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Sonic and the Secret Rings Discussion

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Two questions. 1. DL which store had that shirt? The only gift I saw EB/Gamestop site have was the wristband. 2. Was the DVD for the game at Target only for pre-orders? If it was, then I will go ahead and get Secret Rings at whatever so I will get my Wii.

Posts: 1984
Noble Member

if i do get that shirt. and i'd like to have one. most likely it will be an online purchase. shirts like that are always limited edition.

Posts: 526
Honorable Member

You get an exclusive Archie Sonic DVD comic?!!


I have my reciept for my copy I bought at E.B. Games, but part of it was in trade credit. I'd have to trade it for a different game!! Why didn't Ian tell us this sooner?!!

"checks Bumbleking forum"

I don't see him mention this anywhere. Have I been duped?

Posts: 2417
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Relax. Its a DVD comic right? I'm sure it will be on Youtube in a matter of weeks.

Posts: 146
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Of course the bonus comic HAS to be announced mere hours after I buy the game at Best Buy...

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"checks Bumbleking forum"

I don't see him mention this anywhere. Have I been duped?

It's stickied right at the top of the board...

Posts: 721
Prominent Member

Probably not going to be able to get my Wii till October, it seems... stupid budget!!!

*sigh* I'll content myself by hearing what others have to say about the game for now.

What kind of ring upgrades do you get, and what do they do?

Posts: 378
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It wasn't at the Target I went to... Plus I don't even read the comic any more.

Posts: 2417
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I don't know if this has been posted yet: review

Posts: 4885
Illustrious Member have sent out the UK versions of the game. Expect my comments by the end of the Wiik

Posts: 363
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Game and DVD on ebay for those who want it. Ends today, folks. I'll wait later to feed my eBay addiction.

Posts: 526
Honorable Member

So, I take it extra DVD is inside game box? Damn! That means I can't just take the DVD seperate, and return the game to E.B. Looks like I'm out on this one.

How come Ian couldn't tell us sooner than release date?

Posts: 1376
Noble Member

I didn't buy the shirt anywhere. It came free when I went to the Nintendo Store on 2/20 and obtained the game.

Posts: 889
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i looked for the shirt every where and i couldn't find it. on ebay i saw someone selling the wrist band for $25, now thats crazy!

Posts: 534
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WTF, this game has been out for a while and I haven't heard any huge news about if it has or hasn't lived up to the universe's expectations!

I gotta know, what's the verdict?

Posts: 1376
Noble Member

A week isin't a while >> For me though, after getting a few powerups that were crucial x_x (Jump is BACK!) Its really good, considering 3d sonic has had issues. I like this alot, the rail system were a different yet good improvement.

Posts: 889
Prominent Member

i was worried about what people would think about the rail system. its good to hear positives about it. i just can't wait 'till i can get my hands on a wii. i have yet to see a wii in a store, but when i do...

Posts: 2809
Famed Member


I didn't buy the shirt anywhere. It came free when I went to the Nintendo Store on 2/20 and obtained the game.

Oh, that explains why I didn't see it on any site; too bad there is not a Nintendo Store here in Knoxville.


i just can't wait 'till i can get my hands on a wii. i have yet to see a wii in a store, but when i do...

Amen, neither can I! I got the game though at a Target, and I can confirm the DVD is indeed in the case along with the game. Oh, by the way, it seems like this offer may only be at a Super Target as I called almost all the Target's in the phone book. It wasn't until one of the Target's I called suggested it might me in a Super one, and as far as I know the Target I finally called and went to was "Super," though I didn't see it say it, course I may have not been paying attention.

Edit: So much for it being a "DVD." I just put it in my 360, and it read it as a mixed media disc and would not play anything off of it. I don't know if it has to be in a computer's DVD drive (since in music, it has Mac or PC flash), or it can only be played on the Wii which I wasn't sure it could do with it being called a "DVD" and the Wii supposedly not having a DVD player.

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Apparently it's a DVD-ROM, you have to play it on your computer.

Posts: 2809
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There's a difference? It does say it's a DVD-ROM, but I thought that was just a longer way to say DVD. I'm a such a computer noob.:^^;

Edit: Wah, hah, the computer I'm using does not have a DVD drive, and my computer that does is in the shop, waaaahhhh!!*sniff*:(

Posts: 534
Honorable Member

Hmm...I do remember seeing a Wii at a Target...once.
wow, I hadn't realized how little of them there are o_O!
(I do believe "Nintendo" has won this round in the Console War...)

Posts: 2809
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Perhaps it has won this battle, but it is to be seen whether it will win the whole war.

Posts: 1413
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For those that are interested in the cinemas, Hyperfludd has posted most them on You Tube.

