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Official US Sonic X Discussion and Info Thread

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Sonic X, Episode 63 "The Base of Metallix" or "WELCOME TO WACKY RACERS!"
Eggman's ship floats serenely in the sky, but Eggman and his goon squad are as clumsy as ever--although not now as the two robots are just sitting, mentioning that two Chaos Emeralds are spotted. The last two. Currently according to gold robot, they have two while Sonic's team has three. I'll take his word for it cuz' I've just about lost count on who has what emeralds.
Rouge suddenly appears out of nowhere (with Bokkun down below, hoping to God that his secret wouldn't be blurted out by her) to see what Eggman's looking on his computer/submarine map screen. Eggman quickly covers it up until Rouge slowly caresses Eggman's hands away to see it, and of course Eggman can't resist a pretty babe's..........what? She is SO caressing his hand, I am NOT imaging it! While Eggman tries to think of an excuse of why he was covering up the emerald from Rouge, Shadow watches the antics nearby, arms crossed, silent, just like any true angst anti-hero would do.

One theme song later, Eggman's ship is surrounded by craploads of meteorites. Hidden around them is a Metarex base which looks like a black planet surrounded by a gazillion or so light bulbs. Eggman also notices the Blue Typhoon. Both sides of good and evil are trying to think of someway to get inside the base. Eggman communicates to the furries via televised screen and promptly asks to partner up. Of course, almost everyone cries foul except Sonic who's intrigued. The plan goes that there will be two team: one to shut down the control panel, the others to play offense and get the emeralds. Whoever gets the emeralds first wins. Sonic agrees to the terms, and then Eggman points out Rouge and Shadow will be his sneaky people to stop the controls. Rouge is beyond peeved, stuck to a job where she can't get the emeralds. Hey, there's a reason why Eggy has 300 IQ. I remember Amy saying something to Knuckles around here that just makes me use another blatant Knux/Amy line. Speaking of...
Both Knuckles and Amy refuses to team up with Shadow and Rouge. Ahhh, there's nothing more romantic when two great minds think alike. TOO EASY! TOO EASY! TOO EASY! Chris then comes in, all bold and dramatic and said he'll volunteer. DUH DUH DUUUUUUH!
Meanwhile, the others are fixing the fugly pseudo X-Tornado and a pink, round-ish airship that I can only describe as--well, "cute". That would be Amy and Cosmo's jetplane/airship/space vehicle/Millennium Falcon they're taking. I can't remember if this vehicle existed until thie episode, but then again, the Blue Typhoon is basically a flying swiss army knife of coincidence, so why should I care anymore, really?
Tails handles the two Chaos Emeralds to use to locate the other emeralds and to power up their ship. Eggman then coincidently comes with his robot lackeys in tow (who cry off an annoying "Hup, two") and comments on how nice their ships look. Everyone eggs him on suspiciously. As Eggman distracts the furries with his usual old man ramblings, his robot lackeys place a round, flat machine on each of the two planes, and the three quickly make haste. For some reason, the furries don't see them machines attached to their ship even though they look pretty darn big enough to notice. Well, it is stuck in the bottom of the planes, so I guess that could be it...or maybe they're all in denial. Yea, in denial. Everything is better in denial cuz' the world keeps screwing ya over.

Chris goes with Rouge and Shadow to chaos control their way in. Before they do, Chris gives Shadow them power ring bracelets, saying he won't lose so much power that way. Shadow has a brief flashback or was it Chris? Whoever, they have a brief flashback to the events in SA2 leading to Shadow"s "death". Shadow takes the power rings and they telep--I mean--Chaos Control out of there and into the base.
Inside, Rouge ponders on how to ditch those two so she can reach the emeralds. She tries Plan A where she says they should split up, but Shadow quickly shuts her down, saying they need to stick together. Rouge sees Eggman isn't as bumbling as people make him out to be, so she goes to plan 2 where she reminisces of her time in SA2. Chris joins in, unaware of her plan, until Rouge mentions Maria. That sends Shadow falling to his knees in full angst mode, complete with head clutching. Chris helps the struggling Shadow while Rouge quickly makes a run for it.
She makes it past one giant dinosaur Metarex by kicking it to death. Nobody gets in the way between a lady and her jewels. Three more Metarexes comes and promptly kicks Rouge's butt. One of them manages to grab her, turning her from petty thief into a damsel in distress. Shadow then comes play (anti) hero and kicks the Metarexes butt, thus saving Rouge's life. He then lectures Rouge to stay close and don't do anything stupid like that again, so she's pretty much stuck with them. Sucks to be you, bat, but don't worry; you'll get another chance to be dishonest again. The three head to the control panel where they shut down the power.

Now the other team heads out. Sonic and Knuckles leads the way on their fugly pseudo X-Tornado, followed closely by Amy and Cosmo in their Pinkmobile, and lastly Eggman and his robot lackeys in his Eggmobile, complete with a fish bowl for a helmet. Let's see who'll reache the finish line in this addition of WACKY RACERS!!! Tails, Cream/Cheese, and Bokkun stay behind because as usual because these three are always the one getting screwed over. We'll have more RIGHT after this commerical.

