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Official Sonic the Hedgehog (360/PS3) Topic

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XPlay finally reviewed it...

Scroll down?

Posts: 899
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Found the review kinda funny. And all it does is make me happier that I finally decided to not buy a Sonic game on its release date.

Posts: 3756
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Hey, who knows? Maybe in 5 years SEGA'll rerelease it on the next system with better graphics and more extras, and then they'll fix it.



Ahh, that was a good one, whooo...

Posts: 1413
Noble Member

Well Sonic Team finally released some downloaded content. Bad news is not a patch but a Very Hard Mode which you have to BUY for each hedgehog. there seem to be 2 more downloade content but is not up yet

Posts: 409
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Hello! Time for my review!

Today I finally had a chance to play this game. A good friend of mine picked it up and asked me over to check it out with him.

Now. Let me preface this by saying I've played every Sonic game to date. Every last one. So don't doubt me when I say I know how Sonic is supposed to play.

Okay. So, I turned on the game. The friend had already completed the game himself, so I went through and started with Sonic, playing Wave Ocean, the first stage. I picked up that controller, and I started playing, anticipating the terrible control and physics system the game's reputation had earned itself online.

But what? As I started running, jumping, homing, and playing through the course, and I found that it felt totally normal and smooth. The buttons were near-identical to those on the Dreamcast, so I had no problem switching to the 360 controller. Maybe that's why it was so easy for me.

Anyway, I played through with every character without any problems. I fell into a bottomless pit... what? Five times? A couple with Sonic, and a couple with Shadow. Oh, and I think Silver's levetation threw me off at first in Kingdom Valley, too. But seriously. I had no major problem there either.

If anything, the biggest difference in controls was with Tails. Instead of pressing the A button multiple times to fly, you simply held it down. Okay, that's not too hard. And instead of jumping on an enemy to destroy it like the Genesis days, or twirling in a circle like in Sonic Adventure, he throws and bombs rings. That's not too hard either. And it probably took only a minute to figure out how his controls worked in Wave Ocean.

So. Like I said, I had absolutely no problem picking up the controller for the first time and playing through the game smoothly. Well, now that I think of it, Shadow's vehicles were a bit strange to operate (without flipping upside down and crashing in the water or something like that).

What else can I talk about? Okay, the loading times were pretty bad. But the gameplay was blazingly fast. So it redeemed itself there.

Everything in the game was FLEXIBLE. The areas felt totally vast and explorable. I could jump and fly to places that I didn't expect would be accessable. The environments were just drop-dead gorgeous and just about everything I saw in the background was possible to get to.

Lastly, story. I had already watched all of the cutscenes from my computer, so I knew what to expect. But if you don't, I'm here to tell you that the cutscenes are amazingly compelling. Sega was honest when they said the storyline was going to be darker than ever before. I loved it all.

Well, I can't think of anything else to comment on.

Gameplay: 7/10
Graphics: 8/10 (In Sonic standards, anyway)
Story: 9/10
Total: 8/10

I'm going to end this by saying I had a blast of FUN playing this title. If you haven't played this game because of negative reviews, I'm going to ask you at least give it a chance. I did and found myself in love with it.

Posts: 1789
Noble Member

OH HAY! Since this topic was revived, it's a perfect time to post Dave Halverson's review of Sonic 2006 for the PS3! You guys remember Dave Halverson right? The dude at Play mag who gave the 360 version a 9.5/10. Here is is totally non-biased and non-agenda filled review:


Talk about a letdown

When Sega delayed the PS3 version of Sonic it only made sense that they intended on building a better mouse trap: smoothing out the games rough edges and perhaps decreasing the back-breaking load times.

This is not the case.

Sonic the Hedgehog for the PS3 is, in fact, a mess. Plagued by insidious slow down and pop-up both in the city (Soleanna) and the levels to the point that its hard to believe, the game is also stripped down visually. Reflections and fine details are gone, textures muddy, and colors blown out; I guess Sonic Team summed it up pretty well in my recent interview

Play: How identical is the PS3 version visually? Was it difficult to port it so quickly?
ST: I feel that PS3 is a hardware where we still can keep experimenting on. I believe that with further experiments a tremendous expression will be possible. In regards of porting, we are trying to create no difference visually, but since it is new hardware it is very challenging for us.

Play: Do you see the PS3 as a system that will evolve greatly as developers figure out how to maximize its potential?
ST: We are still struggling! PS3 will be the core of home entertainment and the weight will be put more on entertainment rather than games. I think this is the shift the PS3 will be going through.

