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Official Sonic the Hedgehog (360/PS3) Topic

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I just found out that I'm not moving to England; Al is moving HERE. Don't mock this particular British dude; he's, like, the coolest guy besides Bruce Willis.

Aaaaaanyway, I still have to wait for a bit before I get my turn. I'm like an adept Sonic 3D player, having tryied them all so far (save this one), and it shouldn't be too hard.

But from what I have experienced from the demoes, I'd say that this is good for fans and ok for everyone else. Alledgedly speaking, this is talking generally. Not every fan is going to woo it, but just generally.

Posts: 1758
Noble Member


One thing that is so bothersome is level design. Have the level designers changed? When I was playing Crisis City as Sonic, I had to actually not touch the controller at the points on where Sonic was running automatically due to dash panels and springs, otherwise I would screw up the sequence, and he'd RANDOMLY just fall off somewhere.

Has anyone else experienced stuff like that? You're holding forward, and everything seems to be going fine, then WHOOPS RANDOM PITFALL!

Well looks like I won't be getting a 360 to play this. If it comes out on PC I'll try it.

I think Sonic Team needs a bit of a housecleaning and they should start with the level designers.

Again I'm going to say that Sonic Heroes was the best 3D Sonic game and a big step in the right direction. What we needed was a Sonic Heroes 2 with a lot of polish of level design and bugs. ST instead tried to go with a "reinvention" but it soumds like they just took every mistake they've made in Sonic 3D and made it worse, and stuck Sonic in a Final Fantasy story to boot.

I was mad that the Chaotix weren't in it, but if this is actually the worst 3D Sonic ever maybe I'm not quite so mad now. Hopefully somebody saves the series (and with a game that does have the Chaotix).

Posts: 1789
Noble Member

Weresheep, the demo isn't good for anyone.


Maybe I shouldn't, if I want to make him a Sonic fan i'll get him SMC+ or something. =P

Well, introducing them to the golden age of the series is the best way to do it.

My young cousins who are 6 & 7(and this is Sega's target demograph) dislike the 3D Sonic games--even SA1. But they really love playing the Sonic games on SMC+.

Posts: 889
Prominent Member

I finally got time to write. If you ignore the loading and the first level for sonic the game is incredibly awesome. the only trouble I had with the camara was against the first boss .The first level where you carry elise was actually the first fun level(I didn't think carry elise would be to fun). Playing as silver is very fun and is very easy to use his powers. I havn't unlocked shadow yet though. When playing as sonic gets really fun is when you get to white acropolis. I don't see this game as a big flop it's so fun I could barely put the controller down. well the town stages are kind of boring.

Posts: 2191
Famed Member

OKAY! THIS IS IT! THe opinions of the game are more polarized than the actual poles.

Some say it's good
Some say it's bad

Maybe I should think this game is bood or gad. =/

Posts: 1789
Noble Member

The opinions of this game is only polarized on this board.

Everywhere else is a different story.

Posts: 4607
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I think Blaze Hedgehog's opinions (curse warning!) are a pretty good summary of what we're in for. At the very least, they're the most complete I've seen thus far.


Why not? You're playing a new game. Shouldn't take time to get use to?

Not in the sense that they're talking about. Getting used to the new gimmicks of a game is one thing. Getting used to the major, glaring flaws of the game because, like it or not, you have to put up with them... that's another matter entirely.

Particularly when you consider that the major, glaring flaws were ones that were going to be "aggressively" ironed out, or new ones on top of all the old ones, absolutely none of which ever received this "aggressive" treatment.

Posts: 2191
Famed Member

Not really. Sonic Stadium just gave it a 8/10.

Eh, never mind it was an intelligent ranting about the reviews. Both the negative and positive ones. Here it is:

So Sonic the Hedgehog has been released in the US, and all the media outlets are going wild. SEGA have bigged this up supreme and all the fans are clamouring to see if this really is a return to form after Sonic Heroes and Shadow the Hedgehog. Reviews are trickling out already, and as I suspected, they are all very sporadic. And crap.

