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So we haven't heard much from Sonic Team lately?

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Posts: 899
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Yeah, wait for the PSP release. I own the Ys I & II remake for DS and it's ugly as hell. Also own Ys VI on PSP, but the loading times are awful. Would really like to play the others *coughOathInFelghanacough* someday. And I swear, Falcom seems to have the best composers ever.

Posts: 633
Honorable Member

Ive been Thinking alot lately & Here's my Ideas on How to SAVE the Sonic Franchise..


1) Get back as many old Sonic Team Members as possible
2) Get Yuji Naka back
3) Use the Sonic Adventure Formula For Consle Games until you can make somting better
4) keep Doing what your doin with handhelds...NO GIMMICKS!

1) Explain to the fans you can never please them all
2) Imprision the Furverts (IE People who Draw Sonic Hentai Yaoi/Yuri) but since Game companies can't arrest people..Yet....
3) Enforce the Fact that sonic is a FAMILY Franchise & Furverts will not be tolerated
4) Sue As many Furverts as possible, Take Everything theve got & put it towards making better sonic games
5) if none of the Abouve works, Hire The worlds Top Assasians to Systematically Kill all Furverts.
6) Get Fans to care more about Level Design & Controls then the BLOODY VA's!!

That is all


Posts: 1789
Noble Member

Ive been Thinking alot lately & Here's my Ideas on How to SAVE the Sonic Franchise..


1) Get back as many old Sonic Team Members as possible
2) Get Yuji Naka back
3) Use the Sonic Adventure Formula For Consle Games until you can make somting better
4) keep Doing what your doin with handhelds...NO GIMMICKS!

1.) Won't happen

2.) Won't happen

3.) They've been arguably doing that all this time


Posts: 513
Honorable Member

Ive been Thinking alot lately & Here's my Ideas on How to SAVE the Sonic Franchise..

2) Imprision the Furverts (IE People who Draw Sonic Hentai Yaoi/Yuri) but since Game companies can't arrest people..Yet....
3) Enforce the Fact that sonic is a FAMILY Franchise & Furverts will not be tolerated
4) Sue As many Furverts as possible, Take Everything theve got & put it towards making better sonic games
5) if none of the Abouve works, Hire The worlds Top Assasians to Systematically Kill all Furverts.

I sense a lot of rage towards a harmless group and disrespect for Article 19 of the UDHR.

Posts: 1573
Noble Member

2) Imprision the Furverts (IE People who Draw Sonic Hentai Yaoi/Yuri) but since Game companies can't arrest people..Yet....
3) Enforce the Fact that sonic is a FAMILY Franchise & Furverts will not be tolerated
4) Sue As many Furverts as possible, Take Everything theve got & put it towards making better sonic games
5) if none of the Abouve works, Hire The worlds Top Assasians to Systematically Kill all Furverts.

That is all


Never happen as long as Rule 34 exists.

Posts: 633
Honorable Member

Whats Rule 34? whats rule 19 of the UHDR?

Please enlighten me.

(Seriously though you can't honestly think these peole are justified in turning a family franchise into somthing perverse.)

Posts: 5772
Illustrious Member

I don't think I like where this thread is going. Legion, instead of asking you could have just as easily Googled what you needed to know and be done with it. You have the necessary keywords, use 'em.

Please enlighten yourself.

Fetishism and its proliferation on the Internet is a whole 'nother affair and has no real place in this discussion.

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2) Imprision the Furverts (IE People who Draw Sonic Hentai Yaoi/Yuri) but since Game companies can't arrest people..Yet....
3) Enforce the Fact that sonic is a FAMILY Franchise & Furverts will not be tolerated
4) Sue As many Furverts as possible, Take Everything theve got & put it towards making better sonic games
5) if none of the Abouve works, Hire The worlds Top Assasians to Systematically Kill all Furverts.

Us furverts WILL be tolerated. You'll NEVER successfully fursecute us! NEVER!!!!!

Posts: 5772
Illustrious Member

Goddamnit, Rish...

Posts: 464
Reputable Member

Mario is just to wacky and happy, the only thing bad or evil going on is some giant fat turtle who cant come up with a better plan then kidnapping a princess to lure a fat italian plumber who can eat flowers to throw fireballs AND eat mushrooms.

I like Sonic's further direction of drama, excitement, fast paced adventure and action. Too bad the games suck. FAN GAMES are better than SEGA.

OFF TOPIC: Was 2K6 really written by

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Goddamnit, Rish...


Posts: 464
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Lol, whats a furvert?

Posts: 1055
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Please, just Google it. >.>

Posts: 1573
Noble Member

Better yet, ask HPA. He's our resident furvert. He practically lives off of Rule 34.

Posts: 633
Honorable Member

Looks up Rule......Aw Crackerjack.....

Well then fell Free to just Delete my list.

OK heres a more sane one then (stupid sanity.)

1.) Spend more Time on the Games Fixing Contol & Cameral issues
2.) Get fans to focus more on techinical issues in the game & not who VA's
3.) Try your best to get at least 1 person from the Origipnal Sonic Team back (even if you have to beg sega, even if you have to beg.)
4.) Less Gimmicks overtime til there almost all gone
5.) Focus on the main 3 Sonic,Knux, Tails. Use other characters spairingly.

