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Official Sonic the Hedgehog (360/PS3) Topic

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Posts: 1789
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So, is there any reason the wrapping is beating you 'round the head with "PS3 SONIC! PS3 SONIC! PS3 EXCLUSIVE PREVIEW! SONIC ON PS3! PS-FREAKIN'-3! Oh, wait, 360? What's that?" It's just very... odd. And slightly biased, don't you think?

Gamepro supports the 'one console future'.

Posts: 1413
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I hope they do keep it in one console. My wallet will appreciated ;)

Posts: 1396
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I hope they do keep it in one console. My wallet will appreciated're not planning on buying each console version are you?

Posts: 1437
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I hope they do keep it in one console. My wallet will appreciated 😉

Well, my wallet would appreciate it if they released it for all three. Revolution is the only console that really interests me, And it'd be a shame to have to buy a 360 or PS3 just for this one game. Not that I would.

Posts: 1413
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you're not planning on buying each console version are you?

Actually I was refering to the Revolution game being different game from PS3/360 game. Now because of that I have to buy two consoles instead of one( then again I know the Revolution game will eventually be ported,like RE4 was from GC to PS2 and PSO was from DC to GC, to the PS3 with new content).

Posts: 194
Estimable Member

Yeah, but it would more likely be this game from PS3/360 to the Rev only becuase of the promised control scheme for the Rev gameto take total advantage of the nifty controller.

Posts: 1413
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According to the latest issue of EGM( the one with Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Vegas on the cover) next month they gonna have sneak peek at various nex gen video games. Among them is gonna be Sonic The Hedgehog with hopefully new info.

Posts: 1984
Noble Member

I wonder. Will the game play be linear like it was in all the other 3D sonic games. Or will it be wide open spaces?

I ask because I don't really like the linear idea right now. I can't get Sonic to run because every few steps there is a new obstacle in front of him. Exception would be the loops...which dosen't really matter since you don't really control Sonic when he's going through those loops.

I think the next-gen Sonic the Hedgehog should be like RE4. In the since that they scrapped a whole lot and started from practically the ground up.

Posts: 859
Prominent Member

Levels half way between Ocarina of Time and Tomb Raider, but without the guns or items...


I dont mind a couple of linear levels, but I do think Sonic Team DOES need to expand out ESPECIALLY in this game. I mean, Shadow DID actually have some advances, it's a shame Central City was marred by horrible missions and the ARK was too confusing to make sense..

Posts: 1984
Noble Member

I'm still running around in the ARK lost as hell. I haven't beaten Shadow yet you see. Blasted corridors need some sort of markers. I'm running in circles!

Anyways. I have horrid fantisies of worlds that are as exspansive as "Shadow of the Colossus." for Sonic to run in. Lush with green grass, water falls, canyons, forests, and Enemies out the wazoo.

Posts: 194
Estimable Member

Wasn't Shadow of the Colossus one giant world? One thing that has been with Sonic games since the start is the zone. I like areas to be themed, a Sonic game of nothing but technological cityscapes or nothing but forests and open fields gets boring. If we got multible levels that large, which is still impossible for the hardware avaliable, it would turn into overkill.

I'm not against large levels, but nothing that large! Besides, the gimmick behind Shadow of the Colossus was its size. Everything else in your world is huge, overbearing, and intimidating compared to lil' you. That might work for one level, but not an entire Sonic game.

Posts: 4607
Famed Member

Actually, I'm going to have to agree that it'd be a GOOD idea. Sonic needs a lot of leg room, frankly, and that'd be a great way to do it.

Admittedly, I don't own a PS2 so I've never seen just how big Shadow of the Colossus is; however, if it's as big as I'm thinking, then I see no reason why it couldn't work. The Adventure stages were always quite fun. Just imagine them even bigger, and now with some aspects of the Action stages tossed all over the place. You could actually use your speed and special moves to go wherever you feel like - like the Spin Dash (and I hope the somersault dies a horrible, horrible death in Hell), which could get you around curves and the tall walls they lead up to, or break open fragile objects in your path, whatever it may be - as opposed to being given linear path-in-the-freakin'-air #23452 and being told "get to the end of this, m'kay?", again.

