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Official US Sonic X Discussion and Info Thread

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Posts: 165
Estimable Member

I didn't expect Sonic to claim a victory so early in the episode. I can't remember much on this ep. Seen it only once. I've got no clue on Cosmo's history as I stopped watching the JPN or French versions. My thoughts on this episode are unclear, but definetely on the positive side. I liked the part with Sonic grinding.:thumbsup I'm confused about the Emerald count, still. They have 2, but it seems like 3.

Posts: 165
Estimable Member

Normally, I'd edit my post, but this is a completely different episode. To avoid confusion, I'll post about the next episode.

Wow! I think Vector likes Vanilla and it messed with his head. If he doesn't trust Cream, a 6 1/2-year-old, to be able to handle herself, then why does he let Charmy on the team? Anyway, Sonic should know better than to run on a
spaceship. Nothing special really happened here, except Chris recieving his items. I've got a feeling I know who's in the tube...

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Especially since he's returning in the next episode.

Charmy's too small to count as a Metarex. Amy seems to be the only person who can expose Espio. She did the same back in episode 39.

EDIT: They work now. Forgot they have to be all lower-case. It worked one time when they were in CAPS.

Posts: 73
Trusted Member


Wow! I think Vector likes Vanilla and it messed with his head.

Oh yeah. He likes her.

Posts: 1195
Noble Member

Sonic X, Episode 59 "Chaotix Goes into Space" or "Welcome to another episode of the Delusional Minds of Vector"
The scene starts of not with the usual showing of Sonic and pals doing random world rescuing or toe nail clippings, but inside the big university/giant building/whatever place where Chris' portal machine is. There, Chuck notes Chris' parents that he can't operate the damn thing. Humans can't go in either, but material objects they can send. Of course, Chris' parents get the idea to take advantage of it.

In the ME shrine, minus one ME, but plus one Vanilla, the lovely rabbit worries of her daughter, still probably in her mind that Cream is out there playing. Her thinking is cut short when craploads of suitcases and luggages end up a foot in front of her. As she picks up a lone baseball from the mass of useless junk, she ponders on who it belongs to, and gets like a gazillion piles of clothes on top of her.
Meanwhile, we cut to the Chaotic Detective Agency and their awesome, topsy turvy house. Seriously, who wouldn't want a house that's so bizzarely misshapen and angularly wrong? Inside, Vector is catching some ZZZs while the phone rings. He orders Charmy to get it the phone and he does, he gets it for Vector who's royally pissed that not only Charmy purposely landed the thing on his head, but because he got the wrong message. Hey, he's 6 years old; he's only got maybe 10-12 years where he can blow bubbles in chocolate milk and laugh inside church. He'll never have that freedom again, so, like us, let your children run wild and free, because, as the old saying goes, "Let your children run wild and free.
Any who, Vector answers the phone (evil contraptions) and notices it is being answered by the lovely Vanilla. The blushes on Vector's cheeks are a dead giveaway that he seems to admire her greatly, but a crocodile/rabbit relationship? Hey, it's Sonic, anything's possible. Any who, Vanilla wants the Chaotix Agency over her house proto for a mission she wishes to explain in person. So, putting in a couple of mouthwash and cologne that makes him smell like a skunk on a hot date, he...well, he pisses off at Charmy first who cries until Vector tells him to quit it, and he does (with the little bees okay instantly making me burst out my gullet of laughter and squeals over how adorable he is). Then they get Espio who is apparently meditating and so deeply in it that only the a pepper mill can get him to lose his focus.
They reach the ME shrine where Vanilla is. They are in absolute shock over the junks. Vanilla knows it's Chris' crap and tells the agency to send it to space where Cream is, which she wants them to check her up as well. Vector said they have to do it, but Espio makes it clear that they have a slight problem with their mission: the lack of a spaceship. .5 seconds later, a red spaceship conveniently and randomly out of nowhere lands near them.

Back in the Blue Typhoon, Tails is committing on how nice it is to travel without the Metarex behind their tails--no pun intended. Cream and Cosmo stargaze while Amy is reading probably some girl magazine while Sonic and Knuckles engage in a game of chess. Knuckles takes his precious time, so Sonic, being an impatient git, decides to run around the spaceship, so he does. That last for about 3 seconds until Knuckles finally makes a move that would be a checkmate, but NOW suddenly notices Sonic is gone. Time to get glasses, Knuxie.
He goes outside (seriously, how do they have the ability to walk across the ship without floating off, I mean, Im not gonna even ask about their ability to breathe into space which the furries seem to have no trouble of since like, Sonic 2). There Knuckles, complete with the chess board which looks like the pieces have been superglued to the board, shouts for Sonic. Sonic loses his attention when Knux calls him and he falls/floats of the ship and casually floats off. Panicking, Knuckles heads back inside and tells...well, well, well...Amy Rose. Tee Hee Hee, trying to score some points with her by pretending to care about Sonic's welfare. Seriously, Sonic X producers--TOO EASY. Amy has an idea, so Knux follows suit. He grabs a jet pack and ties one end of the rope on the ship and another on himself, and flies off to rescue Sonic. Whee.

Inside, the rest notices a ship is approaching them. It has no weapons, but the heroes fear it might be a Metarex ship. Amy comes in and tells of Sonic and Knuckles' dilemma with a shocked Tails who tells Amy that the Blue Typhoon could have easily gotten Sonic. Yea, Amy, you could've done just that. Maybe she was desperate for some alone time with Knuckles. The heroes concentrate back on the ship and they get ready to fight.
The Chaotix nears the Blue Typhoon and eventually heads inside it. Vector goes first, wondering where the bridge is. He eventually stumbles upon an arrow sign and enters through the door, unaware that Amy and friends are waiting for him (thinking he's a Metarex). They're all armed with a weapon (Amy has a mallet, Tails has a bat, Cosmo has a broom, Chris has a frying pan, Cream has, I think, a pipe, and even Cheese sports a weapon in the form of a spatula). Chris turns the lights off and once Vector enters. They shove him in and beat him silly. During that point, I was laughing my ass off. Vector heads back to his own ship and Espio decides to his thang. He gets all invisible and sneaks in. Amy is busy repainting the walls nearby a door, so she's all freaked out when the door seemingly opens by itself. She lowers her pain brush which accidentally lands on Epsio's head. Shocked, Amy paints some more until Espio gets note he's been spotted. Amy makes the most PRICELESS expression ever and he splits where the others beat him silly. Now it's Charmy's turn and he's got extra protection starting with a helmet (which looks so cute on him).
The heroes take a break from the pummeling they did when Cream, despite her age, shows off her bakery skills by making and serving them cake. They is all happy people. Charmy then comes in full frontal, dressed in various everyday junk, looking like a junkyard samurai. He's completely covered from head to toe and is decidedly adorable looking. That doesn't stop the others from thinking he's a Metarex and beats him silly.
The Chaotix, back inside their own ship, are all embarrassed they got beaten, but they won't give up. For the time though, they leave the Blue Typhoon to think of a plan. Tails and the others get note of their absence, so Tails hops aboard the pseudo X-Tornado to chase after 'em. The Chaotix notices this and speeds off even further (with Vector pumping up the engine which makes the ship go out of control. Espio hates it, but Charmy, being a little kid, enjoys it), so Tails has to resort to using the Blue Typhoon--and this is coming from the kid who earlier suggested the use of the Blue Typhoon to find Sonic. Make up your mind, kid! But he did find out the Chaotix were not Metarex, but the...Chaotix. He tries to get their attention, but the Chaotix thinks it's a trap, so the Blue Typhoon does it by force ala giant, metallic death grips of doooooooooooom by lugging the Chaotix's spaceship to their bigger spaceship. There, the heroes apologizes to the Chaotix who saids, "It's cool; we just came to deliver Chris' crap." So, they help unload the stuff. Chris then ponders how much his parents miss him and how much he misses him and all that love and family and ohana stuff.

