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Official US Sonic X Discussion and Info Thread

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Posts: 1195
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Sonic X, Episode 66, "Critical Situation" or "THE BATTLE OF THE MACHOES!"

GUESS WHO'S BACK TO REVIEW!? ARE. YOU. READY. TO. ROCK!? ............No? Too much? Yea, okay.

When we last left off, our heroes had to make do with the Metarexes and Tails' growing puberty as he starts to fall for Cosmo. As such, we also discovered there are more high class minions that work for Professor OakerI mean, Dark Oak, and we now get to our heroes' Blue Typhoon hovering near the entrance of a giant yellow sucky portal hole intelligently, yet simply named the "Gravity Pool." Or "Intergalactic Cloister" as Tails defines it (or was it Chris?). So, obviously after seeing it, they proceed to go in, saying another dimension of space exists. Well, it's certainly better news then Futurama's warp hole where getting sucked into one counters a much more brutal fate.
While they observe said warp hole, Sonic concerns more over Chris returning home. He felt NOW would be the time to speak instead of the past 13 something episodes where Chris has done useful stuff to HELP his fellow anthros. Chris retaliates back and in the end, Sonic relents, much to the chagrin of Tails who seems to be making that face, jealous towards Sonic's attention towards Chris. In time, the young fox will snap and go on a brutal killing spree which the likes have never seen. In time. Chris then makes a crack about his age and the Blue Typhoon proceeds to enter warp hole-ness.

One theme song later, the BT enters the Gravity Pool and the screen instantly turns all wavy and disoriented. Wow, it's the space version of getting high! It's every drunk's dream! The heroes fall unconscious and wake up later to find themselves inside the Gravity Pool. The surrounding area is completely yellow with floating debris of rocks and asteroids and stuff. The ship slowly flies pass, but mysteriously, giant tree roots or something of that sort causes the BT to be stuck.
So, with that said, the heroes make good use of their weed whacking skills. Tails shows off by using a laser weed whacker ("NO WAY CHRIS WILL SURPASS ME IN TERMS OF TECHNOLOGY!!!!"), Cosmo comments on how it's good for therapy, and Knuckles and Amy fights (flirts) some more. TOO. EASY. Chris then shows them ALL of by making Sonic's shoes have razor edges on the bottom. He cuts through with relatively ease. In the inside, Tails grows resentful that Chris' inventions make his look like suck. He starts his revenge plans--NOW.

Their garden problem is the least of their worries when giant pillars block their view. Who could have done such a thing!? Cue to Dark Oak and his robot henchmen/lackeys/second-in-commands/circus performers. A yellow robot by the name of Yellow Zelkova wants to be the one to personally hand Oak Sonics head on a plate. You know he's ALL GAME and MACHO and STEROID BOUND as he starts yelling and smashing stuff to show off that even robots have angry adrenaline. Oak, probably thinking he's an annoying twit sends him off to his death. Narcissus (the black one) is pissed "StooPid!!11 YElloW getZ to FiGHt SaaaaawNiC!!1!!11 NO FAiR!!!!1!!1"

Cut to our heroes wondering how the hell they need to get out. Tails remains pessimistic until he sees Cosmo doing the same. Being like any other guy by trying to impress the girl, Tails perks up and tries to maintain a positive attitude. Quite cute. Knuckles decide to display HIS macho side and slams his fist into one of the pillars. He PHAILS it. Then Yellow McSunshine comes.
He shows off his love and affection by displaying his macho side by tossing pillar after pillar, making Knuckles think inside his head on what type of steroids Yellow is using cuz' he be wantin' some, too. Sonic, Knuckles, and Amy are left in the battle while the others run. Sonic, however, tells Amy to make like a banana and split. After some reluctance, she does so, waiting until a certain echidna comes and wraps his arm around hers because at least HE wouldn't cut her out of a fight. HMPH!
Speaking of rad red, Knuckles commences the first reaction by trying to pick up a rock half his size. His super strength basically sucks in here and Yellow relentlessly teases poor Knuckles throughout. That's enough to damage one's ego. Yellow basically knocks them from here to Sunday. Sonic THEN gets the brilliant idea to use his speed and ends up on top of the pillar Yellow was holding. Yellow tries desperately to shake him off and finally does so about a minute later. Yellow then proceeds to crush Sonic, but Knuckles "HAS FOUND THE POWAH!" and manages to grip the pillar long enough for Sonic to escape. Knuckles, somehow finding his inner macho-ness (or a bag of steroids somewhere) throws the pillar and Yellow. Yellow ends up crushed by his own pillar, but still makes it out unscathed because his macho level is WAY higher then Knuckles. He knocks Knux who is saved by Sonic. Yellow does what he does best, go crazy, yell, and knock MORE stuff down. His inner macho level is rising! HE'S HEAD IS GONNA A SPLODE! BIG, BOLD CAPITAL LETTERS CATCHES YOUR ATTENTION!
Sonic whispers a plan to Knux who agrees with a grin and a "gotcha." Sonic goes to Yellow and teases him. Macho Man runs to him. Sonic dodges and Yellow knocks the ship instead. Knuckles does the same, then Sonic, then Knuckles, basically a rinse and repeat until the ship could move it's way free cuz' of Yellows addiction to causing as much damage in property as possible. Both Amy and Yellow doesn't realize their plan. Well, one generally portrays the role of "dumb blonde" while the other is just a big muscle-bound idiot.
When Sonic and Knux felt he has had enough, they proceed to the Sonic Cannonwhich they could have used earlier to save a hell of a lot of trouble some 15 minutes back, but they had to fill in a half-hour show. Knuckles heads inside and charges the ME while Sonic enters the cannon. Yellow just stands there stupidly wondering what the hell a Sonic Cannon is, proving the ol' stereotype of big muscles, itty bitty little brain. Apparently the words "cannon" means little to him but utter confusion. Sonic blasts out of the cannon and knocks Yellow back (who thinks hes a big bright light). It doesn't kill him, but he's pretty squeezed onto a meteor. Knux charges up the ME some more and the heroes makes like a tree and leaves.
Yellow threatens them, but Knuckles verbally abuses him back, showing there can only be ONE macho/steroid bound guy around in here and that's gonna be HIM! Oh, and Sonic gets a hug from Amy and everyone is happy, except Chris and Cosmo, but theyre a bunch pf party poopers anyways. They pop out of parties and are VERY unpoopular.

