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Official US Sonic X Discussion and Info Thread

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I know and I'm truly sorry for doing it.

But do have one question, why cut out the opening bath scence, I view the original opening in a download (short 6.65 MB) I did and I didn't see nothing wrong with it.

Did anyone else?

Posts: 5772
Illustrious Member

It might encourage women to take baths with little robots hovering over them?

What's that little guy running on, anyway? In the uncut Bokkun actually falls into the bathwater with Rouge. Good thing he ain't a toaster.

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You know I've been thinking, if 4kids allowed TMNT to show a weakened body disslove into ooze as well as the sklenton of this body, then what was so wrong about showing Rouge in a bubble bath at the beginning of this past Saturday's epsiode, because I like others didn't see anything wrong.

I mean I understand the change of Molly's death to where she flies off and vows to contuine fighting, because it seems Molly is potrayed as a girl in her late teens, early 20's, and in animation (western) it's wrong to show a girl or boy at that age die. Sacrficing may be different, I mean last season we saw Shadow sacrfice himself, and we all know Cosmo is going to sacrfice herself at the end of this season (but that's only a guess), but perhaps 4kids didn't see Molly's death as a sacrfice to prove to her people to keep fighting no matter what, but as a direct killing.

But I guess we'll never know, but if you want an explantion to where the smoke and dust comes from in the dub that surrounds Shadow, it's possibly that it's from Molly's jet as she flies under him while he stands on the cliff, and then flies off vowing to contuine the fight.


Posts: 2191
Famed Member


You know I've been thinking, if 4kids allowed TMNT to show a weakened body disslove into ooze as well as the sklenton of this body, then what was so wrong about showing Rouge in a bubble bath at the beginning of this past Saturday's epsiode, because I like others didn't see anything wrong.

America is just hypocritical like that.

Posts: 4885
Illustrious Member

Come on, the bath thing is nothing. I mean 4kids need to cut about 3 minutes from each ep to get the advert breaks in anyway, may aswell be stuff we wont miss.

I'll need to see this to think that Molly's (lack of) dying can work out properly, but I feel sorry for you guys if 4kids are going that crazy with the censorship. I can't imagine Shadow's next appearance in the series with imitatable violence censorship enforced...

Posts: 5772
Illustrious Member

Let's face it, saturday morning network television hasn't been quite the same since parental watchdog groups and Congress got involved in what should be presentable on the air when children are most likely watching. Stricter guidelines about what's allowable in children's programming has resulted in severe neutering of even the tamest of overseas anime. It's sad.

Thing is, all this would be a complete non-issue if 4Kids would simply allow for uncut, unedited versions of their programs to be released on DVD or some other media, where those guideline can't be applied. But when they attempt to do so, they completely botch it, one way or another.


Well, that's a topic for another day. Suffice it to say I'm not happy with the state of television, animated or otherwise, these days. Thank God for cable networks and their inherent ability to skirt such issues much more freely.

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So Psx agree with some of what I mentioned?

Posts: 1583
Noble Member


You know I've been thinking, if 4kids allowed TMNT to show a weakened body disslove into ooze as well as the sklenton of this body, then what was so wrong about showing Rouge in a bubble bath at the beginning of this past Saturday's epsiode, because I like others didn't see anything wrong.

Violence = Okay
Sexual overtones = Not okay

Any more questions?

Posts: 3756
Famed Member


You know I've been thinking, if 4kids allowed TMNT to show a weakened body disslove into ooze as well as the sklenton of this body, then what was so wrong about showing Rouge in a bubble bath at the beginning of this past Saturday's epsiode, because I like others didn't see anything wrong.

4Kids doesn't make/dub TMNT. :D

Posts: 61
Trusted Member

I mean I understand the change of Molly's death to where she flies off and vows to contuine fighting, because it seems Molly is potrayed as a girl in her late teens, early 20's, and in animation (western) it's wrong to show a girl or boy at that age die...

That is strange. I was under the oppression that any person can get kill or die off so long as it wasn't imatatiable (sp?). Of coarse, I'm basing this one a ten year old rule (hugs his copy of Gargoyles Season 2 box set).

Also does anyone know how Molly was suppose to die?

Posts: 1195
Noble Member

Also does anyone know how Molly was suppose to die?

Yay, I can answer this since I managed to get a clip of her death a few days ago. Well, long story short, her ship got blown up with her inside. Major ouchies.

Posts: 222
Estimable Member


That is strange. I was under the oppression that any person can get kill or die off so long as it wasn't imatatiable (sp?). Of coarse, I'm basing this one a ten year old rule (hugs his copy of Gargoyles Season 2 box set).

Don't come crawling to me when all the kids start pushing eachother into giant chasms and pulling eyes of odin off eachother and exploding!

Uh, I think BS&P frowns on death in general.

Posts: 4885
Illustrious Member

You can't count that death twice. It's the same guy! You only die once!

Posts: 222
Estimable Member

Oh, but the fact that he survives falling makes it all the worse! Now all the kids will think if they fall down giant bottomless pits their future-selves will save them through the power of TIME TRAVEL.

Posts: 4885
Illustrious Member

A wizard did it...

Posts: 222
Estimable Member

A wizard did do it... but that's not the point! What about the kids who wanna become wizards when they grow up, huh!? What if they think by falling down giant pits they can get magic artifacts and eat books!?


Posts: 2191
Famed Member


A wizard did do it... but that's not the point! What about the kids who wanna become wizards when they grow up, huh!? What if they think by falling down giant pits they can get magic artifacts and eat books!?


Who cares? They're better off doing that and killing themselves when they're young. When they turn 12, you would wish they would have done that.:cuckoo

Posts: 1195
Noble Member

Sonic X, Episode 69, "Planet Marmolim", or "Amys never getting some."
The scene starts off as the lovely Blue Typhoonwait a minute; it starts off in the Throndyke lab with Chris' childhood pals, Helen, Frances, and Danny (who still looks metrosexual, by the way). Remember them? Wow, that's two in a row where it doesn't start with the BT.
Any who, Helen and her friends are busy trying to figure out Chris' password (which is not "Sonic" much to my surprise) to access his information on how to work out the durn transporter, but to no avail. Apparently, they didn't bother to type in the password "Helen" seeing that Chris has pretty much lost his romance for Sonic and gone after Helen instead. Well, at least he's moving on...oh, wait, he's stuck in Sonics world. Never mind.
With that said and done, Chris' group of friends head home, nothing more to do. They automatically assume Chris never contacted them since he might be having way too much fun. Uh, guys, has it ever occur to you that maybe he CAN'T contact you guys? Sheesh. Some friends you guys are. As they leave, Helen thinks of Chris and how much she misses him. Awwww.