Frankly, which would you prefer? More linear stages which get old fast, or a large world where they've hidden enough secrets to keep it interesting?

Posts: 3468
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I want a Sonic the Hedgehog version of Spiderman 2. That rocked. Freeroam Station Square would kick ass.

Posts: 20
Eminent Member

Yeah, but as Mimiichimu said, the same setting for an entire game would get boaring, as well as being very un-sonic anyway. I admit that a free roaming station square would be good, but you would have to be able to leave the city to go into places like forests, grasslands, deserts, beaches, eggman bases, caverns ect, ect.

And with all that comes the question; "where does it end?!?"

Posts: 1396
Noble Member

Free Roaming doesn't mean everywhere has to be samey, with the power of next gen, it would hardly be an issue to inclue various areas based on the classic themes (Tropical, Factory, Cave...etc...) and have them merge together almost seemlessly.

Posts: 1984
Noble Member

The idea with the large worlds is that Sonic can get over them quickly. Dur. He's FAST. The horse in Shadow of the Colossus is a snail compaired to Sonic. And not all of the enviroments would be forests and nature. There would also be city scapes and any other thing you can think of. Maybe even small bodies of water...

Because I have always wondered why, if Sonic can run so freaking fast, why he dosen't just run on water ala Dash from the Incredibles, instead he just falls in and dies.

Posts: 286
Reputable Member

Yep, I think Sonic needs to be able to run over water (if at an acceptable speed) in the games again. But it should be only him that can do it, to give him another sorely needed exclusive skill. The excuse for Shadow not being able to (not that he'll be in this upcoming game) is that the surface of the water screws with his shoes' jets. I have in my mind the image of him slipping and sliding like he's on ice before falling over backwards *sploosh*.

Posts: 1413
Noble Member


But yeah, running on water is definitely one way they could vary the levels and expand the design.

Yeah, it be cool to see him running on water again. I like Shadow of the Colossus idea, but it should also had enemies to attack and people to speak.Kinda of like Zelda's games.

Posts: 1984
Noble Member

If the worlds were more exspansive the enemies would need some upgrades. Enemies do shoot at Sonic but none of them chase him. And that would be way too easy to avoid. So to solve that Eggman would probably create a enemy that turns Sonic's speed against him. Or can simply travel as fast as Sonic. It wouldn't be like that annoying Amy Chasing robot from SA1 because you could actually LOOSE it if you know how to shake baddies off your tail. Maybe the return of those buzzbombers or whatever they were called..

And geeze running at break neck speeds over water and then tripping up can only spell death. Sonic would totaly break his....wait....does Sonic have a neck? And even if he didn't break his neck he would drown. Seeing that he can't swim. (Gawd Sonic take lessons )

Posts: 20
Eminent Member

I would also like to see some more underwater levels again. That could be quite challenging in a 3D game, but it hasn't really been done (except possibly for aquatic mine in SA2).

Posts: 1413
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And geeze running at break neck speeds over water and then tripping up can only spell death. Sonic would totaly break his....wait....does Sonic have a neck? And even if he didn't break his neck he would drown. Seeing that he can't swim. (Gawd Sonic take lessons )

He can always borrow Knuckles's Air Necklace :p .

As for the enemies chasing Sonic they can always lay traps for him that would slow his speed or they could move as fast as Sonic too. Speaking of enemies it be cool if the Adventure Field could had hidden bosses too. You know like Nack or Babylon Rogues or even the Tails Doll :idea .

Posts: 68
Trusted Member

I loved Sonic Adventure so I think it would be great if they made another adventure field but bigger in a Sonic game. But its not a good idea for this Sonic game because its supposed to be like the classics. So I say save the big adventure field for another Sonic game.

Posts: 1789
Noble Member

I'm probably late at bringing this up, but if anyone has played the first Jak and Daxter ever thought that the 3D Sonic world could be as big and expansive like that one without the feeling of "emptiness" like it was in SoTC?

Posts: 859
Prominent Member

I'd prefer a Jak 2 style adventure field, ABSOLTUELY MASSIVE, but Jak 1 is good in other ways...

it manages linear levels, seperated by an adventure field that all go round in circles. It's big but not empty, you cross yourself several dozen times and... well, it's perfect.

