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Official US Sonic X Discussion and Info Thread

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Chris does help tails out a lot. He is very active as the 1st mate of the Blue Typhoon crew, and as the pilot for the Hyper Tornado. While the furries can breathe in space, if they go any further then the deck of the Blue Typhoon they need to use jetpacks to move about. Chris has to wear a spacesuit if he leaves the ship.
Posts: 78
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By the way, the dub episode titles so far can be found here *shudders at Ep 55's*

Posts: 5772
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Sonic X Episode 53: Meteor Storm Messenger Paperback @
Sonic X Episode 54: Spaceship Blue Typhoon Paperback @

Scan from book 1 of 2.
Scan from book 2 of 2.'s Rapid the Hedgehog posted these scans at their forum. Good news is they do NOT use 4Kids' translations and would appear to be much closer to the French/Japanese versions of the script, all the while including a few typos of their own ("X-Tornade"?). Also you can see official art of Cosmo not known to exist anywhere else. Possibly something to invest in.

Posts: 1195
Noble Member

Sonic X, Episode 55 H2Whoa! or Sonic sucks at fighting Metarex while random crap goes around.
The story begins with a short visit to Chris lab where his mother is crying over her sons decision to be with Sonic. She demands him back, but only Chris knows of the machines function. Chris friends and other family members reassures the complaining Lindsey while I just complain that the animators didnt even bothered to spruce up the parents and grandparent as oppose to the kids. Sure, the children are the more radically changed physically cuz of the 12 years back, but seriously, they couldnt bothered to at least put on some new clothes?
One theme song later, the Blue Typhoon flies high as Cream asks if Knuckles really did sense an Chaos Emerald. He answers confidently that the ME, like some big green tracking device, has found one. Its located on Planet Secco, a planet that is nothing but dry bone according to Sonics planetary guide book. So-umm...where did Sonic get the book? Did he buy it off of someone from his planet before he left? Did Tails make it and if so, is this not the first time Sonic and pals ever went globe trotting? Unfortunately, we dont get your answers here, which sucks. But it is nice to see the furries together. No Rouge, no Shadow. In truth, it feels a bit like the olden Sonic days, pre-SA2. I personally enjoy seeing Sonic, Tails, Amy, Big, Knuckles, and even Cream together the most out of the others like Rouge and Shadow. I feel a sense of more connectivity and nostalgia with those guys the most...but Im just blabbing, best to move on.
They fly to Planet Secco and Sonic grows surprised (and freaked out) when he finds out his guide book is out of date as Secco is completely surrounded by water. As Tails gives everyone their own submarine, Sonic just panics some more. Chris reassures him that hell be safe and the two hitch a sub together, but in separate containments, which does nothing to reassure Sonics fear. Chris for one, is happy hes in his own containment. Wow, Chris NOT wanting to be with Sonic? The apocalypse is NOW! Unfortunately for those two, they soon end up separated from the others. SUCKS TO BE THEM!

Meanwhile, Tails, Cream/Cheese, Knuckles, and Cosmo land on a beach where they look for the emerald. Knuckles goes full blast and starts using the shovel claw and digging like he's on steroids. Cream brings her own pail and shovels (Very cute, by the way), and she and Cosmo does their own digging. Amy complains and lazy around.

Chris and Sonic end up on another island with a high tower built on it. Immediately on their landing, fish Metarex surrounds them. Sonic tries his best to hold them off, but even hes having time struggling. No duh, considering the last couple nearly kicked his butts in all the wrong way. Chris decides to put off his useless role that hes suffered for in the past episodes and starts displaying his black belt marital arts skills he learned from Tanaka. Naturally, hes short build and strength causes him to be as useless as he ever was, along with an extra side of embarrassment. Sonic then gets captured ala a fishing net and promptly orders Chris to get help, as in like now. Chris wanders about for like 3 minutes before he ultimately leaves. Way to stall time, wonder boy.
After the initial commercial break, Chris is already inside the Blue Typhoon, using his mechanical skills to pilot that airship he piloted last episode. Ya know, that nice looking one. Chris isnt thinking too clearly when he said hed rescue Sonic himself. Well, arent we back to being a 12 year old again? Tails, a kid whos 10 years younger then him, puts Chris brain back in his head and said not to do something stupid and work together and all that jazz. So Chris finally settles down and Tails starts to contact Amy to inform her of Sonics kidnapping...
Which Amy knows about, by the way, as she was informed by people in cloaks and robes surrounding her. Apparently, she wandered off the digging scene and befriended them. She said shes off to rescue Sonic herself and she doesnt need teamwork. Tails can settle Chris down, but arguing against Amy is liable to get his body tied up like a freakin pretzel.
Chris enters his room afterwards and lies on his bed. He ponders on how much of a useless character he is, no matter how much he learned martial arts, mechanics and piloting, and even holding down a part time job at the local McDonald while sporting his best IM LOVIN IT! smile. Deep down inside, he cries.
Chris then ponders of another flashback of his sexy, hot 18 year old self of him showing doodles of Sonic shoes hes been inventing to Helen. Helen thinks theyre awesome which prompts Chris to blush. How many people think the two will end up together? Well? Come on? Raise those hands, I know ya wanna! Yea, you, Im pointing at you. The two would make an adorable couple. Come on, Chris, you got a beautiful girl (Im jealous of her looks), take what you can get! Your fantasy with Sonic will only make you single AND a loser.
Chris then snaps out of his flashback and finally sees that hes useful. Wow, that certainly didnt take long. He leaves his bed and heads to his computer where he proceeds to do some mad typing.
Meanwhile, Amy is on the island where Sonic was captured. The people she met before (who with their huge eyes and pointy ears look like a rejected DragonBall Z character), warns her of the Metarex, but shes got something Sonic dont have: Proud, unauthorized anger/love. And with her mighty mallet doth Amy Rose smite thy beastly Trogdor-er, I mean-Metarex, so sayeth her courage and strength be passeth onwards to others.
Sonic on the other hand is tied and hanged from a pole. He is slowly being lowered to a shark. While all that is happening, Tails dives in to help as well, forgetting about his teamwork with Chris and instead just leaving without him. Yep, Tails just doesnt wanna be bothered with Chris, its HIS time to shine. So, he hop aboard on another jet plane............which I can SAFELY say, is ACTUALLY even MORE fuglier then the original X-Tornado. Granted, its just X-Tornado colored different, but its a fugly color and GAWD, thats so hard to look at! My soul just died a little inside.
Amy takes down any fish Metarex blocking her way and reaches to Sonic. She leaps up towards Sonic who starts swinging like crazy, probably to avoid her death grip. It worked because she ends up inside the water where shes peeved Sonic didnt catch her. Uhh, NEWS FLASH, Amy, your boyfriends all TIED UP. Considering she also couldnt tell the difference between Sonic and Shadow in SA2, she must have the visionary intolerance of the Trix Kids (seriously, if they cant see the damn Trix Bunny on the cereal front, they have no business eating it). Sonic warns Amy of the shark behind her, but shes peeved enough of this. No shark or Metarex will stop her when shes reached her boiling point. And with that, she carries the pole and runs off while Sonic, still tied, is being dragged away. She leaps outta the tower where Tails catches her in time. Sonic is still tied and flopping uselessly like a fish outta water as the fugly errr..pseudo X-Tornado flies of.
Unfortunately, when Amy looks back to see if Sonic is alright, the rope has been cut off (possibly the metarex attacking them and all). Sonic is falling into the sea, but Chris comes in time and shoots Sonic some red sparks. Now Sonics shoes has yellow covering on the front and back. These be hover shoes and with his feet nearly that of Jesus-walking level, Sonic kicks Metarex butt and ultimately frees the Planet Egg, which dries up the entire planet. The people of Planet Secco all cheer and everything is right in the world.