We finally get to the BT where Chris' emerald scanner is on the fritz, pissing off Amy. Get use to it, she gets pissed off a lot in this episode. It's like a world record. Chris chalks up his emerald scanner problem to "bizarre gravitational pull". Amy could care less, when she's pissed, she's pissed. Cream however detects something. Some fast moving object. The heroes look outside to see a floating asteroid. Using his giant claws of doooooooooom, Tails starts to pull in the so-called asteroid, but is shocked to see it flying away. Well, what do ya know? It ain't no asteroid, it's a friggin' spaceship!

After we get to the usual barrage of the same ol' theme song, the heroes meet three little alien species that looks like a cross between those aliens from Mad Maestro (I'm gonna bet at least 3 out 10 of ya who reads this has no clue what game I'm talking about) and the Puus from the Final Fantasy series. There names are Lue (the apparent leader), Lylin (some dude), and Momo (the girl). Tails apologizes for grabbing onto their spaceship, saying it looked like an asteroid. Momo takes offense, saying it's a very high-tech spaceship. Sheesh, are all the women pissed today? Is this PMS episode day or what?
The heroes then mention of the Chaos Emerald. The aliens have no damn clue what they mean, so Lue takes a wild guess and pulls out--of all things--a Chaos Emeralds. Tails tries to take it, but Lue pulls back, that damn dirty alien. Lue sez they likes the emerald they found. Tis' pretty, they says, so they ain't forking it over, showing no matter how nice they are, they just don't understand the concept of sharing. Amy doesn't get pissed off here (surprise, surprise), instead, Knuckles shows off HIS PMS by going apeshit on the aliens, chasing them back and forth like a crazed monkey until Chris and Tails calms him down. Amy then criticizes Knuckles who only yells (FLIRTS) back.
The heroes decided to help the Marmolims with their problem. Their home planet Marmolim is sick at the moment. Amy is peeved on wanting to help them when they refused to fetch over the emerald. I'm sure Knuckles feels the same way. Why don't you two go counsel each other...give it...I don't know, 20 minutes, hmm? Hmm? Any who, Momo mentions the beauty of the planet and their skills in fortune telling and love spells, the latter which immediately sends Amy in a loop. She turns a complete 360 around and commands their target destination to Marmolim, POST HASTE!

So, the heroes arrive in Marmolim where Lue and his other little alien buddies are greeted by their people, relieve to see them a-okay. The aliens in return for Sonic helping them gives them the Chaos Emerald. Then Amy, having the patience of a fat man in an ice cream factory, drags Sonic away. Before she gets her love spell, she drags Sonic to get their fortunes told. Meanwhile, Knuckles and Chris explores the marketplace where they see the various charms that could cure whatever ailments they had. Knuckles sees Chris' interest in Athletic's foot which Chris denies having. Sure, Chris,sure. Tails, Cosmo, and Cream/Cheese are in another area. Once again, Cosmo plays the pessimistic one, noticing how no one cares at all about their sick planet.
The four enter a big building where an elder Marmolim uses coins to predict a fellow Marmolim's future (he owes him 10, the name reeks of clich alien words) as well as mentioned their concern for the sick planet. They predicted this and decided to live with it. The Marmolims have a few laughs until Cosmo goes all party pooper on their butts, saying it's no time for jokes. The elder dude predicts her personality is hasty and that she'll someday hurt her friends. Cosmo, wounded by these words, runs off. Tails immediately runs after her. The elder then tells Cream about how plants and animals usually don't get along romantically, let along in friendship. Cream seems more confused then anything else. Dont blame her; Cream is only 6 years old.
As Cosmo runs, Tails catches up to her and tries to comfort her. It doesn't work and Cosmo runs off anyways.

Meanwhile, Momo takes Amy (with a reluctant Sonic) to Romance Rock where breaking it will cause them to be together forever. Amy takes out her mallet and smacks them rocky suckers. Sonic however, takes this time to run off, once again pissing Amy off.
In another area, Knuckles is getting predicted he'll do something foolish. Knuckles ask how to prevent this, so the fortune teller tells him to place a cloth on his head and do the chicken dance with Chris claiming that's foolish. Unfortunately for us viewers, we never get to see this. Because if that, I am gonna write an ANGRY LETTER, expressing my RAGE over not seeing chicken dancing Knuckles. WE, THE FANS DEMAND IT! RRAGH! NEO GO MAD! NEO TURN INTO NEO-HULK! ARRRGH! They are interrupted by Sonic running away from Amy who's now wearing a crapload of trinkets and charms around her. Chris is also worried of where Cosmo is, and then is mentioned of a girl he likes back on Earth. He never says her name, but it's pretty plain obvious who she is.
Cue to Cosmo where she's atop a cliff, pondering. She stays there far off into the night until Cream finds her. Cream expresses how the fortune teller from earlier said their friendship is unique and special. Cosmo feels lifted by that and heads back with her.

Amy still has yet to get Sonic. Momo says he must not like her much to which Amy takes offense. She points out the flower giving scene in Sonic X, Episode 52 as proof he likes her. Apparently, a rare moment like giving her a flower then frequently running off stays in Amy's mind. Stuck in her own little world. At least Knuckles argues with you on a daily basis. The passion is burning, but you just can't see it yet, Amy! Oh, not yet! Not yet, but someday...
Amy is reunited with Cosmo and Cream/Cheese. Amy drags Cosmo to have her fortune told in terms of romance, all pointing to positive. Amy then drags further into Cosmo's love life. Cosmo however denies it and claims Tails finds her annoying. Amy believes that as much as a screen door in a submarine and pries further into the Cosmo/Tails relationship. Cosmo cleverly changes the subject and asks Amy what of her love life with Sonic. Amy gets down on her hands and knees with head held low in pure anime fashion. However, she laughs it off and comes back with a creepy grin. Not bad, but it's still not as scary as Jessie (of Team Rocket) who started to cry over the loss of her hair in the episode "Tracey Gets Bugged" (which stars Tracey, the only human character in Pokemon I give a darn about), but then she turns to face the audience with her tearful sobs slowly, but surely chaning into menacing laughter. THAT was scary. Amy vows to win Sonic and she has a plan...

