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Shadow the Hedgehog game, with spoilers and such

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januchesse quote:

they edited out "hell" and Maria's falling.


Maybe it like GC version of Sonic Heroes,where they didnt add the japanese VA yet they said that all 3 versions were same, the GC version is different from the other versions. Maybe they edit out a bit so that it can be "kid friendly" which is going to hard expecially with THE FREAKING WHITE HOUSE beign blown to kingdom come.

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So in Shadow the Hedgehog, the eclipse cannon goes from being capable of destroying a planet to only being able to blow up DC? Weird.

Posts: 4607
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This is, of course, assuming the Eclipse Cannon was ever powerful enough to take out anything more than a few countries at a time, when at full power.

We know it's implied to be freakin' powerful (it blew up half the moon for Pete's sake, although this creates the plothole in that the moon is whole again somehow - not that I'm arguing), but we never got to see it at its worst. For all we know, at that distance, DC really IS all it can wipe out with a single shot. Which is still pretty good, really. Or bad, considering it's a death machine. Whichever.

Posts: 4885
Illustrious Member

I assume that the Eclipse Cannon didn't have all of the emeralds. 6 Emeralds = 3/4's of the moon gone. 7 equals Biolizard shoving the ARK up it's butt and crashing it to Earth.

So maybe 1 equals an Independance Day ripoff.

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7 equals Biolizard shoving the ARK up it's butt and crashing it to Earth.

Actually, the Biolizard was installed as a failsafe in case someone managed to stop the cannon's firing process, which we all know Sonic did.

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Spoilers (Select To Read)
Maybe they edit out a bit so that it can be "kid friendly" which is going to hard expecially with THE FREAKING WHITE HOUSE beign blown to kingdom come.
Posts: 4885
Illustrious Member

Really, Wonder? Gerald's video (and all the crazy calculations which I will NOT get into because I hate the stupid "Gerald's vengeful ghost stole his own death tape and put it in the ARK and then programmed it to do everything he calculated while in prison" ending of SA2) implied that he was purposely crashing it to Earth.

I suppose, seeings as we have no idea what Sonic achieved by throwing the fake emerald in (didn't Tails say it was supposed to make the thing explode?) we'll never know.

I took a vow never to apply logic to the ending of that game. Ever.

Posts: 622
Honorable Member


Really, Wonder? Gerald's video (and all the crazy calculations which I will NOT get into because I hate the stupid "Gerald's vengeful ghost stole his own death tape and put it in the ARK and then programmed it to do everything he calculated while in prison" ending of SA2) implied that he was purposely crashing it to Earth. is purposeful. As he said, it was a failsafe. "Crash the colony into the planet" was plan B for when plan A (Eclipse Cannon) failed.


I suppose, seeings as we have no idea what Sonic achieved by throwing the fake emerald in (didn't Tails say it was supposed to make the thing explode?) we'll never know.

Ah, Craigy? You seem to be having a Shadow moment as far as memory is concerned. It does explode. Hence it doesn't fire. Hence plan A failing and plan B initiating.

Posts: 336
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The fake emerald had the same wavelengths and properties but a negative polarity to reverse the effects of the real emeralds and cause an explosion, blah blah, etc.

Posts: 1269
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I figured, (and it's psychology-esque here) that Sonic had seen Shadow do Chaos Control with an Emerald. He didn't know he couldn't do it with a fake, so he actually did it with his own skills.

Not knowing you can't do something is an important part of doing it anyway.

Plus under that I think I saw a shard of the Master Emerald. Well it was green and sharp, anyway.

Posts: 1446
Noble Member

You mean as a placebo, Harley? Interesting idea, but I don't think it would work. I might believe that setting my bed on fire will make it blast off like a rocket, but unfortunately that isn't so.

Posts: 336
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Second'd. Sonic just hoped that it would work after remembering what Tails said about it having the same intrinsic properties. His dialogue fits this, as well.

Posts: 377
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If you visit, or more specifically, here, you'll see some gameplay footage -- one high res, and another low-res.

There's a small glance at the "mech", I believe. Apparently it enables you to jump higher.

In case you didn't already know (and I'm sure a lot of you know this now), the reason why vehicles are in this game (a lot of people find vehicles unnecessary for someone as fast as Shadow) is to help Shadow get past obstacles he cannot manually get past.

