Rob, is Joe trying to eat that little girl?
No, Blue Jr. is not a girl and no, it just looks like Joe is eating him.
Silly Hyper. EVERYONE is going to check it out, can you imagine the MOBIUS FORUM missing out on a game to test out their "SEGA HATE US AND WANT US TO DIE OF NOSTALGIA" rants?!
If we don't play the game, how are we expected to complain about it.
*Looks at the previous 46 pages*
...If we don't play the game, how are we expected to complain about it... umm... more than we already are.
Yeah, Craig.
You think maybe this is what Sega wanted? It's a good way to sell a game.
Hahaha I got you Craig. I just do't believe we have 7 flippin' months. Man I don't think I can hold out. That big worm whatever dude is just one of the bosses...imagine the others that may be in this game. Man...Shadow is haunting my every gaming moment. E3 this year is gonna extend past three days...they're gonna have to go all the way through May. Not that it matters too much...after E3 i'm done with this game. I'm gonna forget it...except for the 7 printed out pictures hanging on my wall. But yea about that article it is really weird how they basically riduculed the entire Sonic Universe. Almost as if they weren't serious about that semi-preview at all. And Shadow on the front cover of NOM...thats almost illegal isn't it?
Oh well it's been done and I think the hype from outsiders(you know those Non-Sonic Obsessors[as myself]) is gonna get pretty big. I wonder what will the commercial for this game be...*thinking back about SA2 commercial and SH commercial* the possibilities are endless. The only thing that gets me is Eggman may not even be in this game. That's actually kinda awesome. Of course Eggy is one of my favs, but if they can make an entire game w/o having to use Eggy the series must be pretty big. I do hope to see some[non-hidden] cameos fromSonic and co. though. No hidden stuff like Big on SA2. Anywho...I gotta get a high capacity floppy so I can save both Shadow trailers and these scans on it to give to a clueless friend. I might need two floppies* because those trailers are insanely huge. Maybe I should look for an actual "CD".
I think it has been said somewhere already that Eggman will be in the game.. as well as..Sonic.. o.o
You're still using floppies? Just kidding! Cool TMNT pic, by the way.
But yeah I can only imagine the commercials for this game:
*alien beams down from ship into the middle of a street*
bang! a stray bullet knocks the aliens laser out of his "hand."
alien looks to see a real life headgehog (like the SA2 commercials) with a gun laying next to him on the ground.
Then random screen shots with the words "HERO OR VILLAIN" flashing across the screen.
Or something more creative, since that sucked. All I know is that HERO OR VILLAIN will be this game's catch phrase for the advertising, but I think we all figured that out by now. I can't wait for E3 though. I have a feeling this board will triple in size after the first day.
Yea I thought it was mentioned before too. Thats a relief. I wonder what purpose will they serve. And yea Ductt I do use Floppies.(Thanks for the TMNT compliment) That's all my school gives out. Talk about cheap. lol But yea I'm gonna hand them out for free and spread the word. I'm gonna tape posters on the walls and everything. I'm gonna spread propanganda, puttting down all other gaming series and glorifying Sonic[Shadow]. It's wrong I know...but it's gonna be hell of alot of fun.
It's a good way to sell a game.
Although I foresee most of us RENTING the game since we wouldn't want to risk $50 on a product that looks highly questionable.
*Blink* The way Matthayter makes it look, I thought that people who are truly dedicated and love the game constantly rent it, whereas us UNDERATING FANBOYS WHO RATE GRAPHICS OVER QUALITY!!!! buy.
The only thing that gets me is Eggman may not even be in this game. That's actually kinda awesome.
Actually, its been stated in an article that Eggman (and Sonic) will appear in this game. Supposedly you'll be able to choose which side you want to be on, to affect the storyline or gameplay. So you can be against them or with them if you want to.
I thought you'd be be choosing with the aliens or G.U.N. Then again G.U.N. might be with Sonic and aliens w/Eggman. So I guess I could see that. Hmm...this is gonna be interesting I think.
You can decide whether to be with them too or against them, you have a choice. That's all up to you.
Yea, I'll consider renting it, probably not buying it. I mean, even if it isn't all "extreme" or whatever they're doing, I wouldn't buy it mainly because I REALLY REALLY REALLY dislike Shadow...REALLY, So renting/borrowing from friend, whatever.
Well, honestly, this is the first time that I'm really excited for E3 because of something OTHER than a new Sonic game (Zelda, to be specific). I'm sure most of you feel the same way. Anyways, I'll check it out, for story purposes. Other than that, this will be the 1st Sonic game that I don't give a damn about.