The Chaotix start to make their leave, but the heroes offer then tea. Espio declines, but Vector and Charmy outvotes him 2 to 1, so they stick around. While doing so, Vector tries to look good in Vanilla's eye (despite the fact that she's not here) by asking Cream why she's here and that she's basically too young to travel in space and saving the universe. Cream immediately takes offense and walks away. Vector then gets a crazy idea that Vanilla wants Cream back despite the fact that she only wanted to know if her daughter was okay, but Vector doesn't believe squat except his own head (and in a cut scene where he apparently fantasizes over him and Vanilla...yep, the croc is hot over heels for her) and commences to kidnap Cream and return her back to Vanilla. Kidnapping kids and stuffing them in bags, congrats Vector, you're just one step further on your road to Michael Jackson impersonation.
So, while the heroes are back on the bridge, talking about the lack of a Chaos Emerald, Vector casually comes over and picks up Cream and Cheese and stuffs them in their bag. They then skedaddle with a hasty good-bye and heads for their ship. The heroes notice Cream, Cheese, and Cosmo are missing. Indeed, Cosmo, too fell in with Cream, but she apparently went in herself (?) because she refuses to leave without Cream and Cheese who are both offended at Vector's bad Michael Jackson impersonation. After all, Vector, you're not even suppose to have two white gloves, it's just one. Vector notes she's being taken to her mother, but Cosmo decides to screw around with Vector (not THAT way) while Cream and Cheese cheers her on.
The Blue Typhoon once again uses their death grips to get the Chaotix's spaceship. Espio goes out and delivers exploding ninja shurikens, but at the cost of ruining their home. Meanwhile, Knuckles finds Sonic. Yay. Sonic (with a jet pack Knuckles gave him) reunites with Chris and the others where they tell Sonic of the current dilemma.
Sonic goes to the Chaotix while Epsio and Charmy are fixing their house (seriously, do these guys have like, gravity boots or what?) and is getting all beefed up for battle, but then Chris comes and tells the Chaotix about how he relates to worried parents and that it is truly up to Cream to decide whether she goes or stays. Cream obviously chooses to stay and help her friends and with that, the Chaotix respect her wishes and leaves, but not before Charmy takes a picture with a camera from out of nowhere (we'll just say it's something from Chris' useless junks), and sends a pic of Cream to Vanilla through fax. Vanilla is at peace, knowing Cream is doing something important.
Meanwhile, after some 20 odd minutes with the heroes, we finally get to Eggman where they, too, haven't found anything decent.
Rouge is somewhere inside the spaceship where she eyes a glowing test tube. She is shocked when she theorizes who that could be. I already know, and I'm obviously not happy about it.

This is a filler episode, but damn it, it was a funny, honest-to-goodness good filler episode. I haven't laughed in a cartoon in a while, so if the episode was trying to be funny, it succeeded. First off, it is NICE to see the Chaotix again, their personalities and idiosyncrasies (Ooh, look mommy, I used big words!) made this episode. Vector shined a lot with his idiotic behavior, but my heart went out to Charmy. Case in point, his voice, unlike episode 39, felt a sense of awkwardness, sounding more like a high pitched Chris in a few places, but I loved him in general. He was adorable, cute, and oh-so-huggable, and I FAR favor his voice over his Sonic Heroes' one where the actress makes Charmy sound like a woman in helium then a 6 year old boy.
Vanilla and Cream's development was also a nice change of character development. I still believed Vanilla was thinking Cream was just in space to play, but I felt contented by the end of the episode that Vanilla knows what Cream is truly up to and supports her 100%. Now THAT'S a confident mom, letting her 6 year old daughter fly off into space.
The humor and the pacings were extremely nicely paced for the first half of the episode, but with the good comes the bad in the form of the second half. The Cream kidnapping wasn't handled as well as I thought with it seemingly looked like they were trying to rush the whole durn thing. Sonic having to be the hero of the day is a bit annoying and Chris randomly coming up felt a bit useless to me when Sonic or Cosmo could have easily said the same thing (and what was the point of sending Sonic there), but I guess it makes sense, seeing Chris is the one with parents, but it doesn't save the lackluster feel of the second half which made me disappointed when the first half was sheer brilliance. I wanted to give this one a 10 so badly, but sadly, the second half did nothing but randomize. Then there's those little plotholes, like what was up with the Chaotix's spaceship. It came out of nowhere and wasn't explained where it came from. Was it merely just for comic relief? And how on earth did the Chaotix traveled alllllllllllllllll the way to the Blue Typhoon? What? Did the planets the BT traveled to aren't that far from Sonics world? How did Cosmo get in the same bag with Cream and Cheese? I'm not gonna even start on their magical ability to walk on any given surface outside space without flying off.


~Charmy is a cutey patootie!
~Still no Big. He ain't coming, so why do I have my hopes still? I'm so sad.
~Suddenly, I'm in the mood for pizza.
~I'm very lazy.

Posts: 5035
Illustrious Member

To have only seen 2 episodes since the new season started(counting this one today) I loved it. Charmy was pretty funny if you ask me, and Espio was pretty cool. It was so funny how they were getting beat up by Chris, Cosmo, Amy, etc. XD That was some funny stuff. And about that tube...Wow!

Posts: 1583
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Posts: 814
Prominent Member

That capsule...

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Oh no! It's a Shadow clone! Sonic Heroes reference, maybe? I don't know for sure since I don't watch the JP episodes. But I HAVE heard that Shadow loses his memory just like in Sonic Heroes.

