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Official Sonic the Hedgehog (360/PS3) Topic

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Posts: 350
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*Reading rules* What the hell does "bigoted" mean?

What are the release dates for the other countries? Mom is starting to like her British pen pal a lot, and I may move to England. This is important.

Posts: 2191
Famed Member

It means someone who is judgemental based on appearance. (Race, gender, age, etc..)

Posts: 5772
Illustrious Member


I was meaning "gay" as in a slur we use over here to describe dysfuncional machinary. Like Omochao.


*Reading rules* What the hell does "bigoted" mean?

A bigot is a prejudiced person who is intolerant of opinions, lifestyles or identities differing from their own. -Wiki

Posts: 1446
Noble Member


Happy? By the way, the term "homo", the OLD definition, anyway, before this whole "homo means gay fade" started, Homo means "one who is very concerned about his sexuality". And I have some very old dictionaries. But I guess that would be a good reason not for Homo, cuz people nowadays think homo means only gay.

Um, no. 'Homo' comes from the Latin word for 'same', hence homosexual = same sex, as in attracted to. Seriously, do you just pull everything out of your ass before you decide to talk?

And Sonic 06 comes out December sometime in Aus I believe.

Posts: 73
Trusted Member

I read that Play Magazine Review, but something's got me curious...

Spoilers (Select To Read): What is up with the picture showing a Blue-Striped Shadow? Anybody know?

Posts: 4607
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Spoilers (Select To Read): That's Mephiles in his not-demonic form.

I know, it's real original.

Posts: 247
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WereSheep, everytime you say something I have the urge to take some 33. caliber asperin. Seriously, just stop. It's like every post you make you pull out of your ass.

Posts: 2928
Famed Member

Quit babbling and trying to somehow exonerate yourself, Were. A bigoted slut is a bigoted slur. Just nod, go on, and don't do it again.

Posts: 261
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Posts: 2928
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Move Along, citizen.


Posts: 526
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Great, most of the nearby stores won't receive it till 3pm or later.:">

Posts: 2354
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I await reviews.

** will probably get the XBOX 360 version of the game unless it comes out for the personal computer **

Posts: 889
Prominent Member

I pre ordered and put it over night shipping but it didn't come with my mail, maybe it comes UPS wich comes at about 5pm. I just have to wait; and waiting sucks.

Posts: 504
Honorable Member

(Appear out of nowhere) I really want this game on Pc seeing that it's whould sound stupid if I only bought that one game.

Any news on that comeing to the U.S, Being a hoax or being canned? Any thing?

Posts: 1413
Noble Member


EB games just call me my copy has arrive. Sadly it arrive a little too late for now I have to pay that new tax that started today here Puerto Rico.Anyway be back tomorrow with some impresions.

Posts: 350
Reputable Member

"Pull out of my ass"? B and S. It's been like, 3 years since I read the dictionary. I pull nothing out from my ass.


Homo means same? Hm. I thought it was the other thing.

You need to stop jumping to conclusions so easily.


And by the way, three guys just spammed just because I was a little off on the definition.

On topic: Aus gets it when? I said "England". Australia and/or Austria are different countries. >.<

Posts: 377
Reputable Member

I have the game. I'm going to continously edit this post with my opinions.

The presentation of the game is beautiful -- the first cinematic is flawless. However, my first complaint so far is this: TOO MUCH LOADING SCREENS. I wouldn't be surprised if you got a "Loading ...." to friggen splash around in the first city's water somewhere.

Also, the townspeople don't really talk to you -- you have to read the text like those oldschool RPG games.

6:04 PM

Controls aren't bad at all -- though, haven't played a level yet. Still at the first city -- looking for the shop to upgrade shoes for the light dash. The music is really relaxing. 🙂 No sign of Chao, I don't think they're in this game.

Don't worry, I wont spoil a lot and edit every 10 friggen minutes. I'll just tell my opinions on certain things here and there, then leave it all alone.

Goodie: You can save any friggen time ... in the townslevel, anyways. Press start and save!

6:17 PM

All right, I played a level. The camera, so far, has been fine -- all you have to do is have a finger at the back trigger and press it when it goes nuts ... it'll go back to default, which seems to be Sonic Team's way of fixing the camera issue.

I feel that there isn't enough freedom in the levels ... I mean, they go all sorts of paths and stuff, but I wish I could run all over the place, rather than typically having a straight path to follow. It's not bad -- it's not terrible or anything -- I had no issues control wise.