However, I do like that pic of Shadow in the air, covered with a bright-blue aura around him.
this is the first time that I'm really excited for E3 because of something OTHER than a new Sonic game (Zelda, to be specific).
I second that, Shadic. I'm more excited for other titles and systems that will be on display at E3. That being said, I will definitely rent Shadow before even thinking about buying it, which will be a first with a Sonic-related game for me.
I just want to know why everyone seems to hate Shadow.....
I don't hate Shadow. I do think Knuckles was a better attempt as Sonic's nemesis though. He atleast looks different. Shadow is just differently colored, and can't get this quills to stay down. Then again Wario is simply a fatter version of Mario in different colors. Shadow is cool in his own way, I suppose, as long as he doesn't get some random sidekick like a green fox.
frankly, i dont like shadow, because knuckles and metal were already valid*succesful* tries at making an anthesis*correct use?* for sonic. Shadow would have been a better character if he wasnt a hedgehog...imho. frankly anyone could be super fast if they had those hovering shoes like shadow, so it made no sense to bring in *another* anti-hero, and even less sense to have him end up good, just like knucklehead... so lets count the amount of evil rivals turned good/neutral we have...
Knuckles, Chaos, Emerl, Gmel, Shadow, Eggman*sorta*, Gamma, Froggy *sorta*, and you could even concider Metal, who now that he is not working for Robotnik is simply bent on defeating sonic...
the plot is overused, as is the, "I've learned my lesson/lost control of my creation i'll help you, idea."
Good point, Espio. I think that's why the majority of die hard Sonic fans don't like Shadow, he's an overdone plot.
I always assumed it was because he was a RECOLOUR OF THE DAMN SUPER SONIC MODEL FROM THE PREVIOUS GAME >.@;
I mean you see how much the Sonic fandom hates recolours right, especially when they are exactly like the hero, but more powerful and "mature" because the person who makes whatever spritecomic it is watched too much DBZ and thinks MATURE!!!! is angst.
I mean EVERYTHING about Shadow reaks of "filfthy crappy fancharacter" and yet the public seem to eat him up. It's sickening.
That said, I suppose the fact that Shadow is the 6th or 7th version of Sonic to appear doesn't help matters.
I always assumed it was because he was a RECOLOUR OF THE DAMN SUPER SONIC MODEL FROM THE PREVIOUS GAME >.@;
Heh, not completely. SA2 models were different from SA ones and Shadow has a few little details that are nothing like Super Sonic such as: smaller eyesocket, different shoes, etc.
And to say Sonic fans hate recolours is not entirely true. A lot of them actually use recolours for their own avatars on forums.
However, I don't like Shadow because everything about him is driven by angst. It's too one-dimensional of a personality. I don't care about his backstory, that's just an excuse for his angst.
Super Sonic from Sonic adventure-
Super Sonic recolour/Shadow* from Sonic adventure 2-
*Delete as appropriate
The SADX Model is not the SA Model, thank you very much. Are you that silly?
Craig, I think you should call him a recolour of Super Sonic's design with a few bits and bobs added rather than character model.
As they made his quills stay down, the exact opposite of Super Sonic's, gave him his own pair of rocket shoes, and added chest hair to make him look a bit different, for example.
Though even with all those minor added features deep down he's still a Super Sonic recolor.
I still say they should've given him a hat..
Now THAT would make him different.
then people might compare him to knuckles or nack as the other hat wearing characters. (but knux doesn't compleately count, as the hat is only seen in non-game appearances)
*Hoping everyone else is familiar with Sealab 2021*
Next up on Sonic's nemesis list: Bizarro Sonic!! "I'm way past bizarro cool!"
Meh. In recent games and in Sonic X, they've changed Super Sonic's quills. Instead of having the "side quills bent up" look, his quills now have that classic Super Saiyan look to it. (See sig pic.)
So now Shadow's the only one with the "side quills" look.
Wait... so how exactly is your sig different than every other super sonic pic?
Shadow is not only a recolor, he is a GENERIC recolor, colored black and red because his cliche smouldering angst must surely manifest itself as the color choice his hoey, incomplete backstory-supplied creator chose for his pet project. Everything he has screams generic fancharacter, which is why I dislike him.
I'm sure they can find something to make his character into.
If they can supply at least one more trait besides "generic rage," then I'll be happy.
He may smolder with generic rage but there's much more than that...
Take your pic from "generic mystery", "generic idiocy," "generic madness" "generic victim" and "Generic manipulator" and "generic puppet" and you've gothim summed up...
He's an everyman, nothing quite defines him except everything...
