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Ok. This might be a strange topic but i find it interesting. Sega was making plans for there new mascot. (there mascot was Alex kidd back thean, FYI) So they drawed plans for the new mascot. Some of the drawing was a man in pjs, a Bulldog, a Wolf in the American 'Uncle Sam' vest a blue Bunny with bow tie, a Armadillo and a blue Hegehog. The Hegehog became Sonic the Hegehog and the man in pj's became Doctor Robotnic (Eggman later on). and the others was trashed.... or was they? The Uncle Sam wolf, for example, was used angin. proof? Fockewulf in Tails' Skypatrol. but he was scrapped. Thean Fang the Sniper appered only as a Wolf/Weseal Hybird, only to scrapped. the Wolf clones dissapered. Also in Sky partrol, a bear called Bearnger was the second boss and rabbit called Carrottteia was the third boss. both was scrapped. Did the Bunny with bow tie inspire sega to create Carrotteia (From sky partrol) & Cream the rabbit? Did Bearnger inspier them to make Bark the polarbear? Is the armadillo mighty? Who knows? Please feel free to agree or disagree.

Posts: 37
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The only prototype that I remember is the one involving Sonic. In the beginning, Sonic was a rabbit that would throw objects at enemies. However, the programmers sped up the game and the rabbit design thrown out in favor of the hedgehog.

Actually, Candy, I've found what you are looking for. It's right here. (Pretty accurate but take this info with a grain of salt.

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The bunny! I knew i forgot something! Thanks!

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The bunny turned into Ristar. =O

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A bunny star? j/k I know Rister was baced on the bunny. I just forgot to put that in there.

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and the rabbit was drawn off of America's loveable Mickey mouse (you can tell from the art design)the gloves and shoes are all mickey mouse :)

Posts: 504
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LOL Mel. Hey, Im begineing to think that Bull dog in sonic rivals was baced off the prototype Bull dog. (A picture of the Bull dog is founded in The sonic rivals thread here.)EDIT: Go to Sonic the hegehog database for cool Sonic prototype pictures.

Posts: 350
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There's quite a few prototypes out there. I remember when they were debating who should be the main good guy. Believe it or not, but ol' Dr. Eggman was picked to be the main character, but Sonic won the house vote, so Eggman had to settle for the title of "main villain", if you can call him that anymore.

What I can't seem to get is where they got the idea of Rouge. Now, I've seen the prototypes, most were awkward. But I don't remember any of them being a bat, or anything resembling a bat. If anyone can tell me where, that would be much appreciated.

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There was no Bat porotype. Sega created Rouge to attracked mature MALE players. (What about us Girl Gamers? Cute Foxs, Chao and Bunnys are nice but come on!) If I do happpen to find some info, I'll be more thean happy to post it here.

Posts: 350
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Everyone (almost, anyway) has some sort of prototype, first created either 10 minutes ago or even maybe 10 years ago. Heck, Cosmo was originally a cancelled character (at least in the Dutch version, anyway). That would have sucked, but she's here, and Sega is surprised at her publicity. Like me :) .

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Cosmo was gonna be a canned in the duch version? Interesting. And I see more Cosmo haters thean supporters. It's thouse blasted Tails/Cream or Tails/OC supporters that hate Cosmo. Sonic x is in a diffent world thean Sega sonic. So these brainless Cosmo Haters need to shove that fact in there brain dead heads. (Im not a Cosmo fan) Every game have some type of protoype. Like how Jump man turned into Mario.

Posts: 2417
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A BullDog is the 4th Rivals character? I swore it was going to be Silver...

