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Sega to put Sonic console games on hiatus.

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From 1up "Sega to revise Sonic"

I hope this doesn't include portable outings, but I'm glad they're doing this. They realize the 3-D games have been somewhat decent to complete suckage, and they need to try a new angle at making the Sonic games. So, no more Sonic adventure style Sonic games.

Looks like Mario and Sonic is going to be it for awhile.

Posts: 1355
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This is great, but the "reinvention" angle has been toted before. Hopefully this time it has meaning, and it seems like it does, what with the break and all. Come on Sega, you can do it. Make the Sonic franchise proud again.

Posts: 1567
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Reinvent? Again? Except for Sonic Adventure and perhaps Sonic Heroes, Sonic in 3D hasn't been the best. I'd say they adopt the Castlevania approach and release more games in 2D...

Posts: 889
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If sonic 2k6 is doing as good as he said than why are they trying to change sonic?
I just hope they don't change him too much.

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It doesn't sound to me that Sonic and Mario will be it nor does it sound like we won't have other Sonic games; to me, it sounds like Sonic is going to appear only on Nintendo's system for awhile probably because they see how well it does on them. Maybe Miyamoto-san will be more involved with the Sonic games; dare I say Sega may make Sonic a Nintendo exclusive franchise from now on or at least the near future.

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"If sonic 2k6 is doing as good as he said than why are they trying to change sonic?"

Because despite it being a commercial success, it was critically panned, along with Shadow, and SA2. Sega realizes that they can't just sit on thier laurels and expect the kids and Sonic fanboys to keep the franchise going. They need to make the Sonic games as good as they once were. If that means completly dumping the "adventure" style of play, then I'm all for it.

I like tornadot's idea. Castlevania was horrible when it moved to 3-D no matter what they did to it, then they brought it back to 2-D and made the castles large and explorable. Now the Castlevania series is better than it's ever been.

First thing they need to do is dump Sonic Team. The Japanese don't seem to care about Sonic anymore, so maybe they should have his games developed at Sega of America. Americans and Europeans are much bigger fans of Sonic than the Japanese these days.

How about keeping him in 2-D and giving him to a developer who can do 2-D better than anyone? Like, say...Treasure? (Are they even still around?)

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Sonic Adventure 2 was PANNED? From what I heard, the majority of critics liked the game a lot. There were a few who were disappointed too.

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Sonic 360 wasn't a success, IIRC it sold smack in the middle of the "mediocre" range.

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Yeah, I'm not so sure that it actually moved even 500,000 units worldwide. Though it is possible that it made just barely enough to recoup the cost, or just saving face of not admiting that it was a financial dud for a Sonic game.

Also his statement could be interperated that they weren't planning on putting new Sonic games on the 360 and PS3 any time soon. Wii would probably be exempted besides the Mario/Sonic crossover game.


First thing they need to do is dump Sonic Team. The Japanese don't seem to care about Sonic anymore, so maybe they should have his games developed at Sega of America.

Sonic Team USA was responsible for Shadow and Sonic 2K6. So no thanks. =P

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And they're busy with NiGHTS - which isn't exactly comforting, but then, NiGHTS is a VERY different formula from Sonic, so who knows how it'll turn out?

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"Sonic Team USA was responsible for Shadow and Sonic 2K6. So no thanks. =P"

Ooooh. Didn't know that. NM then.

Posts: 363
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It sounds to me like they're a bit more serious about reinventing this time, because they have finally realized the more recent Sonic games haven't been exactly stellar.

I never thought I'd say this, but with M&S Olympics coming up, maybe Sega will take some advice from Nintendo on how to make games amazing from beginning to end. Then again, I never thought I'd be talking about a game with both Mario and Sonic in it... but times change.

Posts: 120
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Does anybody else think this could be a possible April Fools Joke? Although it isn't shocking enough to be April Fools worthy I guess...

Posts: 5035
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Hahahha an April Fools joke about not making anymore Sonic games for awhile. That would be the ultimate joke. *shot*

Posts: 1619
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I don't think it's a joke, more like a "we're Nintendo exclusive for the time being" announcement, since the games that've gone relatively well recently have been on Nintendo consoles.