The water skiing bit is kind of annoying, and doesn't flow too much with things IMO. I LOVE the camera on the loop-de-loops and all, that's really awesome.

Playing as Tails is pretty cool. He uses capsules of rings as a weapon. I wish his controls were more fluid like Sonic Adventure ... but they're not bad, I'll live with them.

I expect this game to get 7s and 8s, really. So far, anyways. We'll see how it goes.

Mach Speed is all right. I'm not a fan of the always moving bit, I'd like to have full control (why I'm not digging the Wii Sonic game concept), but it's pretty fun. I can see wave Ocean is somewhat of an introductory level, so we'll see how the more advanced levels fare.

6:36 PM

Okay, nevermind about the camera bit. It needs work ... well, on the first boss anyways. Jesus christ. You can't keep an eye on that dog machine thing.

7:03 PM

And Silver is the hardest damn boss I've ever fought.

Well, I definitely can't give this game a 9.5, but I do expect it to get 7s. It's average -- it's not bad. I think it has waay more replayability than Sonic Heroes.

I'm not even halfway done with Sonic, this game will offer a lot of hours of gameplay. It could be better though, but I think this is the greatest we'll get out of SEGA nowadays with the 3D Genre.

+5 for having Tails follow you around in a lot of areas! Now THAT'S taking it to the roots. No sign of Chao, sorry. =(

Posts: 4607
Famed Member

Everyone involved in this homosexuality discussion: End it. Seriously. This is not the time nor place for it, and the fact you keep dragging it up is seriously not good.

Next person to bring it up gets a warning. No excuses - not even apologies. Just drop it.

Posts: 889
Prominent Member

I just got the game from UPS and about to play, also the the little figure is much smaller than I thought.I'll post my thoughts on it after I play.

Posts: 526
Honorable Member

Just got it. Between this crappy game, the fact that they didn't have my Sonic statue freebie, and that my computer is breaking down AGAIN!! I'm not having a very good day.

It's just as bad as you thought in the demo. Bad controls, bad camera, bad everything. Tails "throwing bomb" attack is horrible. On some enemies, you need to "Snipe" them. So it goes in FPS mode, but it does not have a crosshair!

When you talk to people who give you a mission it loads up the map again, just so that person can tell you one more thing before the mission, then it loads it up again!! And the mission is on the same map!!! WHY DOES IT HAVE TO LOAD THREE DIFFERENT TIMES?!!!

Everything in this game is broken. When you fight Silver you can't get near him unless he's levitating stuff. But, if he's got you in a corner, or if you accidentally homing attack him, your screwed. He got me in a corner and just kept freezing and pushing me. I kept collecting the same ring over and over.

If you're a Sonic fan, don't make the same mistake I did. Boycott this game. It may actually be WORSE than Shadow the Hedgehog.

Sega seriously need to fire all of Sonic Team. They can't make a good game anymore. :">

Posts: 377
Reputable Member

Worse than Shadow ... I dunno, but it's definitely WAAY below initial expectations. When I saw that first trailer, I expected so much ... but, if you haven't learned before, you'll learn from this game.

I just lost all hope for a good 3D Sonic game. But, if they killed the Towns Levels, the Loading Times, and made the game purely Blaze and Silver, I'd LOVE the game. I just played as Blaze and Silver for the first time, and the first level was actually a blast.

Screw Sonic's missions as of now ... I died entirely in a level, had to go back to the menu and stuff, and WTF, the game put me WAAAAAY back (Yeah, that means save all your crap, especially before you head to a new level). Christ.

Posts: 1789
Noble Member

And here's comes the negative reviews:

Ouch! I would have expected this game to get a 7 everywhere else but...


Sega seriously need to fire all of Sonic Team. They can't make a good game anymore.

What about PSU?

And don't worry guy! We have one last major Sonic game left--Sonic and the Secret Rings.

Posts: 526
Honorable Member

The orignal PSO was better than PSU.

Anyways, I just finished the first two Silver levels. Now THERE'S where the greatness of this game lies. Silver is awesome. Next time, maybe they should make a "Silver the Hedgehog" game.

Posts: 377
Reputable Member

I love how Blaze plays. She is veery fluid. Silver is indeed very fun -- haven't played as Shadow yet, on the account that I'm stuck on Crisis City as Sonic. Jeez, that mach speed part is nothing but HELL.

