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Sega working on "real" Sonic game

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Posts: 981
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Rumors from SEGA says that they are working on a "real" Sonic game.


the lackluster performance of Sonic the Hedgehog hasn't deterred Sega; they're already hard at work at another "real" Sonic game. 2D, please!

Oh dear. I don't know whether to be excited or worried. So, are we delaying the inevitable? A new console game was bound to come soon enough. I just wonder if they have actually worked on their mistakes (depending if the rumors are true). I really don't know what to say. I'm just hoping for once that a new platform will be good this time around.

Posts: 2191
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Oh boy a new Sonic game is announced. I can't wait to play it next month. XD

Posts: 2723
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How much you wanna bet everyone's favorite raccoon from SRA makes a 3D appearance in some sort of playable (or nonplayable) appearance? It was the same with Cream and Blaze, so why not her?

Posts: 5772
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Still waiting for last months Skies of Arcadia sequel rumour to come true, Quartermann! 😮

Posts: 1789
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^Ditto, that's the only Sega game rumor that should matter.

Posts: 124
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I know that the Secret Rings didnt get that good of ratings, but i wish people would stop bashing the "lackluster" Sonic 360 and at least mention that a decent game followed ony a few months after.

Posts: 1789
Noble Member

People will keep slamming Sonic 2K6 because it was profoundly bad major gameconsidering how great the series was in the past.

I found Secret Rings to be mediocre, but even if that game was great, it still would not stop folks from bashing the crap games before it.

Posts: 889
Prominent Member

I used to defend sonic 2k6 as a pretty good game, but looking at the quality of mario galaxy; I can only say I'm ashamed.

Posts: 5035
Illustrious Member

Oh lord no. Sega please don't. Stop with Sonic. Give us, JSR, VO, and Shenmue. These are the games we want...Sonic, from my standpoint,...not so much. *sighs* They'll get it someday. I hope.

Posts: 5772
Illustrious Member

So... anyone wanna take a guess at what DBZ arc or plot point they'll be inspired with next?

-Darker, brooding version of main character who's a villain but then does a 180 and becomes anti-hero? Check.

-Youth from apocalyptic future with similar features/powers of hero/anti-hero pair travels back in time to warn of impending doom/alter the past? Check.

-Big Bad who aspires to become a "perfect" version of itself by collecting the appropriate materials through absorption? Double Check.

I miss anything?

Posts: 432
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...They should do a "Dukes of Hazzard" plot-style sonic game.

Posts: 1241
Noble Member


^Ditto, that's the only Sega game rumor that should matter.

Shenmue? Panzer Dragoon? Jet Set Radio? Project Rub? C'mon Ashide. I expected better from you. :p

Posts: 1789
Noble Member

Their hasn't been any Quartermann's rumors for those games lately, Gyser. :cuckoo

Posts: 189
Estimable Member

I think we all know what's going to happen. SEGA's going to overhype it, claim to go back to the Genesis roots, have some terrible story with 500+ new characters, and it's going to suck horribly. For SEGA, if it's broke, don't fix it, make it even more worse, and make the fanbase hate you even more.

On a side note, a new Skies of Arcadia would own.

Posts: 1376
Noble Member

Wait. Silver was a youth? He looked to be like...90.


Posts: 1984
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It's hard to predict another JSR. Smilebit was absorbed back into Sega when Sega merged with Sammy.

Posts: 273
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Geez...the amount of pessimism around here concerning what's essentially an unfounded rumor started by the king of unfounded rumors in the gaming press is startling. All I can say, is that if the rumor does pan out to be true (and it likely will eventually be true at some point), then I hope it's a 3D console sequel that they actually put some real time, money, effort, and talent into, as opposed to some off-the-assembly-line DS/PSP follow-up.

As for all the hatred carried towards all things 3D Sonic around the net...any "fan" who wants the series to stay confined in two dimensions is no fan...they're just a 2D purist who's stuck in 1994. I hate these kinds of people. I so want to caugh wildly on these people...

(I just got over the flu...I am contagious and do not apologize.)

Posts: 4607
Famed Member


Geez...the amount of pessimism around here concerning what's essentially an unfounded rumor started by the king of unfounded rumors in the gaming press is startling. All I can say, is that if the rumor does pan out to be true (and it likely will eventually be true at some point), then I hope it's a 3D console sequel that they actually put some real time, money, effort, and talent into, as opposed to some off-the-assembly-line DS/PSP follow-up.