Chris, Tails, and Knuckles managed to find the thing that's making their planet sick. Sonic is in the BT with them, surrounded by charms the Marmolims have given them in return for him saving their planet. Chris notes the big, bulging thing making Marmolim sick surrounded by water. Sonic is frustrated and wears a charm bracelet said to help him in water. Damn, he's pretty desperate. Sonic then power cannons himself, digs deep underground, and destroys the big, bulbish thing. Water is restored and people cheer while Sonic complains.
As the team celebrates, Cosmo is once again on another cliff, thinking. Tails comes to comfort her yet again and tells her how much she is useful and that he enjoys her company. So with that said, the two started to head off, but Cosmo, being the clumsy fool that she is, trips on a randomly placed rope. Tails catches her and the two briefly enter a slow motion time stop as they gaze upon each other over a pale light...then they fall in water. Cue Nelson laugh: HA! HA! The two are holding each other and eye the big ass moon shining down on them.
In another area, Momo mentions to Amy that another way to be together forever is by jumping in a specific lake and starring at the moon rose, which Cosmo and Tails did, by the way. Sonic is nowhere to be found, instead, he's in a charm shop when Chris calls for him.
As for Amy, she found out Cosmo tripped on her trap (which she placed so Sonic would slip in the water), and the two are fall of love and not Amy. She then basically rants on and on until the show ends...then she and Knuckles fall for each other and gets married and*gets whacked* OW! SON OF A BI*gets whacked again*

Ya know what I just noticed about Sonic X? I like these funny episodes. The lighthearted ones that while it doesn't really go anywhere, usually have a set of charm that makes me fully appreciate it. This episode is one among many. What I liked about it other then it being a funny, entertaining episode was that it showed a general equal amount of characters doing their own unique things. We see the heroes not saving the world (well, Sonic did, but it was more of a side plot really) but we see them acting how they normally would if their lives weren't in crisis. Knuckles about to act foolish, Amy's quest to win Sonic, Amy's friendship with Cream/Cheese, and Cosmo (I've always enjoyed the girls together because they have such great chemistry together and not in THAT way, thank you very much), and of course, Cosmo and Tails. In fact, the Cosmo and Tails is really the only thing that moves forth character development wise and what a perfect place then this episode.
Tails never wanting to let Cosmo go or make her feel sad, it's very heartwarming and shows just how much he cares for her. Cosmo's insecurities around Tails were a perfect character point. She's a very strong girl, but she just doesn't completely see that in herself. Humble to the end, that Cosmo is. Even Cosmo's fortune has some foreshadowing told which makes me all the eager to see what happens. It's nice to see the characters personality and idiosyncrasies shine in this episode and generally, moments like these, when they truly act "humans" are some of the best moments in Sonic X. I feel for them far more then I do Rouge or Shadow or anything beyond SA2 really. It's such a shame though that with all the fortune tellings and charms, Amy has yet to show off her own tarot skills, but since when was the last time Sega mentioned that?
The only main flaw with this episode was the lackluster animation with the furries looking off in a few spots here and there.

~ Try to see it my way, do I have to keep on talking till I can't go on?
~ Let me take you down cause I'm going to strawberry fields. Nothing is real and nothing to get hung about Strawberry fields forever...
~ Yesterday, all my troubles seemed so far away
Now it look as though they're here to stay

Posts: 526
Honorable Member

If this episode proves one thing, it's why Sonic constantly stays away from Amy. SHE'S A PSYCHO!! Seriously, it breaksdown like this.

Amy = New York from "Flavour of Love" + Glen Close in "Fatal Attraction".

If you want to see how Sonic really feels about Amy, check out the Hereoes end of Sonic Riders. I won't spoil it here.

Neo's right. Sega is completely ignoring Amy's gypsy past, when they are on a planet full of alien gypsies.

Posts: 3756
Famed Member


Amy has yet to show off her own tarot skills, but since when was the last time Sega mentioned that?

Sonic Battle, actually.

Posts: 165
Estimable Member

Knuckles has been rediculed time after time again. I know he's gullible, but come on! Amy just annoyed me in this one 'cuz I don't support romance anymore and those reasons are best kept to myself. But as a plus, as annoying as Amy was, I just couldn't stop cracking up. I don't remember much about last week's episode, but somebody said that Molly was a human. Humans are born on Earth and I forgot the name of today's planet. I get "marmalade" in my memory. I'll view the tape later. Correct me about Molly if I'm wrong. Sonic Riders is out 'n' I ain't gettin' it! My reason is, of course, offensive and I don't even have the money.

As for last week(from what I do remember), I thought Shadow was brainwashed into doing evil things. Shadow said that he feels he has to protect Molly 'cause she'd a good person.

Posts: 1195
Noble Member

Sonic Battle, actually.

I'll take your word for it since I've never played Sonic Battle...yet.

Posts: 3756
Famed Member


I'll take your word for it since I've never played Sonic Battle...yet.


Posts: 1195
Noble Member

Because back then, I didn't have a GBA. I recently got a GBA player and when I find Battle, I'll play it.

Posts: 4885
Illustrious Member

You'd better! and finish up Chain of Memories while you're at it, you're a smart person and I require your insight into both games. Get playing then posting! }:O

Posts: 1195
Noble Member

Alright! Alright, Craig. I will, now put down that whip!

Posts: 0
New Member Guest

I enjoyed the epsiode, funnest I've seen yet, and the closest Amy's got in a long time to getting Sonic to fall for her, but as Chris said "Boy is she hopeless" (wonder what he meant :;) , But give AMY Credit, she never gives up.