Posts: 4885
Illustrious Member

It arrived today, despite the UK release not being Friday, played a while, the early stages are REPEATATIVE and only the first mission is the kind of coolness that the trailers and such show.

Still, I can see this being fun if I can get the EXP up high enough to make it fun, and I get used to the controls.

This is not the saviour of the Sonic series that I was expecting though.

Posts: 534
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^Perhaps what you were expecting isn't universally possible?
I know for a fact that if you start something and initially look for flaws you WILL find them and you WILL hate it.
That's why positivity is fun xD <spins>

Posts: 4885
Illustrious Member

I bought this game, I was expecting nothing but good things.

I'm sure I will like it when I've got enough power ups to make it more slick, but for now, it's rather dry.

Posts: 1376
Noble Member

Yeah that's how I feel. Though again, as you state, once you get the BASE powerups {Like JUMP >< SANCTIMONOIUS JUMP-Ok ok guys I'll stop about the jump button now..} then the game will be just nuts n_n

Posts: 4885
Illustrious Member

There's a power-up which helps the annoying jump problem? Tell me all!

Posts: 1789
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This is not the saviour of the Sonic series that I was expecting though.

Well this game is rather averaging a 7/10 in reviews which isn't close to being a full-on comeback. Maybe they can address the biggest grievences peoplr have with the game seems to have so far, the pacing, controls and the mission structure in the inevitable sequel?

Still looks interesting enough for a future rental at least, whenever I obtain a Wii.

Posts: 1437
Noble Member


This is not the saviour of the Sonic series that I was expecting though.

This game is solid. From what I've seen, it is flawed superficially, probably owing to its extremely quick development. The past couple games have been flawed fundamentally. This game may not single-handedly save the series, but it is proof that the series can be saved.

Posts: 534
Honorable Member

Wow,"superficially" AND "fundamentally"?
I applaud your vocabulary =P

I wonder what's next for Sonic...

Posts: 1376
Noble Member

Craig, in a nutshell, you get a powerup that shortens the charge time for high jumps {basically, its tap jump again like back in the old days-only really need to charge for super high stuff, and you'd have to stop anyway to do that in the old days.}

Posts: 609
Honorable Member

Let the "Paper Mario 2 Fiasco" occur all over again (minus the fact that the game is PM2 >_>).

...Because GI's review is up.

The fact that this game scored worse than Next-Gen by the exact same 2 guys, Matt and Bryan, is the most absurd.

Posts: 4885
Illustrious Member

I'd say that review was written by someone who gave up early. I have around about the same thoughts for the time being, sparring the cutscenes (those are glorious), but I am very certain once I earn the ability to play the game as it was intended, it'll be fun.

I hate Sonic Team for making me have to earn decent controls. Seriously... HATE.

Posts: 1789
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GameTrailers video review is up:

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Let the "Paper Mario 2 Fiasco" occur all over again (minus the fact that the game is PM2 >_&gt;) .

What was that?

Posts: 1413
Noble Member


...Because GI's review is up.

So Sonic for the 360 get a 6.75 while Secret Rings get a 5 from GI???

Posts: 2417
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Wait, how can it be rated worse than PS360??? And to think, I actually got a year's subscription to these guys two christmases ago o_O

Cue the blind Game Informer Magazine only readers. "Don't waste your time. I got it from a crEEEdible source!"

Posts: 1437
Noble Member

After spending some time with this game, I'm beginning to see some serious problems with it. It seems that the developers have <i>intentionally</i> added flaws in to the gameplay in order to make it more challenging! This is especially evident in the Pirate Storm level. I don't approve.

I think that the game being on rails is wonderful. The "Sonic is always moving unless you stop him" is, however, not. I'd prefer if, for instance, Sonic is running while you are pressing and holding the A button. It would make things a lot simpler.

Posts: 42
Eminent Member

Any word on where I can listen to some of the music from this game in good quality? Anyone upload any of it? From what I can hear in the videos, it sounds interesting, but its such low quality, I can't decide if I like it or not.

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Posts: 1376
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Pirate Storm is a ----!!!

yeah, I went there. Emphatic Line-age!

Well, they had to do something to make us feel as if we earned the skill to use Sonic at such a high speed, hence the better controls {Which is still stupid...we've been at this for what, 16 years now?}

In the end, we got a step in the + direction

We still need a few more to get us away from what will be nown as the The Dark Ages for SOnic.

Posts: 1437
Noble Member

Pirate Storm was the level that convinced me that the game introduces intentionally flawed level design for the sake of difficulty. Previously there had only been a couple such awful moments.

Come on, Sega. You have the ingredients of a great game, but you're too lazy and rushed to do it right!