Upon a quick scan of the SSMB searching for collated review scores, one website thinks its rubbish and another thinks its simply superb. I dont think the situation will get any better with other professional outlets. Theres simply too much bias in the world particularly in the US media to ascertain whether Sonic the Hedgehog is truly good or bad at all. Youll no doubt see a few magazines that will mark it down severely for one reason or another, and another selection will rate it one of the best in the series to date

What does it all boil down to? The past. Yes, that classic little chestnut. Reading one websites score of 5.5 filled me with no satisfaction whatsoever, as it became apparent that the reviewers were still stuck in 1994. Can you expect the game to be exactly as the Mega Drive outings, only in 3D? No. Of course not. Thats just plain stupid. Even Super Mario went through a massive change when he hit the 3D space.

It was obvious that someone was expecting a story not unlike Sonic 3 & Knuckles, with few characters, straightforward plot (although some might contest that, regarding S3&K) and no confusing controls. And this is the crux of the matter this is where every Classic Fanboys brain is rooted, to the point where their minds cannot accept rational thought or objective analysis. The mechanics of the game.

Is Sonic the Hedgehog on XBOX 360 and PlayStation 3 supposed to be a return to form for the series? A simple question at first, easily responded with a Yes, but lets get a bit more specific. A better poser would be Is Sonic the Hedgehog on XBOX 360 and PlayStation 3 supposed to be the Mega Drive games, only in 3D?

All of a sudden, youve tapped into just why people are giving the game crap scores. This game is not meant to be a modernised Mega Drive game. Throughout its entire development it has been earmarked as a renovation of the series a complete change in dynamic. We shouldnt be looking at this game and comparing it with Sonic 1 or even Sonic Heroes, because Sonic the Hedgehog has started fresh. It has cleared the slate. On some levels, its like every game before it never existed.

And that is the correct way of thinking when reviewing Sonic the Hedgehog. Its a brand new game. The characters are all the same, sure, and the general aim of each level may be similar. But the emphasis on a deeper storyline, the co-existence with humans on a grander scale, and the execution of the gameplay elements altogether distance this from any other Sonic before it. Put simply, you are wrong to be looking at this game and even considering any of the past games, especially when it comes to comparisons.

In an ideal world, every single game reviewed should be based on its merits instead of whether its franchise is going down the pan. Naturally though, the games plus and minus points have to be considered Im not at all suggesting that rational analysis be thrown out of the window just to entertain the idea that its a brand new game. But when you consider the majority of people disliking the modern games all have this anal desire to be 7 years old again (remember, things seemed better than they actually were when you were a kid for instance, I used to like Geri Haliwell!), you start to wonder whether these outlets really have anything of worth to discuss.

Of course, Im not too impressed reading US reviews of the game that give it 9.5 out of 10 and saying its the best thing ever, without even considering there may be a few niggles in the programming. Cant we just for once, in the world of The GHZs and Sonic Passions, have an objective middle ground? Where the games in the series are ranked on their own merit instead of past successes? Where flaws are rationally pointed out instead of ignored because its so awesome (or even blown out of proportion because it sucks so bad)?

I try to do this every day, both on TSS and other outlets that I work for and seeing reviews like this just make my face fall and wonder why anyone bothers wasting their attention reading such publications. By all means judge the games for yourself after reading professional reviews they are only meant to be a guideline.

However, if you dont have the money and are counting on a journalists opinion, make sure you read the article thoroughly, because there are giveaways to be spotted when a writer isnt judging the game fairly. Its in their tone, style and general stance on the whole game. Reviews are meant to be unbiased and looking at the games strong and weak points in a balanced way. If you dont see this in a review and Ive not seen it in any Sonic the Hedgehog review to date then do yourself a favour and trust a well-informed friend or outlet instead.

Posts: 3
New Member

Well, introducing them to the golden age of the series is the best way to do it.

My young cousins who are 6 & 7(and this is Sega's target demograph) dislike the 3D Sonic games--even SA1. But they really love playing the Sonic games on SMC+.

