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Shadow the Hedgehog game, with spoilers and such

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Posts: 270
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Fang's gun wasn't all that fantastical in Sonic Chaos.

Mainly because Fang/Nack didn't exist until Triple Trouble.

Posts: 763
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but it was cut for obvious reasons.

And now Shadow's come back with a REAL gun. HE HAS A PISTOL, DAMNIT! And one of those earlier screens, he had an MP5!!! WTF?!?!?!

Posts: 1396
Noble Member


C) Fang's gun wasn't as realistic as the one we saw in the trailer. So he could still carry his around and maintain the "fantasy/all-ages" feel that the game has been giving off since 1991.

I meant that Sega gave Fang the real gun (it should be a revolver to suit his look though) and used him in Shadows place. I was just trying to see which of the two is most disliked; Shadow using a gun, or the fact that a realistic gun is used st all (even if it fits the character).

I suppose one advantage to using Fang would be that he doesn't look like Sonic and he is only recognised by Sonic fans (be it of the comics, Triple Trouble or Fighters). The connection to the Sonic world would be less obvious, but it seems to be Sega's intention to show the connection anyway.

Posts: 122
Estimable Member


Just a though here, but would everyone (well, at least those who oppose this game) here be as up in arms if the game stared Fang as its gun-toting anti-hero?

Yes and no.

Yes, in the sense that I still wouldn't be interested due to the style of play. I'm not interested in shooters or shooting-related games. No, in the sense that Fang has always used some form of gun whereas Shadow is supposed to be so powerful as to not need one. It's similar to the complaints registered by fans of the Archie comic when Bunnie was shown to be carrying guns a year ago (never to be seen again) and the popular reaction (at least around here) was "why would Bunnie of all people need guns?"

Posts: 88
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We complain that Shadow doesn't need guns because of his chaos powers. Well, technically he didn't need Rouge and Omega in Heros, but he lugged them around anyway, and he seemed perfectly willing to have Omega do all the work during Chaos Control.

In Rouge's case, Shadow cannot fly, Chaos Control or no Chaos Control. And he keeps Rouge around primarily because he knows that Rouge knows about his past.

In Omega's case, I think it's more of a case of convenience. Shadow may be all powerful, but he's also only a metre tall. Omega is twice that, and therefore a powerful ally when it comes to smashing things up.

[quote[When you get down to it, Shadow is a god. He can distort space and time, and he can summon raw energy into teleporting spikes. That gives him a terribly unfair advantage. For game-play reasons, you have to tone down his omnipotence. Having him use the gun, for whatever reason they come up with, would help to accomplish that.

There are easier ways to 'tone down the advantage' than giving him a gun. Giving him limits, for example, or an energy gauge much like MP that is refillable by idling for a while, or collecting Rings.

I highly doubt that Shadow could constantly and continuously use his Chaos energy by Spears or Controls, in fact, I think that's the reason he couldn't control his Super form in SA2. He'd spent a large amount of time chasing Sonic via CC and attacking him with Chaos Spear, then smacked Biolizard around, and then went Super. He almost certainly used up too much.

Posts: 1437
Noble Member

Why do people think that the decision to make this game has something to do with the questionaire? This game has obviously been in development much longer than that questionaire has been around.

A more probable eplanation is that Sega made that questionaire to test the proverbial waters before dropping the bomb at GDC. That way they could decide how to go about making the game known.

Posts: 763
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Why do people think that the decision to make this game has something to do with the questionaire?

Because.... No reason. X_X Good point.

Posts: 65
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I'm officially no longer a Sonic fan. I mean, what the hell is Sonic Team thinking? It seems like we give them no end of feedback on what WE, THE FANS, want to see in a Sonic game but they just won't listen. I have completely lost faith and will never play another Sonic game again.

