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Sonic cd is overrat...
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Sonic cd is overrated

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No offense guys but the sound track was nothing really cool. Is it me or its that nowadays it isn't really that good when we bought gems collection. The games is good but feels like any sonic game Sincerly your ghostlyness KingBooPingo

Ps:no flaming

Posts: 814
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...I don't think many people would agree with you.

Posts: 874
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Well THANK GOD you're here to set us all straight from our wayward path of holding our own personal opinions. It's a good thing you came here and told us all what to think or else we'd all be lost and that would be a tragedy.

Any other nuggets of wisdom you'd like to flush our way?

Posts: 5035
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XD @ Castor. Sonic CD > Me. Therefore we know it's really really good. :thumbsup

Posts: 4885
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Have I mentioned how much I DESPISE topics which are rebutals to arguements that no one made.


And, Sonic CD was a very good game back in it's time, which was before Sonic 3 & Knuckles. Metal Sonic's character design + The anime movies + The time travelling feature + 2.5d sections of the game + Extra speed + Japanese Soundtrack (which was the original one in Europe, so don't get onto me about being anal).

Remember 1992. This was a time when FMV movies, CD audio soundtrack and "78 levels" were a very VERY huge deal.

Sonic CD was groundbreaking for the time period. It was just in a time period where new innovations were coming every other day, so it was exceptionally special for the few months when it was the proverbial bees knees.

It'd probably be more popular if it hit shelves before Sonic 2 as planned.

Posts: 1321
Noble Member

so. . . . you think its overated, so what. its your opinion and you are entitled to have it. for example, quite a few people didn't like Sonic Heroes but i really liked it, but do you see me going off and making topics about how much i liked the game? no. its YOUR OPINION that Sonic CD is overated. keep it to yourself or use it in a Sonic CD discussion. besides you just gone off tring to make a arguement and make me and probably other people hate or despise you. i dont want to be mad at someone. o.k?

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Oh Kingy, how I missed your over-defensiveness and your love of answering questions nobody asked.

Welcome back, pet.
*Hooks leash around KingBooPingo's neck*

Posts: 146
Estimable Member

Sonic CD is not overated.
Sega did a competition with Nintendo's Super Mario World.
Here are the ranks.
Number of levels: Super Mario World wins.
Music: Sonic CD wins.
Level Design: Tie.
Background interactions: Tie.
Most difficult: Super Mario World wins.
Graphics: Sonic CD wins.
Concept: Tie.

Posts: 4607
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Ummm... Sega did no such comparison. YOU did. >>;

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It's funny cuz if he made a post pro-sonic cd youd all be cheering him on and smiling and having a ball

but i guess no one can have an opinion if its not yours

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wonderbat:*puts leash on KingBooPingo*

You can't own a soul you know thats immoral slavery ended white trash.

Posts: 4607
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Welcome to the Internet. The US gov't has no reign here, WE do. And I say that calling ANYONE "white trash" like this is inexcusable. Obviously your attitude hasn't changed one bit, so you're walking off with your first warning for ignoring a mod. Great going. Hope you can turn around and become somebody that'd actually be a worthy member of our forums. A good step would be to lose the attitude - namely, stop insulting people. Jeez.

Posts: 622
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It's funny cuz if he made a post pro-sonic cd youd all be cheering him on and smiling and having a ball

Not really. His "why I like Mega Man X" was just as annoying. Probably has something to do with the "answer to a question no one asked" factor of the majority of his posts.

Posts: 980
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Is it getting so that even topics over the Almighty Sonic CD can't go without more controversy than required? Oo

Geez, I weep for the future...I really do. :annoyed

As for the Soundtrack - The Japanese Soundtrack was much more intense than the Amezzican one, IMO.
You try claiming SCD's Soundtrack sucks while blazing through Stardust Speedway with teh Jap music on, heh heh.

Anyhow - Sonic CD > You, and that's Ipso f'n Facto. :spin

Posts: 622
Honorable Member

That's what I was thinking, MS, but hey-what can ya do?
(you don't have to answer that, by the way >>)

I've never played SCD sadly, but erm...maybe I will?
*hides in a corner*

Posts: 980
Prominent Member

I'll be tellin' yee...

I'll be playing SCD safe in the knowledge that I'm enjoying the finest 2D gaming has to offer, while other mere mortal men fail to see it's magnificence. XD

Well, nah...maybe I overexhagerrate a l'il. Oo

Final thought:

We're all entitled to our opinion, but resorting to name calling and moaning about it online doesn't lend credibility to anyone.

If you don't think somebody is right, or is IN the right, you have two choices:

A: Post CAREFULLY and give a well calculated, logical and definitive rebuttal as to why you disagree.

B: Close the thread, and look at the pwetty pictures...

'cause if you try taking the stupid "ME RIGHT, YOU WRONGzoRorZ llLLlol!!!" approach, then you look stupid, and will more than likely get called on it, no matter WHO else started it.

Think Smart, Post well, and fricken SMILE already...Oo

Less angst, More Sonic'y getalong goodness...makes a happy forum. :thumbsup

Posts: 1827
Noble Member

Sonic CD has probably aged the worst of all the 2D Mega Drive games. The slow spin dash and rings in the walls (whassup wid dat?) are probably the only reasons for this really. CD when played in Sonic 1 style (No Spin Dash / Super Peel Out) it plays just as well as Sonic 1.

