People are different. I shouldn't care about what a reviewer says if his reasons were...well, stupid. In this case, the PM2 review.
That's right -- you don't have to care. Some people, on the other hand, don't realize that, and they go off the walls if a reviewer talks crap about a game. That's their opinion, and people need to learn to respect them -- regardless if they seem stupid or not.
I think the reason of life is enjoying subway. That probably seems stupid, but it's my opinion, and I'm just expressing it.
I have Speed Break.
I have faught bosses.
Shame it took 15 levels before I got Speed Break, but damn is it worth it.
Whoa. Craig happy with a new Sonic title... is this Opposite Day or something?
Eh, I guess I'll take it as a good sign.
Excuse me? I'm not an oldskool bias fan, can I remind you my favourite Sonic game is Sonic Rush, which is pretty darn new if you ask me.
I don't enjoy Shadow, Riders and NEXT and suddenly I'm branded? What the crap?
And Acid, IIRC, Lisa and Reiner never mentioned the game was good. Let me try and find my GI issue with the review.
I never read the issue, just visited the GI boards, and they or whoever were in charge in the MB mentioned it was a relatively good game, but not reconmended for the mainstream--the people who they claim to represent the voice of.
I think that's what got many people's goats about the score.
I know you're not biased, it's just the fact that you have been one of the most vehement critics of the turn that the Sonic series has taken, and all of a suden, here comes a game you like. I won't say your problems with Heroes, Shadow, and Sonic Next-Gen aren't justified, it's just that, as long as I can remember being here, you were always the first to point out the newest game's most glaring faults. With the notable exception of Rush, which I can't say was surprising, due to its awesomenes. But since then, you have been justifiably negative about the 3D titles. Now, all of a suddden, you state that you're actually in love with the newest game, and, well, let's just say it was unexpected.
I meant no offense, and I'm sorry if you took it as such.
Don't get me wrong, this game is FULL of faults... but once you get to about level 15, you're used to them and have enough skills to have a good time.
I just got Speed Up and Rocket Boost, so I'm happy.
And that is why I decided to take it as a good sign. If you, a critic of Sonic Team as of late, can enjoy it, it HAS to be leagues better than Heroes.
Craigs got good taste. Sonic Rush is one of my faves too. I am loving this game, but trying to beat Erazor is very hard.
...Are people really having a hard time trying to defeat Erazor? It took me several times to beat him, but once I figured out the strategy, it became easy. I can't remember what level I was at the time though. That may be the reason.
So, qq - does the plot of this game have annoying "epic" twists and turns?
Or is it just -
Save the "book" thing from Erazor who's destroying it like "Sonic Shuffle"?
Indeed this game is great. The faults are omnipresent but yea get into the higher levels and you don't care. Just got the Blue World Ring too. =) I need more missions on Evil Foundry. Pirate Storm is hard as heck. I like the challenge though. =P
They made a decent 3D Sonic! Finally!
Thankoo Wii, and thankoo Ogawa. n__n
I will state this once, and only once: if you screw up in this game, it's either because you're grinding (the grinding controls suck as usual) or you suck. The only part about this game I have complaints about is the grinding. The rest was only frustrating because I was too pants to do it initially.
A challenging Sonic game? This is new.
And [that spoiler at the end] is awesome. AWESOME AWESOME AWESOME!! I likey very much. n__n
Since when did Sonic Team make difficult final bosses which required skill?
My arm hurts ;.;
*Hides from the evil boss in the bath and cries to self*
someone seriously needs to upload or otherwise hook me up with some music from this game aside from the main cheesy theme song... i've heard good things about it.
Yeah, see, that website doesn't have Sonic and the Secret Rings music, which, if I read correctly, is what's being requested.
To which I say, patience. The game has no sound test and a soundtrack CD, whilst on the way, has not been released. Of course, it WILL be released, and once that happens you can listen to your heart's content (although honestly the music's rather weak). Sounds good, no?
Shadow Hog, WHAT?
Its there. The whole shebang.
Even on the main page that I linked to earlier:
FastFeet Media's FTP Hub (Powered by Evo Zero) = BRAND NEW = files on the FTP Hub FastFeet Media's FTP Hub (Powered by Evo Zero)
+ FastFeet Media Studios - SegaSonicTV - S01E06 (HQ).avi
+ FastFeet Media Studios - SegaSonicTV - S01E06 (LQ).avi
+ FastFeet Media Studios - SegaSonicTV - S01E06.3gp
+ FastFeet Media Studios - SegaSonicTV - S01E06.mp4
+ Hawkz In Da Sonic06 House.mp3
+ Sonic & the Secret Rings - In Game Footage 1.mov
+ Sonic & the Secret Rings - In Game Footage 2.mov
+ Sonic & the Secret Rings - In Game Footage 3.mov
+ Sonic & the Secret Rings - Iron Foundry (In The Palace That Was Found).mp3 (Gonna rock the place, place)
+ Sonic & the Secret Rings - Multiplayer Party Games.mov
The game has no sound test and a soundtrack CD, whilst on the way, has not been released.