NARRATOR: Hello, and WELCOME BACK to Wacky Racers! Currently in the lead is the fugly pseudo X-Tornado, with Sonic and Knuckles in the lead, followed closely behind with the Pinkmobile driven by the lovely Amy Rose and her partner, Cosmo, and lastly behind are Eggman and his robot goonies piloting the Eggmobile. Oh, Eggman has a cocky evil grin in his face. Just WHAT dastardly deed is he up to now?
EGGMAN: Yes! With this control panel I have and those devices my minions placed earlier, I'll throw off the race and have a shot at being first place!
ROBOTS: *hunched together, hands over mouth, and snickers that sounds like wheezes*
NARRATOR: Meanwhile...
SONIC: Golly Gee! Flying really really fast is SURE fun! Isn't it Knuckles?
KNUX: BluRb. GaH! HrMAmAmam.
SONIC: Gee Whiz, Knuckles! Are you going to throw up?
SONIC: Well, barf bags are over there; just don't throw up on the windows. Tails just washed them.
NARRATOR: Looks like the two are in a speedy lead. Meanwhile in the Pinkmobile, the girls chat up a storm.
AMY: *is seen putting on make-up via from her machine* What? A girl's gotta look fashionable.
COSMO: Golly Gee, Amy! It looks like that dastardly Eggman is catching up to us! Whatever will we do?
AMY: You keep an eye out, Cosmo, while I just continue to fly and put on more make up.
EGGMAN: Now to put my plan to work! *pushes a button on the control panel, causing Amy's ship to go haywire*
COMOS: Holy moley, Amy! What's happening?! Our ship looks to be going OUT OF CONTROL!
AMY: I don't know! Our ship looks to be going out of control! I can't handle it! This is bad, now I'll never win the race, and my make-up kit are completely destroyed!
EGGMAN: BWAHAHA! Now I can snatch their Chaos Emeralds! Robots, use our diabolically Emerald catching device!
ROBOTS: YES, SIR! *snickers*
NARRATOR: Oh-No! Using a highly normal fishing pole which in secret, is disguised as one of Eggman's many gadgets, the two of Eggman's goon snatches up Amy's Chaos Emerald!
EGGMAN: Good bye, AMY! *uses control panel*
COSMO: GOLLY GEE! He's stopped our machine! We can't move!
AMY: Cosmo.
AMY: Shut up.
NARRATOR: Sonic's team is still in the lead as they head into a new area in the fortress where they think the emerald is right up ahead.
SONIC: Golly Gee! We're almost there! Isn't this exciting? We're gonna win!
KNUX: I...think...I'm gonna-URP!...throw up...again.
SONIC: GOLLY GEE! And we're out of barf bags, too!.........GOLLY GEE! LOOK AHEAD!
NARRATOR: Seems like our heroes have come face to face with a bunch of Metarex pterodactyls!
SONIC: While I safely drive the X-Tornado, safely being the key word, you go out and risk your neck to fight them.
KNUX: Gee, Sonic, you think of the best plans ever! You and I are great team mates! Here I go!
NARATOR: WOW! Look at Knuckles go, kicking the metarexes tails! YEE-HAW! But look, Eggman is catching up and--OH-NO! He's using the control panel again! THAT DASTARD!
SONIC: Holy moley! The plane is going out of control! What could be causing this?
EGGMAN: HahAHAhha! It is I, Eggman! And now, I have come for the Chaos Emerald!
ROBOTS: *uses fishing pole and gets the two emeralds from Sonic's plane*
SONIC: Eggman, you traitor!
EGGMAN: Oh ho ho ho! All's fair in love and war and this is ALL war! *uses control panel to send Sonic's ship down*
NARRATOR: Oh-No indeed! The ship is down and out for the count, leaving that dastardly Eggman in the lead! Whatever will we do!?
KNUX: I know, Sonic! I'll use my strong super strength arm and toss you up so that you can defeat Eggman!
SONIC: Wait! I got an even better idea! Knuckles, use your strong super strength arm and toss me up so that I can defeat Eggman!
KNUX: Golly Gee, you always have the best ideas, Sonic! That's why you're the main character and I'm just your lackey!
SONIC: Damn right, now hoist me up!
KNUX: *throws Sonic where he reaches Eggman and commences butt kicking and retrieving of the emeralds*
NARRATOR: He did it again! Way to go Sonic! WAY TO GO! *Eggman's Eggmobile lands near Knuckles*
EGGMAN: Oh, crap.
KNUX: *rubbing his hands* PARTY TIME, kick butt style!
NNARATOR: Meanwhile... *Sonic lands on the ground and a pink vehicle crashes* GOLLY! It's the Pinkmobile! They made it threw with their secret weapon: a giant mallet!
AMY: Oh, Sonic! We reunite at last!
COSMO: *GASP!* Look! The yellow Chaos Emerald, and a *GASP!* A Planet Egg and *GASSSSSSSSSSP* It's growing out of control!
TAILS: That's right! The emerald is charging the Planet Egg, causing it to evolve!
AMY: WHOA! Where did you come from?
TAILS: I'm watching you on TV, duh. Geez, you guys are crappy racers. I could run circles on ya all day! I was THIS close to sabotaging the race cuz' I got stuck here again until Cream remained me we're after the Chaos Emerald. I need a new career as a villain...*eyes food* and this popcorn is stale! We need to go shopping!
DARK OAK: Ahh, excuse me, but I believe this is where I come in. Hello, I am Dark Oak, the only Metarex to survive Sonic's attack even when he's super because I'm just seriously awesome like that.
DARK OAK: Our plans for the Planet Eggs are our secret, so as any villain must do, DESTROY SONIC THE HEDGEHOG!
SONIC: Aww, crap.