Meanwhile, Cosmo wakes up from her nap to see Knuckles STILL digging. His efforts were in vain however, because Cheese managed to easily see the Blue Chaos Emerald. Well, one down, 6 more to go.

In another part, Sonic thanks Chris for the shoes and offers to race with Chris jet. Then he starts to run off...

In general, in overall, the episode itself was good, but unlike the last two, it wasnt great. Its more because of the random little plotholes or things that didnt convince well that did it for me. Amys meeting with the natives was kinda just...there. There was basically little to no interaction between the-um...Seccoians other then them warning Amy to be careful and that was like one line. Speaking of which, Amys meeting with the people seemed random. They couldnt show her going inside the ruins or wherever the hell she was and finding the natives and chatting with them? Let the natives talk on about how the Metarex screwed with their lives? Would have done them some justice. With absolutely no other roles, the natives of Secco were completely useless and not used to their full potential. Heck, they only make about 3 scenes and each scene is like a grand total of a 10 seconds or below. What a complete waste. That was probably my biggest problem.
The others were more smaller things. I mean, Sonics planetary guide book which he got out of no explanation unless it was just there for joke purposes (it sure didnt look like one to me), and little bits of translation that sounded kinda...out of place for lack of better wording.
Chris role was handled pretty well here though. He pondered on his role on how useless he felt, but instead of making him useless for the remainder, he does something about it. Heck, he even tried to help Sonic stop the metarex and while he failed, he tried then stand around like a friggin statue. Even better is that even Tails gets his moment in the spotlight. With decent animations, the episode was only marred by the above reasons, but it gets a pretty high score because I enjoyed it enough, despite the flaws.

~I still want Big
~Poor Trix Bunny, if you were real, Id offer you cereal
~Wonder what Eggmans up to by the time this episode went around?
~That pseudo X-Tornado...ugh...

Posts: 5772
Illustrious Member

Planet "Dry"?

Posts: 73
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Oh, that was "Secco" they were saying? Huh. Big change from "Hydoo." I agree with you on the random Galactic Guidebook thing, I kept giggling with the thought of someone writing "DON'T PANIC!" on it. In large, friendly letters.

Posts: 1381
Noble Member


~Poor Trix Bunny, if you were real, I'd offer you cereal

Heh, finally, I meet someone who agrees with me about the Trix "Wabbit." I too feel sorry for him and I would give him some too; heck, with his money why doesn't he just buy some instead of stooping to stealing. Ahem, now to get off this off-topicness, is it just me or does it look like Chris got the idea for Sonic's shoes from Shadow's shoes? Plus, I was somewhat :0o , when I saw that they didn't make Lindsey, Nelson, or Chuck age at all; they should have at least gave Lindsey and Nelson gray highlights and Chuck just a few more winkles. Also, did any body else figured the blue CE would be on a water(which is blue) world like I did?

Posts: 4607
Famed Member

Neo, your post got all gibberishy with your apostrophes and the like! Isn't that great?[/Saddy Dumpington]


Cosmo had trouble getting the words out. "It is... something that takes the life of planets... a machine version of Death."

Oh, I can JUST see it now...

Metarex: Ah, Cosmo. What is your business here?
Cosmo: I have come to put and end to this.
Metarex: Still befriending others... I'll not ask you to return to our side, but I demand you cease your attack!
Cosmo: I will not.
Metarex: You shall regret those words... We will meet again!

After which he steals all of Cosmo's gear and leaves her at the most basic level you can possibly get without taking the series into X-rated levels.

She later meets and defeats said Metarex in some upside-down version of where she fought a three-headed dog. Yes.

Posts: 5772
Illustrious Member

That's... an interesting take. Considering who the Metarex ringleader is. But alas, I may have said too much.

Posts: 1195
Noble Member

Neo, your post got all gibberishy with your apostrophes and the like! Isn't that great?[/Saddy Dumpington]

Is it? From my computer, all three of the reviews look fine. Granted, my first two reviews of episode 53 and 54, I notice the apostrophes and the likes (which I fixed), but the newest one I notice nothing.

Posts: 4607
Famed Member


That's... an interesting take. Considering who the Metarex ringleader is. But alas, I may have said too much.


Posts: 1037
Noble Member

Just a quick question: Were at some point the episodes split in 2 15 minutes ones in the US, too? Or is only italian TV dumb enough to do this? It gets really annoying at times... >:

Posts: 165
Estimable Member

I just noticed Something. If Knuckles is supposed to be gullible, he should have believed Cosmo during her speech in the last episode. I'm guessing he finally got tired of it.

This episode wasn't as exciting as it was set up to be. Sonic's voice appears to be changing, too. Amy's conversation with herself was hilarious, and I liked the shoes Chris let Sonic hold. Chris is the only Thorndyke who actually aged(we haven't seen Sam, even though his last name is different). I like it how Chris learned Karate, which doesn't do him good with a smaller body. The first Planet Egg and Chaos Emerald are found, which is a plus.
An OK episode and I'm glad Chris is using his knowledge.

Posts: 308
Reputable Member

At least Chris is trying to be useful...

Was anybody else, besides me, freaked by the fact that Amy just tore the fishing-pole thing--with Sonic kinda on it--like it was nothing?

And hey, their home planet was destroyed, probably for an intergalatic high way for all we know, Sonic could've picked up a Guide Book... But what I really want to know is why they didn't show the dolphins flying off the planet. Oh wait, wrong movie....

Posts: 79
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does anyone knoe when it's coming out in the UK?

Posts: 526
Honorable Member

Word of warning Neo, don't eat Cocoa Puffs. It's just the Trix Rabbits poop.

Posts: 5772
Illustrious Member

What the hell happened to Sonny, anyway? Last I heard he was replaced by an insipid, baseball cap-wearing monkey...

Oh, right. The Topic. Um...


I just noticed Something. If Knuckles is supposed to be gullible, he should have believed Cosmo during her speech in the last episode. I'm guessing he finally got tired of it.

More like he's simply more proned (omg pRon) to believe the words of a egotistical madman than a cute flower girl. KNUCKLES, WHERE BE YOUR PRIORITIES?

