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Official Sonic the Hedgehog (360/PS3) Topic

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Spoilers (Select To Read) ...

Silver- Silver moves slower than Sonic and Shadow, but his game is more focused on his powers and puzzles. Silver require more brain than Sonic and Shadow's game.

Lol, requires more brain. Bad pun. xD
These spoilers make me happy, it seems each character is different in his/her own way. n.n
I especially like how they're all divided into speed/melee/puzzle and then according to their abilities.

Posts: 1758
Noble Member

That sounds like the way a multicharacter Sonic game SHOULD play. Especially Tails and Omega. Maybe they actually got that right this time, whether there's too much linearity or not. *Sigh* This makes the lack of Chaotix even more disappointing. Espio's stealth and wall run would fit nicely in that mix, and I could see a number of possibilites for Vector.

Do the characters play the same levels, with abilities determining the path? Or is it like Blaze and Amy get Silver's puzzle levels?

Posts: 1446
Noble Member

I'm pretty curious to see if we're going to get any of the other main characters as NPCs. I'm not expecting Mighty or Fang or anything, but I'll be quite surprised if, say, Cream and Big and the Chaotix don't make any appearance at all.

Spoilers (Select To Read): I also wonder if the "partner" characters are gonna be mix and matched, or whether each of the three hedgehogs will alternate strictly between their two tagalongs (Tails/Knux for Sonic, Rouge/Omega for Shadow, Amy/Blaze for Silver).

Posts: 262
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Quote: Veckums

This makes the lack of Chaotix even more disappointing. Espio's stealth and wall run would fit nicely in that mix, and I could see a number of possibilites for Vector.

Hey, Mr Sonic HQ man, turn that frown upside down.

Quote: OCB on the GHZ

Also, there will be free downloadable content, in the form of character skins. But most of it will charge. On the plus side, you will be getting extra levels.

Its not a perfect solution but its better than nowt.

Also, it seems there are the returns of Acts (The Xbox Live Demo of Sonic in Kingdom Valley was 1 Act apparently) in the game. While I have seen Shadow, Sonic and Silver go through silimar areas of Crisis City, it would seem there are only places a certain character can go. So for Sonic its the Mach Speed Areas, for Shadow its routes only accessible by his vehicles and for Silver its areas only his mind can access.

Posts: 1758
Noble Member

Downloadable Chaotix skins would be better than nothing and very welcome, but I'm afraid they'll just be alts like Sonic in PSO costumes.

This was probably posted here already. Sonic's game looks AWFUL. He seems to be hard to control and have camera issues, and 90% of the level is bouncing on pre-scripted springs, walls, and loops.
rgets to control the level in a pre-scripted way.
Silver looks a lot more interesting (wow he can save himself from the overuse of pits), but it also looks a bit contrived too, like you have to hit specific obvious ta

This video makes me think of Sonic Dragon's Lair.

Posts: 889
Prominent Member

I hate watching sonic glide on that water instead of running on it, but playing as silver looks very fun, I don't think i'll have fun trying to get good with him though, it looks kind of hard to lift a crate and accurately hurle it at an enemy.
And when sonic goes into the mach speed thingy or whatever its called when he hits a tree he should just hit the ground instead of still flying forwards; it looks like a giant fan is pushing sonic forward instead of him running.

Also: (if not already confirmed) wikipedia states that all main characters (sonic,shadow,silver) will have their super forms fully playable. Which brings a big question to my mind: what will silver's super form look like. But we all know we can't believe every thing we read on wikipedia, so we'll just have to wait

Posts: 859
Prominent Member

Veckums, thats a reasonably old video...
Some, not all but some of the issues in there seem to play better on newer ones. The other mach speed sections I've seen have looked better, although I do agree the animation when you get hit is... ugh

Actually, the last video I saw made me kind of hopeful. THe enviromental trailer. Everything raelly did remind me of Sonic Adventure, wonderfully like Sonic Adventure only with much better graphics and slightly more going on around you. The levels look denser, like there's more to do and more paths to take and everything's just expanded on a bit more.