Since I can't get my money back (the box is opened), might as well slowly finish and hope to unlock Super Sonic someday ... if he's officially in it. I can't believe there's no Chao, or even that promised night/day system! Man that would've been cool.

Posts: 1789
Noble Member


Anyways, I just finished the first two Silver levels. Now THERE'S where the greatness of this game lies. Silver is awesome. Next time, maybe they should make a "Silver the Hedgehog" game.

Don't say that, because the next thing you know they will make it and it will be on the same quality as Shadow the Hedgehog...

...and they will give him guns.:lol

Posts: 363
Reputable Member


I can't believe there's no Chao, or even that promised night/day system! Man that would've been cool.

Maybe you have to go further in the game and the night/day system is "unlocked" in the plot somehow? Cause I thought that was something Sega was bragging about for a while.

Posts: 2191
Famed Member

Here's the thinng about 1UP:
1) Doesn't 1UP consider 5/10 to be around average (unlike other sites where the average is around 6 or 7)
2) They gave Shadow the Hedgehog a higher rating. =/

Posts: 1413
Noble Member

Well I am back. Here are my impression so far


- the game is challenging(expect to die a lot)

- the graphics and cinemas are beautiful

- the stages have a lot to explore.

- most of the problems from the demo have been fix

- good voice acting so far(LOL Silver sounds like Trunks)


- the control feel a bit slugish but they are better than demo

- Sonic the only playable character from the begining

- So much LOADING

-I notice some slow down on the Town Stages but in the action stages the weren't any.

- I hate Silver. He a cheap boss (he even worse than the Biolizard ). He was able to kill me in less than five seconds.

- no japaneses voice track

So far I am enjoying the game.I don't why people complain about the camera.The only time I had trouble with it was when I was playing as Tails. As Sonic I didn't have that much of problem.

As for the 1UP review yeah let listen to guys that suck at playing Neverwinter Nights 2 and wanted the Batman villains in Justice League Heroes because they didnt know who bad guys in the game were.

Posts: 5772
Illustrious Member


1) Doesn't 1UP consider 5/10 to be around average (unlike other sites where the average is around 6 or 7)

Apparently, an average Sonic game is indicative of how far the mighty SONIC TEAM studios have fallen from their developmental peak.

The kicker being that this was the game that was supposed to reinvent Sonic for the new generation, yet it still appears to suffer from past mistakes.

Posts: 1413
Noble Member

Mistakes that can be fix with patches. This Next Gen after all where all games can be fix with downloading patches. Hopefully free patches.

Oh as for 1UP review takes this as you will.

Posts: 262
Reputable Member

Patches make me a sad panda.

Nosing around the forums, opinions are ranged from "OH GOD ITS TERRIBLE!" to "once you get used to it, its okay".

Thats really not good enough.

One thing I have noticed is that Silver and Shadow's gameplay style has been recieved quite nicely.

Also just wont work on my computer. Internet Explorer just doesn't like it and refuses to load.

Posts: 4607
Famed Member

Use Firefox.


"once you get used to it, its okay"

Exactly what the "fans" said about Shadow. Once you get used to ANYTHING it could be "okay" - but you shouldn't have to get used to anything.

Posts: 2191
Famed Member

Why not? You're playing a new game. Shouldn't take time to get use to?

Posts: 1413
Noble Member

I agreed with SonicV2. It took me a few hours but I already used to the controls and the camera.

Posts: 526
Honorable Member

It should take a few minutes, not a few hours.

It's kind of sad that Sonic is the worst playing character in his own game. (Well, except for maybe Tails.)

Shadows gameplay is actually an improvement over his own game. He controls better, and the vehicle driving is actually more of a plus than a minus.

Rouge does "treasure hunting" again. But this time there's no radar. You just look for areas where a lot of robots are guarding a key.

Posts: 377
Reputable Member


It's kind of sad that Sonic is the worst playing character in his own game. (Well, except for maybe Tails.)

It isn't clear on why that is ... he was perfectly fine in Sonic Adventure 1 and Sonic Adventure 2. How could you possibly screw it up? When it was announced that Sonic was finally going to be running SOLO, did anyone else automatically expect some fun gameplay? There's no way you can possibly screw it up, yet Sonic Team managed to inject every bad damn thing that harmed any of the past 3D Sonic games!

One thing that is so bothersome is level design. Have the level designers changed? When I was playing Crisis City as Sonic, I had to actually not touch the controller at the points on where Sonic was running automatically due to dash panels and springs, otherwise I would screw up the sequence, and he'd RANDOMLY just fall off somewhere.