Posts: 73
Trusted Member


I just noticed Something. If Knuckles is supposed to be gullible, he should have believed Cosmo during her speech in the last episode. I'm guessing he finally got tired of it.

No, see, he's only tricked by people if they're wearing red. Cosmo is all green (well, mostly green), so her story doesn't phase him.

Posts: 308
Reputable Member

Or maybe Knuckles is gullible when he should be suspicious, and vise versa...?

Or maybe he's just now gotten sick of being the gullible one.

Posts: 73
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Not likely, judging by today's episode...

WHICH I MISSED! Nooooooo! ;.; It's a majorly Bokkun episode and I miiiiiissed iiiiiit! Curse you 4kids for giving me the wrong time!

I am seriously "darthno"-ing right now. Neo, give us a review so we may watch it vicariously through you!

Posts: 1195
Noble Member

Vicariously throue me, eh? Nightingale? Your wish is mah command!

Sonic X, Episode 56 Eggman enters into the war! or Knuckles the idiot, Part 456,789
The people of Secco are all grateful that Sonic and pals have stopped the evvvvvvvvvvvvvvil Metarexes and returned the Planet Egg. So, as any people honoring great heroes would do, they throw a party for the heroes which compose of a parade on pirate ships and nets that somehow work out as trampolines then the ones fishermen use to catch fish or acrobats to fall into lest they make a mistake. Tails is the first to object to a party, and eventually the others feel the same as the fox when all the jumping is making them seasick.
Knuckles, Cosmo, Cream, and Cheese watch the heroes from the sideline. Knuckles berates Sonic and friends that while they were apparently goofing off, Knuckles found the blue chaos emerald. Correction, Knuckles, CREAM found the emerald, you spotlight stealing no-good digging machine. And then Cream/Cheese, and Cosmo end up being tossed to the net/trampoline pirate ship while Knuckles prefers land, thank you very much. Spoilsport. While all this is happening, a circular machine watches all this from nearby. Its pretty damn obvious who it belong to.

Enter Eggman inside his ugly purple ship where he thinks of a plan to get the blue emerald. While he does so, his two robot lackeys and Bokkun diss him like no tomorrow, His strategic lacks strategy and his tactical lacks tack. Eggman, pissed from all the insults of all insults, orders his minions to think of an idea. Decoe and Bocoe then think of some lame excuse saying they have a headache. How can robots have headaches? Did Eggman program them to? Or do they really mean their hard drive has crashed? Whatever the case is, Eggy decides to fix them up and proceeds to chase them around with a giant mallet ala Amy Rose.
Bokkun, meanwhile, goes down to the lower deck of the fugly purple ship to avoid all the hustle and bustle.
There, he meets Rouge who sneaks outta nowhere and offers Bokkun to do something for her. Naturally, Bokkun plays by his own rules cuz hes cool like that, but Rouge takes out her seeeeeeeeeeeecret weapon: a nice purdy, pink locket with silver lining. Bokkun turns all kinds of shades of red, saying the locket is his, and apparently, holds a picture of a girl he likes. Unfortunately, we dont get to see the girl, so heres hoping we do in the future (I wonder if itll be anyone important?). So, the deal is, Bokkun helps her or otherwise, locket goes bye-bye. Rouge gots her bait and all is going according to plan.
Bokkun returns to the top deck and explains his plans to Eggman who in true villainy fashion, claims the idea as his own while making an egg pun, of course.

Cue to Knuckles, walking off from the party, doing what he does best: complaining. He then sees Eggmans Egg Mobile crash landing nearby. Eggman, in his most pathetic manner yet begs Knuckles for help. He wants the blue emerald to power his ship, and then hell be good, and do good manners. And guess who takes it hook, line, and sinker...for umpteenth, googolplex time. I mean, after all, believing in an evil doctor whos gotten the Master Emerald so many times is more trusting then a green plant girl with a cute, sincere face who hasnt threatened Knuckles in any way, shape, or form. Much better indeed.
He tells all this to Sonic and pals who think hes gone quackers, although they aint too surprised at him acting like a complete idiot and believing Eggman again. So, naturally, Knuckles and Sonic duke it out to see who is right, who is wrong, and all kinds of fightin. The others merely mind their own business, what with their shoes fetish and X Tornado fugly-ness talk abound. Cosmo, however, is completely disgusted with their attitude, even when they explain Sonic and Knuckles fighting are as frequent as me acting like complete retard on a Saturday morning, writing reviews of a cartoon staring a blue hedgehog. Cosmo goes over to Sonic and Knuckles to try and end the battle, but no dice.
Meanwhile, Eggman is sneaking up to get the blue emerald where Knuckles placed it for the duration of the battle, but his sneaky fat ninja-ness is interrupted by random Bokkun-ness who offers him his lunch--a banana. Going on a diet, Eggman, cuz I certainly dont see him bringing in a 10 foot subway hoagie. Eggman tells Bokkun to get lost because hes ruining his super sneaky ninja-ness. He does and Eggman gets closer. So close to reaching the emerald, but of course, the good guys are one step ahead when Amy comes, full force with the mallet, trying to squash Eggman silly and make him into scrambled eggs.........and I wont say that again.
Eggman pleads for mercy (making an excuse say he was just hungry, and promptly eats his banana) until Knuckles saves him, saying he believes in Eggman. Amy and Knux argue all the live long day, hiding the fact they really, truly, and honestly have the hots for each other. They just wont admit it and hide their passion through violent words. Sonic joins in on the argue-fest until a random Transformers robot (ROBOTS IN DISGUISE!!!) appears and rescues Eggman (whos pissed about it, saying he dont need no rescue). The giant transformer robot (MORE THEN MEETS THE EYYYYYYYYYYE!) are controlled by the Decoe and Bocoe. While all this is happening, Rouge sneaks up to get the emerald, but like Eggman, something prevents her from getting it, namely a giant frog Metarex. Whee.

While Rouge makes her escape, the frog Metarex eats up the emerald with its long metallic tongue and basically criticize Eggman and his mishandling of the Chaos Emeralds. Pissed as hell, Eggmans transformer robot (BEAST WARRRRRRRRSSS!!!) goes into battle and promptly gets their butt kicked, sending them blasting awaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay! Sonic and Knuckles aint doing much better either. All hope seems lost, until Chris gets a most brilliant idea.
He goes to one of the pirate ship which comes completely out of nowhere and lures the Metarex with a lavender ball, the Planet Egg....yeaaaaaaaaa. It dont look like a damn thing like it did last episode. The Metarex doesnt seem to care about the change and chases after Chris (the pirate ship automatically moves like maaaaaaaaaaaaaagic), while Tails charges up the cannon. Sonic enters, makes a joke (which Tails takes seriously), and lets loose, while Chris chucks the so-called Planet Egg which Knuckles catches and ends up tangled by the robot. Sonic then destroys it. Yay. Knuckles proudly triumphs over saving the Planet Egg, only to find out it was a beach ball.