As for all the hatred carried towards all things 3D Sonic around the net...any "fan" who wants the series to stay confined in two dimensions is no fan...they're just a 2D purist who's stuck in 1994. I hate these kinds of people. I so want to caugh wildly on these people...

(I just got over the flu...I am contagious and do not apologize.)

To be blunt, I find your accusation insulting. While I don't think it's impossible to have the series work in 3D (Sonic Robo Blast 2 works pretty damn well, and that's fanmade - imagine a professional game with gameplay of that quality), I definitely would like to see a proper 2D sequel to the originals, running on one of the newer consoles. In fact, considering the quality of what we've been getting, I'd prefer it, even if just once.

But does that make me a 2D purist who's stuck in 1994? Does it really? Yes, I'd enjoy a 3D game, but we all know Sega would base it off of the extremely flawed Sonic Adventure design, which dictates linear paths over bottomless pits and various extra characters tossed in because they can be, and I know I speak for more than myself when I say we're getting tired of it. It's possible that Sega might surprise us, too, but the only way Sega's really been surprising me as of late, Sonic-wise, is how little regard they have for the series any longer, tossing him into game X, compilation Y, spin-off Z, just to make a quick buck. To them he's nothing but a tired cashcow to be milked for all it's worth, quality be damned, so when it comes to 3D, why break from tradition? Even if tradition sucks...

Of course, the same argument could be used against my 2D desires, as well; but, well, that was my dream, not my expectation. It'd probably come out more like Sonic Rush, which was good, but personally, it wasn't my cup of tea. Speed was the gimmick originally; Rush took it and made it the primary focus, and while I agree it worked, it didn't feel anywhere near as deep as the original games did. I don't replay games for time attacks much, see, and that's about all the depth Rush had; the originals had hidden items, various extra forms, unique paths per character, this, that and the other thing, despite being somewhat more barebones than the newer games. It's rather funny, actually, how that is...

Anyway, I'm rambling, I'll admit... but, regardless of how little the above argument has to do with this statement, I'll just point out that wanting a 2D game has nothing to do with being a "2D purist stuck in 1994", it has to do with desiring something that worked, something that honestly didn't have to die out when the advent of 3D occurred. 2D can be every bit as beautiful and engaging as the latest 3D games are, but for whatever reason (my guess is cost efficiency), they've more or less died out as of late. Is it wrong to wish that that wasn't the case? Don't think I dislike the 3D games, of course - I really, really love many of them - but there was no reason that 2D can't keep on existing, especially when some franchises (ignoring the Sonic aspect entirely) just work better in 2D than they would with an extra dimension. I just desire the sorts of games I used to dream about as a youngster, and I don't really give a damn if you think 2D died in 1994, as I, and presumably many others, still feel there's a market for it now in 2007. That's all.

Posts: 2398
Noble Member

They don't want 2d, they want 3d that doesn't look like something a basement dweller threw it together with a game maker and farted it out onto the internet.


Posts: 1055
Noble Member


All I can say, is that if the rumor does pan out to be true (and it likely will eventually be true at some point), then I hope it's a 3D console sequel that they actually put some real time, money, effort, and talent into, as opposed to some off-the-assembly-line DS/PSP follow-up.

Breath-holding is not advised. :crazy

Seriously though... it is possible for a new, and good 3D console game to exist. SA2/SA2 Battle was on the right track, with a working stable engine that made it possible to play without randomly falling through the floor. It had issues, yeah, but nowhere close to the godawful glitchyness of Shadow or Sonic 360.

So, COME ON, Sega. Make something using SA2 and further refine the engine... that is if you guys didn't throw it all away.

Posts: 273
Reputable Member

To be blunt, I find your accusation insulting.

Why would you be insulted? I was aiming that comment at the people who won't accept the franchise in any form in 3D, rant idiotically about the modern character design, or don't acknowledge the series' existence after Sonic & Knuckles. Those are the patetic, closed-minded 2D purists I wouldn't think twice about giving my flu to. At least you acknowledge the series can work in 3D.

As far as your comments regarding Sonic Robo Blast 2 being so darned great, well, I haven't personally played it, but from the footage I've seen of it, I'm not terribly impressed. It's fine for what a fan and their limited resources can accomplish, but I don't think it's something to base a larger endeavor on.

