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Qeustion about Sonic X.

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Posts: 189
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I was just thinking about the series and I was just wondering why didn't they just have it exist in the game continuity? Just have the Sonic X planet and Earth be the same planet. I don't why they had to have the planets different. And why was Chris added?

Posts: 1789
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Supposedly, Sonic's and Chris's planet was originally one and the same due to Chao and Echidna ruins located in Chris's earth before Super Sonic CC pieces of his world to Chris's. I think they mentioned this later in the series that the worlds were seperated into different dimensions a long time ago. I could be wrong though.

As for the rest, who know what goes on in Naka's head?

Posts: 1984
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I think Chris was added because supposedly self insert-like characters help the viewer feel like they are a part of the story. Chris and Elise are supposed to help see Sonic in the limited and weak (in terms of strength and speed) view of the human being.

Posts: 981
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I think Chris was added because supposedly self insert-like characters help the viewer feel like they are a part of the story. Chris and Elise are supposed to help see Sonic in the limited and weak (in terms of strength and speed) view of the human being.

We all know how that turned out. 😛

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Doesn't Transformers do that all the time?

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I don't think it happened in Beast Wars and Beast Machines.

Posts: 1984
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Yeah because the storyline in those two shows take place the Dawn of time or something. When us peoplez were supposedly still dragging our knuckles and using sticks to eat termites. I think there was a turn in the plot when Megatron set out to kill the apes who would eventually evolve into humans. And because he somehow found a way to see into the future, knew that humans were a big help to the Autobots. But all the other transformers shows do it.

Posts: 1984
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I wouldn't have found Chris annoying if he had some real depth. He's just a rich little poster child who is far too optimistic considering he's a burden in most situations, replaced canon Sonic characters at important moments in the game (Like when Amy pleaded with Shadow to reconsider his plot to destroy Earth) And worste of all he wants to have Sonic's babies and oddly enough developes a closer relationship with Sonic than Amy ever could.

Posts: 189
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I don't why they put those "everyman" kid characters when they do these type of adaptions. They always borderline Sue-ish and distract attention from the main characters. And they always annoying too. I didn't really watch Sonic X, but Chris was, for the most part, unneeded.

Posts: 1789
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I believe I said this many years ago, but I think Chris could be a much more cooler and likable character if he was a jaded, cynical kid with no friends what so ever(since he thinks they only want to be his friends because of his wealth) and would think Sonic and his friends optimistic ideals as absurb due to his pessimistic point of view. Think a personality like Kyon from Haruhi.

Heck, it would have been funny if the second thing he thought about after saving Sonic in the pool is how much cash/fame he would recieve if he turned Sonic in to the labs. :lol


And worste of all he wants to have Sonic's babies and oddly enough developes a closer relationship with Sonic than Amy ever could.

The same thing happened with Elise. Maybe Sonic is like a reverse furry who is bisexual. :lol

Posts: 1984
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XD At this moment I wouldn't be surprised. How are these one time characters one-upping Amy so badly? I mean she's been after Sonic for Years. But she's being outdone by characters who aren't even the same spieces! And worse yet, not even logically or sexually compatable.

Posts: 1694
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Sonic obviously finds humans more attractive than his own species. :p

Posts: 1037
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He was hitting on the girls of the Station Square Hotel pool.

Posts: 1984
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It may not be that. Elise and Chris may have been totally fake but at least they didn't chase Sonic down with every last breath they were able to take. Amy's sheer obnoxiousness is what repels Sonic. If she'd back off then maybe he wouldn't run away.

I also find it strange that Sonic's planet/dimension/whatever seems to be very lonely. It's just gigantic fields of grass and mountainous areas and ocean. Where is the rest of their civilization? Did I miss an episode that showed any?

Posts: 1127
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Sonic obviously finds humans more attractive than his own species.

Early concept girlfriend. Species: Human :crazy

Posts: 1984
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Oo Thats just a fanart, right?

Posts: 1127
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Nope, it sure is'nt.

Posts: 1984
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You lieeeee......what game would she have been in?

