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Official Sonic the Hedgehog (360/PS3) Topic

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Posts: 1437
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I'm really not sure if this is an actual official reboot of the continuity, and if it is I'm not sure whether this is a bad thing or a good thing.

Either way, if there's a PC version I'm all over it, but I will not buy a 360 or a PS3 just for this game (or, in all likelihood, at all, at least until they dip below $100 which probably won't be for quite some time).

Posts: 4607
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I will not buy a 360 or a PS3 ... in all likelihood, at all, at least until they dip below $100 which probably won't be for quite some time.

That'll be quite a while. The PS2 is ages old (six years and going strong), and is by no means the most powerful of the consoles, and yet it's STILL clinging on to >$100 prices (the most recent price drop I could've sworn was official was to $130-ish).

Yeah, at least a good PC would get you UT2K7 and those HL2 expansions...


It's interesting how many people are claiming that the new character's name has been officially confirmed, especially when they're all giving different names. XD

So far there's Iblis (even though he called SONIC "the Iblis Trigger/Dagger"), Ibis, Silver, Nazo, Terion... honestly.

I say we call him "That Hog".

Posts: 1437
Noble Member


That'll be quite a while. The PS2 is ages old (six years and going strong), and is by no means the most powerful of the consoles, and yet it's STILL clinging on to >$100 prices (the most recent price drop I could've sworn was official was to $130-ish).

Right, I know. I still don't have a PS2 and I don't intend to buy one until its obsolescence puts it within my budget. Which will happen after PS3 comes out, probably.

Posts: 56
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omg hedgies

He looks....regal. Kinda Blaze-y. Maybe he's, like, the Princess's bro or something.

Posts: 247
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It's been announced that the princess is human.

Posts: 1827
Noble Member

I wonder if Jason Griffith is going to voice him?
That really is the no brainer of this game...
I do hope there is a nice little Museum area in the game.
Something you actually want for getting through the game. Rather than SUPER HARD MODE! :(

Posts: 1104
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Like the one in Wind Waker?

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Nintendo Gallery =D

Or whatever the hell the little place was called.

Posts: 8
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So far I'm liking the look of this game, mainly because the Team is finally focusing on the main style of Sonic gameplay, which imo they should have been doing since Sonic Adventure. And really, considering theyve had quite a while to develop this game, and they're seemingly only focusing on straight out Sonic style gameplay, it can't be too bad. I can pretty much say with confidence that this game won't be flat out horrible like Heroes or Shadow. Plus that "mach speed" thing sounds pretty cool.

I don't really mind if the storyline turns out stupid. I mean, it doesnt matter all that much, at least to me. While it would be nice if good gameplay was balanced out with a good story, at this point, Sonic fans can't really be too picky about the quality of the games.

Posts: 1827
Noble Member

I have to admit I havent gone through Wind Waker twice. I heard about the DX camera thing and all that. So I have no idea of the Nintendo gallery

I meant more of the one in Sonic Jam or Ratchet and Clank 3. Lots of History and Art and maybe the Sonic CD JP Advert. Maybe some crap that didn't make it.

Edit: Sorry, Sonic your princess is in a different castle!

Posts: 56
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Why does whitey have Shadow's chest hair? Was it a wig and he stole it? Are they related and it's hereditary? Is he covering up an embarrassing rash?

Posts: 120
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Jason Griffith will most likely do the voice of the new guy, considering 4Kids have a habit of getting the same voice actor to do a character's voice that has any vague connection with another character they do.

Posts: 1413
Noble Member


In a private chat with Sonic Team, we pressed for more info on Sonic's abilities, which yielded some interesting nuggets of info. Though they couldn't fully answer our query on Sonic's abilities (that is, whether he'd be fully powered up or gradually gain abilities as you play) they did mention that he will be customizable to a certain degree. Apparently, you'll have some degree of control over which powers Sonic will use in his adventure, though the team wouldn't elaborate on how.

Interesting.I wonder what kind of new abilities Sonic will get? As for a skinny Eggman well it will take some time to get use to it. I wonder if Sonic Team is going to change his name back to Robotnik since he no longer look like an egg?

Posts: 526
Honorable Member

Maybe they'll co-star Eggman with Jared in the Subway commercials.

Posts: 173
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To be honest, my opinion going into the game is pretty low. It really looks like they ripped the soul right out of Sonic the Hedgehog. Imaginative, colorful background and environments? Gone. Instead it looks like we're going to get levels that could easily have been in a random FPS game. Quirky Eggman robots? Gone. Send in the generic, evil robots! (Sonic X was also guilty of this -- Sonic battled all the rejects of the Gundam Factory.)

