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ReTURN of a Dream.....
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ReTURN of a Dream... (NiGHTS: Journey of Dreams)

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Sonic Team wouldn't be doing this. Prope (Yuji Nakas side company) would, assuming Naka still holds the rights/Sega give them to him to use, of course.

Correction: Sonic Team WOULD be doing this. Prope WOULDN'T, because Naka's explicitly said he doesn't want the company to do sequels to pretty much ANYTHING he's worked on in the past.


please you guys, can you do any better? no you cant,

sorry but i find it quite annoying when people critisize something they couldent do themselves.

I find it annoying when people use this argument; it's never, EVER a good one. Just because we can't do it doesn't give them a good excuse to half-ass their work.

Posts: 2417
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Yeah, but I think the Sonic Team missed its chance with the Sonic nextgen PS3. They could of made a patch that you can download for free that fixed alot of the problems, instead they gave you "backward super hard modes" that you have to pay for. Besides the fact that its a lesser system to begin with.

Posts: 182
Estimable Member

find it annoying when people use this argument; it's never, EVER a good one. Just because we can't do it doesn't give them a good excuse to half-ass their work

its not their fault sega rushes them,

sega rushed sti for x-treme and guess what? chris got sick and the project was scraped.

the only way any of you can proove me wrong is too form a team get jobs at sega and make a sonic game in one years time on sonics 20th anniversary. well start making youre resums.

Posts: 1127
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For someone who does'nt use correct grammer, you sure do have a smart mouth, Chu Chu.

Posts: 182
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shut up smart ass.

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For the love of God, guys, stop encouraging it.

Posts: 2191
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Even if it turned out great, people would still complain. You know good sequeals don't get the respect they deserve

Posts: 182
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thats true sorry i flew off the handle there, i just got alot of this at the sega boards and sonic stadium and i couldent stand for it much longer.

Posts: 5035
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Uh oh, come on now. Chu Chu, Toby let's settle down. I agree "Good" sequels don't get the credit they should. I guess it kind amakes sense if the prequel was so original and everything the consumers(or critics atleast) would want the next one to be even more original and innovative, which I find quite unfair. Kinda how Armored Core is getting screwed in the recent reviews. I'm almost positive the game is about as perfect as a fantasy mech fighter can be(definetly in comparison to the ones available in the market now) yet it still gets a 7.5 average. They took off points because of the customization. Customization "IS" AC. Oh well, I know i'm a fan of the series and i'm going to get it regardless. I just don't want newcomers to miss out on its(or any other game that they have yet to play) greatness.

Posts: 1573
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From what I hear, the Sonic Robo Blast 2 turned out better than anything Sonic Team's churned out lately.

Posts: 182
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it does look very good iyll have to try and download it.

Posts: 363
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From what I hear, the Sonic Robo Blast 2 turned out better than anything Sonic Team's churned out lately

You know, I snickered at that comment at first, but then I remembered how simple Robo is, which make it really fun. So, you may not be too far from the truth there.

Posts: 2417
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And the real game is still not finished. Sure you can download custom levels and whole games...but that's saying something.

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It's a sad time when an unfinished fan game has better quality than a finished "professional"-made game.

Posts: 182
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like i SAID before could you do any better NO,

you are egging me on and im getting really tired of it please quit.

Posts: 4607
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And like I said, that argument doesn't hold any water.

Posts: 182
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what is ypure deal? why do you always have to be such a smart alec? ive been getting nothing but crap since i got here! lay off all of you or im gonna go get a REAl mod.

Posts: 1355
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Either form substantial rebuttals or hush, please. The endless gfljkh-ing about the decline of Sonic Team and Sega got old years ago but it hasn't gotten any less valid.

Posts: 4607
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Look. You're putting forth an argument in saying that nobody can do better than Sonic Team, right? And isn't the natural thing to do with an argument to respond? Well, that's exactly what I'm doing. It doesn't break any rules. Happens all the time in debates, really.

Seriously, though, getting "a REAl mod" isn't going to get you anywhere. Nobody's broken any rules. Heck, you haven't broken any rules, and contrary to what you're saying, I'm not doing it to "give you crap" (although I am doing it to dissuade you from using a weak argument in favor of findng stronger ones, but that's another story). I'm just moving the discussion along. 'Kay? Have a cookie.