That and the Olympic game'll probably keep them tied up for awhile, so I'm not surprised. I doubt this hiatus will last more than a year, though that's me.

Posts: 1758
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The multi-platform Sonic games have generally sold best on GameCube, too.

Posts: 1827
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I do hope Sega know that just because its on a Nintendo console doesn't mean that its automatically better.

The games themselves have just been a better quality.

Posts: 2016
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That's one of the best news SEGA's put out in ages.

Posts: 189
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[qoute]Sonic Team USA was responsible for Shadow and Sonic 2K6. So no thanks. [qoute]

Sonic Team USA was responsible Shadow, Heores, and SA2, not Sonic 2k6. Sonic sk6 was done by the Sonic Team of Japan.

Posts: 377
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How many times are they going to "reinvent" Sonic?

Just leave him alone and make a good game. StH 06 would've been great if they tested it to the ground, and made necessary changes to get a fun-experience out of it.

I don't know if we'll ever get anymore high-end Sonic 3D games like the Adventure series.

Posts: 1789
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Sonic Team USA was responsible Shadow, Heores, and SA2, not Sonic 2k6. Sonic sk6 was done by the Sonic Team of Japan.

Where did you get this info? Everything I heard about it was that it was made by Sonic Team USA.

Posts: 377
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I don't know where he got everything else, but if you check out SEGA's website, regarding Sonic the Hedgehog 06:

"Sega Studios - Japan" is listed as the developer.

Posts: 273
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I do so hope they seriously reexamine what worked and didn't work with the 3D series. Here's hoping...

But I am really, really starting to hate and everything around there is becoming anti-Sonic and 2D purist. First, they produce an article that associates all Sonic fans with the furry fetishists, then they print this article with a picture of Sonic in drag, and nearly all the comments below boiled down to either "Sonic should go back to 2D" or "Sonic should just die now". That is why I have no intention on resubscribing to EGM, and I would really like to meet some of those users in a dark alley somewhere...:">

Posts: 1789
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I think you need to stay off the internets if you get so worked up on people's opinion that you wish to beat them up.

Also Sonic should die, with his final game featuring him in drag!

And other than Sonic Team USA, does Sega of America actually produces games anymore? I was under the impression that they mostly publish and translates Sega and other developers' games.

Posts: 378
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*Sigh*, if only "revising" Sonic ment brining back Fang/Nack.

Yeah, I guess I really do have a one-track-mind when it comes to revamping Sonic games...

Posts: 273
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I think you need to stay off the internets if you get so worked up on people's opinion that you wish to beat them up.

Also Sonic should die, with his final game featuring him in drag!

And other than Sonic Team USA, does Sega of America actually produces games anymore? I was under the impression that they mostly publish and translates Sega and other developers' games.

Well when people assault Sonic the way they do at 1up, it's like they're all stating that the past twelve years of my life were a waste of time, money, energy, and affection. I don't take that well, and I have physically harmed someone who's said that in the past. What these people don't understand, is that the problems they're all complaining about...the characters, the story, the side missions, are not the real problem. It's the fundamental gameplay that needs retooling. Here's hoping this hiatus helps Sega realize that.

And I hope you're joking with that second statement...

And outside of Sonic Team, Sega still has AM2. SoA has become more of a publisher, though. That era began, I believe, the moment Simon Jeffrey took the helm.

Posts: 4607
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And I hope you're joking with that second statement...

I thought it was obvious sarcasm, myself.

Posts: 1789
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Well when people assault Sonic the way they do at 1up, it's like they're all stating that the past twelve years of my life were a waste of time, money, energy, and affection. I don't take that well, and I have physically harmed someone who's said that in the past. What these people don't understand, is that the problems they're all complaining about...the characters, the story, the side missions, are not the real problem. It's the fundamental gameplay that needs retooling. Here's hoping this hiatus helps Sega realize that.


You physically harmed people because they bad-mouthed a friggin' CARTOON CHARACTER?!

For your sake, I hoped this occured when you were under 12 years old.

People slam things I hold dear to all the time, but I still don't get the urge to punch people's lights out because of their opinions no matter how valid or misinformed they are, and I consider myself more emotionally sensitive than others. At the most, I'll just roll my eyes.