As odd as it may seem, it's possible to have bright colors, cartoony talking animals, the occasional positive emotion, and still have explore significant ideas and have a sense of seriousness. Imagination doesn't have to be left behind with childhood -- it can still be harnessed to create things that appeal to adults. If a story handles itself seriously, then it will be serious, even with talking animals.

I guess one positive thing I can say is that I like the idea of Sonic and Shadow maybe working together. I noticed in Shadow the Hedgehog that they actually complimented each other pretty well when they worked as a 'team' (Or when Sonic just trailed him and annoyed him.) The third hedgehog's design dosn't excite me but I'd like to know more about him.

Posts: 859
Prominent Member

Oh come on...
These robots are two hundred and fifty eight times better than ANYTHING from Sonic Heroes...
And I mean that with a passion that burns brighter than a candle protected by the wind by a cement wall thirty feet high, wind breakers and special heating elements. I believe that with a passion brighter than that candle even when it's supported by thirty tonnes of explosives connected to the flame with a short fuse...

Say it now... I BELIEVE!!!!

Posts: 931
Prominent Member


As odd as it may seem, it's possible to have bright colors, cartoony talking animals, the occasional positive emotion, and still have explore significant ideas and have a sense of seriousness.

I've been mentioning this a lot, but... go play Psychonauts.

Personally, I think the new level looks pretty, and is a bit more Sonic-y and less generic than the levels from, say, Shadow or Heroes.
I'm not going to comdemn a gmae based on what the evil robots look like, either. When all's said and done, it won't be the aesthetics that make this. After all, heroes has bright, chirpy, traditional looks.
It'll be the design and control... and having heard the words "wall-running", I'm hopeful for both.

Posts: 4885
Illustrious Member

Dudes. This it it. Game Over. There's no hope beyond this.

Do not click unless you wish your childhood dead.

Posts: 526
Honorable Member

Hmmmm... actually, I like it. If they're going with a more realistic look,it's not bad. He loooks more like a scientist than a fat clown. He's not totally skinny either. This is an Eggman I can actually cosplay as (I'd just have to shave my head).

Oh, and by the way, SONIC TRAILER IS AVAILABLE ON THE 360 RIGHT NOW!! I'll give details later after I'm done downloading.:thumbsup

Posts: 1355
Noble Member

No comment. No. F**kin. Comment.

Looks like the liens in his attire glow when he uses his powers.

<3 @ THS

Posts: 4607
Famed Member

What ho, hedgehog!

Interesting. My childhood hasn't died yet, but this is a very large jump from the old.

They really ARE reinventing some things, here...

Posts: 1789
Noble Member

Oh yes, Eggman now looks like Gerald this time. =D

And what's this from the trailer and screencaps:

It looks like they are incorparating the "beloved" Shadow the Hedgehog gameplay complete with guns and tanks! =D Looks like I finally have to play his levels assuming I still have the will to rent this potential trainwreck of a game. Thank you people who bought that steaming pile of a game to ensure that this gameplay will be encorparted to future Sonic console games from now on. ^_^

Man the princess looks too realistic as I was hoping she would be more "anime"-like like a CGI version of the human designs from Sonic X or one of the Square 3D-models from Kingdom Hearts.

And White Shadow still has an awful design.

Posts: 1355
Noble Member

I suppose this means that the new hog actually is white and all previous confusion was down to whatever.

I'm trying to be positive about this, I really am, This is too much. Ugh...

Posts: 526
Honorable Member

I was fine about it, I even liked the way Eggman looked. Everything was great until I saw Shawdow in that G**D*** vehicle!! NOOOO!! SEGA DO NOT INCORPORATE ANY SHADOW GAMEPLAY INTO THIS GAME!! It's over, it's all friggin over. I really, really hope Yuji Naka leaves Sega because frankly, I'm starting to realize that he actually sucks at making Sonic games.

Posts: 4607
Famed Member

Since when has Naka been more than a figurehead, anyway? It's Iizuka who I've always been blaming. Naka's leaving doesn't eliminate the problem.

Regardless, this is being directed by Shun Nakamura, whose only claims to fame were Samba de Amigo and Billy Hatcher. Time will tell if this comes out okay, regardless of how dreary things look.

Posts: 1789
Noble Member

Naka has already left and I doubt he was that involved in this game...

...Maybe Iizuka secretly took over as the producer as it has his elements in this game. =X

Okay so I saw the video and the only thing that looked fun was unsurprisingly the Sonic parts. Which makes question why the hell did Sega put Shadow and Whitey as playbale characters in this game?

The should have just called the game Sonic Adventure 3 because that's what it seems like.

Posts: 1037
Noble Member

That fire beast in the trailer.. it reminds me of Perfect Chaos.
It also seems the 3 'hogs will have at least slightly different playing styles. Sonic is runrunrun and occasionally jump. Shadow is ..well, the things he did in his game and Mr.Whitey pwns enemies with magic or something.
He still looks very fan-charactery to me.
Is it confirmed he's a hedgehog at all? He looks like a punk ovegrown swimming chao.

