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Sonic and the Secret Rings Discussion

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Posts: 5035
Illustrious Member


PLUS it's hella easier for Sonic Team to just re-use older characters instead of having to go through and make new ones.

You'd think so wouldn't you? lol But yea like this game now that I think about it, is quite similar to the old school ones. In a sense the old school games were on rails. In the 3D world "rails" almost turn the game into a 2D game again, considering you are only allowed to go the way it tells you. In the classics you had back and forth

. In this one you have forward

, not sure about stopping, slowing down, etc. We'll just have to wait and see how it all works out. I can say that, visually, it looks outstanding.

Posts: 377
Reputable Member

I disagree about this being like the classics. Imagine if your character in the old 2D games moved forward constantly by himself.

Posts: 247
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The way I play, he basically does anyway.

Posts: 5035
Illustrious Member

Well, in Sonic 2 at Hill Top Zone Act 1(I think) you enter that room with rising lava, i'd hope you are constantly moving upwards. Or take Angel Island Zone Act 2(I think lol) when the Flying Battery[you know what i'm talking about] is flying by dropping bombs, you better be moving forward constantly. =P But yea I see what you are referring to Deus and no it doesn't really seem to be much like the clasiscs, but do you see what i'm meaning though? I'm sure there are other instances in the 2D games when you had to constantly move in a certain direction to avoid death.

Posts: 1573
Noble Member

Case in point, the prelude to the Flying Battery boss. Not only did you have to keep moving in order to avoid the laser beam, but then you had to run to the top of the ship to avoid getting crushed.

Don't even get me started on the infernal rising sand portions of Sandopolis.

Posts: 1127
Noble Member

Ah yeah! Eggman looks like Eggman again! =D

Aaaaaand, photobucket did'nt work right =

Posts: 1127
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Computer screwed up, sorry for the double post.

Posts: 1573
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Well, it's a start at least.

Posts: 5772
Illustrious Member

Eggman looking pimp, dawg.

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I gotta say, the picture-book style is definitely growing on me.

Posts: 899
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Screenshots are looking promising. I'm liking the look.

Posts: 609
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I dig the storybook cutscenes. I also dig Eggman's look as the King. No realistic Eggman whatsoeva.

Posts: 2417
Famed Member


yea nack/fang is a bit of a bumbler, he has a bit of a wile e. coyote complex i suppose. I could imagine a voice similar to the weasel's from Who Framed Roger Rabbit, but maybe a little deeper,.. but just the gangsta mugsy kinda voice, and to WW chances are with the whole accent thing they'd probably give him Sanji's 4kids voice from One piece.

That might be, but you are forgetting one thing. His clothes and gun. Dub people might mistake him for a cowboy and give him an southern accent to match. (okay so it was two things) However, if he must get a stereotypical voice, its going to be australian. Why? His hat. Remember whenever early cartoon Knuckles appeared in english? He had a hat and an australian accent. Infact I think I read that the Archie comics themselves game him an implied australian accent.

Posts: 534
Honorable Member

Knux had an an australian accent in Sonic OVA?
no he didn't o_O

BUT I agree Nack'll get an Australian accent. It'll be hawt xD

Posts: 2417
Famed Member

He didn't? I thought he did. Hmm.

Maybe it was his Sonic Underground VA. I think he wore a similar hat in that one as well.

Edit: Yeah, you're right. (about the OVA at least)

Posts: 32
Eminent Member

This kind of story telling looks pretty cool. And with the trailer that we have seen, there is bound to be CGI cut scenes. Though I would prefer the story book, for a nice change a pace.

Im getting really excited for this game, but I really don't want to get let down again. im trying to stay neutral, but it makes me happy to see Sonic is still short and Eggman has his old shape back.

Posts: 534
Honorable Member

^Me too. Trying not to be TOO hopeful =P.
But it's hella hard.
When does it come out again? March 18th? xD, no wait, that was KH2 =D

Posts: 1413
Noble Member

Eggman err I mean Shahryar look cool but what wrong with his teeth? They look like he try to eat a rock or something.

Edit- Sonic Stadium Dreadknux has in deep preview of the game.


Yet despite the number of times we cacked up and fell to our death in a bottomless pit, we still managed to keep on trying the same bit over and over. You see, Sonic and the Secret Rings doesn't have a lives system, per se. If you muff up and die, you simply restart the section again until you get it right. This can be obviously infuriating if you're really cackhanded, but it's a godsend (and a middle finger) to the mach-speed killathon in Sonic 06, which included the nerve to limit lives you you had to restart the entire stage all over again. Difference is you want to play Secret Rings until you beat it.