A sunset appears and the heroes are surrounded by purdy flowers. Knuckles is on his knees, begging for forgiveness. Sonic and the friends does so, knowing this to be a frequent affair. Cosmo gives out the best compliment on how Knuckles is merely looking for the good in others, possibly in everyone in the universe in hopes to reunite them. Knuckles takes this very well and they hold hands, which I know in the inside, Amy is screaming because she wants to hold Knuckles hands. Soon, Amy, soooooooooon. Just play hard to get and pretend to obsess over Sonic.

In Eggys HQ, Eggman is downright pissed as usual, and blames his robot lackeys who blame Bokkun whom Eggman blames. What a nice chain reaction. Below deck again, Rouge still has Bokkun under her thumb who tries to refuse her, but cant while she dangles that locket around like a damn hypnotizer. Bokkun cries cuz hes stuck with her while perverted guys watching this cry out on how much Bokkun is an idiot, trying to avoid a voluptuous woman like her.

Well, what an entertaining episode, much better then last episode. I mean. We get the usual action-y stuff and fighting and crap, but the real focus Im interested in is Bokkun. Im not so sure if the locket that he loves dearly will play an important part, but I hope to god it will, since something of this caliber has me aching to know what. I mean, its actually nice to see some new character development, although I didnt expect Bokkun to be the one. Its not bad, I have no problem with it, I mean, Bokkun is awesome, and the possibility of knowing who he is really drives me to continue watching it.
Cosmos theory on Knuckles is an interesting one, too. Im not too sure its in Knuxs goal to see the good in everyone as much as hes still just a gullible fool, but her concept on what Knuckles might be doing is a very nice look at his philosophy in life.
Some great action scenes (although that Sonic/Knuckles battle doesnt even come close to episode 5s awesome duel), nice of Chris to not only use a plan, but use the pirate ship from earlier in the episode to his advantage then some random gadget or whatever, and some WONDERFUL character interaction. I saw a lot of breath of air between character dialogues and how they act towards one another (Amy and the others eh reaction to Sonic and Knuckles battles is priceless). I could have some lovely dinner conversations with these guys, the original gang...sorta.
The bad side is that the natives of Secco are pretty much stuck in the first scene and appears as useless as ever aside from throwing parties which they seem to be good at and some pretty poor animations and disfigure in some scenes. Also, while the cannon on the Blue Typhoon is cool and all, I can only hope to god that its not something theyll rely on so heavily to defeat the Metarex in the same manner that Sonic used the power rings as plot devices in the earlier episodes. I want to see some creativity, so show me what ya got, Sonic X!

~Thats a purdy locket, wouldnt mind having one, even though it make Bokkun girly...but maybe hes exploring his feminist side
~An elephant is big and gray.
~Knuckles is an idiot.
~After watching three episodes thus far, Loonatics still isnt doing anything for me.
~YUUUUUUUUGIIIIIIIIIIOOHHHHHHHHHH! D-D-D-D-D-D-Duel! Its fun to make fun of that D-D-D-D-D-Duel thingie.

Posts: 91
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Spoilers (Select To Read)
The picture in the locket is of Cream. Why he has a crush on her, I'll never know.

I quite enjoyed Knuckles frustration when he realises he's been tricked YET again.

Posts: 5772
Illustrious Member


The pre-emption of a popular kid's show by Major League Baseball can only be the work of the Anti-Christ. :

Posts: 165
Estimable Member

This episode opens up with the people of Secco tossing everyone up onto a bouncy net on a ship. Cream and Tails could have flown off if they didn't like it. Knuckles is a true bonehead. That's the 4th time he's been tricked! He should have learned his lesson by now. Sonic & Knux duke it out yet again, as Decoe and Bocoe pilot what looks like one of the old-school Power Rangers Zords and E-18: Guera-Hard. I was thinking Guerra-Hard's got an older brother!XD Bokkun also seems to side with Rouge, which is bad. He seems to be a traitor. Eggman's partners and creations always seem to betray him: Gamma, Chaos, Metal Sonic, Decoe, Bocoe, and now Bokkun. I give this a 9/10. Gotta love that cannon...

Posts: 5772
Illustrious Member


The others merely mind their own business, what with their shoes fetish

Amy's little boot remark? You should know, in the Japanese/French dubs she's making a passing comment about there being marks on her butt from bouncing on the nets. Cream says it's just a little red.

You'll notice in a later scene she's still patting (rubbing? OH GAWD, these innuendos!) down back there in the English dub.

EDIT: Oh @#%$, that's the first time I noticed Cheese's expression in that scene. Priceless.

Posts: 5035
Illustrious Member

XD! Football practice doesn't allow me to see any of the new episodes. This blows. *wines*

Posts: 1195
Noble Member

Amy's little boot remark? You should know, in the Japanese/French dubs she's making a passing comment about there being marks on her butt from bouncing on the nets. Cream says it's just a little red.

You'll notice in a later scene she's still patting (rubbing? OH GAWD, these innuendos!) down back there in the English dub.

Cream must be AWFULLY comfortable looking at Amy's body part. After all, one scene in episode 53 shows Cream literally touching Amy's chest as she berates Cosmo, saying Sonic is her boyfriend for like a full minute. Sure, Cream is trying to push her back, but we all know better...

Pic provided:

Posts: 73
Trusted Member

10-Q, Neo. This one made me laugh. I mean, Bokkun with a hoagie? XD I like Cosmo's interpretation of Knuckles, though.

Knuckles ala Luke: "There is good in him, I know it! @.@"

Posts: 122
Estimable Member

Cosmo's interpretation was nice. However, I think it's rooted more with his rivalry with Sonic than anything else. Knuckles would get a kick out of being the one responsible for stopping Eggman's evil ways instead of Sonic. If that means trusting Eggman to actually change if certain scenario(s) are met, then Knuckles is going to support them. ;p

Posts: 1195
Noble Member

Sonic X, Episode 57 "The Battle of Ice Palace" or "Cream takes a vow of silence."
Out in the final frontier, locked safely inside the Blue Typhoon, Chris demonstrates the machine he built that will keep track of the other Chaos Emeralds, regardless of how near or far they are. Placing the blue emerald in, they already spot the next one. Everyone praises him, including Tails who pretty much admitted in his own words that he's stupider then Chris. Oh, Tails, don't give the kid an ego. The next emerald is located in Planet Breezy, so creating a warp shield (and Amy somehow acting like she turned Einstein by doing computer doodads), they go like the wiiiiiiiiiiind. Cream just sits down and doesn't talk, getting jacked by the others speaking. It's okay, Cream, I'm sure the script somewhere indicates you speak somewhere.
In Planet Breezy, an ice Metarex just stays there, eyeing the red Chaos Emerald he has, encased in ice.

Meanwhile, Eggman made a device similar to Chris, except it tracks furballs and a human, not emeralds. With that, they follow after Sonic via "Egg Drive" which involves the ship covering themselves in a giant white egg, and disappearing. I ain't making this up.