Other than that, this episode was mostly filler.

And this episode really had shaken my understanding of physics. Wouldn't you get sucked into space from depressurization?

Posts: 5772
Illustrious Member


Then there's those little plotholes, like what was up with the Chaotix's spaceship. It came out of nowhere and wasn't explained where it came from.

While that may be true, we can infer that the ship was sent through the portal from Chris' world just as his things were. A surprise from Chuck, no doubt. Which begs the question: How would he even know to send something that specialized in the FIRST place!? For that matter, since the teleporter was supposed to be linked to the ME, shouldn't all those items have appeared on the Blue Typhoon?

Face it, this episode was engineered to get the Chaotix Dectective Agency into space by any means necessary, regardless if it makes sense or not.


And how on earth did the Chaotix traveled alllllllllllllllll the way to the Blue Typhoon? What? Did the planets the BT traveled to aren't that far from Sonics world?

We aren't given a timeframe between the arrival of Chris' belongings and the Chaotix reaching the Blue Typhoon. It's easy to assume they take place one after the other, but for all we know a week may have passed inbetween. As for the planets, I would guess they have to canvass space inbetween planet hops before they can get a good emerald reading on their sensors, while Team Chaotix would simply take the shortest route to reach their goal.


How did Cosmo get in the same bag with Cream and Cheese?

The scene where she explains to Vector how she stopped (time), dropped and rolled into the sack before it hit the ground was cut.


I'm not gonna even start on their magical ability to walk on any given surface outside space without flying off.

Some things mortal men were not meant to know.

Posts: 3756
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Posts: 814
Prominent Member

I think that image was posted somewhere above...

EDIT: Nope, it was one pic before.

Posts: 1195
Noble Member

The scene where she explains to Vector how she stopped (time), dropped and rolled into the sack before it hit the ground was cut.

Makes sense.

Some things mortal men were not meant to know.

But I'm a mortal woman, so HA!

Posts: 2417
Famed Member

I didn't like Vector's voice over in this episode. It just I'd was rather hoping they used the same voice as in the previous chaotix episode. If they use -that- for his voice in the games later on...

Posts: 526
Honorable Member

Awww.. Vector loves Vanilla.

With a little barbecue sauce while roasting on a spit.:cackle

Posts: 3756
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Posts: 165
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Posts: 73
Trusted Member

Turtle: That's from the SA1 saga, no need to use spoiler tags. Unless it was meant to be sarcastic. Then I've entirely missed the point. ^^;

Posts: 1195
Noble Member

Sonic X, Episode 60 "Shadow has returned!?" or "Oh, GAWD! TOO MUCH INFO. MY BRAIN HURT!"
The Blue Typhoon flies serenely in space and all seem well. Cut to the red chaos emerald which is...just...floating in blackness...somewhere. Images of Shadow comes from the gem as if Shadow himself was staring at the durn thing. Flashbacks of the SA2 adaptation occurs where Chris and Shadow have a talk (and not a pleasant one), Super Shadow and Super Sonic trying to stop ARK, and finally, Sonic giving Chris one of Shadow's ring wrist (with surprising decent sad music playing in the background).
One theme song later, Chris wakes up from the ship's alarm and is told by Tails to get his kiester over to the bridge, pronto! He does, but not after eyeing a picture of his parents and himself, and the ring wrist he still kept after all these years. How coincidental that he'll meet Shadow later in this episode, how coincidental that he had flashbacks and dreams of his time with Shadow in this episode, how coincidental that Shadow would wake up in this episode. There's always things like these popping up on TV and it's really only how well the episode is handled that makes it a-okay in my book, I suppose.
Any who, Chris enters the bridge where Tails immediately notices his sullen, silent appearance. Sonic tries to dig deep into the root of Chris' problem, but the young boy just shakes it off, saying it was nothing but nightmares. Tails then reports of another chaos emerald in a dead planet who's Planet Egg was already swiped off, apparently.

Meanwhile, deep inside Eggman's airship, Rouge is doing her usual sneaking around crap, trying to pry off the red chaos emerald (the REAL red chaos emerald), from a giant machine holding a giant stasis chamber. For some reason, Eggman now possesses the red chaos emerald despite him trying to search for it alongside the others a few episodes back, but couldn't since Bokkun placed a sleeping powder in their hot chocolate. So I assume he got it somewhere between then and now.
As she nears it, the alarm gives off. The two robots immediately cry bloody murder and even more so when Bokkun announces an intruder is on board. Rouge immediately decides what she should do, but is frozen dead in her track when she eyes Shadow, shocked that he's alive, but barely. Wait a sec, Rouge. Why are you so surprised? What about your reaction from last episode? What, you seemingly had a brief amnesia?
Eggman enters the pod and shocks Rouge on his quiet entrance. After all, it's one to not fool a spy like Rouge so quickly; it's another for fat man to sneak up without being seen. I think one of WBs artwork of Sonic put it best, Thin Air?! Robotnik couldnt even disappear into fat air!
Eggman makes it known he's kept Shadow as a secret for some time, but he ain't revealing why and how. In due time, in due time, Rouge. The robots finally join in and accuse Rouge of being the intruder. Eggman perfectly denies this and claims Rouge as one of their own. Rouge grinning, watches as the robots get owned, staring especially hard at Bokkun (Bokkie) who is filled with guilt. Awww, poor Bokkie.

Meanwhile, our heroes have landed on another random planet. A very dry, scary, and misty place. Amy decides to split up into two teams, with her quickly volunteering to go with Sonic. Tails whines about it, but Amy ain't changing her mind any time soon and makes some sort of quote that Tails gets confused at and Sonic shrugs off.
So, we basically got two groups:

TEAM 1: Sonic, Amy, Knuckles
Your mission, should you chose to accept it, is to infiltrate the dusty, abandoned, and most obviously haunted castle in search of the chaos emerald. Along the way, I also advise you to pick up a Mushroom Bacon Melt from Wendy's while it's still available (cuz' I'm hungry), clean up my room, feed the cat, stop that perverted crazy neighbor next door from hitting on an under aged teenager (you'll know it's him, he says "giggity" a lot), do the lindy hop, and flail your arms around while running behind a background picture of the White House. I want all three members back in and out alive, ya got it? No one lives a teammate down!

TEAM 2: Tails and Cosmos
Your mission, should you chose to accept it, is to infiltrate the dusty space colony where rats, spiders, and other little creatures filled with disease is probably in, making the colony their home. Along the way, I also advice you to fall down the stairs like a human (or flowery thing) slinky, have wheelchair fights, sing the theme song to the "Neverending Story" all the way through the colony, run with scissors, and cartwheel while imitating as the Power Rangers. We are not responsible for any diseases you pick up.