Cool no lives and look like this game does have bottomless pits.


There are 12 missions per stage, SEGA tell us; 6 of these must be cleared before progressing to the next level, and as you may know they all feature different challenges.

So we have to beat the same stages 6 times to continue. Interesting.

Posts: 363
Reputable Member


Infact I think I read that the Archie comics themselves game him an implied australian accent.

I don't remember reading that, and I've been with Archie from the beginning. Although, you may have thought this since they claim the floating island (Angle Island whatever) is actually a chunk out of what would be our Australia.

On topic, I'm glad to see Sonic and Eggy looking like themselves again as well.

Posts: 2097
Noble Member


That little git is back. Yes. Omochao


Back to the game at hand, I'm liking what I hear. A collection of unlockables and 40 minigames makes me think Sonic Shuffle 2 with less board games, and more Sonic-esque story levels. It's hard to anticipate it since the crap that was Sonic 06, nevertheless, it does seem to be getting a lot of postive previews.

Posts: 4885
Illustrious Member

Wait. This is a party game, now?

Damn it. I swear, for every proper game on the Wii there are 5 party games.

Us people without friends want to shoot things in solitude, darn it ;___;

Posts: 2234
Noble Member

It's not limited to being a party game, thank god. It still looks like it'll have a decent single player and I'm guessing the minigames might be singleplayer as well v computers, so that's all good.

All in all, Craig, go out and find a hobo to play multiplayer with if you haven't got friends! You live in London, there's bound to be loads.

Posts: 1396
Noble Member

Yay! Glad Eggman looks the way he used to! :D

And I have to agree with Craig that there are a few too many Party games and not enough alternative, but give it time, I'm sure there'll be a lot of decent single player games as time goes on.

Posts: 1355
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Shades of Shanazar

Posts: 114
Estimable Member

I have to say I am loving his look in this game. I was hoping they would give him that kind of hat, and they did.

Posts: 5035
Illustrious Member

Whoa....storybook rocks. Can't wait. And has a 2/27 release date, for whoever that was who asked. *shrugs* I'm really starting to like this. Not too much though...I just won't do it to myself. =P Oh and yes Sailor Rose Dust exactly, what i'm referring to. Things like that. It could work. Right?

Posts: 931
Prominent Member

Robotnik's hat has made the game for me.

Posts: 534
Honorable Member

Ooh, i wonder if it'll be racist against the Middle Eastern culture =D. You can always expect something stereotypical from a kids game.

Uthah than that...the game looks fine. I am unsure about the assumptions that it's gonna "bring back the retro Sonic" what with it's behind view, realistic world, and human movement controls :

Posts: 609
Honorable Member

New IGN interview, which gives us readers an interesting tidbit: the Director of SSR did not look at past games to make this game, as in "Not going by teh roots". I believe that's a VERY good thing. In fact, he used God of War as a source of inspiration!!! A Sonic game that has been influenced by God of War because of its visuals!

Posts: 534
Honorable Member

Twas very interesting to read, thanks for the link.

I'm kinda sad though... I was hoping they'd at least LOOK at the older games, you know?
It's frusterating that even though all the fans are saying "RETRO!! RETRO!!!"...the react as if they didn't hear us at all =(.

And honestly, I love the colorful and vibrant levels of the old Sonic games. So far ONLY "Heroes" has been able to bring that back. I wish they'd think about it at least...

Posts: 609
Honorable Member

So far, all I ever heard was "We're going back to Sonic's roots", and that hasn't even been done. I'm glad that they're taking a new direction such as this and not going back to the old days, in which it's nothing like the old days at all. Know what I mean?

Posts: 363
Reputable Member

I think the only way to come close to "going back to the roots" would be to redo the old games in 3D like SA2's hidden level. I would pay top dollar for a 3D redone S3&K.

Posts: 4885
Illustrious Member

I doubt that would be a good idea. The 2d lay-outs are for 2d, Green Hill redone was a pretty bad design and I couldn't tolerate an entire game of that.

Castlevania learned it's lesson with 3d games and stuck to SotN remakes. Sure it's not innovative and the critics disapprove, but how well did Aria, Dawn and Portrait fly off the shelves?

They should at least keep their money and sales up by releasing the games they know we'll buy while experimenting with a perfect formula to make a 3d classic. Pairing Next Gen and Rivals was a bad idea and lost alot of money.

No 3d-remakes.

Infact. No remakes.

No remakes ever.

I'm sick of forums suggesting the best way out of a rut is to market the same game back to us with improved graphics. It didn't work with Resident Evil, it didn't work with Metal Gear Solid and no matter how much the world wants it, it wont work with Final Fantasy 7 either.

