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Shadow the Hedgehog...
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Shadow the Hedgehog game, with spoilers and such

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Posts: 36
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Look, it's not that we're not open to discussion about this, it's just that this entire is BALLS. BALLS BALLS BALLS.

And that, I believe, is what the mind of most people here is simply dying to say.

Posts: 4607
Famed Member

I disagree. It looks like a road to me. Besides, most of Sonic Team's water is transparent, and has been since, well, ever.

Posts: 270
Reputable Member

[HSW edit]

This is NOT a hoax.

[/HSW edit]

See for yourself...

Please commence head-banging. Whether it's for joy or against your keyboard is not of my concern; I'm still downloadin' to see for myself.


ED: Okay, it's pretty much official: Shadow IS getting his own game. The bad news is, it looks pretty uninspired, and even like it won't flow very well. Can't say as that's ever stopped Sonic Team from trying new things, though.

But yeah. You play as Shadow. With a gun. And still have to move fastly down the linear levels. How well this will work out remains to be seen, but my hopes aren't terribly high. This is just a bit too... generic for me...

Oh well, at least they're giving him his own spin-off. No more of him tainting (if you feel that strongly) the main games.

Posts: 3
New Member

Spoilers (Select To Read)
It's Sonic Adventure meets Tomb Raider

It's very interesting game. I can't make a final judgement of this game. I still like to see what will Sega make of this hedgie.

Spoilers (Select To Read)
Besides, if it weren't for the gun, it would be more of a Sonic Adventure without the other guys. Perhaps this is the game that was being made for two years?

Posts: 5772
Illustrious Member



Hey, Cyke. You got your wish. I hope you're proud of yourself. And what's this? Publicly acknowledging the existence of both Sonic CD and Sonic The Fighters? Odd...

It looks generic because we've seen it before. The whole thing smacks of SA2 hack, except... the video actually looks decent.

I really don't know what to think.

Posts: 3291
Famed Member

*mauls her currently slow connection. sits and awaits it to speed up, or for screenshots to appear mystically out of the blue!*

is this the result from that poll they put up recently, or was it in the making anyway? a non-robotic character (or character in a machine) with a gun seems very different from the usual sonic game.

but it's too early for an april fools prank. >>;

Posts: 270
Reputable Member

Yeah, it is.

You know, this might be the first time they announce a new Sonic game and I'm NOT thrilled. Even Heroes had me giddy. This just doesn't.

*goes back to eyeing HL2*

Posts: 5772
Illustrious Member

EDIT: Looking through it again. I see GUN's back thanks to some (updated) logos on the boxes, and there appear to be organic-looking enemies resembling Chaos 0. That and the video insinuates that you actually get to choose whether Shadow's a "Hero or Villain", adding to that two close up FMV shots of a stoic Shadow and an angry Shadow (see above). And then the Heroes Shadow?

This, for better or worse, is going to be the one that clears up the Project Shadow mystery once and for all.

Or so we hope.

Posts: 3291
Famed Member

*a marvel has happened! screenshots have appeared before her very eyes!*

shadow is left handed? oo his body seems slightly out of it's usual proportion in the first screenshot, although that could just be me being sleepy here.

Edit: will it fill in some plotholes, or will it add some more to the series? i guess we can only wait and hope.

Posts: 1984
Noble Member

Oops! Looks like I goofed. I had no idea there was something about this already up. Oh well. Thanks for correcting me..

Well anyways, why does shadow have a gun? I never would have thought he'd need one. And I guess negative feelings have already begun to swell. Its sad that no one can expect good things from Sega anymore. At least things having to do with Sonic and Co.

Posts: 261
Reputable Member

A gun? What happened to the energy blasts from Sonic Battle?

Posts: 15
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I don't know.. I don't feel too good about this game. I really wasn't expecting this.

Is that the game Sonic Team was working on for the last years? I really hope not...

Well, alright. I know I'm judging this game by only the trailer. But for the first time, I don't feel too hyped about a Sonic game.

Posts: 5772
Illustrious Member


A gun? What happened to the energy blasts from Sonic Battle?

Posts: 1984
Noble Member

Shadow has gone Grand Theft Auto? But yes! What about energy blasts and things. Surely they must be in here. Maybe they just aren't done with it yet. There is so much I would like to see. Like the 3D hub-like areas in Sonic Adventure. I liked those. Or even a fast moving hedgehog...I'd like that too.

Tee Hee. The gun looks about half his size. And I saw a video on Gamespot.. the game looks fast. It should be fast without that annoying character switch thing.