1.) Fans should Realize there will never again be a sonic game that will please us all.
2.) Fans should be united not arguing over Tedious matters like VA's , Wich character is better/Cooler.Etc.
3.) FAN & Critics should Stop Judging a sonic game beofre you play it, Why beat somthing down before it has a chance to get any self esteem!

Welll thats my revised list. (also just because the internet says i have to tolerate Furvertedness, it doesn't say i Have to like it. Also know I still Respect Rishi for his Lovable Wackiness, even if in my openion he is part of sonic's problem. Seriously how can anyone not like Rishi, He's just to Entertaining not to like. You rock Rish..ya kinda creep me out some times...but You still rock.)


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even if in my openion he is part of sonic's problem.

Dude, I'm not part of Sonic's problem - I'm part of Sonic's CURE! Oh yeah, and thanks for all the other nice stuff you said. I love you too, man!

PS: I'm not gay... much...

Posts: 633
Honorable Member

even if in my openion he is part of sonic's problem.

Dude, I'm not part of Sonic's problem - I'm part of Sonic's CURE! Oh yeah, and thanks for all the other nice stuff you said. I love you too, man!

PS: I'm not gay... much...

PS: Neither am I (Unless Beyonce or Chun-li iare actually men, but if that were true...I would Cry....and stab my eyes out.)

Back on Topic, Ithink sega should limit them selves to i consle & i handheld sonic per a year mabye then we would see quality imrove.

PPS Still looking foward ti S&K Winter games &Z Sega all star racing.

Posts: 5035
Illustrious Member

even if in my openion he is part of sonic's problem.

Dude, I'm not part of Sonic's problem - I'm part of Sonic's CURE! Oh yeah, and thanks for all the other nice stuff you said. I love you too, man!

PS: I'm not gay... much...

PS: Neither am I (Unless Beyonce or Chun-li iare actually men, but if that were true...I would Cry....and stab my eyes out.)

Back on Topic, Ithink sega should limit them selves to i consle & i handheld sonic per a year mabye then we would see quality imrove.

PPS Still looking foward ti S&K Winter games &Z Sega all star racing.

XDXDXD!!! But man...are we so off topic or what? What is supposed to be the topic anyway, btw? 😛

Posts: 2723
Famed Member

Something about Sonic Team and stuff.

But even with the things they are planning to release this year is probably a bit much. 2009 has already seen Sonic and the Black Knight, and now Mario and Sonic Winter Olympics and a racing game are already on their way here.

I bet 2010 will bring another handheld adventure (or not) and news of another 3D game. I betcha.

Posts: 899
Prominent Member

I bet 2010 will bring another handheld adventure (or not)

Come on, you know you all want to see Sonic Rush Adventure Unleashed.

Posts: 513
Honorable Member

Whats rule 19 of the UHDR?

Article 19.

  • Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers. [/list:u:66b12a1781]

Seriously though you can't honestly think these people are justified in turning a family franchise into something perverse.

No matter how much Rule34 is produced of the various Sonic media, it does not change the fact that all official works are intended for a prepubescent or family audience. Personally, I like it when my favorite series produce high-quality Rule34.

If you do not like Rule34(or erotic works in general), do not seek them out, and simply turn away when you stumble upon them by accident.

Posts: 2723
Famed Member

I bet 2010 will bring another handheld adventure (or not)

Come on, you know you all want to see Sonic Rush Adventure Unleashed.

Personally, the last place I want to see Sonic the Werehog is on my DSi. |:<

Posts: 633
Honorable Member

In Reply To some past posts, Personally I love the Rush seris & would LOVE to see a 3rd installment (But no Unleashed in the Title, I pray that they would never put werehog in a handheld game! That truly would well, that would, theres not nice way to put it, it would suck! Please sega KEEPO EL WEREHOGO OUTO MY DSO GAMEOS!

As For Future Consle Games somthing Tales me we won't see another Full Fleged Multi Sysytem Title till Late fall Early winter of next year at the earliest.

But I agree I think we will Probably See another handheld next year, will i be a new RUSH, I would like it to be, but instenct tales me NO.

,,,,,Knucles Chaotix DS REMAKE ANYONE? (Hey it could happen...possibly)

Posts: 899
Prominent Member

I bet 2010 will bring another handheld adventure (or not)

Come on, you know you all want to see Sonic Rush Adventure Unleashed.

Personally, the last place I want to see Sonic the Werehog is on my DSi. |:<

Very well. You'll just have to deal with the brain-numbing pile of wrong that is Blaze The Werecat. "Tap the screen rapidly to combo! Punch punch kitty kick!"

Okay. I'm done.

Posts: 1789
Noble Member

oh my god! what happened to this thread...THIS THREAD?!

<<Mario is just to wacky and happy, the only thing bad or evil going on is some giant fat turtle who cant come up with a better plan then kidnapping a princess to lure a fat italian plumber who can eat flowers to throw fireballs AND eat mushrooms.>>

That's not a good excuse not to play some of the best games ever. Besides Mario don't just eat mushrooms and fire flowers, he also put one odd costumes to fly.

