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One Song From Each Game * voting open* Please read rules

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The Current Candidates:

Sonic The Hedgehog (Mega Drive / Genesis):
2 votes for - Star Light Zone
1 votes for - Title Theme
1 votes for - Green Hill Zone
1 votes for - Spring Yard Zone
1 votes for - Scrap Brain Zone
1 votes for - Boss
1 votes for - Secial Stage

Sonic The Hedgehog (Game Gear / Master System):
2 votes for - Bridge Zone
1 votes for - Scrap Brain

Sonic 2 (Mega Drive / Genesis):
2 votes for - Chemical Plant
1 votes for - Aquatic Ruin Zone
1 votes for - Metropolis
1 votes for - Racing Emerald Hill Zone
1 votes for - Wing Fortress
1 votes for - super Sonic theme
.5 votes for - Ending
.5 votes for - emerald Hill

Sonic 2 (Game Gear / Master System):
2 votes for - Green Hills Zone
1 votes for - Scrambled Egg

Sonic 3:
5 votes for - Ice Cap Zone Act 1
2 votes for - Launch Base Zone Act 1
1 votes for - Eggman Final Boss

Sonic and Knuckles:
2 votes for - Lava Reef Act 1
2 votes for - Sandopolis
1.5 votes for - Hidden Palace Zone
1 votes for - Mecha Sonic Boss
.5 votes for - Death Egg Zone
.5 votes for - Flying Battery
.5 votes for - Final Boss
.5 votes for - Doomsday
.5 votes for Sky Sanctuary

Sonic Chaos:
1 vote for - Electric Egg 3

Sonic Tripple Trouble:
1 votes for - Robotnik Winter
1 votes for - Sunset Park

Tails Adventure
1 votes for - Poloy Forest

Mean Bean Machine:
1 votes for - Final

Sonic 3D (Mega Drive / Genesis Version)
3 votes for - Panic Puppet
2 votes for - Diamond Dust
1 votes for - Rusty Ruin

Sonic 3D (Saturn Version)
2 votes for - Rusty Ruin

Sonic R:
2 votes for - Living In the City
1 votes for - Turn Back Time *under consideration*
1 votes for - Diamond in the Sky
1 votes for - Radiant Emerald

Sonic Jam
1 votes for - Credits Theme

Sonic Schoolhouse
1 votes for - HEADS

Sonic CD (American Version):
2 votes for - Stardust Speedway Bad Future
1 votes for - Boss Theme

Sonic CD (Japanese Version):
1 votes for - Collision Chaos Good Future

Sonic Spinball:
1 votes for - Toxix Caves

Sonic Shuffle:

Sonic Adventure:
2 votes for - Speed Highway 1
1 votes for - Final Egg
1 votes for - Twinkle Park
1 votes for - Station Square
1 votes for - Emerald Coast 1
1 votes for - Windy Valley 1
1 votes for - Sky Deck

Sonic Adventure 2:
3 votes for - City Escape
2 votes for - Radical Highway
1 votes for - Cosmic wall
1 votes for - Green Forest

Sonic Heroes:
2 votes for - Rail Canyon
2 votes for - Frog Forest
1.5 votes for - Casino Zone Act 1
1 votes for - Egg Albatross
1 votes for - Egg Fleet
.5 votes for - Mystic Mansion

Sonic Advance:
1 votes for - Egg Rocket Zone
1 votes for - Ice Mountain
1 vote for - Moon Zone

Sonic Advance 2:
3 votes for - Hot Crater

Sonic Advance 3:
1.5 votes for - Chaos Angel 1
1 votes for - Chaos Angel 3
.5 votes for - Cyber Track

Sonic Battle:
1 votes for - History
1 votes for - Battle Highway

Sonic Rush:
1 votes for - Zetah Music *unknown song*
1 votes for - Wrapped In Black
1 votes for - Back to Back
1 votes for - Dead Line (sonic)

1 votes for - Ending
1 votes for - Final Haunt
1 votes for - GUN Remix
1 votes for - Cosmic Fall

Sonic Riders:
1 votes for - Babylon Garden

EDIT TO THE RULES: If you want to change something, dont edit your original post. Please Post a new post saying what you want to add, and if it's a change post what you previously had so I can remove it.

