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ScrewAttack's Best/Worst Sonic Games

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I was pretty sure that this was posted already, but whatever.

This was ScrewAttack's best and worst list of Sonic games.

No.5 Sonic 1
No.4 Sonic Advance 3
No.3 Sonic Adventure (DC)
No.2 Sonic & Knuckles
No.1 Sonic CD

No.5 Sonic 3D
No.4 Sonic the Fighters (Arcade)
No.3 Sonic Shuffle
No.2 Sonic Labyrinth
No.1 Sonic R

I agree with some of it, but others were quite off. I actually liked Sonic R, and Sonic the Fighters wasn't that bad at all. And as I stated before somewhere else, Sonic CD wasn't that great. But that's my opinion.

Posts: 2417
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Funny, I just watched this last night and thought of posting it for a minute but desided against it because I thought it was probally too old.

And yes, I don't agree with the list either.

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No.2 Sonic Labyrinth
No.1 Sonic R


"wether we try to avoide it or not we all ate insects."-sonicsfan1991

Posts: 1984
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I didn't like Sonic R at all (except for that awsome LIVIN IN TEH CITEH song). That game may be the reason I wear glasses now.

But I'm absolutely floored by the fact that Sonic Next isn't on that list. Although they say that their reasoning is that Sonic 3D Blast was made during a time when Sonic came out with good game after good game. And then 3D blast was like hitting a brick wall.

Posts: 1694
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Right, so I guess the guy didn't get Sonic Genesis, I presume.

Posts: 1396
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Heh, it says something when a fandom will get into bigger arguments over which title should be considered the worst rather than the best. 😛

Though I know why, there's so much crap to choose from these days that it's easy to say which Sonic games would be top five.

Posts: 16
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I saw this yesteday aswell. I was surprised they put Sonic R as the wrost as I loved it when it came out and it was really well received at the time getting pretty favourable reviews if I remember correctly. Also surprised with the lack of Sonic 2 in the top 5 and that they picked Sonic Advance 3 as the best handheld, what about Rush?

Also what they were saying about Sonic being before "that weird alligator guy" when Vector was due to be in the Sound test for Sonic amused me.

Posts: 1984
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Oh my god you're right. Why isn't Sonic2 in there? They should look over this list and rethink some things....

Posts: 1396
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Not really, it's their list and their opinions on the games. I mean it's hardly an unjust list, like Shadow being in the best 5 or something. I don't agree with the number one but it's their opinion.

And lets be honest, if they included Sonic 1, 2, CD and Knuckles the only other 2D classic to be included would be 3, and we could call that a top 5, but they obviously enjoyed Advance 3 and Adventure enough to include them, so why complain?

Posts: 1984
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Valid point. Really I just want 3D Blast to be replaced with Sonic Next. But oh well.

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Really I just want Sonic R to be replaced with Sonic Next. But oh well.


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I don't agree with a lot of that, but it's nice to see SAdv3 get a bit of independent recognition as the competent piece of old school throwback that I thought it was when I first played it.

Posts: 1984
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Sonic R had better controls than Sonic Next.

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Funny, I just watched this last night and thought of posting it for a minute but desided against it because I thought it was probally too old.

Ditto, and like everyone else, I really disagree with their #1s. My opinion is very much like Ian's here (oh geez, first what I said in the True Blue topic, and now I admit to liking Sonic R's soundtrack, what have I done?..).

This will be rehashing what's already been said here and at Bumbleking, but:
- No Sonic 2? Is it counted along with Sonic 3 for their no.2 slot (the video says "Sonic and Knuckles w/ Sonic 2 and 3" at the bottom)?
- 3D and Fighters weren't that bad. I quite liked them. And Fighters being easy? Umm..
- StH06 deserves top worst without question.
Also, I like Advance 3 the least of all of the GBA Sonics, but don't hate it.

Am I the only one here that has never seen that alpha-looking, assumedly-SA1 footage that starts at the 27 second mark in that video? Being the gigantic SA1 fan that I am (it's my all time top fave game, even beating S3&K) I am ashamed that I have never seen this before. It looks awesome. Catch that flip off the loop? Nice.

Posts: 1984
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Maybe ScrewAttack did a survey or something from their website alone. Or maybe those two guys came up with this list all on their own?