Posts: 931
Prominent Member

To be quite frank, I'm actually happy about this development.
(Waits for gasps of amazement)
Why? I'll admit that I've neevr really liked Shadow as a character, but I've never been a great fan of the poor plots in most recent games besides Battle.
However, what has annoyed me is Sonic Team's recent insitence on poor multiple-character gameplay, and they've finally dropped it.
So what if it's Shadow only, and he's got a gun? Fighting enemies was never the main point of Sonic games anyway... it was the platforming, and I'm hoping that will be good. If so, whether a gun is added into the mix and the hedgehog I'm controlling is blakc rather than blue doesn't matter to me.
To put it another way, I care about the game, not the universe, and I have some hopes this could reverse the lazy design trends Heroes showed.
So yes, I'm looking forwards to this.

Posts: 763
Prominent Member

I love you man! It's sooo true! No more 12 or so crap characters, just one pure, well know character. And it's true! IT'S ALL ABOUT THE PLATFORMING!!! ;_;

Posts: 2116
Noble Member

Originally posted somewhere else, so I'll leave a section of the post it was responding to in place for context:


This proves it folks. Shadow just isn't cool anymore. And the main reason for my aggravation is not Shadow getting milked to death, but rather the fear of what this might mean for Sonic's next game. If they put a gun in Sonic's hand then that's it, I'm quitting the series for good.

I wouldn't leave the fandom altogether; but it'd probably mark the end of my interest in the games, too.

At the very least, outside of the current standard of the Advance series, which seems to be the only set of titles that still remembers the raw platform playability and comparatively decent coding that Sonic used to be about, rather than just churning out buggy eye candy.

If I wanted a shoot-'em-up, I'd buy one. Sonic's... well... Sonic.

I might not've had to like putting Tails in a mech in SA2, but at least putting the resident tech whizz in a mech is vaguely in character.

This has all of the in-character-ness of Cream's Bad Fur Day.

Sonic or Shadow packing a piece just has no realistic justification. It's just not how either of them operates.

They're walking projectiles themselves and can outrun freakin' bullets. They don't need guns. It makes no sense.

If this is a cheap sop to the "But we're "mature" teenage fans, so we want R-rated Sonic games with gore, cussing and Amy getting her boobies out!" brigade, then Sega've lost my respect once and for all.

Posts: 1984
Noble Member there no way to stop this madness before it goes too far? Or has it already??

Posts: 859
Prominent Member

According to Sonic Stadium this is NOT the game that Yuji naka has been working on, so hopefully there is a mainstream Sonic Game not to far in the distance beyond this one...

All I can say is thank god... phew.
Although i'm optimistic about this game, it is a spinoff and it shouldn't take precidence over the main line, which was my main concern, but it hasnt so i'm not....

Posts: 202
Estimable Member

I was just wondering, do we know yet what component of Sega is making this game? I know Sonic Team doesn't really exist any more, but is it even being made by the old members of it, or is it from Sega of America or somewhere else?

Posts: 85
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I'm happy. I've always liked Shadow for not being a direct sonic xerox, and now they're splitting him off from his blue counterpart. If only I had a PS2.......

Posts: 859
Prominent Member

Dont go out and buy one just for this, it'll probably be on the GC as wel....

And Buzz, no clue. I cat see Yuji naka having some say in it, but apart from that I think all the coins are still in the air.

Posts: 5035
Illustrious Member

You know I'd be shocked if SonicTeam worked on this seems so not like them. Anyway like ShadowGlass said we should rejoice. *Rejoices* We might be getting a single character based game finally. Of course I know a bunch of people despise of Shadow...for reasons that to me seem pretty pointless. All I'm saying is give this game a chance. Feel free to ridicule the game once more info is out, but for optimistic...expecting only to be letdown. :p

Posts: 859
Prominent Member

According to Sonic Stadium (heck, i seem to be getting all my info from there) it's being made by a department in Sega of America.