Posts: 2417
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Just for the record, when -will- the official SRB2 be finished?

I hope the good people that made it didn't fall apart from health reasons and stress =(

Posts: 182
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im not saying no one can do better than sonicteam im just telling these "fans" that they cannot do any better wich they cannot, everyone is egging me on.

hell the first time i said i wish sega would make a new system you guys started making of me im sorry but i dont like being made fun of, im new and you guys are making me feel really bad next time think of other peoples feelings before you post something.

Posts: 1758
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please you guys, can you do any better? no you cant,

Alone? Probably not, but I might give it a try. With even a small budget to hire people I could make a game vastly better than STH360, and heck, considering it was a big budget game and widely considered one of the worst wide-market games to come out last year, even the average game company has. Of course it's a matter of opinion; since you liked STH360 you obviously consider it better than most people do.


im not saying no one can do better than sonicteam im just telling these "fans" that they cannot do any better wich they cannot, everyone is egging me on.

People aren't egging you on, but disagreeing with you and backing it up with the example of SRB2. It's a quake mod so I wouldn't call it quite the same, but considering they're doing it with no budget, that excuses them.


hell the first time i said i wish sega would make a new system you guys started making of me im sorry but i dont like being made fun of, im new and you guys are making me feel really bad next time think of other peoples feelings before you post something.

I am considering your feelings, and that's why I'm trying to explain this. Shadow Hog is trying to explain it too. The SEGA system is an in-joke here because of a certain poster. Most people, besides Wonderbat and Toby, aren't making fun of you, but disagreeing.

Posts: 4336
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Link 1

Link 2

Now I'll be able to see what the heck the fuss is about.

Posts: 363
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Wow. Just, wow. :jawdrop

I think my excitement for this game is now on par with the time prior to the Dreamcast's launch with Sonic Adventure. And that is saying a buttload. Holy crap, kids. This is sexcellent.

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Everywhere I've looked, I've seen people say "SPOnG doesn't count", so take it with a grain of salt. It's a rumor until somewhere more trustworthy says otherwise (GameSpot counts, but its Rumor Control doesn't).

For elaboration: Pat L Hedgehog was quite possibly one of the most annoying people I've ever met. He was always making posts about how Nintendo was going to go out of the hardware business because they were losing money with the GameCube (which they weren't; they were the only company that generation to MAKE money with console sales, regardless of how weak they were). Then, around E3 2006 or something, he began ranting about how all three current-gen consoles sucked and nobody would buy ANY of them, and how the console market was going to utterly crash as per 1983. It was here that he began to excessively laud Sega's Lindbergh arcade system, giving it specs it didn't have (such as a 256-bit processor, when the highest we really have is 64-bit, and when the word length of a processor no longer means jack, really) and insisting that Sega was going to come back into the console market (an unprofitable venture) with a console based on it and that, somehow, this would single-handedly avert this "console market crash".

In short, he was a lunatic. We couldn't convince him otherwise, no matter how hard we tried. We got sick of him making all these topics saying the same exact thing (the content of which we made plenty clear that we weren't enthused by). Eventually he took the hint and angrily left.

It was NOT intended to be a jab at you (or at least, certainly only a good-natured one, not one meant to offend). Just him. Still don't really like him. I wonder where he is now?

Posts: 1567
Noble Member

Never ever played Nights but hopefully they'll release it for the VC so I may play it (When I can find a Wii that is)

As for this supposed sequel...well...Sega is really stepping into the fire this time. Do it good and the fans will worship at the throne of Sega. Screw it up will still worship at the shrine of Sega...well the diehards. The rest of them will hate Sega for'd be a very risky card to play for them...

Posts: 5035
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And for my hope in remaining a loyal fan...they can't screw this up. Sega's got a shot here to get noticed. Big time. Let's go Sega!

Posts: 1573
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For Sega's sake, I hope so. Most of my childhood was spent playing Sega games. I hate the state they've fallen in lately. I hope and pray that this game will herald a return to the Sega I once loved. Of course, I had that hope for StH06 as well.

Posts: 2417
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Yeah, but none of the original Sonic Team will be participating. You know, the ones that made the game? The people that will make this will be the ones that made Sonic Rush the odd game out in terms of continuity.