The episode in whole was "eh". From beginning to end, it was "eh" and forever shall it be for me, will it be "eh." I mean, the entire story didn't provide anything gripping or shocking. There were no real character development (unless you wanna count Knuckles struggle with his strength, but even then, that was rather underplayed), and not even Eggman to spice things up. There was nothing bad about the episode either. Nothing out of the ordinary, no bad animation points, no boring sides, so in general, the episode garnered an "eh." Hopefully next episode will generate a much more exciting feel..........nothing more to say. Wow, this must be the shortest review yet.

Lesson to be learned: Kids. Nevet take steroids. Your strength is inside YOU! YOU have the POWAH! SAY NO TO DRUGS!

~ WHY DID THEY HAVE TO CANCEL DANNY PHANTOM?! *falls off cliff* ...Well, I dont mind that much. Rather take a short show thats great over a long show that sucks later on.
~ On the plus side, more Futurama; how ironic I find news of a fave show returning at the same time I get news a fave show is cancelled.
~ I want KH2 badly. Wants to see Vivi!
~ Hollow Bastion is still a cool name.
~ Next week has Bokkun. YOSH.

Posts: 1381
Noble Member

Yay, another review, I was somewhat afraid that you would not be aware that a new one was coming on today, Neo; I'm glad you were aware.^_^ Anyway, the show was okay; the TMNT was way more exciting(can't wait to see Leo beat Karai).

Posts: 1195
Noble Member

Yay, another review, I was somewhat afraid that you would not be aware that a new one was coming on today, Neo; I'm glad you were aware.

Have faith, little one for I'm the Supergirl of Sonic X reviews!

Posts: 1381
Noble Member


Have faith, little one for I'm the Supergirl of Sonic X reviews!

XD, okay Supergirl, and little one? I'm two years older than you.:p

Posts: 2191
Famed Member

I have one question? Do they ever explain how Eggman got from Chris' world to Sonic's world?

Posts: 1381
Noble Member

Not that I can remember of.

Posts: 4885
Illustrious Member

Neo, I love you. Please don't get sucked into a timewarp with the DCAU version of the Popemobile Go-Kart and join Brainiac and his team of lame-o superheroes to fight lame-o FUTURE supervillains in space.

Got to agree though, when I saw that episode, I was totally apathetic to it all. Nothing much really happened. To me, things don't pick up for a few weeks...

You'll perhaps get shocked at who my favourite character for his next few appearances is... *sobs*

But that's ahead of time. Hurry up and catch up!

Also, stay out of the chat if you don't want spoilers, there's some newbie lamer calling herself "cosmo the humnoid plant" who constantly rattles off spoilers for the series. It's not funny. I had it spoiled for me, by Dubs and Cooki who assumed that I would know (of course, IMing someone saying "BRAD PITT AND EDWARD NORTON ARE THE SAME PERSON" is the perfect way of discussing a major spoiler with someone you believed already knew it... jerks) and it totally ruined things for me.

Keep spoiler free, enjoy the series, and keep reviewing!

Posts: 1195
Noble Member

Neo, I love you.

Awww, I wuv you, too.

Please don't get sucked into a timewarp with the DCAU version of the Popemobile Go-Kart and join Brainiac and his team of lame-o superheroes to fight lame-o FUTURE supervillains in space.

But--But the Popemobile is civilization.

Also, stay out of the chat if you don't want spoilers, there's some newbie lamer calling herself "cosmo the humnoid plant" who constantly rattles off spoilers for the series. It's not funny. I had it spoiled for me, by Dubs and Cooki who assumed that I would know (of course, IMing someone saying "BRAD PITT AND EDWARD NORTON ARE THE SAME PERSON" is the perfect way of discussing a major spoiler with someone you believed already knew it... jerks) and it totally ruined things for me.

Luckily, I don't go to the chat area of the MoFo. There, there, Craig. Time heals all wound.

Keep spoiler free, enjoy the series, and keep reviewing!

Appreciate it.

Posts: 165
Estimable Member

That wasn't Super Sonic. To be Super, he needs 7 Emeralds and now he must have used 500.

Posts: 1583
Noble Member

I liked today's episode (Teasing Time) a lot actually. After Cosmo's stunt, Knux can't be considered the only gullible one. ;p

Posts: 73
Trusted Member

Yep, that was the fabled Dark Sonic we saw today. (Poo on all you people who say it's "just the smoke," he actually DOES get darker, so ha!) I really liked Eggman's speech. "When you actually hurt someone, that's going too far!" He's a villain with morals. ^^;

Maybe I've been watching 4Kids dubbing for too long, but it actually seems to be getting better. There are more good one-liners and fewer awful puns (except in the episode titles, of course).

Posts: 165
Estimable Member

It's just the smoke.=P When it vanishes, you can see he's still blue.