Posts: 527
Honorable Member

Apparently, Iizuka is the one who's in the development of this title. It makes sense that he's the one behind this, considering he's the one who was the mastermind behind the other 3D Sonic games too.

Posts: 270
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"Mastermind" works for Adventure, but I think we need a better noun for Heroes, and quite likely, this.

Regardless, I find all you people who are immediately refusing to play or even like Sonic ever again because of one bad upset to be kinda silly. I mean, if it floats your boat, go for it, but you shouldn't be denying yourself the goodness of the original games or the many really good fangames that are coming out lately just because the latest ones suck.

Posts: 1818
Noble Member

Regardless, I find all you people who are immediately refusing to play or even like Sonic ever again because of one bad upset to be kinda silly.
Oh, I'll play it. In fact, I'll probably do so before I even read a review of it, just so I can say my opinion is completely untainted. But I'm still preparing for the worst, and I think I have reason to do so.

Posts: 270
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You, me, and pretty much everyone else (with some exceptions), Cyc...

Posts: 4885
Illustrious Member

Mhmm, same here. I mean I hate gameplay as a rule anyway, but I'm preparing for the worst, but hoping for the best.

All they need to do is half as much to Shadow's story as Sonic Battle gave, and tie up the ridiculous clone crap from Heroes, and I'll be happy as heck.

Posts: 5772
Illustrious Member

I was already cosigned to play the game regardless of everyone's opinions.

Can we still make remarks about how silly the situation with the gun is, though? ^^
EDIT: This just in, Takashi Iizuka reveals the truth! Okay, I'm done now.

Posts: 527
Honorable Member

Somehow I still haven't given up hope yet, not for one simple Shadow spinoff title. Considering there's still plenty of more Sonic titles being released besides this like Sonic DS and that Gamecube Sonic title I can only hope those games make up for this one, if it does turn out bad (and I'm not saying it will).

This, I'm having with mixed feelings with. Only time will tell how well this game turns out.

Oh, and by the way, Psx. Those two comics that you posted were hilarious.

Posts: 4885
Illustrious Member

XD XD @ Morpheus!

If that was the serious excuse then all is forgiven. SA2's ending should never be referenced or copied ever. EVER!

and the "Only Logical Explination" made me laugh outloud 😀

Posts: 859
Prominent Member

Heh, nice comics...

To be honest, there is the potential for an interesting story to be told here, but it's such a delicate situation that, well...

The tensions killing me...

Posts: 59
Trusted Member

I'm not sure if anyone here's had this idea, but someone at a Pokemon board had this idea in a topic about the game.


who said they have? notice how Shadow the Hedghog is the only game that hasn't been put up on Sega's site since all the games they announced at GDC?

Just wait. I bet you anything that in a few weeks they announce a Knuckles the Echidna game, or an EGGMAN game. And then they'll eventually tell us that it's all one big game - Sonic Adventure 3.

I doubt it, but it is believable, when you think about it. Still, I'm looking forward to this game no matter what.

Posts: 79
Estimable Member


This is set in an alternate Universe!! *shot* :cuckoo

Posts: 859
Prominent Member


Just wait. I bet you anything that in a few weeks they announce a Knuckles the Echidna game, or an EGGMAN game. And then they'll eventually tell us that it's all one big game - Sonic Adventure 3.

That would be cool, and if this was back in 2003 i'd be hopefull, but not now this long after the adventure series...

Posts: 763
Prominent Member

I wonder what Sega would do if they read this thread? ("I though they liked guns and violence? Oh well. How about a game on Cream, where you have to tidy up your bedroom, and buy presents for her Mom?")

Posts: 5035
Illustrious Member

Hahaahha *knocks on wood* Jaffa if that happened, you'd better relocate because I would come for you. :lol

Posts: 409
Reputable Member


"I'm officially no longer a Sonic fan. I mean, what the hell is Sonic Team thinking? It seems like we give them no end of feedback on what WE, THE FANS, want to see in a Sonic game but they just won't listen. I have completely lost faith and will never play another Sonic game again."