Be aware this could be a cash-in, and their main audience will most likely be the people that heard good of the NiGHTS game itself but could never play it sadly. (someone like me) That and the little kids today who don't know how low their bar was lowered. How can those people compare to the original if they haven't played it? If its a mediocore sequel/remake they will probally like it regardless, and the bar ratio can be then lowered even more until there is a "NiGHTS 06" with all graphics and no gameplay.

Of course if the game is worse than mediocore to the point that it is obvious to the uninformed its a bad game, they might think the original version was a bad game and was overhyped. If that happens then there goes the fanbase.

Posts: 504
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(Blows off dust on her account)

I always wanted to play Nights, but Alas, I discovered that whean the DC was out. But the ONE that worrys me Is - If Sega Team can't make a decent game for there mascot, What whould they do to a one-shot game?

BTW, Love the new background.

Posts: 1241
Noble Member

Well, as I've always said, as long as it's not the Sonic series they are whoring out/screwing up, Sega and their in house companies can make some awesome games (Jet Set Radio, Panzer Dragoon , Shenmue, Virtua Fighter, etc).

Posts: 889
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That's exactly why I still have faith in them. Looking back at what they have achieved brings hope. They just need to pull through this time.

Posts: 1789
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Are the people who worked on Panzer Dragoon & JSR still at Sega or have they jumped ship after the Sammy take-over like the Miz did?

Posts: 1413
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Joystiq has this weird and hilarious viral video made "reportly" by SEGA with a SEGA developer being kidnapped and two Geisha girls "torture" him about an April released.Apparently it may have something to with Nights 2. So....yeah .

Posts: 2417
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Apparently, those comments talk about "Rub Rabbits" and the Wii.

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Posts: 1355
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His sleeves are freaking me out for some reason.

Posts: 1827
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Are the people who worked on Panzer Dragoon & JSR still at Sega or have they jumped ship after the Sammy take-over like the Miz did?

Doesn't appear so. Wikipedia (lolz)doesn't mention Smilebit doing a "Seeds". Surely if 30 odd people left with Mr Rez Man somewhere would have info on it. Thus Wikipedia would have info on it.

Also, I want to believe @ New NiGHTS.

Posts: 2417
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He's...playing an invisible flute?

Posts: 1567
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Is Nights a girl or a guy? Those eyes creep the daylights out of me...

Posts: 2417
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Nights is both...and neither. He's cool like that.

Edit: Why did Shadow Hog lock the other thread? This one despite information (and confirming that Sega was actually working on the game) ...was made 2nd, and shouldn't have even existed as far as it did. What should of happened was a mod or admin would of said "we already have a similar thread about this", post a redirect to the existing thread, and closed it right out. Can you imagine if you guys did a repeat performance of this on all the other times a new duplicate thread happened? Not that I'm angry or ranting, its just that it doesn't seem right.

Posts: 4607
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It. It's cool like that.

No, seriously, the manual doesn't say either way.

Posts: 2417
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Yes, that's a slip on my part...but also I might add that I heard that the proper way to say it if you don't know what gender a person is you would say "he." That would also kinda clear up Omnichao calling NiGHTS a "he" in Riders (or so what I heard)

Posts: 4607
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Yeah, I probably should've locked this one... earlier. By this point this topic's the one with momentum, and as I said in THAT topic, is the one more closely related to the actual sequel (IIRC the other one started as more hypothetical "what if" discussion, whilst this was actively tied to all the rumors of a Wii NiGHTS, particularly those concerned with ONM). That's why I chose this one over that one.

Posts: 2417
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Now lets start a "what if" discussion thread that Fang and Ristar are going to appear in Riders 2 =O

Posts: 889
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Nights looks kind of like a clown in that pic, but some how cool.

Posts: 377
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but also I might add that I heard that the proper way to say it if you don't know what gender a person is you would say "he."

If I lived by that, I'd be in so many personal conflicts.

Posts: 5035
Illustrious Member

Whoa...this might be big. Surely Sega's other divisions will work on this and make it a Hit[maker]. =P I'm just going to lay back and watch as this develops, however. Not going to get too jumpy. I need to play the original anyway.

Posts: 5772
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It's Matador NiGHTS!

Posts: 815
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I've never play the original either... wait... I might have at a demo kiosk... It was harder than hell to control iirc...

Anyways, I just wanted to be an update whore and post the news before someone else :D

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