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Official Sonic the Hedgehog (360/PS3) Topic

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Posts: 377
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Yeah, alternate paths that go to THE SAME PATH.

This is 3D! You should be able to go east, west, south, whatever! Why must be be constrained on multiple lines to get to an objective like a 2D game?

Sure, that's how it was in the 2D days ... but we're in a whole new dimension.

So many 3D games are like that, and it is so aggravating sometimes. Depends on how fun the gameplay is for it to really matter, however ... but still.

Posts: 1758
Noble Member


This is 3D! You should be able to go east, west, south, whatever! Why must be be constrained on multiple lines to get to an objective like a 2D game?

Sure, that's how it was in the 2D days ... but we're in a whole new dimension.

I'm sure you must know this, but the 2D games were chocked full of alternate paths and exploration. That was what made the games. They were 2D games that took full advantage of 2 dimensions. I'd describe the SA series as 3D graphics and 1D level design (basically a track).

Posts: 3
New Member

I bought this game last friday, and alongside it an Xbox360. I planned to buy the 360 anyway, but aimed to get a good game or two I'd really want with it... At the last moment, I decided I'd only take one, and went for Sonic.

...I think I screwed up badly in doing that.
The game looks gorgeous in many places, sure, but I was mainly buying it to have fun playing as Sonic, and they screwed Sonic up enough for me to like playing as Silver the most of all the characters. Mach speed areas? Why make mach speed areas and slow down the character everywhere else? That's just bad logic to me.

In the end, I'm probably just going to return the game to the store, and change it for Phantasy Star Universe. So, yeah, yet again, a Sonic game screwed me over. Next time they make a major Sonic title, I'll just rent it, that ought to do it.

I realize this has probably been said a bunch of times by now, but I still felt like expressing my opinion on the subject.

Posts: 1037
Noble Member

That gameplay video with Sonic certainly looked cool to watch and all, but there really seems to be a lack of freedom regarding where you go and what you do.
The player is often guided by springs and speed ramps and those few parts where he's left a choice are just small paths where there's only one way to go.. What I most like to do is to explore places to collect many many goodies, but everything looks so straightforward here.
As for the mach speed area, I absolutely hate when the camera takes a front view on you. I hated that in Sonic Adventure as well (Lost World... ARGH!!), because duh! you can't see what's in front of you!
I understand that they do this so that you can actually see what's chasing you and such, but I think a view from the side would be best to achieve that effect while still allowing you to see where you're going!

Posts: 534
Honorable Member

Yeah...but then you loose your sense of depth as to how wide you can go an' such- and then they ratify that by making it uber straight-forward, so all you're doing is pushing the right analog stick o_O

Though in "Speed Highway", while Sonic is running down the building, I too was very frusterated when he got hit by those annoyingly placed obsticles >_<

Posts: 377
Reputable Member

I like how the camera turns towards the direction that you're suppose to go, when you don't exactly want to go that way.

Sonic Team should just leave the camera alone. If we want to see something pretty, we should be able to turn to it ourselves.

What if someone was constantly behind you and forced your head to look at things you didn't want to look at? How would you feel? Misused?

Posts: 1583
Noble Member

Spoilers (Select To Read): While I haven't watched cutscenes or anything. The reason they'd still exist is due to their future existing at one point. If I'm remembering correctly, despite "changing" the past in DBZ, "Future Trunks" still existed though he went back to his own time. Silver would still exist in this time because he's gotta be around for Sonic Rivals--and whatever else they may have in store for him. ;p

Posts: 1789
Noble Member

But the difference between DBZ and Sonic 2K6:

Spoilers (Select To Read): Future Trunks was from an alternate future timeline. He just changed the past for another timeline not his own(and he never when back to his future as he got killed in Goku's/Gohan's present) Whereas Silver isn't from an alternate timeline supposedly, and the death of the Solaris flame changed everything.

I'm just going to call out, plothole and agree with you as a weak excuse to keep using him for future games to come. Meh.

And here's another one. How could Elise have the blue chaos emerald all this time when Sonic 1-3&K, SA1, SA2, SH, and ShtH happened and are supposedly canon?

Posts: 1413
Noble Member

Well in S3&K there 14 emeralds which proves that there exist more than 7 emeralds around the world. Maybe Elise got one of the many emeralds that exist.Then again it could have come from,when Silver left his blue emerald in the past too.

Posts: 247
Reputable Member

Silver obviously changed the timeline by giving Elise in the past the blue Chaos Emerald that he got in the present. All of this does'nt matter anyway though, as it's erased. Gone. Not a big deal anymore.

Posts: 5772
Illustrious Member

Hate to continue with the DBZ sub topic but:

Spoilers (Select To Read): Future Trunks was from an alternate future timeline. He just changed the past for another timeline not his own(and he never when back to his future as he got killed in Goku's/Gohan's present)

Trunks was revived with the Dragonballs. Of course he returns to his own future timeline. And he even kicks the crap out of his versions of the Androids (and Cell, when he shows up to kill him like the previous Cell did before).

