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Official Sonic the Hedgehog (360/PS3) Topic

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This is a very short and sweet interview with the director of the game, Masato Nakamura.

If this is old, I apologize. New to me however, and some of his answers show that they are really trying hard at making this one a game to remember. 🙂

Posts: 5035
Illustrious Member

Well obviously this is old(Feb) but to me it's new. =P They saw they are working on new gameplay elements. I'm thinking wall running, etc. As for the sense of better feel like SA felt back in 99. If it does...then they are doing great.

Posts: 1827
Noble Member

I dont know how I want this game to turn out.
Either the greatest 3d Sonic game ever.

Or a ultra polished version of Adventure 1 / 2.

Strange what months of only showing one level can do

Story line is going to be great
I heard on that the second level is a factory for absolutley no reason. Genius!

The only thing that is going to be bad is that we still have the most uncharismatic Sonic voice actor ever at the helm. Yes even the Sonic CD "YES" is better.

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We need either a japanese language track or different voice actors for this game.

Posts: 2354
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Why do I get the feeling it's going to be a redone, fully 3D version of the very, very, very first game (you know, Sonic the Hedgehog for the now defunct Sega Genesis)?

Posts: 377
Reputable Member


Why do I get the feeling it's going to be a redone, fully 3D version of the very, very, very first game (you know, Sonic the Hedgehog for the now defunct Sega Genesis)?

That's what I thought at first, but I'm pretty sure that it wont go that way. Though, if it does, that would be really cool, regardless that I like a new story.

I'd personally die for a 3D version of Sonic 3 & Knuckles, or Sonic CD.

Posts: 39
Eminent Member

Apparantly, the game's got a new name - Sonic the Hedgehog:Resistance. Don't know whether it's true or not, I read it at the Sega Forums:

Posts: 2016
Noble Member

Sonic the Hedgehog: Resistance? =/

I don't like how this is turning out. Mainly by the name, but also with some of the graphics which have been shown in the game, such as when Sonic does a homing attack on an enemy, hasn't been overly impressive.

The graphics at least look a hell of a lot more better than what we've seen in the part few games for major consoles (not counting Sonic Riders. I haven't played that so I'm not making a comparison against that), but hey, it's a next-gen console, and it's supposed to look more spiffy. But why am I disturbed that it isn't the best which can be done for the game? =/

I hope a whole lot more has been improved. For one being the camera.

And the addition of bullet-time. =D

Posts: 1827
Noble Member

Shadow Redemption?
Sonic Resistence?
All we need now is Knuckles Revolution (>_> @ Pat L)and its all going to go pop!

Sarcasm. Eases the pain.

Sonic Resistence hints that there is something for Sonic to resist. It probably means that those robots they can keep up with Sonic and as you go through the levels they get more aggressive. The blur mode will probably be called resistence mode or something. I don't think they would change the name of the game this late in the process though. But i've been wrong.

I wouldn't mind if STH'06 was set on South Island like Sonic 1. Memories.

Posts: 1413
Noble Member


Sony has confirmed a list of launch titles for PS3 in November 2006:

John Woo's Strangehold
Sonic the Hedgehog
Resistance: Fall of Man
Rainbow Six: Vegas
Untold Legends: Dark Kin

Odd no resistance in the title in this list.

Posts: 721
Prominent Member

I'm still hoping for it to be on Revolution.

PS. Thanks! This version of the trailer works!

AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:] :] :] :] :]

Posts: 1413
Noble Member

D'oh I didnt notice before but the Resistance title come from Resistance: Fall of Man game.

Posts: 721
Prominent Member

I noticed that, too.

Posts: 91
Trusted Member


I'm still hoping for it to be on Revolution.

PS. Thanks! This version of the trailer works!

Happy to help, mate. :]

Posts: 4607
Famed Member

New scans, BTW. Now we have TWO settings - the old, mossy ruins, and a Westopolis-eque city that looks like it's under attack from robots.

Posts: 1355
Noble Member


Seems like he has some sort of slide attack like the one in SA2 if you spammed the somersault{as Shadow?}.

Posts: 1827
Noble Member

you mean Somersault > Somersault > Slide Kick.

As long as it isnt all on one button it'll be ok.

Has to be said that city does look cool. If a bit too familiar. Looks a bit like Station Square to me. I know it was flooded but time passes.

Also the robots look a bit like Moto Bug to me. My monitor doesnt show red and it comes up as black. Are they red?

Posts: 1355
Noble Member

They are red, yes.

Posts: 120
Estimable Member

...and also, the city looks a little like Scrap Brain Zone. Is the possibility of a Remake completley out the window?