Sounds like, once again, Sonic Team and Sony just dont mix. They were dodgy on PS2 and theyre downright allergic to the PS3. For what its worth, Sonic the Hedgehog 360 is awesome, and Sonic Rings is looking amazing. Sonic Team still has it when it comes to Nintendo and Microsoft.

My advice is to stay as far away from this one as possible; especially if youre a Sonic fan. After spending 700.00 on a console this is like a kick in the teeth. This game should be cancelled.


This is despite the fact that people who had a chance to play the PS3 or both versions say it's the same damn broken mess as before!

Yep he sooooooo not a anti-Sony shill. Geez, does Play magazine have embarrassing articles by other journalists as this one, or is it just Dave?

Posts: 4607
Famed Member

Well, for what it's worth, GameSpot gave the PS3 version a 4.2: .2 less than the 360 score. Plus, there's one additional tidbit hidden in one of the paragraphs:


Compounding the issue is a very sketchy frame rate that slows the entire game down at seemingly random intervals. Considering the main appeal of Sonic is that he's supposed to be able to run fast, all the sluggishness really takes away from the game's already ugly presentation.

So yeah, anyone who really thought that the game was gonna be better on the PS3 or bought into that "Microsoft rushed the 360 version" bullcrap's really quite naive, to be blunt.

Posts: 1789
Noble Member

MS rushing games? Isn't this the same company that allowed those Bungie delays of Halo 2 just so they can get it perfect? Besides, why would MS have anything to do with the release of a third party game?

Who actually spread that rumor anyway?

Posts: 4607
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No idea, but I swear up and down that I didn't fabricate it. People actually believed that for a time.

Posts: 1789
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Dear god, I ventured into the Sonic Gamespot boards out of curiousity sakes--big mistake. It was like a den of blind fantardism.

If these are the people ST is trying cater to for the next games then the franchise really is doomed to irrelevancy.

Posts: 262
Reputable Member

It was Sonic Stadium that started that rumour of Microsoft rushing out Sonic 2k6. It was on their Updates bit (not Sonic News) I think.

I remember the second or third post in was "So that means the PS3 version might be fixed?"

The response was "Probably not, better just leave it as a broken game and start on a new one."

Posts: 1789
Noble Member

Figures. TSS at times can post some bogus news, or post it without researching their resources.

Posts: 4607
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Case in point: citing me (from a The GHZ post) as the source of the existence of a Sonic 2K6 PC version, completely ignoring me citing The Growler as MY source. Annoying, innit?

Posts: 146
Estimable Member

Comin' to PC February 28th.

And not bad system specs, either! Looks like I'll be playing me some Sonic '06 before the turn of the century!

Posts: 262
Reputable Member

Last Soleanna Communication.
Sad Day indeed. He didn't apologise.

Surprised this hasn't been mentioned on here yet: Ultra Hard Mode ready for microtransactioning.
All the levels are rejigged and are made harder. Oh yes. They also want you to pay for it. 200 Virtual Fun Dollars per Hedgehog.
Two more downloads to go.

Posts: 377
Reputable Member


Last Soleanna Communication.
Sad Day indeed. He didn't apologise.


... hm, main point I got out of that was "Sonic the Hedgehog." Any translators around?

Posts: 1413
Noble Member


Surprised this hasn't been mentioned on here yet: Ultra Hard Mode ready for microtransactioning.
All the levels are rejigged and are made harder. Oh yes. They also want you to pay for it. 200 Virtual Fun Dollars per Hedgehog.
Two more downloads to go.

See my previous post.

Posts: 378
Reputable Member

Sweet. Now I won't have to get an Xbox 360 anytime soon.

Posts: 1413
Noble Member

New downloadable: Amigo Team Attack

Well at least they made Tails faster.

Posts: 721
Prominent Member

YEAH! I can FINALLY get this game!

Posts: 534
Honorable Member

I am-
Without a doubt-
Buying StH for the PC. xD!!
It'll prolly be expensive, so I'll wait a few months.
Remember how fast it took for RidersPC to decrease it's price?

Posts: 377
Reputable Member


New downloadable: Amigo Team Attack

Well at least they made Tails faster.

What the hell, there's a PRICE?

Does this game deserve pricey downloadable content after how much of a mess they left us on the disc? If this game blew me away, I'd buy it and be very happy with the money going over to the developers. But right now, I don't think they deserve it.

Posts: 534
Honorable Member

Soo...this PC version is coming to the states when?

Posts: 721
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(looks sheepish) I was so excited I failed to notice it didn't give a US release date. Great. So,does anybody know when it will come out over here?

Posts: 1127
Noble Member

When it will come out in the US? I'd say about, oh... 3 or 4 days ago.