Mind you, it's because of jak an Daxter that I believed Sonic Team could pull of guns. Depending on how you rated their sucess of that how much chance do Sonic Team have of taking their level design up to scratch?

Posts: 1984
Noble Member

The first Jak and Daxter game was a total Crash Bandicoot clone with an added hub area. And Crash Bandicoot is about as linear as you can get with a 3D character. Maybe Jak 2 and 3 though. They had a lot more room to roam around...and guns...and goatees....and EDGE!

Posts: 1789
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Well, Naughty Dog does have the former Sonic series level designer(Sonic 1-3&K) working on their games so...

Posts: 5
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Hey, think of this. I'm one of Sonic's BIGGEST fan... hahaha
I think this game has not the best grafics, but GAMEPLAY is more important than graphics. I think Sonic Team went alittle too fast. Four games in a couple months time... Shadow, Sonic Rush, Sonic Gems, and Sonic Riders. Shadow the Hedgehog was entertaining for 2 days, and it onlt has 1 fun mode.. story, which still isn't that fun. Sonic Rush was an awesome game, but mostly because it was a 2D 3D mixture, if we want 2d sonic games, lose the stupid repeats! Yeah, I'm talking to you Sonic Gems... Sonic Riders is an awesome game, but it has Sonic Heroes graphics... again. The only good ones are the ones on teh comercials. Who thinks four games are too many in 6 months, exspecialy when they bite. I dream of another Sonic Adventure game... people still bye SAB2. Also, to ease your emotions, there will be a special sonic game only for the Revolution, because of its unique disign. Reply to this!!

Posts: 859
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But only because you asked me to :cuckoo

Anyway, yes, well..
jak and Daxter MANAGED linear levels WITHOUT being too linear... Because they added hubs, and points in levels you kept coming back to. Branching paths and all that stuff. And there were proper walls rather than bottomless pits...

Anyway, I think variety's the key. A couple of linear levels, a couple of enormous open scapes, a couple of mixes, one or two which are odd...
It works wonders.

Posts: 5
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Hey, what about mine!?!?!?!? Reply to mine!:spin

Posts: 194
Estimable Member

Welcome Sonic Freak1220, hpe you enjoy your time at the MoFo. Just a quick word of warning, don't tell people to reply to your posts. That's spamming. If people don't reply, then they simply don't have anything to say. I, however, do.

You do have a point with ST throwing out so many games at once, especially since the quality they have is iffy for most of them. I say most because still I haven't got my hands on Riders yet and Rush and Shadow have had many arguments surrounding their quality as games. It seems like some sort of market ploy... (And Riders doesn't use Heroes' graphics engine. The only other game that did was Shadow The Hedgehog.)

Back to Sonic running on water: what about if he could only access certain levels if he ran across a specific body of water. Think adventure zone emblems.

Posts: 859
Prominent Member

It used Heroes models...

But the graphics, the textures that make up colours that were displayed were fed through a compeltely new darker and moodier system.
I mean compare them, that horrible glare has gone.

It IS true that Shadow used models created for Heroes and just upgraded them ever so slightly, but the textures covering these polygons was completely different.


Never mind, it's a redundant point.
I DONT think running across water should be 100% necesary, but a nice extra for saving time, shortcuts or hidden missions/areas.

Posts: 1984
Noble Member

I guess this next Gen game won't have Tails in it. I sorely wish it would. I wanna see tails in his plane taking out baddies in enhanced 3D next gen graphics!

Posts: 859
Prominent Member

Yuji Naka expressed, about the time the game was announced, he'd like to make a game with less characters in. A simpler Sonic verses Eggman battle, but... he also explained that he didnt think he could do it...

Everyone EXPECTS a character to be there. Tails is Sonic's sidekick, Knuckles has been there since Sonic 3. What about Amy, and if you have my you have to have cream... who comes with Cheese.
And what about Shadow? And rouge... theirmain characters...
And the chaotix... and now Jet and Wave and...

He doesnt reckon he'd be alowed to dump half of the cast...
And even if he DOES, chances are Tails and Knuckles will be the least likely to go. Their some of the most recognisable figures in the series.