Hmmm, it's hard to say what I like or hate about this episode. Until I saw that it was a "To Be Continued" episode, I was gonna assume it was just another "Get-the-chaos-emerald" plot, and it was, until Dark Oak decides to come out and play, and man, what a killer ending they decide to give me. I wasn't aware it'll be a cliffhanger until I eyed the clock on my wall. So I'll give it major points on that cliffhanger because it makes me want to know what is going on. The other one being Bokkun's secret which I'm dying to know. Otherwise, this was a typical episode.
I can't say I'm not at all phased at Shadow's reaction and how he's currently angsting it up (THAT's a big surprise, me not caring). I have some theories of what'll happen to him and I'll be damned if any of them are not true. His current personality is so damn predictable, it's almost laughable. Maybe I can just spot an angst mode a mile away that I just cannot, for the life of me, can tolerate anymore.
So, it's really only the cliffhanger and Bokkun's secret that gives this episode an edge. Otherwise, it's just a normal ordinary episode of the getting the Chaos Emerald variety.

~I still want Big.
~WHAT IS BOKKUN'S SECRET!? Wait, no! Don't tell me, me no be spoiled.

Posts: 1702
Noble Member

Am I the only reminded of G1 Soundwave when I hear Dark Oak's voice?

Posts: 1037
Noble Member

That was a hilarious review! XD
It really made me laugh a lot, I regret having started reading them only after the board crash.

Posts: 0
New Member Guest

So the series is still a big steaming pile of ancient dog crap. Just checking.

Posts: 513
Honorable Member

Spoilers (Select To Read): Next time on Sonic X: Sonic and Shadow go head to head in their Super Forms. This clash of the Titans rips the metarex base apart(Killing every metarex on board, including one of the Metarex generals, but excluding Dark Oak), and creates a wormhole that the Chaos emeralds fall into.

Posts: 73
Trusted Member

XD Hilarious review, Neo. I'm so tempted to tell you Bokkun-chan's secret, but I won't. ^_^


Rouge mentions Maria. That sends Shadow falling to his knees in full angst mode

No no, see, "Maria" is his safety word. You know, in case he goes all gung ho again and tries eating something larger than his head.

Either that or Rouge can magically cause seizures.

Posts: 308
Reputable Member

Maybe it's just the artist in me, but I mostly enjoyed that episode due to the art quality. This was the "A-Team" at work here. And the dialog was admittedly much more clever than the past seasons. What makes me cry is that the "C-Team" is doing the next episode. Big battle. C-Team. That. No. NO!!!

Posts: 526
Honorable Member

It's amazing that a 19 year old girl could make a refernce joke from a caroton from in early 70's.

Sonic vs. Mutley!!

Posts: 91
Trusted Member

That's where reruns come in. Bring back the classics. About this episode, I was actually surprised how Sonic and his friends didn't find it necessary to watch Eggman AND his lackeys, not to mentions not hearing their clanking feet behind them. Ah well.

Posts: 1195
Noble Member

It's amazing that a 19 year old girl could make a refernce joke from a caroton from in early 70's.

Wacky Racers were some of the highlights of my childhood cartoons when it aired in...I think it was Cartoon Network. A lot of the old cartoons are the best. Did you get the refernce of the two robots being Mutley?

........How did you know my age? Have I revealed it before?

Posts: 5772
Illustrious Member

Think you just did. Anyway, wasn't that info on your DA before?

I remember Wacky Races too, but I watched on USA Cartoon Express back in the day. There. Now guess MY age.

WITHOUT going into my profile! Honestly...

Posts: 1195
Noble Member

Think you just did. Anyway, wasn't that info on your DA before?

*shurgs* I don't know every MoFo members who comes to my DA (chalk it to once again, terrible memory). I wasn't really aware any did except maybe like...a couple or so?

I remember Wacky Races too, but I watched on USA Cartoon Express back in the day. There. Now guess MY age.

USA cartoon express? Never heard of it. Age wise...I don't know, 24?

Posts: 1195
Noble Member

Sonic X, Episode 64 "Sonic vs. Shadow" or "Holy Crap, intense battles and crappy animation only helped by Action Hero Chris!"
The usual "Last Time on Sonic X" with annoying announcer voice appears, then the usual boring theme song.

Cut to where we last left off with Sonic on one side and Dark Oak on the other like an old western setting. Clint Eastwood, eat your heart out. They both exchange threats and like any top villains do, he sends his own minions to do the dirty work then himself. So, we gots a whole bunch of brown and silver...thingies. They look like, what are they called...uhh...kabutops. Ya know, them Pokemon, it was one of the first 151 one of them. Those prehistoric ones. So, from now on, they are referred to as Kabutop-Metarexes. No, wait, that's too long. KM. There.
Cosmo butts in; basically saying she'll give up as long as Sonic isn't hurt, including giving up the Chaos Emeralds. COSMO, YOU TRAITOR! HOW DARE YOU!? Sonic obviously won't let that happen and proceeds to kick butt if not for the gazillions of KMs surrounding him. He easily spins them off and commences battle while Amy comforts Cosmo and does basically nothing but cry out for Sonic, seemingly unaware that she has a mallet tucked away safely in...well, somewhere.