But we did see one romance begin, but at the expense of Amy's tripwire trap (way to go Amy :lol ) and that was of course Tails and Cosmo.

Overall very good epsiode and verryy fuunnyy!.

Ps. Who did Chris have in mind to take to romance rock if she was there (could it be Helen :;) )


Posts: 1195
Noble Member

Sonic X, Episode 70 "The Fatal Swirl" or "What the fudge is UP with Tails?"
The BT flies out of a random warp hole. Immediately after that scene, we see a blue ship flying pass, getting hounded by the Metarex. The ship radiates of Chaos Emerald radiance. The others all decide to help out...except Tails. He vetoes thewait, whaaaaaaaaaaaaaa--? He says "no?!" Why the fudge not, Tails? After all, you were pretty damn happy to help out the asteroid-shaped spacecraft from yesterday, now you suddenly decide you're too good to help out a regular blue spaceship? What the fudgsicles?!
Well, it doesn't matter for Tails anyways since Sonic and Chris already left. Tails gets no respect, I tells ya. No respect at all. Any who, Sonic does his usual butt kicking while Chris sends missiles, then the theme song starts.

The next scene shows Tails modifying the energy of the containment holding the Master Emerald. Cosmo comes in like a good girlfriend and offers him lunch. Tails declines and then explains the concept of the energy modifying in the geekiest way possible: Long winded explanation with big words. Of course Cosmo takes in all this as much as a goldfish stuck in a cat's bowl, so Tails shuts up. Luckily, both their awkward moments are interrupted by Chris who orders Tails to the bridge. Tails, grumbling because he can't go all makey-outy on Cosmo heads over there.
Chris shows Tails they are near a rainbow, hallucinating inducing warp hole. It's a risky move to go in there, but Tails orders for them to move in anyways. Inside is where, coincidentally, the little blue ship is. Tails takes out the giant claw of dooooooooom and tries to lure it in, but the blue ship takes out a giant pair of scissors and cuts it. Tails, you have been OWNED. Turns out the blue ship was piloted by the gold robot of Eggman: Decoe. DUH DUH DUUUUUUUH! DOUBLE OWNED!
Metarex fleet ships comes from the rainbow-y warp hole they're inside, surrounding the BT. Eggman's ship is also in plain view. Sonic immediately deducts Eggman is working with the Metarex. Oh, wow Sonic, how did you figure THAT out? "Elementary, my dear Neo." As for Tails, well, he's triple OWNED now.

Scene cut to Eggman and the three main generals, Black Narcissus, Yellow Zelkova, and...that other dude who's name I don't know or really don't care...hes green. I think he's name was Green leaf or something. Any who, Narcissus doesn't seem to take kindly to Eggman while the green one praises Eggman like some holy God. Geez, didn't Eggman get enough of this kind of worship back in the Molly episode? Watch out, Eggman, don't want to pop that giant balloon sized ego of yours. Any who, regardless of who hates who or who likes who, Dark Oak has given the three Shoguns an order to obey Eggman. Afterwards, Eggman and Bokkun do their victory dance on their Eggmobile for trapping Sonic while his robot lackeys basically gets embarrassed for their boss.

The Metarex fleet is coming closer. Any closer and they could end up shoved into the black hole where they could be doooooooooooooomed. Tails orders his team, the "Team Typhoon" to get to the smaller ships and attack. Amy complains about the name, saying "Tornado" is too clich. Tails, being captain, could care less.
So anywho, Chris takes the blue ship while Amy takes her pink ship, even though in Chris' heart, he secretly desires the pink ship, matching well with his once previous love for Sonic. After all, pink and blue are great color combos. *Giggles like a little girl*
Anywho, Chris gives Sonic more of them upgradeable shoes, this time with the ability to produce energy balls out of nowhere and play dodge ball with the Metarex. Fun, if not horribly gimmicky. Then again, those shoes are always gimmicky, which is why I'm glad they only appear once a blue moon. Any who, Sonic and the others ain't doing much damage at all, so Tails orders the use of the Power Cannon.
While Sonic heads there, both Narcissus and Green leafwhatisname commence their own plan. Yellow, not wanting to feel left out, says he has a plan, too, and smashes the control panel because he's tEh MaCHo RoBBBOTTTTTT!!1!!11! Eggman, meanwhile, outthinks them all and builds a star shaped shield around Sonic. Why its star shaped I don't know. Maybe he got bored of the traditional circle shape most shields have, maybe he took up astronomy, or maybe he went all hippie, who knows WHAT goes on in Eggman's head.
Any who, Sonic launches himself out and gets electrocuted by the shield. Sucks to be him! Apparently the lightning is SO effective that it reaches all the way to the ME chamber where I'm sure Knuckles is crying out in angst. Well, he gets hurt by it, so I'd except the angst crying of pain. Chris, panicking asks "Captain" Tails what to do. Tails response is to make his eye pupils as small as possible and appear catatonic.

Once the commercial ends, both Sonic and Knuckles are in the hospital where Amy tries her best to heal them. Sure Amy is with Sonic NOW, but off-camera, I bet she's secretly confessing her TRUE love for Knuckles while he's down for the count.
Tails in the meantime gets out of his brief catatonic state, but he's now down the depressed path. Everywhere I go, I can't escape the angst. Again Chris and Cream asks the captain what to do. Tails answers by running away, saying he sucks as a captain. Who should come but Cosmo. After all the time Tails cheered her up, it's Cosmo's turn now and she tells Tails he is an excellent captain. That brief 3 minute scene is enough to perk up Tails, so he heads back to the bridge.