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No,no,no GT. The Bull dog is a robot IN Rivals. You misread my post (Or I didet type it clearly). A picture of him is in the rival thread here. Sorry for the confusion. :)

Posts: 350
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A bulldog? You're kidding? Well, now I've seen everything. So there's going to be Sonic, Shadow, Silver, Bull-dog-dude-robot-Fitzjerald-Jeager-thingie. And wasn't there supposed to be Knux and Metal Sonic as well? 2D, or 3D? I probably won't play it, due to the fact that I don't have a PSP (and from what I've heard, I'm happy with that. PSP supposedly sucks)

(I checked the character ratings, and wasn't too surprised; the majority of Cosmo haters dislike her JUST becaused Tails didn't love Cream. COME ON, PEOPLE!!! HE HARDLY EVER ACKNOWLEDGES THE BUNNY'S PRECENSE!!! Not to mention the other half either hates Cosmo because she is a, oh, what's that word, a pacifist? She can talk AND listen to plants! I'd give up my f***ing left eye for that!)

Posts: 1446
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No, the four characters in Rivals are Sonic, Shadow, Silver, and Knuckles. If Metal Sonic is an unlockable player (or anyone else, for that matter), we haven't heard anything about it. The "bulldog" is one of the boss robots that Robotnik has, which you fight against.

Also - wasn't Rouge originally based on a fan character or something?

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Welll she is Plant for god sake! Foxes can't fly with 2 Tails can they? Cosmo Haters need to buy a Brain - if they know what a Brain IS. And thank you matty for the answer. Maybe Rouge is baced off the Robot Bats or something?

Posts: 350
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....I am suspicious. Knuckles has called Rouge several times "Bat Girl", when it's quite obvious that she's "Bat Lady" or, probably more accurately, "Bat Stripper". Does anyone get the feeling that there's a connection between her and Batman? Or maybe Batgirl?
As for the fan character thing, I thought that was just a rumor. It may be real. I'm still searching the net for where they got the idea for Rouge (besides for mature players like me).

Posts: 2016
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Woah, man, don't go all dissin' on Rouge. She needed that money to get through college.


Posts: 350
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I'm not dissing her. Not now, anyway :) . I think I know where to look for a Rouge prototype, but I can't read Japanese X(. It could take a long time, sifting through all of the interviews, projects, and past titles to find what we're looking for. Anyone here up to the task?

Posts: 2234
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Rouge was created solely as Knuckles' opposite in terms of gameplay in SA2, and her design was used to appeal to the teenage boy demographic. As for why she's a bat, well why not? It's a convenient species.

You guys are looking into it way too deeply. o.o

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Spinner: what college did Rouge come from? The Stripper and Gem hunter? :) Were: Use Google to tranlate it. it workes Pach: What about us Teenage Girls? Foxes, Bunnys, and Chao are nice be we want something else. and it fun to look deeply in to prototypes, like a challangeing game. ;)

Posts: 350
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I know the translator thingig works, but the guy above said not to look too deep. Maybe she is just some bat you think maybe Rouge was supposed to be a male first? Screw it....

Did you say foxes? Now that reminds me, for those of you who it may concern, Tails is my fav., smart and versatile. He gets just as many ladies as Sonic does, if not more. I know all there is to know about him. Like how he is based on the Kitsune of Japanese lore, but I guess you already knew that. But did you know that the "Tails" part was thrown away by the superiors, but the writer liked it so he put it into the game anyway. They forgave him. Hopefully...

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He said were looking too deep, not to look too deep. And I KNOW what your talking about! The creator of Tails wanted to call him 'Miles'. But other disagree and used Tails because he had two Tails. The guy who created Tails got mad and programmed 'Miles' in the casino stage in Sonic 2. In the end they used 'Miles' for Tails name. And sense thean, our two Tailed fox go by Miles 'Tails' Prower. Or Tails the fox. Your pick.

Posts: 488
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Actually, I think you got it backwards. Everyone else liked the name "Miles." The guy programmed a code which, when entered, changed "Miles" to "Tails" in Casino Night. At least I'm pretty positive. It's been oh so long since I read up on it.

k, I'ma go ahead and continue rarely ever posting in this place like at all

Posts: 5772
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Niet. Sonic candy is correct. The creator valued the name Miles, the management wanted something simpler with "Tails". Compromises were reached, bills were paid and a new star was born.