Posts: 1127
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I LOVED Pirate Storm. =

Posts: 609
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What was that?

Out of all the critics who loved Paper Mario 2, giving the game no less than an 8 or 8.5, GI, like the bastards they are, just HAD to be different and give the game a 6 and 6.75, because they (or just Lisa, IIRC) said themselves they weren't those kind of people who likes the same thing happen over again, regardless if it was super-fun or not. Basically, it was unoriginal to them and really didn't have an open mind. After people read that review, riots broke out. Literally.

Posts: 4607
Famed Member


I LOVED Pirate Storm. =

I love the concept, but some of its missions kinda irk me. Wasn't a big fan of the "Diehard Challenge" one, with the floating-pot-based spiked-ball-dodging. The mechanics for getting that pot to move left and right never seemed that precise to me, and messing it up means instantly restarting the mission (ugh). Believe me, I messed that one up MANY times - and regretably, that was one of the mandatory ones.

Also not very fond of the stealth mission (which seems like a bad way to put it - honestly, calling it a "pacifist mission" is more accurate), since there's one jump which you have to perform perfectly before an enemy warps back in and knocks you into the bottomless pit surrounding, or, perhaps worse, you inadvertently hit it, forcing a restart of the mission. Then there's the "Don't collect rings!" one, where you can intentionally lose the rings up until the very end, where there's a giant plethora of the things - and if you pick just one up, it's with you for good, so you messed the mission up right there.

Honestly, it's an okay system and all - I just wish it was more lenient. Giving infinite lives was a definite step in the right direction; now all you need to do is make the missions slightly less impossible, and we're doing good!

And don't even get me started on Gold Medals.

Posts: 526
Honorable Member

Gold levels aren't too hard once you power up a bunch. Also, Medals are based soley on time, so avoid enemies when you can.

Posts: 1789
Noble Member


Out of all the critics who loved Paper Mario 2, giving the game no less than an 8 or 8.5, GI, like the bastards they are, just HAD to be different and give the game a 6 and 6.75, because they (or just Lisa, IIRC) said themselves they weren't those kind of people who likes the same thing happen over again, regardless if it was super-fun or not. Basically, it was unoriginal to them and really didn't have an open mind. After people read that review, riots broke out. Literally.

Close, but from what I remember the reason PM2 scored so low in G.I. was because they thought it was "kiddy"(WTF?) and wouldn't appeal to the mainstream audience. They admit it was a good game, but they said that they claim to review games based on how they think it would appeal to the mainstream(which I assume is between the ages of 18-29), instead of their own dang opinion and/or how well the game is made after the internet SNAFU about the score.

So according to G.I., the extremely buggy Enter the Matrix(8) is a superior title to the well-crafted PM2(6.7) because they believe the Matrix at the time was hotter with the mainstream than Mario.

After that incident, every other gaming outlet claimed that they don't review games like that and how reliable they are.

Posts: 377
Reputable Member


Out of all the critics who loved Paper Mario 2, giving the game no less than an 8 or 8.5, GI, like the bastards they are, just HAD to be different and give the game a 6 and 6.75, because they (or just Lisa, IIRC) said themselves they weren't those kind of people who likes the same thing happen over again, regardless if it was super-fun or not. Basically, it was unoriginal to them and really didn't have an open mind. After people read that review, riots broke out. Literally.

In my humble opinion, that's quite depressing. Do people not understand that it's simply the reviewer's opinion? They could give the game a 0 if they want, but the only important thing is WHY they gave it a 0.

People should care about the reviewer's feelings on the game, and what they liked and disliked -- not the score. For example, imagine if the next Sonic game came out, and it was actually a great game. However, a reviewer dislikes there being characters like Shadow, so he lowers the score. The only thing readers should be caring for is the fact that Shadow is in the game -- so they, themselves, can consider if they still want the game or not. Or the fact that someone dislikes the controls -- again, they can be like, "Well, he doesn't like the controls. Hm ... I'll still give it a shot" or something.

So what if the guy gave it a 4? The world isn't going to end. One who wants to look into a game should look at different reviews, and get a generalized idea about the game. People have different perspectives, and everyone should acknowledge and respect that.

If gamerankings brings up an average of 6 ... that's the average "feeling" of the players who has reviewed the game.

Posts: 609
Honorable Member


People should care about the reviewer's feelings on the game, and what they liked and disliked -- not the score

People read reviews, and they either bash the score or bash the review because the points that were given, in the opinions of the people reading, are flawed. People are not THAT open-minded, y'know. This forum here has to be the most open-minded place I know of. >_>

And Acid, IIRC, Lisa and Reiner never mentioned the game was good. Let me try and find my GI issue with the review.

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