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Sonic and the Secret Rings Discussion

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Posts: 526
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Jeez people will you calm down?!!

Multiplayer mode is done in a mario party style in which they would have extra characters, so of course they would have Shadow there. It's not a big deal. If you don't like him, don't choose him.

Single player mode will STILL be only Sonic, you'll come across Knuckles, Shadow, etc, but they'll be portaying characters from the arabian nights tales.

Shadow: Behold!! I am a great and powerful genie!! I shall grant you three wishes!

Sonic: I wish you'd disappear and leave my franchise forever.


Posts: 32
Eminent Member

I believe we talked about this befor, but Matt from IGN says Sonic Team is not primarily in charge of this game. Is that maybe why it seems like its turning out so good? What happens when Sonic Team works on the next Sonic?

"Still, the blog here gives me the chance to mention developers that have really gone down hill. I don't mean to be rude, but is there really any denying that Sonic Team is really sucking? At least, every Sonic game that has come out in recent years has been a disappointment, and the latest one for Xbox 360 may have been the worst yet. The studio has made almost no advancements from its Dreamcast Sonic efforts. Seriously, what the hell? I'm actually very happy that Sonic and the Secret Rings is being handled primarily outside of Sonic Team, according to SEGA."

Posts: 1413
Noble Member

So Sonic Team isn't developing this game? Interesting. Btw who is making this game?

Posts: 39
Eminent Member

Jeez people will you calm down?!!

Multiplayer mode is done in a mario party style in which they would have extra characters, so of course they would have Shadow there. It's not a big deal. If you don't like him, don't choose him.

Single player mode will STILL be only Sonic, you'll come across Knuckles, Shadow, etc, but they'll be portaying characters from the arabian nights tales.

Sonic: Behold!! I am a great and powerful genie!! I shall grant you three wishes!

Shadow: I wish you'd disappear and leave me to my franchise forever.


Fixed, Your officialy the lamest person on the planet, not even paris hilton finds you hot.

Anyways, Shadow's cooler than cool. It seems him appearing in this game is Sonic's only saving grace from failing again.

Shadow>>>>>Sonic in a cool contest.

Posts: 4607
Famed Member

Alright, I've seen enough here. Shadowshomeboy17, you're receiving a warning for this ridiculous "call everyone who doesn't like Shadow an idiot" campaign you've been running here. We don't tolerate such blatant flaming.

In short, if you really ARE myliferockscuzofshadow, then I'm absolutely amazed Sega hasn't banned you yet. Don't think we'll be so kind. Shape up or go away, or else we'll be forcing you out.

EDIT: On second thought, it looks like you had two warnings before this one, so this would be your third - which means a ban.

Posts: 1758
Noble Member

Shadowsfanboy, stop spamming (double-posting) and flaming or I'm going to take out the GENERIC UNDIRECTED RAGE that seeing Shadow in this game generates on you.

Crap @ bonus characters. They picked the 4 I'd least want to see other than Big. I know that if the Chaotix were in it Shadow likely would be too, but with a huge number of unlockables (200, supposedly) it wasn't out of the question. Now everybody start praying Shadow doesn't show up in story mode.

Posts: 363
Reputable Member


but with a huge number of unlockables (200, supposedly)

I don't remember hearing about that. Where did you learn of this info?

Posts: 1413
Noble Member

I think he maybe talking about Sonic 100 unlockables moves.


Now everybody start praying Shadow doesn't show up in story mode.

It obvious he going to show up in story mode. There are 10 levels and there more characters in Arabian Nights besides Ali(Tails) and Sinbad(Knuckles) so Shadow has to play at least one of those characters.

Posts: 4607
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I'll wager Badroulbadour.

Posts: 3756
Famed Member


There are 10 levels and there more characters in Arabian Nights besides Ali(Tails) and Sinbad(Knuckles) so Shadow has to play at least one of those characters.

Babylon Rouges as 40-, er, 3 Thieves, FTW

Posts: 5035
Illustrious Member

Oh dude I want the Babylon Rouges to be in it so bad. I'm sure they could incorporate them into the actual story and maybe even Rouge. Although Rouge as of late as included maybe not. =/

Posts: 1789
Noble Member


I'll wager Badroulbadour.

If that's the case, I don't want to know who plays the role of Aladdin. 😉

Posts: 2417
Famed Member


Sonic Advence 2 and Sonic 3d blast sucked ass without Shadow so how does no shadow make the difference?


Wow. Just wow.

Now we know what kind of people Sonic Team today have to gear to. You can't help but feel sorry for them.

Back on topic, wasn't there an "insider" mag that confirmed Shadow not to be in the game? Or was that just a play on words?

Posts: 1127
Noble Member

I'm pretty sure it was a play on words, since we won't be forced to play him this time around.