See the difference now, BrownCow? The Sonic X quills are going more upward than the SA quills. Personally, I think the Sonic X quills look retarded, and are way too long. (No offense to your sig, SS)
The difference is there, but minimal and hardly noticeable except from a certain camera angle...
The deisgners probably werent that aware that they were changing such a sacred thing...
More like reverting back to it. SS had the Sonic X quills in S3&K as well.
bastard sonic3&k sprite artists... ripping off sonic x all the time...
bastard sonic3&k sprite artists... ripping off sonic x all the time...
WTF?! Please tell me you are just being sarcastic...
Well, in Sonic Heroes, Super Sonic did look damn sexy in the CGI scene, so I can't complain too much. Though had Shadow have not been a recolour, I wouldn't have objected much to keeping the SA1 style.
Next up on Sonic's nemesis list: Bizarro Sonic!! "I'm way past bizarro cool!"
You realise that Bizarro is a term from DC comics, right? Mostly pre-crisis, though.
the baddies in this are actually aliens and also G.U.N
no way realy?
Were you even aware that the other pages before this existed, or did you think the numerical value system started at 49?
You realize that Bizarro is a term from DC comics, right? Mostly pre-crisis, though.
I had no idea. I'm more of a Marvel man myself. It would make sense if Sealab stole that off something else though. Which comic is it from exactly? Or is it taken from the whole DC Universe? My Sealab fan friends would love to know.
*Back on topic, kind of* If Super Sonic does indeed look as sexy as you say, then I have a reason to beat SH now.
the baddies in this are actually aliens and also G.U.N
And Sonic/Eggman (depends who you choose)... You can't forget them!
I myself have no problem with Shadow and his recolor'd self.
I've been thinking about this game, and I was thinking, maybe this game comes inbetween Heroes and Battle, explaining how he had his memories in the latter. More than likely, I'm dead wrong, but there's always hope...
Three things:
1. Shadow appears to have regained at least PART of his memory at the end of Sonic Heroes: He refers to Sonic by name, and remembers all about the super form... thingy.
2. The whole " he looks like Sonic, just a different color" bit is actually a MAJOR PLOT POINT in SA2, so stop saying they were lazy - they DID have a valid reason for that. Sheesh
3. You're not alone in liking Shadow ( He ranks 4th with Knuckles, after Sonic in 1st, Tails in 2nd, and Amy in 3rd (gotta love the mallet (or Piko Piko Hammer, to be precise)), nor are you alone in the whole "lurking" thing.
Where do I sign up for the club?
No, seriously!
Forgot to mention I'm psyched about the game, especially now that I know I can ixnay the unsgay
1. Shadow appears to have regained at least PART of his memory at the end of Sonic Heroes: He refers to Sonic by name, and remembers all about the super form... thingy.
And yet he doesn't remember that he too can go super. To be honest, I always assumed he knew Sonic's name because Rouge might have mentioned in prior to their meeting. I mean, she would have had to imagine that they might run into the guy. Might as well just give Shadow a few facts so he doesn't freak out upon seeing his "twin".
2. The whole " he looks like Sonic, just a different color" bit is actually a MAJOR PLOT POINT in SA2, so stop saying they were lazy
- they DID have a valid reason for that. Sheesh
Just because you rationalise your laziness doesn't make you less lazy... They could have made him an entirely different character, but they didn't. They are lazy. Shadow is a recolour with only slight modifications (I've seen sprite recolours with more originality, honestly). Sonic Team as a whole has been pretty lazy as of late.
this is the first time that I'm really excited for E3 because of something OTHER than a new Sonic game (Zelda, to be specific).
You know you love Sonic too much when...
bastard sonic3&k sprite artists... ripping off sonic x all the time...
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------WTF?! Please tell me you are just being sarcastic...
to confirm, i was actually defining sarcasm for all of you.
thats cool, Espio.
Also, I often wonder. If SEGA had made a different new character but still stayed with angst, then allowed him to transform like Sonic, then brought him back to life to be in the new game and then STILL given him his own game with guns, would we still complain about the character as much as we do now?
I really have no problems with Shadow's looks or his personality.
Also, I often wonder. If SEGA had made a different new character but still stayed with angst, then allowed him to transform like Sonic, then brought him back to life to be in the new game and then STILL given him his own game with guns, would we still complain about the character as much as we do now?
I really have no problems with Shadow's looks or his personality.
I would still have as much of a problem with him.
1) Angst: clich.
2) Return from the dead: clich.
3) Grabbin' guns: Jumpin' on the bandwagon.
And giving him a super form has been done already, too (Tails and Knux). Shadow just has no originality about him at all. He's a walking clich, and it's a sign of Sonic Team not applying themselves.