Posts: 270
Reputable Member

It'll be fast if Shadow can shoot that gun AND run all at once. Which doesn't look like the case.

It could work if the gun was optional; like, if you use it right, it could unlock alternate paths, but you don't have to unload a single bullet to actually beat the game; it just makes life easier.

Somehow I doubt that'll be the case, either.

Posts: 1984
Noble Member

Well I know hopes are low, but maybe its too early to tell? Conker's Bad Fur Day was going to be rated "E" before Rare decided to be "different".In a way its saved Conker from being forgotten like many other characters like him. Who knows. Maybe Sonic Team will pull something unexpected and save themselves.

Posts: 5772
Illustrious Member

Don't kid yourself, you're not getting anything other than an M, buddy.

Glides like Super Sonic in this section.

Wall jump.



Elaborate design or backwards 3?


Posts: 13
Active Member

Anybody find it funny how Sonic the Fighters was mentioned, yet Sega almost never does that? Not to mention it contradicts Sonic Heroes, as Espio is there in Sonic the Fighters, yet he was remade for Heroes along with Vector and Charmy.

I call BS until there's more, or until the first of April is past. Never too late to start a prank.

Posts: 222
Estimable Member

There's too many screenshots for it just to be a prank, and IGN and Gamespy's reputations would be pretty damn low for putting up something false.

*Sigh* I'm okay with this, to be honest. I like Shadow. I'm not too thrilled about the gun though, makes him seem too... eh.

It's got potential. XP;

Posts: 1984
Noble Member

Not to mention the gun looks very bland. They could at least give him a fancier looking one! nn

Posts: 880
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This is it...

The apocalypse is upon us. Wake me up when its over.

Posts: 1567
Noble Member

Shadow with a gun? Oooookaaayyy...didn't see that one fact I didn't even see this game coming. Is this just another step for Shadow in becoming the ultimate angsty furry...Dante? All he needs now is a transformation into a cool never mind...wait! He needs a sword!

If this is real...boy oh boy...

On a lighter note...Psx's avatar and sig rock...:p

More opinions of mine on this later!

Posts: 1818
Noble Member

Oh my god. Disproportioned cartoon furries with guns. Presumably they'll be expecting us to aim the thing while wrestling with their piss-poor camera and control scheme. I haven't seen something this lame in a loooooooooong time.

Hey, Cyke. You got your wish. I hope you're proud of yourself.
If I really did wish for this, I beg you to kill me. Honestly, I don't remember ever wanting something of this nature.

EDIT: Oh, wait, yeah, I have a vague recollection. But the idea kind of required the game to not suck.

Posts: 59
Trusted Member

I agree, the whole gun thing seems too...well...stupid. With this SA style gameplay, it doesn't seem like you need the gun. When I heard about this, first I was like 'EH?' and then I was like 'At least have him use two small pistels or something, like Neo. But the huge gun gives me a headache. I hope they change that.

But yeah, why not the energy blasts? Yeah, I see him use that energy burst thing in the trailer, but why can't he rely on the energy blasts? Guns? What, are they trying to spoff Conker?

Okay, so I can't blame them for trying something new. If they would make it like a Sonic game, it maybe too boring. Even if you give Shadow new moves that Sonic doesn't have, it'll still feel like you're playing Sonic. If they want Shadow to use guns, they better make them VERY useful, like one reviewer said, open new passages, or damage robots in spots you can't reach, or devolop a gameplay in one area where the gun is a must, and most of all, REDESIGN THE DAMN GUN!! The huge one is giving me a headache! Give him small pistols or something!

This game may have potential, if Sega watches how they make this game. I really hope this won't be a flop.

Posts: 36
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Topic starter

What? Where's my Knuckles Ultimate Pub Games Compendium game?

On a more serious note, I think we can officially certify that Sonic Team are only a limp and dying husk of their former self.

The bit at the beginning of that video was pretty cool though, and really highlighted how far ST have fallen.

Posts: 59
Trusted Member

Oh, from what I seen in the trailer, yes he can shoot WHILE run. Gotta give them points for that. I hope they use that to their advantage and expand that. If they do, maybe the game will be sucessful.

Does any one know how to write to them, about this game?

Posts: 1055
Noble Member

Oh. My. Lord. The end of the world is nigh... Someone, please shoot me. I cannot bear the thought of there being a solo Shadow game... WHY COULDN'T HE HAVE JUST DIED!? .____. I mean, really. What's so bad about having a character actually DIE and stay DEAD? My brain will explode, if this abomination is an actual game, and not a sick hoax.

Posts: 880
Member Admin

Feh... Sonic Heroes and Sonic Battle weren't enough for him so he had to off and have his own game... with a friggin AK-47 ....or something...