Posts: 2417
Famed Member

What's worse was that Japan only official character poll.

According to official polls, Shadow is the second most popular character in the series, and the most wanted for return appearances ~taken right from Wikipedia's Shadow the Hedgehog page

This means that they are going to put Shadow in -every- game, even when it shouldn't even involve him. All because I'm sure most of them that did the poll were post SA/Sonic X fans, the people who haven't played the earlier games or have and think the older games are horrible just because their favorite character isn't in it or didn't have "teh l33t next gen graphics and cutscenes"

However, I love Sega for putting Nack/Fang up there. If the entire Sonic fandom voted, especially the English speakers that have read the archie comic books and its variants, he would be set up much higher on the return scale.

Posts: 534
Honorable Member

Meh, that' what the jap kids say.
I honestly would have voted or E-123 or Tikal =P.

They should do one for the Americans. I wouldn't be surprised if there were different guys up there (maybe not Shadow...not that I'D vote for him though...)

EDIT: Wait, there's more pages to this thing, with more polls!
What are THEY for?

Posts: 377
Reputable Member

SEGA did one for America -- does anyone know where those results are? I'm very curious on where that last poll is that Elisa posted. Metal Sonic and Knuckles 4 lyfe.

Posts: 39
Eminent Member

Sometimes, it doesn't matter who's in the game or who's not, it's still a game that most adults on here should buy for their kids instead for yourselfs, being almost 18 to 25 years old. And for this guy who said this bullcrap

Let's keep this simple.
Read the bottom, douche maggot. Your simple and sad. 2 hit combo.:lol

Shadow is a fulfillment of a great stereotype of the badass
loner fan-favourite type character seen so often in anime,

Yes, why the hell is this new to me(sarcasm). Plus if he was generic why didn't he run like Sonic in SA2 battle or have his same out look on life? This is the reason why morons like you made Jesus die. And trust me more people's fan-favorites consits of In your face, cocky, badass, nice, shy, determined, and down to earth type characters than the loner badass ones. So your logic=monkey poop. Face it, Shadow's Chaos Controled to your house and raped your mom when you were little didn't he? Shadow owns you, kid.

but with the intelligence and common sense the lamer among such characters often possess.
Just kill yourself, insulting a fictional character like a real person in a pathetic way, with more fangirls than Usher with your lame white boy self is asking for a mastubating session with Mr. Tiny. How does Shadow fit those criteras and opinions you've just said. Shadow is no way in hell stupid, your jealous aren't you fanboy?

Therefore, he's a stereotype with all of the redeeming features seen in a great character. I really see alot of reasons to like, appreciate or welcome him as a character.

You haven't explained anything just a annoying Shadow ate rant that makes no sense. If he's a sterotype, then so is everyone else in the world, and By your logic, you hate everyone one that acts or looks like Shadow or any other character from Sonic, Mario, Zelda, or Simpsons. You insulted the whole damn world and including yourself. Man you must win every event in the Special Olympics to be that gifted(with retardedation:lol )Your one of those peice of * fags in sonic fandom who want original * to happen and basically it's major **** on your part if you want everything to be original, Originality is highly overrated and makes people who talk about originality look like idiots who hate everything. Just about EVERYTHING has been done to death, do you know how difficult it is to come up with new ideas anymore? You can't just make up any new personality and say thats him to say he is original, and you'ed have to think hard to give characters powers, but even thats more difficult to come up with because a million super powers have been done to death.

Oh, and read my post down below.

Lets not, dumbass

Your a fulfillment of a loner punk white boy wannabe that is overused in TV shows, Movies, and MTV videos. but with out the intelligence of common sense and rational thought. Therefore your a stereotype of many crappy white boys that love to hate emos and hate drama like people, I really see no reason whatsoever to like, appreciate or welcome you as a human being.

BTW Shadow>>>>>>>>You.

Posts: 39
Eminent Member

Metal Sonic and Knuckles will never be as cool as Shadow. Thats a common fact of life.

Posts: 899
Prominent Member

I remember this guy from Toonzone doing the same exact thing. He's not going to stop, guys. Just pull the trigger on the ban gun, please.

Anyway, Secret Rings comes out this month right? I'll finally have a new game for Wii, thank God. I'm really curios as to how the music will turn out.

Posts: 2234
Noble Member

Racist flaming and double posting.

Good bye, shadowshomeboy!

Posts: 3666
Famed Member

Shadow'shomeboy, I was gonna tell you this earlier, but the thread got locked before I could get a post in. I'm pretty sure this won't be advice you'll need for long, but in future, try not to double post, and please avoid flaming. You've already got a warning for it once, and I'd give you another one if it weren't for the fact it would be your fourth - I'm surprised you're still here.