Posts: 721
Prominent Member

The PC version's out NOW?

(spin attacks to the local KMart)

Posts: 1127
Noble Member

OY! My mistake, I thoguht I was in a different topic! X_x

Really sorry!

Posts: 889
Prominent Member

man what a heart break for sonic 332, its kind of funny when i think about it:cackle
thats like the biggest mistake some one could make.
sorry 332 for laughing but thats funny

Posts: 721
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Her de har har. Not so funny when it happens to you. (grumbles)

Posts: 534
Honorable Member

Aak, I was also quite excited for a few seconds =P.

I guess there's no release date yet for the US.
I know it's coming to Japan on the 28th of this month though..

Posts: 1446
Noble Member

Aren't there quite a few Sonic Team games that only got European/Australian PC releases anyway?

Posts: 721
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For the love of God, I hope this isn't one of them.

Posts: 1446
Noble Member

No US release date has been confirmed though, so it looks like it might be. It's not a huge deal, just get it off Ebay or something.

Posts: 534
Honorable Member

True, that's what I did for my "Sonic Adventure DX".
Ha, it's hella awesome. I don't have a Gamecube so it really worked out for me =P
I actually just got off it...

The good thing is that you can buy it on ebay for cheap-cheap ^_^

Posts: 721
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It's not like it won't be compatible with US PCs or something, right? (glimmer of hope)

Posts: 4607
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It would be compatible (since PCs have no region-encoding), but the real question is whether it's worth all that money to go out of your way to play such a crappy game.

Posts: 721
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Considering I somehow managed to enjoy Heroes? Yeah, I'm getting the game.

Posts: 2809
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but the real question is whether it's worth all that money to go out of your way to play such a crappy game.

Crappiness is in the eye of the beholder, and one man's trash game is another man's treasure game. I for one found great enjoyment in this game, and I loved the story to boot.

Posts: 534
Honorable Member

HA! 2 points for positivity!

This is really cool - I got a TON of Sonic PC games, this will totally add to the collection!
(I got Sonic Heroes two days ago, luvvin it x3)

Posts: 1446
Noble Member


(I got Sonic Heroes 2 days ago, luvvin it x3)

I was freaking out about a Heroes 2 until I re-read that sentence =p

Posts: 534
Honorable Member

^Rofl. I'll fix that =P
Damn you word shortcuts!

Posts: 8
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How dare you call well-respected sub-characters like Tails, Knuckles, Amy, Cream, Blaze, and Shadow "annoying"? ...

No! I think they're not! boyBaTuTa! Only unused characters are! ...Sheesh....

-Love is Eternity

My youtube page 🙂

Posts: 1827
Noble Member


You probably know about this already.

But in case you don't. Go there and witness the awesome power of hacking. Plus the closest thing to a His World Instrumental.

Posts: 889
Prominent Member

I actually didn't know about this. Looks pretty cool. I didn't really enjoy the his world instrumental though; it sounded a little weird. I'll stick with the solaris phase 2 remix of His World.

Posts: 1037
Noble Member

I wonder if someone will hack Shadow the Hedgehog. xD

Posts: 5035
Illustrious Member

I thought Sega gave us the hacked version of ShtH....

Posts: 377
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Wow, from watching the changed Tails gameplay ... is it just me, or does the game actually look fun?

Posts: 1037
Noble Member

Yeah, that's what I thought, too actually. It looked oddly fun. o.o
Maybe it's because the infinite flight + insane high jump avoids bottomless pits and frustratingly hard to reach platforms?

Posts: 377
Reputable Member

Wow. I finally beat this beast of a game. I bought it the day it released, and played it all the way to the Last Story.

Then I realized that the first level of Last Story caused me to get headaches and anger problems, so I stopped playing for a handful of months. I decided to return, as I do not like having a nonfinished game ... and after hours of crying and misery, I finally beat it.

I must say, that first level where you have to get the Chaos Emeralds is the HARDEST MOST ANNOYING SOB EVAR. Does anyone agree with me? I could just not beat it. Ever. Silver was the most annoying for me. "I'll never give up!" Oh go die.

It took me at least an hour to figure out how to defeat Solaris, or whatever the thing is called.

EDIT: I forgot to add ... regardless of the annoying gameplay, I personally thought the last CG video (well, generally ALL CG videos), were done very well. A lot of care is evident in those videos.

Posts: 889
Prominent Member

I was stuck on Rouge's part of the level for about a day, but I beat silver's level in a few tries. It only took me 10-15 minutes to beat solaris. I love fighting solaris; it's almost as fun as fight chaos. I hope you enjoyed the game though Deus.

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