since sonic team gave shadow a chance, i think silver should have one with him in the future instead of the past
I definitely wouldn't mind having a Silver game as I'm one of the few that actually enjoyed his gameplay especially using a robot's missiles against it! Course, I wouldn't be sad if I never saw one made either.
I have an idaa what the general consensus is probably going to be on this question, but I suppose my answer would just be "sure, as long as it's good" (unlikely in the current state of things, but I digress) - I don't think Silver has the kind of pulling power that Sonic and Shadow have to warrant his own game though. But if a Silver solo game were to happen, the Wii would be the place for it - you could manipulate the objects Silver 'picks up' in interesting ways with the remote (is the Motionplus accessory still coming out?). I'd like to be able to manually bash an enemy to smithereens with a boulder. You could have puzzle elements like building stairs out of blocks or levitating a keystone into a high-up switch. These things seems like they'd be easier and feel more natural to do with the Wii's controls than a standard controller.
Silver's psychokinetic movement of objects and hovering ability are a sure thing, but I would hope they'd also retain two things that I thought made Silver's game actually pretty fun - the ability to levitate and move the object you are standing on (thereby carrying Silver around - it was fun to do with cars) and the Psycho Slam move, which would stun all normal-sized enemies within your radius (it did a decent amount of damage to the 'shield' of larger enemies). I actually found myself wishing I had the Psycho Slam in Unleashed's Werehog stages to stop the damn critters from lashing at me while I dealt with their buddies.
The game should under no circumstances feature a puzzle where a large ball must be manoeuvred past numerous pits.
The game should under no circumstances feature a puzzle where a large ball must be manoeuvred past numerous pits.
Amen, brother, amen!
Shadow can't get his own game right. Why do you think Silver stands a chance?
Silver has a funner gimmick than angst and guns and motorcycles?
It depends if Sega can design a game based around physics based puzzles and platforming, rather than holding a fast forward button.
They need to make a good Sonic game first.
Toby Barrett wrote:
Silver has a funner gimmick than angst and guns and motorcycles?
And yet, you believe Sonic Team won't screw that up?
Silver didn't win the last character poll. So, no.
But I do foresee a Sonic & Knuckles 2 in our future... ooooh wee ooooh....
If Silver wasn't a Sonic Character I'd like to see him in his own game. Or heck. Maybe if he wasn't a hedgehog...
A game based on a refined version of Silver's mechanics amd powers? Yes
A Silver game? No
Edit: Hang on, wait, why are we even discussing this when our time could be better spend pressuring Double Fine into making Psychonauts 2?
Seriously...Silver with his own game? The character seems interesting...that much is certain. But...I don't know enough about him to answer this question. As for a Sonic and Knuckles 2...bring it on!! I want to see it!!! 😛 Or a Chaotix game? Yosh!
i mean don't get me wrong, i thought shadow's game would be something new with the motorcycles and guns but it sucked. the gameplay was terrible and it just hurt to play but i liked the story. now with silver you have a new character from the future with powers no one else can do from sonic the hedgehog(2006) which i think were pretty cool so if shadow had a chance and messed it up so why can't silver get a chance. i mean i could see it on the wii
Who's Silver? No, really, who's Silver?
= separated at birth?
Maaaybe if BIOWARE made it.
Yeah right like I could ever trust them with Sonic again >>
I haven't actually played anything as Silver, but I'll stay in the camp that says that Sega need to actually decide what Sonic's about and how to make it work before thinking that they can make another spin-off.
As has already been said: we don't need another Shadow.
i think the game could shed some light on the problem with the whole blaze and eggman nega from either the future or another dimension thing
I don't know. The problem with time travel is that it often creates more problems than it solves. Perhaps Sega are harming themselves in this end by being a heavily franchised game series which binds themselves to story, which states that Blaze and Sonic can not co-exist in the same reality and that Silver is only from a broken future which has been averted.
Mario does not have these problems, if Rosalina is in the next Mario Kart there will only be cheering that the most visually and conceptually fascinating character of the franchise is making cameos, rather than anyone pondering why she isn't on the flying observation deck (which would undoubtably be a race track).
Silver is in the same black hole that Trunks from DBZ (ie: the person he was ripped off from) was in. A character who was well loved by fans, but did not belong in the same timezone as the rest of the cast.