That is your mission, good luck and good bye.

Amy isn't too pleased with Knuckles being involved (TOO EASY), but Team 1 enters the castle anyways. Amy, having the wrist bend comm-link that not only communicates with others, but shows the emerald's location, leads the way. Neither of them are aware of a giant eye staring at them, but instead gets caught up in the castle's tricks and traps. I think this would have been even more awesome if this castle had the design of Mystic Mansion (arguably my favorite Sonic Heroes level), or King Boom Boo. Everything's better with King Boom Boo.
The team continues their search (with Amy and Knuckles arguing a lot and me crying out, "THIS IS TOO EASY!" repeatedly) until Amy's watch indicates that the emerald is...moving.
They soon get to a mirror where Amy gets close to it, touching it while claiming it's some sort of trap to confuse them. The mirror opens ala a door and pushes her in. Sonic and Knuckles dives in after her and gets it to the point that staying inside the castle is hazardous for their health. It doesn't help that the emerald scanner shows the emerald has simply vanished. Ooooooh, scary! What's even worse, they are blocked off when every entrance is surrounded by bricked walls.

Meanwhile, Team 2 is looking inside the abandoned colony. Cosmo also drops her flashlight in pure clumsy fashion. Then they later meet a message made by an... anthro Kimba the White Lion. Kimba explains how the Metarex laid waste to their planet and the colony was built so they could do some good against the Metarex and hope someone would come and help them, but as you can see the colony, too has deteroriated. Kimba leaves off a final warning on the Metarex and the message ends.
Cosmo is gravely upset over this matter and Chris ain't pulling in the happy wagon either. He then talks about Shadow with Cosmo shocked there is someone else quite similar to Sonic.

Meanwhile, Team 1 is trying to escape, but the giant eye thing seems to enjoy tricking and messing up their mind that only solitary confinement can cure. Sonic decides enough is enough and leaps out of the castle wall like he was some sort of ghost, now falling to the ground. Luckily, he was saved by Chris before he could become hedgehog pancake and sent him back inside. Then all three escape.
They soon get near a giant violet/black lake thingy where the Metarex apparently is. He grabs Sonic via a black blobby tentacle thing and pulls him in. Then he slams Sonic to a metal wall of some sort and falls again, but Knuckles catches him and the two execute a double spin combo or something. It penetrates the wall (creating a hole actually) which unfortunately, only rebuilds itself.

In Eggman's spaceship, Eggman and Rouge make a sort of deal. In return for Rouge's service, Eggman will bestow to her, a chaos emerald. Rouge's trust level of Eggman is below zero, but anything for a chaos emerald is worth dying for. Gee, Rouge, if Eggman tells you to walk inside a pit of acid (THE GOGGLES DO NOTHING!) blindfolded while juggling chain saws and singing "Yankee Doodle Dandy", she'd do it. Jewels are her kryptonite.

Meanwhile, Team 1 is being hounded by the ghost Metarex thingie as the Blue Typhoon comes. As the metarex shoots out light blue arrow things, the heroes make cover underneath the Blue Typhoon. There, Tails and Cream are in position to deliver their fair share of asskickery. Cream operates the laser in her only noteworthy role in this episode to the Metarex and fails. Chris then gives Sonic them special "magic" shoes and creates a ring tunnel (upon Tails' suggestion). Sonic goes inside said tunnel and full charges towards the Metarex, but instead gets electrocuted by the damn thing. As Sonic falls, he tells Chris not to come and save him since it be too dangerous. Not caring in the least, Chris comes to save Sonic, but his jet plane is hit and is about to go down. See, Chris? SEE WHAT HAPPENS WHEN YOU DON'T LISTEN!? Stuff like THIS happen!? SEE!? SEE!? SEE!?
Shadow's tube starts to react and even more so when his wristband Chris had glows red and flies off. Shadow suddenly wakes up; with the machine he's in destroyed. With red chaos emerald in hand, he senses another emerald and chaos controls off at around the same time Rouge and Eggman goes in. The two are both shocked.
Outside, Shadow saves Chris and kicks the Metarex's butt, red chaos emerald in hand. Everyone is shocked to see who it is. Chris wakes up from his brief unconscious and also eyes Shadow, on top of the castle with the red and violet Chaos Emerald flying around him in all its mystical glory. Ooooooooooooh. Shadow chaos controls out and into Eggmans ship where he shows off the two emeralds like he's some sorta God, then promptly faints.

Good Lord, so much crap has happened and so much questions and theories are left. More so then the answers. I think the things I wanna know is why Eggman has Shadow, so here's hoping for a reasonable explanation because it's quite obvious one will be given. It's just a matter of when.
Then theres the matter between Rouge and Eggman. The fact that Eggman values Rouge is something I'm intrigued. Rouge isn't a good guy, but she ain't no villain, so her teaming up with Eggman (although reluctantly), could be either because she wants the Chaos emeralds or for her own devious, sneaky reasons. I have reasons to believe Eggman is also up to his own stuff. There has to be a reason he wanted Rouge on his team and that little scene of him making a deal with her could either be his true intention or HIS own little devious, sneaky maneuver. I suspect the latter reasons. And we still got that whole Bokkun thing he's got going with Rouge to deal with. Sheesh.
Then there's just Shadow himself. I don't know how long he's planning to stay, but whatever his stay involves, it better be worthwhile. Cheap deaths don't exactly thrill me, so if it sucks, then it's all the matter of me disliking Shadow further. I mean, his role after SA2 in the games didn't exactly excite nor entertained me. What the games fail, I hope the TV series can at least do. I'm not happy with Shadow's return, but making his stay memorable will be enough to not hold it against me. Make it work, hedgehog.

Despite all these stunning revelations, the episode in general was just generic stuff. Usually find chaos emerald and stop random Metarex of the day feel and since it covered the majority of the episode, it bored me a bit. It didn't help that the character interaction was poor at best, especially when compared to the episode where Amy, Cream, and Cosmo work together in the jungle when the chemistry felt so strong there. Tails and Cream also gets shoved to the sidelines, but at least they have a role in the episode, especially Cream who pretty much did nothing aside from launching a laser.

Other unrelated dealings also come in the form of Cosmos voice. While it is absolutely stunning, her reactions whenever she is angry or shocked usually has her still speaking in a relative calm voice like she's under sedation. Would it kill for the actress to actually make her voice a bit more intense, not by much, just a little when the situtation is given to her? Then I wouldn't have to cringe so much.
The other stems from the red chaos emerald. How did Eggman get it? I mean, the episode with the fake red emerald had Eggman's team in desperate search for it just as well (which ended with them sleeping from the sleeping powder in their hot cocoa). My only theory is that they found it somewhere between then and now, which doesn't explain Shadow. How long have they had him? Did they found Shadow in the same time period between then and now or did they find him earlier and just placed him in that stasis tube without a chaos emerald? Hopefully, we'll have some definite answers before my brain hurts. I already got enough confused crap from the Archie comics; I don't need it from the cartoons, too.
Ultimately, the episode fails from being too generic and having too much info with not enough answers shoved down my already stressed out brain.