Gameplay is looking pretty smooth -- to me, at least. :)

Posts: 1381
Noble Member

Shadow's website has been updated with more weapons, levels, and the tracks on it now have names, and Shadow's theme is called "I am.... all of me." Oh, yeah, it also now gives Rouge and Knux a longer bio than before including the note that Rouge is a former spy.

Posts: 15
Active Member

On the media section of shadow's page there is a map of earth, and on this map are marked locations of what I think are major battles of the United Federation V.S The Black Arms V.S The Eggman Empire.

ps: Atleast we now know what the continents of this earth looks like.

Posts: 1269
Noble Member

Could we have a link to the Shadow website somewhere more permanent? It's tough to go through pages of old posts to find it. If there already is, where is it?

Posts: 4885
Illustrious Member

Would have been nice if they could have put a bit of continent which fits the SA2 map in.

Fair play that Prison Island has been blown off the map and the hexagonal Green Hill Zone would be ill placed in a full map which contained South Island, but still. That map doesn't seem to be canon, so I'll ignore it.

Posts: 439
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I don't see how you can compare the map in SA2 to the one on the Shadow website. The SA2 map is hardly a large scale map that covers the entire planet, it's only part of it. Hell the map in SA2 would barely cover one state!

Posts: 4885
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I'm an unsatisfiable fanboy. We do this.

Speaking of being a fanboy *Paws at Lacus in your avatar*

Posts: 1827
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I think the map from SA2 was just the areas that the zones were in cut and pasted together.

Posts: 286
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Shadow controller:
I'm actually considering buying a PS2 (with PS3 just around the corner) so I can use this controller. Geezbus. I'm hopeless. I also find it sad that it's Shadow getting his own controllers and remixes of pre-released songs as opposed to Sonic himself.

Thanks to SOJC of NetRaptor's Forums for the link.

Posts: 4885
Illustrious Member

If it were a proper PS2 controller, I'd get it for the sheer sake of doing so, but it looks too chunky and the buttons are a bit muddled around.

I'll stick to my DS2 controller.

Posts: 1827
Noble Member


Sorry about that and I got the background again.

The Shadow controller does have a nice design on the pad. Also the Anolog sticks look a bit better than the official stuff.

But it does look chunky and a bit whats the point...

Posts: 513
Honorable Member

Why'd it have to be a 3rd party dualshock instead of a 3rd party wavebird. I might get one anyway as I find the the default PS2 controller a little small and it looks to have bigger grips, but I still rather be able to use the shadow controller when playing shadow(I'll be getting the gamecube version, as I perfer the gamecube controller).

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I'm getting the Shadow controller just because of the snazzy red dome controller holder it comes with.

Posts: 15
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It stinks that the controller is just for the PS2. It looks so cool!

Think they'll make a controller like that for the Gamecube?

-Aki :)

Posts: 286
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"Think they'll make a controller like that for the Gamecube?"

I hope so, but I'm not expecting it. Bah, screw getting a PS2 for that controller, I'll just buy it and hang it on my wall, or something.

Posts: 622
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I want the controller; it looks so cute and so does the ball thingy it comes with <

Posts: 1413
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Sweet Shadow Controller. It remind me of the Nights controller Naka had made.

Posts: 363
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It remind me of the Nights controller Naka had made.

As in the Saturn 3D Controller, or something totally different?

Posts: 5772
Illustrious Member

**hopes it doesn't stretch the tables**

Resized from ultra-huge files taken from Sega FTP.

Posts: 1446
Noble Member

They look even worse than they did in Heroes... o_O

Posts: 4885
Illustrious Member

They look exactly the same, Espio is a bit thinner and Charmy is furry in antena and body, which is a very very good thing.

Now we need to caption Vec there:


Posts: 229
Estimable Member

Shadow manual GC (2MB pdf)

right click save.

Posts: 4885
Illustrious Member

Coldheart wins another for the home team, I love this guy! *Hugs him and eagerly awaits hometime so I can load it up and check the pretty prettyness*

Posts: 1827
Noble Member

Actually where can I get those big ass Chaotix, Sonic and Eggman CG art from? @Psx. Unless they are on gamespot. which they arent yet.

Posts: 229
Estimable Member

more stuff and pics in this ftp site, however some of the adobe photoshop stuff is >20MB x.x

I've looked at a couple at they seem to be very high quality.

Posts: 286
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I'm really not a fan of the geeky chubby little smiles Charmy and Amy are sporting. But that picture of Espio is awful - his back spines aren't even the right color.