Back on the Blue Typhoon, the giant lug of a ship heads towards Breezy, but doesn't receive a hero's welcome. A dragon-ish Metarex comes and wrecks havoc on the ship, resulting in them in an emergency landing (this time Tails?excuse was that he didn't forget the brakes like he did in that SA adaptation), but engines one and three are busted, as said by Knuckles, also on a computer. What? Did they all suddenly turn into computer genius? I still can't understand half the crap on my computer, but I have an excuse, I'm stupid, what's their's? Also, Cream, still doesn't speak.
Eggman, too, is in Breezy where they witness the Blue Typhoon's downfall. Not wanting to be robotic dragon meal, Eggman sends his minions to dig snow over his ship. The two robots probably will do what they always do while slaving away for Eggman, complain. Meanwhile, Bokkun wanders off on his own until he meets with--wait for it--Rouge the Bat! GASP! And she has another favor to ask of him. GASP GASP! And if he doesn't help, he ain't getting his locket back. GASP GASP GASP! YOU FIELD!

Sonic, Knuckles, Chris, and Cosmo volunteers to head out while the rest, I assumingly, stays in and take care of the ship. For some reason, they think leaving the heavy work to girls Amy and Cream is a good idea, let along engine fixing. If Tails weren't there with them, they'd be sitting ducks caught in motor oil and tools. Once outside, Sonic poses a heroic pose and cries out, "Let's get this "snow" on the road! Ahahahahahah, oh, 4Kids, you're lame one-liners amuses me so.
Sonic then immediately not uses his head and jumps to the snow where he falls face deep. Luckily, Chris proves his usefulness again by providing snowshoes and they fortunately don't look like tennis rackets.
They travel for a good while before Cosmo goes over to a dead tree and tries her darnest to communicate with it, but no luck. She fails. She assumes the Planet Egg is what caused the snow to consume the land. Well, here's a tip next time to the natives of the planet, if you don't want your place all snowy, don't name your planet PLANET BREEZY or the Planet Egg will start to get ideas when it's taken away. Name it like...Planet Paradise or Planet Utopia or something. Any who, aside from the emerald, they must also look the Planet Egg to which Knuckles gets a cold heart and doesn't agree. He's ruled out anyways and he reluctantly follows suit. To search, they use the.........pseudo X-Tornado. if I have one more reason to cringe upon in the morning. A flying camera spots them, belonging to the Icy McRobot who has an army of Metarex lackeys to do his every bidding.

Meanwhile, inside a cute igloo, we cut (and I use that term literally cuz' there apparently was a cut scene where Bokkun seems to bring the hot cocoa to Eggman and the robots and they drink it) where Eggman and the robot buddies fell fast asleep on the sleeping powder inside their hot cocoa. Seriously, how can robots drink without short circuiting their systems? Either way, Bokkun feels horribly guilty while Rouge flies off to find the emerald with them asleep. Flying proves fatal as a snow storm starts to pick up or at least a huge gust of wind cuz?' the storm ain't seen again.
The pseudo X-Tornado soon runs into the lackey robots, but it ain't exactly happy news when Sonic and Knuckles keep slipping on the ice. Sucks to be them. Chris again proves his inventive skills by building a hoverboard, a device we've seen in so many medias that it's kinda annoying. THANK YOU VERY MUCH, BACK TO THE FUTURE II! If you didn't "invent" hoverboards for the media, you certainly popularized them. Chris gives the hoverboard to Sonic and doesn't even consider Knuckles as an option because deep down inside, he still loooooooooooooooves Sonic. Any who, Sonic rides the thing and delivers some butt kicking while Knuckles, as usual, complains that he doesn't have one and gains no respect. The feeling is right as the colorist lost all respect when they miscolored one of his arms. The robots make their escape, but the heroes follow after them and after like a 3 second chase, the impatient lackeys use vibration or something to create an avalanche. Say it with me now: AVALAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAANCHE!!!

ATTENTION! PLEASE, ATTTENTION! Let me stop a moment because I have an important announcement. Cream....still has not talked...not all, that is all.

The Blue Typhoon ends up being hit by it, too. Back to the repair shop, but they all reach the palace (including Rouge). Sonic, Knuckles, Cosmo, and Chris goes inside.
They find the red emerald, but neither Sonic's spindash nor Knuckles' shovel claws (he's relying too much on that thing), can get the diamond hard ice. Icy McRobot comes in with usual villainy demeanor and powers himself up with the red emerald. Then he starts to wreck havoc, first by splitting the ground in two that nearly gets Chris and Cosmo if not for Sonic and Knux. Oh, yea, and Rouge flies away to fight another day. Meanwhile, hell hath no fury like a giant ice robot who cannot be easily defeated, especially when he froze like half of the Blue Typhoon, including the giant cannon. Not even plot device power rings or pseudo X-Tornado's missiles are a match. OH-NOES!
But wait, Cosmo (who's back on the X-Tornado with Chris rather quickly, I mean, like 5 seconds after they were hanging onto dear life on the cliff edge) accidentally pushes a button which sends the pseudo X-Tornado's lasers to act up and deal some icy damage. So, baring that in mind, the Blue Typhoon, which also, out of pure confidence, has twin laser beam guns (too!) deals heavy damage thanks to Knux powering up the ME. Icy McRobot goes down for the count and all is happy again.

The snow is melting, but they all seem sad. Knuckles then cries in triumphant that he found the red emerald, but Rouge swipes her trademark cards near the emerald, swoops down, and flies off with it. Geez, Rouge, are you TRYING to give me a reason to hate you? No wonder I perfer anything SA and below in terms of SegaSonic-ness. Of course, Knuckles gets pissed. Amy cries out she stole the emerald and Knux basically sums it up as "WHAT ELSE IS NEW!?" Wow, 4kids dub pointing out the obvious, then someone slapping them for saying that...there may be hope yet. Knuckles yelling at Amy is his way of expressing his looooooooooove for her.
Speaking of hope, all is not lost though as the grass greens are starting to grow. Despite not showing it, the heroes assumingly rescued the Planet Egg, too, or maybe it was a winter curse from Icy McRobot. Yea, that's what it was, a curse. Yesssssssssss, a cuuuuuuuuurse.

In space, inside Eggman's airship, he's pissed that he fell asleep as do the robot lackeys. Bokkun accidentally slips about the sleeping powder, but the villains seem more confused then angry. Geez--Eggman, you have an IQ of 300.
Meanwhile, Rouge is taking a bath while holding the red emerald...and still wearing her clothes or at least her gloves, but soon turns shocked when she sees the emerald lose its glow. Turns out it was a fake that the Icy McRobot used it to throw Team Sonic off the trail...or so they theorize. Knuckles takes this time to gloat/insult Rouge whose fake emerald turned all brown and muddy-ish. She's pissed as hell. Hell hath no fury like a voluptuous winged bat. Cream silently cries inside because she didn't get to say anything.