Also, please specify which version of Sonic CD and Sonic 3D you have.

Since the beggining Sonic has been famous for fast gameplay, engaging graphics and exciting music...

But, if you had to pick ONE track from each game (non of the vocal songs from the 3D games, well, by that I mean character theme tunes like Open Your Heart, Live and Learn, Throw It All Away, This Machine, Catch Me If You Can) I mean actual in game music...

I'm compiling a list at the moment of all the games I have played, but Im wondering if anyone else has one. Just remember, ONE track per game, the one that stands out the most, the best of the best.

I'll post back with my list shortly. :cuckoo
Oh, and just to confirm, no repeats for Sonic Adventure and Sonic Adventure Directors Cuts, they have the same music with a few extras.
However, do make the distrinction whether it's American or japanese or european version if the game has different music (Sonic 3D and CD are the only ones I can think of off hand)

Posts: 222
Estimable Member

Sonic 3: Launch Base Act 1

Sonic and Knuckles: Mushroom Hill Act 1

Sonic Adventure: Final Egg

Sonic Adventure 2: Radical Highway

Sonic Heroes: (Boss music count?) Egg Albatross/Rail Canyon

Posts: 160
Estimable Member

Off the top of my head...

Sonic the Hedgehog (MD) - Star Light Zone
Sonic the Hedgehog (MS/GG) - Bridge Zone
Sonic the Hedgehog 2 (MD) - Aquatic Ruin Zone
Sonic the Hedeghog 2 (MS/GG) - Green Hills Zone (Oh yes!)
Sonic the Hedgehog 3 - Ice Cap Zone ACT 1(who can't like this?!)
Sonic & Knuckles - Lava Reef Zone ACT 1 (Very funky)
Sonic R - Turn Back Time (I know you said that theme tunes don't count, but the entire default soundtrack is with vocals, and I adore this song so it had to come on.)

There are plenty from other games but i can't remember the exact names so i won't bother

Posts: 0
New Member Guest

I hate Ice Cap zone's music.

Sonic 1- Star Light
Sonic 2- Metropolis OR Ending
Sonic 3- Launch Base
Sonic & Knuckles- Sandopolis
Sonic 3D Blast- Diamond Dust
Sonic Heroes- Ugh... Rail Canyon, I guess.
Shadow the Hedgehog- The sound of the Mute button.
Sonic Adventure- Speed Highway
Sonic Adventure 2- Final Hazard (I cheated :P)

Posts: 1195
Noble Member

One song, ey? Well, here goes.

Sonic The Hedgehog: The original Green Hill Zone, baby!
Sonic 2: The racing level of Emerald Hill Zone.
Sonic 3: As much as I LOVE the Ice Cap music, I like Eggman's last boss theme better.
Sonic and Knuckles: Death Egg Zone or Lava Reef
Sonic 3D Blast: Rusty Ruin Zone Act 2 (Saturn version)
Sonic R: Diamond in the Sky
Sonic CD (American Version):
Sonic Adventure: Definitly Twinkle Park (racing level, ya know, the one with the remix music from Sonic 3D Blast)
Sonic Adventure 2: Was it called Cosmic Wall? It's probably the only music I liked in that game.
Sonic Heroes: A tie between Casino Zone Act 1 and Mystic Mansion Act 2.