Posts: 1789
Noble Member


Why would you be insulted? I was aiming that comment at the people who won't accept the franchise in any form in 3D, rant idiotically about the modern character design, or don't acknowledge the series' existence after Sonic & Knuckles. Those are the patetic, closed-minded 2D purists I wouldn't think twice about giving my flu to. At least you acknowledge the series can work in 3D.

I find it annoying that you determine who is a true Sonic fan or not based on your elitist standards. Maybe those folks who refuse to acknowledge Sonic games past S&K might have played the 3D games and were not impressed at all, and they never gave it any thought that Sonic could work in 3D properly because for nearly ten years now it never clicked with them at all. Or it could be *gasp* that they are not a fan of 3D platformers--seeing that 2D and 3D platformers play differently. Heck, there are some Mario fans who loved the 2D games who hated the 3D ones...but I wouldn't call them less of fan or accuse them of being purists.

Posts: 419
Honorable Member


So... anyone wanna take a guess at what DBZ arc or plot point they'll be inspired with next?

-Darker, brooding version of main character who's a villain but then does a 180 and becomes anti-hero? Check.

-Youth from apocalyptic future with similar features/powers of hero/anti-hero pair travels back in time to warn of impending doom/alter the past? Check.

-Big Bad who aspires to become a "perfect" version of itself by collecting the appropriate materials through absorption? Double Check.

I miss anything?

Giant pink bubble gum monster that turns Amy into an egg and squishes her.

....though in all honesty I'd rather that sort of thing happen to Elise or Marine.

Posts: 1789
Noble Member

I don't think we have to worry about Elise showing up in this series anymore. *knocks on wood*

...Marine on the other hand...

Posts: 4885
Illustrious Member

Oh dear Geddy Lee.

Marine in a 3d game means VOICE ACTING.


Posts: 1127
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Should not want, but do.

Posts: 981
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gonintendo has picked up the rumor as well.

Posts: 4885
Illustrious Member

Knowing Sega, we'll be hearing something soon.

I still say they should be doing more to ride the Smash hype. Wasting it on the Olympic game seems a wasted opportunity. The market's open to them, Sonic's on people's lips again.


Posts: 488
Honorable Member

No platforms at all this time! It'll be a skydiving game!

Posts: 2723
Famed Member

Marine in a 3D game means she would be following suit with Cream and Blaze as far as 1st and second appearances go:

- Cream's debut was in Sonic Advance 2, and her subsequent appearance was in the next 3D game, Sonic Heroes.

- Blaze's first appearance was in Sonic Rush, as we also know. Her second appearance was in the following 3D game Sega churned out, Sonic2k6.

The only difference here is that Cream and Blaze were playable characters in their respective first games, and Marine is not. If she were to appear in the next game, the question would be whether or not if she would be playable. If she IS playable, then what abilities would she have?

The key word in all this is "IF."

Posts: 2016
Noble Member


No platforms at all this time! It'll be a skydiving game!

Into bottomless pits. D=

Posts: 2097
Noble Member

Well at least it will have a good lifespan. 😀

Posts: 4885
Illustrious Member


No platforms at all this time! It'll be a skydiving game!

Into bottomless pits. D=

Genocide City 3d! :D

Posts: 4607
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Complete with the same repeating tile for a background?

Posts: 273
Reputable Member

I find it annoying that you determine who is a true Sonic fan or not based on your elitist standards.

I'm the elitist just because I make an informed opinion on the subject as opposed to some of the anti-3D rants from the idiots on the gaming blogs? Just read their posts, and one can tell that these crap-spewers haven't played a single Sonic game post-Genesis (They even acknowledge that they haven't), and that they oftentimes seem to be completely unaware of the existence of the handheld games.

Posts: 1789
Noble Member

You seem to assume that everyone who critisize the Sonic games post S&K never, ever played any of those games(never mind for the fact that SA1/SA2/SH and the Advances were big sellers at the time). That's the feeling I got from your first post.

Posts: 2398
Noble Member

Erin, you seem to be missing the point.

Ashide is trying to say that your post came across as a blanket mudsling saying everyone that doesn't like the 3d Sonic games is some raving retro junkie that only plays 2d side-scrolling games from the 80's.

If that was your intent in that post, it was insulting and asinine. If not you need to clarify the meaning of your post.

I would assume you meant you dislike the retro gamers trashing games solely because they are 3D.

Most people here don't consider the number of dimensions a game has a large factor in whether or not it is a good game. When the majority of our users same the 3D games sucked they are refering to cookie cutter characters, glitchy gameplay, plots that belong on, and marketing ploys even adolescents find demeaning. Not 3D=SUX.