Posts: 1984
Noble Member

Oh PUH-LEASE! Everybody from Amy down that list you just gave I could definately live without for a couple of games or so. Heck not even Knuckles. He needs to do his job and actually STAY on the Floating Island for once. So a total dynamic duo Sonic and Tails adventure would be fine with me!

Posts: 1789
Noble Member

Sonic Freak:


I think this game has not the best grafics, but GAMEPLAY is more important than graphics.

Eh? I think gameplay and graphics(which includes both the technical and aestetic points) are part of the package of a game. I mean a game with a bland art direction or generic style would feel different than if it utillize excellent and /or unique art direction that adds to the experience. For example, would Viewtiful Joe get as much recognition if the game tried to mimic the bland, dark murky, 3D art direction of your typical GTA:SA clone?


I think Sonic Team went alittle too fast. Four games in a couple months time... Shadow, Sonic Rush, Sonic Gems, and Sonic Riders.

All four games were handled by different team(or I think Sonic Gems was handled by a different team) with Sonic Rush being outsourced. Though I do agree that they are milking the speedy blue cow a bit too much(especially when many people question the quality of your games) and would rather slow down putting that many games from the franchise. Unfortunately, the Sonic brand--along with arcade machines in Japan seems to be Sega's main source of income. Though, I guess that is the price to pay if I want to see more funding for upcoming gems like Yakuza. :]



It used Heroes models...

But the graphics, the textures that make up colours that were displayed were fed through a compeltely new darker and moodier system.
I mean compare them, that horrible glare has gone.

It IS true that Shadow used models created for Heroes and just upgraded them ever so slightly, but the textures covering these polygons was completely different.

Well, the whole game looked just as 'meh' as Heroes and it didn't help that it used Renderware...again.

DB Vulpix:


I guess this next Gen game won't have Tails in it. I sorely wish it would. I wanna see tails in his plane taking out baddies in enhanced 3D next gen graphics!

Where does it say that Tails will be absent from this game?

I'm willing to bet that he will make an appearance in some form in Sonic 2006. If not then I will be surprised.

Posts: 5
Active Member

Thanks guys. I would rather buy 2 or 3 EXCELLENT games a year than 8 bad ones. Thanks for the update too, dude. NO MORE SPAMMING FOR ME^^

Anyway, just remember about the revolution game, and they say there will be a sonic riders 2 coming sometime in september... Also, do any of you know if Knights, AiAi, and Aulu or something. Is it true, and how do you get em"?

Posts: 1984
Noble Member

Well I hope Tails does show up. Sonic can't fly but Tails sure can. Thats a nice dimension about Tails. He can do something Sonic could never do.

That and I totally want to play him in a dogfight.

Posts: 1789
Noble Member

Well, whether Tails is actually playable, that we can't exactly know. Though I would rather Sonic Team make an excellent game that actually stars Sonic and perfect his gameplay and the levels in 3D before branching out to other characters again.

Posts: 859
Prominent Member

As far as Im concerned, they've just finished Shadow's story so it's time they can wrap up him, Rouge, Amy, Cream, Chaotix and pretty much everyone else...

But they wont, just because you and I dont particularly like characters, there are people who will question their absence...
Yuji Naka expressed a desire in an interview not to want to not please anyone, so he'll keep the characters in some way shape or form to try and keep as many fans happy as possible...


Ever noticed the problem, we have a PROGRAMMER (seemingly retired though) who's more concerned with keeping people happy with characters than keeping them happy with the games programming. :0o

Posts: 1789
Noble Member

I'm willing to bet the majority of gamers(expanding beyond the hardcare Sonic fanbase) overall would be happy just playing as Sonic instead of his friends.

Maybe they should make their own decision on the topic of Sonic pals instead of trying to please the smaller, indecisive fanbase.

Posts: 1413
Noble Member


As far as Im concerned, they've just finished Shadow's story so it's time they can wrap up him, Rouge, Amy, Cream, Chaotix and pretty much everyone else...

