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Sonic and the Secret Rings Discussion

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Posts: 273
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I'm not that excited for this game. It looks to me like a 3D Sonic Advance 2, where all you have to do is hold forward and jump on occasion.

I want a good fully-roaming 3D adventure game.

Posts: 247
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I want a good fully-roaming 3D adventure game.

Play a Mario game.

Posts: 273
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I want a good, fully-roaming 3D Sonic adventure game.

In other words...I'm still waiting for the sequel to Sonic Adventure that deserves to be the sequel to Sonic Adventure.

Posts: 1789
Noble Member


I'm not that excited for this game. It looks to me like a 3D Sonic Advance 2, where all you have to do is hold forward and jump on occasion.

It sounds like you are describing SA2 and the more linear levels of SA1. ;)

In Sonic Rings, Sonic more or less automatically moves forwards and you use the Wiimote to move him left/right/jump/whatever.

I don't know what to expect from the game but I'm cautiously optimistic about it because unlike Sonic 360, most who have played the demo to this game said it was fun and God knows this franchise needs an enjoyable 3D game again.

Posts: 273
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I'm just turned off by the fact that the gameplay is completely on-rails. It's gameplay better suited for the Saturn era. Sure, it's fun for the first level or two...but then...the fun kinda tapers off...

Posts: 250
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Same could be said for a lot of recent Sonic games.

Except this one is ACTUALLY FUN, not just "We say it's fun because we're die hard Sonic fans who eventually crack and realise the game sucks after 3 stages"
That happened with me with Sonic Heroes, Shadow, but the 360 Demo left me dissapointed, THIS however, did not, and I can say that yes, even though the gameplay is "on rails", it's still going to be more fun than any recent Sonic game that's been made.

Well, Rivals is pretty fun but everyone seems to forget that one!

Posts: 1758
Noble Member

I'm not sure what to think of this game, because if it's good, and is a big seller, will Sega turn Sonic entirely into an on rails game? The single on rails game is fine if they actually do it well, but I don't want that to be the direction of the series.

Posts: 1789
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I'm not sure if the have the talent to take your ideal direction of how 3D Sonic should be.

Posts: 250
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If you want MY ideal direction of the series, it would start with SONIC RUSH 2, followed by...SONIC HEROES: THIS TIME WE'LL ACTUALLY MAKE IT HALF DECENT, followed by a game that stars no-one except Sonic and Eggman.

Okay, I'm not thinking very hard about this...why don't Sonic Team start by doing a Super Mario All-Stars style remake of the original Genesis Sonic.
I'm not talking about a Mega Collection port here, I mean, use some Detailed sprites, have some Awesome rendered backgrounds, get some backstory in, and really remind us why we loved Sonic 1 in the first place.
I mean, we've seen what the Gamecube could do with 2D (Paper Mario, Zelda: Four Swords etc...), Imagine the world of Sonic rendered with the speed and fluidity of Guilty Gear?
Or am I the only one who would be interested? :D

Posts: 1413
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The game come out in March 15 in Japan and it uses an physic engine call the AGEIA engine.

Posts: 247
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why don't Sonic Team start by doing a Super Mario All-Stars style remake of the original Genesis Sonic.

Last time Sega did a remake we got Sonic the Hedgehog Genesis. XD

Posts: 1984
Noble Member

You guys who are complaing should just not buy the game just go back and play all the past sonic games that had bad level design since you just HATE the fact that Sonic is on rails.

I mean whats so bad about Sonic being on a rail system? This entire time Sonic's only been going in one effing direction anyway! Maybe now there is less chance of you getting killed by the camera.

Posts: 1037
Noble Member

I probably said it before in this topic, but the videos I've seen of this game give me a huge Segasonic vibe. Think about it: you have only one path to follow, you run all the time and must continuously dodge traps and enemies and things coming at you.. it really looks the same to me, only in 3D.
And Segasonic looked cool from what I saw in that speedrun video that showed up some time ago.

Posts: 2809
Famed Member

I was on GameFAQS, and someone found what appears to be screenshots of 2 mini-games. One that shows Sonic, Knux, Amy, and what looks like the genie in a fiddle contest, and another that show the characters in front of balloons doing something.

Also, apparently this game has already been rated E, which seems like it got rated awfully fast compared to Shadow, Riders, Rivals, and StH.

Posts: 1413
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Those pics that FMR posted gives me a Sonic Shuffle vibe.

Posts: 1789
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It gave me "yet another mini-game collection on the Wii" vibe.

Posts: 2809
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New info.

Posts: 3756
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Cool. @ Powers

I wonder what kind of powers, then. Probably several fire-themed ones.

Posts: 1413
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If Tails is playing Sinbad, I bet Rouge will be the leader of the 40 thieves and either Blaze or Amy might play the princess in Aladdin.

Posts: 363
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From link:


"Though only Sonic is playable, other Sonic characters play out as characters in the story "

I can't hear that enough. It just makes me smile. ">

Posts: 1396
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I hope Eggman's the genie!