Has anyone else experienced stuff like that? You're holding forward, and everything seems to be going fine, then WHOOPS RANDOM PITFALL!


Shadows gameplay is actually an improvement over his own game. He controls better, and the vehicle driving is actually more of a plus than a minus.

Oh my god, definitely. If Shadow the Hedgehog played like his side, the game would've been just soo much better. His moves flow into each other so smoothly that I rather be attacking robots all day than running around really fast accomplishing objectives. The same goes for Blaze.

Rouge's bomb throws suits her nicely.

Edit: New review.

Posts: 1037
Noble Member


* Way too many story elements

Is this bad? o.o

Posts: 409
Reputable Member

New Minigame "Chaos Crush" online at the SONIC06 website:

Posts: 1789
Noble Member


As for the 1UP review yeah let listen to guys that suck at playing Neverwinter Nights 2 and wanted the Batman villains in Justice League Heroes because they didnt know who bad guys in the game were.

Except that the person who review Sonic 2K6 isn't the same person who reviewed Neverwinter Nights 2. Not to mention Shane is a big Sonic fan and I await his hilarious decontruction of this game on the next 1up Show or 1up Yours Podcast.:lol


Mistakes that can be fix with patches. This Next Gen after all where all games can be fix with downloading patches. Hopefully free patches.

The fact that it needs patches is a testament on how awful this game is.

Also, why the hell should a game--especially a platformer, which is a freakin' Sonic one, take hours to get used to? That's just a classic apologist response.

I'm hearing more impressions of this game from different boards and so far, the consensus is that this game seems to be crap.

Oh and don't worry, Sonic V2, I'll rent this game--even if it does rip my heart heart out as a waning Sonic fan.

Posts: 2191
Famed Member

But I don't care if you don't get the game. I'm not because of the consoles it's on.

Posts: 1789
Noble Member

I'm saying that because as you(and many others) said the best review comes from your own perspective. However, I have a feeling I will be cringing when I play this game.

Posts: 2191
Famed Member

The best review does come from one's own perspective. (Obviously, GameInformer didn't understand that when they Paper Mario 2 a f***ing 6!)

For all we know this game might be considered the greatest game of all time for you and only you.


Posts: 79
Estimable Member

so will someone tell me why the heck Play Magazine gave Sonic 9.5 if everyone thinks this game is so dreadful!?

Posts: 247
Reputable Member

Because they had no idea what they were talking about. Anyway.

My cousin called, knowing I'm a Sonic fan and told me he bought the game and I should come try it. So I went over to play this piece of garbage, and after 30 minutes or struggling with this "game" if you want to call it that, I was through. I get a gameover on the first freaking level, because the controls are the worst I have ever played with. I fell into the bottomless pits in this game more than I did SA, SA2, Sonic heroes and ShTh combined. The hit detection was also awful. Seriously, why the hell SHOULD we have to spend hours getting used to a platformer game of all things? It's freaking Sonic, it seemed like it was'nt that hard to do back in the day.
There are no positive points I can come up with for this trash, except maybe that it's cinemas are pretty, but that still does'nt change the fact that they're pretty much worthless, and there are too many damn loading times.
A pretty piece of filth is still a piece of filth.

Posts: 1355
Noble Member

State of mind, time spent{thoroughness}, inherent bias, just plain completely random personal opinion and other stuff all influence what a review{er} is like. Games Master have Sonic Heroes something like 80%.

I really want to play this game to see what I think of it but that's really far off.

Posts: 609
Honorable Member

Review from

Not looking very good...

Posts: 2191
Famed Member

That link leads to a Xbox forum for some odd reason o.o And if that wasn't weird enough, they're talking about Zelda. O.O

Posts: 1789
Noble Member


so will someone tell me why the heck Play Magazine gave Sonic 9.5 if everyone thinks this game is so dreadful!?

Well, seeing that it was featured on the cover of Play, I'm assuming the following was involved:


Posts: 1355
Noble Member

Two quasi-trivial things I just found out that interest me: You can no longer jump right after a spindash{i'll miss that} but you can hit enemies above you with a homing attack.

Posts: 5035
Illustrious Member

XDXD @ Ashide's hat. Darn, I was gonna get his game for a friend on his bday. Maybe I shouldn't, if I want to make him a Sonic fan i'll get him SMC+ or something. =P

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