o.o If you've done ten endings you've beat the game, there are ONLY ten endings to do. Plus the final ending.
Do you even HAVE thsi game? The endings are very different
Yeah. All ten endings. Final Ending. I don't know what you're on about here, but I certainly have this game, and I've certainly beaten it. Unless getting all the A-ranks changes the story, which according to Gamefaqs, it doesn't, then I've beaten this game's continuity. The ten endings was a reference to how many endings I have in the 'Library.'
~Nytloc Penumbral Lightkeeper
Spoilers (Select To Read): He's not Black Doom's son. He was merely made from his blood.
Although Shads being half-alien does explain how he can use Chaos Energy...how can Sonic do it? o_O
Of course, there's over 50 missions even if you don't want to do all 300+ paths.
There are 6 neutral levels, 5 semi-dark and 5 semi-evil, 3 Dark and 3 evil.
22 Stages in all.
The majority have 3 missions, I think it's 15 or so that only have only 2.
Luckily I know that 71 A ranks are the total, but that includes bosses of which there are about 12.
So if you are going for a full completion, you need to A rank all 71 missions/bosses.
Luckily, A ranking is so pathetically easy it makes me laugh. Run past everything and just get to the end. It's all time based. You'll be lucky if your kill points will add anything. Now I'm on my "other ending" run, I'm getting A ranks on all stages, seriously, besides getting Chaos Control for a speed boost, killing things just lowers your score
Shadowfax, in response to your question in the spoiler tags:
Spoilers (Select To Read): Just because he's Sonic.
People don't seem to understand that, but it's the truth and the only truh we're likely to get. It's far more satisfying than any convoluted backstory Sonic Team could provide.
Spoilers (Select To Read): Quote:
He's not Black Doom's son. He was merely made from his blood.
In most people's books, that's all that's necessary to be considered a "son." That's basically how Goliath had a son in Gargoyles for example--though the name of his son escapes me at the moment.
When I said what I said I did not mean it literally.
And not ALL the endings are counted in the final ending of the story.
Well, I've got 2 endings so far, and I'm getting more and more used to the game, and enjoying it. My question is...do the locked doors that need 5 keys to unlock them effect the plot? I mean, you can't really have special stages for emeralds, seeing as they're all gotten in-game. Which makes me wonder why 3/4 of the true 3D games (AKA not shuffle included) put the emeralds in plot, unlike in the 2D games. Oh well.
Nope. The doors lead to a "good" weapon and sometimes a veichle too. Totally useless 🙁
Though sometimes they lead to alternate paths and/or shortcuts through a stage.
Red: Spoilers (Select To Read): It's Thailog. It's easy to remember once you realize it's Goliath spelled backwards. 😛 And thanks for the backup, that was my line of thinking exactly... and you're right, the situation is similar.
Shadow is half way between Sonic Adventure 2 (The peak of 3D Sonic as far as I'm concerned, even though several people hated it because Sonic was only in a sixth of the game) and Sonic HEroes (demon game that came out last year, horrible plot, graphics and control... URGHHH)
Anyway, I think it's quite decent. Out of ten, I'd give it about 6.9
The controls ARE loose, but not badly so. The graphics, so what if their not jighly detailed... There's so much going on screen at one time and their well textures, it just works. There are very few glitches, the Camera is no better or worce than it was before and the game has got the best plot of any of the Sonic games so far...
It's not a brilliant game, and I can see why so many reviewers hate it. It is badly presented, the controls are loose and the enjoyment comes out of completing the game several times and getting a completely different ending EVERY time...
Ironically, the games best aspect is also it's worst; Choosin between Hero and Villain.
In many levels, the choice is being a hero or villain demands you kill ALL of the gun soldiers or all of the Aliens in a particular level. It gets annoying as even if you miss one you need to comb the entire level again searching for them... UGH, thats really REALLY horrible and annoying.
The controls ARE loose, but more than adequate. Shadow controls roughly how he did in Sonic Adventure 2, it's again, half way between that and Heroes... The stages are well designed, still have the annoying pits in MOSt levels (not all thank god) and work well. The guns are actually integrated quite well, lieing round all over the place and make cutting your way through enemies (and bosses) easier. Their abundant and varied, but entirely optional allowing the player to do what s/he wants to. Same goes for the vehicles, some are just dependant on looks but others actuall help. Searching for 5 keys is annoying but hardly neccesary to complete the stage, only if you want some extra stuff.....