The DBZ team tried to bring back "Future" Trunks for movies and specials it was not really effective and was bad plotting. They eventually had his child form become a significant character and his teen form a main character in the GT spin off, but none of these were the hardened future warrior fans fell in love with.
Really, as interesting as Silver is. He can only exist as his own entity now, and even if a spin-off game existed it would run the problems of dealing with time travel, a lack of threat in the future and being continuity bound to the black sheep of the Sonic family.
But, hey. That's all just words put together in any random order. Sega and Sonic Team have proved several times that logic and reason rarely apply and they will do what they feel like when they feel like it.
If we go by the DBZ story that they seem to like, if they did bring Silver back, he'd obviously be the lovechild or either Shadow and Rouge, or Shadow and Amy.
What I would do if I ruled the Sega and decided to do something with Silver's story is:
Have Silver's world set in Sonic's world distant future (like in STH06) but its now ruled by Metal Sonics and other robots and such. And Silver is trying to find out how it happened. You would have Shadow and Omega pop up now and again and maybe some redesigned classic characters. So yeah usual OTT stuff.
Gameplay is far more puzzle platformer based with more consistency over Silver's powers. And no snooker.
If we go by the DBZ story that they seem to like, if they did bring Silver back, he'd obviously be the lovechild or either Shadow and Rouge, or Shadow and Amy.
What about Shadow and Vanilla?
why shadow?
The reason people pick Shadow is because he is the Vegeta character in the DBZ-Sonic comparison. The angsty anti-hero who starts as a villain but turns kind of good.
In DBZ Vegeta and 1st season main character Bulma have a baby who grows up to be Future Trunks who is the Silver of the comparison.
well now i understand ,the only difference would be that silver is 200 years in the future so that would be the only thing shaky about it
i know this is an old topic, but i really am starting to love silver so i want to give my intake on the matter.
i totally want silver to have his own game he's so much fun and i just love his character, he reminds me of the old teenager style cartoon characters. and what would be even more awsome is if in silver's game we get to play Omega that robot. i remember having fun playing him.
a robot and psychic both playable main characters in the same game..seem like a winning game to me. don't you guys also think you'd be sure to buy a game like that?
<But if a Silver solo game were to happen, the Wii would be the place for it - you could manipulate the objects Silver 'picks up' in interesting ways with the remote>
i can see how that sounds fun, but we Xbox gamers love being lazy so it's okay if it's with a regular remote too
oh and about the whole mess happening with the story jumping from past to future..... i really think there can be a story set in silver's time with him facing some threat super robot boss or something not connected to sonic's time, cause i really think that there's no need to summon sonic into silver's game. i think the problem with sonic team is they always try to connect everything together. and they try too hard that they make a mess out of it.
Not sure if i've commented on this yet or not...but considering i've not played as Silver yet and have no idea how he really fits into the series...I don't think really any character needs a solo game. Just narrow the playable roster down and focus on these select characters...SA1 did this rather well. Each character had their own story thing going on, and it still fit into the main story quite well. I still want to "play" DPT just to see how messed up it really is. The Sonic fan inside can't say no to's a curse. u_u
it's just as good as sonic adventure maybe even more.
and silver is waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay awsome. his game play and theme are too cool, he steals the title of prince charming off of shadow easy.
his controls are fun, he uses psychic abilities.. he can grabs items and enemy missles and throws them at the enemies (just like the force in star wars) and he can fly for a short time, he can also bend metal to go throw cages or bounce off of metal boards like spingers. he's so awsome i'm taking my time playing him of sonic 06.
and a game of his own would be nice, cause really he doesn't fit as a side character in sonic's games. shadow is less cool than him and got a game of his own. i mean shadow had to use guns and veichels to add more fun to him, silver doesn't need more adding he's perfect.
it's just as good as sonic adventure maybe even more.
and silver is waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay awsome. his game play and theme are too cool, he steals the title of prince charming off of shadow easy.
his controls are fun, he uses psychic abilities.. he can grabs items and enemy missles and throws them at the enemies (just like the force in star wars) and he can fly for a short time, he can also bend metal to go throw cages or bounce off of metal boards like spingers. he's so awsome i'm taking my time playing him of sonic 06.
and a game of his own would be nice, cause really he doesn't fit as a side character in sonic's games. shadow is less cool than him and got a game of his own. i mean shadow had to use guns and veichels to add more fun to him, silver doesn't need more adding he's perfect.