Posts: 1381
Noble Member

Sonic the Hedgehog: Spring Yard Zone

Sonic the Hedgehog 2: Chemical Plant or Metropolis Zone I can't decide with Sky Chase Zone as a very, very close second

StH 3: Ice Cap Zone

S&K: Flying Battery/Lava Reef

SCD(American): Palmtree Panic(about all I can remember at the moment)

3D Blast: Panic Puppet(or is that Puppet Panic)

SA: Station Square

SA2: City Escape

SH: Bingo Highway Act 1

ShtH: Final Haunt

Sonic Rush: the zeteuh music whatever level that's from

Sonic Riders: Babylon Garden I guess

Posts: 4607
Famed Member

Swift, region has nothing to do with soundtrack for 3D Blast: Flickies' Island. Console does. It's either the Genesis version, or the Saturn/PC one. It could be from any continent (well, okay, you can't get a Japanese copy of Sonic 3D for the Mega Drive since only the Saturn release came out there, but still), but the tunes would still be the same.


  • Sonic 1: Green Hill's played out, so I'll say Scrap Brain.
  • Sonic 1 GG: Bridge
  • Sonic 2: Emerald Hill or Chemical Plant. Can't decide, hold that thought.
  • Sonic 2 GG: Underground
  • Sonic CD (JPN/EUR): Collision Chaos GF
  • Sonic CD (US): Stardust Speedway BF
  • Sonic Spinball: Toxic Caves
  • Mean Bean Machine: 2P mode, AKA "Final" in Puyo Puyo
  • Sonic 3&K: Final Boss (Doomsday notwithstanding). Honorable mention goes to Chrome Gadget.
  • Sonic Chaos: Electric Egg 3, for being the only tune I can remotely remember right this second.
  • Sonic Triple Trouble: Robotnik Winter. (Why it's called "Robotnik" Winter, even in Japan, boggles me.)
  • Tails Adventures: Whatever the first level is. (Poloy Forest?)
  • Sonic 3DB:FI (Gen/MD): Diamond Dust. 2's probably better than 1.
  • Sonic 3DB:FI (Sat): Rusty Ruins. Hands down. I don't care which act, they're both piles of awesome.
  • Sonic R: "Livin' in the City", lyrics off (because they suck).
  • Sonic Jam: Out of what little choice you get, I like the Credits theme the best.
  • Sonic Schoolhouse: Yes, I'm serious. I like the MIDI labelled "HEADS", which I think is the character select.
  • Sonic Adventure: "Azure Blue World" (Emerald Coast 1).
  • Sonic Shuffle: Pfft, like I remember anything from that game.
  • Sonic Adventure 2: "Escape From the City" better count.
  • Sonic Advance: Ice Mountain 1.
  • Sonic Advance 2: Dunno. It's either the lava stage (albeit without lava) or ice stage, but I can't remember the name of either, and I only really remember the lava stage's music very well. I guess it goes to the lava stage then.
  • Sonic Advance 3: Chaos Angel 1.
  • Sonic Battle: I dunno, lol
  • Sonic Heroes: Frog Forest, I guess. Reminds me a lot of CD's US soundtrack.
  • Shadow: Probably the GUN theme remixes, because pretty much all the music in that game that WASN'T a remix sucked really, really bad.
  • Sonic Rush: "Wrapped in Black".
  • That should be all the Sonic games covered. And now, to go off-topic.

  • Mega Man 2: Wood Man's stage. This tune literally got me into Mega Man, so I owe it a lot.
  • Castlevania: Symphony of the Night: "Lost Paintings".
  • The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past: Hyrule Castle. So intimidating, yet majestic.
  • Final Fantasy VII: "Anxious Heart". I love that little vibraphone part.
  • Streets of Rage: "Violent Breathing" (Stage 7).
  • Streets of Rage 2: "Dreamer" (Stage 3).
  • Streets of Rage 3: "Kama de Coco" for being Ash's theme. Otherwise, "The Poets II" (Stage 1-3, Stage 7A-1), for actually having a melody.
  • Gunstar Heroes: "Theme of Seven-Force". Awesome battle, and cool music, if not the most memorable ever.
  • Pulseman: "Kernel Pages".
  • I suppose that's enough for now.

