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Reused BGM (Awesome...
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Reused BGM (Awesome)

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Posts: 534
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Hey, you can either call me slow or retarded, I don't mind.

But today and a few days ago I found out that Sonic Adventure reused a couple BGMs from "Sonic 3D (Gen)".

Fer example, "Twinkle Circuit" uses the same song as the prologue in S3D, and "Green Grove Zone" from S3D shares the same BGM with SA's "Windy Valley 3".

I thought it was really cool when I heard this, but does anyone know of any more? Maybe a few songs from other games that are in SA?

Posts: 899
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Someone once told me that the faster version of Final Egg's tune sounds like a very upbeat version of Emerald Hill's BGM.

You're slow, btw.

Posts: 1355
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I thought Twinkle Circuit used Panic Puppet?

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The intro music and Panic Puppet act 1 are the same, so you're both right.

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Ah, I see.
I listened to Final Egg's song- but neither of them REALLY reminded me of Emerald Hill. But I actually didn't listen to EH, just tried to remember it.

I'll go to HQ's music place and investigate.

But which F.Eg were you talking about?
The One that starts off normal, kinda mechanically-
Or the other one that's like "Dun dun duuun", kinda scary n'stuff?

Posts: 899
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It's the second area for Sonic. It's pretty... blue. And vertical. Sorry, that's the only way I remember it. Haven't played SA in a good while.

EDIT: Listening to the official soundtrack, it's about 38 seconds in where the tune does the Emerald Hill sounding part.

Posts: 622
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Emerald Hill and Dreams of an Absolution both contain parts from Green Hill. Green Hill has also been remade several times (IIRC Sonic Advance 3 has four versions).

A few songs from SA2 were reused/remixed for Shadow's game.

Several short tunes (invincibilities, etc.) are also often reused throughougt the series.

EspioKAOS' site has a page dedicated to this kind of thing.

Posts: 534
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Agh! Whenever I listen to "Dreams of an Absolution" I ALWAYS think of Green Hill Zone!!!

It's the part...
"Something something change the future, but then you'd still control the past".

I'm gonna check out EspioKAOS's site asap.

Posts: 261
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The Sonic games don't reuse/remix classic songs as much as they should. Castlevania and Mario almost always have a tune with a least a little bit of a classic song in there somewhere.

Doing so would kind of link the games together on a different level and also provide newer games with slightly better source material for music

IMHO of course

Posts: 534
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Yeh, I agree. It would be hella nice to hear GHZ in new sonic games. Especcially if they remixed 'em with real instruments and maybe an ORCHESTRA xD!

Posts: 15
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itd be better than the new music they have IMO.
i think instead of the whole "rock n roll" deal there trying to pull, they shud go more towards techno sounding or maybe even classical? iono.

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Thnks for the link, Ace.

That EK has a LOTTA free time on his/her hands o_O -
ah well, it works to the people's advantage ^_^

Posts: 250
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Ha, if they played GHZ in Shadow the Hedgehog, I might have not hated it as much...
(Imagine running through Green Hill or Emerald Hill, stuff)

Posts: 679
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My favourite was always the use of "Toot Toot Sonic Warrior" in Sonic 2 for the Game Gear. I forget which level (one of the variations on a theme of Green Hill, I think). Also Sonic Chaos' Mecha Green Hill was a variation on the Sonic 2 variation...

Yeah, the first time I played Sonic Adventure (or rather, watched a friend play it on his Dreamcast) I was all "Woah! Sonic 3D tunes with better instruments!" My friend wondered what on earth I was talking about.


Posts: 1573
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My favourite was always the use of "Toot Toot Sonic Warrior" in Sonic 2 for the Game Gear. I forget which level (one of the variations on a theme of Green Hill, I think).

You're thinking of Green Hills Zone.