Posts: 120
Estimable Member

Would it be legal for me to upload this trailer onto Google Video?

Posts: 4607
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It's free, so why not?

Posts: 120
Estimable Member

Okay, I'm uploading. I'm just not too familiar with posting Media. Don't really want Sega hunting me down! :nn;

Posts: 1413
Noble Member


The Shadow gameplay was unexpected.

Eggman new look will take sometime to get use to it.

LOL a redheaded princess. I wonder if she has a blue vest too.XD

I need to find that trailer.

Posts: 1037
Noble Member

Hey, I just double-checked on wikipedia,"Iblis was a Jinn, a creature made of smokeless fire", well, the Perfect Chaos look-a-like is a huge firey thingy. So I guess that's Iblis.
Now it's left open to speculation what the trigger is, although it's hinted that it's Sonic himself.
I wonder if that means he's the only one able to stop Iblis?

Posts: 61
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Posts: 1827
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Well Thin Eggman isnt as bad as I thought.
So Sonic is going to be Sonic style.
and Shadow is going to be Shadow style.
God knows what Whitey is going to be like. But darn. At least make it good Sega.

Posts: 120
Estimable Member

Trailer looks really good...and it sounds as if Crush 40 are back.

Posts: 931
Prominent Member

To be honest, robotnik doesn;t look much thinner from how the Advacne games have been portraying him, anyway...
Vehicles, however, could be bad, unless they do a Sonic Adventure and have it unrelated to most of the main game.

Posts: 202
Estimable Member

Well, I think it looks pretty good really. Assuming that Shadow and Whitey have a vaguely similar game mechanic to Sonic (I doubt Shadow's always in vehicles for example) then I don't mind; it's only when we divert into emerald hunting or what have you that I really take issue.

As for the Eggman, it doesn't bother me. He's still very recognisably Eggman in design, it's not like he doesn't have the crazy mustache or anything.

Posts: 526
Honorable Member

I find it ironic that I'm one of the few people on this forum that has a 360, and I have yet to see the trailer. It refuses to download!! In fact, that goes for any E3 trailer. It's like MS went "oops! Not until tomorrow" and banned me from seeing the new trailers. This is complete bull.

UPDATE: Trailer is now available on

Posts: 4607
Famed Member

Use this.

Looks much better in motion... the music when Sonic shows up's pretty good, but that cutscene music takes too cartoony a stance with its orchestral music.

Oh, and That Hog's actor is really bad (emphasizing "trigger" for reasons I can't comprehend) although it sounds like Griffith again, so that'd explain things. Even if Drummond WAS a little wooden, at least his lines came across a bit better than that...

As for Eggman, that voice and that design don't go well together. At all.

Posts: 42
Eminent Member

My hopes haven't dropped a bit since seeing the trailer. Perhaps that statement is unfounded, however, as I am one who has not yet played, or wishes to, the "horrors" of Shadow and Riders.

Dare I say it? That Shadow riding in the military vehicle actually looks FUN?!? I mean, we must never forget that vehicles in games can be FUN and compliment platforming if they are done right and are controllable... apparently in Shadow it wasn't, but maybe here it will be.

It seems that everyone has taken their SA-era character designs and taken them to the next level- Sonic is leaner, has longer spikes, looks tougher; Eggman is taller and less round, but retains his uber skinny arms and is comical enough to be recognizable.

The voice acting so far (all 3 or 4 lines of it) doesn't seem to be horrible. Eggman seems right, and Whitey the mysterious Matrixhog doesn't sound cheesy at all.

As usual Sonic's gameplay looks pretty good, and seems to be an improvement over SA2 (we'll not even mention Heroes). The levels look large and so far, seem to have at least vestiges of branching pathways. The only thing I have a problem with is the princess's face. Its fugly.

Posts: 4607
Famed Member


The voice acting so far (all 3 or 4 lines of it) doesn't seem to be horrible. Eggman seems right, and Whitey the mysterious Matrixhog doesn't sound cheesy at all.

Well, I suppose it's better than a Jill Sandwich, but it's still not winning any Oscars any time soon.


The only thing I have a problem with is the princess's face. Its fugly.

I prefer to consider that she looks like she jumped ship from some unreleased Final Fantasy, myself.

Come to think of it, why don't they use this technology to make an RPG? Come on, they've done pretty good with RPGs; Panzer Dragoon Saga and Skies of Arcadia come to mind...

Posts: 42
Eminent Member

The whole city looks like a scene from a bootleg Final Fantasy.