Meanwhile, Knuckles is thinking of ways to kick Eggman's butt who's all but trying to plead his way out, but a giant rumble and interruptions from Tails (who warns him of a giant battalion behind them) causes Eggman to escape. Knuckles falls down and ends up on the fugly pseudo X-Tornado (where he complains he can't fly the stupid thing). Eggman at this point tells Shadow to hail his butt outta there.
The huge battalion is owned by Red Pine, one of the three commanders who serve Dark Oak. For metallic beings, they sure seem to enjoy tree names. I wonder if this has any connection with Cosmo, the plant-like girl and her species? Hmmmmmmmmm. Speaking of Cosmo, while Sonic is fighting and Amy continues to helplessly cry out for him (YOU.HAVE.A.MALLET.USE.IT), Cosmo goes on her way and gets the last two emeralds. At the same time, the Planet Egg of the ship is incased in a circular metal container and lowered out of the ship. That ain't good. It's even worse when Red Pine attacks the fortress, what with it being useless without the Planet Egg. Tails' ship is in the way, so he puts up a laser shield instead of....say, hiding behind an asteroid for safety.
Meanwhile, Eggman once again tells Shadow to hail butt. Shadow is all like, "Fine, I will, because I'm always your monkey slave anyways." Rouge and Chris tries to talk him out of it and basically cries out for his help, so Shadow chaos controls the two to Eggman's base.
There, Eggman and Chris exchange verbal abuse with the older one repeatedly calling Chris a "kid" to which Chris retaliates that he's 18. Well, Chris, technically, aren't you still a kid? Ain't 21 supposed to be the legal age to be an adult? I mean, yea, when you're 18, you still get a lot of benefits teenagers and those younger don't, but still.
Any who, Chris has had enough of this crap and takes out a flash bomb, blinding the villains. Apparently, Chris must've tested himself with these explosion as he can see pretty damn fine enough to grab the two emeralds they have and hail his ass out. Maybe he has laser eyes or something or super strong contact lens. He steals a green hang glider looking ride of Eggman and leaves Egg's airship. WOW. I swear, if this was the old season of Sonic, Chris would be screaming and kicking while the two robot minions hogtie him and basically kidnap him. Here, he's managed to save himself AND get the Chaos Emeralds. I love this kid!

On the other side, Sonic is still doing jack, but Amy finally decides to get off her ass and help fight by using the Pinkmobile's lasers. ABOUT TIME! In the Blue Typhoon, Cream explains the laser shield is losing power, but Tails calms her down by saying he sent missiles. Missiles as far as I'm concerned, are never even seen in the entire episode. Shadow manages to catch up to Chris who's inside the fortress. Using some sort of thunder attack (I can't be bothered to know what it's called, do I look like I care?), he crashes Chris' ship. Chris briefly remains unconscious, then gets up and calmly walks away with Shadow like 5 feet behind him. Rouge then flies him away and lowers him down. Chris confesses to Rouge that Shadow is trying to kill him and she responds with a "WELL, DUH!" Despite all that, Chris seemed fine, walking very slowly with Shadow five feet behind him. Any who, Rouge demands a deal: give her the emeralds and she'll help him in return. Chris rejects, so Rouge drops him to his death. A far cry from when she rescued Chris even when the emeralds fell into the ocean in episode 26. Fortunately (or unfortunately to those who still hate Chris with a passion), Knuckles saves Chris' life.
Using the pseudo fugly X-Tornado, Chris and Knuckles flies to Sonic and friends. Shadow reaches there, too.
All seven Chaos Emeralds are reunited there, so all the glowy stuff happens and Sonic and Shadow become Super Sonic and Super Shadow. Man, I still want my Super Knuckles or Hyper Knuckles or whatever. Same for Tails. Those guys get no love. Any who, Super Sonic and Super Shadow do what they always do: they fight, because that's what they do, even if it's for no apparent reason or for some stupid reason, they must fight. The fans demand it!
Apparently, Super Sonic's excuse this time is that Shadow needs no use for the emeralds and he knows it. They continue to fight enough to cause a giant gravitational sandy-like black hole-ish pulley thingie which iswait for itsucking everything up! GASP! Red Pine's fleet ends up as victims of sucky holeness of doom (SUCKS TO BE pun intended), and Eggman's ship is very close. Super Shadow leaves his battle and chaos controls Eggman's ship out, losing powers in the end. The Chaos Emeralds also fall victim to the black hole thing and now, the Blue Typhoon (rescuing Sonic) ends up in its path of suckitude. Knuckles uses the ME and chants for it's power ("BY THE POWER OF GREYSKULL, I HAVE THE POWERRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!")and with its power sends the Blue Typhoon away to safety. Yay.

Dark Oak watches all this from afar, commenting on how such "small warriors" can kick a lot of ass. Mister, you ain't played enough Sonic games.