Don't the two pages in the Secret Book count for a kind of soundtest? Granted you have to unlock the stuff, but there's still a music-listening option.
So dear old SH is wrong on both counts?
I'll admit that I jumped right to the "MP3s" section of the website and expected the paydirt there (mostly because I couldn't find any mention of it on the front page... surprisingly) AND that the soundtrack thing in the Special Book passed my mind (although you can't really blame me, I've only unlocked ONE of those sound test things)... but I was correct about the OST, right? I mean, it looks like it was already out, but still.
Just beat the game last night. Awesome.
This is by far the deepest, most challenging, most unique Sonic game I've played in a long time. While, I still haven't finished it 100%, I will be going back for more.
Spoilers (Select To Read): Everyone seems to be wrong about Dark Spines Sonic, it is just another powerful form of Sonic like Super Sonic. He comes about when Shara combines her power with Sonic. When the battle is over he returns to normal. I never heard any dialogue that said that Sonic would have to fight off this dark side in the future.
However, Sharra does say that Sonic had many more adventures in that world before finally finding his way back to his world. SEQUEL!!
You are doing it wrong (It is spoiler tags)
Whoops!! Sorry.
A big thanks to whoever fixed my spoiler tag.
Looks like that would be Shadow Hog. I now have the 6th World Ring and this game is rocking my socks. Wow so fun.
My sister's husband has a Wii, and I'm spending the weekend with my brother just a few miles from where they live, so they rented it for me, seeing as I spent most of last nnight there, and may go ther a little bit later. DANG! This game meets all the hype and THEN some! I was a little nervous about the controls at first, but I managed to make Level 13 and managed to beat it far enough to complete the first mission of Pirate Storm in 4 hours of gameplay. With the help of the Lost Prologue, it was more of a pick-up-and-go experience than I expected from everyone's predictions.
I dunno if this is of interest to anyone, but I might as well post it. My copy of the OST arrived today.
I really like that image, and in fact the presentation of everything is quite nice. Arabian patterns and flaming words everywhere, just like in the game. The 2 discs themselves have spirals of text going all around them - it's actually the words to Seven Rings.., looking closely.
Disc 2, the 'Treasure Disc', is an 'enhanced CD' - it has a bunch of bonus stuff on it. There's textures of the book pages, a digital version of the lyrics booklet, a 'special movie' (essentially a 2-minute long trailer, but it's quite cool), papercraft (a book with Sonic popping out), sound effects for your computer (SFx from the game for you to use as startup sounds, etc), a poster to print out and wallpapers of Sonic, Shahra and Erazor.
The discs were incredibly hard to remove from the spindles. They were clamped on there tighter than the ring on Sonic's finger. It was harrowing trying to remove them without breaking them. I haven't had that much trouble with any of the previous OSTs.
I'll get the digital lyrics booklet uploaded later on so anyone that wants it can get it.
I hate you. =) Man I WANT THAT! :'( But yea i'm at Erazor Djinn(first fight) and man is it rocking. I don't mind dying. Time Break is so awesome. I love it. Boy...
Just want to know if that is true or not. Wikipedia is known for their misleading sources.
I've read the comic, and he is'nt mentioned once.
No... his name IS mentioned, but that's all there is to it. It's just a list of people Sonic's messed with in the past.
Earlier people were claiming that both Fang and Metal Sonic appear in the thing. Dunno where these people get their info from...
Sonic and the Secret Rings - OST - SEVEN RINGS IN HAND
[Adventure Disc] MP3, 320kbps, 44100Hz.
[Treasure Disc] MP3, 320kbps, 44100Hz.
[Special Present]
[CD Image]
I guess I'll allow that on the grounds that we support MP3 downloads if they're Sonic-related...
Spoilers (Select To Read): Alf Layla wa Layla at the first glance was a "huge" disappointment, but once entering the battle and discovering how kick butt the controls and techniques are I was pleased. Surely i'd like to have a normal sized final boss, but hey DarkSpines is owning everything. Still haven't beaten him yet, but i'm on my way. I love the attack combo thing. By far the best final boss fight of any 3D Sonic game, IMHO.