Posts: 4607
Famed Member

Yes, because that city looks nothing like Scrap Brain to me. At least, I don't remember the part of Scrap Brain where giant mechs attacked and I ran through a street surrounded by decaying office buildings. (Seriously, in the top left shot, look at those buildings up top - particularly the one on the right - and tell me those don't look like normal buildings that've been under attack. Where in Scrap Brain was that?)

Posts: 194
Estimable Member

Maybe it is Station Square, but partly in the rebuilding process. It would be cool if STH'06 had some old levels being rivisited. (Maybe that's the story, Sonic's thinking about the past?)

It's official, we have wall running.

Posts: 1413
Noble Member

Interesting pics. Those robot bugs look meaner than the old Badniks ever did. This game starting to look very promising.

Posts: 120
Estimable Member

:annoyed Okay,Okay, I see your point SH. I actually don't want it to be a remake, so that's good.:smile

About Station Square, I'd say it's a possibility. Maybe this is, in the same way that Shadow the Hedgehog built upon the SA2 story, this will build upon the SA1 story. Although personally, I'd like this to be a completley new adventure for Sonic.

Posts: 4607
Famed Member

This won't be a system-breaker like UT2K7 or Crysis or anything, but I'd sure like to see this on a PC. Mostly because I could probably get that, unlike the console version (Dad owns the 360, and I'm not planning on getting a PS3 right now...). Just get an Xbox 360 PC controller to alleviate the inevitable mess-up of the keyboard controls, and we're set!

Preferably, without having to wait a bloody year after its console release. Seriously, Sega, what the hell is with that? I mean, sure, Condemned's PC port was apparently handled well within a shorter time, but that's Monolith we're talking about - if F.E.A.R. is any indication, they know their PC programming. Sega's own licenses tend to come out way too late... SADX, Heroes and SMC+ were all very much obsolete by the time they got a PC port.

Posts: 1413
Noble Member


About Station Square, I'd say it's a possibility. Maybe this is, in the same way that Shadow the Hedgehog built upon the SA2 story, this will build upon the SA1 story. Although personally, I'd like this to be a completley new adventure for Sonic.

Or maybe that city that being rebuild is Westopolis from Shadow game instead of Station Square.

Btw did anyone notice that in pics with the new Crabmeat/Moto Bug there another robot hovering in the background? It almost look like new Buzz Bomber.

Posts: 1827
Noble Member

No don't say that. I want this game to be as pure as possible not tainted by Shadow. That isn't Westopolis. I say this while listening to Sky Troops.

There wasn't a church in Westopolis anyway. :p

Oh no I'm hyping the game up for myself.

You know that city could be Star Light Zone >_> nahhhh.


Posts: 4607
Famed Member


There wasn't a church in Westopolis anyway. :p

That's the ruins level, not the city.


You know that city could be Star Light Zone >_> nahhhh.

Yeah, really. One's a cityscape at night with serene music and a relatively cool pace. The other's obviously a city gone awry and aflame as robots attck from the sky. Pretty different.

Posts: 5772
Illustrious Member

Hm, Genocide City Zone. F'sure.

Posts: 1827
Noble Member

I know what it is. Its Eastopolis.

If I'm right. That would be scary. If predictable

What do we actually all think about the look of the game. Not the graphics, the actual style of the game.

I'm not to sure to be honest. When they showed the Sonic world in Sonic Jam, it looked nice. It was Green Hill Zone in 3D. They could get away with a realistic style in Adventure becuase it was at least colourful. Adventure 2 was everywhere though. Realistic Cities (City Escape), Forests, Medows etc. Military Bases, Egptian Areas and Sci Fi (All Ark Levels). Then Heroes came along and it was a homage to the classic Sonic games (First Level checkerboards everywhere) and it pretty much stayed true to the classic style (I felt) with some blips (Rail Canyon, Mystic Mansion). Then Shadow came along and it was Adventure 2 with Explosions, and decaying stuff, Clean Air Bases, Wierd Alien levels and for some reason THE INTARNET(which did look cool oh the irony of running into a firewall!). Then Riders came along and that really a mix match of ideas. Futuristic City (Like Grand Metropolis), Nice looking Canyons and Jungles (Like Dry Lagoon and Green Forest).

Meanwhile the 2D games
Advance 1: Nice Sonic 3 and Knuckles homage really.
Advance 2 / 3: Bit like Sonic Adventure 2 but in 2D mostly. Mind you there was the Cyber Track/Techno Base levels and Toy Kingdom/Music Plant level which where alright.
Battle: Nice looking. It was like Adventure 1 in some ways.
Rush: Haven't played it. Does look nice in screen shots.

So looking at all of that Sonic's world:
Is set in the not too distant future but cars can hover or have wheels.
There are Green areas still. which is nice.
Undiscovered Islands buried under sand
Strange Castles which can change gravity at the flick of a switch
Pinball Casinos/Bingo which are bigger than most cities
and of course Angel Island.