Posts: 1127
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I don't mind being called a liar when I AM lying. When I'm about to lie. Or when I've just finished lying. BUT NOT WHEN I'M TELLING THE TRUTH.

Posts: 1984
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wow. I had no idea. Odd. She looks like she flew out of a DBZ hentai.

Posts: 1789
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It may not be that. Elise and Chris may have been totally fake but at least they didn't chase Sonic down with every last breath they were able to take. Amy's sheer obnoxiousness is what repels Sonic. If she'd back off then maybe he wouldn't run away.

But he hasn't been attracted to any of the other animal characters. :lol

And about the blonde Toby shown, her name is Madonna.

Posts: 1694
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And that right there proves my theory.

Posts: 6
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Interesting. Do you have any links to info on this girlfriend concept or any other pictures?

Posts: 1037
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I'm pretty sure I read something about that in the GHZ (and the girl is supposed to be Madonna), but I can't find it right now.

Posts: 1127
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The only good thing about Sonic Stadium is the image galleries. Last time I went to the message board, much of my brain died.

Posts: 2417
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Kinda makes you wonder what's going on here.

Posts: 981
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^ :O


I think Chris was added because supposedly self insert-like characters help the viewer feel like they are a part of the story. Chris and Elise are supposed to help see Sonic in the limited and weak (in terms of strength and speed) view of the human being.

I wonder what Sonic would think about this?

Posts: 1984
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chadthecartoonnut.deviant...3/#journal - Chad the Cartoon Nut rants hard about Sonic X.



SatAM will always be superior! *brick'd!*

Posts: 5772
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He's right, you know.

Posts: 1789
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Arguably, SatAM has the same main problem as Sonic X/and Sonic 2K6, but instead of it being a human, it is a talking squirrel.

Posts: 1984
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You mean you can honestly loop SatAM Sally with Chris and Elise? But....but how?

I mean sure she isn't fast like Sonic but she is very important in the show's story.(Sonic Adventure (2) didn't have a Chris so the anime didn't NEED him either) She's smart and can solve all kinds of problems. She isn't useless even if she does get kidnapped sometimes. She isn't annoying or obnoxious. She is the leader of the team instead of Sonic. Princess Elise did have a purpose but it was an odd purpose. At least with Sally it was obvious that if Robotnick got her there could no longer be a resistance.

Posts: 1127
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She isn't annoying or obnoxious

I laughed out loud. Alot.

Posts: 1694
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Whether or not she was obnoxious is personal opinion. I think she was.

I think the main problem some people have with her, is because she got more screentime than Sonic.

Posts: 1789
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And Tails for that matter. You know, Sonic's main sidekick.

Something that AoStH, actually got right.

Posts: 189
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Sally, at least, had a point. She was a princess and a tatician who was very important for the resistance. It wasn't like she just stood there and drooled over Sonic like Chris and Elise. I know Tails is the main sidekick, but Sally was actually useful. Tails isn't really all that useful until SA. Unless you count catching Sonic from space which itself is not all that useful considering Sonic can land after thousands of feet as long as he's not falling into a bottomless pit.

Posts: 1694
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I seem to recall Tails not only ferrying Sonic to the Death Egg, but also Sonic couldn't have gotten through Sky Chase or the Marble Garden Act 2 boss without him.

Sonic, himself, just wasn't that essential to the general plot. They could've written Sonic out entirely, SatAM would've perfectly stood on its own.

Posts: 1789
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Er...Tails was useful for Sonic since Sonic 2. Despite the story telling not being as complicated like it was in SA1, I still found it understandable that he was an important character(more noteworthy than the animals that were freed from robots--one which Sally was derived from), and he flew the Tornado. Not only that, he seemed to be useful on AoStH and in the Sonic OAV. However, he was incredibly gimped in SatAM.

Also, I can easily say that Chris was helpful/had a point in Sonic X because he provided a hiding place/shelter for the animals before their big reveal. And he seemed to(or at least the writers tried to) make it seem that not all of the humans were not bad, which I suspect that why the writers used him to convince Shadow and not Amy who wasn't exactly native to the planet.