Oddly enough I don't use Time Break...maybe I should try that. *shrugs*
This definitely blew... the 360 version right out of the water. Deductions of the obvious aside, one thing still puzzles me: why the hell does Sonic Team seem unable to produce a camera that actually works like it is supposed to? Need I mention the repeated and sudden deaths due to something as mundane as mis-timing a jump or having the overall view obstructed by various objects, including the environment itself? That is not something I would consider challenging. It's more like a sort of psychological torture, tempting one to chuck their controller at the nearest moving object as a tensile form of stress relief and physical expression of overall dissatisfaction, begging the hurting to go away.
Because they're lazy! The game sells anyway, crappy camera or not, so why put in the extra effort?
Welcome to the MoFo, btw.
Hope you stay and post some more!
Having an avitar and icon all ready to go on the first post is always a good sign of experience.
tempting one to chuck their controller at the nearest moving object as a tensile form of stress relief
I have done that so many times playing Shadow and it works. XD
one thing still puzzles me: why the hell does Sonic Team seem unable to produce a camera that actually works like it is supposed to? Need I mention the repeated and sudden deaths due to something as mundane as mis-timing a jump or having the overall view obstructed by various objects, including the environment itself?
I still don't get what everyone's complaint about the camera is. I've never gotten kill by the camera not working, and it's rarely bothered me.
As a matter of fact, it wasn't even till Shadow that the camera ever gave me any annoyance. Also, I wish someone would enlighten me on how a camera is "suppose" to work; it isn't like you can't use the C stick, or whatever, to control the camera, and if that's not how it's suppose to work I would like to know how it is.
BTW, I don't really care much for this game. I far from hate it, but I don't see it as Sonic's resurrection as others do. I enjoyed Sonic '06 a quite deal more than I do this, though I have not beat the game. (Have unlocked Pirate Storm Mission 1) *sigh* It figures that the game that most other Sonic fans love; I don't care much for it.
Cameras in Sonic games notoriously get stuck behind walls (SA1), move too slow(S06), refuse to point you in the right direction(Shadow), and refuse to allow you to explore (SA2). Sometimes you can bear it, the games aren't completely unplayable, but the games are capable of much more.
Cameras in Sonic games notoriously get stuck behind walls (SA1)
Can't recall that ever happening unless I was inside Tails' house, for the record I played SADX only and never played the DC version so that may make a difference.
move too slow(S06)
I actually went and tested this and compared it to Shadow, the only other traditional 3D Sonic game in the house at the moment, and the camera wasn't that slow; I admit it was slower than Shadow's but not that much.
refuse to point you in the right direction(Shadow)
Actually, never really had that problem, sure Shadow was the first Sonic game to give me really any trouble, but it went in the right direction for me 97% of the time.
refuse to allow you to explore (SA2)
Never really noticed actually, but now that you mention it didn't seem to move as good as the other games. BTW, I was in the same situation with SA2 as I was with SA.
How is the story in this game?
Barebones, IIRC. But then, if you're playing games for plot, you shouldn't be playing Sonic. Skies of Arcadia's a pretty good choice for that one, though it's a different genre. Still runs on the Wii, though.
I thought the story in this game was better than in any other console Sonic game since he went 3D. It's simple and juvenile, yes. And a bit corny. But it's also character-driven and humorous. It works very well with the mission-based setup of the game.
Indeed, I enjoyed it very much. Sonic's character was developed quite a bit. Sure it's corny, as Dirk said, but it works well IMO.
Oh, happy news. I just beat Erazor about an hour ago, and his battle was so fun, though frustrating at times!!!!!! I actually got a Silver Medal on my first time which I didn't really expect and with a little more practice I could get a Gold Medal!! Heh, heh, my opinion on this game has almost made an 180 since my last post.
While I still like 06 better, the lead it once enjoyed has dwindled significantly, and I can safely say that I care a great deal about SatSR as opposed to "not care much about" from the second to last post of mine. I'll be trying to beat the final boss soon and then I can play Super Paper Mario which I'm really anticipating. ^_^
*applauds* Silver medal. Pftt! =P Congrats man. Now for Alf.(No, not the alien who had his own sitcom in the 80s) He's really not as tough as he seems. Once you beat him you'll look back and think about it..."He wasn't that tough". And you still like '06 more, Wow. I really need to play that. Not sure how though. Hmm...And SPM is awesome, or so I hear. Happy Playing!