We've yet to see any signs of Tails, Knuckles, Amy, etc. Since we now know it isn't going to be an oldschool Sonic vs. Eggman deal (ALAS!), I can't see them putting Shadow in without at least some homage to the original cast.

And am I the only one that thinks that the characters in Sonic Adventure were different enough to warrent traveling through levels multiple times? As long as there are no gimmicks like treasure hunting or racing, I see no reason why Tails' or Knuckles' gameplay couldn't make replaying a level a new experience. Heck, as long as it controls well, even Shadow's vehicle riding style could be fun and stick to the core speedy platforming.

And I do agree Eggman's VA is not painful, but I still think Whitey the PhantomHog had a pretty good delivery on the one line.

I only hope this big bad monster has a buildup and plot half as good as Chaos' was.

Posts: 859
Prominent Member

Well, at least their concentrating on the three hedgehogs, rather than here there and everywhere...

Shadow, driving... hmm...
Otherwise, liking the look of it. semi realistic, sort of harks back to the adventure games (WHICH I LIKED)
if it does turn up to be a cross between the original 2 adventure games wit added features (rahter than Shadow which was a cross between SA2 and heroes, with added features) then I'll be happy.

I want to see more of the engine, more specifics and less general though.

Posts: 4607
Famed Member

By the way, IT CONTINUES!

Yup. Chao in Space THREE, dawgz.

Posts: 42
Eminent Member

Haha, I noticed the chao poster as well, but not that it was for Chao in Space III. Oh boy!
I hope this is a sign that chao gardens will return in this game. I doubt it, however, seeing as we've only been taunted with chao cameos as of late.

Posts: 899
Prominent Member

Liked what I saw from the trailer, except Eggman's new look, the realistic princess and Shadow's gameplay. Something about this game is just turning me away from it, though, and I can't quite put my finger on what it is. After Heroes and Shadow, I'm just not excited about the 3D games anymore, but Sonic's gameplay looks like that of the Adventure series, so I may like it.

Posts: 1827
Noble Member

Well I just downloaded both trailers (the 41mb one was very laggy for me WMP or winamp cant keep up).
Wow the White hedgehog has chest and back hair. He has connected with me.
Music: quite good really. The first bit is good and then the main theme (I presume) does have that heroic feel and then builds up nicely. Thye havent gone guitar mad.
If the vehicles are controlled like Halo or Ratchet and Clank there could be hope for Shadow. Becuase in Shadow they were horrid.
If it wasnt confirmed before by all new playable character it was confirmed in this trailer. This really isn't the Reinvention of Sonic. But that shouldn't stop it from being really good.
Voices: Mike Pollock is a good Eggman. New guy: We are already biting his head off in one line. Even though it probably very is Griffith he does have a nice voice. Bit gruff and determined. Nice.
Game bits: not much really. Sonic is going to be Sonic. Shadow will be Shadow but (hopefully) vastly improved to form Speed Gamma and Whitey (which was the name of a wild cat I use to see a lot a long time ago in Kent. We also had Blacky. Yeah My dad and original names!) seems to be wierd you cant really make out what he does but he refects bullets and fires them back at the robot. Injust wonder if they have put in the most pointless gimmick in a Sonic game: Slow Motion.

Over all: Still have hope.

Posts: 363
Reputable Member

Hopefully I'm not being redundent by posting this but it was taken from Sega's E3 Press Release page:


Sonic The Hedgehog (PS3, Xbox 360) - Release: Fall 2006
Sonic celebrates his 15th anniversary by blazing his way onto the next-generation consoles, with his first adventure set in the human world! Featuring interactive 3D environments and a large cast of returning and new characters, get ready for the reinvention of Sonic The Hedgehog, in his most intense, high velocity escapade to date!

Perhaps there will be helper characters like in Shadow's game. Thus far it looks like the gameplay focuses on only the three hedgehogs. Honestly, I wish this game focused only on Sonic, but I'll settle for three hedgehogs since there's nothing I can do about it. But if they try to incorporate as many different types of gameplay styles as in SA2, I will scream. And things will burn.

Posts: 409
Reputable Member

I have very simple (and thusly obvious to me) theory of what "Iblis Trigger" means.

Firstly, Iblis is the fire demon. Now, think of "trigger" in a verb-sense. The fire demon is being "triggered." Released, perhaps?

I have a question for you, now. Has it been officially established that SONIC is the "Iblis Trigger?" It would make more sense for Eggman or the Princess to be the Iblis Trigger. Perhaps Eggman "triggered" the release of the fire demon, or the princess did with her emerald that Eggman was trying to steal from her?

Posts: 194
Estimable Member

Since we haven't seen any gameplay bits yet of anyone besides the hedgies, I doubt anyone else will be playable. That being said, I can't wait to see who pops up as helpers or maybe they just hang out in the villages.

This and a few other games are making me lean toward a PS3...

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