Posts: 1195
Noble Member

Sonic X, Episode 67 "The Black Trap" or "Sloppy editing and Bokkun kicking ass!"
The BT flies soundly off into the spacey frontier with some nice shadowing surrounding it. Inside, Sonic (and for some reason, with a sleeping Cheese on his lap) demands a new course cuz' they've been going that same path for some 12 hours and he's friggin bored of it. They're fully aware of the Metarex continuously chasing them, but Sonic wants to try something different anyways. They do and three Metarex ship comes and attacks. Cream puts the ship's shield up (which blocks the Metarexes' attacks), and Tails/Chris retaliates back, destroying the three ship. They then report five more heading their way. Sonic THEN changes his mind and demands to go the same path as usual, knowing full well that it could be a Metarex trap, something Sonic hopes for. So, it's safe to say Sonic would rather risk the life of his friends to go on an ego battle with the Metarexes to prove he's Sonic, the world's greatest super saiyen warrior and that no one, and I mean NO ONE is allowed to usurp his throne. Nice, Sonic, nice. Sometimes, I JUST ask what the hell Amy sees in ya.

After that old theme song and I stress the world old, Dark Oak and Black Narcissus fights over what to do with Sonic. Narcissus basically whines while Dark Oak for some reason mentions Red Pine who doesn't even play an important role in the entire episode, unless the translator made a mistake and accidentally called Narcissus Red Pine. Ahhh, it's too early in the morning for me to care so much. With that said Narcissus has some plans up his metallic sleeves which are an improvement from all the whining and complaining hes been doing.

Any who, back to your heroes who spot a planet after the Metarex decided to stop jamming their signals. Tails starts to magnify it. Amy complains at the poor quality ("and the popcorns don't even taste good!") until Chris magnifies it digitally, leaving Tails secretly to sulk at how much superior Chris is in terms of technology. Another reason to kill him in his sleep, Tails ponders as he chuckles evilly and quietly to himself. Once magnified, Tails scans and reveals that the craters on the planet are new, meaning the Metarex must have continuously attacked the planet.....umm...okay? I don't know any science stuff and all, so,umm...okay. Cosmo is deeply hurt by this, of course. The others want to do some Metarex ass kicking.
They get closer to the planet where Cream picks up emerald radars, namely fake Chaos Emeralds, all 500+ of them. "Thats a big rock collection!" Sonic proclaims, but before he can crack another remark like that, the heroes get an e-mail.
Cosmo, the only one who can read the thing translates for them to save Tails the hassle of translating. Well, at least it wasn't Chris who usurped you this time, two-tails; it was just your girlfriend. Cosmo reads, saying how Black Narcissus (the sender of the e-mail) admired their strength and congratulates them for passing the test, so thusly he invites them to his base. Knuckles responds in the only way he knows best, anger. "Lets send an RVSP on a missile!" Amy calls him a hothead and the two argue (FLIRT) some more, the passion growing more and more as they continously argue.
Cosmo proclaims there is nothing more to the messages and makes a silent escape, Chris watching suspiciously. Cosmo heads to the other smaller ships, steals Amy, and flies off. During this point, a missile comes towards Sonic and pals, but it's more fireworks then anything else, well...the ingredients inside is used for fireworks as Amy says, but the explosion looks more flash bomb then fireworks. No clue who the hell sent it, whether it's Cosmo or Narcissus. I swear this episode was sloppily cut/dubbed in some places in this episode. Cosmo flies to Narcissus' base.

Inside, Narcissus awaits her. He's sitting in a throne chair in a causal manner. If he were more elegant, I'm sure he'd have a brewing fire place on one side, a shriner hat and robe surrounding him while one hand holds a book, the other a pipe (or a glass of wine, take your pick). His entire lair would be surrounded by paintings, exquisite carpets that feels soft to walk on, lamps, wallpapers, and a maid nearby with a bottle of wine. I'm sure even Cosmo would dump Tails for him. But nooooooooo, Narcissus has to be all cold and not be the proper gentleman people would expect from such a high ranking dude. Any who, since I wasted an entire paragraph, Narcissus kidnaps Cosmo (who came wanting to know more about her heritage) and told her it was all a trick. See? I basically told an entire five minute scene in one sentence. I R SMRT!

Back in the BT, Tails translate the rest of the messages Cosmo didn't even bother to talk off before she rudely left and sees Narcissus had planned to tell Cosmo the secrets of her culture (Liar, Liar, Metallic butt on fire). Sonic reports Cosmo and Amy's ship as missing as well as Chris and his ship and is it just me or did he call Amy's ship Blue Typhoon when he meant Chris? Geez, it sure is sloppy editing, and speaking of sloppy, we cut to Narcissus and Cosmo, but this time, out of nowhere, Chris appears. They don't even bother showing Chris come towards Cosmo and showing her surprised at his arrival and since I felt so convinced there was a scene like that, it makes me wonder if the editors really DID cut that scene out. Now, cutting scenes is a norm in dubbed anime, but this one just felt sloppy and--oh, Im getting off topic. I should save this for the review, now should I?
Any who, Cosmo feels guilty. Chris cheers her up like he's comforting his daughter or something. Kinda cute, actually. So, he calmly takes Cosmo and starts to leave. Yes, calmly, as in he slowly walks away with Cosmo despite a giant hulking robot behind them, just sitting on his Lazy boy throne chair. Narcissus then finally speaks after the heroes take like 5 feet steps away from him. Chris retaliates with a flash bomb and the two run. Narcissus is comfortable with them running, seeing it as entertainment. He's pretty durn sure of him winning the battle and while he does win (he knocks Chris out and Cosmo...well, she really can't do anything battle wise, so it's a hopeless cause), but so many baddies tend to be all cocky and confident, leading to their downfall in many cases.

