Also during cutscenes where you encounter the Knight of the Round table in the back ground you'll here instrumental versions of musical themes associated with them. Shadow had "Throw It All Away" whilst Knuckles, who was not dozing in the dusk, has his instrumental of "Unknown from M.E." . I didn't get to Blaze (Percival) so I'll be very interested as to what hers might be… because she's never really had a 'theme' as such.
So you get to hear Shadow and Knuckles original theme songs in the cutscenes before you fight them? Cool.
Btw IGN has a couple of new pics including a new forest level and a boss fight as well as a hands-on which confirm 12 playble characters in multiplayer mode.
it wouldn't have killed them to put more animation on that dragon than the freaking biolizard
<strong class="quote-title"
B Vulpix wrote:
it wouldn't have killed them to put more animation on that dragon than the freaking biolizard
It could be because it is tutorial boss so it does'nt move that much.
Btw IGN has some videos with better quality. One feature Sonic taking on Arthur the Black Knight.
12 characters for multiplayer? Dare I begin to dream? Or is Sega building me up for even more disappointment...
Baring in mind that Silver and Cream were in the Multiplayer for Secret Rings.
Blaze had a tune called 'Blaze Event' or somesuch in the furst Sonic Rush. It was a catchy little tune, I always liked it, but it wasn't on the Sonic Rush OST (none of the cutscene BGMs were). Perhaps she'll be accompanied by a remake of that track.
Blaze had a tune called 'Blaze Event' or somesuch in the furst Sonic Rush. It was a catchy little tune, I always liked it, but it wasn't on the Sonic Rush OST (none of the cutscene BGMs were). Perhaps she'll be accompanied by a remake of that track.
You mean "Vela Nova" ?
Ah. I see. That one sounds cool too.
Btw looks like Sonic and the Black Knight might be getting action figures.
Edit- GameSpot has two videos here and here.
Merlina sound like Shahra only with an english accent.
Yeah she does sound like Shahra. Which leads me to believe that in every storybook game. This particular female character is some of omnipresent avatar of the storybook universe as a whole. Like that evil narrator in the Whinnie the Pooh books.
Man, it's great to see boss fights where you aren't constantly going forward to fight them. Plus, I kinda find it funny that the guy in the Gamespot video was talking about animal cruelty; I mean, c'mon, it's completely obvious that he was making some more chili dogs.
lol Animals killing other animals is cruel
hee Shadow holds his sword weird.
Maybe its because he's part ninja. Youtube version for the poor folk who can't get that first link to work. Black Knight website.
Ha, ha, ha, man, there are a lot of Sega references on the site; the crates say Alex Kidd Imports, Shining Force Delivery, and a Golden Axe Pub! Edit: BTW, I downloaded the Knuckles background and it. is. AWESOME!!!!
Aww Shadow thinks he is Nightmare.
Awesome, I knew there was going to be a Gemstone Cave level. Now if only it looks as pretty in my mind...
Cool website. A bit lazy naming the enemies thought (Giants Ones, Eyes Ones, etc.). The bastard sword? I am surprsies the ESRB didn't notice that.
Btw if you check the Papercracft section you can find Silver dress as a knight.
If Silver is in the game it must be some hidden role.
Ooooor he might just be a souless multiplayer unlockable.
Wow, its a Lost World mirror puzzle redux. Only with Sonic's sword.
I sense another pirate themed level will be in this game >> who here speaks german
I guess I should also mention that this video is a bit spoilerific. Lots of extra footage. Even cutscene footage.
Whoa. Not bad. The cutscenes look pretty good . Especially when Sonic takes down Blaze.
Also German MTV scares me .
They´re basically doing a review of the game, asking themselves if this will turn somewhat better than previous installments or if it will be "an even more dramatic fall".
They start off by mentioning previous titles that were a failure (starting with Sonic Heroes and in the end they add original titles "Sonic and the Seven Dwarfes" and "Sonic and Tina: adventure in the horse ranch" xD).
They then interview a psychiatrist to see if Sonic has really gone mad or if his behaviour as of late can be explained with psychological reasoning. Hilarity ensues.
Apparently the game starts you off with Sonic travelling in time to the Middle Ages and meeting a mutant King Arthur who is terrorizing the land under his tyrannical rule.
The commentators go on to explain that the swordplay actually adds something to the gameplay and that the on-rails level throw waves and waves of enemies after you. They say the game is actually fun when you are blasting at top speed slashing at stuff, but that every now and then it forces you to stop and play "demented minigames".
Bosses do not win any prizes in originality, but it is quite refreshing to have a change of gameplay between levels.
As far as multiplayer goes it´s apparently horrible because of bad controls.
Overall the game is fun but really nothing special and the "ridiculous story" drags it down even further.