Posts: 526
Honorable Member


Posts: 526
Honorable Member

"Your one of those peice of * fags in sonic fandom who want original * to happen and basically it's major **** on your part if you want everything to be original, Originality is highly overrated"

Spoken like a true moron. Not only should you be banned for life on this forum, you should be castrated so you can't produce any idiotic offspring.

If you don't want any originailty in your Sonic games THEN WHY THE @#$% ARE YOU ON THIS THREAD?!! The Wii is one of the most innovate, original consoles ever made. SATSR has all new original gameplay, not another Sonic Adventure with broken cameras, and glitchy controls. People like you are helping to bury the Sonic fanchise, not bring it up.

As far as Shadow goes, I think the latest Nintendo Power put it best. "If I want an angsty, spikey-haired character, I'd play a Final Fantasy game!"

Posts: 67
Trusted Member


Metal Sonic and Knuckles will never be as cool as Shadow. Thats a common fact of life.

I could get into a VERY long arguement with you if it wasn't 11PM. I don't like Shadow because of his fandom. 75% (Random) of the time they're complete idiots. *Hint*

Thing you lot think with Shadow is that he's cool for being angsty. I like Metal Sonic mainly because of the Anime. When he sacrificed himself to save the Owl and the President that left such a positive impact on me.

My friends like Shadow but they don't insult me when I say I don't like Shadow.

There is a light in my heart that likes Shadow, that light keeps me from hating him, and now, you're killing that light.

Anyway, back on topic. I like the idea for a party-style multiplayer. Should be great fun.

What a strange looking villian. Then again, i've seen stranger.

Posts: 931
Prominent Member


I remember this guy from Toonzone doing the same exact thing. He's not going to stop, guys. Just pull the trigger on the ban gun, please.

But... I find him endlessly entertaining. Can't we keep him?

Posts: 67
Trusted Member

Yes, he'll be the forum pet. Except nobody can call the RSPCA because nobody cares.

Posts: 931
Prominent Member

I'm sure there ought to be the Royal Society for the Perpetuation of Cruelty to Trolls.

Posts: 1789
Noble Member

I think we need to link ShadowHB17's breakdown to Sega to discourage them from placing Shadow in future games.:]


I remember this guy from Toonzone doing the same exact thing. He's not going to stop, guys. Just pull the trigger on the ban gun, please.

Tell me Toonzone banned him there.



In short, if you really ARE myliferockscuzofshadow, then I'm absolutely amazed Sega hasn't banned you yet.

I'm not because fantardation seems to be common in video gaming company boards. SA did a some Weekend Webs that featured the official Xbox, PS, and Nintendo forums.

Posts: 931
Prominent Member


I think we need to link ShadowHB17's breakdown to Sega to discourage them from placing Shadow in future games.

This is an enormously appealing idea.

Posts: 2191
Famed Member

To Elias: Jap is an offensive and racist term. Either spell out Japanese or use JP for abbr. 'Kay.:

Posts: 67
Trusted Member


To Elias: Jap is an offensive and racist term. Either spell out Japanese or use JP for abbr. 'Kay.

Jap is racist? And you know this how? But if it's true, then maybe I get people who call me 'Brit' banned.:lo

Posts: 931
Prominent Member


Jap is racist? And you know this how? But if it's true, then maybe I get people who call me 'Brit' banned.:lo

"Jap" does have some connotations that "Brit" doesn't, in all fairness.
It was used by the US in fairly offensive wartime propaganda.
On the other hand, I don't see anyone out to ban, say, "Hun".

Posts: 1758
Noble Member

200 unlockables was brought up in the Nintendo Power discussion on SSMB that was linked here.

He is banned as soon as I can get somebody to do so (it's hard to do member management on my accounts because of super-complex passwords that confuse EZ). Oh and I was waiting for something like that previous post that would determine ban length (it was 8 weeks until I saw that).

Ban Announcement:

Shadowshomeboy17 - 1 year, or until a major Sonic game without Shadow comes out

Flaming, ignoring mod warnings not to quadruple post, spamming and threatening to spam more, sexuality bigotry, age bigotry, racism, etc.

Posts: 815
Prominent Member

LOL @ Game without Shadow N_n

Edit: I don't want to be off topic >>... This game is shaping up to be decent. The new baddie seems... Cool. I like the whole Arabian Nights theme.

I'm still hesitant about the game. I'll probably rent it before I decide to buy it.

Posts: 534
Honorable Member

Explosions of stupidity on both sides.

But to the kid who wants to talk about Shadow- make a THREAD about it, instead of frollicing on in this thread >_>

And I apologize if I offended any japanese here. My grandpa calls them "Japs" so I just got used to it <shrug>

So no one can explain what the other polls were on that jap -...japanese website?

Posts: 1396
Noble Member


But to the kid who wants to talk about Shadow- make a THREAD about it, instead of frollicing on in this thread >_>

He did, it got blocked because of how he acted.