~Malik Ishtar came in Yugi and he had on his, what I call "Good Namu" voice. YAY! Now, not only does he looks sexy, but now he sounds sexy. OH, HAPPY DAYS!
~Rouge seems to really enjoy nicknaming everyone with "-ie" in the end.
~Digimon Tamers: Runaway Express is a good film, even though the ending battle was so dues ex machine.

Posts: 5
Active Member

Hi. Can someone either give me, or direct me to, a summary of what has gone on so far?

I have been uninformed and was not aware Sonic X would continue. So now that I am aware, many episodes late into the continuation, I am confused as to what is going on..

Any idea on how I could catch up would be great, and especially if there was someway I could see the episodes.

Thanks guys.

Oh and I see Shadow is returning, or has, or whatever..

Can someone tell me how?

Posts: 1195
Noble Member

Hi. Can someone either give me, or direct me to, a summary of what has gone on so far?

I have been uninformed and was not aware Sonic X would continue. So now that I am aware, many episodes late into the continuation, I am confused as to what is going on..

Any idea on how I could catch up would be great, and especially if there was someway I could see the episodes.

Thanks guys.

Ya know, I write these summaries of Sonic X for a reason. Backtracing on the topic helps. If you don't like reading long stuff, maybe might help or something.

Oh and I see Shadow is returning, or has, or whatever..

Can someone tell me how?

I think my post above has the answer you desire.

Posts: 4607
Famed Member

It involves some robot guys called the Metarex, lots of planets, space travel, a mysterious girl called Cosmo, Chris not being such a limelight hog, and so forth.

Incidentally, I've not watched a single episode of the new season, so I can't say for sure how Shadow returned.

Posts: 3756
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*pokes above summary* @ SHog.

Posts: 1583
Noble Member

That doesn't really explain "how" Shadow returned. I haven't watched the French/Japanese episodes to know if they actually do explain "how" Shadow returned. Right now, I'm going to assume that they do and that we'll learn it eventually.

Posts: 2191
Famed Member

Hey NeoRemington373, I'm starting to agree with you about this the Knux/Amy relationship in Sonic X. Especially, since they seem to ignore each other in the games.

Posts: 5772
Illustrious Member

Oh, I meant to reply to Red's post earlier and forgot.

Well, I WOULD explain, but it makes my head hurt when I think about the details. Let's just say Shadow's survival shares a thing or two with Chris' de-aging.

Posts: 1195
Noble Member

Sonic X, Episode 61 "The Vessel of Evil" or "Man, Dark Oak feckin' RULES."
AUGH! It's the return of the annoying voiced narrator. If the Sonic games ever consider getting a narrator to narrate the stories or whatever, I pray it's not this guy and this is coming from someone who is largely unaffected by the recent waves of news on 4Kids being Sonic video game dubbed voices (yes, I really, really don't care, it hardly affects me).
One "Last Time on Sonic X" and one theme song later, a whole new thing is going on as a crapload of...umm...round, bulgy,crater looking, pimple infested ships fight one giant gold one, the one known as the Scar Ship, with Dark Oak, the apparent (and cool designed) Metarex leader, commanding it. He shows of his badarse-ness by destroying the entire fleet and even noticing the one trying to get away, and blowing it away. What an awesome villain, no mercy this guy. No mercy at all!
Meanwhile, in the Blue Typhoon, Cosmo dreams about Shadow and wakes up to Cream who asks if she's okay and if she ate whatever Knuckles was cooking cuz' he just sucks at it, yo. Cosmo then asks what the dealio is important with Shadow and Cream basically explains the entire SA2 plot in less than 60 seconds. Hey, it's cliff notes or "SA2 for dummies". Everyone else in the ship is also thinking of Shadow with Amy thinking it's some sort of trick (oh, don't I wish), and Knuckles wondering why he's being so silent and mysterious. Duh, Knuckles. It's for TEH ANGST CUZ PeOpLE LIEK TEH ANGST!!!1!!1!! Sonic is the only one who isn't thinking, saying there's no use pondering over questions when answers ain't nearby. Smart reasoning, hedgehog.
In Eggman's Ship, Shadow is wondering who he is, cuz' he apparently received amnesia, a sure sign of an angst anti-hero to get. How many didn't see THAT coming? He then asks Eggman on what his past is, but fat man refuses to tell...until he destroys the Scar Ship which is heading their way so to speak. Its mission: Destroy Eggman, then Sonic for they are interfering with his plans. Sucks to be you.
Shadow goes off and tries to destroy said ship. He ends up hitting it everywhere with the others wondering what the fudge he's doing. Eggman explains he's causing vibrations on the ship to cause it harm on the inside (as demonstrated by repeatedly banging his robot goons over with tiny mallets that'll make Amy proud). Shadow then falls unconscious from too much use of his powers, so Eggman brings him back in. Of course, Dark Oak is pissed and proceeds to chuck missiles at 'em. Eggman retaliates back, but they're just not strong enough, so thusly, Rouge leaves the ship just before it explodes.
Rouge then later contacts the Blue Typhoon crew and explains the fate of Eggman and how powerful Dark Oak. Shocked and horrified, Amy demands they face Dark Oak now and end it all. Cosmo, who is emotionally distressed over this, doesn't want such a thing. Knuckles agree as does Rouge, so Amy peeves off on him. The two girls basically end up flirting with Knuckles, ya just know it's truuuuuuuuue! Then Amy and Knuckles argue some more. Need I say that ol' so catchphrase? TOO EASY. Then the Scar Ship comes and the crew decides to not leave and live to fight another day, but to just kick its robotic ass now. Cosmo doesn't want that at first, but they ain't changing their mind, so she's eternally grateful. Gosh, they change their mind pretty darn fast.
As the Scar Ship attacks, Tails and Chris creates a force field around them, then expands it, causing a cloak to protect themselves from being seen. The Scar ship as a result shoots randomly. He then eyes random junks and debris floating in space, making it look like the Blue Typhoon crew died, but Dark Oak be too smart for that crap and proceeds to fight anyways, unaware of phase two in Sonic crew's plans. Namely, Sonic, Knuckles, and Amy were all in hiding in a random closet (it's one of the debris), gets out, and clumps up large sums of debris into the missile lodgers of the Scar Ship. When Dark Oak tries to fire, it ends up backfiring on him. Smart.
Dark Oak is pissed, so he gets his ship to ram at the Blue Typhoon. Chris and Tails tries to move the ship away, but they have no power cuz' Knux ain't there to charge up the durn Master Emerald, so they all end up screaming. Guess who saves the day? Come on, guess?