Damn. That's really all I can say, cuz' everything in there was just intense. There's only so much crap happening, but not enough to give me a headache. It's really more or less dealing with the action parts and what's happening to what group, so my mind isn't really boggling. Luckily, everything also seem to connect, more or less, without feeling rushed or too slow, although I swear the Super Sonic and Super Shadow battle was for yet again, a pointless reason. They couldn't find another reason to cause a gravitational pull? Like maybe Red Pine ended up trashing the fortress then the two supers. Then there's Cream and Tails getting a minor role (sucks to be them), and Amy continuing to act helpless until near the last minute. The animation wasn't exactly a happy fest either with most of the furries at one point or another looking like they've developed swelled heads and tiny bodies, and certain times when Chris looked wonky in the face.

Maybe I should just let it slide for Chris alone. I mean, he blinded Egg's goons, grabbed the two emeralds, stole an aircraft, piloted the pseudo X-Tornado after near death from falling, and managed to make Sonic and Shadow super in the first place that in a way got them out alive. I mean, first season Chris would have ended up as some helpless victim who whines and cries, shouting Sonic's name 15 times throughout the entire episode while we viewers polished our guns, ready to shot the TV screen, but here, he actually does something. I know, he's done enough useful stuff throughout this season, but this one takes the cake and I have gained a bit more respect for l'il boy wonder over here.
Not to mention the entire episode was chock full of intense battle and situations. It's nothing truly mind-blowing, I wasn't shocked or impressed, but the episode didn't get me bored, and that speaks volumes.

~What? No Knuckles/Amy hint here!? BLASPHEMY!!!
~Looking forward to next episode!
~I still wanna know Bokkun's secret, BUT DON'T SPOIL IT FOR ME!

Posts: 526
Honorable Member

I don't like the huge change they did to Rouge. In the first season, she saved Chris from falling and let the emeralds drop, here she's like "So you won't give me the emeralds? Well @%$# you then!" and drops Chris despite the fact he had the emeralds on him. There goes another point of logic if she needed the emeralds that badly, she wouldn't have dropped the kid in the first place. She couldn't afford to!

BTW when the emeralds got sucked into that black hole, shouldn't Sonic have gone back to blue "I can't breathe in space!" Sonic. He managed to stay super for quite awhile afterwards.

Posts: 308
Reputable Member

The reason she really saved Chris was for 6 Chaos Emeralds, which Chris dropped in the ocean. Rouge wasn't too pleased with it, but she didn't have enough time to drop him because Eggman grabbed the two of them(or rather his huge ultimate robot of doom did).

I never saw the Blue Typhoon rescue Sonic. I guess I'll have to watch it again and watch more closely. (TiVo rocks! ^_^)

Posts: 4885
Illustrious Member

I'll have to wait a couple of weeks to see this ep, as it came off perfect in the French Sub, Shadow was trying to get the emeralds and Sonic absolutely PWNED him with words to the effect of "You're just the Ultimate Slave" silly Shadow humping Eggman's leg and unable to make his own decisions in life.

After a verbal pimpslap like that you'd pretty much feel satisfied that Shadow would want to beat that smug blue git to a pile of puss.

Posts: 73
Trusted Member

Just two things.

A) Eggman mentioned something about a "gravity force" or something from the Metarex base itself, so I'm guessing it's something they built Should The Base Get Taken Over.

B) There is no "I can't breathe in space!" Sonic -- the only people who can't breathe in space are Chris and Eggman, the humans. Because Sonic and his pals are super-special. :thumbsup

Also Craig, can you speak French or something? Because you miss things like that when you watch episodes raw.

Posts: 5772
Illustrious Member

You realize subs for the French dubs have been available for a while now, yes?

Posts: 73
Trusted Member

Um... now I do. *facepalm*

Posts: 1583
Noble Member

I wish Sonic had actually called Shadow "the ultimate slave." That might've gotten me slightly interested in the episode. This is probably the first episode that I couldn't get into at all. ;p

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by looking at screenshots of future epsiodes, she does end up on their side (sort of, I guess, hell I'm not sure)

Overall though, it was pretty good epsiode. Can't wait till next week's, Cosmo x Tails= Love in the air.

Posts: 4885
Illustrious Member

Just did a check of the French Sub script (which can be found, for all episodes, here) and the exchange was a bit memory altered by myself and poorly translated by SonKnux and Solly:

00:16:25,706 ~~> 00:16:27,226
You are continuing to obey your master

00:16:27,227 ~~> 00:16:29,879
It's a joke this supreme creature!

Which is more or less the same as what I posted, and still counts as a verbal pimp-slap :p

Now if you'd kindly look over there for a minute!

*Backpedalbackpedal, blush and hide under the sand*

Posts: 44
Eminent Member

Poorly!? Well I did the first part and Solly did the final as I ran out of time on that episode. Also, hopefully she does not watch here or she'll want to slap me, I HAVE seen many flaws personally in Solly's translations that I would not have done.

I'm a 100% French Canadian, and understand English at 99% and therefore people, such as English teachers, call me completely bilingual. Of course I do come accross some words I have never seen before once in a while and sometimes make typoes due to my Frenchness.

Check the ones I did alone, and then check the ones Solly did alone. I think we clearly see a difference between the two of us. (Although I have sometimes noticed she changed some things I made right, and she transformed it into wrong.)

Alright, sorry about that rant, I just needed to get that out of the system. We can now resume the current topic.

Posts: 4885
Illustrious Member

I'm not having a rant or disrespecting, I know how hard it was for you two to get these out once per day, I was just commenting on the fact that the particular line I was quoting was made from broken English, it didn't withtract from my enjoyment of the subs and I'm very greatful for you doing them, it just makes direct quoting a chore.