Sonic uses the power cannon and after the other heroes talk and talk about random stuff relating to this matter and wasting more of Sonic's time, the blue hedgehog blasts off to the base. Narcissus noticed his arrival (which is to be expected when someone bust a giant-sized hole inside your base), and invites him to his cold, not-so-warm with no fireplace and paintings throne room. Sonic does so. Narcissus is a bit disappointed on his "scrawny" appearance. Sonic demands Chris and Cosmo back. Narcissus shows his captive prisoners. Cosmo is with an unconscious Chris inside a giant glass prison dome. She cries out immediately that it's all a trap. Well, actually, Narcissus isn't so much as making a trap as he is demanding a deal: Be his experiment or Cosmo and Chris will be. Sonic refuses either way and Cosmo and Chris are sent away.
Sonic is angry about all this and starts to turn dark. Not Shadow dark, more like a mix of blue and black....darkish...indigo-ish? Narcissus, regardless of Sonic's behavior dumps two robots he built to him for experimental purposes. Sonic, still dark, decides to kick butt and destroys them both with ease. Just as Sonic is about to put the moves on Narcissus (GET YOUR MIND OUT OF THE GUTTER!), Eggman appears completely out of nowhere (Good God, what the hell is it with everyone coming out of nowhere in this episode?) and cries out his disappointment towards Sonic and his behavior.
Sonic is shocked at Eggman and how he's more or less on his side for the time being. Eggman tells Sonic that Shadow rescued Chris and Cosmo while Rouge destroyed the fake Chaos Emerald machine (something she seriously enjoyed doing, of course). Narcissus is pissed at his plans gone awry and moves his lazy butt out of his chair to attack. Decoe and Bocoe, however, comes and prove they're not just Eggman's comical lackeys as they actually pin Narcissus down. Then Bokkun comes and delivers a kick that sends Narcissus back to his seat. DAMN, BOKKUN! I didn't know you had it in you! Eggman then tells Sonic to leave. So he does. Narcissus is confused on just who's side Eggman is on. Eggman claims he can be either Narcissus' foe or friend, depending on what the situation is...

I was ready to dismiss this episode as another "eh" one. For a while, it was. Cosmo going to Narcissus to ask about her past, Narcissus plot in general, the first half which was pretty slow moving, it just didn't interest me. Now, I'm interested in Cosmo as much as anyone who didn't watch the original France/Japanese/whatever version, but it was still all "eh". Maybe it's the morning time and I just don't care. Any who, the entire episode was all "eh" for the time being, but then Sonic turned dark. Yes, just at the last 10 minutes or so left of the show and my interested sparked. A dark Super-ish Sonic? This was quite interesting. More specifically, how did he get this way? Did his anger with the combined forces of the fake emerald turn him this way? Are these powers he's kept until now? Will they explain more because quite frankly, it'll be a shame if they don't.
And then, things get even MORE interesting when Eggman arrives on the scene and says his piece. Somehow, his boldness and straightforward replies to both Narcissus and Sonic were intriguing. I especially liked his little speech on how kidnapping and threatening are big no-nos in his book. I admit, I "awww"-ed a little. And then the ending left it ambiguous on whether Eggman sided with Sonic, with Narcissus, or back in their own little group. Those two particular scenes definitely garnered my interest and I eager for next episode...despite Shadow the hedgehog.
The only major downfalls from being it a perfect episode is that it felt sloppy, as in editing. Parts where characters mistaken calls something or someone by its wrong name (Im assuming), some sloppy looking editing in a few places got general "ugh" reaction from me as a result. Such a shame, but hey, Bokkun managed to kick some ass AND on a high level ranking Metarex. Go, Bokkun!

~ Sonic Riders...admitting to be very interested in the game for me. Still no Big. I sad!!!
~ But not as much as KHII which is coming very soon! YOSH!
~ I need a salad. Those stuff are gooooooooood.

Posts: 4885
Illustrious Member

I was waiting for your review on this ep, because damned if I understood what was going on in the sub.

Looks like the dub is even more confusing.

What the hell happened?!

Posts: 73
Trusted Member

Dangit, MPH... HE TURNS NAVY BLUE AND GLOWY. :| By the time the smoke vanishes, he's back to normal.

Neo, I'm pretty sure that it's the fake Chaos Emeralds affecting him (when he drops into the storage room you hear him say that he "doesn't feel so good"), like when Chaos used the negative power of the Chaos Emeralds except these are ALL negative. And Red Pine was destroyed earlier on, in ep. 64 I think. Oak was mentioning how Pine underestimated the BT crew and paid for it.

*squees at Team Lackey*

Posts: 0
New Member Guest

That was indeed Dark Sonic, because it seems to me that fake emeralds causes Sonic to go dark with the anger that he gets seeing Chris and Cosmo hurt and scared.

This was perhaps the darkerest epsiode they had so far.

And Eggman seems to have some honor.

And Rouge defentely dislikes fake jewlery.

Shadow saving Chris and Cosmo and suggesting to be more careful.

This just gets better and better.

Posts: 4885
Illustrious Member

Just you wait @ BW's "dark ep" comment...

Posts: 1381
Noble Member

Nightingale seemed to clear up some of the parts that was confusing you, Neo; I was going to try and clear them up but they did it fairly nicely.

