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Shadow the Hedgehog game, with spoilers and such

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Posts: 4885
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As promising as the review and enthusiasm of the reviewer is, I can't help but focus on the fact that the trailer caused people to sadly shake their heads at Sega's folly.

Wether or not the game is good doesn't seem to matter all too much when the general reaction to it is negative.

Posts: 150
Estimable Member

Harley, I did play the game. For quite a while, several times during E3, in fact. The game-play was fine, except for the occasionally frustrating pit-o-doom.

Posts: 171
Estimable Member i think that he was talking about when the game was first shown at the walk of game.

at that time, many ppl were bashing the idea.

Posts: 42
Trusted Member


Just think of the gun play (and it isn't even restricted to guns) as a MUCH speedier and more rewarding version of the Eggman/Gamma type stuff (even though there is no Auto-lock).

Oh good. Those levels were painfully slow.


except for the occasionally frustrating pit-o-doom.

Occaisionally frustrating? Or occaisonal pit-o-doom?

Posts: 527
Honorable Member


Oh good. Those levels were painfully slow.

Not Gamma's, atleast. Tails' and Eggman's levels, on the other hand, were slow. However, when it came down to the shooting stages in SA they were fast-paced and action packed. While not as quick as Sonic's, I could still feel that same sense of speed throughout the gameplay.

They did an impressive job of combining the speed elements of the Sonic series with fast shooting action.

Now, the shooting levels in SA2 were sluggish and slow, as the mechs Tails and Eggman piloted didn't move fast at all. Not to mention it just didn't feel right to have Tails struck in the Cyclone through the whole game, as other titles have proved in the series that he doesn't need it most of the time in order to accomplish any of his goals.

Posts: 150
Estimable Member


Occaisionally frustrating? Or occaisonal pit-o-doom?

Just occasional. I was new to the game, and kinda rushed at times (since it was meant to be a professional convention) so there were one or two times I was Rolling Around at the Speed of Sound and failed to jump at the right time.

It's no biggie, however. Think of how many deaths were to be had in Green Hill, Chemical Plant, and Mystic Caves us you just keep running at top speed without knowing the track.

Posts: 5035
Illustrious Member

Indeed many many deaths. So I guess if i'm playing ShtH and I come to a place that isn't an obvious "straight-a-way" I may slow down and be cautious...just to be sure. But when I see daylight i'm gone. :)

Posts: 150
Estimable Member

Indeed. I never fell off a portion where you were MEANT to be running top speed (such as a loop). If I recall, I only fell of during the platforming segments when I was blazing along like black lightning.

Posts: 4885
Illustrious Member

What about the camera? Seeings as we're now aiming a gun to hit things all around us, I'd hope we now have a fully rotatable camera which doesn't insist on pointing straight whenever you move?

Posts: 5772
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Posts: 4885
Illustrious Member

LMFAO!!! That's brilliant, even moreso by the Gerald in the background. For that, it gets an A* :D

Posts: 171
Estimable Member

well Craig, you control the camera in this game.

P.S: is that the real boxart? i can't see it 'cause my stupid filter is blocking the site.

Posts: 512
Honorable Member

That picture is the best thing since sliced bread!

Posts: 4885
Illustrious Member

Yeah, Jan, but to what extent? We could control the camera since SA1, with the back buttons. Yet whenever we moved it ignored us and did it's own thing again, getting stuck in walls and throwing you off buildings.

Also, the box-art is a really funny joke. As far as anyone is concerned the pic of Shadow scowling is the official box-art.

Posts: 150
Estimable Member

I LOVE that Box art. It really is too bad it's fake....

And yes, in the demo you do control the camera -- with the right thumb stick. Believe it or not, I was even able to turn it around and run back the way I came, without the camera giving me a lethal injection of DOOM! Perhaps Shadow really is more powerful then Sonic? :lol

Posts: 171
Estimable Member

i remember that in the Adventure series, Craig, but in this game, it supposed to be better like Shadowglass (and Iizuka) said.

if they do it right, that could be a major load of SEGA's back since that's one of the major things the critics complain about...not that SEGA (or any game company) listens to them.

Posts: 1241
Noble Member

Nothing to add to the conversation...

I just love the box art!! XD

Posts: 363
Reputable Member

The more I look at Sonic Rush *laughs at Blaze's outfit* the more I like Shadow's game, because no new characters are being added, aside from the aliens, but I doubt they will stick around.