Speaking of story it be interesting if this game explain some of Sonic backgroud. We know a few things about the other characters( Knuckles is a decendant of an acient warrior tribe, Cream has a mom, Shadow has alien dna in his veins, etc) yet the star of the game we know nothing about
(unlike his American counterpad who has a lot background).
Also it be cool if Sonic Team FINALLY explain where all these characters keep coming from. I mean in all the games we see human cities yet we don't see the homes of Sonic people. Do they have a continent? Do some of the males wear pants? Where were they during the previous games? You know stuff like that.

Posts: 1789
Noble Member


Speaking of story it be interesting if this game explain some of Sonic backgroud.

That kill one of the more interesting aspects of his character. His orgin is shrouded in mystery.

Posts: 1984
Noble Member

Yeah what Ashide Bunni just said. I'd rather keep the mystery. Somethings like deep rooted back story is something I really don't care about when it comes to Sonic. Sega Sonic anyway.

Posts: 859
Prominent Member

Unless they plan on making this thelast game they shouldn't wrap up or do a beggining of his story...
I'm perfectly happy with each game just being the next chapter of his story. (Except SA2 which unfortunately spawned several subchapters :cuckoo )

Posts: 120
Estimable Member

Completley with Swifthom on this one. Even though, I find Sonic's past mysterious, I never find myself asking questions about it, and i think it should stay that way.

BTW, I'm starting to really doubt the rumoured release date of 23 June 2006. We've heard nothing in the past few months, not even anything on the story. I'm thinking more of a Christmas 06 release. This would also suit the PS3 better as well, considering its release has been pushed back to November.

Posts: 1413
Noble Member


Completley with Swifthom on this one. Even though, I find Sonic's past mysterious, I never find myself asking questions about it, and i think it should stay that way.

I am the opposite. I find miself asking questions about Sonic past. Expecially after SA2( why can Sonic use Chaos Control?) and Shadow game(If Shadow has alien dna and this alien doesn't look like a hedgehog, why does Shadow look like a hedgehog? Is reason he a hedgehog connected to Sonic?).Like all you said the mysteries of Sonic past is interesting.However when you start revealing stuff from a character past like the two above, then you better finish. The reason of this is because the viewer will get annoy at not getting any answers(I am looking at you ABC's LOST :annoyed who better start explaing what the Others are and what did they inject into Claire baby before the season is over :"> ). As for that possibly ruining the fans interest in the character I don't it could happened. Take for example Solid Snake and Superman. We know everything about them yet people are still interest in them. What I am trying to say they should at least tell us something important about Sonic past(Does he have a family? When and where was he born? etc). After all the whole "Sonic must collect the Chaos Emeralds before Eggman, who a secondary villain to <insert main baddie name here> who either would change from evil to good or only way to defeat him is with Super Sonic form " plot is getting somewhat old. The emeralds can still be there but I want more than that.

Posts: 1789
Noble Member


After all the whole "Sonic must collect the Chaos Emeralds before Eggman, who a secondary villain to <insert main baddie name here> who either would change from evil to good or only way to defeat him is with Super Sonic form " plot is getting somewhat old. The emeralds can still be there but I want more than that.

They don't need to involve Sonic's past to create a new plot structure with the emeralds.

Besides, I believe some people would be complaining in disappointment that Sega ruined Sonic's character if Sonic's past turned out to be lame or just too stupidly complex for a funny cartoon hedgehog. I mean it's not like ST USA has the best video game writers in the world.:lol

I mean from what I heard for example, Shadow the Hedgehog's plot sounded like something from a bad fanfiction.

Posts: 1381
Noble Member


If Shadow has alien dna and this alien doesn't look like a hedgehog, why does Shadow look like a hedgehog? Is reason he a hedgehog connected to Sonic?

He's looks like, and is, a hedehog because Gerald made him that way, pure and simple; now whether Gerald made him a hedgehog because of the mural in Hidden Palace or Gerald just had a best friend as a kid that happened to be a black anthro hedgie is another question.

Posts: 1984
Noble Member

Yeah. It would be hard to give Sonic a good past. So you're best just not giving him one. And leaving that job to the MILLIONS of fans who love to write fanfiction! Because I think Sega went to to find Shadow's back story anyway.

Posts: 1396
Noble Member

Sonic already has a past, why it started with Sonic the Hedgehog on the Mega Drive back in 1991 :P.

That's how I see it anyway... <.<

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