Anyway, about who shot the "fireworks," it seems fairly clear to me that Narcississus(sp?) shot them as a diversion for Cosmo to slip away undetected, as a matter of fact, I believe that once Tails translated the message Narc mentions something about shooting them. Also, I don't think Cosmo was surprised to see Chris because she knew Chris was there all the time; I think this because Chris jammed the radar so Cosmo could escape(as Sonic said he did) so I just figured Cosmo knew he was there all the time.

Man, I also thought Dark Sonic was cool; I didn't think Sonic could ever get that mad--I would love to see him in a game!^_^ When I saw Bokkun kick Narc's bootie, I was thinking, "Man, Neo's gonna love this!!"

On a completely unrelated note, did anybody's station messed up on you because at my house for awhile the frames were going slowly and the screen started jumping and everything, I was afraid I wasn't going to get to watch all of it.

Posts: 1195
Noble Member

Neo, I'm pretty sure that it's the fake Chaos Emeralds affecting him (when he drops into the storage room you hear him say that he "doesn't feel so good") , like when Chaos used the negative power of the Chaos Emeralds except these are ALL negative.

That's what I suspect at the moment.

And Red Pine was destroyed earlier on, in ep. 64 I think. Oak was mentioning how Pine underestimated the BT crew and paid for it.

Ahhh, yes. I remember his destruction. I didn't when I was reviewing it cuz' my memory sucks. Your saying of Oak talking of Red Pine makes sense. I guess it was how he said it that threw me off.

Posts: 526
Honorable Member

What the?.....EGGMAN saves the day?!!

"Sigh".....that's part of the problem with kids anime, they usually make the main villan always lose, or show that deep down they have some good in them. (Ex: Team Rocket, King Dididi) At least this time, Eggman is just using it as a warning, and may help the Metarex if it beehoves him. I also liked the fact that for a change Sonic & crew looked weak in front of him.

I've got a new word for that robot karate,,,,,


What's with the funky Shaft music during the Shadow preview for next week?

Whos' the black hedgehog who's fur is slick and is very smooth with all the chicks?


You're daaaaaannng right.

Who's the doppleganger who won't cop out? Is always moody and like to pout?


Right on.

Posts: 5772
Illustrious Member

Sloppy editing indeed. They cut out Chris walking towards Cosmo and Narcissus, complete with some lines. However, Eggman and Co. really do come into the episode that abruptly. It was supposed to be a complete surprise, unlike Chris' entrance that was mildly foreshadowed earlier.

It's a shame "Dark" Sonic wasn't used to more effect, it seemed a waste to let it end so abruptly. I half-hoped upon seeing Eggman he'd straight out attack him instinctly before realizing he was going too far and calming down. Just having Eggman come in and tell Sonic to "chill" just doesn't do it for me.

I see Red Pine didn't make too much of an impression on Neo. He shows up with an army of ships and some big talk, only to be taken out by a collapsing space/time phenomena. Wuss.




I just remembered the best scene in this ep: when Cosmo and Chris are discovered missing, everybody laments their foolishness. Cream lays it on nice and thick.

CREAM: "I can't believe Chris would be so reckless!
Who does he think he is... Knuckles!?"

Posts: 1195
Noble Member

Sloppy editing indeed. They cut out Chris walking towards Cosmo and Narcissus, complete with some lines. However, Eggman and Co. really do come into the episode that abruptly. It was supposed to be a complete surprise, unlike Chris' entrance that was mildly foreshadowed earlier.

I'd figure the Eggman thing left intact since I didn't feel the sloppy approach I felt with Chris and now with you confirming it, I can rest at ease knowing I was right. I like being right.

I see Red Pine didn't make too much of an impression on Neo. He shows up with an army of ships and some big talk, only to be taken out by a collapsing space/time phenomena. Wuss.


Posts: 0
New Member Guest


Just you wait @ BW's "dark ep" comment

What that suppose to mean?

Posts: 5772
Illustrious Member

It means it gets darker.

Posts: 0
New Member Guest

Oh! :)

Posts: 3756
Famed Member

I just love how sassy Knuckles is this season. It's hilarious. Like his "THAT'S JUST PEACHY" when Sonic+co take the ME, and him yelling at Cosmo to cut the chitchat when she totally disses the heck out of him.

And Dark Sonic. That was cool. I hope thay elaborate on him. Maybe they'd have to sic Shadow on him to stop his rampage, or something. That'd be so cool.

Posts: 2191
Famed Member


I especially liked his little speech on how kidnapping and threatening are big no-nos in his book. I admit, I "awww"-ed a little.

Eggman's a freakin hypocrite! He kinapped others and threaten lots of times.

Posts: 1583
Noble Member


I see Red Pine didn't make too much of an impression on Neo. He shows up with an army of ships and some big talk, only to be taken out by a collapsing space/time phenomena. Wuss.

None of the Meterax have made an impression on me. I don't know any of their names (nor remember what they look like) outside of the episode they appear. By the time the episode is over, I usually have forgotten their name(s). I don't even remember what Dark Oak looks like. I just always guess that it's the one that's acting like the "leader" and go from there. They're just a bunch of "robots" to me. ;p

Posts: 61
Trusted Member

I don't even remember what Dark Oak looks like. I just always guess that it's the one that's acting like the "leader" and go from there. They're just a bunch of "robots" to me. ;p

TR, how can you not know what Dark Oak look's like? I mean he is the black guy. It is always the BLACK GUY. If a wrong is being commited, everyone blames... the black guy. I don't know why black has to equal evil.

