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Sega working on "real" Sonic game

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Posts: 4885
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Doesn't stop the fact that you said all that directly after ranting about the "pessimism here".

Ranting about the people here and segwaying into a harsh stereotype like that would make any rational person think you're referring to the pessimists as elitists.

Intended or not, that's how it came off.

Posts: 2191
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Only in the Sonic series, you can find that fans can bicker with each other about where a series should/would end?

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Quote: Sonic V2

Only in the Sonic series, you can find that fans can bicker with each other about where a series should/would end?

Not only the Sonic series, I'm afraid. Oh the fun you can have on the Mortal Kombat forums.

So guys, Anyone else looking forward to playing as Shadow?

I do hope they actually do something with Metal Sonic though. He just seems wasted appearing in Rivals all the time.

Posts: 1789
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I wasn't talking about anyone here, Craig. I was referring to the dolts who post the nonstop barrage of "Sonic Sux! Sonic should stay 2D! Sonic is just fodder for the furries now!" comments on the gaming blogs, and those on the general gaming boards of the big gaming sites. They are the idiots. I was ranting against them...not anyone here specifically.

Again, you don't think those "dolts" as you put it don't know of the later games or haven't tried them? A few of those "dolts" are the ones whose jobs are to play all of these Sonic games and review them as a profession.

Let me guess, you also get butthurt when you glance at Something Awful's articles about Sonic.

Posts: 273
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Again, you don't think those "dolts" as you put it don't know of the later games or haven't tried them? A few of those "dolts" are the ones whose jobs are to play all of these Sonic games and review them as a profession.

Let me guess, you also get butthurt when you glance at Something Awful's articles about Sonic.

A lot of the "dolts" as I put it have admitted to not touching any of the post-Genesis Sonic titles...with givaway comments like "I'm sure glad I stopped playing his games after the Genesis died." As for the "professional" least they still play the games, but you can tell they have their preconceived, stuck-in-the-Genesis-era notions about the games when they play too. I can't stand 1up's Jeremy Perish, for example, because you can tell immediatly in his reviews where his beliefs lie. He's against Sonic doing anything but running nonstop from start to finish. He's one of many under the misguided notion that speed is the single, central pillar of the Sonic foundation. That the platfoming, collecting, combat, and level exploring are all just filler.

And I don't go to SomethingAwful...probably for the better.

And I don't think it's hypocritical to rant against pessimissm with a pessimistic rant. My pessimism is intended to counter the ill-willed pessimissm, not to beget it.

Posts: 1789
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As for the "professional" least they still play the games, but you can tell they have their preconceived, stuck-in-the-Genesis-era notions about the games when they play too.

I think Shadow Hog already mentioned this, but it's probably because the Genesis games were of higher quality than the 3D ones so far. I mean the real big grievence in design at that time was that lousy barrel in Sonic 3. There was never any complaints about broken cameras, game ruining glitches, unfun game modes, etc. back then.

And I don't let Parish get to me. He dislikes other games that I like and I just laugh at or with his opinion depending on if he has valid critism.

Posts: 1694
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Personally, I don't give a rip about what the professionals think about a game. I can't name many right off hand, but I've seen games that I love get abyssmal scores, and games that I don't like get exalted.

Case in point, nearly every pro I've read gave Sonic Shuffle an average to low score. I personally enjoyed the game, and I still get enjoyment out of it.

Posts: 4607
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I'll concede that Parish is an idiot, though. Sonic 3 was where the series started to go downhill? What the hell are YOU smoking, and where can I get some?

Posts: 1789
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Honestly, had they not release Sonic & Knuckles and kept Sonic 3 as it was, I would have considered it a shark-jumping moment too.

Sonic 3 by itself was a disappointment.

Posts: 2191
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Look, the reviewers sometimes fail to review said game. How the hell did DK: Bongo Blast get such low scores and Jungle Beat got such high scores is beyond is beyond me.

And yes, I just felt like saying something.

Also: Sonic 3 >>>>>>>> Sonic and KNuckles.

The difficutly level jumped greatly. I know S&K levels are the later levels of the orignial Sonic 3. But dang!

Posts: 1789
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Jungle Beat got high scores because it was an AWESOME game. Why do you think Nintendo let that team create Mario Galaxy? =) On the other hand, Bongo Blast was created by a completely different team and it was rushed to configure it to Wii controls instead of the Bongos.

Posts: 2191
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Rushed? Bongo Blast was originally a Gamecube game. o.o

And the Wii's control problem doesn't seem to be the main ranting of the game. It's a bunch of retarded reasons. (like not using the Bongo controller. WTF)

But I do have a biased against Jugnle Beat due to the way it was handled.