Posts: 114
Estimable Member

Never did like shadow.. gun play for a sonic game hmm... no hedgehogs... how about a purple bounty hunting snaggle toothed Weasel??? There we go.. and the style of a shooter could be similar to the awesome Oddworld Strangers Wrath. except for the live ammo thing.. but yeah.. Bring Nack/Fang Back!!! and give shadow the boot, the really crusty boot that no one will ever wear because of how crusty it is..

Posts: 2417
Famed Member

Well there is the petition...

Then again I'm afraid what Sega might do to the guy. I mean, look what happened to Shadow.

Next is his hat. It screams "GIVE ME A BAD ACCENT!"

I mean, first imagine his voice. Then imagine what kind of voice he will be offically given by the dubbing team. How do you make a character go from greatness to laughing stock? Find the computer room!

And then there is the current post SA fanbase, as shown by their representive shadowshomeboy#iforgot, and of which people outside of the fandom believe is the entire sonic fandom. What will they say? "OH THIS NEW GUY IS SUCH A RIPOFF OF SHADOW & ROUGE CUZ HEZ A FAGGOT I HATEZ HIM SHADA FOREVAA!!!"

And there we go. Extremely sad, but true. Its gotten to a point that we are afraid of what will happen to our favorite gunslingin' weasel.

Posts: 1573
Noble Member

Personally, I don't want Sonic Team to go anywhere near Fang until their track record gets phenomenally better.

Posts: 534
Honorable Member

Why would they think that Fang is a ripoff of Shadow?
He's so cool and sly.
He's got the BEST cocky grin out of all the bad guys.

He'll probably be back. They brought back Metal Sonic and the Chaotix, soo...

Posts: 5035
Illustrious Member

You really think so? I suppose it's possible, no idea what the next game[after Rings, of course] will be though. =/

Posts: 534
Honorable Member

It's that yearn for retro that everyone wants, you know?
PLUS it's hella easier for Sonic Team to just re-use older characters instead of having to go through and make new ones.

Which works well for everyone! =D

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New Member Guest


He's so cool and sly.

Actually, he's not. Part of his character is that he's a massive bumbler, and screws up anything he's trying to do quite spectacularly. In the one game he had any sort of significant role in (Fighters and Drift 2 don't count), he was comic relief, not some sort of ultra cool suave super-spy like people sometimes make him out to be.

Posts: 534
Honorable Member

Well, I've gotten to know him more via the Archie Comic version, soo I guess you could say that my perspective of the guy is skewed =P

Posts: 1413
Noble Member


Actually, he's not. Part of his character is that he's a massive bumbler, and screws up anything he's trying to do quite spectacularly. In the one game he had any sort of significant role in (Fighters and Drift 2 don't count), he was comic relief, not some sort of ultra cool suave super-spy like people sometimes make him out to be.

Actually the reason Nack is popular is the same reason Bobba Fett from Star Wars was popular:his design. Fett never did anything in the Star Wars movies except stand around and look cool. Same here with Nack.

edit- Sonic in the evil foundry

Posts: 247
Reputable Member

They'd give Fang the voice of Meowth from the 4Kids episodes. That'd be worth a laugh. Never liked Fang though.

Posts: 534
Honorable Member

ROFL, i can TOTALLY see Nack with a Meowth voice! xD

And yeah, Bobba Fett and Nack are really similar, seeing how they're on their OWN side, and no one else's.
But I personally think Bobba is a bit cooler ;)

Posts: 114
Estimable Member

yea nack/fang is a bit of a bumbler, he has a bit of a wile e. coyote complex i suppose. I could imagine a voice similar to the weasel's from Who Framed Roger Rabbit, but maybe a little deeper,.. but just the gangsta mugsy kinda voice, and to WW chances are with the whole accent thing they'd probably give him Sanji's 4kids voice from One piece.

Posts: 247
Reputable Member

As I said at GHZ, I want to make a shout-out to anyone who ever said the Wii didn't have an 06 port because it couldn't handle the speed. This game is even faster than 06, in fact, as shown in the footage of Evil Foundry. Sonic's excelleration is fantastic. He blasted off at full speed as soon as the announcer guy said "Go!"

The reason this trailer is faster than others is most likely because Sonic has more EXPs. I heard that when you level Sonic up to 6, he goes so fast you have no time to notice the scenery. Sonic 06 was supposed to have the most realistic sensation of speed imaginable, but was no faster, and might have been slower, than the Adventure games. I played 06 and Heroes to compare the speed, and sure enough, Sonic Heroes is even FASTER than Sonic 06. That's a sin and a shame, considering Heroes was on inferior consoles. Even with his supersonic boost dash, Sonic ran pretty slow in 06.

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