Posts: 378
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Hmm... Sonic R wasn't too bad IMHO, and I actually liked the music. Seriously. I'm surprised Shadow the Hedgehog and Sonic Heroes didn't make it into the worst 9even though I liked Shadow the hedgehog and thought Sonic Heroes was okay). And i think Sonic Shuffle is just as good as any Mario Party game. And as for the best, Sonic CD was of course going to be number one. Just as I've said with my favorite pairings, I don't give a rat's whisker if 99% of the fans think it was the greatest game since sliced bread (sliced bread was a game?), I think it's overrated and outdated (hops around to dodge flying tomatoes from a booing 4. crowd). I think Sonic Adventure 2/SA2:B should have been on the top 5. In fact...

My top 5:

5. Sonic Riders/Sonic R (tie)
I liked these racing games, and Playing as Super Sonic in Radiant Emerald is always fun (although it does give you an unfair advantage), and Sonic Riders is a good, challenging game (turbulence riding FTW).

4. Sonic Adventure (DC)
A 3D Sonic classic, and a revelation in the Sonic world.

3.Shadow The Hedgehog
I probably love this game due to the endings and songs (Magna-fi FTW) and Shadow's line of "I'm going to destroy this *beaverdam* planet" (not sure if we can say the d word here, despite it being one of the milder swearwords) Cracks me up every time. And the gameplay was pretty fun, too.

2.Sonic the Hedgehog 3 and Knuckles
The only 2D Sonic game that I actually love, due to its 2-player co-op mode (much better than the ones in the 3d games, and better than the one in Sonic 2 because Tails can fly), many levels, and the appearance of Hyper Sonic.

1.Sonic Adventure 2/Sonic Adventure 2: Battle
Choose your side, intro of Shadow and Chaos Control, Best ever Chao gardens, Chao Adventure 2, best sonic 2 player mode, emblems to unlock... the list goes on and on for this gem.

Worst (for the sake of time, I won't elaborate mush, but feel free to question my choices):

5. Sonic the Hedgehog (the first game)
4. Sonic Spinball
3. Sonic 3D blast
2. Sonic and Tails for the Gamegear (or whatever that hang-gliding one was called)
1 WORST. Sonic Rush
Not that I have anything against Blaze, but I just hated this frustrating game.

Never played:
Sonic Rivals 1 and 2
Sonic 360
Sonic Labyrinth

Posts: 4885
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See, this is what I love about Sonic as a fandom, it's so diverse in it's appeal, someone is able to say Sonic Heroes is the best or Sonic Rush is the worst with a straight face and someone can unironically reply that they truly believe the opposite is true.

Am I going to take offense to someone having opposing opinions to me? Heck no. I encourage it. Sometimes it worries me that a good game can be a financial failure and not get investment or sequels (R/Shuffle) when some which I personally deem less worthy get picked up (Riders/Rivals).

Such is the way with franchises. It's beautiful and I never want it to change.

Unless Sonic becomes like Mega Man and all the card games become the most popular titles and the ZX series is reserved for the mid-lower section of most people's lists... but even then, one can argue that it's only because I personally don't like the games and should shut up, least someone point out I'm a MetroidVania fan and my kind killed the old school Vampire Killer fun from the old days.

Aren't franchises awesome?

Posts: 1567
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Spinball seemed like a decent game...a wee bit on the tough side compared to the other Genesis games but oh well. I wouldn't mind another game like it...just way bigger and more well done.

Posts: 1984
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Sonic and Knuckles is like cheating because it adds two more games (sort of) into the top 5. So in a way they do include Sonic 2 in the top 5 best.

EDIT: Craig you are the first person I've ever met who liked Sonic Shuffle. Please tell me what it is you liked. I'm curious. I only liked Shuffles mini games which where all games of chance really.

I on the other hand Like Sonic Riders. Though honestly I'd throw the first game in the trash yet keep Zero Gravity. I'm betting there is going to be a third game one day and I hope they continue to fix problems.

Posts: 4885
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Sonic Shuffle, when 4 player multiplayered by patient people can be a blast. It just makes me sad that they could have made additions to the series which had their own quirk instead of being a Mario Party clone and wouldn't have been broken and destroyed by loading times.

The minigames are fun, that's why I like it. I always wanted to see a second crack at it which didn't screw up in the ways everyone agrees Shuf

Posts: 1758
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5. Sonic Heroes
4. Sonic CD
3. Sonic 1
2. Sonic 2
1. S3&K

SonicNext (I'm not going to bother with an order since I avoided most bad Sonic games)

Posts: 1984
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Sonic Shuffle, when 4 player multiplayered by patient people can be a blast. It just makes me sad that they could have made additions to the series which had their own quirk instead of being a Mario Party clone and wouldn't have been broken and destroyed by loading times.