Posts: 0
New Member Guest

4kids yearly December of Sonic X repeats begin a week from this Saturday (12/10) with "A Cosmic Call".

Just thought I let you all know, that don't.

Posts: 1381
Noble Member

Great! Maybe now I can catch that jungle ep I missed! ^__^

Posts: 1195
Noble Member

Well, now I can rest my hands and maybe sleep or something with them repeats.

Posts: 526
Honorable Member

Except for the first episode and this last episode, I've to rely on Neo's reviews and Team Artail's screenshots to cath-up on what was going on. Now, I have Saturday's off from work, so I'll be able to check up on the re-runs I missed.

Posts: 1413
Noble Member

LOL at Espio using Knuckles as puppet.

Finally Tails get some loving. It always Sonic getting some, or is that running from?, from the ladies. Let hope unlike his Archie counterpart he doesnt steal Cosmo from Tails. Anyway it was a good episode.

Posts: 1195
Noble Member

Sonic X, Episode 65, "Celebration aboard the Typhoon" or "Welcome to another episode of the delusional minds of Vector Part II"
The usual Blue Typhoon flying in space intro shows. Cosmo is in the bridge, just mindlessly staring into space while Sonic runs to the bridge with boxes. He sees he's mistaken and that this isn't the cargo despite the fact that he's probably had enough time to remember every room in the damn ship. Tails and Chris is outside in space planting more artificial palm trees. Chris finally breaks the question I've had in my head on why the bloody hell he has palm trees. Tails explains it's all because of Chris' grandpa, Chuck, in that planting palm trees give the others a sense of morale and less homesickness. In another part of the ship, presumably the cargo hold, Amy is busy showing off her sculpture skills as she randomly pounds a metal block. She stops when Sonic comes and basically dumps the boxes on her. And you wonder why I keep thinking why Amy falls for this guy? Before Sonic leaves, Amy asks if Shadow survived. Hmmm, it seems Amy's fend up with Sonic's treatment of her and decides to make her move on the black hedgehog...and I'm sure a certain red echidna cries in the inside. Sonic said he'll be alright, and then runs off. Speaking of red echidna, Knuckles is busy fixing something while Cream asks if Rouge will be fine. Knuckles instantly badmouths her and proclaims he doesn't care about the bat. That's right! You belong with Amy! AMY, I SAY! AMMMMMYYYYYYYYY!
Scene switch to Tails and Chris again who are now working in the bridge, doing technical stuff. Chris complains that he's tired and the conversation switches to the Metarex and how there are still three generals left.

And speak of the devil; there they are, chatting up a storm. We gots a yellow one, a black one, and a skinny silver one who is holding onto a Chaos Emerald, possibly one of them fake ones they made, who knows. Whatever it is, it's not important right now. The three robot generals (who from now on will be referred to as the Three Shoguns ala' Japanese version of FF6) basically talk about how they plan to kill Sonic and other crap. Then the theme music starts. Phew. That took a while, ey?

The heroes are all at the bridge where they spot an unidentified ship. As the ship gets closer, Sonic immediately sees it's Vector and the rest of the Chaotix. The team is less then thrill. Amy updates her enemies' list. The Chaotix land in the Blue Typhoon and explain they've been lost in space since the last time they met. They pretty much blame the "bumblin bee." With that said, they ask for Tails to fix their ship and add in more other technological doo-dads while they're taking advantage of him. You evil furries...wait, does that sound appropriate? None of the Chaotix has furs. Any who, Tails said he'll fix it in the condition that the three don't do anything stupid. Charmy don't play that and refuses until Vector gets him to shut up.

Tails gets to the repairs. Cosmo comes in with a tray of lunch and the two strike up a conversation. Cosmo mentions she has a surprise for everyone. The Chaotix, meanwhile, watches all this unfold before their eyes as they lurk behind the front door. Vector then decides to get into other peoples business...again, by playing matchmaker to Tails and Cosmo. Charmy doesn't seem to mind, but Espio is most vocal on this, saying they shouldn't get involved. Of course Vec doesn't listen to Espio as he's the "Supreme Leader" as far as anyone is concerned, plus he understands what it's like to hide feelings for someone you like *coughvanillacough*. I think they must've been pretty darn drunk to vote Vec as the leader. Any who, Vec also stated since Tails is helping their cause, he'll help his. He scratches their back, they scratch his, except Tails didn't ask for a matchmaking. So, Vec shares his plan that I'm sure he thought up in like a full 3 seconds since he decided to help Tails. The American version skips on a scene with a more dramatic Tails and Cosmo. The screenshots in Teamartail give a pretty clear explanation on what's happening. It could more or less be an exaggeration of Vec's plan he has in his head. That's the impression I got from the pictures.

