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So about that Episo...
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[Sticky] So about that Episode 2.

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It has been confirmed.

Posts: 5035
Illustrious Member

Sweet.Ness. Thanks for this update. Hope this turns out well.

Posts: 1827
Noble Member

- SOA and SOE are both giving feedback and input on Episode 2 - Well thats nice actually listening to the people who actually buy the games. Clue1: Never work with DIMPS.

- Episode 1 sold well, which means this outing may have a bigger budget - What the *#*@? Its Sonic for *#*@ sake, Sonic shouldn't have budget limits.

- there is a pre-determined amount of episodes - Well that nice.

- SEGA realizes that elements of Ep. 1 could have been better, and they're working on that for Ep. 2 - Clue 2 - Make it feel like Sonic 3 and K to play.

- focus on bringing in zones with elements you haven't seen before - You mean actually make it feel like a sequel and not a "Best Of but rendered in Flash"

- not a Sonic CD remake - DAMN YOU IIZUKA. Sonic CD must be the Classic Sonic brother they lock in the attic and occasionally feed fish heads.

Posts: 5035
Illustrious Member

Hahaha! Seriously though...Sonic CD gets shafted, time and time again. I would so love if they had a new game that goes back to The Little Planet. I thought Sonic Colors was initially, but yea.

Posts: 327
Reputable Member

I'm indifferent to it not being an SCD remake. Let's be perfectly honest: after Episode I, is there any reason to believe that they could do anything other than horrendously mangle another game from the original tetralogy?

Here's to hoping they are serious about their new claims.

Posts: 5035
Illustrious Member

Hahha, ahh come on Rapid. Have some faith. I believe they'll get this right. Considering they're talking to SOE and SOA...this has serious potential. Also kudos to recognizing S3&K as one game in your above post. *gives you Girl Scout Cookies®* :DDD

Posts: 1396
Noble Member

- SOA and SOE are both giving feedback and input on Episode 2 - Well thats nice actually listening to the people who actually buy the games. Clue1: Never work with DIMPS.

You mean the people who've made the highest rated Sonic games since the Mega Drive days?  Sorry mate, but while Sonic 4 may not be that good, Dimps have been the best thing going for Sonic for the last ten years.

Posts: 5035
Illustrious Member

2D Sonic games, Robo. Because SA2[while being right at the ten years ago mark] was genius. Unless Dimps had something to do with that, then with Dimps. lol But hey I did love SAdv.2 and 3[which was Dimps correct?]. Actually I don't mind Dimps, I actually enjoyed Episode 1, just didn't play it much at all after I beat it. u_u

Posts: 1396
Noble Member

Sonic 4 is a 2D game though, and they've been responsible for all 2D Sonic games since Sonic Pocket Adventure, minus the Rival games, PS3/360 Sonic Unleashed, and Sonic Colours Wii. In my opinion they still make great games when they're directed well, as they're also responsible for Street Fighter IV and Super IV, as well as the Dragon Ball Z Budokai series.

Posts: 5035
Illustrious Member

Yep yep. I agree. It's not that Dimps hasn't done a good job, but seriously...SEGA should be shot for not making another game of SA2's quality. Is it really that hard. I just got done playing through SA2 and boy did it feel good. Sure it had problems and some of my joy from that game, may be nostalgic but as a whole the game just has something I don't remember seeing much of in SH or ShtH. *shrugs* I just don't see why SEGA can't do it themselves. u_u

Posts: 220
Estimable Member

What Robo said. Dimps might not be traditional, but they're the best thing the Sonic franchise has going for it. They're a wonderful developer, responsible for Street Fighter IV and Super Street Fighter IV (which Robo also pointed out). How is that a negative track record in any way? Not to mention, they're responsible for the highest rated Sonic games in years.

all 2D Sonic games since Sonic Pocket Adventure,

Isn't that the highest rated Sonic game so far? And made by Dimps? Hm...

Posts: 5035
Illustrious Member

Agreed. You guys working for Dimps or something? 😛 I totally love their involvement with SSFIV and like everyone has been saying they've been doing great on the latest Sonic games too. So if Episode II is rubbish, we'll know why. Here's looking at you SOE/SOA.

Posts: 528
Honorable Member

I hope they incorporate the iPhone loop-de-loop idea into all versions of the next game