    Posts: 1241
    Noble Member

    Leaving out games where I don't like the soundtrack, or can't remember it. ;)

    Sonic 1: Boss

    Sonic 1 GG: Scarp Brain

    Sonic 2: Chemical Plant

    Sonic 2 GG: Scambled Egg

    Sonic 3&K: Knuckles Final Battle against Mecha Sonic

    Sonic 3DB:FI (Gen/MD): Rusty Ruins Act 1.

    Sonic R: Livin' in the City

    Sonic Adventure: Run Through The Speed Highway for Speed Highway

    Sonic Adventure 2: Vengance Is Mine... For Radical Highway

    Sonic Battle: History

    Shadow: Cosmic Fall

    Posts: 439
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    I wont list the games I don't remember the music for. Strangely, as much as I've played Shadow, I can't remember a single tune besides the vocal tracks. Shows how bad the sound track was.

    Sonic 1 - Main title theme (I love this theme so much, I'd have it as my mobile ringtone if I had a cell phone. But cell phones are evil devices that are slowly poisonoing society and killing the cinema experience.)
    Sonic 2 - Wing Fortress
    Sonic CD - Boss theme
    Sonic 3 - Ice Cap Zone
    Sonic & Knuckles - Hidden Palace Zone
    Sonic Triple trouble - Sunset Park Zone Act 3
    Sonic Adventure: - Windy Valley (1st theme)
    Sonic Adventure 2 - Green Forest
    Sonic Heroes - Egg Fleet
    Sonic Advance 3 - Chaos Angel (preferably act 3, but it's all great)
    Sonic Rush - Back 2 Back (Water Palace)

    Posts: 1355
    Noble Member

    You'll be seeing a few joint-choices. Sorry, but I'm one of those indecisive types.

    Sonic 1 - Special Stage
    Sonic 2 - SUPER SONIC'S THEME!
    Sonic 3 - Ice Cap
    Sonic K - Hidden Palace / Sky Sanctuary
    Sonic CD - Toot Toot *
    Sonic 3D - Panic Puppet, MD version
    Sonic R - Radiant Emerald / Super Sonic Racing
    Advance 1 - Extra Zone I think
    Advance 2 - Hot Crater
    Advance 3 - Cyber Track / Chaos Angel
    Adventure 1 - Sky Deck
    Adventure 2 - City Escape. It's vocal, does it count? If not, Metal Harbor
    Heroes - Frog Forest I guess
    Battle - Battle Highway
    Shadow - Uh...the first level.
    Rush - Dead Line, Sonic mix.

    Edit: How could I forget Sonic CD?

    * If Toot Toot doesn't count because it isn't a zone BGM, then Tidal Tempest JP version. Never has there been a more fitting tune for a zone.

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    HSW: City Escape counts...
    Sadly, final boss themes don't ( :razz at msyself)

    SH: Well, I started that sentance talking about Sonic CD, but I remembered the Sonic 3D differences half way through so sort of tacked it onto the end of the sentance.

    Me: I've decided to move MY votes here and put the current candidates on the original post...

    Sonic The Hedgehog:

    Sonic 2:

    Sonic 3: Ice Cap Zone
    Come on, this is a contender for the Ultimate Sonic Song ever.

    Sonic and Knuckles:

    Sonic 3D (Mega Drive / Genesis Version): Panic Puppet 1
    Panic Puppet was simply one of the best pieces of music in the game, and come on, what better tune than to introduce the game.

    Sonic R:

    Sonic CD (American Version): Stardust Speedway Bad Future
    Potentially beats Ice Cap as best Sonic Song ever...
    Come on, it's just... Perfect

    Sonic Shuffle:

    Sonic Adventure:

    Sonic Adventure 2:

    Sonic Heroes:

    Sonic Advance: Egg Rocket Zone
    It's perfect, makes the stage the classiest and best in the game and a contender for favourite 2D Zone of all time.