Any who, they head for Knuckles who's busy waxing one of the jets. There, Charmy teases Knux into playing tag with him. Knuckles don't play that and continues to wax until Charmy insults him. Knuckles, trying to keep an optimistic face, blows up and gives chase. Charmy quickly takes out a can of...umm...spray can filled with sleeping powder (chloroform?), making Knux instantly fall fast asleep. Then they get out a bunch of magic markers and doodle on his face until he has thick eyebrows, eyes, and a goatee. I kid you not. Now, it's Espios turn.
He drags Knuckles to where Cosmo is and basically plays puppet with him (while invisible) while the other two Chaotix watches (and instructs) Espio from behind. Basically, he makes Knux look like a bad guy who joined the Metarex. All the meanwhile, I kept bursting my gut from how hilarious this was, seriously. Theres something about Espio's "Go...Metarex." That would have had me spilling milk outta my nose if I had any...well-no-replace milk with Pepsi. I don't drink milk, but I keep myself unhealthy with Pepsi. I love Pepsi. I want a Pepsi, GIVE ME A PEPSI! Cosmo thinks Knuckles is just joking around. Tails comes to Cosmo and thinks the same as the flower girl. Vector and Charmy sees this plan sucks and orders Epsio to run. So, the invisible chameleon makes haste with a flopping Knuckles behind him. Cosmo thinks Knuckles is secretly a joker. Also, this is probably the best scene in all of Sonic X. PERIOD.

Meanwhile, in Eggman's ship, the two robot buddies are constantly pounding their heads to remove the dent on their heads. The gold one seems to enjoy pounding the silver one for pleasure since he's head is fine. Either that or the animators made a mistake. Bokkun then interrupts to show off his new look; as in, he's about as tall as them due to the gravitational pull from last episode. Apparently, he's the only one affected as all the others look the same. The two robots, obviously jealous, chase after Bokkun to shrink him back to size.
In another part of Eggy's ship, Rouge and Eggman watch Shadow sleeping in his statis chamber. Eggman explains Shadow must've taken them to another part of the galaxy via the gravity field. Then he makes some more comments about Shadow and lectures Rouge a bit. Shadow then wakes up and Eggman explains he saved their butts.

Tails and Cosmo, both carrying boxes bump into each other. Cosmo apologizes as she always does. She quickly leaves, saying she's in a hurry. Tails however, notices she dropped a pink box which held a lovely blue flower brooch or something. Tails goes to give it to Cosmo and enters the room she's in. He finds himself surprised to see a party banner. Cosmo is upset that it's no longer a surprise. She was planning a party to congratulate the heroes on their current work against the Metarex. Tails decides to help, since not everyone else is surprised yet and two sets of hands are better then one. Cosmo gladly accepts and the two work.
Vector takes this to plan another matchmaking. He goes in and offers Tails for help. Tails is reluctant, but Vec yaks on and on. Geez, this guy likes to hear himself talk. He basically then gets the other Chaotix and explains his plan to turn off the light in the room and bring the two together. So they do that. Charmy turns off the light and Vec and Espio take an item both Cosmo and Tails needs. The plan fails when Espio and Vector bump into each other (with, literally, fireworks making up the BUMP! Sound). With the lights back on, Tails lectures them about how running in the dark is the equivalent to running with scissors.
They go to "love matcher maker plan #432816187" where we skip another scene involving Fabio Tails and southern belle Cosmo (these screenshots I don't really understand what they're doing), and switches to Espio, getting invisible and tossing a freakishly dirty handkerchief down. Tails thinks it's Cosmo, but she says it ain't. Frankly, I'd be insulted if the guy I like thought a freakishly dirty hankerchief was mine. Sure, I'm not a neat girl, but I ain't that messy, thank you very much! Tails then sees letters on that spells "Vector." Tails then proceed to insult Vec's handkerchief on how dirty it is. Another plan down the drain. FLUSH! Vec's ego follows behind.
Tails and Cosmo then strike another conversation, one that fills the Chaotix with hope the two will get together. Vec then decides to do one last thing which ends with him kicking the disco ball. For some reason, the disco ball can bounce. Yes, bounce like a ball. The disco ball heads for Cosmo, but Tails managed to save her and the two blush and stuff. Little hearts fill the air and angels sing. Cupids fly and wedding bells ring, but alas Tails is interrupted on his romantic moment with the Chaotix nearby. Then Tails helps Cosmo by flying her up so she can put the disco ball up.

With the party ready, the Chaotix volunteers to get the others. As they walk down the hallway, they see a grumbling Knuckles who vows to find the three and beat the living crap out of them. He spots the Chaotix and proceeds to rain hell on them via shovel claws. The Chaotix runs into the party room where Knuckles, unaware of it all, destroys the entire thing while chasing after the Chaotix. Tails, Cosmo, and Sonic witnesses all this. Cosmo is extremely upset, but Sonic said they can still have a party, decorated or they do. Knuckles even gets to paint a sleeping Espio as well as Charmy (although those two seem to not mind later on which makes me think the japanese Espio didn't sleep and merely requested for it). Who knew Knuckles was such a talented artist?
Amy then comes in, wearing a party dress that somehow makes her taller then Sonic and as far as I'm concerned, I didn't see no high heels. Sonic is speechless when she gets close. Forget it, Amy, he ain't gonna say nothing. Just go to Knuckles, pour your heart out onto him, and see what happens.
Cosmo and Tails then stare at space. He gives Cosmo back her flower brooch thingie to which she's grateful for. Tails ponders on his feelings for Cosmo. He then sincerely speaks on "how beautiful-AHHH!" Cosmo thinks he's referring to the stars. Poor Tails. He ain't getting lovin' tonight.

