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Official Sonic the Hedgehog (360/PS3) Topic

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Scores between 4-8(out of 10) and address flaws and pluses= Good, acceptable reviews.

So seeing how they address the pros and cons of the game despite the fact that they didn't think highly of the game at overall, would you agree that it is a good review?


Of course, this goes for the super-positive people, too. They focus WAY too much on the minor elements of the game that are good. They can't be trusted because they fail to point out the flaws. There was maybe one or two of those at Gamefaqs.

I don't believe this news.

Posts: 1413
Noble Member


Changing the subject to something more important,does anyone knows how beat Mephiles in the second battle? I keep attacking the shadow giants but nothing seem to happening.

Posts: 5772
Illustrious Member

I'm not that far yet.

God, peoples. It's just a game. Love it or hate it, but don't maim each other over it. The world isn't going to end because Sonic Team can't code for @#%$ these days. You love what the franchise has become? You're SICK. You hate what the franchise has become? Move on.

Posts: 931
Prominent Member

In all fairness, I've seen good reviews on Game FAQS from time to time.

Posts: 350
Reputable Member

Enough with the reviews crap, already. If God made it so that everyone had to give really positive reviews or really bad ones and then talk forever about it, then he can KISS MY HAIRY A$$, so everyone just wait until I get one, so I can see what the hell this is all about.

I COULD help out with the second battle if I had one. I mean, I can easily beat The Legend of Zelda, the Wind Waker AND Ocarina of Time without a player's guide, so what trouble is a single battle?

To the guy who needed the advice: Just send a (detailed) description of the fight and I'll see what I can do.

I'm a nice guy. It's just how I was raised. Especially not to say the "N" word.

Posts: 1758
Noble Member

Blaze said in his review that Sonic Team detests their hard core fans. Where does that come from?

Posts: 534
Honorable Member

Yeah, you guys are right. It all comes down to a matter of opinion. =P We'll drop it ^_^.

Hey, can anyone give me a non-spoiling description of this Mephiles dude? I REALLY curious about him- but I don't want it all given away, ya know? (I suppose super minor spoils are ok. Like, what exactly is he doing in the future?)

Posts: 350
Reputable Member


Spoilers (Select To Read): Mephiles is a dude from the future who tells Blaze and her brother figure Silver, that, in the past, and Mephiles turns out to be evil (big frickin' surprise there) ad tries to kill Shadow (though I think this may be his way of doing good, as killing Shadow would kill him, and stop Iblis from getting any stronger).

Also, try going to websites and stuff, emails to me for more detail, and Wiki (though I don't recommend it; Wiki gets most anime wrong, as it said that Athrin and Kagali never kissed.....even though they did. These two are from Gundam Seed.....shut up).

SH EDIT: Laziness is NOT a valid excuse for no spoiler tags.

Posts: 534
Honorable Member

Ah, thanks Were. That satisfied my curiosity for now ^_^ (and thanx for not giving anything important away)

Posts: 350
Reputable Member

No problem.

Not saying the "N" word. Nope. Never.

Posts: 534
Honorable Member

What N word?
Wut- you think I'm a newb or something?

Posts: 377
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Uhhhh .... I didn't say it.

Posts: 350
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Ya know. The "N" word? Think....African-American rapper. If you don't know this word, you are sacred to me, pal.

Posts: 534
Honorable Member

Ohhh, THAT n word.
Hm...I wonder how why he mentioned that o_O

Anyway, I'm listening to more music from the game.
The Solena(SP?) songs are FANTASTIC, and now I'm listening to "Accordion Song". DUDE! The music is amazing!
Either that or I just don't get out too much (Which is true =P)

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Weresheep has a guilty conscience =)

Posts: 350
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I have no such conscious. Ya know, WOnder, you are a big @#%$. Stop making fun of me. That was the last straw, ya know. My family raised me never to say such things, and we're good people. Racism is BAD.

I was referring to a joke that I made up, how I said that I was raised to be a good person, and how I don't say the "N" word, and I'm not ashamed of that.

And me saying that I'm not saying it a few above means I'm a good person for helping out someone who asked for help.

To Admin: You guys, do something about Wonder, he's making me sick. He's a troll, and he has just offended my family.

Posts: 880
Member Admin

Were, you are taking things too seriously. First the homo thing and now this.

Please let it go.

Posts: 247
Reputable Member

Maybe if you did'nt say such childish, out of the blue responses, Wonder would leave you alone.

Posts: 350
Reputable Member

Never! I was never ON THE FRICKIN' CASE! But he just goes ahead and says THAT.

And what do you mean "Childish?"


As for me, I'm going to get off.

@#%$ you, Wonder. I've told him MANY times to stop, but you're all defending him. Don't issure anything here, only an email will reach my ears.

Posts: 534
Honorable Member

Let it be people ^_^

to the people who have played the game:
Has the Diologue improved?