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And the Wii's control problem doesn't seem to be the main ranting of the game. It's a bunch of mentally hilarious reasons. (like not using the Bongo controller. WTF)

Eh, from many of the impressions(think non-reveiwers) I read, many folks didn't like the Wii controls. And I know Bongo Blast was supposed to be a GCN game(I meant it was rushed to be moved to a Wii game), it was also supposed to originally use the bongo controllers so I don't think that's a retarded reason as you see it as.

And Jungle Beat kicked buttocks because of the Bongos. I had more fun with that game than DKC.

The main consensus amoung gamers--not just professional critics seems to be that Jungle Beat was a way better game than Bongo Blast.

Posts: 2191
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Actually the fact that they complained about not using the bongos is mentally hilarious.

Sure, you could have tap the bongoes to go left, right, speed up, and jump. And then possibly clap to attack. But how would you use items and wild moves with the bongoes?

Posts: 4607
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Why are we discussing Donkey Kong again?

Posts: 2191
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Because this 'real' Sonic isn't gonna have new info for awhile. 😛

Posts: 5035
Illustrious Member

Yes a good while...


Posts: 1127
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I'm expecting info about it any day now.

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Posts: 5035
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>_< Oh gosh!

Posts: 146
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Gah with the Rickrolls! >_<

Posts: 1789
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Rickroll officially stopped being funny as soon as Carson Daly did it months ago.

Posts: 419
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I'm wondering if we should do what other forums do and start banning rickrolls as a meme. 😛

Posts: 1789
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^Well, you'd have my support.

Posts: 4607
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Only in the SPA and non-serious MFC topics, I'd say.

Posts: 2191
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But if they are only allowed in those areas, the joke would become predictable

Posts: 4607
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It wasn't already?

Posts: 2191
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Well people still fell for it. lol

Posts: 981
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That is why it's a good idea to ignore SV2. :D

Posts: 2191
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Well fine. Ignore the plot I posted for Sonic Rivals 2 in the respective thread. No skin off my nose


Posts: 1127
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Did you just slit skin off your nose?

Posts: 504
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(Rise from the dead and blow dust off account)

Sega is also plannig a live action movie!

(Runs off)

Posts: 2016
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Holy crap, where the hell did you just come from? oO

Posts: 504
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My mom :D

Posts: 2016
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...Stupid question, stupid answer. >>

Posts: 5035
Illustrious Member

More specifically once the sp-*attacked*

Posts: 4607
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He's right, though. Here's a trailer.

Ha ha, just kidding. This is the real one.

Posts: 889
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That might be the freakiest thing I've ever seen.

Posts: 981
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Which? The Rick Roll or the trailer?

Posts: 504
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Wow I reamber that live action movie years ago. Man how time flys by.

And why to people keep always mistake me from a boy? Must be the "Sonic" part of name. It's a common mistake so Im used to It.

Posts: 889
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I was talking about the trailer. The Rick Roll was just hilarious, but I've seen it before.

Posts: 114
Estimable Member

I am waiting for something impossible to happen ... like i dunno maybe a sonic game that rivals the greatness of super Mario Galaxy... but the only way that would happen is if sonic was a playable character in galaxy... XD or possibly shiggy just tells Yuji Naka Sonic team and sega they suck and kill em all by jumping on their heads and using the coins that pop outta their ass to fund a new company and take over the sonic franchise.. the end..

Posts: 1789
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Yuji Naka isn't employed at Sega anymore.

Posts: 114
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well then there ya go.. mission accomplished shiggy's work is done..

Posts: 1758
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well then there ya go.. mission accomplished shiggy's work is done..

Overseeing the only 3D Sonic game to not suck since 2004?

Yuji Naka is a hack anyway. Hirokazu Yasuhara was the real genius in Sonic Team.

Posts: 1789
Noble Member

I wouldn't call him a total hack. I mean he did program the physics engine in the 16-bit games and he was more involved in Chu-Chu Rocket.

I think he's better at programming titles than being a producer of them.

Posts: 5772
Illustrious Member

I think his pay is better producing titles than programming them.

Those sports cars don't pay for themselves, you know!

Posts: 5035
Illustrious Member

XDXD! Yea I want his Elise. And no i'm not referring to his wife.

But i'm sure Mrs. Naka is quite a hottie too. =P

Posts: 377
Reputable Member

I thought the next-gen Sonic the Hedgehog was the "real" Sonic game. We're getting more of those?

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