The Grinch could steal that from Shadow[not like he was ever called that anyway]. 😛 And ummm you're right Shadow did use guns and vehicles...but it surely didn't make him more fun. And to say Silver doesn't fit as a side character in Sonic's games, he is one in DPT and you're totally loving i'd say he fits in just fine. Then again i've not played it or even...seen much of it so who knows.
P.S. Not sure if you're at this part yet, but there's a scene with Shadow and Silver later in the game...that is hilarity to the infinite power.
in the sonic 06 game, sonic shadow and silver are the main characters. you play each one of the three for their story. so no, silver isn't a side character.
as for shadow with silver, i think you mean the other shadow look alike that's always with silver.... i seen only the first intro with him so idon't know what's his story and i forgot his name.
Yea sorry, I think my wording was off. Like...side character as in...a co-character, just like Silver is in DPT. I don't really know if giving him a game where he's the only character you play as would be so great, personally. But no, not's Shadow and it involves Chaos Control. Oh my gosh...that junk is hilarous! It's near the end I believe.
Sega and Sonic Team have proved several times that logic and reason rarely apply and they will do what they feel like when they feel like it.
And that it will always be disappointing? =O
Not sure if i've commented on this yet or not...but considering i've not played as Silver yet and have no idea how he really fits into the series...I don't think really any character needs a solo game. Just narrow the playable roster down and focus on these select characters...SA1 did this rather well. Each character had their own story thing going on, and it still fit into the main story quite well. I still want to "play" DPT just to see how messed up it really is. The Sonic fan inside can't say no to's a curse. u_u
And just what is your excuse, hummmm? You have a PS3, which plays 06, so you have no excuse at all, ha ha!!!
oh my and you full metal rayzor, own a playstation3 a wii and an Xbox ..... .... .... how in the world do you keep up with that?
i'd go nuts if i had all three top systems
and as for what you said ben, sonic team does make mistakes here and there, not one of their new sonic games are perfect. but still they're a lot more fun, they don't have the old feel but i don't mind much of the change they took (did you play the old megadrive games anytime recently? you'd be shocked of how slow they were then and how fast sonic is going now... i'm actually greatful a dinosaur like me can play these newage games)
anyway, as long as they keep making them enjoyable like sonic adventure and sonic 06 i have no problem with some of sonic teams weird ideas.
just wish the glitches were less annoying. that's the one big flaw in sonic games today it causes you to curse more
oh my and you full metal rayzor, own a playstation3 a wii and an Xbox ..... .... .... how in the world do you keep up with that?
i'd go nuts if i had all three top systems
Well, I just got my PS3 yesterday and haven't even hooked it up yet, but it came with inFamous and Batman: Arkham Asylum. As for the other two, when a game I want to play come on one I get it and then get the other after I'm done. Like I played Mass Effect on my 360, then Blue Dragon Plus on my DS, then a second go through on ME, then MP: Trilogy, etc. But it's great to have all 3 plus a DSi; I used to have a PSP too but it broke!
you are a monster gamer rayzor <i'm not smoking, my candy is just on fire>
sorry to hear about your PSP guess you wont enjoy the final fantasy 7 games now, they're the only thing worth getting..... also starocean 2 the remake.
hmm.... talking about a silver game, won't it be weird having silver on the DS? .... then again it does have that touch screen.
Telekinesis is fun so I can't say no.
you are a monster gamer rayzor
<i'm not smoking, my candy is just on fire>
sorry to hear about your PSP guess you wont enjoy the final fantasy 7 games now, they're the only thing worth getting..... also starocean 2 the remake.hmm.... talking about a silver game, won't it be weird having silver on the DS? .... then again it does have that touch screen.
Monster gamer? Ha, ha, no, not really far more better gamers than me are out there; as far as the PSP goes, I plan on getting a Go sooner or later or at least a 3000 model.
Hahahah! Well all of my friends were smart and didn't buy 06, Ray...that's why i've not played it. xP But nah...I really want to try it out. I met a guy the other week who has it for 360 and my roommates have a 360 so I might have to borrow that game and give it a go. But that's got a PS3 now, Ray. What's your PSN man? Well once you get it hooked up and stuff add me...GMR4LFE.