Posts: 3756
Famed Member


I worked SO hard last night to update Shadow's Story on the Wikipedia site. I elaborated on the details and explained his plot more and I was pleased with the results, although it could have still used some revision. AND SOME JERK GOES AND PUTS IT BACK TO THE WAY IT WAS BEFORE. All that work. Gone! >=(

Posts: 1446
Noble Member

If it was reverted back to how it was originally there's probably good reason for it, and if not then just revert it back yourself.

Posts: 4607
Famed Member

Er, I just checked the site, and assuming you're this edit, the content of this edit's still there in the current revision...

Posts: 120
Estimable Member

Okay, so would anyone be able to tell me (in a non-spoiler way) if there are any references in this game of Sonic Rush? Thanks.

Posts: 1376
Noble Member


What the f--k is this, Final Fantasy Ten?

ROTF-I just watched Silver's Ending, and Yeah, yeah I'm with Acid & Cyc.

I also want to rent this game {and a X360} but I have this fear that if I play it, it'll be like raping a baby-totally despicable and I'll hate myself forever for doing such a heinous act.

That and I wandered on a Sonic Rivals while buying scared the living hell out of me. I see Shadow, Knux, Silver and Sonic on the cover, and I'm like o.O...QTF ??

Posts: 0
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I have this fear that if I play it, it'll be like raping a baby-totally despicable and I'll hate myself forever for doing such a heinous act.


Posts: 3756
Famed Member


Okay, so would anyone be able to tell me (in a non-spoiler way) if there are any references in this game of Sonic Rush? Thanks.

Other thank Blaze mumbling "blue hedgehog" and her being Spoilers (Select To Read): sealed in another dimension at the end, absolutely not.

Posts: 1446
Noble Member


(not that most of us don't already know that by now anyway)

Posts: 120
Estimable Member

Well, I'm not gonna read those spoilers, but looks like Rush isn't referred to much. Thank you, Turtle Guy. ">

Posts: 1758
Noble Member


Other thank Blaze mumbling "blue hedgehog" and her being Spoilers (Select To Read): sealed in another dimension at the end, absolutely not.

So in other words the only references don't tell you whether Rush was a prequel or sequel.

Posts: 262
Reputable Member

/Christopher Lambert's Raiden

So there is a rumour going around that the Xbox 360 Version was pushed out early so Microsoft could get a jump on PS3 and that the upcoming PS3 version could fix a lot of the problems found in the Xbox 360 version.

I doubt a month would be enough to be able to fix all the problems in the game.

Posts: 1037
Noble Member

Looks more like a sequel to me due to the second spoiler.

Spoilers (Select To Read) ...
Besides, if memory doesn't fail, Blaze met Sonic during a cutscene (the one when Sonic fails to save Elise from Eggman's exploding ship), but doesn't say a word and neither does Sonic.
Posts: 73
Trusted Member

Actually, in the end, we'll never know if there is a connection or not. Because

Spoilers (Select To Read): In the end, when Elise blows out the Flames of Disaster and resets time, Blaze's sacrifice may have ultimately been nullified.

Posts: 3756
Famed Member

I'm guessing the spoilers of Mephiles possessing Shadow in while he was in stasis, and that's why Shadow's a psyco, is bunk then?

Posts: 0
New Member Guest

Mephiles is a giant plothole and for all intents and purposes regarding the canon (lol, Sonic canon) can be disregarded due to the ending of the game.

Posts: 377
Reputable Member

I just find it amusing how this game gets rated higher from Gamespot.

Posts: 504
Honorable Member

I STILL find it funny how Earthworm Jim have the most crazyist plot and gameplay and people still like it. Yet whean other companyes try to do that they get bombed with bad reviews.

Posts: 261
Reputable Member

Silly and humorous is different than a failed attempt at an epic tale. not even a single snot creature, rabid dog or fire breathing snow man in site....

Posts: 2809
Famed Member

Okay, I'm going to be able to play this game tomorrow night/early Tuesday morning, and I'm wondering is it faster to unlock Shadow with Sonic or Silver?

Posts: 2097
Noble Member


Okay, I'm going to be able to play this game tomorrow night/early Tuesday morning, and I'm wondering is it faster to unlock Shadow with Sonic or Silver?


Posts: 2809
Famed Member

Cool, thanks, OTB. BTW, like the avvie.

Posts: 1984
Noble Member

This game makes me even more confused than the Shadow game. It's very convoluted and tangled. If they're going to do this epic story thing from now on they need to at least kidnap the writer of all the Final Fantasy games.

Posts: 1437
Noble Member


So in other words the only references don't tell you whether Rush was a prequel or sequel.

Perhaps Rush isn't canon.