The graphics are only marginally above those in Heroes, but the big improvement Shadow boasts is that their so detailed. There's so much going on on screen, so many enemies, shadow, a companion, spaceships, crates, guns, vehicles, explosions, boxes, destructable objects... Litterally everything is destryoable and ewell animated, I'd even go so far to say the grpahics deserve 8/10 for just fitting together so well...
Sound wise, it's good. The music is decent, with some excellent vocal Songs from Crush 40 and Julien-K, the voice acting has the same trouble as before; some voice will just make you scream.. Odly we seem t be able to drop Amy and Tails from that list and stick Vector on instead! Most the voices are so so, Black Doom, Gamma and Eggman are the ones that stand out the most but they've all got good and bad points to sum up individually. As per usual they witter on in levels, but as you can choose a companion you can get rid of one of them when their voice irritates you. I'm not going to complain of the lack of a Japense voice on the GCN version, I never listened to it much anyway on the Adventure games, they still talk just as much except it's in an unintelligale babble that gives me a headache.
So, to sum up, unsophisticated but adequate graphics, loose controls, Guns and vehicles are entirely optional (you can play the game HOWEVER you want to, guns help but they arent neccesary, it's brilliant and there's LOADS of replay value...) a superb plot and it wraps up the story that'd been developing since Sonic Adventure 2....
As I said, I can see why so many people hate this game, but it's NOT a bad game when you get to know it... It's not a brilliant game, nothing particularly amazing but it's enjoyable...
And the music's good as well
The Trouble is, if you don''t like Sonic already you wont like this. If you dont like Shadow you wont like this. If you dont like the idea of guns and light swearing in a Sonic game, youw ont like this....
It' a decent game, but it dismisses So much of it's demographic that I'm not surprised so many people have the cold shoulder...
6.9 / 10
But what about that picture with the Chao? Where do they come into the game? Are they just for scenery or do they actually play a part in the game?
Well in one level if you decide to the hero mission they come into play. =P
Yeah, it's basically another find the Chao dealie, except you're looking for a specific one and the others are just annoying and you can't shoot them.
Spoilers (Select To Read): Yeah, you have to be careful around the chao. One time I blew up a couple with my bazooka. Amy wasn't nearly as amused as I was at the moment...
Yeah, it's basically another find the Chao dealie, except you're looking for a specific one and the others are just annoying and you can't shoot them.
Which is why I Chaos Blasted them to heck
That looks like the CGI model used in the cutscenes. The pose is like that because it's the generic pose that all CGI models have before they're actually put into an animation - I believe the arms are outstretched like that so that they don't "merge" with the body, giving the model more freedom of movement when animating.
I figured as much, but there's something...strange about that smug little grin he has. *shudders*
i'm more interested in why shadow appears to have golden coloured eyes there, aren't they usually red?
It's a work in progress. Going by the date they had plenty of time between submittals to redo the artwork.
Will the in-game models ever look that polished? *dreams*
*blows up world again*
Maybe not in the Next Gen Sonic game... But.. Perhaps... Possibly... Maybe... Remotely... In three Sonic games after that maybe?
*shrinks it again*
*rips ability to blow up world out of Hyper's body*
*tosses it in box labelled "Exhibit J"*
*walks off*
I dunno, Swift, them graphics in the NextGen gameplay video seemed pretty sleek. >>
Re: Golden Eyes Shadow (that so sounds like something out of Yu Gi Oh!) I think that it is the model used for the M-Flo music video: You need a free file planet profile to download - 13.8mb
All I have to say is DDR: Sonic Mix. Then release it on a console with a dance mat Ooooo Cheap Shot...
If people want me to, i will send full Mp3 version of
I am
Chosen One
Waking Up
to SonicHQ
All I have to say is DDR: Sonic Mix. Then release it on a console with a dance mat
Ooooo Cheap Shot...
First off, all three current-gen consoles have dance mats as of DDR With Mario. The 360 doesn't have one - yet.
Second off...
I was thinking I was going to be corrected about that. But until DDR Mario Mix there wasnt a dance mat for the Gamecube is what I meant.
Sonics been eating a few too many chili-dogs it seems.
Hahahha, I wish I was Sonic....just to be on the stage with those girls. *gunned*
If people want me to, i will send full Mp3 version of
I am
Chosen One
Waking Up
oo Email them to me. drewdex2@hotmail.com
If people want me to, i will send full Mp3 version of
I am
Chosen One
Waking Up
Ooh, post them here when you get them up.
Also, I found a full version of All of Me but it's a little screwed up.