Don't worry, Neal, once I get my lovely PS3 online adding you to my friends was my number 1 priority! That reminds me, I need to add my PSN tag to the Congregation of Communications thread in the GA. I made my tag when I still had my PSP even though I've never used it.
Sega reveals new Sonic-themed edutainment title for Nintendo Wiiâ„¢.
November 29, 2009 - Sega has revealed a new entry in the Sonic franchise, going by the name of Sonic Is Missing and aimed squarely at the casual Wii audience. Here's the press release:
"SEGA Europe Ltd. and SEGA America, Inc., today announced Sonic Is Missing!, a fascinating new title with newcomer Silver The Hedgehog in the lead role! Developed for the Nintendo Wii video game and entertainment system, Sonic Is Missing! will teleport into stores in early 2010.
Oh no! Dr. "Eggman" Robotnik has finally succeeded in capturing Sonic The Hedgehog, and is holding him captive in an undisclosed location! Using his new Chaos Smasher device, he's also succeeded in tossing the fabled Chaos Emeralds all over the space-time continuum! As Silver The Hedgehog, you must travel to many different time periods using Chaos Control and gather the missing Chaos Emeralds by answering era-related questions and playing mini-games with the likes of Genghis Khan, Marco Polo and Abraham Lincoln!"
Oh you LIIIIIIIarrrr
xD! I almost believed that for a second. Almost. lol
Sega reveals new Sonic-themed edutainment title for Nintendo Wiiâ„¢.
November 29, 2009 - Sega has revealed a new entry in the Sonic franchise, going by the name of Sonic Is Missing and aimed squarely at the casual Wii audience. Here's the press release:
"SEGA Europe Ltd. and SEGA America, Inc., today announced Sonic Is Missing!, a fascinating new title with newcomer Silver The Hedgehog in the lead role! Developed for the Nintendo Wii video game and entertainment system, Sonic Is Missing! will teleport into stores in early 2010.
Oh no! Dr. "Eggman" Robotnik has finally succeeded in capturing Sonic The Hedgehog, and is holding him captive in an undisclosed location! Using his new Chaos Smasher device, he's also succeeded in tossing the fabled Chaos Emeralds all over the space-time continuum! As Silver The Hedgehog, you must travel to many different time periods using Chaos Control and gather the missing Chaos Emeralds by answering era-related questions and playing mini-games with the likes of Genghis Khan, Marco Polo and Abraham Lincoln!"
lol! I know this is fake, but I call to order that Silver is now OFFICIALLY the Sonic franchise's, WeeGee!
Sega reveals new Sonic-themed edutainment title for Nintendo Wiiâ„¢.
November 29, 2009 - Sega has revealed a new entry in the Sonic franchise, going by the name of Sonic Is Missing and aimed squarely at the casual Wii audience. Here's the press release:
"SEGA Europe Ltd. and SEGA America, Inc., today announced Sonic Is Missing!, a fascinating new title with newcomer Silver The Hedgehog in the lead role! Developed for the Nintendo Wii video game and entertainment system, Sonic Is Missing! will teleport into stores in early 2010.
Oh no! Dr. "Eggman" Robotnik has finally succeeded in capturing Sonic The Hedgehog, and is holding him captive in an undisclosed location! Using his new Chaos Smasher device, he's also succeeded in tossing the fabled Chaos Emeralds all over the space-time continuum! As Silver The Hedgehog, you must travel to many different time periods using Chaos Control and gather the missing Chaos Emeralds by answering era-related questions and playing mini-games with the likes of Genghis Khan, Marco Polo and Abraham Lincoln!"
*clutches chest*
Don't scare me like that again. You are evil, Psx.
i actually liked that idea. .... except for answering history questions.
but hey not bad, sonic team already made a jackle and hyde sonic game i don't see why they can't make a "where's wally?" sonic game.
I think Silver is a laaaaame character in both personality and design(he's the worse looking "hedgehog" yet). However the concept of a whole game built on Telekinesis sounds neat. Therefore, Sega should create a new IP on this idea without any relation to the Sonic franchise starring a main character that doesn't make me want to groan and sigh every time they are on screen.
I think Square-Enix may have beaten Sega to the punch!