I could also say that Elise had a major point in Sonic 2K6 as the whole dang story revolved around her curse. It was the monster that was trapped within her that caused the destruction of the world, and it was the reason why Eggman kept kidnapping her and why Mephlies wanted her to cry. Then again the whole plot of Sonic 2K6 is just as screwball for Sonic like SatAm was.

And Sally did like like Sonic. She evolved from Ricky with a sex-change to Ricky with a sex-change who has to be a girlfriend for Sonic because we don't know of Amy yet.:lol I think the Fleetway version is that she's just a regular one-shot, two-shot squirrel.

All in all, I think all three were additions that were awful in their own little way. They may have been useful in their own contained universe, but that doesn't keep them from being considered "Scrappies" of the whole franchise.

Also Toby, you need to post that Oogtah!Sally.jpg again.:lol Maybe draw Chris as Oogtar also.


Sonic, himself, just wasn't that essential to the general plot. They could've written Sonic out entirely, SatAM would've perfectly stood on its own.


As problematic Sonic X is, at least it does a way better job of being a "Sonic cartoon" than a show that just has Sonic characters in name only. I said this before that you could replace Sonic and Tails with some other generic animals, call Robotnik, Julian and NOTHING would change.

Posts: 1984
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Sonic X may be better at being a "sonic cartoon" but it still did so terribly. And I guess it's not right to compare Sonic X and SatAM. SatAM is decades older than Sonic X. If SatAM were a new cartoon for today's children, it would probably be a lot different from what it is. Which means it probably would have sucked also.

Posts: 1127
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But it DID suck.

Posts: 1789
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Some people already think or thought that SatAM sucked also--even back then. :p I remember one person I know said that she tried to watch the show when she was younger when it first aired, but it bored her to death. It doesn't even have to do about what time period it was made as there exist entertaining kid shows in the 2000's as there were dull ones in the 1990's. Your last two sentences almost sound a bit nostalgia-laced.

Speaking of nostalgia, here's what I predict about the kids who watched Sonic X ten years from now: one of them will make some fansite, oh, let's just call it Fans United for Sonic X. Fans who fondly remember the show would gather on that site and gush how much they loved it when they were kid, how much they loved the original characters exclusive to the show which includes Chris, and how much they wish the whole series was released uncut, with the Japanese dialogue and the original OST back, with a few extras--all on Blu-Ray/HD-DVD/whatever the leading format will be in 10 years.

Then assuming Sonic still has some bit of revelency in 10 years, SEGA will commision another animated program that will act as a 24 minute commercial for kids to buy Sonic games no matter how good or bad they are. Then those said kids who grew up with Sonic X will compare this new show, and complain that it sucks compared with their beloved show, and how the new original character sucks also compared to Chris, Bokkun, etc.

Repeat, ad nausuem every 10 years. :p

Posts: 981
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IT's a complete circle of events happening all over again!! =O

I'm not sure if I could completely agree with that, though. You might be exagerating Ashide, but Sonic X wasn't as great as SatAM was. And a fandom compared to SatAM's proportions would never happen. But I see what you're going at. ;)

Posts: 1984
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Okay okay fine! I didn't mean to make it sound like my opinion of SatAM was the final word! I just think the quality of story telling is better in SatAM than Sonic X. My opinion on the two shows isn't connected to nostalgia or any kind of warped loyalty to one show. But it is my opinion that Sonic X is under average, of what I consider a saturday cartoon worth my viewing time. And the only way I can say that is because I've watched Sonic X.

I think a reason why these extra characters take up so much spot light is because by himself, Sonic is kind of dull and boring. Sure he can run fast but thats about the sum of it.

Posts: 1694
Noble Member

That's cool. I honestly got bored of Sonic X after the Sonic Adventure arc myself.