Posts: 261
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when I first heard Sonic Warrior on the SonicCD Jap sountrack I was going crazy because I knew I had heard it before..then it dawned on me

I had a Game Gear for a year or two before I got a Genesis. My parents were of the "We just baught you a Nintendo five years ago" variety so Sonic2 GG was burned into my brain and to this day I love the music from it... even though youknow...the game is rather bad...

Posts: 1573
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True, but Sonic 2 GG will always hold a special place in my heart, since it was the first mainstream video game I played after our 2600 kicked.

Though that ant-lion boss still pwns me the majority of the time.

Posts: 4885
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I love you, Acky-Poo. I used to have that link, back in the days where I was online as much as Ziggles, and then lost it when replacing my laptop. It's good to have again *keeps the link and never loses it again*

Posts: 2809
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Agh! Whenever I listen to "Dreams of an Absolution" I ALWAYS think of Green Hill Zone!!!

It's the part...
"Something something change the future, but then you'd still control the past".

I'm gonna check out EspioKAOS's site asap.

Y'know until now I really couldn't tell how Green Hill and Dreams had anything in commmon. Until someone named JonyAlex on GameFAQs posted a sound file and now I can see how they are similar though I had to listen to it twice to catch the similarities.

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^That is EXCACTLY what I'm talking about!
Tell Jony i said "thanks", ^_^.

Posts: 1758
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WHOAH! Guess who did Dreams of an Absolution?

He put every other Sonic vocal artist and most of the music industry to shame with by far the best singing in a Sonic game. I guess this explains why SoaH had pro-quality remixes of the song with the same vocalist.

Posts: 5772
Illustrious Member

Blast from the past. I remember he posted a topic in MF Central a few years back to 'advertise' his music and got scolded for not posting it in Carnival. D'oh!

Anyway, found an interview.

Posts: 1758
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And people wonder why I step down on excessive scolding. It's really bad, no matter who the person is.


LB: It was a lot of fun, but very hectic. Especially doing 'Rivals', album promo and other remixes simultaneously. The meaning behind DOAA was actually first-hand experience from something I was going through at the time - which was completely unintentional - but with a little extra spin I managed to make it very relevant to Silver and the general game plot of 'changing the past' . I wanted to write it in a way that was relatable as a song so if someone heard the lyrics they wouldn't instantly assume it was written for a character from a video-game.

He was very successful and I got the feeling the lyricist was writing from some experience.

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A dude who posted at THIS forum did "DOAA"?!

O_O. That is very cool.
PLUS he admitted to using GHZ's theme for the bridge! It wasn't a matter of coincidence then!

Kinda like how that one dude who went here went on to draw for the Sonic comic.

Posts: 622
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Kinda like how that one dude who went here went on to draw for the Sonic comic.

More like three fan-artists went on to draw for the comic and one fan-writer now writes it.

Posts: 2417
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Blast from the past. I remember he posted a topic in MF Central a few years back to 'advertise' his music and got scolded for not posting it in Carnival. D'oh!

All I have to say is "oh snap!"

Think what would have happened if he started here differently and we welcomed him with open arms...

This post was really going to remind people about the Sonic 3 music/Micheal Jackson connection that was the buzz months ago, but man...that takes the cake.

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what? Sonic 3 and Micheal Jackson connection?

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That Sega tried to get Jackson to compose the music for Sonic 3, but his first pedophilia scandal came around about the same time so Sega dumped him.

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They wanted Michael Jackson to make Sonic music?

<Imagines Angel Island to the theme of "Thriller">
Hm...might not be that bad =P

Posts: 2417
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Yeah, but the thing is Sega used his staff for Sonic 3. The ones that help write his music, ya know? And there are littered connections to existing MJ music buried in the Sonic 3 Soundtrack, as well as his style and soundbytes.

You know most of them better as the ones that got ax'd on the Sonic & Knuckles Collection PC port.

Posts: 146
Estimable Member

Wow, I can't believe I didn't notice that LeeBro from OCRemix worked for Remix Factory. Figured I woulda caught on sooner, considering I have a few of his remixes... ^^;;