Really... to me this seems like an elaborate hoax. Maybe it was intended for April fools but got leaked unintentionally early. This goes against everything Sega has stood up for with Sonic. It makes no sense to turn their back now and up it to a very probable T rating.

It's gotta be a hoax.....

Posts: 1818
Noble Member

with a friggin AK-47
Dude... an AK47 is an automatic rifle. As in something you hold with two hands? Geez, I thought that was common knowledge among the gaming community. Maybe I play too much CS.

Posts: 880
Member Admin

This is Shadow we're talking about.... not a human. The gun he was firing was an automatic in the trailor.

Posts: 1818
Noble Member

Trust me, it's not an AK. Still, it might as well be considering how big it is on him.

Posts: 1984
Noble Member


Guns? What, are they trying to spoff Conker?

Unless the game is funny and/or full of profane lowbrow humor. It can't be a Conker spoof. But if you ask over half of the people who have posted on this topic so far, a giant singing pile of crap would fit in nicely with this game!! :lol

But anyways. seeing that nobody seems to want to like this game,is it because you just think Shadow should die or that Sonic Team should die? Or because Shadow just dosen't seem good enough to have his own game?

Posts: 880
Member Admin

A better view. It's more than just a pistol.

Posts: 1818
Noble Member

Actually, it looks like a submachine gun. But definitely not an AK47.

Posts: 1055
Noble Member


seeing that nobody seems to want to like this game

I liked Shadow's character, but only when it was put to use in SA2. I think it did its job, after finding out who and what he was... and after knowing that a character has passed on, in a self-sacrificing bit of heroism and that they'll never come back... it's one of thoes moments where you truely care. His appearing in Heroes served no purpose, other than making fans go ''WHEE! MORE SHADOW!1!''


is it because you just think Shadow should die or that Sonic Team should die?

I think the character served its purpose in SA2, as for Sonic Team dying... what?


Or because Shadow just dosen't seem good enough to have his own game?

In all honesty, I'm pretty much against any back-up character having their own game, because nine times out of ten, the game ends up sucking horribly.

Posts: 1984
Noble Member

XD When I said Sonic Team should die. I meant, should Sonic Team blow away and stop making games because they aren't good?

Posts: 14
Active Member

Screw this. I'm quitting the Sonic fandom.

Posts: 1055
Noble Member


When I said Sonic Team should die. I meant, should Sonic Team blow away and stop making games because they aren't good?

Ah! Okay. Well, Sonic Team's being reassimilated into Sega, so the company exists in name only now. (I checked the site, they're moving back to I don't think the people who worked under the banner will stop making games, though. I don't think the development group should die. They DO make good games, awesome in fact, though like Sega itself, has hits and misses.

Posts: 1321
Noble Member

What program are you using to open this in? I can't get it to work with Quicktime or RealOne and both are updated properly-all I get is audio, no video whatsoever. Any suggestions?

EDIT: Nevermind, thanks to DB's post( which was locked unfortunately, I used the link she provided and it's working flawlessly.

Posts: 4885
Illustrious Member

Rather than posting a joke or over-reacting, I have calmly downloaded the entire movie and watched with an open mind...

NOW I shall over-react


He stole my childhood... SO I SHALL STEAL HIS GUN!

*Snatches it and turns it on himself, dying instantly, rather than being a sissy like "Jack" from Fight Club and living*

Posts: 21
Eminent Member

Woah... O.o;

I dunno how to react. The teeny tiny little itsy-bitsy small nano-size miniscule Shadow fangirl in me is rather exited. The action/speed/gamer fangirl in me is thrilled by the trailer... but...

It's got potential, but Shadow-- Using a gun?? And Sega/Sonic Team's more recent 3D games have been... not exactly the greatest things they've ever created.

In a nutshell, it's caught my attention... but I'm still worried.

Posts: 47
Trusted Member


Well, I honestly did not see this coming. I mean, Shadow got his own game?!

However, the vid looks...interesting. I admit, the gun's a little weird, and two smaller pistols would have been better suited, but there's not much we can do. Assuming this is real (and I think it is), I'll still give it a go. I've played every next-gen Sonic game besides Mega Collection and MG+, and I'll play this one, too.

I'll probably rent it before I buy it, though =P

Posts: 526
Honorable Member

Waitaminute. It's not even a lazer gun, but one that shoots bullets? Looks like we gonna get first "T" rated Sonic game(Sans Sonic). Why a gun? Lots of kids like to play the Sonic games, and I find guns to be very inapproriate in a game that will attract alot of kids (unless it's a laser-beam gun, or shoots some wacky stuff like glue or punching gloves, or something cartoony, y'know.)