But seriously stay away from the internets. It's not like isn't the only place that you will find anti-Sonic sentiment on the web.

Posts: 377
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3d sonic sucks.

Posts: 1127
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You know ALL about that, don't you? =p

Posts: 273
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I physically harmed a distant cousin last legal action was taken. And I have no intention of staying off the internet, and I have every intention of countering the a**holes out there with counter arguements of my own. Should I ever meet one of these people in real life though, well I can't promise a discussion that doesn't end in a black eye or bloody nose....

Posts: 5772
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Good lord...

Posts: 1694
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Physically harming someone over a video game?

Posts: 1789
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Assuming Erinaceus is over 16...

He has some anger management/fanaticism issues he needs to work on,

or he's a joke character.

It's times like these, I wish I had the power to assign tags, unexpectedly to board members.

Posts: 363
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Jack Thompson would love this.

Posts: 3468
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Oh. I thought that was a joke. ^^;

Posts: 273
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I'm nearly 20...and believe me...the guy had it coming for a long time.

Forget that the arguement was about a cartoon character for a would you feel if someone was deliberately aggravating you for a hobby you've had for the last twelve years...if that person called you a loser and ragged on you time and again for it...claiming that the last dozen years you spent on that hobby were a waste of time, money, energy and affection?

Then finally, this guy said that the only reason I ever got into Sonic was because I had homosexual feelings for him. Now in my book, that that was crossing the line between having an assinine opinion and asking for it. So I slugged him. I don't have any anger management issues; the guy deserved it, even his friends admitted as much. And I would probably do the same thing to anyone else pestering me in a similar way.

Posts: 377
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Then this guy said that the only reason I ever got into Sonic was because I had homosexual feelings for him. Now in my book, that that was crossing the line between having an assinine opinion and asking for it. So I slugged him.

Was that really the best action to do?

You should seriously learn some self-discipline. Violence is the last approach to anything you should do, and if your body, or someone elses, isn't threatened, you shouldn't do it at all. Doing actions like that is just going to get you into some trouble into the future.

Just to warn you. I can't control your actions, but that's just out-of-this-world what you did.

Posts: 273
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Believe me, violence is the only way this guy ever learns anything. It was not the first time he got slugged; he's left me alone, but he's probably already on someone else's case now. There are other people out there like him, and I wouldn't blame anyone for having a momentary lapse in judgement and resorting to violence on such idiots. And reading the asinine comments from the online idiots strikes the same nerve in me that my distant cousin struck.

Posts: 363
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So um, I don't even know how to bring this back on topic....

Sonic console games..... gee atleast that doesn't include cell phone games. Woo wee.

Posts: 609
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I know how to bring this topic back, and it has to do with having...


Trust me, it's the way to go.

Posts: 378
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But that alone is insufficient.

Posts: 99
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Which is why we'll have to work together

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Posts: 189
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The power of teamwork always helps.

Someone asked me where I got the information. Simple, ShtH, SH, and SA2 were all headed under Takashi Iizuka. Iizuka is head of Sonic Team USA. His branch of ST moved to San Fransico dring the SA2 development. The name was later changed to Sega Studios USA for some reason. S2k6 was done by Shun Nakamura. He's part of the ST of Japan. I remember because when S2k6 was announced, there was a little excitement Iizuka was heading the game.

Posts: 609
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Yeah, I told someone that Sonic Team USA's name was changed to Sega Studios USA, but I ended up telling him that I was probably looking over that fact wrong. When was it confirmed of the name change?

Posts: 273
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I remember because when S2k6 was announced, there was a little excitement Iizuka was heading the game.

Something about that sentence doesn't sound right. I don't believe Iizuka had much to do with S2K6, so did you mean thea "there was a little excitement that Iizuka was not heading the game?"

Posts: 189
Estimable Member

Yeah, I'm a horrible typer. Anyway, What I meant was since Iizuka's obvious screw ups with the games, there was some relief in the Sonic fandom that Nakamura was heading the game. Of course, that didn't help much either.

Posts: 308
Reputable Member

This is great news. So long as they bring him back, I'm all for a little change. ^__^