Posts: 247
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Oh god, that would be hilarious! XD

Posts: 1758
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Those minigames make me doubt that Sonic is the only playable. I think it's more like Sonic is the only playable in 1-player mode.

Well, at least it has more depth to it than has been suggested so far. 30 mini-games and 100 missions, plus customizable powers seems to say that there will be more to it than just reacting to a target or obstacle. The attention surrounding STH360 led me to believe that they were betting their big budget on that game and that this one would be relatively simple or short. Maybe the on rails gimmick is simply a way of taking the hated track level design and removing the player's ability to be killed by the camera.

Posts: 1413
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Posts: 32
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anyone else worried Sonic will never roll into a ball again like the good old days?

Posts: 3756
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Ignore, ignore!

Posts: 3756
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Since when does he not?

Posts: 1396
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Well, not since SA1 in the 3D games, since they just have him summersault or gambowl rather than actually become a ball...I miss that. :(

Still, I have to say this game is looking brilliant, vibrant colours, the right proportions on Sonic, and the right shade of blue...super graphics or not, visually this looks better than Sonic 2K6 to me.

Posts: 534
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It's looking more and more epic by the screenshot...]
(Skwitting about the use of dinosaurs x3)

Could this be...
The one game,

Posts: 931
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I hope Eggman's the genie!

This would suddenly render the game an essential purchase.
Sadly, I suspect Sonic Team take themselves far too seriously to do this.

Posts: 526
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Also starring....Rouge as Ali-Booba!

If it's about the 101 Araibian Tales, how come there's a jungle level with a dinosaur?

I wonder if it'll have split-screen, 2 player races through the main levels ala SA2?

Posts: 1758
Noble Member

That dinosaur level does look awesome, and it looks like hiding will be important. I wonder how that will work with the control scheme.

Posts: 1413
Noble Member

Man, what a rip off. With Sonic Next Gen they gave us a cool figurine but with Secret Rings we get a cheap looking wrist band. I hope they change it before the game released.

Posts: 1037
Noble Member

I'd take that wristband anyday over the ones I get in Sonic X kinder eggs. They're so fugly and some have Chris on them.

Posts: 534
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I may just buy a Wii AND this game just so I can get ahold of that kickass band xD!!

BTW: I think I like this game now, despite the fact that months ago I believed this to be "Sonic2k6's retarded little brother"

Posts: 5035
Illustrious Member

Yummy wristband is sexy. I must have it. =)

Posts: 2809
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I hope they change it before the game released.

They probably will; when they first showed the giveaway for Next-Gen, it was a lame Sonic plushie instead of the fairly cool statuette.

Posts: 377
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That wristband looks very, very familiar.

I think you can buy it now somewhere.

Posts: 504
Honorable Member

I swear that Sonic on that wristband look like offical art I saw once.

Posts: 5035
Illustrious Member

Ha! That Sonic design is used on a T-shirt[Old School]. I have the shirt actually. Found it at Wal-Mart for $10. =) And I think the artwork is on another shirt. "The Quickness" which can be found at

Posts: 261
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i have that shirt too...but that art was also in the S&K booklet

Posts: 5035
Illustrious Member

Ahh...and so it was. =P

Posts: 1413
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New info from Game Master

The game is 85% finished.

There are 10 levels and 5 of them are Dinosaur Jungle,Evil Foundry,Levitated Ruin and Pirate Storm(which looks cool).

Challenges are
Beat the clock - Simple time trial
Stealth Attack - Get through the level without defeating a single enemy
Chain challenges - Collect rings without taking a hit
Rampage - Kill a certain amount of enemies
No Pearl - Get no charge for your soul meter
Special challenges unique to each stage

Sonic Stadium has the scans from magazine.

Posts: 889
Prominent Member

i wanna pre order just for the wrist band, i mean who doesn't want the writsband?!
even though i don't have a wii and not planning to get one.
that would be stupid

Posts: 5035
Illustrious Member

No Abac..that is something called "hardcore gamer". =P

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No, it really is called stupid.

Posts: 534
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naw, paying $50 for a Sonic the Hedgehog wristband is SUPERHARDCORE Sonic fanmanship.

Plus you could sell "Secret Rings" on ebay and get like, $30 back =P

Posts: 1758
Noble Member

Holy bleep, original-sounding levels, depth, replay, and interesting challenges. This game may actually be decent.

Posts: 534
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Yes, if it's enough to curse blasphamy against our Lord Bleep than it must be amazing!

Tho I wouldn't be too sure about the "Depth"...we may be looking at a Sonic Riders-esque style here.
I'm not saying that's BAD, just, Ridersey.

Posts: 2809
Famed Member


i mean who doesn't want the writsband?!

I don't. Unless they give out a better pre-order gift, I'm gonna just pick it up at Wal-Mart, perhaps with the Wii I will buy then.

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