Chris, at the bridge, receives a message from Eggman who proclaims they have five minutes or they go bye-bye. Everyone is worried 'cept Tails, strutting in like the day of doomsday is a happy place for him. His basic plan involves getting enough energy to reverse the magnetic field in the opposite direction of the other one and escape, but they need Sonic to do a ring tunnel to do it, and of course, ol' blue blur is out of commission and--WAIT! No, he's not.
Sonic comes staggering to Tails, still injured while a concerned Amy tries to get him to stop. With desperate times ahead, they have no choice but to let Sonic do it. So Chris flies out on his ship and operates the ring tunnel. Sonic does his thang and heads inside the magnetic field where the blackness electrocutes him. Nothing seems to happen and again, everyone worries, except Tails who remains confident. Of course, like he predicted, it does work and the shield turns the other way. Soon, the blackness starts to envelope the entire fleet.
The BT takes this time to escape. Their energy level is draining though, so unless they have more power, they're as good as toast. Cue Knuckles, also injured, as he staggers his way to the ME and chants for the ME's power. The BT escapes and everyone cheers (except Knuckles who falls unconscious).
Back at the clinic where Sonic and Knuckles is...again, Tails makes an apology for failing as a captain. However, the two cheer him on and says how good of a captain he was. Much yays ensure and everything returns to normal. Off-camera, Amy gives Knuckles a sponge bath. THE END!

Wow...geez...I don't know if it's because my little cousins are here (and generally making me more busy then usualwith twice the headaches) or because of something else, but this episode...well, it was messy. I don't have any clue why, but for some odd reason, Tails didn't seem like Tails here. I felt that the moment he vetoed his vote to save the blue ship. While it ended up being an enemy that certainly hasn't stopped the young fox from saving random ships out of nowhere. Unless Tails suddenly has the magical ability to figure out that was Decoe, the script made no mention of why the hell he decides to make that sort of move. It didn't help that his...what's that term...OOC personality remained when he declared himself "Captain", a rank I never heard him say and called his team "Team Typhoon". It's like the script writers decided to give Tails a massive ego for this episode just so they can make some character development of his screwy leadership and have him conquer it. I'm fully aware Tails has taken charge in many episodes, but it's like they were shoving it down my throat for this one. And that's certainly the reason why I didn't care for this episode at all. Oh, yea, and what's the deal with the Chaos Emerald signal the BT received when they first saw the blue ship? No Chaos Emeralds were shown here. My only explanation was the use of them fake Chaos emeralds or some energy signal to make it feel like the Chaos Emeralds. If they just explained that little damn thing for like 2 seconds, I'd have been happy.
The only saving grace Tails wise was Cosmo's turn in helping Tails. Shes come a long way since that small flower girl who was shy and lacking in self-esteem. But other then that (and Amy's voice actress who I thought did a wonderful job when Amy was in panic), the episode was blah.

~ No Big in Sonic Riders. I sad.
~ Bring him in Sonic Riders 2, Sega!
~ Insert Witty Comment here.

Posts: 1437
Noble Member


I don't have any clue why, but for some odd reason, Tails didn't seem like Tails here.


Posts: 26
Eminent Member


I felt that the moment he vetoed his vote to save the blue ship.

4Kids edit.
In original version, Tails asks Chris and Sonic to be careful because they don't know anything about the blue vessel.


I never heard him say and called his team "Team Typhoon".

4Kids edit.
In original version, Tails orders Amy and Sonic to go out to fight against the Metarex. Amy doesn't like Tails to give orders to her and asks him to speak more politely to her.


Oh, yea, and what's the deal with the Chaos Emerald signal the BT received when they first saw the blue ship? No Chaos Emeralds were shown here.

It was the white chaos emerald. The one Eggman had obtained in episode 68.
She was show in the original version, I suppose that 4Kids has cut this scene.

Posts: 1195
Noble Member

Ahh, so in short, much confusion I had stems from 4kids' tomfoolery. Makes sense.

Posts: 4885
Illustrious Member

Don't blame too much on 4kids this time, that episode was choppy and barely watchable even in the original, I'm fairly sure I skipped the majority of it because I just couldn't follow it and it was kind of dull.

Posts: 1195
Noble Member

Believe me, Craig, I'm one of the few people who doesn't bash on 4Kids on every single thing they do.

Posts: 1195
Noble Member

Sonic X, Episode 71 "The Incredible Blow" or "The Secret life of Dr. Eggman."
When we last left off, the annoying narrator tells the back story of the last episode while I cringe, trying to look for earplugs so I won't have to hear his grating voice. One theme song later (thank GOD!)...
...The Metarex fleet, surrounding a planet is hosting a meeting. The three commanders, Black Narcissus, Yellow Zelkova, and Green Bay Leaf (yay, finally I know his name), are basically talking about where Sonic is, how Eggman is one of top commanders now, and how he can help, etc.
Narcissus then walks down a hallway until he spots Eggman, his fat back resting on a wall, arms crossed, one leg up against the wall, looking rather sly. Eggman displays his concern over the Metarex's ways of using destruction and general brute force to take over the galaxy then simply ruling it. I mean, what's the point of ruling if everything is destroyed? Narcissus simply replies back with an ultimatum; Join us or die...basically.

Scene switch to a place called Caf Chaotix where the Chaotix obviously works there. Charmy serves as waiter, Espio is a bartender, and Vector plays the piano--which sounds more like a harpsichord then anything else. What's surprising to me is that they basically left it looking like a bar then making it into another damn McDonald's. Remember episode 17? Yes, all the drinks are non-alcoholic, but hey, this is a pretty big step, so ya gotta give them some praise.
Any who, Vector basically goes fourth wall on us and explains how they ended up on this planet. They flew into a yellow gravitational field out of curiosity. That's pretty much it. Yes, not a huge flashback and no huge giant paragraphs of doom. Aren't you glad, lazy readers?
After said story, Vector bullies someone into paying, and then Eggman comes in with his usual robot lackeys. For some odd reason, Charmy calls the caf "Croc Canteen" when the sign CLEARLY says "Caf Chaotix." I'm sure the target audience of Sonic X in America can read the durn sign. Sheesh. Any who, Eggman basically wants to put up wanted posters of Sonic and friends, and even asks the Chaotix to help look for them. Vector declines, refusing to work with the Metarexes. Eggman however lets his robot lackeys place the posters up the caf (to which Vector tells them to at least place them in spots where they can't be seen, so Gold bot puts one underneath a table). The Egg team then leaves.