Wow, when was the last time we saw this much Tails exposure? Oh, yea, the other Tails/Cosmo episode. The more platonic one when the two were underground. I'm seriously glad that episode happened first, or otherwise I'd had though the whole Tails/Cosmo thing might have been too random. It'llhave been such a shame if that did happen since this episode was insanely adorable in every aspect.
While I do feel a certain amount of cringe feelings on Tails falling in love (for God's sake, he's 8 freakin' years old!), one can't deny how cute it is. Tails and Cosmo light up the screen in their own way and chemistry, raging from the little chats they had to the blushes, and when they bumped into each other while carrying boxes, but the episode truly belonged to the Chaotix. Their buffoon behavior was topnotch in this one; much better then any of their previous encounters. I mean, the Knuckles one was pure comedy and I'm very tempted to say that's probably the best thing I've seen in Sonic X thus far. The fact that they mix so flawlessly with Tails and Cosmo and not fully interrupted the two furry/plant-thing's feelings for each other makes this one of my favorite episodes. I'm a sucker for these character development things as well, I admit. The Metarexes and Eggman's ship were some nice touches to get to know how they're doing and a bit of foreshadowing, but thankfully, they didn't keep it for so long. This is mostly Tails/Cosmo, thank you very much.
Most of the flaws are a bit on the animation (the beginning with Tails and his shorter then usual ears and Amy suddenly sprouting a few inches taller when she had on that dress), but otherwise, a worthy watch.

~Great, they moved Viewitful Joe to 8AM in the morning. I have enough trouble sleeping as it is!
~Batman Beyond rules. Bring them out on DVD already!

Posts: 73
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XD And the second plan, what was supposed to happen there? Do they just fall in love via osmosis? This was an awesome episode, full of humor (did anyone catch Vector's story about how he fell into the sewers as a kid?).

EDIT: My html skills = 0. ;.; Oh well, plan B.

Posts: 526
Honorable Member

The unconcious Knux scene was the best. I'm suprised they don't have a CharmyXCosmos thing going. Seeing as he's a bee, and she's a kind of flower girl. Maybe he's too young to understand "pollintaion".

Gahh! I forgot how horrible Vector's voice was! I hadn't been home on saturday's to see an episode of Sonic X in a while. I didn't realize it was the same voice from the Shadow game. Ugh!! It doesn't affect the character's personality though. Charmay's my favorite out of the group. His voice fits perfectly with his bratty character.

You missed the other scene where the Chaotix do a little investing and find out Cosmo's last name! It's Kramer.:spin

Posts: 5772
Illustrious Member

Did I hear that right?


"I've had enough of your hanky-panky."

Yes, yes I did.

Posts: 1583
Noble Member

Thanks, Neo ^^ I had missed some of the beginning.

I'll add my post to the growing legion that found the whole unconscious Knux scene to be hilarious. 😀

This episode was the funniest one I've seen. ^_^

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Things will majorly change.

Posts: 91
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I'm assuming you mean the atmosphere. If so, then yes however, it will take a freaking miracle for 4kids to pull it off properly. Somehow, I foresee the 4kids bg music and acting turning some of the later episodes into former shells of their original selves. Here's hoping they don't.

Posts: 3756
Famed Member

Yeah, LMAO @ Vector's sewer story. I loved this episode and the Knuckles thing was hilarious.


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I know I am.

Anyone else?

Posts: 73
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I'm looking forward to the last 13 episodes, though I'm very afraid that All Meaning Will Be Lost once 4Kids edits it. The two -- actually, four -- scenes in particular that worry me are Spoilers (Select To Read): when the yellow "Metarex" falls into the volcano sans armor, and when Tails has his breakdown in the next to last episode. Oh, and Molly. Oh, and Molly's friends in the trees. I'm seriously hoping that ep. 76 will remain intact. I actually cried the first time I saw that one. So touching it was. ^_^

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Don't know if anyone's seen it yet, but in the interest of posting another picture taken out of context...

(jumps out)

Posts: 1037
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Posts: 513
Honorable Member

*Insert suggestive image*

And I thought that the Tails on Cosmo picture from the same episode was enough suggestive content for one episode.

Posts: 3756
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Where's the review?

I missed the episode on Saturdaycuz I was at camp and I was expecting a funny review riddled with critisism, plot points, and bad Knuxamy jokes.

What gives? o.o

Posts: 1702
Noble Member

4Kids TV started the third season over.

Posts: 4885
Illustrious Member

Potential spoilery substance in reply to Nightingale.

Spoilers (Select To Read): Ditto, Nightingale. The last 2 eps were so powerful you couldn't help but share the emotion. Alot of that was portraited in the music though, and that'll be ruined. I'm just wondering how Pollock will deliver Eggman's comforting words, he plays Eggman far too eccentric and I don't think he has it in him to deal with the absoloute serious nature of that scene.

Posts: 3756
Famed Member


4Kids TV started the third season over.

But they had a comercial advertising the next episode last saturday. o.o I don't get it.

Posts: 122
Estimable Member

Unless you had a different commercial, that commercial showed clips from episode #53--the tip-off to the fact that they're repeating. Besides, 4Kids/FoxBox has always shown just 13 episodes before repeating and showing another 13 episodes.

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I'm curious, because at this time last year they showed the new eps (2nd half), but when is it coming this year.

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New Epsiodes Start Feb. 4th

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My neighbors now hate me because I spazzed while the Metarex were talking.


I was pleased.

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