Miss, I'm new here, and heck, this is my first post. But... I don't think it's a good argument tool, all things considered, to say "I have these anonymous friends/relatives that think exactly in a way that supports my argument."

Posts: 2191
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Posts: 4607
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Miss, I'm new here, and heck, this is my first post. But... I don't think it's a good argument tool, all things considered, to say "I have these anonymous friends/relatives that think exactly in a way that supports my argument."

Absolutely untrue - it helps greatly. If you don't believe me, then, well, I have these anonymous friends/relatives that think exactly in a way that supports my argument. Don't make me use them. ;P

Posts: 3
New Member

I see what you did there.

But really, to clarify my point, but on a forum (no pun intended) where anonymity is so ever-present, it smacks of a deceptive way to drum up support for what someone is trying to say. :/ And the thing is, it sadly seems to work.

Posts: 889
Prominent Member

I just unlocked shadow and played as him. its way funner then shadow's game. and the buggy thing is really fun to drive. I'm currently taking a break from all of the fun filled action. Rouge is decent to play as. She throwes bombs as a weapon and its pretty fun to glide and throw bombs down at the robots.

Posts: 1789
Noble Member

The Sonic Stadium a.k.a. The Sonic Defense Force says:


What does it all boil down to? The past. Yes, that classic little chestnut. Reading one websites score of 5.5 filled me with no satisfaction whatsoever, as it became apparent that the reviewers were still stuck in 1994.

And appearently, with their score, TSS seem to be stuck in 1998 where 3D platformers was still getting used to their holding in the market. They seemed think that other 3D platformers that suprassed the current Sonic franchise since then in execution doesn't exist.


And that is the correct way of thinking when reviewing Sonic the Hedgehog. Its a brand new game. The characters are all the same, sure, and the general aim of each level may be similar. But the emphasis on a deeper storyline, the co-existence with humans on a grander scale, and the execution of the gameplay elements altogether distance this from any other Sonic before it. Put simply, you are wrong to be looking at this game and even considering any of the past games, especially when it comes to comparisons.

In an ideal world, every single game reviewed should be based on its merits instead of whether its franchise is going down the pan. Naturally though, the games plus and minus points have to be considered Im not at all suggesting that rational analysis be thrown out of the window just to entertain the idea that its a brand new game. But when you consider the majority of people disliking the modern games all have this anal desire to be 7 years old again (remember, things seemed better than they actually were when you were a kid for instance, I used to like Geri Haliwell!), you start to wonder whether these outlets really have anything of worth to discuss.

Except that there has been people reviewing the game's own merits and they seem to complain about the same damn problems that plagued this franchise since 1998 and then some. And why the heck can't we compare to say other games of the same genre or nearly the same genre that actually got their stuff together instead continuously releasing a buggy, unfun pile of crap? You think Sonic 2K6 is the only game in the market? Newsflash: Sonic isn't the only game competing for the consumer's money.


If you dont see this in a review and Ive not seen it in any Sonic the Hedgehog review to date then do yourself a favour and trust a well-informed friend or outlet instead.

And ironically, this site isn't one of them also. Ha ha ha!

God, that essay is one of the biggest case of fanboy denial I ever read. It's that thinking like is is why we won't see another good Sonic game ever again.:><

Posts: 377
Reputable Member

Speaking of reviews, here's another one.

Edit: Damn. What does everyone think of the music? I had to friggen stop that fire level, something Core, in order to brag about how badass some of the level background music is. I love the hell out of this song.

Posts: 1583
Noble Member

I know this will sound crazy to most, but other than the camera, most of the comments about the game actually have me interested in getting it eventually. Side missions don't bug me and the idea that characters play well (other than Sonic, who has always been my least favorite to play--outside of snowboarding-like levels--of the cast) peaks my interest. ;p

Posts: 1789
Noble Member

Well Red, this game looks like a rental, or if you really want to own it wait for it to be slashed in price after the Christmas season.

Posts: 2191
Famed Member

There's just some things I don't get. How can some people say that the camera improved while others says it's the worst ever?