A decent episode. There really wasn't anything that threw me off aside from a few nitpicks here and there. For some odd reason, the episode felt more like something from the very first 26 set of Sonic X episodes. I mean, Chris seemingly favoring Sonic (minus his inventive skills), Tails shoved in the background, but a step-up since Cream herself is down further, like she'x practically been shoved and kicked by the cast and decided to go on a vow of silence. So much rebellion for a 6 year old. Then we got typical enemy battle, although with a MetaRex then Eggman, but the actions still there, hell, even the ol' Plot Device power rings are used in a similiar manner ala the first 26 something episodes, so the episode in generally didn't mean so much to me, but it wasn't bad at all. Decent flow, some nice insight into Cosmo, and I do love how they used something other then that giant cannon. That Blue Typhoon's a regular swiss army knife, it has everything, including a slurpee machine, a pinball, giant hammer, the beginning music to "La Cucaracha" Mark Hamill, the neighbor's cat, an X-Wing Fighter, cheese grater, the frozen body of Walt Disney, a DDR machine, and the deeds to Mr. Burn's manor. Woo, I want me an airship like that, but please, kept the pseudo-X-Tornado FAR FAR away from me.
In conclusion, with some animation irks (Knuckles' arm was peach in one scene!), the episode was just generally good. Not thrilling, but not boring...but seriously, Rouge's jewel obsession and her motives on what she did in this episode is starting to grate on my nerves a bit. But at least her appearances are better then episode 17 when she came and did pointless crap, but I am surprised Knuckles and the others weren't shocked at her appearance, like they knew she was in space following them all along...

~I was gonna wait for the US release to see it, but I was all "Screw It" when my sis got the FF7 movie from a friend, so I watched it. It was good. It had my fave character from that game, care to take a guess? Wait...would that count as spoiling?
~No Big, I sad.
~Cream wants to contact her lawyer! This silent treatment has done FAR ENOUGH! Also, her Chao has suffered through Chao abuse! He demands his vet-now-err, I'm sorry "She"
~Hawaiian Punch is a tasty. So are Oreos, especially double stuffed, although my sis told me it's not really double stuffed. SHE CRUSHED MY DREAMS!
~Sonic sez, "THAT'S NO GOOD!"

Posts: 814
Prominent Member


Rouge's jewel obsession and her motives on what she did in this episode is starting to grate on my nerves a bit. But at least her appearances are better then episode 17 when she came and did pointless crap, but I am surprised Knuckles and the others weren't shocked at her appearance, like they knew she was in space following them all along...

I'm still puzzled by that. Anyone who has logic wouldn't risk their life so much to get a faraway jewel just because it looks pretty. Well, that's Rouge, I guess.

Posts: 5772
Illustrious Member


Despite not showing it, the heroes assumingly rescued the Planet Egg, too

Oh, it was shown. It came out of the body of the Metarex when it melted and sunk into the ground.

Posts: 1195
Noble Member

Oh, it was shown. It came out of the body of the Metarex when it melted and sunk into the ground.

Didn't see it. maybe all the purdy lavender/light blue colors of the Icy McRobot caused it to be camofluaged...or I wasn't looking/paying attention. One of those two.

Posts: 5772
Illustrious Member

In the far-away shot, you can see it land on the left of the screen before it sinks. It goes by pretty fast, if you'd turned your head for a second you'd miss it I guess.

BTW, originally Cream had ONE line throughout this episode where she consoles Cheese as the ship descends into the planet's atmosphere. Obviously, 4Kids played it cheap by cutting this part so they wouldn't have to ask her VA to come in (read: pay) for that episode.

Posts: 1195
Noble Member

BTW, originally Cream had ONE line throughout this episode where she consoles Cheese as the ship descends into the planet's atmosphere. Obviously, 4Kids played it cheap by cutting this part so they wouldn't have to ask her VA to come in (read: pay) for that episode.

4Kids suits: Now, Miss Cream, we had a valid reason why we cut off that scene and left you silent, we-
Cream: Save it! I'm not happy and my lawyer will make sure you guys aren't either unless you meet with my demands for this ATROCITY!
4Kids suits: Anything to make you happy, so what are your demands.
Cream: Bags of Oreos that could fill up a swimming pool...
4Kids: Okay.
Cream: All the Beanie Baby, Tickle-Me-Elmos, Furbies, Troll Dolls, and other fads of the 90's inside my Bevelry Hills mansion...
4Kids: Sure.
Cream: Uncut DVDs of Sonic X in the US.
4Kids:............How about a porsche instead?
Cream: It's a deal!

Posts: 526
Honorable Member

You people are actually COMPLAINING that she had no lines?!! I can't stand her voice. I'm glad she had nothing to say.

I love Knuckles, imitiating Rodney Dangerfield. "I get respect, no respect at all!"

For some reason, 4-Kids did not censor Rouges' cleavage this episode. Which is wierd considering the first scene she's in has her practically popping out of her top. I don't mind a little censorship for a kids show, but be consistant.

And who takes baths with thier gloves on? Does anyone on this show other than Chris actually show thier hands?! What are they? Freakish mutated fingers?

Posts: 1583
Noble Member

Yeah, I liked the part where Knuckles was grumbling about his lack of respect. 😉


And who takes baths with thier gloves on? Does anyone on this show other than Chris actually show thier hands?! What are they? Freakish mutated fingers?

I was wondering about the gloves thing too. I don't try to make sense of it though. I think I'd hurt my head too much if I tried. ;p

Posts: 2354
Noble Member

It's one of those mysteries left unsolved.

Really. O.O

Posts: 5772
Illustrious Member

It's called killing two birds with one stone. I've yet to see any washing machines aboard the Crimson Egg...

Posts: 4607
Famed Member

It's obviously because they don't really have fingers. Remove their gloves and their hands are more useless than a large stick (unless they speak softly, since then they will go far). This is also why they don't have toes. Why they can swim as well as they can regardless, I don't know.

Posts: 165
Estimable Member

When I heard that the planet's name was "Breezy", I burst out laughing!:lol And it's Eggs again as Eggman and crew follow the rest as they warp. I'm unsure if real planets have seasons or not, but I'll have to say "no" since
they don't support life. I've heard tons of complaints about Rouge's bathing scene. I don't see the purpose of Rouge bathing with gloves on. And when all the Metarex were moaning, it just sounded humorous to me. I listen to the episodes with earphones on and their moaning sounds funny when heard in stereo. This episode was funny at certain times, but overall good. I gotta point these out:
-Sonic: "Let's get this snow on the road."*falls into the snow with his eye open*
-Knuckles: "I don't get any respect. No respect at all." Funny.
-Cream really did talk. It was only one line said to Cheese.

Well, the English version's going by pretty good so far. I have high expectations for it.:)

EDIT:I almost forgot. What are this season's sagas and which one are we currently on?

Posts: 513
Honorable Member

The entirity of Season 2(3 by 4kids' count) is the Metarex Saga.

Posts: 25
Eminent Member

I haven't watched the show since 'The Birth of Super Sonic'. >>;; Can somebody PM fill me in on what all's happened since then? I'm going to watch it tomorrow morning, I even have it TiVo'd, I just wanna be able to understand what's going on.
Because every anime must have a scene with a bathing female. I've noticed this. XD But it is baffling why she still wears her gloves... Maybe she's, like, a germophobe or something.