(takes all the forumers wallets, slaps a "I love Shadow 4ever" sticker on Craig, and slaps Neo and True Red on the backside.) :evil :cackle

WHAT?!!!! :p

Anyway, this episode just left confused once Chris and Eggman suddenly appeared and I am glad I not the only one felt this way. Also:

Spoilers (Select To Read): I remember hearing about the appearence of Evil Super Sonic in SX 67 and seeing some fanart. Does anyone know was that really him or just some prelude?

Posts: 5772
Illustrious Member

It's him, and soak it up... it'll be his only appearance. I don't consider that a spoiler because we all know Sonic ain't the sort to lose his cool. This was a rare moment for him.

Posts: 513
Honorable Member


TR, how can you not know what Dark Oak look's like? I mean he is the black guy.

Actually Dark Oak the Purple one of the Metarex Generals.

Although I didn't know that the Red Pine was a Metarex general until the "Origin of the Metarex" story in episode 74(Which ends with a group picture of the Metarex Generals).

Posts: 4885
Illustrious Member

You act like I hate Shadow in Sonic X?

I LOVE him. He's freaking awesome in this series. I hate admitting that he can be used well, but in this series he just plain IS.

Posts: 0
New Member Guest

Only concern (small one) is will 4kids cut the bubble bath scence at the opening of this Saturday's epsiode.

Posts: 1583
Noble Member


TR, how can you not know what Dark Oak look's like? I mean he is the black guy.

With the exception of remembering the stupid yellowish one and a stupid monkey one, they all look black/dark-colored to me and the same. I didn't even remember that there was a red one until I was reminded of the name Red Pine (which I then vaguely remembered hearing at some point in the episode--not that I knew what the guy did). ;p


Only concern (small one) is will 4kids cut the bubble bath scence at the opening of this Saturday's epsiode.

Unless it has something significant to do with the plot, who cares?

Posts: 308
Reputable Member


It's him, and soak it up... it'll be his only appearance. I don't consider that a spoiler because we all know Sonic ain't the sort to lose his cool. This was a rare moment for him.

This makes me sad. Really. We finally see Sonic's dark side, it lasts maybe 10, 15 seconds, and it goes away by Eggman saying "I'm disappointed in you!". And we'll never see him again? Curse you, Sonic X, curse you.

Posts: 91
Trusted Member

Ahh... but you see thats the beauty of his appearance. It shows that even Sonic with all his ego, coolness and laid-back attitude, has a breaking point as do we all.

Ahh...yes, one of Shadow's spotlight episodes. Can't wait to see all the reactions to that one.

Posts: 21
Eminent Member

Wait...did they change to ending and ending dialouge to "Molly's Dream"? (I already know they cut out the beginnning...)

Posts: 0
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No bath?

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No prob! Their lost

Posts: 1195
Noble Member

Sonic X, Episode 68, "Mollys Dream" or "Shadow the hedge-dog."
Sonic and friends riding on their not here. Instead, we get Eggman and his frien-lackeys in his Egg flying ship, sensing a nearby battle. And when I meant nearby, it's right smack dab in front of them.
Humans and Metarexes go out on a dogfight beat all (heh, heh, Beat All...I like that one Powerpuff Girls episode) to see who'll be the victor.
Eggman, wanting to earn his Boy Scout badge of sticking his nose where it doesn't belong, orders Shadow to lay waste on the Metarex. Shadow obeys like a good dog as Eggy releases his lease. Then he goes all speedy and whoops ass on the Metarex ships that'll make Sonic weep in jealously. Is it just me or does the show enjoy making Shadow significantly stronger then Sonic? Last I check, they're supposed to be the same in just about everything. Any who, Shadow kicks major ass and an orange haired girl (Molly) watches in pure awe over Shadow, or as she calls him, "Black Wind". Eh, not a bad nickname.

One theme song over (this episode is surprisingly not called Shadow X); Molly contacts Eggman and gives her his thanks. She then leads the Egg ship to her home planet, Cascade. Unlike its name, the planet looks like a piece of dry orange ready to peel off. The inside ain't any better. Just imagine the Grand Canyon if it were the size of planet Earth.
Eggman would care less what condition the planet is in. He senses a chaos emerald and sends his dog, Shadow to do the dirty work, making sure Rouge isn't in listening distant. Apparently, Eggman must've forgotten that bats have damn good hearing as she catches Eggman stone cold. So, she's basically stuck babysitting Shadow while Eggman secretly puts on his stash of bikinis and dances with robot buddies dressed in tuxedos in front of a mirror while Bokkun sings a lovely ballad.

Cut to Shadow where he's inside some place and commences having random flashbacks of Chris, Rouge, and Sonic telling him about how Eggman is using him like a dog and Maria. His ponderings, deep inner thoughts, and CRAWWWWWWWWWWLING IN MY SKIIIIIIN are cut short when Molly walks in to thank him. Shadow, being the ever humble hedgehog that he is, walks it off, saying very little. Molly is a bit confused on his reaction. "Those strong, silent types just drive me batty." Rouge proclaims. You know what, Rouge? So do I. So do I.
Molly however doesn't care for his mismatched personality and continues to bother him some more by telling him the legend of the Black Wind. We get a short flashback or something of the so-called Black Wind. My TV must be broken because he looks nothing like Shadow. Shadow's response is to angst some more and he walks off, possibly to write some gothic tragic poetry this side of Poe. Rouge basically calls him selfish to which Shadow retaliates with the same response. I hate to admit it Rouge (and concerning its Shadow, I REALLY hate to admit), but he's right on the market.