.............Come on, who DIDN'T see that coming. This episode's got "obvious" written all over it. Somehow, Shadow knows how to fly and manages to vibrate the ship up again (ewwww, that sounded dirty). The Sonic crew are shocked to see Eggman who DID survive the explosion. The lone missile aimed to destroy them didn't kill them as it just passed through a giant door in the middle of Eggy's ship. He then faked an explosion using smokescreen and pulled a magician as he teleported away to safety. Eggman, you know better then to reveal a magicians secret! Shame on you!
Dark Oak is pissed, so he gets his Scar Ship to explode itself. OH-NOES! Shadow gets a brilliant idea as he takes out the red emerald (which would explain him flying) and time freezes the ship for 90 seconds. As Eggman and his cronies countdown, Sonic and Shadow both head to the engine room to destroy it. Sonic commences a brief chat with Shadow who just wonders who the bloody hell this blue, near similar, hedgehog is. Sonic is a bit shocked, but doesn't angst over (that's Shadow's job, pal), and they both blow up the engines. Then Tails canonizes Sonic (along with a warp field), and Sonic pushes the ship faraway so that it explodes out of harms' way. Much victory cheer is assured.
Shadow rides atop Eggman's ship as they fly off, him watching Sonic who's on top of the Blue Typhoon. Everyone else watches as well, with Cosmo thinking of how more Metarexes must be destroyed. Good God, how many times did I type in the word destroy?

It was a typical episode. One not so boring, but not all that great. I will say it doesn't make my head hurt with too much info crammed down enough for me to remember. I admit, Shadow had some nicely executed ideas that I thought were clever, from the time freezing-ness to the ship vibrating (ewwww) and even the others had some well ideas. That debris thing is pretty durn good. I wouldn't say it's the best episode ever; it's ridiculously filled with predictability and cliche. I mean, its obvious Shadow would get amnesia, it's obvious he'd be the one to save the Blue Typhoon's hide when Scar Ship was about to crash land on them, it's just plain obvious Sonic would use that deus ex machine cannon to save the day, plain friggin' obvious.
And of course Shadow would have the usually signs of angst, the cliche signs, but it's nothing I can do about (if it helps, some of the others are cliche in their own way, we gots the damsel in distress love interest, the rival, the annoying (human) kid, the little sidekick, etc). For some reason, people just gobble up the whole angst crap and think it's the coolest thing since slice bread. I don't think I'll ever understand that.
Personally, my idea of cool is that Dark Oak guy himself. I mean, no mercy, no fun and games, just right to the kill, and he's hard to take down, too. Freakishly awesome dude, he is. He made this episode and I can't wait to see more of his badassery.

~I cannot wait for the Viewitful Joe anime today!
~The bananas got me by the electric yellow.

Posts: 308
Reputable Member

It's official--4Kids is making the Amy/Knuckles thing way too obvious--I'm noticing it!!

Curse you 4Kids!!:fist

Posts: 165
Estimable Member

I'm completely out of things to say about this season and will be for a very long time.
From now on, I'll have to keep my comments short. This episode was on the plus side. That's all.

Posts: 150
Estimable Member

Say, do any of you chaps have the URL for that list of changes from Sonic X (Japanese) to Sonic X (US)? I was wondering if it's been updated for season 2 (or I suppose, 3).

Thanks in advance!

Posts: 165
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Posts: 150
Estimable Member

Thank you very much! :]

Posts: 5772
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Posts: 1195
Noble Member

*shudders* Comparsion Lists. I don't very much like comparsion lists cuz' the people there are just vile when it comes to the dub. Hey, I'm curious as the next gal on what got left out or what has changed, but everytime some guy insults over even the simplest change, I can't help but cringe and feel sorry for the dub.
So far, I've only been able to find only one comparsion list (for YuGiOh), that doesn't insult the dub 24/7. *sigh*

Posts: 150
Estimable Member

I appreciate the new link as well. It gives a nice overview of the Season 3 alterations.

While I agree with NeoRemington that some complaints with the dub are petty, there are indeed some rather important ones. For example, many of the changes to the SA2 saga changed the meaning and emotional impact of the storyline.

I only watch the US dub, because that is all I, as an american, can basically do. I enjoy being able to watch the episode, go back, and then know what was stricken from the episode.

Posts: 4885
Illustrious Member

Thanks so much for the link 🙂 They're airing in the UK now, but at unreasonably stupid times that even school kids can't see.

Luckily they seem to be airing 2 episodes in order on weekends, so I might keep up... just slowly.

They cut out Rouge's cleveage?! After 52 episodes?!

...My brain hurts. If they find Rouge's rack greatly offensive, then the rest of the series is going to be cut to shreads. Give it a few more weeks, it gets dark

Posts: 3756
Famed Member


It's official--4Kids is making the Amy/Knuckles thing way too obvious--I'm noticing it!!

They seem to be stepping away from that this episode and developing the adorable TailsxCosmo relationship. Great episode. Who'da known that Cosmo's mom was a tree? 😛

Posts: 165
Estimable Member

I sure didn't!:lol So... the Tails and Cosmo relationship finally starts. I haven't seen anybody make a fake Emerald since SA2. I'm unsure but I thinl 5 Emeralds are uncovered: the goodies have 3 and Eggy's crew have 2.

Posts: 3756
Famed Member

And the Metarex have hundreds. God.

Posts: 1195
Noble Member

Sonic X, Episode 62 "The Underground Secret" or "Stuff happens and I like it, so there."
The episode starts off in a different light as Cosmo is inside a spaceship, riding on a Jetson's conveyor belt. She is greeted by others of her kind which are, interesting enough, all females from what I see, then finally stops when she meets Galaxina, basically a taller, blue version of herself (and her big sister, apparently, whether that means biological or it's just a term is unknown). Galaxina teases Cosmo and her habit of daydreaming to which Cosmo takes small offense. Galaxina then informs her "mother" has been worried, so the two go to visit her.
Apparently, their mother is a giant tree. Hmmm, makes sense. Cosmo laments on how she wonders if "mother" often daydreams as much as she does, then the two talk about how they vow to stop the Metarex, however long it takes, and find a new home planet to live in. After the durn theme song (which 4kids still refuses to update *grumble grumble*), their airship is attacked by--wait for it--METAREXES! *GASP!* The ship (which is pretty sleek looking, even more so then the Blue Typhoon) easily gets blown up, then Cosmo wakes up from her daydream.