Scene cuts to the upper floor of the caf where a portly pig in round sunglasses dine over, pining over his red biplane andoh, sorry, wrong anthro. But I can't help it, Sonic and Knuckles dining upstairs on a caf and the look of the setting had me thinking Porco Rosso, by far my favorite Miyazaki film. They've basically been hiding inside the caf. Leaving outside would get them caught and they need engine parts for their worn out ship. Vector, being Mr. Nice Croc decides to shop for them and even decides to get an IOU from them. Isn't he nice?
So Vector goes shopping for the engine parts. He has his moments of temptation, seeing as the engines also make compatible parts to his spaceship, but he's sacrificing his current entrapment for Sonic and pals. Wow, I love this guy. As Vector is getting his stuff priced checked, a lone lackey Metarex reports to Bay Leaf on what he saw, basically confirming Sonic is in the planet, more specifically the caf.

Sonic and pals is still hiding (Sonic playing look out while the rest hide underneath the table). Eggman and his lackeys walk over to the shop where Eggman eyes the window Sonic was staring out of. Sonic manages to hide in time, but Eggy gets suspicious. After Egg Team leaves, Vector returns with the engine parts, but they gots to carry it by hand. Other methods are too risky. Once again Vector volunteers to help. Dang, this croc knows no boundaries other then love. Maybe he's just trying to look good in Cream's eyes so he can win Vanilla, that and he can always call in a favor for basically playing as Sonic Team's lackey for the time being.
Of course, before anything can happen, Eggman enters back in the caf. Vector basically tells Eggman to beat it, but Eggman is a stubborn ol fool. Eggman declares that he is celebrating for the Metarex will defeat Sonic. Mainly by the minute they eye the BT flying through space, KABLAMMO! Sonic and friends all hear this. Amy and Knuckles complain on their situation. Awww, great minds think alike, right? They are SO meant for each other. Basically, everyone but Sonic is in a panic. Sonic, however is calm about this.
Eggman then starts to leave, but not before blatantly saying out loud on the Metarex's plans, one Sonic hears and merely grins about. With that said, Knuckles basically complains about their dire situation. They have to leave eventually, so they have little choice but to take on the fleet. They ask the Chaotix to come, but they rather play chicken then anything else.

The next scene showcases space as the BT flies serenely. Bay Leaf spots this and goes apeshit, sending in barrages of missiles at them. The BT is hit and Bay Leaf screams happily like a little girl as he prances up and down like a a character in a Barbie movie. Excited and girly, Bay Leaf goes over to contact his comrades on Sonic's defeat.

The Chaotix resume business as usual until Eggman comes to them AGAIN, but this time he's hurt and the bandages show. Vector is pissed on his return, but lets Espio give him his prune juice and egg either way. Putting the egg inside the prune juice, Eggman drinks up, presumably upset over Sonic's defeat...
...When in reality, the BT that Bay Leaf destroyed was Eggman's ship in disguise! His robot lackeys clean/fix the ship up, complaining on why they had to save Sonic. As for the BT itself, well, the rest of the crew is surprised on the lack of Metarex fleet, so they assumed Eggman lied to them. Only Sonic knows what Eggman did...

Oh, good. After last episodes crapfest, we get this. Specifically this is an Eggman episode and generally, while I never cared much for the villain, he's very well used and likable here. Unlike last episode where I felt the producers were forcing Tails' slight out of character personality on us, this one is FAR more convincing. After all, Eggman saving Sonic and basically playing "double agent" is no surprise. We already had many episodes where Eggman has saved Sonic's hide or mentioned how concerned he is for the blue 'hog, wanting to fight him more then destroy him. Stuff like Eggman trying to lure Sonic out in episode 52 and getting his butt kicked in the process, but smiling on his return, episode 26 when he didn't want his robot to kill Sonic, and even just like 3 episodes ago when Eggman lets Sonic leave after he turned dark. It's gotten to the point in Sonic's timeline that Eggman sees Sonic as a rival then enemy (Im pretty sure it's been officially stated as well), and this episode does a convincing job. I really liked him in this episode.
Vector, too. Such a nice croc...until he starts calling in a favor. Heh. Shame this wasn't the best in featuring the Chaotix (where's the funny?!) though nor did it showcase so much of Sonic's team, but like I said, this is largely an Eggman based one. One I really liked. The episode also suffered from predictability. I knew Eggman would help Sonic and I KNEW that the BT wasn't the real BT.
I DID enjoy how Sonic was the only one who figured out Eggman's true plans. It shows just how much Sonic and Eggman really connect. Connect indeed.

~ Seriously, I'm running out of stuff to say on this thing.
~ about them dodgers?
~ Can you rub your stomach and pat your head at the same time?
~ I should discontinue this "others" section.

Posts: 526
Honorable Member

I thought this episode was Vectors more than anyone's. Although the Chaotix weren't really funny this time, I was glad to see that they weren't showing Vector as a dumb character for a change, and that he can use his head (he IS the leader after all). He knew that Eggman was not boasting, but warning Sonic about what was coming up. That's why Vector let him have his prune juice and egg on the house. It also showed what a good friend he can be, as he helped out Sonic and co out a ton despite his own problems.

I thought the translation was actually well done this time. With a little nod to casablanca near the end. Plus, I liked Decoe little joke about how the wanted posters stayed up thanks to the chewing gum on the table.

Too bad Espio and Charmy barely had a single thing to do in this episode.

Posts: 1583
Noble Member

Yeah, I agree with Shigamado, this episode was a lot about Vector from his willingness to help out Sonic & co. to pointing out the fact that he has a brain. I'm actually glad that for once the Chaotix weren't in a "silly" episode, particularly for Vector's sake. Eggman was important too, but as far as the "heroes" go, this was practically all Vector.

Posts: 170
Estimable Member

I really liked this episode, but I've just got one quick question...

What REALLY was that juice? XD Last time I checked, you don't serve... what was it? Prune juice in longneck beer bottles.

And great reviews, Neo. Keep up the good work.

~Nytloc Penumbral Lightkeeper

Posts: 35
Eminent Member

The "Juice" was really vinegar in the raw version. Some kind of vinegar wine or something i heard on the SonicAnime forum. Pretty odd how Eggman has an egg in PRUNE JUICE. Is he constipated or something? Because that's what prune juice is for I bet vinegar with egg in it is pretty hard to stomach for mostly everyone, slipping down your throat

I agree that this episode was partly Vector's and partly Eggman's, but the focus was more on Eggman's ethics and that was great. But why was he injured at the end? Did the metarex injure him or something?