Heh that might explain some things in my case. I could never find a buddy willing to play Shuffle with me. Not even my sister. XD

Posts: 439
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Heh that might explain some things in my case. I could never find a buddy willing to play Shuffle with me. Not even my sister. XD

I can't even find one person who likes Sonic, let alone a patient person. I envy you all. I've never played any of the multiplayer stuff like Sonic Adventure 2 Battle or whatever Shadow had for multiplayer, although from the looks of it I'm not missing out on much. I only just managed to try Sonic Rush Adventure on wi-fi last week, was kinda fun actually.

Anyway, I don't know who ScrewAttack is, and I don't know why people care what he thinks is the best and worst Sonic games (clearly hasn't played Shadow, HAS he?), but it all comes down to personal opinion, and his opinion is wrong in my opinion. XD

But seriously, Sonic R would've been better if only the controls weren't so tight. I did get used to it after awhile, but I don't blame anyone if they can't be bothered adjusting to it. Sonic Riders also had the tight learning curve that requires you to sit down and just learn through trial and error, which is fine with me because people just get lazy and expect all games to control the same, then they try one and find it's not as simple as their Mario Karts so they throw the controller down and decide the game is bad.

Posts: 4885
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Screwattack is a huge video based game site which hosts the Angry Video Game Nerd series, it's alot more than just a single person. It'd be like Gamespot doing it, but as this is a video it would bug people even more.

If you watch the video they seem to hate Sonic R solely for the music.

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Which is the sole reason I love it, lol.

Posts: 377
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Here's my list.

Best (in no particular order):
1. Sonic 3
2 Sonic & Knuckles
3. Sonic CD
4. Sonic 2
5. Sonic Adventure

Worst (in no particular order):
1. Sonic the Hedgehog (360/PS3)
2. Sonic Riders 1
3. Sonic Riders 2
4. Shadow the Hedgehog
5. Sonic Labyrinth

BTW, I absolutely loved Sonic R. Must be a love it or hate it game.

Posts: 1984
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Anyway, I don't know who ScrewAttack is, and I don't know why people care what he thinks is the best and worst Sonic games (clearly hasn't played Shadow, HAS he?),

No matter how bad or good Shadow the Hedgehog was it couldn't have been counted. You can't play as Sonic.

Posts: 4885
Illustrious Member

Bad logic. Luigi's Mansion and Super Princess Peach are undoubtably Mario games, despite not featuring the title character. They clearly take place in the Mario universe, just as Shadow clearly takes place in the Sonic one.

Posts: 1984
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True. But I'm just going by ScrewAttacks logic since it's their list we're debating. They pretty much said this when they reviewed the worst Mario games. They said you couldn't count "Mario is Missing" because you play as Luigi.

Posts: 4885
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Ah, gotcha. I didn't see their Mario video.

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You can't play as Sonic

But you can!!! As well as the other secondary level characters, including Maria.

Well, all except Black Doom and Eggy.

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...and Charmy

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...and Charmy

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What.... THE HELL... was that after the snippet of Spinball?

Seriously, what on earth is that? Some SA1 prototype? I've never seen it before and here it is on their list video.

Posts: 1984
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yeah thats baffling. All that footage should be from fully completed games. Not prototypes, right?

Posts: 4607
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This question actually also came up at The GHZ, too... it's Sonic GL, a fangame.

Yes, they put a fangame into their montage of official games. Further proof that ScrewAttack barely researched this at all.

Posts: 1984
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Well here is a bundle of videos.

Honestly I never heard of this until now.

And the guy's website. Of course GL is canceled. Even if it wasn't, Sega would have caught scent eventually and forced him to stop.

Posts: 1058
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Hm? Fangames aren't uncommon. I don't know of any Sega had thrown into a volcano. Also, muchos lol @ ScrewAttack

"wether we try to avoide it or not we all ate insects."-sonicsfan1991

Posts: 1396
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I thought SEGA were always very happy with all the fanwork and the like. They don't even get angry at emulation, iirc.

Posts: 1355
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Back when the Sonic Advance 3 beta was leaked, they cruised the internet for ROM sites, requesting it be taken down. To my knowledge, they didn't mention a thing about the other games hosted on any of the sites.

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To be fair I don't think anyone would like to see the early version of a game leaked before it's even out...can set a bad impression due to it's unfinished nature and will cost the company.

Other than that though, I'm sure I read somewhere that SEGA actually doesn't mind emulation, though this might have been back when Sonic Mega Collection was announced.

Posts: 1355
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Don't get me wrong - my point is that they left the other games alone, not that they went after the beta. I didn't notice much difference between the beta and the final, though.

Posts: 1396
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Ah right :)

Posts: 1984
Noble Member When I saw this it made me laugh. Much different from the Best and Worst Sonic games choices though.


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