Well this is too big of a mystery to me. I think we better call in the Hardly Boys. 😛

Posts: 247
Reputable Member

I just had the most fun ever! More fun than this game was! Me and my cousin just finished microwaving the disk! You should try it, it's alot more fun than the actual game! :D

Posts: 1789
Noble Member

But you just wasted $60. You should have traded it in for a better game because hell, there are a lot of awesome games out or are coming out the next two months.

Posts: 247
Reputable Member

It made me feel better to see it go. It can no longer hurt anyone.

Posts: 27
Eminent Member

Well, on one side you got the people that argue that Sonic Team has had 6 outings of Sonic 3d games (2 being ports and I don't count Riders in the platform circle)and are still making mistakes from what I hear. Then, I hear those that are still enjoying the game and outweighing the pros over the cons and don't care about other peoples opinions and that's good too.

Eh, I think it's just all preference.

Thanks for the His World song SonicV2.

Posts: 1789
Noble Member

I have a feeling the people who are enjoying the game are Sonic masochists--at least with the Sonic parts.

Posts: 27
Eminent Member

oh and after reading Play for so long, I usually get the feeling that Play likes what majority doesn't like (I definately remember them doing a feature for Castlevania: Lament of Innocence, Death Jr., Voodoo Vince, etc)

Posts: 1413
Noble Member


I have a feeling the people who are enjoying the game are Sonic masochists--at least with the Sonic parts.

Or we are just better at controlling Sonic than other people are.

As for that comment you made about patches I don't know if anyone told you this but Next Gen games = PC games. Example FF 13 has been consider to be released full bugs and somewhat incomplete by Square Enix and they will fix these bugs with patches. So don't expect most next gen games to be bugs free.

Posts: 859
Prominent Member

Sorry, FF13 is to be released full of bugs that will be patched?

Dont know where you heard that mate, FF13 is still along way off, they havent even finished making the "white" engine yet.

Posts: 5772
Illustrious Member


I have a feeling the people who are enjoying the game are Sonic masochists--at least with the Sonic parts.

Then wouldn't they be better off with Sonic GBA? If Sonic Next makes one moan sadly, that game will actually make you scream bloody murder...

Posts: 880
Member Admin


It's time for us to make our own game.

Posts: 1789
Noble Member



Or we are just better at controlling Sonic than other people are.

Another apologist statement: "They are not playing it right!" Nope, no bugs or glitches here.



I usually get the feeling that Play likes what majority doesn't like

Ah, so Play is the successor to Gamefan.

Posts: 1583
Noble Member


Well Red, this game looks like a rental, or if you really want to own it wait for it to be slashed in price after the Christmas season.

I don't even own a 360 yet--though I've decided I'm going to get it over a PS3. I'm not going to be rushing to get any Sonic game. I don't even rush to get the 2K sports games--and those are games I enjoy greatly.

Posts: 2
New Member

i just bought sonic's superspeed and and slow motion. can anyone tell me how to actually do those moves?

Posts: 526
Honorable Member

If you want a fun version of Sonic Next Gen. Download Ryan Bloom's GBA type version. It can be found on his 1up page. Under Blazehedgehog.

Posts: 350
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I'm with Shadonic. I always get that feeling, where like, a guy says "this sucks!" just cuz he can't get it quite right.

It's all part of life, dammit! When you get the controls right, THEN it gets more fun. Most of the time.

Aaaaanyway, I'm about 2 minutes from internet ordering next-gen for the 360. Yeah. Call me swayed. I said a while back that I wasn't getting a 360 cuz it was gonna die early, but what I didn't take into account was the price tag on the PS3.

360: Somewhere around $350
PS3: $750+. Ouch.

Another thing: what's the call on Blaze? Does she recognize Sonic, or is this before Rush?

Posts: 377
Reputable Member


I said a while back that I wasn't getting a 360 cuz it was gonna die early

What do you mean die early?

Posts: 2191
Famed Member

Sweet Dreams Remix if anyone cares

LOL at the people who tried to act 'black' in the beginning

Posts: 350
Reputable Member

By "die" I meant, like, it was going to "fail" to sell.