Sonic Adventure 3 was the baseline of what everyone expected, and at the moment I'm in a goodmood so I'll say it's on track for that.

Not a reinvention, but a return to a form it's not had since SA2... Fingers crossed :rolleyes

Posts: 1413
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First review

Play Magazine gives Sonic 9.5.

Posts: 2191
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*spits out milk*


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Man what

Posts: 56
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*spits out milk*


My reaction exactly. NINE POINT FIVE?! That's, like, a perfect score. I hope this guy knows his games.

Posts: 439
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I think the guy who posted the 9.5 left out the /100 bit.

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Posts: 377
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I CALL BS. *Waits for other reviews*

Posts: 609
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Anyone familiar with show called "Game On"?

According to Blackarms, the show gave Sonic an 8.7. Apparently they acknowledge the issues that have been in every 3D Sonic game so far, but these issues don't affect the game that much.

Posts: 2191
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*spits out rum*


Posts: 609
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Well, that's 2 reviews. However, I don't know either one of them. I mean, I know Play Magazine, but I don't know if they are very reliable when it comes to reviews. Anyone know?

Posts: 2191
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There are NO websites that are totally reliable for reviews. The one, IMO, that comes close is GameTrailers

Posts: 4607
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No, actually, there really just isn't any one website totally reliable for reviews. That's why you check out places like GameRankings or MetaCritic for the overall scope. That's significantly better.

Or, best of all, if you don't mind parting with a bit of cash, you can always rent it and come up with the verdict yourself. THAT is the most trustworthy one, really - your own judgement.

Posts: 609
Honorable Member

That's true. Very true. But, I really can't help going with other people's reviews. It's just me. I feel like a failed human being because of that.

Posts: 931
Prominent Member

Actually, EuroGamer is pretty solid.
They actually bother to review things in detail.

Posts: 534
Honorable Member

9.5? That's awesome.
But in the end, it all comes down to what YOUR view of who Sonic is and how he should be played, you know?

Posts: 377
Reputable Member

Well, it's good to know that things may be good after all. It's been a looong while since I experienced a real Sonic game that actually had some replayability (SA2). Sonic Rush might've done it for me, but I don't own a DS.

Gamespot usually gives me reliable reviews ... with the exception of a few games (I actually loved Sonic Shuffle!)

Posts: 363
Reputable Member

Woo, 100 pages.

Anyway, I stopped by EB Games today to ask if they still had any Sonic statues left since the supply will be limited. The manager didn't know what I was talking about, but said that usually when they get items with games that they don't learn of them until the actual shipment comes in. Basically, I'm concerned whether or not statues are actually shipping with the game tomorrow in the US.

I can't tell you how many times I've asked a Gamestop/EB Games employee about something on their website and they've been clueless. Rant aside, can anyone confirm the availability of statues? Maybe some of you have had better luck with a more informed employee.

Posts: 261
Reputable Member

i used to work at eb...we just kept all the cool free stuff for ourselves...
i've got bean bag Donkey Kong 64 characters, a pewter Lara Croft, a Road Rash CD, promo tees and a bunch of other cool stuff
point being, they might have got a few sonics but some employee has called dibs on'em and they are in the back room

Posts: 889
Prominent Member

I just pre ordered, the bad thing about pre ordering is that I spent $76.50 on it(I put 1 day shipping) but I know I get the little figure with it and I only have to wait 1 day.

PLUS: Tomorow's the big day, the game ships and I totally can't believe it; ive been waiting more than a year for this game! :)

ALSO: has any one heard of any more town stages besides soleana?

Posts: 3756
Famed Member

Yeah, there's more than those. I don't remember where I saw it, but there was more.

Posts: 1789
Noble Member


First review

Play Magazine gives Sonic 9.5.

Ah, Dave Halverson.