She finds herself outside in a grassy plain near the Blue Typhoon, next to Tails and Knuckles. Tails is having a chat with Chris (who's in that FUGLY machine, the you-know-what), with Sonic and Cream/Cheese as they search for the next Chaos Emerald. Everybody hated Amy and stuck her inside the Blue Typhoon where she just updated her enemies list. As the fugly ship flies by, Cream gives her concerns to the land dwellers as she will keep doing so for the reminder of the entire episode. They get note the Chaos Emerald is theorized to be underground, so for some odd reason, Chris decides to look by FLYING IN THE SKY.
Tails' team enter into a ruined town where they guessed the planet's Planet Egg was stolen and the town attacked by Metarex. Oh, geez, ya think? YOU ARE ALL THE SMART.
Cosmo talks to herself on how the town was once living and breathing and pretty much is close to breakdown until Tails snaps her outta of it, asking her what's her deal. She excuses herself by saying she was daydreaming. What person daydreams in the middle of a ruined, depressed town? Before the question can be answered, Knuckles cries out for Tails and Cosmo as he has found a crevice to which the fabled Holy Grail lies. You must venture pass the trials to reach it, brave Indiana Jones.
Knuckles climb his way down while Tails flies with Cosmo in tow because the developers somehow forgot that she could hover her way down. What's even more surprising is that I never thought I'd put "Tails" and "flies" together in on sentence since the anime has a habit of NOT making Tails take advantage of his winged tails. As the three head down, Cosmo spots a cave, so the two go in. Inside, Cosmo laments on the cave's darkness. The two head in anyways, not caring if they might accidentally stumble into something they might regret and sure enough, they stumble into something they might regret when Cosmo accidentally pushes a button on the wall that splits open the ground below them, causing them to fall, and making rocks fall down and block the cave entrance. SOME trap! Knuckles witnesses all this way.

Tails wakes up to see Cosmo who is worried since his head is injured. While Tails comments that he'll live, Cosmo takes no chances and "moms" up to him by takes a random gauze seemingly out of nowhere (from her dress?) and ties it around his head. The two are stuck underground due to Cosmo' accident. Is it just me or does it seem like a pattern that wherever Cosmo goes, she'll being accident with her and cause some sort of turmoil on the heroes? She might as well be carrying a giant sandwich sign that cries out in big, bold capital letters (because big, bold capital letters ALWAYS gets everyone's attention) that sez, "I AM ACCIDENT PRONE! SOMETHING BAD WILL HAPPEN WHEN YOU STAY CLOSE TO ME! STAY NO MORE THEN 50 FEET AWAY FRO-" Whoops, sign ran out of space, ahh well.
Tails cannot contact his allies, but the emerald signal is still strong, so they decide to find the emerald instead. Meanwhile, Amy tells Chris' team that Knuckles sent her a message telling them what the deal has happened to the fox and the flower, then when no one's looking, he slips her a love e-mail. You sly echidna, you.
Tails and Cosmo continue searching. The little fox gabbles on and on about technology this and technology that and how much he wants to marry the Tornado this while Cosmo doesn't pay attention and just worries. The two soon reach a dead end or something and are greeted by fireflies. The fireflies spin around the two and head off, so Tails and Cosmo chases afterwards, thinking them l'il buggers might be up to something. Their theory is right as the two happened upon a giant factory of sorts. The plot is thickening! DUH DUH DUUHHHHH!
Meanwhile, Knuckles is busy trying to free Tails and Cosmo by digging out the entrance via shovel claw while the heroes end up in the ruined town, near the crevice. Amy cries out that Knuckles is a show off while Cream is more faithful to him and Amy should, too. Oh Cream, you just don't understand. Amy's obviously saying that to hide away her true feelings for Knuckles. She doesn't think his digging is showing off. Deep inside, she imagines him as a muscular specimen (with a tank top, pants, tool belt, and construction helmet, no less) with strength that makes her drool with desire. You're still young, Cream. Someday, you will understand.
Chris explains the tunnels underground are intersected somehow, so they could be another entrance. Smart kid.

Inside the underground factory, Samurai serpent Metarex dwells and guards the factory. Wha-samurais are the best and I think better then ninjas, but WHERE ARE MY SQUID NINJAS!? Tails and Cosmo quickly sneaks their way in until they reach a room filled with Chaos Emeralds...just not real ones except one. The White Chaos Emerald, the real one, is giving energy to the fake ones to make them look and feel authentic, just like the one when they were in Planet Breezy (the fake red one, remember?). Tails then hacks into the computer system, but can't make out the code. Cosmo reads it with relative ease, so Tails downloads the whole thing into his seemingly powerful wristwatch of many megabytes to read later. Then right on schedule, a samurai metarex serpent comes to KEEL DEM ALL!
Tails distracts the Metarex by electrocuting him (interesting, this metarex has bones) while Cosmo takes the real Chaos Emerald. She makes like a banana and splits, with Tails following close by. The two hide behind a bush while other Samurai Serpent Metarexes search for them, using the emerald as a guide. Tails, using his smart brain stuff, uses the fireflies (or tiny robots charged with Chaos Emeralds, apparently) and spreads them around, making them look like they are in 10 places at once. This greatly confuses said Samurai Serpent Leader Metarex. He does not smell that promotion coming his way now.
The two are now inside a long tunnel, slowly walking like they shouldn't care a bunch of samurai serpent robots are after them, regardless of Tails' clever little plan. Instead, they pretty much chat and praise about the Chaos Emerald and the concept of good in power. Cosmo then stops and quickly hands the emerald to Tails, saying she isn't worthy of holding it. Before Tails could do anything further then hold the emerald, the Metarex Samurai Serpent leader comes and smacks Tails, making him drop his emerald and comm-link. Tails ain't going down without a fight, even if it's against more Metarexes of samurai and serpentry goodness. Tails basically at this point makes a short speech on the usual, "Good will triumph") while flying (yes, flying). Tails kicks as much butt as he can, which is very little cuz' the leader grabs him by the tail. Tails orders Cosmo to get the emerald which she does, but ends up surrounded by them lackey metarexes. All seems lost until--wait for it--Sonic comes to save the day!
Joining him in battle is Amy Rose. When they knock off the Metarexes, the three Cs: Chris, Cream, and Cheese join the heroes. The Samurai Serpent Metarexes continued to fight while I proceed to type Samurai Serpent Metarexes again because it's fun to type Samurai Serpent Metarexes. Even Cream lends her hand in battle and yes, even Chris does. He somehow got hold of a laser gun. Somehow, 4Kids thinks it's alright to show a 12 year old kid (even if he is really 18) to hold a laser gun, yet they still think real guns are big no-no. I bet that kid doesn't even have his gun license. Then Sonic makes the final blow to the main villain via the White Chaos Emerald.