Meanwhile, Eggman, his two robot lackeys, and Bokkun, fresh from their bikini dance are invited to the humans' HQ (or Cascandians or whatever the hell they should be called) where they were given a feast fit for a king...or at least enough to hold the appetite of a 500 pound man, and basically praise him like he's the next messiah. Eggman, taking advantage of this asks for the Chaos Emerald in return. The whiny sounding boy (Leon) decides to grant his wish. Cue Molly.
Leon (who, by the way, does not hold a gunblade) asks Molly to find the Chaos Emerald in some abandoned place as well as open a secret file above the safety deposit box with a small key he hands her. She asks why and he answers that there lies many old files on Metarexes, possibly enough to defeat them. Geez, Leon, you moron, if you knew about that, you should have tried to find that from the start then wait until your planet is already past the apocalypse to save the it. It's any wonder why you probably couldn't score a date with Molly, let alone bikini-clad Eggman. Molly leaves while Leon watches in pure angst, obviously hiding something. This is my cue: DUH DUH DUUUUUUUH!

Molly pilots her ship with Rouge in tow while Shadow just runs. There, Molly relates her story of how Cascade was once a beautiful, technological influenced city. Apparently, their technology met jack when facing the Metarex as their first attack along caused major devastation. Sucks to be you. Rouge seemingly thinks that way because she could care less about Mollys crappy life and more on her precioussssssssssss emerald.
After a brief (ya right) commercial break, the three are now on foot. Giant piranha fish attacks them and Molly shoots it off. More giant mutant piranha fishes come and Shadow delivers the blow. Molly then makes a run for it to find the emerald while the two furries stay behind and ponder over the piranhas, saying it was an ambush, so something silly is up. Umm...yea, its an ambush. The fish were probably hungry considering neither Leon nor the Metarex mentions the fishes. I smell dubbing error.
Inside an abandoned building, Molly finds the White Chaos Emerald, and then heads off to another section to find the secret files Leon was talking about. Rouge drools over the emerald, but Shadow, being the good little dog that he is, barks to her to back off. Careful, Rouge! He's got rabies!
Molly opens said cabinet with the key and discovers a bomb. OH-NOES! Shadow quickly moves Molly and Rouge out. The two furries basically conclude that Leon is a rotten traitor while Molly refuses to believe such a thing. Well, Molly, you aint gonna like the next scene because...
...Leon really DID betray you. He and the entire other humans plan to work alongside the Metarex. Only Molly would not join, so Leon tried to kill her. He also plans to give Eggman to them, of course, fatso learned some sneaky moves from Rouge as he barges in unexpected. She has trained you well, fat grasshopper. Knowing of Leon and Metarex's plans, Eggman makes like a banana and splits via giant one-eyed robot piloted by his robot lackeys.

Molly heads back to her ship to deal out this problem with Molly, but both Shadow and Rouge (who's showing off her caring side, awww) tells her to stay due to the danger. Molly however leaves. Shadow, gravely upset over this uses the Chaos Emerald to protect her, like any loyal dogs would do. Awwww.
Meanwhile, Eggman returns to his fugly violet ship while Leon's forces head him off and capture him. There, Eggman sends his E5000 (or was it E3000?) to kick some butt. Yes, we haven't seen an E-series bot in a while. Shame for me, he doesn't use his casino induced slot machine to call it. Awww and I don't mean the good kind of awww. Eggys robot ends up totaled however by the Metarex fleet. The leader (the green dude that I don't/remember/not care his name of) is disappointed in Leon's failure to deliver Eggman that he plans to wipe out the rest of the Cascade people. Well, that just about plain sucks once more. To make matters worse, Molly comes via her ship and cries out why Leon would betray their ancestors that way. Leon and the others basically complain that they're lazy people, tired of battling, so they took the easy, American way out. Ahhh, isn't America so influential?
Molly is clearly upset over this and gets teary. However, Shadow comes and tells her not to cry, then using the emerald, gets destructive. Molly gets sappy at this point and says she'll continue to fight, so like a coward, she flies away. Of course, Molly, it's not really your fault. 4kids just has issues with death and dying. In fact, they have weird issues with death and dying. Molly runs off scot free alive while Shadow suddenly bursting with powers is allowed to kill everyone else. WHOOPIE for things that make NO sense!

Sunset appears and Rouge has a small chat with Shadow. Shadow says he'll keep on fighting and hands the emerald over to Rouge. Naturally she's shocked, but I bet her face was filled with disappointment again when Shadow tells her to give it to Eggman. Good dog. That'll do hedgehog, that'll do.
Inside Eggy's ship, he gets a message from green leader Metarex dude (who's covered in 90% debris) that he's luck will run out. Once again, I say DUH DUH DUUUUUUUH!