No more remakes!

Posts: 534
Honorable Member

OK, we get yer point -
But how about instead of blatant remakes,
Sonic Team could just incorporate the aspects that made those old 2-D games so fun?
Such as:
1) High Speed with obstacles in your way
2) Vibrant colors
3) Crazy catchy melodies
4) Not overly-developed plots
5) Not too many characters
6) Bonus Stages! (Well, that's for ME anyway)

A Remake of an old sonic game would be terrible, though.
I'm sure they'd ruin it completely.
UNLES kept it with a side-scrolling profile viewing camera, only everything is 3-D.
<shrug> Would that be fair? Sure it wouldn't sell well but I'd like it.

Posts: 2809
Famed Member

Sega has finally released the game's website.

Posts: 4885
Illustrious Member

1) High Speed with obstacles in your way - Sonic Next
2) Vibrant colors - Sonic Heroes
3) Crazy catchy melodies - Sonic Heroes
4) Not overly-developed plots - Sonic Heroes
5) Not too many characters - Sonic Next
6) Bonus Stages! (Well, that's for ME anyway) - Sonic Heroes

Yup. They've not given us those in so long...

Posts: 534
Honorable Member

Sonic Next Gen had too many characters, IMO.

Besides that, yeah, "Sonic Heroes" was the most similar game we've got to the old-school era(Ironic how most people dislike it) Haven't played it in ages.
BUT it had WAY TOO many characters and wasn't fast enough =P

Posts: 4885
Illustrious Member

If it helps, as far as the franchise as a whole goes, Sonic Rush caters VERY well to all of those

1) High Speed with obstacles in your way - It has a SUPER DASH button for heavens sake!
2) Vibrant colors - Nega Eggman has a pink fetish.
3) Crazy catchy melodies - Jet Set Radio music, of course it's catchy.
4) Not overly-developed plots - Dimensions fuse because of Nega Eggman. Stop him and the day is saved.
5) Not too many characters - 2 playable, 4 support, 2 villains.
6) Bonus Stages! (Well, that's for ME anyway) - Halfpipe on touch screen, baby.

Posts: 609
Honorable Member

Hmm. For some reason, the site's not letting me in. It's telling me I need the latest version of Macromedia's Flash Player. I've already had that downloaded, but it's still not letting me in. I've also tried refreshing the page many times now...

Posts: 534
Honorable Member

But Sonic Rush IS a 2-D game :] . And it's very kickass, or so I've been told.
BTW, what's up with you and defending Sonic Team's honor? lol.
It doesn't matter, we're both right ^_^
I'm off to ... well, homework.

Posts: 4885
Illustrious Member

I'm like Spider-Man. I fight on both sides.

But mostly I try to even the playing field.

Posts: 1413
Noble Member


Yojiro Ogawa: "I think God of War may have been an influence because I like it so much. At one point I wanted Sonic to perform a move where he would jump off the back of a bird and start ripping its feathers out. But people thought it was too violent for a children's game, so I wasn't allowed to do it. I think they thought I had gone crazy!"

*imagines Sonic ripping off a Badnik wings*


Posts: 1127
Noble Member

I'll have a sketch of that done and put up by the end of the day, just watch. XD

Posts: 5035
Illustrious Member

XDXD! @ Toby. Yea the site is up, indeed. And it says the release is the 20th! What!? It keeps getting closer and closer. Anywho the site is rather nice. And I like Craig's point about Sonic Rush...ST should just try releasing a 2D game for Wii, 360, PS3. Why not, think of the things they could do right[and wrong >_<]. Surely with today's technology it could be a work of art; people wouldn't mind that it is 2D. Oh well, this game "looks" great, but we all know how that goes. =P

Posts: 1127
Noble Member

Drew it on the bus ride home from work. Kinda not that good, I'll most likely draw it again when I have the oppertunity.

Posts: 899
Prominent Member

Kinda not that good? I love it! Sonic looks so psychotic. Poor bird.

Would've been great if they could've kept that in the game.

Posts: 2809
Famed Member


Kinda not that good? I love it! Sonic looks so psychotic. Poor bird.

Would've been great if they could've kept that in the game.

I infinitely concur!!!! Great job!!!:thumbsup

Posts: 4885
Illustrious Member

Mummy... what's Sonic doing to that poor birdy? o.o

Posts: 2191
Famed Member

We all that's really Jet. And Sonic's mad because Jet defeated him in a swimming contest

Posts: 377
Reputable Member


"But people thought it was too violent for a children's game..."

Uhhhhh ... what about this?

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