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Something Awful's Let's Play Sonic 2006

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A while ago, 4 Something Awful goons started an amazing adventure: they would play through all of Sonic 2k6 without having played it before, all in one sitting. What we get is an amazing study of the human psyche as they start out laughing at the game's flaws, then get frustrated, then are simply broken by the final story. It just recently ended.

Also, for the record, at many points they intentionally exaggerate their rage for entertainment value. They've stated that their real emotions during the game were just sheer confusion and shock.

The thread
The first video, in case the forums are temporarily locked again or the thread gets archived

And if you don't feel like watching all the videos, here are some videos summarizing the best moments of all the playthroughs

Sonic - Sonic Doom
Shadow - All Fail Shadow
Silver - Dreams of a Non Solution
All 3 - His World
Last Story - His World 2

And here's a video that summarizes this entire thing better than even the above
The Six Stages of Sonic 2k6

Even if you're a fan of the game, I hope you enjoy watching people fail horribly at it. Make sure to read through the thread too, especially for the contests that occur in it, such gameplay challenges for other Sonic games, and contests such as finding the worst work-safe Sonic fan art. And just remember, they're playing the entire game in one sitting.

Posts: 1201
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oh my god this is hilarious

i especially love the contest responses

Posts: 1984
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Oh yeah. i am watching this.

Posts: 4885
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They suffer, so I don't have to. *Astonished at how BAD the running stages are*

Posts: 3756
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Like something else I know... *coughcoughthemoooorethemerrier-ARRRRRRRRRRRGH-coughcough*

Posts: 1984
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Shadow moses island. All the Amiga characters are awful except maybe for Rouge who's a mix between Knuckles and Tails. and maybe Amy who in the town section can jump on top of buildings with almost no problem. But thats really all Amy is good for.

Well no I take that back. Blaze is pretty cool. You don't get to play her enough though.

Posts: 2097
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Sonic 2006 manages to make the fastest segments of the game the worst parts. Well done Sega.

Posts: 1827
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I don't know, I quite like Omega. Even though his attacks are random and weedy, I still enjoy playing as him/her/it.

I didn't like playing as Blaze oddly enough. Admittedly she was head and shoulders above Tails and Knuckles, but getting her to attack enemies was frightning. You didn't know if she was going to do the Tazmanian Devil attack, blast towards the enemy or circle in mid air, like the Light Speed Attack glitch in the Adventure games. Where you are just constantly spinning around the final enemy in a row and oyu have to fiddle with the anologue stick to fix it.

Knuckles was by far the worst character in the game. Even Amy with the dodgy hit detection could defeat enemies. Not Knuckles, it was hit and miss whether it would hit the enemy or you lost your rings.

Strangely enough, I did enjoy playing as Shadow. Even the vehicle parts. If they had Halo style controls, they would be somewhat better.

I was really looking forward to the Super Speed Segments, They looked like a version of Burnout but with hedgehogs instead of cars. Turned out to be the most frustrating part of the game.

Writing this post has made me sad.

Posts: 5035
Illustrious Member

I don't know, I quite like Omega. Even though his attacks are random and weedy, I still enjoy playing as him/her/it.

I didn't like playing as Blaze oddly enough. Admittedly she was head and shoulders above Tails and Knuckles, but getting her to attack enemies was frightning. You didn't know if she was going to do the Tazmanian Devil attack, blast towards the enemy or circle in mid air, like the Light Speed Attack glitch in the Adventure games. Where you are just constantly spinning around the final enemy in a row and oyu have to fiddle with the anologue stick to fix it.

Knuckles was by far the worst character in the game. Even Amy with the dodgy hit detection could defeat enemies. Not Knuckles, it was hit and miss whether it would hit the enemy or you lost your rings.

Strangely enough, I did enjoy playing as Shadow. Even the vehicle parts. If they had Halo style controls, they would be somewhat better.

I was really looking forward to the Super Speed Segments, They looked like a version of Burnout but with hedgehogs instead of cars. Turned out to be the most frustrating part of the game.