Posts: 2191
Famed Member

The Metarex actually shot down a Blue Typhoon decoy. Eggman was in it so he could the Metarex away from Sonic.

Posts: 0
New Member Guest

I thought it was very good epsiode myself, I liked how Sonic figure out what Eggman was doing for him and his friends by secretly warning them of the Meterix's plans, while the others didn't, but I'm sure they'll find out soon.

Vector had a good role in this too, showing he rather risk his own safety and freedom to save his friends (espeically Cream, which should get him in good with Vallina).

Overall good epsiode!

Ps. after this week Sonic X won't be on the 25th because of the hour long Turtles 100th speical (course I could be wrong)

Posts: 1381
Noble Member

I believe you are wrong, BW. If memory serves, the commercial said the hour special would start at 10 which would still allow Sonic to come on at 11; of course, that would mean I would have to tape Ben 10 or wait until the rerun later in the week.

Posts: 1195
Noble Member

Durn it. I was hoping to get some sleep...ahh, well.

Posts: 1195
Noble Member

Sonic X, Episode 72 "Who are the Metarex?" or "Macho Man Battle Round II, FIGHT!"
The BT flies serenely once more in space as I run out of different ways to say how the damn thing flies in space since the producers enjoy showing the same scene of the BT flying in space for at least 90% of the Metarex Sonic X arc. Oy. That said, the Metarex fleet are chasing after them. Correction, about like 5 small ships that aren't even half the size of the BT are chasing after them.
Cream notices this and Tails basically gets Chris and Sonic to ride the sleeker X-Tornado to try and stop them, or at least hold 'em off.
Meanwhile, the Metarex gets closer to the BT and they shoot back with...err...Lucky Charm pieces? Any who, as Chris and Sonic were about to leave to combat, everyone on board the BT feels a giant crash. It's an EARTHQUAKE...IN SPACE! No, it's just Yellow Zelkova AKA Macho Man-Bot. He makes some quips and flings the BT down to a nearby planet which is nothing but dry and lava-filled. What an ideal vacation spot. Tails notes all the server has crashed, so they're stuck on another planet...again. Geez, where have I heard THAT one before?
Yellow Zelkova then comes down and makes a lot of "Prepare to" speech, generally garnering weird looks from the Sonic cast as he blah-blahs on crap no one really cares about. Yellow then mentions Sonic who comes right on cue, power ring in hand. He spin dashes towards Yellow, but is stopped by an Illuma-shield that knocks the poor hedgehog away. Everyone is shocked and Yellow finally gets the attention he's been wanting for some time. He explains Eggman's newest invention which causes him to create both an shield and lightning attack, although he calls it "Illuma-shield and Illuma-shock". As a bonus, he shouts it out like a Pokemon trainer or other typical anime nonsense. Oh, and it comes free with a temporary Eggman tattoo.
Amy gets pissed off at this point as she usually does while the others try and calm her down. Knuckles, wanting a rematch even though he won last time; goes out and spars with Yellow who has the advantage at this point due to Eggy's invention. Knuckles retaliate by verbal abuse, calling him a "big wimp/baby". Usually pissing off the big stupid guy works, but not this time around. Yellow attacks Knuckles and drags him around like a ragdoll, hoping to stuff him and turn him into the gazillions of other Knuckles plushies in the world. No one will notice this Knuckles doll is just three feet taller then others. Take him to Wisconsin, the most loving place in the world, and stuff 'em after you cuddle him enough.

In another place, a more dark forest-y place or as Rouge calls it, "Tree Planet", Rouge (riding on her sexy mobile) and Shadow explore the place around until they eventually find something very pretty and shiny located at the top of a dead tree (dead as in no leaves on it). They ponder over it, saying it's too bright to be a star. So apparently, it's too bright enough that they can still see it without the aid of sunglasses or any eye protection whatsoever, because I was under the impression it's not good to look directionally at the star (or in our case, the sun) because your eyeballs will fall out of it's sockets and you writhe in pain like a horrible B-rated 1950's horror film. Shadow and Rouge must have SUPER eyes then.

Knuckles doth continue with thy battle...and sucketh hardeth. Amy and Cream help in their respective vehicle as well (I don't remember Cream having her own vehicle, but it does bare familiarity, so maybe I've seen it in a previous episode and just forgot about it till now) by throwing missiles, but Yellow seemingly has the armor of a God. Tails concludes that they need to use Yellow's energy against him, he just doesn't know how at the moment. Oh, and Yellow flings Knuckles to the lava pit. We'd have Echidna kabob if Knuckles didn't throw his fist into a rocky wall in time.
While Knuckles climbs back up, the others commence their attack on Yellow again. Yellow flings them all away like a man's battle with a mosquito, then proceeds to push the BT into the nearby lava. Knuckles naturally goes gung-go and tries to stop them. Ahh, the battle of the machos. Gotta love thee.
Sonic And Chris (still aboard the sleek X-Tornado thing) try to help, but they got their own problem in the form of more tiny Metarex ships, all the while as a storm brews overhead. In fact, the storm becomes quite the helper and problem when it strikes and defeats all the Metarex and Sonic and Chris (the latter two spiraling off course). Sonic and Chris are shocked at the lightning's precise aim.
Meanwhile, Knuckles continues getting his butt beaten. Despite that (and the numerous shocks he's received), Knuckles continuously punches Yellow in the same area; his leg. Enough punches opens up a hole in it (and causing maximum pain to the poor echidnas hand). Yellow is super pissed. "CURSES! YOU GOT ME IN MY ONE WEAKNESS...MY SHINS!"
Tails meanwhile starts his plans to harness Yellow's energy. While Tails and Chris makes a lightning rod, Sonic uses some wires and circles it around Yellow via Amy and Cream's ship. Yellow, being the brawny idiot that he is, just watches all this and does nothing except get confused as he always does. Once that's done. Sonic jumps up and creates a thunderstorm by spinning the clouds. The lightning attracts the rod where the wire starts and BBQs Yellow. TOASTED!
Yellow is damaged goods and he literally starts to fall apart. No, he doesn't crumble to his death, instead out a pops out an even more HIDEOUS creature...