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HOLY CRAP! I got it right! And It been a year (Or so) sense I read the page! Wait, What bills? The programming bills?

Posts: 350
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The bills they paid for Tails. At the last minute, the guys saw that they had made his full name "Miles 'Tails' Prower" and they were like "Mr. Yamaguchi, you dumbs***!" But they then found out that the "Miles" part had made a lot of sense to fans, so they kept it that way.

Posts: 2234
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I said you're looking too deep and that you shouldn't look too deep, either. As for the teenage female demographic, you've all got the apparent sex machine Shadow, and if you're looking into female cast members, you've also got Wave and Blaze.

Posts: 350
Reputable Member, I don't have Shadow. I'm more of a Wave/Blaze/Tails tri-center guy myself (don't even ask what that meant). I didn't look into Blaze because 1) She and Wave have the same voice actor. 2) I came up with a theory that SEGA made Blaze to be Sonic's possible future girlfriend (as a matter of fact, if you look at the final scene they have together, it looks like they're kissing), and it is hinted several times. 3) Cats. Allergic, yet I have three. Really no purpose there. 4) Also like Wave, they are new, so early sketches are going to be hard to find. 5) Because I didn't [look into them].

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Shadow is too dark and angsty for my taste. He cry about Maria too much, too many plot holes, and a swereing problem. The guy need some help. And I think Patch is right We will turn our selfs crazy trying to find something.

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Shadow, though emotionless most of the time, he also probably cries himself to sleep. Not only was there Maria to cry about, but Prof. Gerald as well, Molly, and, to an extent, Cosmo. By now he probably thinks that anyone near him will die. That never kept Rouge away, though. She obviously has feelings for him. The bat expresses her emotions towards Shadow mostly in the anime, in Sonic Heroes after you defeat Egg Albatross, and it is revealed that he lives in Rouge's Club in Sonic Battle.

Now that I think about it, Jet is a hawk, and Storm is an albatross. In Sonic Heroes, which came out before Riders, two bosses are called "Egg Hawk" and "Egg Albatross". Think Sega got the idea of Jet and Storm's specias from these two bosses? It certainly can't be a coincedence.

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It certainly can't be a coincedence.

Why not, exactly?

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I said you're looking too deep and that you shouldn't look too deep, either. As for the teenage female demographic, you've all got the apparent sex machine Shadow, and if you're looking into female cast members, you've also got Wave and Blaze

I can't believe you described Shadow as a sex machine. How squicky! *shudders*:lol

Posts: 2234
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Harley >.>

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Why not, exactly?

Because guys like the SEGA guys, and this includes Seth MacFarlene of Family Guy, need inspiration and parody wherever they are. But I guess you're right and it may just be coincidence. Just taking it into consideration.

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BUMP! Someone in the 'Sonic The Hegehog' brought up Sera from 'sonic the movie' and asked that waset Sera royalty and I thought that MAYBE that Sera inspired Sega to make Elise from the upcomeing'Sonic The Hegehog'game. So I have a good exuse to bump one of my threads. Debate now!

Posts: 247
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Sara was'nt royalty, she was the president's daughter.

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She was? (never saw the movie) Seeing that Sera is human and Elise is one too, I THINK sera inspired them to make Elise. (it's a small chanse that's true.)

Posts: 622
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Seeing that Sera is human and Elise is one too, I THINK sera inspired them to make Elise.

So how does that account for, say, Maria and the President's secretary? Or were they based on the concept for Sonic's human girlfriend Madonna?

I don't think Elise has anything to do with Sera, especially not since they're both human.

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I forgot about Maria and Maddonna. and I did say it was a small chanse it's true. And why the heck was Madonna made any way? (I swear my stuff is becomeing stupider in each post. It's sad really.)

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sera is a cat-girl, certainly not human.
