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Old Sonic or Anime Sonic?

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Which look of Sonic did you guys like better?

Personally I liked the older looking Sonic back in the sega genesis days as compared to the animeish sonic now.

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I personally like the current Sonic better. I dunno... It's probably just the sphere-body...

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I really liked the change initially. The moment I first saw media from Sonic Adventure the longer dangling spines and navyish fur had me sold, but now I seem to like both equally.

My absolute favourite look for him is in the Sonic CD animations, though. Next comes the SA1 look where he had the new look but his limbs were shorter. SA2 is next because although he grew he kept the navyish colour. Then in Heroes he went back to royal blue and then in next gen l20buq6lt0ns48bi03nf.

The Sonic X look is nice but the laziness with the amount of spines at most angles really gets to me and kinda ruins it.

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Wasen't the old Sonic classified as Anime?

This question makes no sense.

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Actually the old sonic was designed to be popular with americans.

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Old Sonic still looks much more anime-ish than the new style does though.

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I love both old and Adventure looks equally, the old art style works better in 2D while the new look works better in 3D. I will say this though, the older style feels more inviting to me.

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The Sonic X look is nice but the laziness with the amount of spines at most angles really gets to me and kinda ruins it.

Personally, I think that when Sonic is being hand drawn, or is in any type of 2-D image, three quills looks better. To me, his head just looks way to bulky when he's drawn with all six quills. On the other hand, three quills would look rideculous in 3-D.

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I'm in the camp that loves both designs equally. To me, Sonic's pretty much ALWAYS looked great- it's like he can pull of nearly any minor or major redesign with the same pizazz as the original. But that's just my opinion, and is possibly flawed.

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Old-school Sonic was about as anime as Bugs Bunny o.o

Of course, anime comes from Japanese animators borrowing from American cartoons anyhow, so perhaps the question is moot.

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Old Sonic, because I hate how SoJ Japanized the series with Adventure. They might as well have made Station Square some Japanese city and I wouldn't notice the difference.

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So what you are saying going from this:

to this:

Sonic is becoming more anime-ish?

...wait, What?

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The new one looks like some sort of lizard beast summoned from the depths of hell.

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I also am talking about the comics.

The way they draw him sometimes is a little to animeish for me.

Sonic Adventure Sonic is aactually awesome.

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Well that's Archie's fault, not Sega's.

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I'm a fan of the old style of Sonic, like in the Sega Genesis games...the newer style is okay but just doesn't do it for me as much as the old one.

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archie comics is a whole different kettle of fish to the sonic designs in the games. (tons of different artists with their own personal styles, etc)

as for the games, i like his different looks both old and new. i agree that the three-spine look just wouldn't work in 3D games, he'd end up with that truly wierd shark fin look that he got in some cartoons/comic earlier on.

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Just to clarify, guys, Sonic really has three styles.

-Old Sonic
-SA Sonic

Posts: 1396
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You forgot the fourth, Bat...

- Disney-World-style-actor-in-a-Sonic-suit Sonic!

Are we all agreed that this version should never reappear, ever?

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Actually, the Next-Gen style is my most preferred.

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The proper names are:

Old Sonic: Real Sonic
SA Sonic: Poser Sonic
Next-Gen Sonic: Messed-Up Sonic

Posts: 1127
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No, no. I'm pretty sure they're all the same Sonic. :crazy

Posts: 981
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That's what I was talking about Ashide. Those first two pics can't be more anime.

And yes, I hated the Next-gen Sonic look.

i agree that the three-spine look just wouldn't work in 3D games

Dosen't Silver only have three quills on his back? And he was in 3D. :crazy

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That's what I was talking about Ashide. Those first two pics can't be more anime.


they don't look very anime at all

Posts: 1358
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+1 to what Deck said. What do you consider anime?

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As far as anime goes, I'd say old Sonic reminds me of Astroboy more than any other anime, which is influenced heavily by classic Disney, which Sonic was influenced by also.

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To me, classic Sonic is what Mickey Mouse would look like if he were a hedgehog.

Going back to the number of quills, I think Sonic CD and Sonic X were the animations to portray the three-quilled look decently in 2D. SatAM Sonic's quills looked too much like a mohawk.

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Sometimes Archie is too anime for me.

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But manga is what's popular nowadays. No shame in emulating a style especially since it means more copies will be sold.

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Actually, that's the very definition of 'selling out'.

It is almost universally regarded as a bad thing.

Posts: 1789
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Archie is anime?


Going back to the number of quills, I think Sonic CD and Sonic X were the animations to portray the three-quilled look decently in 2D.

He had 6 headspines in the Sonic CD movies.

Posts: 1694
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My mistake. I haven't played Sonic CD in a while.

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I like Genesis / SatAM style sonic...its my favorite. The New Sonic is just not doing it for me.