Shadow's such an obedient little dog, isn't he? The entire episode was the villain/anti-hero centric. I'm not so sure if a lot of people are aware that I'm one of those people who have found nothing good about the Sonic games after the first Sonic Adventure with the pure exception of Cream. I thought SA2 sucked. I thought Heroes sucked. I'm pretty sure Shadow the Hedgehog will suck. I didn't enjoy much of the characters or plot as I did on Perfect Chaos and the lives of six furries (well, five furries, one robot) running around in a Run, Lola, Run fashion. The characters were rich and somebody I could connect with. They were colorful. After SA, I was severely disappointed afterwards, something I have yet to recover from. I don't know, I guess to me, Sonic games just jumped the shark by the time Heroes rolled by and Shadow is pretty much half the cause of it. Ive already explained my hatred for "angst, extreme, CRAWWWWWWLING IN MY SKIIIIIIN" genre like a gazillion times on this board, so it takes a LOT out of me, and I mean a LOT when I say this episode generally was good.
There, I said it. I liked it. Molly was a fantastic one-shot character with a great voice. She didn't annoy me and hey, ya gotta stick with a chick who would fight for her cause, even to her deat-errr-running away...ness. And Shadow. Aside from his usual brooding angst crap (which still annoys me), I felt he was played pretty durn well here. He obviously has a caring side (possibly due to his lingering memories of Maria) and as such, he'd be like any loyal dog and protect his master, even to the death, in this case Molly. As much as he's an angst whiner, you gotta at least appreciate the loyalty to those he feels closest with. Even with all that doubt he has with Eggman, he still clings onto him and protects him. Even with all that whining and manipulative nature, he still protects Rouge as well. And I bet he'll still continue to protect the annoying robots and Bokkun. As far as he's concerned, these people are his (dysfunctional) family, doubts or not. Whether or not he'll change his mind purely depends, but it's a nice theory Id like for him to stick with for a while.
It is such a shame though that Rouge was grossly underplayed, acting more tagalong then anything else. It's like the show wants, "HEY! Let's make Shadow SUPAH powerful, but dont give Rouge jack!" And dont get me started on the death thing. Hey, it's OKAY to kill a giant mess fleet of ships, but one girl's death is a HUGE NO-NO! 4kids, I swear you love to screw my mind up. At least that one scene with Molly telling of Cascade's past had some decent music, which says a lot.

"Geez, Neo! Does this mean you'll give Shadow the respect he deserves?!!1!!1"
Why, fanboy #1, his TV counterpart did do some respective things, so yes, he gets some respect. His video game, comics, and other incarnationsnot so much.

"Geez, Neo! Does this mean you'll like Shadow now!?!!11!1"

"Hey, I was being serious..."


~ I like...Taco Bell.
~ I like...Sushi
~ No Knux/Amy hints. I sad.

Posts: 0
New Member Guest

Yes they did change the ending, to where she flew off instead to try and coutine the fight if on her own.

This was one of the best epsiodes I've ever seen so far.

I mean we got to sides of Shadow and Rouge that we've never seen before or haven't seen in about a year.

The concern look's that Rouge had when Molly took off in her plane to find out why her people betrayed themselves and at the end when Shadow tossed the chaos emerald to Rouge, she was more suprised with a concern look as to ask why he gave her the emerald when at first he didn't trust her.

But like I said overall was one the best epsiodes so far.

Only bad thing is they (4kids)edited out the opening bubble bath sence, what was wrong with that I ask you.

But very good epsiode overall. :) :clap :

Posts: 4885
Illustrious Member

I told you. Even the biggest Shadow haters will grow to like him through the course of this series...

Posts: 73
Trusted Member

Son of a... I'LL KILL THAT EDITOR, LEMME AT HIM!! *foams at mouth*

I'm severely disappointed. All Meaning was indeed Lost by having Molly survive. (Every human girl Shadow meets must die a tragic death! It's the law! XD And suddenly I'm glad that he didn't kidnap Helen in the SA2 adaption.) It felt really weird when they started showing things out of sequence to make the "running away" thing work.

But I did enjoy Molly's voice, at least. Plus, "I'll be there anytime you need me." HE SO THINKS SHE'S MARIA.

Posts: 5772
Illustrious Member

I *do* find it odd that they allowed the previous bath scene in an earlier episode but not here. I'd say it's due to another character being in the same room, but honestly it's of no consequence compared to how they completely changed the meaning of the ending. The bluff Shadow and Rouge were standing upon had Molly's grave marker at the tip, but that's been rubbed out.

Rouge was concerned, at least ORIGINALLY, because Shadow was walking out on Eggman. That's why he gave her the emerald.

E-3000 looks like a Zaku. I'm sure that was intentional.

I believe the French dub called this Metarex Pale Bayleaf. I don't know if he's been named in the 4Kids dub yet. It'll probably be the same, or similar enough.

Hm, "Black Wind" reminded me of Metal Overlord pre-transformation.

Posts: 3756
Famed Member

ohnoes Craig-bot @ Bayleaf.

Or isn't that a pokemon?

And that's what I got from that. @ "Rouge was concerned, at least ORIGINALLY, because Shadow was walking out on Eggman. That's why he gave her the emerald."

Posts: 0
New Member Guest

Is this what your talking about Psx,

I didn't notice that till you mentioned it.

Posts: 91
Trusted Member

You know, thinking back on it, did anyone notice Molly sounded a lot like Katey Sagal, who plays Leela in Futurama?? As the the bubble bath scene, I can only guess that the reason they left the first one in was because it was essential to showing that the emerald was fake.

Posts: 1583
Noble Member

Unless you own Team Artail or pay for their site, do not hotlink their images. This board in particular gets a lot of traffic and they don't need to be socked on the bandwidth front like that. ;p

I didn't know Molly was supposed to die. That is interesting. I still liked the show yesterday despite the lack of Knuckles--of course, it did have Rouge so I still had a fave around.

Posts: 0
New Member Guest

Well True Red, she was supposed too, I mean didn't you see the grave marker on the cliff in the origanl version, that's not there for decortian.

And sorry about the images, just trying to state what I mean so others will understand if they get confused.

Posts: 1583
Noble Member


I mean didn't you see the grave marker on the cliff in the origanl version, that's not there for decortian.

I only watch what's on 4Kids and I don't remember seeing a grave on it. ;p Also, I'm not interested in seeing the images on Team Artail unless I need to go hunting for Knux/Chaotix images that I can't get from the 4Kids DVDs I have. ;p


And sorry about the images, just trying to state what I mean so others will understand if they get confused.

That's no excuse for linking the image so that it loads into the topic. Everyone else knows how to make a link TO an image, so should you. It's not difficult.

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