So this game from level 3 (maybe) after Green Ruins area and City Under Attack we could have anything really.

Overall I'm still not sure about it. The first level looks like a really ellaborated on version of Mystic Ruins / Windy Valley. Second level does look like a City Escape/Westopolis level. It looks graphically pleasing to me but they style doesn't look like a Sonic game. to me.

Posts: 1104
Noble Member


Or possibly the completely out of place cities from Angel Island :p

Posts: 4607
Famed Member



Much more of the city, and the shots are a bit easier to make out. I like that we've only seen Sonic in these stages, instead of everyone and their grandmother - kinda helps bring it back to those days where all you needed was the blue 'hog and a lot of robots, no talkative sidekicks involved. Like, say, Sonic CD, Sonic 1, Sonic 3D, X-treme (had it come out), and just about any Sonic GG title.

Posts: 377
Reputable Member

I'm trying to not yell in fanboyism with caps and all of that usualness.

They are really going in the right track -- my expectations have been blown away so far. I am very hopeful that these levels are shown at this year's E3.

Thanks for the images, I am LOVING this more serious style. I honestly think it's a perfect environment for the hedgehog.

Running on walls? I'm going to cry myself to sleep tonight, in a good way.

Posts: 1355
Noble Member

"or decimated cities filled with buildings that are ripe for running on."

We have no idea about whether they've been given actual info on this or it's just pure speculation, but it hints at being able to freerun up and over any building in the city level. Free roam much?

Posts: 4607
Famed Member

Doubt it. The earlier video, while somewhat more wide than Shadow's levels, still looked pretty linear, with a lot of bottomless pits.

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The textures hurt my eyes with their graininess.

Posts: 1446
Noble Member

I thought that was just the scan quality. o_O

Posts: 377
Reputable Member


I thought that was just the scan quality. o_O

It is.

Posts: 2016
Noble Member

Well, I don't know about you guys, but I thought I saw G.U.N. crates on the fourth scan.

I don't know whether to be worried or deathly afraid.

Posts: 1827
Noble Member

Nah they aren't GUN crates. They do look like them but they don't have the official secret militery logo of a G. Looks a bit like a bumper star from the Classic Sonic games.

Posts: 1355
Noble Member

I don't agree with writer of the article about Sonic games not needing a story

I took what he said as meaning that the silent story of S3K was the most a Sonic game should require when it comes to story. I really don't think a silent story would work in 3D though.

Posts: 526
Honorable Member

M$ annaounced a short list of game that will downloadable as either a trailer or demo STH is on that list!! A playable Sonic demo on 360 next week? IT MAY HAPPEN!! Or not.:cuckoo

Posts: 377
Reputable Member


M$ annaounced a short list of game that will downloadable as either a trailer or demo STH is on that list!! A playable Sonic demo on 360 next week? IT MAY HAPPEN!! Or not.

And there still isn't a 360 anywhere in my small little boring town. 🙂

That would be a real treat, regardless. It would certinally keep people happy till the release of the game -- though, so will a lot of content coming from this year's E3, I bet. It's going to be a good one.

Posts: 1789
Noble Member

IGN has some new info and screenshots of Sonic 2006.


According to SEGA, the key to re-introducing Sonic on the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 is focusing on the impact of his speed and sense of control from the early Genesis days (and the wild aerial jumps introduced in Sonic Adventures). In its 15-year anniversary, SEGA's new Sonic is one in which crisp high-res visuals, 60 frame-per-second gameplay, and an evolution of the hedgehog's general form.

Sonic is no longer the stubby, kid-like bullet with blue spiky fur. While retaining his general appearance -- smirky smile, giant blue head spikes, and classic white and red outfit, replete with white gloves -- SEGA has grown Sonic into an adult by means of a few simple techniques. The team has basically stretched his legs and arms to relatively human proportions. Thus, Sonic still looks just like always did but now he's about 5'10". In fact, all of the characters we saw, Dr. Robotnik (Eggman) and Sonic's new nemesis, a white hedgehog, retained relatively human-sized heights. The effect is a little alarming at first. Sonic looks like a skinny dude in a mascot suit now, or at least when he's standing still. Once he starts running, it's all different. Even so, you'll need to take second and third glance to get accustomed to his new look.