Well, I'm going to E3 this year as I do every year, so I'll give you my opions on the game then.


My god!! There are other gun-platform games announced!!

Tak and the power of a 9 millimeter.

Ty the Tazmainian Terrorist.

Crash Bandicoot 5: Crash caps Coco.

Super Monkey Buckshot.

And last but not least.......


Posts: 874
Prominent Member

Oh great it's Shadow's "TOTALLY NOT INSPIRED BY RATCHET AND CLANK" Adventures with Sidearms.

Here's my advice to you, Sonic Team. Take a blade about 2 feet long and razor sharp and commit seppeku. You have dishonored your family, your clan and my eyeballs for the last time.

Posts: 88
Trusted Member

Thinking it over, the premise could be interesting - Shadow's got more than enough reason to want to bring down GUN. However, he's also got more than enough firepower on his own to do so without resorting to weaponry. He's the Ultimate Lifeform, not Vincent sodding Valentine.

UGH. Can people PLEASE stop ripping off Devil May Cry/FF7?

That said, a 30-odd hour game with Shadow's dub voice? Mmmmmmm...

Posts: 4885
Illustrious Member

How is it a rip-off of FF7? The Vincent spin-off game is a blatant Devil May Cry rip-off. You can't rip-off a rip-off and the original at the same time.

Posts: 19
Active Member

The weirdest thing about that vid was seeing them purposely juxtapose the bright colourful world of Sonic with Shadow's dark, gritty, angst on skates world of dar|<ne55. If that was supposed to indicate some kind of progression, it was lost on me.

I'm not bothered about whether Shadow comes back or stays dead or whatever (his death in SA2 moved me not) and I'd quite like a good spin-off single character game if it means that there'll be a consistant gameplay style throughout for once.

I don't know what to make of this thing though.

The gun is so out of nowhere that I can't help but think it's a joke.

Posts: 1413
Noble Member

* just wakes up, turn on PC, goes to ign, looks at Shadow going Jak 2, drinks some coffee to make sure I not dreaming*

:eek :eek Shadow the game :eek :eek

Repent your sins the end is upon us.
Just kidding. The game looks more like the Jak games (God in heaven I hope they dont give Shadow a sidekick that crack jokes). I wonder if Rouge and Omega appear in the game or maybe the is a prequel with Shadow being GUN weapon of mass destruction (that would explain the gun).I willing to give the game a chance. I mean a lot of people hate Wind Waker because it look cartoon like instead of the previous games more mature like but when they play game they fell in love with it.

Posts: 88
Trusted Member


How is it a rip-off of FF7? The Vincent spin-off game is a blatant Devil May Cry rip-off. You can't rip-off a rip-off and the original at the same time.

Chain of rip-offing. Shadow -> FF7: DoC -> DMC (and DMC2). And the Shadow game is almost certainly going to have huge elements of both of them.

FF7: DoC = rip-off of DMC. Shadow = almost certainly going to rip off Dirge of Cerberus, or at least the general premise. Both he and Vincent are virtually identical (stasis, memories, losing loved ones, being twisted by their creators), so it stands to reason.

I'm willing to bet good money that the minute DoC was announced, Sonic Team jumped on the idea.

[EDIT - It couldn't possibly be a prequel to SA2, because Shadow had never been awoken until SA2, and even his fake memories say that he was put into stasis immediately after the ARK palaver.]

Posts: 30
Eminent Member

So...well this is it really isnt it? Unless Sonic DS is the greatest Sonic game ever, then....well...thats it.

A few weeks ago I had planned to do a 'Shadow Adventure' hoax, using ut2k4 to model the maps and show some brief gameplay. I was of course going to remove the guns. So I log on this morning and find people screaming "SHADOW! HE'S GOT A GUN! IN HIS OWN GAME!" and I think to myself "Have I blacked out for several days and...this is what I made?!" but then watch the trailer and realise that unless I cut my hands off, I couldnt make something as bad.

What market research led to this? "What do you want to see in the next Sonic game?"

-I want Sonic not to be in it. At all.
-I want it to be just as graphically poor as Sonic Heroes, if not worse!
-It's got to be about Shadow! The angst!
-The enemies have to be mutants! MUTANTS R KEWL!

and finally

-Shadow totally has to have a gun. Not a laser gun mind. I mean some real heat.

So anyway, part of me died today. I can only hope Sega dies now and licenses out all of its properties to other companies. I think thats the only way we'll ever see good games of our favourite franchises again.

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