Posts: 5772
Illustrious Member

The overall plot already feels like it's been touched by the hand of Masato Kato. We were fortunate to have been spared the ghosts of Ray and Mighty extolling how it was they who engineered everything that happened so that the heroes would be brought to a certain point in time where they would have the ability to change destiny by annihilating Solaris with a musical chime.

Posts: 1241
Noble Member

For anyone who hasn't played the game yet, I urge you to listen to this.

That is all.

Posts: 2809
Famed Member

I gotta admit that is somewhat creepy and dorky all at the same time.

Posts: 1984
Noble Member If I'm following correctly. Silver and Blaze save a future that never really happens?

Posts: 1037
Noble Member

Let's put this in Sonic CD terms.
Silver and Blaze live in a "Bad Future".
They go back to the present and make a "Good Future", therefore the Bad Future ceases to exist.

Posts: 2809
Famed Member

Wow, great analogy, way to go, Erica!!

Edit: I finally got my 360 out of Wal-Mart layaway Monday, and after watching Ghost in the Shell, etc., I set it up about 5 on Tuesday morning and got to play this game. (though I just finished the shoemakers challenge, redoing it over until I got an S ranking on it)

I found Sonic a little hard to control, but that must have been because it was so late because when I pick it up the next day I was able to control him just fine. I still haven't really played it yet so I'm about to do that just now. I'll probably write more later on when I actually get into it enough.

Posts: 4607
Famed Member

Actually, I think you'll find that Sonic, in general, just is a little hard to control, period.

Posts: 1984
Noble Member

Heh, on YouTube everybody is rejoicing that this will be the last time the 4Kids voice actors will be used. Everyone seems to hate Rouge's voice especially which I cannot understand. They'll just hate the next one after that too. Nobody is ever satisfied.

Posts: 1437
Noble Member


Heh, on YouTube everybody is rejoicing that this will be the last time the 4Kids voice actors will be used.

Is that really true? I've thus far been unable to figure out whether it's a speculative or confirmed.

Posts: 4607
Famed Member

Well, 4Kids isn't developing any shows right this second... so maybe?

Posts: 1437
Noble Member

So it is merely speculative.

You're right, but that doesn't mean Sega won't continue to hire the same individuals to do the voices. The actors don't just lay down and die if 4kids goes, do they?

I had thought that Sega has been merely using the same actors as 4kids, not hiring those actors through 4kids itself. Am I wrong?

Posts: 4607
Famed Member

No, they've definitely been going through 4Kids, given that 4Kids gets credited for voice work.

That said, most of the 4Kids actors had contracts disallowing them from working with anyone BUT 4Kids for a while - or at least, did when 4Kids lost Pokmon, and might still have it - so I wouldn't know if Sega could keep them if they ditched 4Kids.

Posts: 1437
Noble Member

Ah, I see.

In that case, it depends on the type of deal that Sega has with 4kids. If 4kids is no longer dubbing, then it would apparently be in their best interest to continue using the 4kids VAs.

Seeing as Sega originally wanted the 4kids voices because they wanted to be consistent, it doesn't seem to me that a change would be in Sega's interests either.

Don't be surprised if the 4kids voices are around for a while.

Posts: 73
Trusted Member

Based on what I heard, the reason Sega is no longer going to be using 4Kids VAs is because the English Run of Sonic X has ended. Therefore, Sega feels there's no longer any need to keep the games connected to the anime, thusly the dumping of the 4Kids VAs.

Which I think stinks, personally. It's like the first Tails voice you could listen to without your eardrums spontaneously combusting.

Posts: 1437
Noble Member


Based on what I heard, the reason Sega is no longer going to be using 4Kids VAs is because the English Run of Sonic X has ended. Therefore, Sega feels there's no longer any need to keep the games connected to the anime, thusly the dumping of the 4Kids VAs.

I heard it the other way around: People assumed that since the English run of Sonic X has ended, Sega will be ditching 4kids. Actually, it was more like a "gee, wouldn't it be cool if..." and then the rumor took off from there.

I'm not saying there's nothing to the idea, but I'm not sure I believe it yet and I won't unless someone links something a bit more concrete than "maybe..." or "I think I heard that..."

Posts: 1984
Noble Member

I personally want the 4kids VA's to stay. If only because I don't like having to get used to new voices over and over again. I swear Goku's voice changed about 3 or 4 times. But if they were tied to a contract agreement I guess they have no choice but to step down.

To me there isn't anything wrong with Rouge's voice. I guess its because she is supposed to be a teenager. Which in my humble opinion makes no damn sense. I can't and never have thought of rouge as a teenager.(Although she is officially, blah) Such a young age dosen't flow well with her occupation of choice.

I think it would be cool if Zachary Tyler voiced Tails. Not likely but it would be cool.
And for you who don't know. Tyler is the kid who voices Aang from Avatar the Last Airbender.

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