It's imperfect, anyway. The "long" version of All Of Me was ripped from the game, and it was only used in the final battle. Meaning, it has to loop every once in a while. Thus that track stops cold at the end.
I suggest waiting for the official soundtrack if it means that much to you.
I have a fixed version that doesn't loop. I believe you can get it at SoaH.
What's the address for SoaH?
Mmk, just finished last story, and I have to say that it's the worst Sonic game of the 3D era. The in-game graphics were bland, repetitive and generally dull, and while the cutscene graphics were actually pretty damn good, there was very few of them and also when it cuts ack into game-graphics the change sorta whacks you in the face like a wet fish. Character models are possibly the worse since...well, ever, given the available technology. Notable examples of sucakge are the block-head president (and I mean that literally - It can't be that hard to make a head look realistic, can it? I mean, Soul Calibur 3, MGS3 and hundreds of other games can do it on the same hardware...), Shadow's super form model and Rouge's model (HOW LONG DO THOSE ARMS NEED TO BE).
Story was all over the place - the ten endings thing just made things more confusing, and once again the story relied on Spoilers (Select To Read): "SECRET RECORDING FROM GERALD POPS UP AT LAST MINUTE AND GIVES AWAY EVERYTHING" to finish it all off. Generally, it gave more questions than it did answers, which, seeing as Shadow was - and, I guess, still is - the strongest Sonic character available for story exploration, is highly disappointing. Speaking of characters, many of them are grossly OOC. That said, tho, I guess a lot of them were in Heroes, so that's nothing new.
Sound...well, the new voices generally suck and are aggravating. Sometimes they sound ok, but half the time Shadow just sounds bored as opposed to angsty, most of the Chaotix are all over the place (Vector...ugh...), and generally...well, they're just wrong. Old voice actors back plz. The music...well, some of it's pretty cool, but for the most part it ain't that great, which is rather odd for a Sonic game, and gets drowned out by voices and sound effects due to a dodgey balance (and before anyone asks, I'm running on the default - I've not messed with it. In fact I don't think you can.) The remixes were awesome, tho (GUN Mobile getting two remixes as Blue Falcon and Heavy Dog Boss Music, and E.G.G.M.A.N. getting done over, too.), and it was uberly coo' to have a piano remix of All of Me playing through the ending. A mixed bag with music overall.
Gameplay...ooh boy. Well, some parts of it are fun - these generally consist of dashing through the level as fast as you bloody well can. Others - such as the puzzles in Mad Matrix with the colour panels, and multi-hit enemies that take forever and a day to go down, get horribly tedious. Also, there were some potentially good ideas for level design, such as during...Cosmic Fall, I think it was called, where everything's collapsing around you and you're fighting your way along on falling platforms - woulda been cool if pulled of right, but for the most part it just ended up annoying. This game still suffers from a camera that refuses to look where you want it to and too many actions mapped to one button, it seemed to me. Running controls seemed a little loose, as occasionally I ended up overshooting my stop or turning too tightly and such through no fault of my own, and the homing attack can be incredibly awkward to work with, occasionally sending you in the completely wrong direction and often off the edge of a level. The weapons system takes some time to get used to, and even afterwards can be rather annoying, but for the most part it seems that once you've got the hang of it you can work with it pretty well.
Life span's about 2 days for the main game. Notably longer if you're going for all A ranks or filling the Library, but you'd have to be a glutton for punishment to attempt either. There really doesn't seem to be much to go back for, really, and I can think of much more fun games to play instead of this.
All in all, I'm glad I rented it. It's a decidedly average platformer, and incredibly under par for something that should be passed as a Sonic game. As for its relation to the Sonic storyline, I'm considering disregarding it completely. I mean, it does every other game, soooo...
Anyway, in playing it it's given me some more ideas as to what I'd like to see in the next Sonic game. Not that they'd ever get implemented, mind, but that said it's a subject for another topic, I guess.
Also, for Hiro, SoaH is right here.
Sound...well, the new voices generally suck and are aggravating. Sometimes they sound ok, but half the time Shadow just sounds bored as opposed to angsty, most of the Chaotix are all over the place (Vector...ugh...), and generally...well, they're just wrong.
You should rent PS2 version. While the game suffers from bad frame rate the japanese VA sound awesome. Expecially Shadow VA, his laughter sounds more evil and Vector, Rouge and Charmy sound waaay better than their english counterpart.
Oh yeah, didn't think of changing the language - I'll have to check that out before the thing goes back tonight. 😡
BTW, did I mention that both remixes of "G.U.N. Mobile" and the one of "E.G.G.M.A.N." were done by The Remix Factory?...