Writing this post has made me sad.

Hahah yea it has made me sad didn't like playing as Blaze? =( But you know what...oddly enough I still want to play/buy this game. That's horrible, isn't it?

Posts: 3756
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Yes. Yes it is.

Posts: 1984
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I'd play it if I were playing with people who could turn anything into a joke.

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mang I've been watching them since they played sonic 3d. ima true fan.

Posts: 1984
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heh they're playing levels I never got to so I'm seeing stuff I never saw before. Wow the worst Amiga character has to be either Tails or Knuckles. Amy's invisibility is actually good. They didn't seem to suffer as much with Silver.

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<strong class="quote-title" B Vulpix wrote:

heh they're playing levels I never got to so I'm seeing stuff I never saw before. Wow the worst Amiga character has to be either Tails or Knuckles. Amy's invisibility is actually good. They didn't seem to suffer as much with Silver.

Besides "lol billiards" anyway.

Posts: 1984
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Yeah it took them 30 minutes to get past that part alone.

Posts: 899
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I've watched up to the point where they're Silver in Dusty Desert. Having never played the game myself, I'm absolutely appauled by the level design and the death count, not to mention the number of plotholes there are. And still... I want to play this. It's like I've been brainwashed as a Sonic fan.

All hail Sanford Kong.

Posts: 880
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One of their challenges should have been to count the number of deaths they had. I wonder how many they did have.

Posts: 1758
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I am utterly confused that people at SEGA actually made this and consider it good. Even the most delusional person must have realized it was a disaster, but somehow a lot of high up people were so enthusiastic about it that they NAMED IT SONIC THE HEDGEHOG. As in, it being some kind of major event relaunching Sonic as a franchise. Even if they were stupid enough to think the concept was a good idea, the execution should have told them to rename it.

Seriously considering the budget and impact on a previously cash cow franchise this may be the worst game in history.

Posts: 1201
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i don't think they saw it as a good game so much as an efficient profit machine. i have no idea how successful it was in the latter regard, but can you blame them for thinking that way when you people obviously still buy their crap?

Posts: 1984
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True. Even if older people know better all the younglings play it because they don't know any better. Plus people who, after seeing those videos, STILL want to play it. Unless you are renting I have no sympathy for you. I don't think it even deserves rental status.

38,000 copies sold in the first two weeks. Eventhough that is low in terms of video games. Thats too high for THIS game.

Posts: 1702
Noble Member

i don't think they saw it as a good game so much as an efficient profit machine. i have no idea how successful it was in the latter regard, but can you blame them for thinking that way when you people obviously still buy their crap?

Precisely why I've sworn off new Sonic games. I'm perfectly content in my Mega Drive/Saturn/Dreamcast world.

Posts: 3756
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XD @ the LOLIblises. "I has a shiny!"

Oh yuck. What the hell? Why did they redub the Shadow part? It's kinda dull without the game audio and their original responses.

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XD @ the LOLIblises. "I has a shiny!"

Oh yuck. What the hell? Why did they redub the Shadow part? It's kinda dull without the game audio and their original responses.

There were audio problems, and they lost all of the original audio for about the first hour. There's nothing else they really could have done. At least it's better then just setting the video to music like they were originally planning.

Posts: 3756
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Okay, so it's normal after that? Good.

Posts: 1984
Noble Member

Okay, so it's normal after that? Good.

Doesn't really matter since they talk loudly over the cutscenes anyway. Whats the background music playing in that "6 stages of Sonic" video?

Posts: 17
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<strong class="quote-title" B Vulpix wrote:

Whats the background music playing in that "6 stages of Sonic" video?

"Adagio for Strings"

Posts: 2234
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I've never played Sonic2k and know next to knowing about it. Nor do I have the intention to.

But one thing bugged me a bit in like the first 10 minutes of that video.

There are dogs in the game. But not anthropomorphic ones... just normal dogs.


Posts: 2191
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You're just now complaining about that?