The hedgehog's new game follows a simple narrative premise. In a pristine kingdom holding a royal family, a certain Princess Elise retains a chaos emerald... and a deep secret. In an inevitable turn of events, Dr. Robotnik learns of the emerald and kidnaps the princess and thus the emerald. Sonic is compelled to retrieve her and the precious stone, of course, but the new rival, basically a cream-colored furry that looks remarkably like Sonic, appears in a following cutscene. Looking down from a towering hill into a village, the mystery animal proclaims, "I've finally found it, the Iblis Trigger." The Iblis Trigger, we're told, is Sonic[/g] and this new rival is going to cause him great pain due to vaguely revealed supernatural powers. You'll also be able to play as the new character as a tw

Sonic has a new rival that looks like him!?! NO WAY! =O

Eh, I'm not so thrilled with the technical cababilities of the graphics with this game as I've seen screenshots of some upcoming X360/PS3 games that look better than this. Hopefully these are from an early build.

And Iblis Trigger...the hell?!

On the plus side, at least it looks like the adventure fields are back.

Posts: 1355
Noble Member

A princess and a white hedgehog. I can't say I ever saw that coming...I guess that's the 4th character in Soinc Rivals. Wow, after a drought of info we get all this. Anticipation: Rising.

Posts: 1413
Noble Member

Wtf? another hedgehog?


The other type of stage is the town stage, which SEGA hid from us so we would come by its booth at E3. Sneaky! The town stages are apparently open and free-roaming too, giving Sonic the ability to mingle with other characters and explore and do things that heroic blue hedgehogs normally do (I wonder if there are chili dog vendors in this new town..?).

Yes the Adventure Field are back.So we finally get to see a village full of Sonic people (like in the comics).


I've finally found it, the Iblis Trigger." The Iblis Trigger, we're told, is Sonic and this new rival is going to cause him great pain due to vaguely revealed supernatural powers. You'll also be able to play as the new character as a twist.

So Sonic is somekind of trigger thing.

EDIT- As for the story sound like Eggman is imitating Bowser and kinapping princesses too. Also I bet the White Hedgehog can use Chaos Control too.



The overworld alluded to earlier bears discussion, as Sonic will exist in a human environment populated by traditional Sonic characters -- good and bad -- as well as a large human citizenry. The game takes place in the human water city of Soleanna, home of Princess Elise who bears a potentially powerful secret. Dr. Eggman, having somehow discovered this secret, kidnaps the princess, and her rescue attempt falls in your hands. Standing in your way is a mysterious character who speaks elliptically of an Ilbris Dagger and has reason to want you to fail. More importantly, you will be able to play as this character, which comes to us as somewhat of a surprise considering playing as multiple characters has been done before, to tepid reviews, and Sonic Team claims that this time around the focus is on Sonic and his speed.

Okay is it a Dagger or a Trigger.

Posts: 4336
Famed Member

I first read that as the Iblis Tigger.

And that had me going O_o;

Then I realized it was Iblis Trigger.

And all was well.

Posts: 1413
Noble Member


Wait, Iblis Trigger= DMC Devil Trigger?

EDIT - Kingdom Valley is the name of one of the stages.

Posts: 1827
Noble Member

An Adventure Stage populated by Traditional Sonic characters? *Eyebrow raises* That smells of fan service. Nothing wrong with fan service of course. And Sonic is now human size? This is interesting really. From a stand point that we could have all those characters from Sonic Channel shown off in their new glory. Vector is going to be really big.

A white hedgehog. I havent seen him yet already I dont like him. Blah Blah ANGST. I have to admit I am a bit (no scratch that) a lot tied of all this Sonic a likes (Shadow, Jet, Blaze,) But at least like Shadow and Blaze he should play a lot like Sonic so it wont matter in gameplay terms.

Posts: 377
Reputable Member

The only thing I dislike is the fact that we have ANOTHER hedgehog (seriously, is anyone else tired of new hedgehogs?) and also how this hedgehog is somehow playable (I was hoping it'd be Sonic only).

I don't mind the princess, nor the Adventure fields -- I'm glad they're implementing somewhat of a mysterious story here.

Though, the only thing anyone should care about is this: Will it be fun? Will it be fast?

From the sounds of it, it seems like it'll be both. E3 is next week, let's hope for more gameplay footage.

EDIT: Reading into this mysterious "Nazo" character, could it be possible that this white hedgehog may actually have a large connection with the Chaos Emeralds? What if this new character relates to Sonic being able to dramatically change shape, due to being a hedgehog?

From the showcase of a Chaos Emerald at the first trailer, the early view of Super Sonic, and the kidnap of a princess in posession of a Chaos Emerald, it DOES seem like the Emeralds play more of a central part to this story.

If all such was the case, then I would surely not care for this new hedgehog.

Posts: 931
Prominent Member

Posted by me 4 pages and several weeks back:


My main hope, I decided recently, is for wall-running to be become realistic and doable.
Like PoP, but with more speed and less calculation.

From the IGN article:


He can run onto walls Shinobi-style,

I win!

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