Posts: 1195
Noble Member

Sonic X, Episode 58 "Young Girl's Jungle Trap" or "Chimp Metarex, proud card carrier of the Team Rocket Club"
The Blue Typhoon flies beautifully throughout the air in semi-3D glory, kinda like the ones you see in Futurama, although I think the Futurama does a slightly more seamless job on integrating pseudo 3D camera movements and BG then Sonic X, but that's just my preferences and views.
The furry crew plus one human are all in different places inside the ship, but aware of the signal that indicates two objects are heading their way; namely two Metarexes: one giant silver one and a smaller brown one. They have the Planet Egg from a nearby planet. As the furry heroes chat about them, the silver one attacks via tentacles and not in an R rated anime way! This is a kid's show, thank you very much. The tentacles wrap itself around the Blue Typhoon's wings, and Tails desperately tries to shoot him off with his lasers, only for it to bounce off as Cosmo so poetically put it. I'm pretty sure after about five encounters with the Metarexes, you furries and one human would be smart to know friggin' lasers won't exactly cut them into scrap metal. The ice one was of pure luck...cuz' he's made of ice.
Tails finally gets it into his supposed smartness and loads Sonic up in the cannon where he busts lose on silver Metarex. Both Metarex falls to the planet they just came out of off, as well as Sonic who didn't think quickly enough to return back when the cannon fired him off too far. Sucks to be him! Sweat drops pours out of the furries head in true anime fashion.

Sonic crash lands in a jungle planet, and like any true main hero, he survives the fall despite coming down all the way from freakin' space. Why not just give him a white robe and a long beard and rename him God? Any who, Sonic meets up with Eggman and his robot lackeys (no Bokkun?! FOUL!) who are all knocked unconscious alongside their destroyed robot. Next to them is the green emerald that Sonic theorized they found. Ignoring the phrase, "there's no honor among thieves", Sonic steals the green emerald and runs off to...wherever. Instead of waiting for the Blue Typhoon, Sonic seems to purposely wanna get lost and NOT contact his friends apparently. Is he that desperate to get away from Amy?

Meanwhile, in another part of the jungle is the brown metarex who, from now on will be known as Chimp Metarex...because he's a moneky. I'm aware chimps don't have no tails like Chimpy robo does, but Chimp Metarex sounds more awesomer then normal Money Metarex. Any who, Chimp Metarex is whining and crying over big silver Metarex's lost and how much of a loser he is. He decides the only way to fight is to not fight. I mutter a deadpan, "O...kay" and watch the rest of the series as Chimp Metarex's dubbed voice makes cliche monkey noises, which I actually think is okay this time around since I actually didn't know he was suppose to be a monkey until he made those chimp sounds.

Knuckles and Tails rides the X-Tornado and are about to take off to find Sonic, but their preparations are interrupted by Amy who wishes to tag along. Tails tells her it's too dangerous to go with them, in which I'd consider it a bad move. Despite her damsel in distress situation, her mallet would have come in great help. Tails then tells Amy that she needs to stay and help Chris fix the Blue Typhoon which has been damaged like what, a grand total of 53 times now? Knuckles basically agrees with Tails, but in a more harsh manner. He and Amy exchange arguments, hiding their love through harsh words. Seriously, guys who made Sonic X, The Knuckles and Amy thing...You are making this TOO easy. WAY.TOO.EASY. Are you guys trying to win my favor or what?
With the X-Tornado blasting off, a pissed Amy tells them to stop. Cosmo meanwhile is outside, but near the Blue Typhoon. Cream and Cheese act their own age while Cosmo feels the trees and their sadness. The Planet Egg has not been returned yet. Her drama is interrupted with the peeved Amy who goes out to find Sonic all by herself. She don't need no help from no one. Cosmo, inspired by Amy's words, decides to find the Planet Egg herself. Cream (with priceless face expression), hesitantly decides whether to follow them or stay in the Blue Typhoon. You can guess what she does.
Chris is fixing the Blue Typhoon and asks Amy for some tool thingamajig, but when she doesn't response with her usual tempered voice, Chris gets worried. Even more so when he finds the other gals missing, so he runs to the main bridge and tries to contact them. They don't have their comm-links with them, so Chris contacts Tails instead from the fugly X-Tornado and tells them of the girls' disappearance. They get all concerned until they make contact with the green emerald. Knuckles ends up excited about the emerald instead. Chivalry is dead.

The girls continue in their search until Cosmo's dress gets snagged by a branch. She hangs upside for a sec, but untangles herself and gently floats down. I guess there is an advantage of having a petal dress. Amy tells Cosmo she's too refined for such quest, but Cosmo lets it known she'll do whatever it takes to return the Planet Egg. She refuses to run away and it's further emphasize on her goal when we see a flashback to her past as we did several episodes ago of her running away from metarexes in some The girls eventually find the Planet Egg and all is happiness. Cream, however suspects that it's current location of being out in the open is very very suspicious. Amy, usually not the most levelheaded, surprises people by being logical, too. They realize this could be a trap. CONGRADULATIONS! You two have already proven you're smarter then the entire main casts of Pokemon, including Tracey Sketchit, my favorite character. I mean, 300+ episodes and Ash and his idiot gangs still fall for Team Rocket's traps and stupidly planned disguises. That's just sad. Any who, Cosmo decides to play risky, caring jack about traps or Team Rocket and heads towards the Planet Egg and predictably, a net catches all three, plus one Chao in pure Team Rocket trap fashion. It was made the Chimp Metarex. DU DU DUUUUUU!
The four are captured in a flimsy wooden cage where Chimp Metarex and Amy makes stupid puns "Sonic will go ape on you!" (and believe me, there's quite a decent amount of puns in this episode) and insults that pisses off Amy even further. Her daily PMS apparently went over the scale at this point. The Chimp Metarex leaves, leaving Cosmo to grieve over her pathetic-ness, but Amy quickly comes happy again, using her PMS tempers to easily dismantle the wooden cage with her mallet. Cosmo is all happy. Come on, Cosmo, you think a friggin' flimsy wooden cage is gonna keep Amy's mallet from smashing through it? I've seen that thing crush through metal, baby!
The girls continue through a thick trail of grass and finds the Planet Egg again, in plan view...again. Even more cautious, Cosmo still decides to get the Planet Egg, telling the others to back off lest they might end up captured. Cosmo manages to grab the Planet Egg, but all three ends up hanging upside down by vines wrapped in their legs instead (Team Rocket strikes again!). Sucks to be them. Chimp Metarex comes and is shocked to see it's the same people he kidnapped and mocks them even further, pissing Amy far off her required high blood pressure level. Cream then actually gets into some fighting by getting Cheese to sic Chimp Metarex. It works as the girls are free. They take off with the Planet Egg with Cosmo endlessly apologizing for her actions. Amy admires her bold determinations, however.
The Chimp Metarex once again returns to wreck havoc on the girls, but this time, Cosmo does something smart and chucks red fruits at Chimp Metarex, then they make a run for it...until they fall down the classic covered hole trap, courtesy of Team Rocket, although I give much credit to the girls in that they only fell down ONE trap hole as oppose to the gazillions Ash's twerps faced, even at it's most obvious and this one wasn't obvious. Chimp Metarex is all gloating over how the girls fell for all three of his traps, but they ain't laughing. Cream flies them out ala' Sonic Heroes fashion and starts a whirlwind attack with Amy's mallet ultimately sending the robot packin'. The girls high five. Everyone with me now: GIRL POWAH!