Posts: 286
Reputable Member

But maybe the Black Arms should stick around (not necessarily be in the very next game after Shadow the Hedgehog though, of course). They're more new characters, but they're ones that are actually useful. We need more villains, and the fact that they are biological as opposed to mechanical is a nice change, too.

At first I was all like "Fricking ALIENS?! Are you kidding me?" but I'm a bit more used to it now - part of that is thanks to the latest footage. I don't know why, but seeing Dooms' Eye (eye of Sauron plugged into a giant flying black starfish, looks simple and maybe a little silly, but I like it) floating around basically saying "Kill, Shadow, kill!" - I liked it, I feel I'll have fun playing a good guy and a bad guy, fighting against or siding with the aliens.

I like the name, too. I'm wondering if they got this name from the dark purpley-black swords the grunt style troops sometimes carry.

Posts: 363
Reputable Member

Good point, CyberKnux. It is a nice change from the constant robot assault of villains. This could also allow for some extreme creativity since its an alien race of course, and who knows what the rest of them look like? Even if it is a constant flow of the alien clones, it's still something different.

This brings up another point, of which I can't remember being discussed or not in this forum: Chao gardens. IMO, I couldn't care less if there were Chao gardens in this game or not. With robots as enemies in SA1 & 2, it was easy to incorporate the animals and energy rods with the enhancement of Chao powers, but this doesn't sound as practical with organic beings. Add to this the overall personality of the game, and you have very slim standings in favor of Chao gardens or any other virtual pet-type interacting as it would greatly take away from the whole "ANGST, DARKNESS, GOOD OR EVIL" environment of the game.

These are just some of things going through my head.


Posts: 5035
Illustrious Member

Seems Chao Gardens are gonna be limited to the handhelds, for now(Sonic Rush has one I think). If the word Chao is even mentioned in this game i'd be surprised. :jester

Posts: 104
Estimable Member

Well, instead of kicking them, you could have different ways of making them do stuff!

Shadow: Race!

Chao: Nu-uh!

Shadow: RACE DAMMIT *brings out pistol*

Chao: O.O;;;


Posts: 5035
Illustrious Member

XD That would work yes.

Posts: 222
Estimable Member

You know, considering none of the SH voice-actors (even David Humphrey) haven't been officially signed on for this project, do you think they're whipping out some new talent? o.o

Posts: 270
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Or maybe they'll be doing voice-acting late into the game's production, which would explain why it has been so haphazard of late?

Posts: 222
Estimable Member

Maybe! But haven't they done some of the in-game voices? o.o;

Posts: 1446
Noble Member

I can't imagine anyone doing Eggman as well as Deem Bristow :

Maybe they're gonna do the same thing they did for Sonic Battle, and get the Sonic X voice actors to do the voicework...

Posts: 4607
Famed Member

What on Earth are you talking about? Battle's voice actors are NOT the ones from Sonic X, unless you mean the Japanese version, which used the games' actors anyway.

Posts: 1446
Noble Member

Whoops. Aren't they? I remember reading somewhere that they were, and I assumed it was true...

Posts: 1381
Noble Member

Say, has anybody heard whether Mike Pollock is Eggman's new VA or not, or even if they do have a new Eggy VA, yet?

Posts: 5772
Illustrious Member

He's been quoted as ready to take up the mantle if Sega asks, but there's been no official word.

Don't worry, you'll hear of it when it happens.

EDIT: To commemorate the return of South Island, here's a video taken at E3 that pretty much chronicles the entirety of Westopolis. Click here to view it. It's fairly long, and the quality ain't all that great. Audio? Psh, forget it.

Posts: 4885
Illustrious Member

Thank you for this glorious bounty, Psxphile, I shall now proceed to bare your child, as thanks.

Posts: 622
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Sometimes I worry about you, y'know...

Posts: 4607
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Posting to see if it'll revive Swift's comment.

ED: I guess not.

Posts: 859
Prominent Member

Another joke, followed by an insight into the game that I can no longer remember saying lost forever....

I can remember the rubbish joke...

The thread was called:

Craig doesnt need you...

The post went:

He needs a decent midwife...

Followed by something about... that video, but I cant rememebr what..
Will this post even be visible, or will it to fade into the void?

Posts: 4607
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Missing posts:

This Forumer Obeys:
The Second Law of
Posts: 2191
(6/10/05 11:30 am)
Re: Unknown

Whoa. Psx thanks man. That video was like the entire level. And was it me or was Sonic looking a bit "Hyper"...he was flippin neon blue.

Posts: 11
(6/19/05 7:14 am)
Shadow the Hedgehog

Amazon and EBGames are both stating that the release date for Shadow is November 15, same day as Sonic Rush.

