yet whether or not this game will be available for the Revolution? I remember that when I first heard about this game, it was unconfirmed because little was known about the mysterious Nintendo console, but I was wondering if any new info was available. Thanks!

Posts: 4885
Illustrious Member

All we have at the moment is a rumour that there may be a seperate game being made for the Revolution, that's unclear and only one source have quoted it.

Posts: 377
Reputable Member


Gamepro have a new preview in there magazine on this game. Here are some scans of the magazine. The game looks awesome.

"We're really trying to make this game as enjoyable as possible, so right now, we're really dedicated to that task." That is the best thing I've read all these years for an article on a new Sonic game.

This is the first time in years where I have felt a sense of relief and confidence to Sonic Team. After Sonic Adventure, I have felt that they have gone downhill, but from the tone of that article, and what Naka said, I'm finally putting my trust into this new project.

As someone said earlier, this will either make or break. The same may go for me, even though I'm naturally bonded to these Sonic games from playing them since the first one on the SEGA Genesis.

I know there is hardly any footage, but the style of the game so far is just perfect in my eyes. If the levels are as big as the article said (and remember that GamePro are getting this information from Sonic Team themselves), then I will be extremely happy.

The best part to consider is the fact that the team is making this game over sheer "nostalgia." Also, they are actually trying to make a solid story, from sources read.

Come E3, I hope to see more. :thumbsup

Posts: 4607
Famed Member

So, is there any reason the wrapping is beating you 'round the head with "PS3 SONIC! PS3 SONIC! PS3 EXCLUSIVE PREVIEW! SONIC ON PS3! PS-FREAKIN'-3! Oh, wait, 360? What's that?" It's just very... odd. And slightly biased, don't you think?

Posts: 222
Estimable Member

I hope that 'solid story' isn't "Sonic needs the Chaos Emeralds to stop Eggman from making his doomsday weapon of doom! Only to find that one Badnik from Sonic 2 has returned! Harboring deep seated feelings of REVENGE.

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