Besides, it's not like Sonic is a stranger to goofyness, although it's usually unintentual and cringe-worthy.

As for the Rush series, I have no idea if they are going to shoe-horn another unwanted gimmick in the next one or not(assuming that there is a third Rush game). Rush Adventure wasn't nearly as successful the first game.

Posts: 327
Reputable Member

Rush Adventure wasn't nearly as successful the first game.

Such logic hasn't stopped Sega yet.

Didn't Simon Jeffery want to institute a Sonic moratorium at one time? Whatever became of that? Did SOJ tell him he doesn't make the rules or something? Ah well. It'll be the Greek Kalends when Sonic Team isn't working on some inventive way to batter its mascot. Whoever turns out to be the next major game's director, I hope he/she has an actual vision and some idea of what constitutes platforming.

Posts: 2723
Famed Member

I doubt that would happen. The platforming segments in Unleashed got almost unbearable at different points, particularly later in the game and in the equally cringe-worthy Eggmanland level. At least SRA didn't have as many bottomless bits, although I think there was less actual platforming and more "hold right and press Y to speed boost to the goal."

Posts: 464
Reputable Member

Sonic Rush Advance sounds like a cool name for whatever they will do for the third game, but it may cause more convusion over what series it belongs to.

When it was heard that SEGA copyrighted Sonic Rush Adventure people thought it was another Adventure game/combination of Rush AND Adventure.

Maybe not since there are already two titles in the series :/

Posts: 1827
Noble Member

There would be no reason to call a prospective "Rush 3" Sonic Rush Advance. Unless the "DS2" is the DS Advance.

However, on the other hand, Sonic Rush Heroes... Or even better Shadow Rush Heroes. Which is a delightful combination of 3 bad games.

Why yes, I love Rush Adventure while I hate Rush. I am confusing. (Sonic Rush, Mr Craig, not the band.)

I do wonder/fear whats Sonic going to wield/turn into/have done to him in the next game. It hasn't been a good run for him since Shadow.

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Or even better Shadow Rush Heroes.

Posts: 464
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Shadow Rush Heroes Next-Gen.

Posts: 1789
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<<There would be no reason to call a prospective "Rush 3" Sonic Rush Advance. Unless the "DS2" is the DS Advance.>>

Sonic RUSHi

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Sonic Rushed

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Sonic Rushed

xD! So true, so true. Nice gif totally captures the anguish and horrid nightmares such a game would cause should it ever even be considered. Sonic RUSHi is cute. lol Seriously though...what are they up to? How long was it after Sonic Jam[or whatever the last Sonic game was for Saturn was] before SEGA announced Sonic Adventure? ST might be up to something serious, for a change.

No...nevermind...there's no way. *hangs head in disappointment*

Posts: 2723
Famed Member

I still think there would probably be news of it sometime in the future.

Sonic Rush Express sounds like a good title for a sort of "doesn't play quite like the classics" DSi Ware game, now that I think about it. Just make it something like the old games, have Sonic and/or Blaze as a playable character and have it contain the same semblance of a story as the old games. Eggman and/or Eggman Nega would be the villain depending on the chosen character, and just have an autosave system a la S3K.

No Tension guage, no tricks. Sonic and Blaze would have their respective spin dash-type moves, where as Sonic can use the somersault kick move from SA2 and Blaze would a similar fire move that can go through enemies on ground. Sonic has the shockwave thing in midair, Blaze can shoot a fireball or something. Level design is good for both speed and exploration. Fast-forward buttons aren't allowed.

It sounds nice in theory, I think. It'd probably be poorly executed, though. XD

Posts: 5772
Illustrious Member

Sonic Rush Express sounds like a good title for a sort of "doesn't play quite like the classics" DSi Ware game

Actually, it sounds like Sonic Rush Adventure, but with boats and high seas adventure replaced with something else!

Posts: 464
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Sonic Rush Apocalypse with a big universe-spanning plot and a DS game the size of a PS3/XBox game anyone?

Sega couldn't pull it off.

Posts: 2723
Famed Member

It couldn't be pulled off, anyway. One has to take into account the hardware, software, etc., etc., etc. Either way, technical limitations would really not make something like that happen. :<

Posts: 464
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Well I think their original idea for a 3D DS game was good, where you moved with the stylus, kind of like the Wave Cyclone parts.

Posts: 1789
Noble Member

That was a tech demo, and I disagree. I thought it would look pretty awful if it was released as a full game.

Posts: 464
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Well, why? The wave cyclone was fun, now put in speed boards, loop de loops, cool looking tracks, and bossess

Posts: 3756
Famed Member

Yeah, but that tech demo wasn't anything like the wave cyclone levels. You rubbed the stylus up and down on the screen and an on-screen Sonic ran faster or slower based on how fast you could wank the DS.

Posts: 981
Noble Member

I'd be pretty hard to play on more than one level with those controls. You'd get arm cramps and a broken bottom screen when you're finished. D:

Posts: 464
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Ahh. I understand. But still, they COULD make a game like the Wave Cyclone... Jussayin'.

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