Partially demented...
But usually just insane
Posts: 6115
(6/19/05 7:22 am)
Craigh doesnt need your worry Just a decent midwife 😛

Released on same day as Sonic Rush? Sounds expensive, thank god I havent bought a DS yet..
But then again, UK, so, might be next year for all I know...

This Forumer Obeys:
The Second Law of
Posts: 2193
(6/21/05 1:16 pm)
Re: Unknown can retrieve lost posts. *bows down* You are the mighty one.

Posts: 859
Prominent Member

Finally saw the westopolis video...

It's quite a short video, was i the only one happy that SH actually had substantial LONG levels?
There better be a LOT of levels if their ALL that short, which of course they wont be...

... but JUST in case :0o

Posts: 859
Prominent Member

Are linked to in Shadow hogs post...

Posts: 165
Estimable Member

I've seen footage from the game and it looks like a Heroes clone to me but with 1 playa'. I don't know what to make of it yet. Whoever came up with the idea for this game took a seriously wrong turn... I know I've been gone for 3 months, but I'm very busy with Summer School and can't visit often until I'm done.

Posts: 5035
Illustrious Member

XD! Once again Shadow Hog retrieves more lost posts. Thats so flippin awesome. C'mon's not a Heroes's gonna be better. Duh. :p Honestly...this game is hopefully gonna take my breath away. Solo player(my face which is a plus) + different objectives within the missions + and hopefully * literally prays* a storyline. What's not to like? <--- don't answer that. :jester

Posts: 14
Active Member

Who's doing Eggman's voice in Shadow? Someone's GOT to be doing it, b/c he's a mentioned char.

Posts: 5035
Illustrious Member

I'm not too sure to be exact. I'm sure we'll find out soon though. Who knows Eggy might have to resort to sign language. *clubbed*

Posts: 527
Honorable Member

In certain interviews with Mike Pollock (dub voice actor of Eggman in Sonic X, as you know) has said that if asked by Sega themselves he would gladly take the role as Eggman's voice in the games. However, this isn't exactly known if he will, as it hasn't been stated who Sega plans to be the replacement voice yet.

Posts: 1044
Noble Member

Lets just hope that who ever it is can make a decent replacement. SOA has never let me down before in the voice department, so my hopes are up!

Posts: 5035
Illustrious Member


SOA has never let me down before in the voice department, so my hopes are up!

They've never let you down...I take it you haven't played, SA(DX), SA2, SH, or SB huh. IMO one two tailed freak and a rabbit with oversized ears need voice-"overs". I'm just saying.

Posts: 363
Reputable Member

On the topic of voices, I was never fond of Sonic's voice in general, because it was nasally in TV series and the games. Being "past cool" and all that, his voice didn't seem to depict that persona, but I have grown used to it. (Not that I am insulting nasally voices, since I have one myself)


IMO one two tailed freak and a rabbit with oversized ears need voice-"overs".

I second that.


Posts: 859
Prominent Member

Tails has been badly treated, he had a bad voice in SA and SH, but a decent voice in SA2 but with terrible acting...
Seriously, the fox had no emotions, he spoke in stacatto...

Posts: 4607
Famed Member

Eh, no, his VOICE in SA1 was spot-on, it's just the acting didn't quite go along. (Not that it was deplorable, but still...)

Posts: 4885
Illustrious Member

I preferred the SA1 voice acting on practically everyone, which is sort of weird. I mean Knuckles is the only VA who changed, and I've become acustomed to the new Knux, yet everyone else I can't stand post-SA1 (with the exception of the late and great Mr. Bristow)

Cream and Tails DO desperately need better voice actors... Though I guess we're not going to have to worry about them, I doubt they'll be up to much during Shadow. Perhaps a small partner character role in some stages, but even that I doubt for Cream. As much as I love her, I can NOT imagine her in this game...

Posts: 1037
Noble Member

Cream just wouldn't be right in this game, unless they put her as a helping character in a chao garden or something, but as far as I know there won't be any chao gardens in this game..

I like the idea of being able to choose what to do in levels. Everything looked a little confused in that movie, though, and Sonic didn't do anything other than to follow you around.. he didn't even hit enemies. What I liked about it is that Sonic added his own comments every now and then. At some point he says "don't hurt those gun soldiers, they are human".. I just hope they don't repeat the same things over and over again like in Heroes. Maybe this'll open up possibilities of character development.
I also hope the levels are longer than just that, but maybe the level there was shortened because it was a demo..

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