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SatAM/Genesis seemed more like ugly, fat jerk version of Japanese Sonic at the time. I prefer the Japanese one cause he looked sleeker. I think the best Sonic was the SA2 soap Sonic, but I think that's because it pobably the best one done in terms of graphics(Sth2006 had no fur texturing) and His sneakers looked like... sneakers. The worst was SH Sonic, to qoute Wonderbat "LIZARD DEMON FROM HELL!!"

Posts: 1789
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Well when he/she said "Genesis" version, I thought he/she meant the old school design in general. If he/she meant specifically the Americanized design that was plastered on the Genesis and GG covers, then I would have to agree with you Gamer.

Posts: 261
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man i loved the original little round Sonic. That was part of the fun, seeing this little character that didn't look like he should be going that fast run like the wind. Now he's all lankey and rubbery looking.

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Now he's all lankey and rubbery looking.

One thing I hate about the modern look is the bendy limbs, it doesn't bother me in game so much, but in artwork it's aweful. That said I think Sonic X had knees and elbows...I could be wrong though.

Posts: 1127
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Sonic X(which for the most part is the art style I prefer) had the bendy legs and arms too. As did the old Sonic art style. You must hate all Sonic art then. :crazy

Posts: 1396
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True, the old style did, but the arms and legs were stubbier, and the characters were rounder overall. Now that they have stretched bodies and longer arms and legs it's more annoying for me.

Posts: 189
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I prefer the longer/rubber legs and arms to the stubbier legs because ut's makes the characters look older and cooler. Plus, Sonic now looks more aerodynamic and like he could actually run at the speed of sound. The rounder look made it look like it was harder for them run at top speeds.

Posts: 261
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unlikely aerophysics? in MY Sonic games?
but yeah I guess I like the charming one rather than the "X-TREEEEM to the max!! WAHOO"
I mean just look at the background here. Wook at him wuttle WEGS! AWWWWWW!

Posts: 1127
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What are you talking about? Sonic was all about over the top "X-TREEEEM to the max!! WAHOO"ness and campy catchphrases and badass attitude back in the 90's. And that's nooooo good! Gotta speed keed! UP! OVER! AND GONE! Gotta juice! I'm waaaaaaaitiiiiiing!

Posts: 189
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What I do dislike about the new Sonic is not his design, but his personality. I did a thread about this, Sonic has been watered down to the typical, I-can-do-it hero than a serious badass he was in Japan in his pre-1998 days. Sonic was always over the top in America with DiC's portrayal, but in Japan, espically in thhe anime, he was portrayed as a sarcastic, rebellionous hero who hated being told what to do. Sonic was one of the first badasses in games, and it's kind of sad that Sega wants him to be more of those cliche' "let's go" characters you see in a lot of anime.


I just did a long post about the personality development of a fictional blue rodent. I need help.

Posts: 1694
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No more than the rest of us. After all, I was the one who typed out a fairly extensive backstory for Tails Doll and why he looks the way he does. I think it's still here if the hack didn't eat it.

What you decribe sounds a lot like Fleetway Sonic from what I've read about the comic. Personally, I think that Sonic's personality was at its best in the OVA. He was always ready with a retort and was slightly rebellious, but it was obvious that he cared about his friends and even his enemies. I still love the scene where he tried to save Metal Sonic, even after everything he did.

SatAM, in my opinion, was the worst portrayal. It still eludes me how hip talk = attitude. I admit it wasn't a problem when I was little, but now I can't help but cringe when Sonic speaks like that.

Posts: 261
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I never factored in the SAtAM because even back then (i was like, 12 i guess) I could tell that it was a 'fake' Sonic. But also the tapping his foot and looking at his watch when you let him stand still is different than the typical Japanese "we can do it if we follow our hearts!!!". So old school is like 'Could we please freaking get going already?' while the new one is like 'Yipee, time for some fun. Let's go! WHOOO!'

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Well, the impatient part of his personality was entirely understandable since he's a glutton for speed. It was mainly the "Mondo cool!" and "Let's juice!" schtick that's agitating.

Modern Sonic pretty much follows the "power of teamwork" trope, and to be honest, it's rather annoying. I know teamwork is important for kids to learn, but there's no need for an exposition on the subject every other line.

Posts: 189
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He didn't use to. In Sonic Adventure, He was much more serious and didn't use "HERE WE GO!!" a billion times. In SA2, he was starting to become nore positive, but a ADD happy freak he is now. It's like once Shadow appeared, they made Sonic more and more kiddie, while Shadow got darker and darker. I guess they thought two serious, rebellious heroes was too much.

Posts: 261
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Ah HA! It all comes back to that. Once again we can trace Sonic's downward spiral back to Shadow.

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It's been like ever since Shad appeared, ST stopped taking their games seriously. Not saying he caused it, but he certainly didn't really help the franchise at all.

Well, enough complaining about Shadow, back to the topic. Anybody else notice that the characters are beginning to fit anime stock characters than the original, cooler personalities. Look at Knux! He's gone from a trickster, yet stern guardian to goofy, though guy idiot. Amy, from a innocent girl with a crush to a crazy, stalker teenager whacking everybody with a hammer. Why are they doing this?

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