They then reminisce about the good old days of Sonic 1 and wish Sega would do a game as good as that again.
Extra add-on: How to make your Gamecube into a Toaster.
They then reminisce about the good old days of Sonic 1 and wish Sega would do a game as good as that again.
Oddly enough sometime I reminisce the days when MTV used to show music videos instead of crappy reality shows .
Say was just me or was Sonic flirting with the Lady of Lake in that video? He seems to put his arm around her only for Caliburn to interrupt him. Sonic seems a bit annoyed by that .
Sega acknowledge SonAmy?
Where's my super secret spy suicide tooth??
Unfortunately that video is totally gone and I don't think anybody here saw it.
<strong class="quote-title"
B Vulpix wrote:
Sega acknowledge SonAmy?
Well not really. She the Lady of the Lake, not Amy Rose .
For those who missed the video here are some screenshots of the cinemas.
yay! At least we still have that. Dang why didn't I download that vid.
Someone put it back up omg
On top of that, Shig found this and posted it at Ian's forums. It just shows all the known cutscences but it has them set to an awesome remix of Marble Zone with what seems like a hint of GHZ at the beginning.
Pretty Castle....
The most important image in the entire game XD
Images don't work, DB.
really? they work just fine for me.
Nice castle. There are some new screenshots here too.
Look like SatBK is a casual game. That might explain why the Mist Dragon didn't move that much.
I hate how the word casual is flung around like dung these days. So. If a game is made for children. The audience video games used to be the main market for so long ago. Its considered casual. And "casual game" is probably interchangable with "not a real game" or "something even your grandma could play" and to some people its synonymous with "not good"
That casual thing really offended me! What do you guys think.
I haven't noticed this posted yet so I thought I'd mention that this month's Nintendo Power gave Sonic and the Black Knight a 8/10. The review was very positive, and this is te first Sonic review in awhile that hasn't gone along the lines "this game is great...if you ignore some large aspect of the gameplay." The review praises the story as possesing "a unique, endearing charm" and says that in terms of gameplay: "Unlike Sonic Unleashed, Sega got the game structure right this thing that's especially pleasing about Sonic and the Black Knight is it's hidden depth." In fact, the review's only complaints were that occasionaly some combos wouldn't chain together smoothly "but otherwise combat works well" and a few music tracks weren't to their liking: " although a few goofy vocal tracks are present, most of the music is medival-infused rock, providing an epic soundtrack."
I'm certainly excited to see how this game is and it's nice to hear a Sonic review that is positive across the board and not just in one particular area. When was the last time you saw a Sonic review end like this?
"If you're looking for an engaging, unique, well-polished take on the world's most famous hedgehog, Sonic and the Black Knight delivers."
Hmm, good sign then, will look out for more reviews first (specifically Gametrailers, Edge, and GamesTM) and then maybe rent it if the reception isn't all good.
Shame the Wii doesn't provide demos, they were reason enough to avoid the two Next Gen Sonics, at least until they're dirt cheap...and I'm not waiting for Street Fighter.
"It's basically an on-rails shooter where you have to mix acceleration with dodging and attacking."
Are u teh Krayon?
colors with you
well now we know sega's true purpose on who they want to appeal this game to!
There Sponsoring neopets!
Ha! Got a score 348. I believe Sega already said this game was for younger and casual gamers.
Anyway there new trailer with the flash game. It looks similar to one that shows Sonic in golden armor only with new footage.
XDXD Sonic got killed by APPLES!
I am a member of a site called GaiaOnline. They have a new item that's available from watching the trailer for Sonic and the Black Knight. This is what you get.... don't mind my avatar.....
er... ok.
*runs a Sonic forum on Gaia*
What makes me laugh is the accompanying text for the item - "I'm on a neverending quest to save my girlfriend!". Someone in Gaia's marketing department has obviously never played a Sonic game in their life or tried to have any kind of rudimentary grasp on the franchise, and seems to expect the same of the users.
Then again, fromn the even more blatant than usual commercialism at the last Gaia con panel I saw (you've never heard so much back-pedalling and hedging when people asked about bugs and logistics) this doesn't surprise me.
Welcome to the Mobius Forum, AiLeO. Your destiny awaits you!
Oh sweet tap-dancing jesus on a stick, Sonic on Gaia. Please please please please don't let Stacy see this thread, pleaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaase.
She's been off Gaia for a good few months. It's bad enough she still wastes her time with WoW but I don't need a reason for her to go back to this crap. DX
Do they have an Eggman moustache yet?
Sonic and the Black Night is sponsoring on Gaia Online, too. 8D
After watching a trailer you get a little Sonic doll to add to your avatar:
I was wondering how much money'd changed hands for that - although Sega aren't the kudos-carrying brand they used to be.
Although I put my comments in the third post down here.