Posts: 35
Eminent Member

I have to agreed on lighty with that one were Wonderbat is nothing special if it mkaes you feel better he just got banned from insulting some one^^

by the way

What is sliver's theme in the Sonic the hedgehog (06)

and if anybody has a link for it could ya send it too me?

Posts: 261
Reputable Member

is Were really MattHayter?

About the music though. is it more lame anime pop/hair band/stupid japanese techno stuff like Sonic Rush and all the 3D ones? Or is it actually... you know... worth listening to outside of the game

Posts: 64
Trusted Member

Why would someone as awesome as Wonderbat get banned?

Posts: 1355
Noble Member

Were: I know you are extremely unlikely to read this, but everything I said to you in chat still covers the entire situation; you'd make everything better for everyone if you took heed. By the way, your last post infringes on the rules more than all of Bat's combined.

In order to curve the topic back on track, I'll let loose something about Blaze that I haven't bothered pointing out up till now. Ha, I know holding it back would prove useful.

Okay, basically, Blaze had never had anyone in her life remotely resembling a friend before Rush. Her internal musings during her story mode completely prove this - when she starts to develop a friendship with the other characters, one of her lines is "I've never had such feelings before". Couple this with her contemplation - "Blue hedgehog..." and it's pretty damn conclusive that Rush is before this game.

HOWEVER...We know what Sega are like. They could easily have forgotten or just completely ignored the whole "no friends before Rush" thing. And, of course, let's not forget the last thing that happens to Blaze in this game - she's sent to another dimension. As such, either order fits.

Or does it? Does time reset at the end mess either up? We don't know. We probably never will. Back on topic, guys.

Posts: 35
Eminent Member

He insults ppl that's now too my qusetion one that we all been wanting to hear

Does Sonic 06 restored what SH and shadow damaged?

Posts: 2354
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Like adding salt to an open injury.

Posts: 2809
Famed Member

From the way most are talking, it doesn't sound like it; of course, I didn't think SH or Shadow damaged anything.

Posts: 534
Honorable Member

Hey, I'm curious about Silver's theme song too.
Anyone know?
(Still wondering if the diologue is cheesy also)

Posts: 2191
Famed Member

Well, they damaged Shadow. Mostly by bringing him back. :/

Posts: 3756
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I let my mind wander the other day and it fixated on Weird Al and Sonic '06 and it returned with an idea for a "The Saga Begins" AMV type thing. o.o And I hate AMVs.

Posts: 2809
Famed Member

Meh, I never thought Shads was all that special before so his "resurrection" didn't bother me in the least.

Posts: 104
Estimable Member

For those who have it, how does Shadow play? I heard he's more combat focused.

Posts: 534
Honorable Member

wow. good job with the spoiler tag =_=
Give that spoiler some underwear for goodness sakes!

Posts: 5772
Illustrious Member


Changing the subject to something more important,does anyone knows how beat Mephiles in the second battle? I keep attacking the shadow giants but nothing seem to happening.

I'm that far now. Actually, I'm done with pretty much the main story mode.

You're supposed to attack the giants before or after they've fired their lasers. Home attack and follow with a combo until they rear back. Keep knocking them out until you've charged the Chaos Boost gauge then activate it much like the first battle to drive Mephiles into the open where you can attack him directly. Allowing your gauge to deplete will cause the giants to reappear so make haste. After he's whittled down far enough he'll use a new attack where he creates clones and hovers into the air where he'll charge a new attack (think DBZ). Home attack the clones to make your way up to Mephiles and deliver the final blows.


(Still wondering if the diologue is cheesy also)

Pure Gouda, baby. The VAs don't help either, during certain lines they can sometimes stress either not enough or too much making lines somewhat awkward.


For those who have it, how does Shadow play? I heard he's more combat focused.

*shrugs* I suppose. His leg sweep attack is more useful than Sonic's (but still not quite that useful), his Homing attack can be followed by what we call a standing combo to maximize damage on a single enemy and he can also toss Chaos Spears in mid-air which are really only good for paralyzing enemies. Other than that he's not much different than Sonic, just a tad slower on the move and during multiple Homing Attacks. And, of course, access to mobile vehicles.

Posts: 1789
Noble Member


From the way most are talking, it doesn't sound like it;

I beg to differ.


About the music though. is it more lame anime pop/hair band/stupid japanese techno stuff like Sonic Rush and all the 3D ones? Or is it actually... you know... worth listening to outside of the game

The music is great and is one of the very few positives of this game.


Posts: 534
Honorable Member

Yup. Ashide is right, the music is fantastic.
I personally LOVE "Aquatic Base"!

Posts: 1758
Noble Member

I don't know about great (like Genesis, Chaotix, 3D Blast, and SA), but what I've listened too so far is good. Does anybody have some music recommendations?

The other cutscene on this site isn't atrocious, but this is the worst cutscene acting (both movement and voice) ever. Well, I haven't seen Sonic and Elise kissing, so that may top it.

Posts: 2809
Famed Member


I beg to differ.