On Espio's modern design, I like his new gloves and shoes (though his old shoes were pretty cool too). But I wish they didn't give him a Sonic-shaped stomach circle - the 'heart' shape was fine. If they didn't want him to look Care Bear-y, they just should have sharpened it up a bit, making it more like a 'V'. His head 'shield'/frill could do with being a little more curved - it'd certainly help when they screw up like they have in this latest piece of artwork, where they've put his 'mouth part' around too far forward in comparison to the rest of his head.
Still, the artworks of some of the other characters are very nice (Knuckles and Eggman's are great).

Posts: 2915
Famed Member

I think I've figured out the Shadow/Black Doom connection...

Maria is an Alien!!! :lol Look at those eyes! that isn't natural! :eek

Posts: 3756
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And DANG. Look at them long fingers! And that nail polish!:^^;

Posts: 1827
Noble Member

I was actually going to say that the humans didnt look so bad in Shadow but after seeing Maria I might have to disregard that.

Posts: 2915
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Just to give proper credit...that was one of the pics in the stuff Professor Coldheart found...

Posts: 120
Estimable Member

Just realized that the fella who does Goku's voice on the funimation dub of DBZ is credited in the voice list...right underneath Jason Griffith! He's not in Sonic X, so he's most likely a new character introduced in this game.Perhaps the GUN general? I thought I heard his voice from some of the GUN members in the movies of the first level as well. Also, there's five bands credited for vocal songs in the I take it that there's five seperate vocal songs? Sweet!

Posts: 1269
Noble Member

I think Maria's supposed to look uber-sweet with those big eyes.

I think the nail polish is a bitmuch though.

Posts: 3756
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I read Coldheart's find (the manual), and it cleared up a lot of things. The Chaos power moves seem even cooler now that I understand them. By attacking GUN men/machines, destroying scenery, reviving Black Arms and Eggpawns with heath packs (after healing it, it will no longer attack you), , and....breathing...dark mist, you fill up the Dark gauge. (...) Heh. DARK HIGH, and such. Filling up his Dark gauge "awakens" Dark Shadow, he who glows red. He has unlimited ammunition on all weapons. As time passes, the Dark bar slowly empties. When it empties completely, you turn back into regular Shadow. Using Chaos Blast decreases the Dark gauge significantly.

In contrast, by attacking Black Arms and EggPawns, smashing BA machinery and Dark plants(which are hard at work filling the world with a mysterious red sludge), extinguishing fires, reviving GUN men/machines with heath packs (after healing it, it will no longer attack you), and mist....fills up the bar of blueness. As before, filling his Hero gauge awakens Hero Shadow, he who glows blue. Hero Shadow is invincible. As with Dark Shadow, his Hero gauge slowly decreases, reverting our angsty hero back to your friendly neighborhood Shadow...hog. *shrugs* Also as before, using Chaos Control drastically decreases the Hero gauge.

The weapons system is interesting. One button, X on the GCN, controls attacks. Attacking when you have no weapon results in Sonic Battle-style chops and kicks. Knocking down a weapon weilding foe causes them to drop their weapon. Running over the weapon automatically picks it up. Another button allows you to throw it when you aren't near another weapon, or to switch to another weapon on which you stand. Each weapon has it's own amount of ammo, except for swords for obvious reasons, and when you are Dark Shadow.

The Sonic platformer moves seem to be like in Heroes, with spin dashes, wall jumps, sliding to get under low surfaces, homing attacks, grinding, and the like. Speaking of grinding, it briefly describes the red slime grinding poles. Standing in a puddle of red slime at the start of the Dark Grind (what I'm calling it from now) sends you blasting down the pole, kind of like a...specialized speed boost, or something.

So, overall attack summary: very promising. It just makes me want ot get this game even more.

Posts: 4607
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reverting our angsty hero back to your friendly neighborhood Shadow...hog.

Sega now owes me several thousands in royalties for using my likeness in the game without my knowledge.

Posts: 3756
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o.o WTF? @ this topic suddenly losing two pages.

And good luck at getting that money, 'Hog. :cackle

Posts: 1583
Noble Member


o.o WTF? @ this topic suddenly losing two pages.

I've been deleting some "unknown" posts everyday for the past 3 days. This topic has lost more than 2 pages--it's lost 3 so far today. ^_~

Posts: 3756
Famed Member

Huh, weird. I hope tha fixes the "blank final page" problem.

Posts: 1446
Noble Member


Dark plants(which are hard at work filling the world with a mysterious red sludge)

War of the Worlds, anyone?

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