I'll be honest here when I first played Sonic CD (on the real console wheezing away trying to load the music and actually started by the time I finished the level. Until the console was warm it actually started the music when you started the level) I thought it was overrated. The levels were more tall than long. But if you play in order to explore the levels rather than blast through them as fast as possible, the game becomes very rewarding.

On soundtracks. The US is definatly worse than the Japanese. But some of the US tracks are good. I liked the Tidal Tempest and the Special stage tracks. Maybe not over the Japanese version but equally.

Posts: 3666
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Rings ended up in the walls ebcause Past, Present and Future versions of the stages all used the same ring layout, from what I understand, so when the level layout changed with the times, as it were, some of the rings got a little out of place.

Posts: 4607
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That was actually one of the cooler parts of time travelling in that game; grabbing a ring in an earlier time period would effectively make it disappear in the later ones, but not vice versa. This means that you could grab all the rings 3 times, with a LOT of practice...

Posts: 336
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This thread has made me laugh out loud. I just wanted to share that with you.

Posts: 980
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on a side note, Isn't the free will of expressed opinion a wonderfully flawed thing? XD

Posts: 4885
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*Giggles* That it is, Springey, that it is.

In the words of Matthew Hayter*:

* in-joke. Chat regulars will get it

Posts: 336
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Posts: 261
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good ol he still around?

Posts: 1818
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He comes and goes

Posts: 146
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Notice one of you said jap which is a racial slur.

Posts: 3291
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what has that to add to the topic?

i think many of us have shorted 'japanise' to 'jap' (like british to brit) without knowing it's a racist term. but i don't know anyone who's used it once they knew.

please avoid using it again, mobius.

Posts: 25
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sonic CD is not an overrated game! I should gag you with sellotape!

Posts: 4607
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For having a different opinion? How fascist of you.

Posts: 18
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Sonic CD does suck. It's just annoying to have to go through collecting all the time stones and travelling back and from past to future to get and a good ending. The music sucks in both versions of the game. In the US version the music is dull and in the Japanese version version the music is goofy and stupid. It's grueling to have to explore every inch of the level to find the robot-making machine and Metal Sonic projectors. The last boss had a LOT (sarcastic) of work put into him. And the worst part of all is they didn't do justice for Metal Sonic and just made you race in an extremely short, plain, and easy level.

Posts: 1827
Noble Member

You do realise that you can just blast through the game like any other Sonic... To get a Good Ending you just have to get the 7 Time Stones, Ignore Metal Sonic and the Robotizier (GO SONIC SPINBALL!) just get 50 Rings and giant ring at the end.

Mind you I loved exploring the Sonic CD levels.

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And the worst part of all is they didn't do justice for Metal Sonic

As opposed to, say, Sonic Heroes, where they gave him a dress and made his last form look absolutely ridiculous and be laughably easy to beat? Yeah, REAL justice.

Posts: 18
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DID I SAY they did him justice in Sonic Heroes?

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Well, those are the only games in which Metal Sonic has any real storyline significance other than Knuckles Chaotix.

Pray tell, where exactly did they do him justice?

Posts: 18
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Hmm... the Sonic OAV.

Posts: 3756
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Oh, will you stop bloody sayin' that!

...Oh. That's your sig. Okay. ^_^

Posts: 1827
Noble Member

I liked the Regal Metal Sonic in Sonic Heroes. Metal Overlord Sucked. No not you the one in the game.

Sonic Adventure 2: Battle had a cool Metal Sonic though. Also Triple Trouble had a Metal Sonic Boss which surprised me.

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EDITED: Fine, whatever.
I wasn't counting cameos, and I never played 'Triple Trouble', so ehh.

Posts: 456
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Metal Sonic has only been in 3 games

He's been in much more than that. Sonic & Tails 2, Sonic Drift 2, Sonic the Fighters, Sonic R and so on.

Posts: 4607
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Despite the fact you just confirmed that Metal in Sonic Adventure 2 was from Sonic CD, which makes that 4. 5, if you count Sonic R, 6 if you count Sonic the Fighters, 7 if you count Triple Trouble, 8 if you count Drift 2, 9 if you count his Adventure cameo or Adventure DX playability... I'm not going to count the "remakes" or collections he's been in, though; that'd be lame. 8-9 is quite a bit more than 3, don't you think?

In short, what VCP managed to say just seconds before I did.

Posts: 25
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Am wondering if me back home where official characters am not do justice to unofficial spin-off version.

Posts: 146
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the music is dull

Do you have any ears? The music is awesome. The game was not rated the best just because of the music. Check one of my replies and you'll see why it was the best rather than hot music.

Posts: 38
Eminent Member

I have to agree. Sonic CD had some excellent level design and an awesome soundtrack, but I felt that the time-warping part slowed the game down too much, like it really broke up the action when I'm zooming along at high speeds and then suddenly it stops to load a different level. That and I simply don't like the level design as well as that of some other Sonic games.

And for the record, Sonic & Knuckles was Metal Sonic's best game, IMO.

Posts: 4607
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Metal Sonic wasn't IN S3&K. That robot was a different one.

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Posts: 3756
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It's kneel, Craig. Kneel before your new master. 😛

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Some of the things you say make me want to punch my monitor, TTG. ^_^

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Man has no chest turbine. >:o

**banishes Zod to Phantom Zone Act 1**

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Red X, o deer.

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