    Sonic Advance 2: Hot Crater

    Sonic Advance 3:

    Sonic Rush:

    Shadow: Ending (I am The Story Is Over according to the soundtrack)
    Its a moving piano solo, I thought it was the perfect way to end, even if it was just ripping off the end of SA2 (AGAIN)

    Posts: 1396
    Noble Member

    Sonic 1 (MD) - Star Light Zone

    Sonic 1 (8bit) - Scrapbrain Zone (Though I love the whole soundtrack)

    Sonic CD - You Can Do Anything ...if that doesn't count Chaos

    Sonic 2 (MD) - Mystic Cave Zone

    Sonic 2 (8bit) - Intro

    Sonic Chaos - Gigalopolis Zone

    Sonic 3 - Credit/Ending theme

    Sonic and Knuckles - Sky Sanctuary Zone

    Sonic 3D (MD) - Credits theme

    Sonic Adventure - Final Egg Zone (Both versions)

    Sonic Adventure 2 - Don't know

    Sonic Advance - Ice Mountain Zone Act 1

    Sonic Advance 2 - Ice Paradice Zone

    Sonic Advance 3 - Chaos Angel Zone Act 3

    Sonic Heroes - Can't really say, my favourites are the vocals.

    Sonic Rush - (hard to choose) A New Day

    Posts: 1355
    Noble Member

    Oops, I misread the edit to the rules...oh well.

    Ammendments comitted in the edit:

    Sonic 3D: Panic Puppet - MD version
    Sonic CD: Toot Toot Sonic Warrior. If it doesn't count because it isn't a zone BGM, then Tidal Tempest JP.

    Posts: 1789
    Noble Member

    Not couning the OSTs I haven't heard, don't remember, or think is total crap.

    Sonic 1 (Genesis) - Green Hill Zone--c'mon, it's the definative Sonic theme other than the title screen.

    Sonic CD - Stardust Speedway Past--heh looks like it's unneccesary to split it up from the US to Mega tracks now.

    Sonic 2 (Genesis) - Sky Chase Zone

    Sonic 3 - Credit/Ending theme

    Sonic and Knuckles - Sky Sanctuary Zone

    Sonic 3D (Saturn) - Special Stage

    Sonic R - Can You Feel the Sunshine

    Sonic Adventure - Twinkle Park(all of the areas)

    Sonic Adventure 2 - Supporting Me

    Sonic Advance - Ice Mountain Zone(both acts)

    Sonic Heroes - Mystic Mansion

    Sonic Rush - Wrapped in Black

    Posts: 20
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    Sonic 1 (Genesis) - Green Hill

    Sonic 2 (Genisis) - Emerald Hill (2P Racing mode)

    Sonic 3 - I thought the music was rubbish!!

    Sonic & Knuckles (Difficult choice!!) - Flying battery

    Sonic 3D - The first level... Can't remember the name.

    Sonic Adventure - Windy Vally (Both Parts)

    Sonic Adventure 2 - Prison lane

    Sonic Advance 3 - Alter emerald

    Sonic Heroes - Damn, the last boss doesn't count does it...then it's Air fleet

    Shadow - Westopolis

    Posts: 4607
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    You didn't specify which 3D.

    Posts: 439
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    1 votes for - Sunset Park

    Actually I said "Sunset Park Zone Act 3", which is a different tune to Act 1 and 2. Fix plz. :thumbsup

    Posts: 2097
    Noble Member

    Mega Drive

    Sonic 1 - Boss music
    Sonic 2 - Final boss music (tough choice, this was)
    Sonic 3 - Marble Garden Act 1
    Sonic & Knuckles - Knuckles' theme
    Sonic 3D - Rusty Ruin Zone Act 1
    Sonic Spinball - Boss music


    Sonic R - "Can you feel the sunshine"


    Sonic Adventure - Sky Deck (first part)
    Sonic Adventure 2 - Prison Island

    Game Boy Advance

    Sonic Advance - Cosmic Angel Zone

    Posts: 78
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    Sonic The Hedgehog (Mega Drive / Genesis):
    -Star Light Zone

    Sonic The Hedgehog (Game Gear / Master System):
    -Bridge Zone

    Sonic 2 (Mega Drive / Genesis):
    -Sky Chase Zone

    Sonic 2 (Game Gear / Master System):
    -Boss (Game Gear ver.)