There have normal butterflies,, frogs, and alligators before. :O

Posts: 5772
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Reminds me of an advertisement for the Pokemon anime that clearly shows a normal dog in the foreground amongst the pocket monsters.

Posts: 2232
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It would have been funnier in a dark way if the Find the "Pet" mission had an anthro dog as the pet though...

Posts: 1984
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XD yeah and he's trying to get away. I didn't mind the humans in station square. But thats probably because the humans looked like lego playset toys and other wise really primative looking. I don't know why I thought 'Sonic living amoung the humans' was kind of out of place in this game. Maybe because it was sooooo final fantasyish.

Also. the guys playing the game support the farfetched idea that Eggman is some kind of dimension traveling time wizard. Someone had the same idea on

Soleanna is earth/mobius on another dimensional plain. So basically Soleanna is where Station Square would be in the other dimension. Sonic went there to explore/vacation or followed eggman there who of course was up to no good. The chaos emeralds are omnipresent in all dimensions so there aren't several sets. Just one set. But they are everywhere at once. Interesting even if its kinda.......out there.

Posts: 3756
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Hey, I just thought of something. What if the choice to have a lava based villain was based on the opportunity to therapeutically getting revenge for every time lava fried your ass in the old Sonic games? (I'm lookin' at you, Sonic 3D Blast.)

Posts: 1037
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Would the same apply to Perfect Chaos and drowning in water zones?

Posts: 5772
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Enter Thorninyurbak, Pagan God of Spike Traps.

Posts: 1984
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When you fall in the water theres no splash. Sonic Implodes. Just like in TMNT 3 movie.

Posts: 5035
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Just like in TMNT 3 movie

A Ninja Turtle reference! Yeah!! I need to watch these guys play thi s game just to...maybe sway myself from getting this game. Like...the trailer made it look so good though. Then again alot of the trailer was cutscene. Actually...watching them play it is good enough for me. I just want story elements, i'll skip this game if it's really that atrocious.

Posts: 1984
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just look at youtube. all the cutscenes are there .

Posts: 5035
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Yea that's true too. It'll be a pain finding them in order though. Might do that just to save myself from hating where the Sonic series has gone even more as of late.

Posts: 1984
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The first 34 seconds of video 12 made me choke on my soda. In laughter of course.

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Well, they've done it. They've counted up the time taken up by loading screens, and here's the result:

02:24:31 / 20:16:32 (11.88%)

That's right, more than ten percent of the playthrough was loading screens. And as pointed out in the thread, that's longer than the actual Sonic movie.

Posts: 3756
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"Congratulations, you loaded a title card.






Posts: 131
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This is a better link to all the videos, if the SA thread becomes unusable.

Posts: 2232
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We had a loading theme once

Posts: 1127
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That's the cutest damn kitten ever D:

Posts: 2417
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I just got done watching the ENTIRE thing.

And all I can say is WOOOOOOOOOOW.

I spent the last couple days watching this in long sittings. What can I say, I wanted to feel exactly what they went through and I like pretty much everyone, wanted to see the entirety of Sonic 2006 out of unsettling curiosity. As I watched, I wanted to post a review of my feelings here in great detail...but apart from above by the time I got through to the end.....I am at a loss of words.

Posts: 1984
Noble Member

I'd like to hear how you feel anyway. out of unsettling curiosity o o I watched the whole thing too and I just felt bad for them. I know the only way any of them made it through is because they worked together. Their collective nerve was what it took to beat that game. One of them couldn't have done it alone.

Posts: 1127
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I beat it alone, with my steel nerves and lots of Mountain Dew.

Posts: 899
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Tried it out last week. Made it to Flame Core with Sonic and Shadow and Aquatic Base with Silver before finally giving up. Even with Shadow The Hedgehog I played all the way through, but this game just frustrated me to hell and back. Mach Speed zones are the worst idea ever. Though I must say, going in knowing what to expect made the endless stupid deaths in Wave Ocean hilarious.

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