He also considers Knuckles Chaotix one of the greatest platformers ever.

Take that as you will.

Posts: 3756
Famed Member

:( Dang...

Posts: 363
Reputable Member


i used to work at eb...we just kept all the cool free stuff for ourselves...

Heh. People like you caused me to stop shopping at a certain electronic store all together. No offence or anything, because I would probably do the same. I don't know why I didn't consider that possibility sooner though. Oh well. Here's hoping they have a few left by the time I get there tomorrow.

Posts: 526
Honorable Member

Well I hope it's as good as that score. I took the day off of work Wendesday just to play it all day. I might make a seperate thread that will give you updates on the game as I play it, and what I think about it.

Posts: 1413
Noble Member


He also considers Knuckles Chaotix one of the greatest platformers ever.

So? He likes Psychonauts, one of the best games that nobody is playing(there weren't any hookers to kill or cars to steal so not a lot people have play it) and one of my favorite.

Finally the game arrive today .

Posts: 261
Reputable Member

i love chaotix...its usually people that cant get used to the rubber band mechanic that dont like it.

it was a well made, and long, game.

Posts: 377
Reputable Member

Wow, I didn't realize it released today -- and on Gamespot, it seems those who got it really like it thus far.

I'll definitely give my review of how it controls compared to the demo tomorrow, unless someone gets a hold of it today.

Posts: 2191
Famed Member

Maybe it's time for me to update that expectation list one last time. o.o

I just don't want anyone to overreact about the game and wound up slitting their wrists. o.o

Posts: 1355
Noble Member

I'll definitely give my review of how it controls compared to the demo tomorrow, unless someone gets a hold of it today.

I would appreciate it if everyone who gets the game gives their views, even if it's just to say "I agree" at someone else. I'm very interested in how different this game really is from any footage/reports we've gone over prior to it's release.

Posts: 363
Reputable Member


I would appreciate it if everyone who gets the game gives their views, even if it's just to say "I agree" at someone else. I'm very interested in how different this game really is from any footage/reports we've gone over prior to it's release.

I agree.:cuckoo

Seriously though, the more opinions the better, because maybe someone in the "bizz" will actually listen if they haven't already fixed past flaws with this new game.

Posts: 2809
Famed Member

Well, I pre-ordered my copy Sunday; so, I called EB this morning and the guy said that the shipment should arrive sometime before one. However, I called again about 10 minutes ago, and the guy I got this time said it probably won't come in until some time later this week.:(

Posts: 350
Reputable Member

I've decided to get a 360 instead of a PS3. I saw the commercial for next gen Sonic, and it comes out in the USA in Nov. 17. Wow.

This is a good decision on my part.

Posts: 2191
Famed Member

Well here it is for the last time, if anyone cares. The so called list. The sad thing is, I won't be getting the game because I'm not getting a PS3 or a 360. :(

1) STILL Expect long stages
With three main characters, the stages are going to be fairly long. Even when you play as the other 6 minor characters, the levels would still be long. Nothing more to say really except expect long stages.

2) Expect a story like from Sonic Heroes (ignore)
Well now we know the story is going to be first rate so screw this rule. (Also, it could have made a great movie)

3) China's one baby rule is nothing but bullsh.... I mean, still expect camera problems
I probably wouldn't be able to stress this enough if I can. Yes, there are rumors going around that the camera is better. Even a review said it improve. But really, nothing's perfect. Expect the camera to do something crazy at least once. (Also, be a dear and tell when. It'll be fun. ^.^)

4) DON'T try to compare this game to S3&K
I can't stress this enough either. Recent example, Super Mario Sunshine. Okay game, people were just stupid. I hope Mario Galaxy won't suffer the fate of 64. And this game goes the same for S3&K. Comparing two different games is pointless. I don't want injustice or favoritism.