Posts: 981
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I'm the elitist just because I make an informed opinion on the subject as opposed to some of the anti-3D rants from the idiots on the gaming blogs? Just read their posts

Well, are we them? Were you addressing to someone here? Nobody mentioned that directly, and honestly, spewing out something like "any "fan" who wants the series to stay confined in two dimensions is no fan" is completely degrading when (often times) 2-D Sonic does much better than 3-D.

Posts: 1827
Noble Member

Am I alone in not caring whether or not the next Sonic game is going to be 2D or 3D?

Just so long as its good.

And has Chemical Plant Zone.

Posts: 363
Reputable Member

I never thought I'd say this, but maybe Sega should take a few pointers from Nintendo. Mario Galaxy is a genuine Mario sequel, and how long ago did Sunshine come out? Perhaps Sega should do the same thing, in other words, put some time into the game. It's not like every Sonic game's development has to match his speed.:jester

But no, John, you are not the only one indifferent on the topic of 2D or 3D. I want quality over it as well. And perhaps Chemical Plant.

Posts: 1984
Noble Member

lol it's coming out tomorrow.

Posts: 1396
Noble Member

You're not, John...though I was hoping Hydro City the music. <.<

Posts: 1694
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I have to admit, I'd love to see Sunset Park in 3D, with an orchestral remix of the Pre-boss theme.

Posts: 273
Reputable Member

You seem to assume that everyone who critisize the Sonic games post S&K never, ever played any of those games(never mind for the fact that SA1/SA2/SH and the Advances were big sellers at the time). That's the feeling I got from your first post.

Of course I don't assume that...but these people are for the most part ill-informed dip-heads who, speaking strictly from a critical and commercial standpoint are wrong.

Yes, I dislike the people who don't acknowledge the series' existence after 1994, because that is just downright ignorance and arrogance. They can say that they're fans, but they're not.

Posts: 5035
Illustrious Member

Not funny, D B. lol But yes Chemical Plant. PWEASE. :)

Posts: 4607
Famed Member

Bull. You can be a fan of Sonic without having to acknowledge that the series was any good after a certain game (and thus, as far as you care, no longer "exists"). You can still get a lot of enjoyment out of the games from his golden years and yearn for more. That's enough to be a fan of the series in my book.

Seriously, your mudslinging is getting VERY irritating. I'd advise you to stop it now before it goes over the line.

Posts: 1446
Noble Member

Exactly. If someone loved the first Matrix movie, and hated the other two - which is the case for many many people (although not myuself) - you could not say they were any less a fan than someone who liked all three.

Posts: 273
Reputable Member

I'd advise you to stop it now before it goes over the line.

In the words of a favorite comedian/pundit of mine "The only thing worse than crossing the line is not even approaching the line". I don't think that Matrix analogy is completely valid. Anyone who dismisses a sequel outright just for trying something a little different, or doesn't acknowledge a series' existence after a certain point cannot claim to have an informed opinion on the subject as a whole. In short, anyone who talks about something without either experiencing it or having a bias against it while experiencing it is not making an arguement...they are just ranting from their rectums.

Posts: 4885
Illustrious Member


Who are these people?

Given that you're so angrily and passionately arguing about them, I'd like to... you know... meet one?

Because I've not meet anyone who says the series doesn't exist after S3&K, and the way you're arguing angrily about "you elitists", it's clear you're under the dellusion that these people are on the MoFo.

Infact, your initial rant was "I hate the pessimism here" and then into "I hate elitists!"

Which means you're accusing practically every one of us of being such.

Little tip: When you make stupid wild accusations and fling them out at anyone reading, they have a tendancy to get annoyed about it.


If anyone's counting, my pessimism comes from over 10 years of articles which more or less say Sonic Team has grown into some big bloated egotistical monster which needs to shut up, listen and do some damned qualtiy assurance.

And the parent company needs to stop making unreasonable demands of them.

Posts: 273
Reputable Member

Because I've not meet anyone who says the series doesn't exist after S3&K, and the way you're arguing angrily about "you elitists", it's clear you're under the dellusion that these people are on the MoFo.

I wasn't talking about anyone here, Craig. I was referring to the dolts who post the nonstop barrage of "Sonic Sux! Sonic should stay 2D! Sonic is just fodder for the furries now!" comments on the gaming blogs, and those on the general gaming boards of the big gaming sites. They are the idiots. I was ranting against them...not anyone here specifically.

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