Speaking of nostalgia, here's what I predict about the kids who watched Sonic X ten years from now: one of them will make some fansite, oh, let's just call it Fans United for Sonic X. Fans who fondly remember the show would gather on that site and gush how much they loved it when they were kid, how much they loved the original characters exclusive to the show which includes Chris, and how much they wish the whole series was released uncut, with the Japanese dialogue and the original OST back, with a few extras--all on Blu-Ray/HD-DVD/whatever the leading format will be in 10 years.

Then assuming Sonic still has some bit of revelency in 10 years, SEGA will commision another animated program that will act as a 24 minute commercial for kids to buy Sonic games no matter how good or bad they are. Then those said kids who grew up with Sonic X will compare this new show, and complain that it sucks compared with their beloved show, and how the new original character sucks also compared to Chris, Bokkun, etc.

Heh, and those of us that are still here by then will be complaining about the people who are complaining about Sonic X. If nothing else, we'll be able to say that we were the original whiners. :p

Posts: 1789
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I'm not sure if I could completely agree with that, though. You might be exagerating Ashide, but Sonic X wasn't as great as SatAM was. And a fandom compared to SatAM's proportions would never happen.

Except that it already happened. I would give you the link to exibit A, but I don't think you want to go there. :x I mean SatAM fanbase is already small and since Sonic X aired in more countries than SatAM ever did, it wouldn't be so far-fetched that there are more fans of Sonic X than SatAM.

While I don't think both shows are not particularly good, I prefer Sonic X to SatAM. And this is someone who watched both shows from the timed they aired.


DB Vulpix:
I think a reason why these extra characters take up so much spot light is because by himself, Sonic is kind of dull and boring. Sure he can run fast but thats about the sum of it.

I don't know 'bout that, he actually seemed a bit more fleshed out in all of his animated incarnations. However his character usually ranged from suckitude(his SatAM incarnation) to jawsome(from what we seen in the Sonic CD animations).


S. Unicron
Heh, and those of us that are still here by then will be complaining about the people who are complaining about Sonic X. If nothing else, we'll be able to say that we were the original whiners.

So what would make the people who complained about SatAM because it is so far removed from the games and also don't care for Sonic X?

Posts: 1827
Noble Member

SatAM fans are just louder.


but I don't think you want to go there. 😡

Sonic Passion?


So what would make the people who complained about SatAM because it is so far removed from the games and also don't care for Sonic X?

That would make you awkward. Correct but awkward.

I think the main problem with Sonic X was the whole wowness of Sega ran Sonic cartoon and then the first episode came out and it was alright and then it just became more and more about minor characters rather than Sonic(who was sleeping on the roof most of the time) and others.

Sonic X was alright. I don't think it was terrible, mostly dull really.

Posts: 1583
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I don't know 'bout that, he actually seemed a bit more fleshed out in all of his animated incarnations. However his character usually ranged from suckitude(his SatAM incarnation) to jawsome(from what we seen in the Sonic CD animations).

You actually helped DB's point. Even when fleshed out, Sonic is simple. Unless you're making a simple cartoon (which none of the animations have been save the Sonic CD one and the OVA; AoStH is the closest of the long running series), Sonic is going to require a bunch of other characters that take a variety of the spotlight.

That's why I think the only "problem" with the Sonic cartoons is just a matter of taste dealing with what kind of show someone wants: simple or psuedo-complex. While I haven't had a problem enjoying the Sonic animations, the ones I liked the most are the psuedo-complex ones.

Posts: 1789
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Sonic Passion?

Actually, I was thinking more of the 4Kids TV boards. Sonic Passion is so far off in creepy deviancy that even the people who design their Mary Sues/Gary Stus furries and write/draw them in various Sonic fanfiction/fanart seem relatively sane. You will find less mind-busting discussion in the 4Kids TV and Gamefaqs message boards.

Moral of the story, stay far away from Sonic Passion MBs.

Posts: 5772
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**googles Sonic Passion**


Posts: 1984
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Posts: 526
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Tobey's right about Sonic X being better than SatAm.

Now that I have the SatAm box set, there are things which really stand out, which didn't before. Mainly, HOW LAME SONIC IS! OMG those stupid expressions! "We were scootin' and rottin'! Gotta juice!"

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