5) Don't count on IGN, Gamespot, or rabid Sonic fanboys for reviews
So far, we saw two reviews gave a score higher than 8. I'm pretty sure you're tempted to think this game will be good. Now I'm not saying it'll be bad, but I am saying think for yourself. You're not children, you can think for yourself.

6) Don't swallow too much hype
There's nothing wrong with some hype. Everybody wants to watch a trailer that makes their mouth drool. The drools drips on their pants and it looks like they wet themselves. But, IMO, the biggest thing that mercilessly killed Sonic Heroes, was its overwhelming hype. Let's hope Sonic 06 won't suffer the same fate. (And yes, nothing was change here. o.o)

7) Expect some stopping places in the stages
Not even the Genesis games were ALL about speed. Because if it was, we would have ONLY pressed the right button and nothing else to get from left to right. 2D Sonic games had some stopping places and major obsticles, so odds are this game will to. Sheesh, IMO, S3&K was extremely slow during the later levels but still a blast nevertheless. The occasional puzzle solving during a run is good. Rememeber, this is platformer game at heart.

8 Expect a FEW multiple paths
Not to the degree of Genesis sereis though. More like multiple paths from Shadow the Hedgehog. Some of stages in that game branched off into different directions. Death Ruins, Final Huant, and Cryptic Castle were some prime examples. Whether or not certain paths must be taken because of missions like in Shadow still remains to be unseen. (Although, different characters with different abilities going through the same stage might make it true)

9) And this probably my most important one. PRAY THAT SEGA DON'T LISTEN TO THE FANS!!!! (Ignore)
It's on shelves now, why bother?

Now most people here find me as a pain in the ass, but I still don't want another fiasco period. And if caring about the respect of a game makes me a jackass, then so be it. I just the love series that's all. Good luck, Good bye, and GODSPEED!

P.S.: If you have rules you think that is nessacary please tell me and I'll take it. If it's reasonable. =/

Posts: 350
Reputable Member

China has a two baby rule. You're one off. And it's not BS, the dang country is overpopulated.

Heck, Japan I think has the same rule. It's about the size of California, but nearly twice the population of the whole US (207 MILLION).

Posts: 5035
Illustrious Member

I'm almost sure the US is nearing the 300 million mark in population. Maybe. =P

Posts: 350
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In 2003, USA was 117 MILLION I beleive. Japan was like, 207 Million. More likely then not, those numbers have increased.

Posts: 4607
Famed Member

You're way off. We've been more around 300 million for quite a while - believe me, we recently got all excited about the whole "300 millionth citizen" thing just this year, and it's incredibly doubtful 183 million people would just up and appear out of nowhere in three years.

Posts: 350
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I have no excuse, other then the fact that this beanie baby thing was the only source I checked. >.< Major owie.

Posts: 308
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and it's incredibly doubtful 183 million people would just up and appear out of nowhere in three years.

Illegal immigration.

Posts: 350
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Damn Mexicans.

Posts: 5772
Illustrious Member


Damn Mexicans.

lol im in yur country, stealin' yo jobs

*sigh* Back on topic people. Save the social-political commentary for /mg/. :/

Posts: 350
Reputable Member

I you think?.....Nooo............If this is next gen, then, who exactly will give the in-game hints? Not Omochao. Hopefully, it's your amigo.

If it's Omochao, then I'll just toss his metal ass right into the next enemy. And if it's a Xenomorph, then it's bye-bye little robot.

EDIT: Happy? By the way, the term "homo", the OLD definition, anyway, before this whole "homo means gay fade" started, Homo means "one who is very concerned about his sexuality". And I have some very old dictionaries. But I guess that would be a good reason not for Homo, cuz people nowadays think homo means only gay.

Though it is physically impossible for Omochao to be gay (gay robot? Yeah, right), I was meaning "gay" as in a slur we use over here to describe dysfuncional machinary. Like Omochao.

Posts: 2928
Famed Member

"Back to topic" doesn't mean talk about the topic with bigoted commentary.

Read the rules, especially the one about not using gay as a condescending slur.


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