But, apparently, it didn't.

Posts: 1396
Noble Member

It's not like it had any competition until now.



I'm with Shadonic. I always get that feeling, where like, a guy says "this sucks!" just cuz he can't get it quite right.

It's all part of life, dammit! When you get the controls right, THEN it gets more fun. Most of the time.

So what about those who have been playing since the beginning, mastered SA1, SA2 and possibly even Heroes and Shadow in terms of control?

The controls are a vital aspect of ALL games, if a player can't get used to tem within an hour then there is a serious issue with the game.

Posts: 350
Reputable Member

What, you mean people like me? (Yes, since the beginning for me. Only haven't played a few GG games)

Nope. Nothings gotten boring. For guys like me, it's usually pretty quick to adapt to a familiar surrounding. Then again, that's the one rule of life.

No, really. Adapt or die.


The controls are a vital aspect of ALL games, if a player can't get used to tem within an hour then there is a serious issue with the game.

Hence why I said "Most of the time."

Posts: 247
Reputable Member

Hence, why we've said "THE CONTROLS ARE HORRIBLE"

Posts: 3468
Famed Member

Anyone know of an OST anywhere, or any more music than His World and the Sweet Dreams remix? I won't be playing this for a while, and I think my opinions on Sonic music are quite well knows.

Email a link to an OST or individual songs to , as I don't trust myself to remember to check SI.

Posts: 889
Prominent Member

My 360 is messing up again and shows three red bars. I checked the internet and followed their advice and it didn't work so I don't know what to do. I'm so mad right now, right in the middle of a great game and my 360 freaks out on me.

Posts: 1789
Noble Member

It sounds like it's dying.

Posts: 526
Honorable Member

"Middle of a great game"? Must be Gears of War, cuz it sure as hell ain't Sonic.

Posts: 2191
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*strangles shigamado*

Just let people enjoy the game, man! If they like it no big deal. It's their opinion. And you have no right to look down on someone because of their opinion.

Posts: 2809
Famed Member

Well, shig, remember: one person's crap game is another person's great game; take me and my great love for Shadow's game for instance. Now that I posted since the game's release, I'm wonderin' how do y'all like the story?

Posts: 2354
Noble Member

** reads through the last four pages of replies **

Why Sega, why?

Why people, why?

Why game reviewers, why?


** heart broken due to disillusion **

** is seriously considering NOT to get this game along with Smackdown vs RAW 2007, Gears of War, and Marvel Ultimate Alliance **

Posts: 3468
Famed Member

Jun Senoue of Crush 40 made a short (1:29) instrumental mix of His World.

Thought I'd share this. Courtesy of SSC, a.k.a "Christmas Demonchick"

Posts: 261
Reputable Member

getting used to a different physics engine or button layout of a new game is not the same as having to teach yourself to not do such-and-such because the camera will zoom out into a craptacular angle, or not to press forward during a loop because you'll clip through the ground.

I got Sonic Adventure on the Dreamcast and it was cool for new technology back in 1999... but a game to have the EXACT same problems in 2006 is retarded and inexcusable.

looks like I'll skip out and yet another Sonic game...

wheee great time to be a fan

Posts: 350
Reputable Member

The controls aren't that bad. ;P

Yaaaayyy!! Crush 40!! Thanks dude! *hands over 5 bucks*

Hey, that's enough for a really decent lunch at Save-a-lot. I eat there at lunch almost everyday. Yes, Wonder, with my FAT best friend, Austin.

*To broken 360* Hopefully, you got a warrenty on that thing. If it's screwed up, don't fret. See if you can strike a deal with the company that makes it. They might be able to help.

Hey, it worked for me when MY Gamecube screwed up. They just replaced it. :)

Here are some words of wisdom on next gen. Ahem....

Yeah, some of you are disappointed, but hey, listen to this. We all expected WAY too much from it!


Posts: 247
Reputable Member

Yes, the controls ARE that bd, Weresheep. And whether anyone expected too much from it or not, it's still a peice of trash, and there's no excuse for that.

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