Oh, so StH06 does restore what SH and Shadow "damaged"? I thought most thought it added massive damage.

Posts: 377
Reputable Member

The music is divine. Some may not stand on their own, but they fit the levels enhancely (my word) IMO.

Aquatic Base Act 1, and both of Flame Core's songs are my personal favorites.



Sweet babies.


For those who have it, how does Shadow play? I heard he's more combat focused.

I think Shadow plays perfect, control-wise.

Press A twice for a homing attack. Press A twice for a homing attack, then while you're still in air, continuously press A against your foe to do multiple strikes. (Really handy for those health robots).

Press A then X to do some type of Power Strike or whatever that temporary freezes most robots. Doing this also keeps you air-borne, and you can combo this with a homing attack -- I love the flexibility of Shadow's controls.

It's a shame a lot of his gameplay uses vehicles (as I have heard -- I haven't went too far with him). I honestly wouldn't mind a Shadow solo game if they kept these controls, got a better level designer, and killed two things: 1) guns, 2) vehicles.

BTW, those gems that you can buy? They really enhance the gaming experience, and make S-ranking easier! Check out this video to see them in action.

All I have is 3 so far, and the ones which make you run faster and slow down time is real useful.

Posts: 1789
Noble Member


<<Quote: I beg to differ.>>

Oh, so StH06 does restore what SH and Shadow "damaged"? I thought most thought it added massive damage.

My bad. I misread your "doesn't" as "does" for some reason. Again sorry.

Posts: 2809
Famed Member

That's okay. Sorry if I sounded snippy. ;)

Posts: 262
Reputable Member


Does anybody have some music recommendations?

I love Aquatic Base Level 1, All of the Crisis City music, Flame Core: Volcano and Egg Genesis/Cerberus.


What have they done to Sweet Dreams/Sweet Sweet Sweet. Its got porn music background and for some reason there's a guy occasionally repeating what the woman says.

Crush 40 + Aww Hell Shadow = Averageness. Its been saved. Considering it was terrible in Shadow

I highly recommend the Solaris Phase 2 theme.

Posts: 1413
Noble Member


I'm that far now. Actually, I'm done with pretty much the main story mode.

You're supposed to attack the giants before or after they've fired their lasers. Home attack and follow with a combo until they rear back. Keep knocking them out until you've charged the Chaos Boost gauge then activate it much like the first battle to drive Mephiles into the open where you can attack him directly. Allowing your gauge to deplete will cause the giants to reappear so make haste. After he's whittled down far enough he'll use a new attack where he creates clones and hovers into the air where he'll charge a new attack (think DBZ). Home attack the clones to make your way up to Mephiles and deliver the final blows.

Thanks Psxphile. Btw I also having trouble beating Iblis 3 with Silver. He keeps destroying the ground and I have nowhere to stand.

Posts: 5772
Illustrious Member

I was stuck on that one too. Apparently, you're not supposed to avoid the giant fireball it tosses at you, but catch it and throw it back. That fireball is the reason the ground gives way later, so you can't allow it to hit the platform. Get up close to the edge and hold the R trigger once he gets ready to unleash it.

Posts: 250
Reputable Member

*puts hand up* I have a question.

All I want to know is, how does this Sonic game rate in comparison to the previous 3D Sonic games.
IMO, Sonic Adventure 1 is still the best of the New Age Sonic titles, with SA2 next, going down to Shadow the Hedgehog at the bottom (pretty much in order of release!).

So anyone's opinion, is this game better than Sonic Adventure 1?

Posts: 1413
Noble Member


All I want to know is, how does this Sonic game rate in comparison to the previous 3D Sonic games.

Below SA and SA2 but above Heroes and Shadow.
So far, I finish Sonic and Shadow episode(Shadow ending = WTF, didn't saw that coming).
I also found SonicMan and kick his butt.


I was stuck on that one too. Apparently, you're not supposed to avoid the giant fireball it tosses at you, but catch it and throw it back. That fireball is the reason the ground gives way later, so you can't allow it to hit the platform. Get up close to the edge and hold the R trigger once he gets ready to unleash it.

Okay I have question are you talking about the fire ball shower? Because they all land around me so I don't know if I can grab them all.

Posts: 1037
Noble Member

When I read the script I didn't understand Shadow's ending at all, and a few parts of his story confused me as well, if someone would be so nice to give a short summary in spoilers I'd appreciate. :)

Posts: 261
Reputable Member

*Listens* Heck yeah! That's what I'm talking about! Solaris Phase 2 theme. OF course they ruin in the other version by adding lameass Linkin Park sounding rap to it... ugh.

also LOL @ Sweet Dreams


Posts: 2191
Famed Member


When I read the script I didn't understand Shadow's ending at all, and a few parts of his story confused me as well, if someone would be so nice to give a short summary in spoilers I'd appreciate.

Where's the script?

Posts: 3756
Famed Member

<3 @ the level and boss music

I love it all. ^^ Sonic music always has been awesome.


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