The heroes are now back outside where they cheer over the code Tails got. Cosmo cries out her guilt on how she put them in danger, but Tails reassures her. So, all is alright. But wait, where's Knuckles!? Just like that, right on cue, Knux appears and is shocked to find the others safe, but stuck from the ground he just popped out of (his head, anyways). The heroes laugh at Knuckles, torturing the poor echidna. NO HEART! NO HEART, I SAY!

Meanwhile, evil baddie Dark Oak laments that the heroes have fallen for his trap, and the l'il fireflies-err-tiny robots surround him as he checks his scheduled meeting with Sarumon and evil Harry Potter ("YES! SOON THE WORLDS MUGGLES WILL BE MIIIIIINE!") Dude, that is SO eviiiiiiillll!

Wow, what a refreshing episode. While it strictly focused on Cosmo, Tails got his share of the limelight which really helped a lot from the usual Sonics and Amys and Chrises. I admit, Tails is an interesting choice to use when dealing with Cosmo. The last episode she truly interacted with to me was when she was with the girls and it made sense, being that they're girls, they could probably relate well with one other, but it works. I don't see Knuckles or Chris with Cosmo. The three never interacted in a way other then small friendship. Sonic could have been a choice as well, but instead the developers opt for Tails and I, for one, am glad (Sonic's already got enough trouble being the star). It focused on someone else for a change. Although it does make me wonder why Tails? Is it because of his innocent childlike ways of happiness as opposed to Cosmo's more pessimistic feel and maturity? I mean, I've heard lots dealing with Tails and Cosmos relationship, but it is an interesting choice, one I approve of and hope to see grow (plus, Tails really needs more episodes to himself).

Then there's the episode itself. While the whole typical "get-the-random-Chaos-Emerald-from-the-Metarex-of-the-day" feel, it's peppered with Cosmo's daydreams of her past, and the interaction between the fox and flower girl that prevents me from thinking this was a total borefest. Add in the fact that the fake Chaos Emeralds are rather intriguing (and I admit, I'm very glad that the fake red emerald is actually the plot to something big then some random trap the villains has placed) and invokes curiosity from me, the final battle where other people then Sonic fights (thank goodness), and Cosmo's voice, and we got a nice episode. Seriously, that actress might not give an effort on Cosmo when she's pissed, but when she wants to make Cosmo sound like she's about to break down crying, she makes Cosmo sound like she's about to break down crying.

There's also no Eggman here, nor is there any Shadow or Rouge. Frankly, I would care less. Eggman being there would only further complicate a plot that's already filled with enough goodies (and not in a good way like a couple of episodes back when one particular episode just had too much info and unquestioned plots that made my head hurt). This episode only featured Sonic's team, a team I usually feel more comfortable with. I swear anything from SA2 and beyond I haven't related to as well. I seriously feel the most with Sonic's team. I swear, I imagine Sonic, Tails, Amy, Knuckles, Cream, and even Big (especially him, poor guy is ignored by everyone) in a picnic together relaxing. I love it when episodes seem to only focus on them.

~So, that durn Shadow game is coming out. Watch me NOT be excited.
~Then there's that Sonic Riders game which at the moment I don't care about.
~THEN there's Sonic Rush which I slightly do care about despite my Nintendo DS absence.
~Then there's also the next gen Sonic game. The graphics look really great, but why does Sonic still look like he's not given the full amount of details the others surrounding him does? He still too shiny for his own good.
~Big gets no love. Poor Big, I will wuv you!

Posts: 3756
Famed Member

I was expecting more TailsXCosmo jokes. You dissapoint me, Remmy. 😛

Posts: 73
Trusted Member


(interesting, this metarex has bones)

*blink* OH YEAH! I didn't even notice that. Spoilers (Select To Read): In a book, that's called "foreshadowing."

Well, it's nice to FINALLY find out what they were talking about. ^_^ This was a very cute episode, despite Cream's squeaking.

Posts: 5772
Illustrious Member


Everybody hated Amy and stuck her inside the Blue Typhoon where she just updated her enemies list.

I lmao-ed.

Posts: 1583
Noble Member


Meanwhile, Amy tells Chris' team that Knuckles sent her a message telling them what the deal has happened to the fox and the flower, then when no one's looking, he slips her a love e-mail. You sly echidna, you.

**giggles** That reminds me, did I ever mention that you're the main reason I even made a Knux/Amy wallpaper for Knuckles Haven?


Although it does make me wonder why Tails? Is it because of his innocent childlike ways of happiness as opposed to Cosmo's more pessimistic feel and maturity?

I think that's the reason. None of the others are possibly as "caring" save for maybe Cream either.

Posts: 526
Honorable Member

Looks like the SonicX characters are getting almost as paired up as the Archie ones. Let's see, we got;

RougexKnuckles (When they're not on opposite sides or beating the living @%$# out of each other)
EggmmanxPork Rinds
and lastly, Shadowxhis own angst and 9mm handguns

Posts: 5772
Illustrious Member


**giggles** That reminds me, did I ever mention that you're the main reason I even made a Knux/Amy wallpaper for Knuckles Haven?

What, you too?

Posts: 1583
Noble Member

Yes, I've been shown the light ^_~

Posts: 3756
Famed Member


EggmmanxPork Rinds
and lastly, Shadowxhis own angst and 9mm handguns

*milk shoots out nose* XDXDXD

Posts: 5772
Illustrious Member

Oh good, you got the bad kidney.

Posts: 1195
Noble Member

**giggles** That reminds me, did I ever mention that you're the main reason I even made a Knux/Amy wallpaper for Knuckles Haven?

Really? Awesome to know my influence is SPREADING! MWAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!

Yes, I've been shown the light ^_~


Posts: 165
Estimable Member

Thoughts collected, I haven't enjoyed this season's episodes as much as I did 1 and especially 2. They were just better for some reason. When does season 3 really get good?

EDIT1: Since nobody said anything, I'll fill you in. The schedule changed to from 10AM to 11AM, giving us an extra hour of sleep.

EDIT2: As for today's episode, I'm confused. I swear thay have 6 Emeralds, yet they claim to have 7. It's Sonic vs. Dark Oak. If Super Sonic couldn't win, Sonic can't win... alone. I'm sensing alot of teamwork in the next episode.

Posts: 73
Trusted Member

Sonic and gang have three (the one Sonic found on the jungle planet, the one Tails got from the underground Metarex base, and a third one I can't remember at the moment), Eggman has two (Shadow got them both from the ghost place), and the Metarex have two (shown on the radar). That's seven in total.

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