Posts: 859
Prominent Member

EE, who said that quote?

Posts: 409
Reputable Member

Argent Silver, page 14.


Posts: 2116
Noble Member

Nobody was holding you at gunpoint and forcing you to agree with that opinion.

I don't know what you think gives you the right to insult the poster just because you don't like what they have to say (generalisation or not), but you can knock that attitude off. Right now.

This is a warning.

Posts: 409
Reputable Member

Sorry. :annoyed

Won't happen again.

Anyway, there are plenty of fans INCLUDING me who are going to enjoy this game.

EE :nn;

Posts: 14
Active Member

Bad pixely screenshots but yeah.... hopefully the guns are just power ups... I mean they're optional. You choose if you want to take it or not (similar to Grand Theft Auto or other games with the same basic concept. Kill a baddie, gun drops. Lookie teh dead chaoz montah dropped a gun!)

And I noticed that the red energy bar shows how much Chaos powers Shadow has left... and as for the green/blue one is his health (you know... like in SA2 Eggman and Tails as a health bar they can replentish with rings.)

I dunno if this was posted but meh... oh well if it did.

Posts: 1818
Noble Member

Anyway, there are plenty of fans INCLUDING me who are going to enjoy this game.
No matter what, I would assume. How sad...

Posts: 17
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Screenies!!! :D

Posts: 14
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Same screenshots I just posted two post ago. -_-

Anyways, I have a little more hope for this game now that I know the guns are optional. X3

Posts: 5035
Illustrious Member

They are optional? You sure...I want proof. :p

Posts: 170
Estimable Member

Ah, nice eye. I never noticed that gun in the trailer. At first, I thought it was ammo, though. <_< While I'm not saying a gun will ruin the game, it is a, well, rather 'special' idea. XD Maybe an optional point would help. One thing I'm REALLY interested in with this game is the fact that you apparently can use Chaos Control outside of any two-player modes, and such.

Nobody was holding you at gunpoint and forcing you to agree with that opinion.

I don't know what you think gives you the right to insult the poster just because you don't like what they have to say (generalisation or not), but you can knock that attitude off. Right now.

This is a warning.


You're holding that person at gunpoint and telling her to accept the opinion, more or less. If EnergyEmerald is infringing on someone's right to freedom of speech, then I'm afraid the same thing is happening to EnergyEmerald.


Geez, lighten up.

~Nytloc Penumbral Lightkeeper

Posts: 880
Member Admin

You need to quote that or else some may get confused. She handed out the warning for a reason. EE had editted the post after so it doesn't seem as offensive now but that still doesn't reverse the warning.

Posts: 3291
Famed Member

he has quote marks in that post, but in HTML and not ezCodes.

and this topic has 15 pages already? i knew it'd be a big subject of conversation, but i didn't think we'd be getting so many posts on it so quickly.

Posts: 270
Reputable Member

A topic surrounding a new Sonic game is sure to expand as quickly as a bunny population in heat.

I'll... er, let your imagination finish that one.

Posts: 14
Active Member


They are optional? you sure...I want proof.

The screenshots I posted....

Posts: 7
Active Member

Quote: and othr pics


It seems that the gun is just a powerup. Thank god.

Posts: 5035
Illustrious Member

Ok I thought that was what you were referring to. I know on some of the pictures he doesn't have his gun...but that doesn't necessarily mean it's not an option. Maybe he has it in his [fictional] pocket during that certain cutscene or something.:jester Another thing about the game that gets me is the fact there's a health meter. I thought the rings were the health. So does this mean you can get hit w/o any rings and still live? thats pretty cool...we'll just have to wait until more info is released.

Edit: Seems my post is a bit late.

Posts: 4885
Illustrious Member

Well, if the gun is an optional power-up and Chaos Power is the main weapon, then things look brighter already.

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