BEHOLD........Some.......sorta Furby......King DeDeDe hybrid GONE WRONG!!!

Yes, underneath that pretty awesome armor lies this fat fuzzy dude that Knuckles easily defeats by pushing him. Yellow (who's not even really yellow now) slowly fall down to the lava pit, all the while saying typical bad guy things like, "Youll never wind, Metarex will, blah-blah." Geez, this guy talks as much as he fights. Any who, he falls into the lava and the way it looks, it seems 4kids may have cut out the part where he actually HAD contact with lava. Sonic and the crew merely watch.

Meanwhile, Eggman, after much research found out the Metarex's plans, but before he can say anything further, his lackeys tell him to shut it as Narcissus enters, informing of Yellow's death. Eggman meanwhile covers up his true intentions by saying how he admires the Metarex's weapons. It seems to be enough for Narcissus as he leaves; possibly leaping in happiness in his head that idiot annoying Yellow is dead. He celebrates by having a fine brandy while reading a Great Expectations near a fireplace.

Shadow and Rouge managed to find out their so-called shiny object: a fake Chaos Emerald. Last time I checked, real AND fake emeralds don't glow brighter then stars. Rouge and Shadow comment why it's in the middle of nowhere. The two Anthros then hear a groan.
They both climb down to see...LEON! Hey, everyone, it's everybody's FAVORITE traitor, Leon! And no, he still doesn't have a gunblade. Apparently, he's merged with the trees or something. Seemingly near death, he tells Shadow and Rouge of how the Metarex betrayed them and killed them all off. Wait, didnt Shadow kill you guys off (or hurt really bad in this case) the last time you appeared, cuz' it looked that way to me.
Plot hole aside, Leon tells Shadow to reach into his pocket. No, it's nothing dirty; get your mind outta the gutta. Shadow pulls out a device with Leon saying it could possibly stop the Metarex. Then he becomes silent. I'm not so sure what happens to him, but if he died, then I'm shocked 4kids would show his death, but any OTHER deaths, such as Molly's are a HUGE no-no. My God.


And here I thought the Metarex were completely robots, and then THIS happens. We get an anticlimactic moment this side of Jak 3. Well, I admit I'm not nearly as outraged as Jak 3's since this is the first time the Metarex showed what could be their true form and I know nothing of their species and true intentions. That said, the last set of episodes got some hell of a lot of explaining to do and it better be good, dang it or I'm gonna be severely disappointed the Sonic team's got their butt kicked by creatures that looks darn well huggable.
That said it's a particularly nice overall episodes. We get some nice action scenes (any scene with Knuckles and Yellow are usually awesome, they have some really good action scenes together), and we got some nice revelation. Other then furby DeDeDe reveals, we got the return of Leon and the possible object to defeat the Metarex, and possibly something Eggman has up his sleeves. So much crap happening, but flowing in a nice pace to not make my head spin. I just really wanna know more about why the Metarex looks like multi-colored penguins.

Posts: 0
New Member Guest

Possibly one the best epsiodes so far and possibly one of a few to have a dark ending.

I mean to find out that the Mertriax could have living beings inside them was quite a suprise in it's self, but to see that Leon and the resteisnce are being killed off/destoryed by the Mertraix by having them somehow merge with trees was to me a very different way to end the epsisode.

But at least we now know that the Metraix don't care about any living being at all, not even their own kind.

Another thing I saw was the exspession on Rouge's face when they discoved Leon, because to me it wasn't just a look of shock, concern or saddeness, but one of fear (in other words she got scared), cause she and Shadow now know what the Metraix are really capble of and how far they will go to achive their goals.

Overall it was a very good epsiode to watch and recored.

I give a 10/10

But know we have to wait until the 1st to see a new epsiode because of the TMNT 100th epsiode hour-long special.

Untill then, God Bless!

Posts: 33
Eminent Member

A darker episode, but also a little deflating to discover the Metarex are, underneath all that stormtrooper armor, really just giant muppets of the Sesame Street variety.

I've missed a lot of the episodes prior to this great revelation, and so I have to ask - was there any foreshadowing at all of the Metarex's true identity? Or if not the generals directly, did we ever meet members of this species in a previous episode?

Posts: 5772
Illustrious Member

Foreshadowing? No, nothing that sticks out in my mind. Up until this point the true origin and form of the Metarex has been a complete mystery.

Meeting members of the same species in a previous episode? Yes. But saying anymore would be considered a spoiler, so...

Posts: 17
Active Member


What REALLY was that juice? XD Last time I checked, you don't serve... what was it? Prune juice in longneck beer bottles.

I guess Eggman must be part Klingon.

Posts: 526
Honorable Member

"Yellow attacks Knuckles and drags him around like a ragdoll, hoping to stuff him and turn him into the gazillions of other Knuckles plushies in the world. No one will notice this Knuckles doll is just three feet taller then others. Take him to Wisconsin, the most loving place in the world, and stuff 'em after you cuddle him enough."

You are one wierd chick. Funny...but wierd.

Doesn't sound like I missed much. I hate yellow anyway. I had to work on a saturday thanks to one of my S.O.B. co-workers needing the day off. Not only that, but I missed going to Wizard World L.A. because of it too.:">

Posts: 1195
Noble Member

Weird? I resent that--demented is more like it. And yes, I have a warped sense of humor.

Posts: 91
Trusted Member


Yes, underneath that pretty awesome armor lies this fat fuzzy dude that Knuckles easily defeats by pushing him. Yellow (who's not even really yellow now) slowly fall down to the lava pit, all the while saying typical bad guy things like, "Youll never wind, Metarex will, blah-blah." Geez, this guy talks as much as he fights. Any who, he falls into the lava and the way it looks, it seems 4kids may have cut out the part where he actually HAD contact with lava. Sonic and the crew merely watch.

Actually, when he fell into the lava, Knuckles jumped down after him and tried to save him but Yellow Zelkova wouldn't let him. THEN he sinks slowly into the lava.

I wasn't surprised that they cut out the contact with the lava but removing Knuckles heroic attempt to save him makes the crew seem a little..... sadistic just watching him fall.

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