Meanwhile, we cut to Sonic who surprisingly gets little screen time. He's still running with the emerald aimlessly until he meets Tails and Knuckles. Tails proceeds to transform the fugly pseudo X-Tornado to the even fuglier X-Tornado walker thing, complete with that Kool-Aid inducing background. Things always turn sour (Oh! Nothing could bas bad as that X-Tornado in Sonic X, NOTHING!) when Eggman comes with his giant bug robot with its many tentacles in tow, and not in an R rated anime way. It's not sexual, damn it! The fun is just beginning when Amy's team join up with Chimp Metarex giving chase. The girls leap up and jump off Eggman and his robot lackey's heads before they reunite with the others (Amy commences many kisses towards Sonic). Cosmo shows off the Planet Egg they found and Knuckles utters stuff while making a weird face. I'm sure he's just upset Amy was hogging Sonic, no pun intended.
Eggman gets to work on his evil plan and grabs all of them with his tentacle claws (IT'S NOT SEXUAL!), even the Chimp Metarex who tries to tell Eggman they're on the same team, but the old man is stubborn. The team immediately contacts Chris with their cries of help. Since Chris can't make out what the hell they're saying, he rides the other, sleeker Tornado. At the same time, the Planet Egg decides to make itself useful and make vines grow out of the ground and in rapid success. It's growing too much that it's once again entangled the furries (NOT SEXUAL!), and Eggman as well. Damn, there's a lot of tentacle-ness.
Tails struggles to get the blue Chaos Emerald out of his X-Tornado, then he throws it to Sonic who catches it and lets loose. Chris gives Sonic them SA2 shoes in which Sonic wears and slides down a giant vine like he did in Sonic Heroes. Then he destroys Eggman who blasts off agaiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiin!

The Planet Egg returns back inside the planet...and nothing changes. Then they all glare at Chimp Metarex who claims he's now a clean manbot until he eyes the green Chaos Emerald. He tries to steal it until Sonic gets wind of him and puts the hurt on him. The heroes are now back inside the Blue Typhoon with the blue and green Chaos Emerald, with five more to find.

What a refreshing episode. With all this Sonic here and there, and the couple of plots raging from going to a random planet involving Sonic and friends getting the emerald and the Planet Egg while Rouge is one step behind, it's nice to see another version of that. Instead of Sonic as the star of this episode, the honor goes to the gals of the Sonic team and in some ways, it truly worked.
Cosmo was handled pleasantly well. She's a very determined kid who would do whatever it takes to save the Planet Egg and she does, even though it ends up with her and the others captured. Her hearts in the right place, but she immediately feels like she failed, but she never gives up. From what little I've seen of Cosmo, this looks like a personality very fitting for her. I never pictured her as angry or stubborn as Amy, nor as curious and naive as Cream, rather, she's sort of in between; soft, calm, and feeling all sorry for herself when things get down, but somehow always picking herself up. She got's Amy's determination and Cream's innocence. She doesn't do it in a dramatic fashion, she just speaks in this soft tone, but I already felt this sense that she is determined. Part of this is because the dubber with Cosmo's voice does SUCH a fantastic job on her, and this is coming from listening to 4kids dub since 1997. Her voice just has this sense of innocence that just fits her so well, my only real shame is that during her more dramatic scene where it looks like she's shouting, Cosmo doesn't really put an effort into shouting, but even then, the dubber doesn't make it feel awkward and terrible, so that's huge plus there, even more so considering it's a 4Kids voice. She made this episode shine.
Amy, too had her hands in shining as well. Her personality is truly noteworthy and shows off her temper and stubborn personality. It wasn't really that great of a character development and definitely not one of the more refined Amy episodes, which is a disappointment. I guess one reason is because she had to share the limelight with Cosmo (She and Cosmo made this episode enjoyable though). Cream does her fair share of fighting, but out of the three girls, she's pretty much left out in the runt, but not to the point of ignoring as last episode where they just loved making Cream nothing but a short cameo. She still cries on the inside.
My true main flaw is that I would have much rather loved to see Amy and Cosmo's interaction play off with their different personality. Amy and Cosmo may both be determined, but they still both possess radically different personalities and showing if off by having the two have some real chemisty might have helped the episode even more.
Other little flaws are some animation irks (one scene shows Cream with a ridiculously huge head), and Sonic having the save the day...again. It's his show, but I'd have loved to at least see the girls take care of Chimp Metarex then Sonic. The Chimp was THEIR enemy for the episode. Sheesh, but the three furries (and one Chao) and their interactions and adventure proved very entertaining for me.

~My interst in Yu-Gi-Oh has sparked a bit.
~Rufus Shinra is a hot, awesome dude
~Still no Big...I ain't getting my hopes up high, but I feel sorry for him.
~I wants Kingdom Hearts 2 SO badly, man!

Posts: 2191
Famed Member

The heroes are now back inside the Blue Typhoon with the blue and green Chaos Emerald, with five more to find. Correction. SIX. Have you guys forgotten about the fake red Chaos Emerald from last episode or are you all bad at counting?

I don't get it. There's only seven Chaos Emeralds. Sonic and co. found two. So it does mean that there's only five left. Unless somehow there's an eighth one. :eek

Posts: 1195
Noble Member

I don't get it. There's only seven Chaos Emeralds. Sonic and co. found two. So it does mean that there's only five left. Unless somehow there's an eighth one

Oh, crap! You're right! I miscounted. Numbers and Math are not my friends. A winner is not me. *fixed this*

Posts: 1583
Noble Member

I liked this episode a lot. Gotta love it when Cream gets into the fighting action since it doesn't happen often. I bet Amy would've whacked Tails along with Knuckles if she could've because Tails didn't really complain after Knuckles was so bluntly rude. ^_^

Posts: 814
Prominent Member

The baboon MetaRex... That voice I CAN'T tolerate. Somebody should've just removed the voice and added subtitles.

Posts: 73
Trusted Member

Someone needs to give Knuckles a big bucket of tact for his birthday. And ahaha, good ol' Andrew robot. (Y'know. "UNCLE ANDROSS!!1") He made me laugh.

Posts: 5772
Illustrious Member


**snip** so Chris contacts Tails instead from the fugly X-Tornado and tells them of the girls' disappearance. They get all concerned until they make contact with the green emerald. Knuckles ends up excited about the emerald instead. Chivalry is dead.


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