Didn't know it was Remix Factory that did the GUN Mobile remixes...shoulda really checked that, since i was on the site looking at the EGGMAN remix. 😡 Hopefully Sonic Team'll make remixes a common thing in their newer Sonic Games (hiring the same people? I dunno, what they've done is pretty cool...)
Finally summoned the care to complete.
That added absoloutely nothing to the Sonic canon. The entire game was story inspired and it added nothing. I walk away from this with an overwhelming sense of apathy and pick up my DS to play Rush again. I bleedin' hope the next Sonic game comes out on a console I own, I'm not going out of my way for this series ever again.
Not even if it was
*Baps you over the head*
Hmm... well, I blew 50 bucks on this and I have to say... it was better than I was expecting. I mean, I was expecting an all around dud, but the game was pretty freakin' sweet. The 2-Player mode was helluva alot of fun compared to Heroes. The cut scenes were good, but I'll agree that the graphics look like they came from the Dreamcast era. ESPECIALLY the president and.. well, all the humans for that matter. Not only that, but the VAs are indeed even worse than the original game VAs. The Chaotix especially. Vector sounds alot like Big the Cat XD. Sonic's voice doesn't fit at all. And whoever did Rouge needs to learn some acting skills because she added absolutely no life to the character. Tails and Eggman sounded decent though. Anyways, so far I've unlocked 3 endings. I liked two of them, but one of them seemed pretty pointless. Anyways... good game. Could be better; could be worse.
Well I'm chiming in a bit late, but I must say that all things considered, I loved it. I can see why some people dislike it, especially the reviewers. It's narrative is convoluted fun for Shadow Fans, but absolute nonsense if you just don't care.
As a Sonic Game, it's great. If you were a fan of the direction of Sonic Adventure 2 took, it felt like a True sequel.
The guns? Odd, but fun. As much as you can complain that they are out of character, the do open a wide variety of game-play in the series. Much more then Sonic Heroes I though.
In fact, I felt that love it or hate it, it was much better then Sonic Heroes. You never felt forced to slow down except for certain missions. Further more, the warping checkpoints help alleviate the frustration involved with missing objectives.
In short, this game is all about taste. I loved the music. You might not have, but It was still top notch. The in-game graphics? I though they were adequate, but others think think they were awful. Everything in this game is love/hate.
Oh yes, and in the end, the game does answers the only two important question that remained:
Spoilers (Select To Read): 1) Did Shadow really know Maria? Clearly, yes.
2) Is Sonic Heroes' Shadow the orginal Shadow? Clearly, yes.
Best Vocal Songs of any Sonic Game so far
Finally confirmed who the real Shadow is
The plot was better than Heroes
Loads of levels
Guns and vehicles were fun, but more importantly not overused so they didnt tamper with the formula
Graphics werent brilliant but CGI scenes were superb and the volume of things happening on screen were great...
Slightly loose controls, still better than Heroes but not up to Adventure games standards
Plot was convoluted and did have some problems
had to replay ALL 10 different endings to get last story
Eggman looked brilliant in CGI but in game models were... UGHHH, heck, all humans had bad in game models...
Finally finished it, and I have to say it feels like a half way point between Adventure 2 and Heroes... Not quite as good as the first but leagues better than the latter...
Hopefully though, this game will end the plotline that's been running since Sonic Adventure. After a little offshoot with Riders the next gen console can start afresh with it's own story and plot and.. maybe... drop everyone introduced since Sonic Adventure???
I can see why some peope hate it, but overall I'm glad iplayed it.
And, Craig, it DOES advance the series... It's explained some things about Shadow that Heroes left hanging, hasnt anwered some of SA2's questions and raised a few of it's own, but it's brought Shadows personal story to a... cliff hangered conclusion?
But, well, he's FINALLY over Maria...
If he does ever return we'll never have to hear either her or Geralds name Again...
Basically, it fixed what Heroes broke. Not much of an accomplishment, but necessary. At least now Sonic Team can move away from the overtly sci-fi feel Shadow's presence added to the Sonic series and get back on track to a balanced mix of technology and mysticism.
Eggman looked brilliant in CGI but in game models were... UGHHH
I agree with almost everything but this. I'd have to say that his in-game model was the best yet, giving him the right proportions, and giving his body the right kind of curves.
I'd have to say that his in-game model was the best yet, giving him the right proportions, and giving his body the right kind of curves.
For some reason, that didn't seem to sound right to me XD.