    Sonic 3:
    -Ice Cap Zone Act 1

    Sonic and Knuckles:
    -Lava Reef Zone Act 1

    Sonic Chaos:
    -Mecha Green Hill Zone

    Sonic Tripple Trouble:
    -Sunset Park Zone Act 3-Boss

    Tails Adventure
    -Poloy Forest

    Sonic 3D (Mega Drive / Genesis Version)
    -Diamond Dust Zone Act 2

    Sonic 3D (Saturn Version)
    -Panic Puppet Zone Act 2

    Sonic R:
    -Diamond in the Sky (Radiant Emerald vocal ver.)

    Sonic Jam
    -Credits Theme

    Sonic Shuffle
    -Feel Noisy (Emerald Coast surfing mini-game)

    Sonic Adventure:
    -Emerald Coast 1: Azure Blue World

    Sonic Adventure 2:
    -City Escape 1: Escape from the City

    Sonic Heroes:
    -Seaside Hill Zone

    Sonic Advance:
    -Angel Island Zone Act 2

    Sonic Advance 2:
    -Sky Canyon Zone Act 1

    Sonic Advance 3:
    -Sunset Hill Zone Act 3

    Sonic Battle:
    -Emerald Town

    Sonic Rush:
    -Mirage Road: Ethno Circus (Sonic mix)

    -Lava Shelter

    Posts: 814
    Prominent Member

    I'll just edit this post later after I've listened to more tracks. This isn't my full list.

    -Sonic 3D Blast (PC): Rusty Ruin act 1
    -Sonic Adventure 2: "Supporting Me" - The Biolizard
    -Sonic Rush: "Back 2 Back" (Sonic) - Zone 2
    -Sonic Riders: SEGA Carnival

    Posts: 50
    Trusted Member

    I thought I might as well post in this topic.

    Sonic The Hedgehog (Mega Drive / Genesis):
    - Credits BGM

    Sonic 2 (Mega Drive / Genesis):
    - Wing Fortress

    Sonic 3:
    - Final Boss

    Sonic and Knuckles:
    - Doomsday

    Mean Bean Machine:
    - Final Boss

    Sonic 3D (Mega Drive / Genesis Version)
    - Boss Music 1 (first heard in Green Grove)

    Sonic 3D (Saturn Version)
    - Final Boss

    Sonic Jam
    1 votes for - Credits Theme

    Sonic CD (American Version):
    - Palmtree Panic (Present)

    Sonic CD (Japanese Version):
    - Tidal Tempest (Present)

    Sonic Adventure:
    - Perfect Chaos

    Sonic Adventure 2:
    - City Escape

    Sonic Heroes:
    - Egg Albatross

    Sonic Advance 2:
    - Egg Utopia Boss

    Sonic Advance 3:
    - Special Stage

    Sonic Battle:
    - Death Egg map

    Posts: 781
    Prominent Member

    Would it be possible to nominate certain BGMs to be on the list? Really, why aren't Labyrinth Zone and Final Zone there for Sonic 1 for Genesis? Is the only reason Zone Boss isn't in Sonic 3's list because that tune is also in Sonic and Knuckles? Why are there games where you only have 1 to choose from? How is that voting? Why didn't you include Grand Metropolis for Sonic Heroes? Sure in SA2B I think there's a lot of BGM tunes that are better than the options listed, heck I don't like the tunes listed anyway...

    Posts: 50
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    Actually Matt, I don't think you have to choose from that first post. It's just a list of the songs that everyone else chose.

    Posts: 781
    Prominent Member

    Ah ok, thanks Deckman.

    I still can't make up my mind though. And I'm still not sure at what point I'd draw the line... as in, if you can choose a song that is common between two games (boss music from Sonic 3 and Sonic and Knuckles)

    Oh well...

    Posts: 1241
    Noble Member

    Just posting a new vote, now that I have Sonic Riders.

    Sonic Riders - Sand Ruins
